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S12.E15: I Am Not Waiting Anymore

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Although it does make me wonder how she can tolerate all the boozing that goes on at Meredith's place. 


I think the issue wasn't just that he was drinking, but that he was angry / drunk / forgot about the date. When we see drinking at Meredith's house with Callie, Alex, etc., it's always portrayed as light-hearted and fun. In this case, Amelia was walking into a toxic situation. 

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Amelia hasn't lived at Meredith's since she fell off the wagon, has she?  IIRC, she fell off the wagon after Meredith kicked her out of the house. Meredith was hospitalized Amelia gave her the 30 day chip she earned, it was a 6 week recovery plus whatever time has passed since. So, Amelia has been newly sober again for approximately 90 days.  When Amelia lived with Meredith and was around them all drinking she had been sober for years.  Newly sober+everything BaseOps said above=Amelia was smart in leaving the trailer.

Edited by windsprints
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What I don't get is... I thought when Samuel died that they were told a second baby would have no more chance of having OI than any other baby?  (On show, not in real life.)  Why are Jackson, Arizona, and even April (to me, her vehemence reads as fear) so sure that something is wrong with this one?  I'm sure that, having lived through that once, it's always in their minds, but they just seem so OTT.  "April, you must be tested so we can save this baby!"  Um, this baby that you have no reason to think has anything wrong with it?  All the freak outs and dire predictions just seem so extreme.


I've been wondering about that too. I thought what happened to Samuel was kind of a freak occurrence and not something that happened because April or Jackson were specifically carriers for a genetic disease. They are acting like this is a high risk pregnancy.

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Honestly, though, there's no discussion to be had no matter how far along she is.  It's her decision and only hers.  And it's not like she's on the fence with her feelings.  So as much as I may sympathize with Jackson (or at least, I did until he started getting physical), there's not much point in them arguing about it.  I guess he might feel better for being heard, but if she then ignores his opinion, is he any happier or better off?


What I don't get is... I thought when Samuel died that they were told a second baby would have no more chance of having OI than any other baby?  (On show, not in real life.)  Why are Jackson, Arizona, and even April (to me, her vehemence reads as fear) so sure that something is wrong with this one?  I'm sure that, having lived through that once, it's always in their minds, but they just seem so OTT.  "April, you must be tested so we can save this baby!"  Um, this baby that you have no reason to think has anything wrong with it?  All the freak outs and dire predictions just seem so extreme.

That b/c it is extreme, the chance of this child having OI is just like the chance of any other pregnancy ending with a child with OI. It's rare

I've been wondering about that too. I thought what happened to Samuel was kind of a freak occurrence and not something that happened because April or Jackson were specifically carriers for a genetic disease. They are acting like this is a high risk pregnancy.

Neither April or Jackson are carriers, what OI had was a freak occurrence it was due to a mutation, whether it was that specific sperm or egg I don't know but I'm sure a genetic expert could explain it.

If April and Jackson were carriers they would have shown system of OI. From what I read OI 2 can only happen if one the parents had OI since it only inherited by a dominant gene or by a mutated gene.

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I know couples who have lost pregnancies and a couple who lost a baby very shortly after birth, and from my experience, they're always extremely paranoid when the next pregnancy comes around (with reason.) I imagine I would be, too. I don't think there's a type of pain in the world comparable to losing a child, so I think that their reactions are justified - even though April knows her baby has a slim chance of having the same issues, her imagination will always go to that place. They've dealt with it once, so the possibility is much realer to them in their minds than to anyone else. 

Edited by BaseOps
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I've been through a stillbirth, and even though the logical part of me knows that the circumstances which led to my daughter's death were completely unique to that pregnancy, I am so petrified of going through that again that I'm close to losing the best man I've ever known over the having kids issue. 


When you've experienced how quickly a seemingly straight-forward pregnancy can turn into the most heartbreaking time of your life, you lose your ability to logically process the actual risks (no matter how minimal) involved in future pregnancies. 

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COMPLETELY agree. While I didn't hate her interaction with the doctor at the end of the episode, I don't see why Mer HAS to be dating at all. I think it's ok for her just to be happy with her friends, career and kids. The end.  


I think you are right.


In addition,I always wonder why this show puts so much emphasis on sex but it sells as it is said, as if it were the air you breathe,and if you don´t have it, you are going to suffocate or something,all those stupid things such as  the train is coming to her station,or getting back on the horse. I find it disgusting how this show highlights sex in general or dating a guy just to have sex,to fulfil a biological need with no emotions involved or feeling nothing to that person and if you don´t have it, you are worthless or something like that. 

Also Jo said something like this to Stephanie how long it has been since she had sex - I find it so insulting. Should Stephanie feel desperate or worthless because of it?

Edited by NathanRiggsfan
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That's the point I'm making. I may be a huge Derek fan, miss him like crazy and loved their relationship, but that doesn't mean I won't support a new love interest for her. I just don't see why it must be depicted as such a priority. Don't get me wrong, yes I think sex is an important part of life. Great stress reliever, health benefits, all that other good stuff. But I would like for once for a show to show that people can still have fulfilling lives without a significant other.

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That's the point I'm making. I may be a huge Derek fan, miss him like crazy and loved their relationship, but that doesn't mean I won't support a new love interest for her. I just don't see why it must be depicted as such a priority. Don't get me wrong, yes I think sex is an important part of life. Great stress reliever, health benefits, all that other good stuff. But I would like for once for a show to show that people can still have fulfilling lives without a significant other.

I am with you. 


I feel like in today´s society there is still that myth deeply rooted in - especially a woman in her thirties and older who is childless and single is still regarded or treated like an outcast,you know what I mean? Like you are beneath others because I am married and I am a mother and I have a family, like what´s the matter with you - why didn´t you get married and have kids? Being single is still regarded by the majority as being a failure.  IMO

I hate this myth.Like you have less worth  of a woman if you are single,chidless.


Of course Meredith´s case is different, she had that great love, had family with Derek,but it would be nice to see her content with kids,friends,career, not necessarily dating like her life depends on it, giving phone numbers to random guys because somebody told her that man was flirting with her, shaving her legs frantically at work, etc. What for? 


In my opinion, I rather see her scenes with Alex than sitting in the car chatting with this Thorpe guy about nothing because in the scenes with Alex there is depth, friendship and love as well. 

I still think Thorpe is a creepy stalker.

Edited by NathanRiggsfan
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It's funny that when Owen and Christina were married, the forum consensus was that a husband has zero rights regarding his unborn child, but now it seems like the divorced dad as more rights than the mother. I am in the middle; the father has certain rights, but he can't really overrule what the woman does with her body​

I honestly don't remember anyone arguing that Owen had zero rights! I remember he trying to force her hand into keeping the baby against her will and then when he didn't get the last word, cheating on her out of revenge. I perceived that he felt that HE had zero rights bc he didn't overrule her.

At the time what people were arguing was if she did take into consideration his opinion and proceeded with the abortion or not. She did take his opinion into consideration, she informed him about the pregnancy (she could avoid many problems with him but she chose to be honest), she gave him time to process the issue, she took  time herself to process de issue in Mer's house, but in the end it was her decision. And it was that what enraged him and many fans who felt that she should have kept the child against herself and he should have had the last word. As he didn't have the last word the poor little thing had zero rights.


Of course the father has the right to discuss the matter, give his opinions, show his feelings about the subject but in the end his the woman who decides her body's destiny NOT the man. We are not slaves nor animals owned by a master. Hence why  that

jackass wasn't allowed the asinine behavior he displayed afterwards.


The problem I see  here with April and Jackson is that I'm not sure April is not acting out of a feeling of pride, hurt or revenge or all of them. I felt the writers were dying to put her saying: you're not  my husband, you have no saying in this. They were itching to create drama. Of course he's entitled to the middle ground of his opinion to be heard.

Edited by Nanda
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That's the point I'm making. I may be a huge Derek fan, miss him like crazy and loved their relationship, but that doesn't mean I won't support a new love interest for her. I just don't see why it must be depicted as such a priority. Don't get me wrong, yes I think sex is an important part of life. Great stress reliever, health benefits, all that other good stuff. But I would like for once for a show to show that people can still have fulfilling lives without a significant other.


Grey's is a soap, though. It's a drama. These characters are never single for long - in the series' timeline, Derek has been gone for two years. Sure, it's not necessary that everyone moves on after the death of a spouse, but we all knew Meredith would be dating again and finding another love interest. She's the lead of the series. I'm glad that they took it slow and didn't just throw her with Riggs (or anyone else) right away and try to convince us that Meredith had some new great love... I think it's realistic to explore the trepidation and awkwardness of dating again. Also, Maggie has been portrayed as essentially an 8th grader, so it's in line with her character that she would get dopey and push Meredith to date again as soon as the chance came up. I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm just saying on this series, I think we all should have been prepared to see Meredith back in the dating pool sooner rather than later. 

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I honestly don't remember anyone arguing that Owen had zero rights! I remember he trying to force her hand into keeping the baby against her will and then when he didn't get the last word, cheating on her out of revenge. I perceived that he felt that HE had zero rights bc he didn't overrule her.

At the time what people were arguing was if she did take into consideration his opinion and proceeded with the abortion or not. She did take his opinion into consideration, she informed him about the pregnancy (she could avoid many problems with him but she chose to be honest), she gave him time to process the issue, she took  time herself to process de issue in Mer's house, but in the end it was her decision. And it was that what enraged him and many fans who felt that she should have kept the child against herself and he should have had the last word. As he didn't have the last word the poor little thing had zero rights.


Of course the father has the right to discuss the matter, give his opinions, show his feelings about the subject but in the end his the woman who decides her body's destiny NOT the man. We are not slaves nor animals owned by a master. Hence why  that

jackass wasn't allowed the asinine behavior he displayed afterwards.


The problem I see  here with April and Jackson is that I'm not sure April is not acting out of a feeling of pride, hurt or revenge or all of them. I felt the writers were dying to put her saying: you're not  my husband, you have no saying in this. They were itching to create drama. Of course he's entitled to the middle ground of his opinion to be heard.

I was one of those fans ......

I feel like thanks to you, I see where I was wrong. 

Edited by NathanRiggsfan
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I was one of those fans ......

I feel like thanks to you, I see where I was wrong.



LOL. Hope I didn't traumatized you ;)


I read your comparison btw Amelia and Cristina. Only  ex-Crowen fans could notice the difference btw them so sharply as us :)

When I saw the scene I thought : wow, what a stark difference btw these two!!! well, Owen do you really prefer kids with Amelia over Cris with no kids?  But, no other woman will replicate the glamour that Cris offer to that relationship, ever.

 ​That said, I agree that Amelia shouldn't have stayed babysitting Owen nor should have Cristina, but this one had the balls to do it  and felt he was worth it. Amelia clearly doesn't.  Her thought process is always around her, she's insufferably self-centered, so it was not a surprise she reacted this way. Not that this time she is awfully  wrong bc she needs to  protect herself since she finally was made aware that Hunt is another energy sucking pit just like her. Because they are so alike she recognized the energy and run terrified. She she has struggled to know Hunt deeper for a long time unsuccefully bc everyone has been denying her acess to information. He has been keeping her at arms lenght, Mer refuses her information out of loyalty to Cristina and now she saw with her own eyes the real Owen. The truth and the reality that two messes may not be together was unbearable. Yes two different reactions from  two different women.


Edited by Nanda
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LOL. Hope I didn't traumatized you ;)


I read your comparison btw Amelia and Cristina. Only  ex-Crowen fans could notice the difference btw them so sharply as us :)

When I saw the scene I thought : wow, what a stark difference btw these two!!! well, Owen do you really prefer kids with Amelia over Cris with no kids?  But, no other woman will replicate the glamour that Cris offer to that relationship, ever.

 ​That said, I agree that Amelia shouldn't have stayed babysitting Owen nor should have Cristina, but this one had the balls to do it  and felt he was worth it. Amelia clearly doesn't.  Her thought process is always around her, she's insufferably self-centered, so it was not a surprise she reacted this way. Not that this time she is awfully  wrong bc she needs to  protect herself since she finally was made aware that Hunt is another energy sucking pit just like her. Because they are so alike she recognized the energy and run terrified. She she has struggled to know Hunt deeper for a long time unsuccefully bc everyone has been denying her acess to information. He has been keeping her at arms lenght, Mer refuses her information out of loyalty to Cristina and now she saw with her own eyes the real Owen. The truth and the reality that two messes may not be together was unbearable. Yes two different reactions from  two different women.

I'm confused by the sentiments expressed.  You seem to both acknowledge that Amelia, and for that matter Cristina, shouldn't babysit Owen (though I wouldn't describe it so derisively), but also suggest that Amelia is selfish for not doing so and that Cris has a better character for choosing to do so.  I do not in any way dispute that Cristina is/was and better persona and character than Amelia.  However, this is not an instance, in my opinion, that specifically demonstrates this.


Amelia wasn't simply being selfish, she was protecting her own health and sanity.  She does not have skill set or emotional tools to save Owen in such a state, she can barely hold herself together.  Even setting aside whether it is healthy for a person in a romantic relationship to be shouldering such stuff as opposed to a mental health professional, comparing Cristina's choice to Amelia's choice is like comparing an experienced swimmer diving in to save a drowning man to a person who can barely tread water being faced with the same choice.  Amelia could not jump in to help as would almost certainly result in them both drowning. 

Edited by RachelKM
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RachelKM, I felt I wasn't contradicting myself. What I meant was, Amelia was in her right to not want such a task due to her own intrinsic fragility, due to her need and obligation to protect herself from down spiral, and this isn't selfisness it's a right one have. After all they are not married, dating is precisely for people to know each other and see if there's a possible future together. Note that I didn't call Amelia selfish but self-centered which are not the same nor did I acuse her of lack of character. As I was saying, although she was in her right to not want it, just like cristina, we can't fail to notice the difference in attitude between the two. Cristina shouldn't have attempted such a dangerous task either, but she did it anyways. And we all know how her neck suffered in his hands. She was markedly more courageous than Amelia and maybe loved or wanted  him more IDK. I think the thoughts are not incompatible.


Amelia wasn't simply being selfish, she was protecting her own health and sanity.  She does not have skills set or emotional tools to save Owen in such a state, she can barely hold herself together.


Nor Cristina. If we are talking of a person who didn't have skills set or emotional tools to save Owen we are talking about Cristina. She made great progress over the time but she was emotionally atrophied. She used to work on a more superficial level regarding human relations bc she couldn't cope with the feelings . She was deeply wounded due to stress factors of her young  years and  to jump to such a demanding relationship, with such a demanding man was huge for her. So, IMO it's not fair comparing Cristina to a experienced swimmer while comparing Amelia to a person who can barely tread water. Amelia is a neurosurgeon, one of a hell demanding job and she hangs in there . Which means that she isn't a hothouse flower.

Overall, what caught my atention was that Cristina stepped inside the bathtube and Amelia stepped out of the caravan and run for her life. Should she have done that? yes. Should Cris have done the same at the time? yes, he needs professional help, he has to  recognize it first and then not to give up of therapy when he takes his women for granted. It's not their job to cure him with their love. But as I said in the end of the day Cristina tried, Amelia didn't. Cristina  did overcome her doubts and fears bc she was thinking about him, Amelia didn't bc she was thinking about her. But thinking things in terms of herself it's her. Self-centered not necessarily selfish. Our human nature can't miss this even if there is a more complex explanation.

Edited by Nanda
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Sorry if I misunderstood (as I said, I was confused).  I don't think our opinions are that far apart.  I never particularly disliked Crowen, but I never was comfortable with their dynamic during her attempts to help him with his PTSD.  I didn't think it was healthy. 

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Although at the time I  too felt Crowen dinamic was unconfortable, many pieces didn't fit, I also felt it  very rrrrrrromantic. Silly me! In the end nothing in that relashionship was healthy, they were quite toxic.


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I am with you. 


I feel like in today´s society there is still that myth deeply rooted in - especially a woman in her thirties and older who is childless and single is still regarded or treated like an outcast,you know what I mean? Like you are beneath others because I am married and I am a mother and I have a family, like what´s the matter with you - why didn´t you get married and have kids? Being single is still regarded by the majority as being a failure.  IMO

I hate this myth.Like you have less worth  of a woman if you are single,chidless.


Of course Meredith´s case is different, she had that great love, had family with Derek,but it would be nice to see her content with kids,friends,career, not necessarily dating like her life depends on it, giving phone numbers to random guys because somebody told her that man was flirting with her, shaving her legs frantically at work, etc. What for? 


In my opinion, I rather see her scenes with Alex than sitting in the car chatting with this Thorpe guy about nothing because in the scenes with Alex there is depth, friendship and love as well. 

I still think Thorpe is a creepy stalker.


Agreed. Except I wouldn't call Thorpe a creepy stalker. LOL. Nothing against the guy actually. Just a bit underwhelming IMO. 


Grey's is a soap, though. It's a drama. These characters are never single for long - in the series' timeline, Derek has been gone for two years. Sure, it's not necessary that everyone moves on after the death of a spouse, but we all knew Meredith would be dating again and finding another love interest. She's the lead of the series. I'm glad that they took it slow and didn't just throw her with Riggs (or anyone else) right away and try to convince us that Meredith had some new great love... I think it's realistic to explore the trepidation and awkwardness of dating again. Also, Maggie has been portrayed as essentially an 8th grader, so it's in line with her character that she would get dopey and push Meredith to date again as soon as the chance came up. I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm just saying on this series, I think we all should have been prepared to see Meredith back in the dating pool sooner rather than later. 


Point taken. It's not realistic to expect realism in a soap designed to be dramatic. I guess I was hoping for too much :(



I'm glad to realise that my stance hasn't changed when comparing the Owen/Christina pregnancy and the current Jackson/April situation. I feel like the situation was handled better with Owen & Cristina (if I remember correctly) because more of a conversation had happened. She didn't hide it from him. She told him how she felt, she let him air his views on the situation and I believe she did take it into consideration but in the end, decided she couldn't go through with it. And that's OK. I believe that is how it should be. At the end of the day, a woman can't get pregnant without a a man and whether he be the husband, boyfriend, fiancé, significant other or one night stand, he HAS the right to weigh in on the situation. And if you care about that man, you should at least listen. All I'm saying is, I don't think April is doing that only because she thinks she knows what he will say. But that's FINE! Let him say it! He's allowed to. All of that could even be part of his coping mechanism. Which he is entitled to. Just as I understood why Christina didn't go through with her pregnancy, I would totally understand April going through with hers. But I feel like she's being very immature with the way she's handling the whole thing.

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I think it's because Christina was making her decisions based on her long-held personal convictions. Whether her actions turn out to be right for her in the end or not, April's pregnancy mindset right now is fear for her baby, desperation for Jesus to take the wheel, a whole load of anger and hurt at Jackson for divorcing her (and I'm guessing, much repressed guilt at her own part in that mess). I'm not sure if Grey's writers even think about stuff like this, but we saw in her first two (!) pregnancy storylines that April is usually more willing to involve the father when she's operating on an even keel, whether it's her legal right to or not.

Edited by BlindMaryIngalls
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I honestly haven't seen April operating solely from fear.  I think she's been operating from a perspective that she wants a pregnancy without strife or stress, and yes, she's overcoming some fear along the way, but she has faith that all will be as it is supposed to be.  I've seen her wanting 'peace' in this pregnancy and not fights, and not doomsday.  Now, it hasn't worked out that way (thanks Arizona), but I can see where she was coming from. 


As for Amelia being selfish by walking away from Owen, sometimes the best thing that one can do for oneself is being selfish.  Also, sometimes the best thing that one can do for a relationship is be selfish.  I truly can't comprehend how Amelia, an addict (with only a few months of sobriety under her belt), could possibly be criticized for walking away from Owen in that moment. That notion makes less sense to me than anything April has done here.

Edited by pennben
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LOL. Hope I didn't traumatized you ;)


I read your comparison btw Amelia and Cristina. Only  ex-Crowen fans could notice the difference btw them so sharply as us :)

When I saw the scene I thought : wow, what a stark difference btw these two!!! well, Owen do you really prefer kids with Amelia over Cris with no kids?  But, no other woman will replicate the glamour that Cris offer to that relationship, ever.

 ​That said, I agree that Amelia shouldn't have stayed babysitting Owen nor should have Cristina, but this one had the balls to do it  and felt he was worth it. Amelia clearly doesn't.  Her thought process is always around her, she's insufferably self-centered, so it was not a surprise she reacted this way. Not that this time she is awfully  wrong bc she needs to  protect herself since she finally was made aware that Hunt is another energy sucking pit just like her. Because they are so alike she recognized the energy and run terrified. She she has struggled to know Hunt deeper for a long time unsuccefully bc everyone has been denying her acess to information. He has been keeping her at arms lenght, Mer refuses her information out of loyalty to Cristina and now she saw with her own eyes the real Owen. The truth and the reality that two messes may not be together was unbearable. Yes two different reactions from  two different women.

No, you didn´t.


This is precisely what I meant when comparing those two women and their reactions.

RachelKM, I felt I wasn't contradicting myself. What I meant was, Amelia was in her right to not want such a task due to her own intrinsic fragility, due to her need and obligation to protect herself from down spiral, and this isn't selfisness it's a right one have. After all they are not married, dating is precisely for people to know each other and see if there's a possible future together. Note that I didn't call Amelia selfish but self-centered which are not the same nor did I acuse her of lack of character. As I was saying, although she was in her right to not want it, just like cristina, we can't fail to notice the difference in attitude between the two. Cristina shouldn't have attempted such a dangerous task either, but she did it anyways. And we all know how her neck suffered in his hands. She was markedly more courageous than Amelia and maybe loved or wanted  him more IDK. I think the thoughts are not incompatible.



Nor Cristina. If we are talking of a person who didn't have skills set or emotional tools to save Owen we are talking about Cristina. She made great progress over the time but she was emotionally atrophied. She used to work on a more superficial level regarding human relations bc she couldn't cope with the feelings . She was deeply wounded due to stress factors of her young  years and  to jump to such a demanding relationship, with such a demanding man was huge for her. So, IMO it's not fair comparing Cristina to a experienced swimmer while comparing Amelia to a person who can barely tread water. Amelia is a neurosurgeon, one of a hell demanding job and she hangs in there . Which means that she isn't a hothouse flower.

Overall, what caught my atention was that Cristina stepped inside the bathtube and Amelia stepped out of the caravan and run for her life. Should she have done that? yes. Should Cris have done the same at the time? yes, he needs professional help, he has to  recognize it first and then not to give up of therapy when he takes his women for granted. It's not their job to cure him with their love. But as I said in the end of the day Cristina tried, Amelia didn't. Cristina  did overcome her doubts and fears bc she was thinking about him, Amelia didn't bc she was thinking about her. But thinking things in terms of herself it's her. Self-centered not necessarily selfish. Our human nature can't miss this even if there is a more complex explanation.

I totally agree.


Edited by NathanRiggsfan
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I liked how she behaved to Meredith,too.


However, I see the Owen thing differently, I am aware she is a recovering alcohol addict and it was wise for HER to leave,but as a friend of Owen she should have stayed and helped him somehow. 


It is a bit similar to S5 when he came to the date with Cristina drunk and he was late - because the encounter with

Derek´s mother  back then he remembered his past in Iraq just like now Nathan brought back the memories of Megan he was trying to forget. When he got into the shower with his pain,Cristina did not send him away,she did not run away,she stepped into the shower with him, thus, she shared his pain and helped to comfort him. It is an unforgettable scene directed by the French director Jeannot Szwarc.


Amelia should not have walked away from him and leave him in the state that he was, it was the easiest thing for her to do. She should have at least tried to find out what went on with Riggs and why Owen was upset,but she could care less,it was only about her pain once again,and she felt hurt because he forgot about her.


Cristina would have behaved differently,but she is a much stronger woman than Amelia ever will be. I saw a wonderful image tweeted of these two situations put together like  a collage by a fan - this trailer scene with Amelia walking away and Crowen date from Season 5 with Cristina in the shower with Owen, I am glad some people remembered the striking difference between Amelia and Cristina and how both of them behaved so differently.


That Crowen shower scene was one of  a kind and it was Cristina´s willingness to step into Owen´s pain and share it, very easily she could have thrown him out of her house or leave him there on his own just what Amelia did. 



The point of S5 for Crowen was Owen suffering from PTSD and Cristina trying to help him heal until he was triggered by the fan, choked her and went into therapy.


I do respect Crowen´s lovestory from S5 so much. It is sacred for me. One may argue Amelia is smarter to step away from this than Cristina. I disagree. It was Cristina´s love, engagement and support  that helped Owen to heal.  Yes, therapy helped him and them as well, but her love for him was all that mattered and pushed him to heal, to be a better man for her.


At this point in time, it is wise for Owen to go to therapy, but he needs a friend,too.  

Amelia is a different woman,yes,she puts her health first, but Cristina was able to sacrifice more.  It is a matter of personal choice, Amelia chose herself, Cristina chose Owen.I do not think it was unhealthy what Cristina did and also the storyline did not go in this direction. It only showed she was able to handle it until the choking happened and he needed professional help.


One can respect Amelia walking away from this,she has a right to do so,for her own good,yet the question remains - what would she have done if she was not a recovering addict? Would she have stayed? I doubt it.

And whether she left for her own sobriety being reason No1 or feeling hurt that Owen forgot about their date being reason No1. It was not made 100% clear why she left. 

I am inclined to believe her No1 reason to leave was not to protect her own sobriety - looking at her facial expressions after leaving the trailer. To me she looked all hurt he forgot about her and did not exactly say to her what happened with Riggs.  She looked all upset, tears almost in her eyes. Was she having such a strong emotional reaction fearing her own relapse? I don´t think so.  


I agree that the shower scene with Cristina/Owen was beautiful, as was the scene in which Cristina silently walks into Burke's hospital room, and takes his injured hand in her own.  But Cristina tends to have romantic relationships that lack boundaries.  She became sexually involved with both of her mentors, initiated and continued the cover up of Burke's hand tremor, and convinced herself that she could "save" Owen.  I love Cristina, she's my all-time favorite, but she has had the unhealthiest relationships, including those that are platonic.  Her co-dependent relationship with Teddy was very unhealthy. I think she was drawn to Owen for the same reason she was drawn to Meredith, and it was they were very damaged people.  Meredith and Cristina's friendship was my favorite of any type of relationship on the show, but it was dysfunctional.  The only friendship Cristina had that was healthy, IMO, is the one she had with the old doctor in Minnesota. 


I missed a couple of seasons that included the introductions of April, Jackson, and Owen.  So when I started watching again, I read constant comments about how Owen strangled Cristina, and how she tolerated the domestic abuse, etc.  When I went back and watched early Crowen, I realized that Owen attacked Cristina in the midst of a PTSD moment, and it changed my perception of this couple.  It was a shame they had the scene of Owen screaming that Cristina killed his baby, because it negated the beautiful earlier scene where he tells her he wants to be with her during the procedure.


I'm strangely drawn to dark and dysfunctional relationships (not IRL), so both Cristina relationships appealed to me.  I'm also a Japril fan, so yes, I'm a sucker for punishment.  But I understand why many dislike these couples. 


I'm not an Amelia fan, but I didn't see her reaction as anything but self-protection.  She's extremely fragile right now.  She just had a big relapse, and she's still trying to patch things up with Meredith, who she seems to absolutely crave acceptance from.  What Amelia did was exceptionally strong.  If she had stayed and tried to save Owen, that would have been weak.  But as far as we could tell, Owen was safe, he wasn't about to lapse into an alcoholic coma, or decide to go driving in his care.  He didn't even seem suicidal.  In those cases, I would have perhaps expected Amelia to reach out to one of Owen's friends, so they could provide support.  And in my opinion, the look on Amelia's face as she hurried out was terror.  Owen may not be an alcoholic, but he was abusing it in that moment.  It would have taken only a little nudge to get Amelia to fall off that wagon again, and she was wise to recognize that fact.

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They are a terrible couple. I don't want them back together under any circumstances. I don't see how they can get back together. For the rest of their lives, April telling Jackson to fuck off and slamming the door in his face as he tried to talk about the possibility of their baby dying is always going to be there. They were on a cliff and that pushed them over.


Well, actually, this is what April calmly said:  "Yes, you're the father, when there's a baby.  But right now, you have no choice in this.  It's my body, my baby.  You are not my husband, you have no rights here."  Then she non-slammed the door. 


But as traumatizing as Jackson may have found that, note that April opened the door to him and apologized.  This after he made a huge scene in the middle of a crowd of staff, called her a liar, told her that he would probably hate her for the rest of her life, and then said, "No, you know what, it's fine.  Screw this.  You want to play the martyr here, want to pretend you're doing this alone - go for it.   Knock yourself out.  It's your deal, April.  You win, I'm out, I'm done."


So April told him that as her ex-husband, he has no right to tell her to have an abortion.  And Jackson earlier told her he wanted nothing to do with the baby, and have fun raising it yourself.  There are a lot of hurtful things that they've said to each other, but what Jackson said would be hard to get over, too.  I'm completely uninterested in a miscarriage so Jackson can regret those words.  I hope that's not where they're headed.

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