Kohola3 March 4, 2016 Share March 4, 2016 Everything goes Jen's way and Bill gets to act like a happy child with no responsibility. Perfect for both of them. I look back to those episodes where Jen was in the hospital for her chemo and Bill was a rock. She seemed entirely sincere when she said she could never have prevailed without him. He handled the kids at the same time he supported a very ill spouse. She leaned on him and let him manage while she concentrated on healing. Hardly the "happy child" scenario and things definitely did not go Jen's way - it went the way of all of us who have undergone therapy for cancer. 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/39559-s10e09-new-challenges/page/2/#findComment-2020224
4leafclover March 4, 2016 Share March 4, 2016 I don't think anyone can (or should) judge a couple's marriage by a few minutes a week on a reality show. Unless of course the show is something like Couple's Therapy or Marriage Bootcamp. ; ) 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/39559-s10e09-new-challenges/page/2/#findComment-2020360
minx March 4, 2016 Share March 4, 2016 Loved, loved the Bollywood dancing and Zoey's purple scarf. Adorable. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/39559-s10e09-new-challenges/page/2/#findComment-2020630
gunderda March 4, 2016 Share March 4, 2016 My guess is it was a special class. That way the dance school and TLC producers don't have to haggle with people over signing waivers to appear on camera, and parents don't get pissy over two kids taking up all the attention when they likely won't be returning in the future. I noticed there was plenty of brothers and sisters in the waiting room, but only Will was asked to join in for the last part of class. That's why I'm leaning towards it being a set up for filming. I agree - and I feel like there were WAY more people in that waiting area then there would be if it were a normal class. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/39559-s10e09-new-challenges/page/2/#findComment-2021898
Wellfleet March 4, 2016 Share March 4, 2016 Watching the escape room segment really showed how different Bill and Jen are. He is so calm and she is so not calm. We repeatedly see that he worries about nothing and she worries about everything. I ask myself, how do these people stand one another. The answer that I came up with is that she takes everything seriously and does all the work. He gets to act like a little boy and have no responsibility. Her payback is that he bows down to her in all matters. She gets to make all the decisions for the family. Everything goes Jen's way and Bill gets to act like a happy child with no responsibility. Perfect for both of them. How do they stand each other? If your theory is correct, then it does sound like a close-to-perfect relationship to me. One that most people would give a lot to have. Both sides get what they need, and what they want. He's happy, she's happy. They were lucky to find each other. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/39559-s10e09-new-challenges/page/2/#findComment-2022498
gunderda March 4, 2016 Share March 4, 2016 Opposites attract isn't a popular saying for nothing..... 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/39559-s10e09-new-challenges/page/2/#findComment-2022509
ZoloftBlob March 4, 2016 Share March 4, 2016 I admit, I don't see the problem in how they get along. Do we really want a Matt and Amy Roloff dynamic? for any couple? 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/39559-s10e09-new-challenges/page/2/#findComment-2022544
Fostersmom March 5, 2016 Share March 5, 2016 Will caught onto the Bollywood dancing really quickly. He had the moves down in minutes. Zoey was just too young for the class though, as cute as she was dancing. She's got too short of an attention span from what I've seen. Unless she's looking for Anna and Elsa, that is. Bet Jen regretted that little convo with the kids about 3 minutes after they got there. Zoey's look of total enchantment of the princesses was only bested by Bill's look of pride when he watched her dance though. He looked like he was going to burst. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/39559-s10e09-new-challenges/page/2/#findComment-2023624
4leafclover March 5, 2016 Share March 5, 2016 ^^^I noticed that too, when he was looking through the window at Zoey dancing. Pure pride. It was lovely. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/39559-s10e09-new-challenges/page/2/#findComment-2023646
minx March 5, 2016 Share March 5, 2016 I think Jen and Bill seem to have a lovely marriage that works for them. For the purposes of filming, we see Bill as the more laid back, jokey guy and Jen as the type A achiever. Bill loves an audience, knows that the camera is on and cracks wise. IMO they both went through a lot with the adoptions, cancer and Bill's surgery. So now they get to breathe and enjoy things. I was thinking how genuinely happy they both look in these episodes, and why not? They are healthy, their kids are healthy and adorable, the future looks bright. 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/39559-s10e09-new-challenges/page/2/#findComment-2024364
eributterfly March 7, 2016 Share March 7, 2016 It was extreme,y boring to me. Obviously the kids were adorable and I don't really have an issue with Will trying out Zoey's activity if invited by the instructor. I do believe after awhile Zoey will voice if she has an issue and doesn't want him to be a part and I do believe Will will have a tantrum, similar to,the way he gets out of sorts when Zoey was singing happy birthday to loud or was starting to read her bedtime story to soon, in previous episodes. I thought it was funny how when in the escape room, Bill seemed to just walk around aimlessly, clearly he has a huge vocabulary but to see him kind of out of his educational element made me chuckle. He seemed to insinuate that his Cub Scout skills saved the day at the end with morse code-???? Really, you remember that from cub scouts...ok. Overall I am getting tired of seeing activities every episode, can we just see simple home activities. Them going to school coming home, after school and then dinner and bedtime. I hope they aren't filling everyday with activities of this magnitude, I think it's a bit much. Hopefully it's just for,the cameras. I can remember when they got Will, Jen made a statement that their biggest fear is that he would get bored. They need to get bored so they can figure out how to entertain themselves, which I think they will have no problem doing, they are great well rounded kids. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/39559-s10e09-new-challenges/page/2/#findComment-2028992
ButterQueen March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 I want to try an Escape Room. I loved that part. My husband is as laid back as Bill and since I am a type A, it works for us. Coincidentally, he is the medical doctor in our relationship. I could burn the house down and he would find a way to make it OK for me. Life isn't a competition....it's a journey. Watching Will and Zoey, thinking of their start in life, makes me cry.....they have come so far and are so happy. Jen and Bill are fantastic parents. I wish every child could be so loved! 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/39559-s10e09-new-challenges/page/2/#findComment-2037367
SongbirdHollow April 18, 2016 Share April 18, 2016 Finally watched this because I had an escape room trip planned and didn't want any spoilers. We did our escape room today and I have to say ours looked WAY better than what they did. At our local place, every room is themed (ours was "Poe's Chamber" and had an Edgar Allan Poe theme. It was dimly lit, there were creepy artifacts, and we had to find the raven to win). The one they did looked like Grandma's Thrift Shop - yuck. Sadly, we did NOT escape in time. :( But it was very fun and we have a better strategy for our next try. We were a little...disorganized. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/39559-s10e09-new-challenges/page/2/#findComment-2159812
IamAries June 2, 2016 Share June 2, 2016 (edited) On 3/2/2016 at 6:33 AM, bichonblitz said: My opinion only but can't they let Zoey do something just for her? Why did Will have to be the only little boy in that dance class? Did she barge in on his chinese class? No. It just bugged me. Aside from that, watching Zoey jumping around and shaking her booty in that class was the cutest thing I've ever seen. I agree with you wholeheartedly and, IMO it's very unfair to Zoey that they allow him to barge in, to what was suppose to be for her. She has yet, to be included in either one of his activities. It was one thing for the instructor to allow him to be in on the end of her class, but for him to leave there with a Bollywood scarf tied around his girth and, Jen's smirk was totally wrong and unfair to Zoey! He had his Chinese going in circles w/o her and, she should have been allowed, to have her cultural dance, without him! Edited June 2, 2016 by BizBuzz Removed the bold ... Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/39559-s10e09-new-challenges/page/2/#findComment-2300556
IamAries June 2, 2016 Share June 2, 2016 (edited) On 3/2/2016 at 5:03 AM, Ina123 said: I loved the lighted lantern show. I was so jealous. I could have watched an hour of that. I don't mean this snarky or to be mean but when Will was allowed to be included in the final Bollywood dance, he was in Zoe's way. That said, I love Will. He is the most enthusiastic kid I've ever seen. He was definitely in Zoey's way and, he didn't know what he was doing anymore than Adam! Yet, once again he's allowed to take what was supposed to be, for Zoey. Edited June 3, 2016 by BizBuzz Removed the bold ... Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/39559-s10e09-new-challenges/page/2/#findComment-2300575
IamAries June 3, 2016 Share June 3, 2016 On March 2, 2016 at 11:06 AM, Veronique Bette said: There were actually four other boys in the dance class so Will wasn't the only one. But Bill indicated that if at some point Zoey wanted the class to be just for herself without Will, that would be o.k. too. I love how these kids are fearless and enthusiastic about trying new things and seem to follow directions very well and catch on quickly. Bill made that comment because, he knew it was wrong! I feel totally sorry for Zoey because, he has to have all of the attention on himself and, they allow it! Zoey couldn't have her ballet classes to herself either and, to be frank and honest here, Jen gets a kick out of allowing Will to insert himself, into what's suppose to be for her. He didn't have a clue as to what they were doing, yet there he is front and center. Why do they continue allowing this out of him? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/39559-s10e09-new-challenges/page/2/#findComment-2300764
IamAries June 3, 2016 Share June 3, 2016 (edited) On 3/2/2016 at 9:12 AM, DkNNy79 said: Well to be fair, the instructor invited Will to participate in the dancing, so that was on her. I really like that Will didn't care that he was in a room with all girls, he just wanted to dance. Loved him walking out of the dance studio with the scarf around his waist. Zoey looked adorable with her purple scarf dancing. I was not interested in the hospital stuff. I was interested in the locked room though. That looks interesting. What they did looked slightly different on how they portrayed on the Big Bang theory. The number of boys in that class is/was not the point and what is, is the "FACT" that this Bollywood dance class was suppose to be for Zoey and not for Will. Seeing that he had his Chinese cultural activity to himself and, Zoey should have had her Indian dance class, without him! Like I've said countless number of times, I feel so sorry for Zoey because, these two get a thrill out of allowing him to steal her one shining moment and, it's not fair and, he wasn't dancing at all. I'm sure the instructor didn't intend, for him to walk out of there, with a Bollywood dance scarf on. Edited June 3, 2016 by BizBuzz Removed the bold ... Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/39559-s10e09-new-challenges/page/2/#findComment-2300822
IamAries June 3, 2016 Share June 3, 2016 On March 2, 2016 at 0:56 PM, DkNNy79 said: I think the Karate instructor did try to include Zoey or at least engage her but she was a little shy and wouldn't leave Bill and Jenn. I read that the parents vetoed Zoey taking part, in his karate class! Just like he said NO THANKS, when Jen asked him, if he wanted to take ballet lessons. But, when he saw just how much attention was being paid to Zoey, then the attention must be on me only, had to rudely interrupt the dance teacher as she was giving Zoey's favorable report to the parents, then he had to be seen and, Jen allowed him to be rude as well as take her ballet class from her! He can't stand the thought, of her getting any attention of any kind. He needs to be taught that, he can't keep doing this to Zoey. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/39559-s10e09-new-challenges/page/2/#findComment-2301275
xldb2004 June 3, 2016 Share June 3, 2016 Zoey has no problem whatsoever expressing her displeasure with a situation. If it bothered her for Will to participate we would all know it. If Zoey is cool with it, so am I 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/39559-s10e09-new-challenges/page/2/#findComment-2301327
IamAries June 3, 2016 Share June 3, 2016 (edited) On 3/2/2016 at 1:14 PM, Snow8585 said: Will is just spoiled and wants to be number 1. Especially if there are cameras around. And I do not think he likes sharing the spotlight with Zoey. Jen and Bill do very little to give Zoey her own time to shine on the show. It was telling when they got to the studio Zoey asked if it was a lion dance. Did Jen and Bill find a way for her to try lion dancing ...nope. It was all about Will. I was glad to see Zoey pretty much ignored him while she was dancing. I really wish I could shake your hand, for posting this TRUE and to the point comment! Everything you've said about Will is TRUE because, he does NOT as the parents want people to believe, like sharing the spotlight or anything else for that matter with Zoey. What was even more telling, was Bill's remark about how, when she gets older and does not want Will included in her activities, then he won't be. As for them doing very little to give Zoey her own time to shine on the show, you are RIGHT again and, it's always about Will and, a lot of people have stopped watching, because of this very thing! When was the last time, that they went on a family outing, that was something that a little girl would like? NEVER that's when. They only do things that (you guessed it) Will would like and, NEVER anything for Zoey. Will got a toy when they were at the light exhibit and, Zoey got NOTHING. They are all about Will and, Zoey is just there! Judging by your last few sentences, it sounds as if Zoey was lied to by the parents. I'm glad she pretty much ignored him as well!!! Zoey deserves better, than what she is getting and, I don't mean money wise either. During her b'day party, he wanted to help blow out her candles and was all up in the mix. Now in his upcoming birthday party, he is standing in a chair and, Zoey is no where around, trying to help blow out his candles. Edited June 3, 2016 by BizBuzz Removed the bold ... Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/39559-s10e09-new-challenges/page/2/#findComment-2301354
IamAries June 3, 2016 Share June 3, 2016 (edited) On 3/2/2016 at 2:18 PM, DkNNy79 said: I don't think one kid is more spoiled than the other. I do see that they are expecting more from Will being the older brother, they definitely ask Will to help out more (getting utensils, help carrying stuff). I also see that because of that, Will does take on a big brother role with Zoey. We've seen examples of this this season, whether it was waiting for her to catch up to him when they went trick or treating or packing her to go bag when they went to the community garden. Being the oldest child this was drilled into me growing up. You are the oldest and you have to set the example for your younger brother or sister and you have to look out for them. The kids have two different personalities. I don't see Will as trying to "hog" the spotlight from Zoey, he's just more outgoing and ready to try everything - you don't have to ask him twice. Zoey is a little more shy and reserved. They are ALWAYS doing things more suitable for Will and, its ALWAYS look Will. I don't blame Zoey and, being the selfish thing that he is, he doesn't want her included in a lot of things. Not only is he spoiled rotten, he is also selfish! Edited June 3, 2016 by BizBuzz Removed the bold ... Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/39559-s10e09-new-challenges/page/2/#findComment-2301413
Veronique Bette June 3, 2016 Share June 3, 2016 IMO these kids have a great sibling relationship and their home life is even further enhanced and more fun because they have another child to grow up with, especially in their special circumstances. I’ve seen Will looking out for his little sister from the first day she joined the family when he literally kissed her feet at the hotel, up to the present time. He always makes sure Zoey gets her food treats and snacks when he’s getting some, and how cute was he at Halloween waiting for her to catch up with him before he knocked on the doors for trick or treating. Yeah, like most kids, they're going to have their sibling rivalries and squabbles, but they’ll never have a real reason to think that either of their parents loves or prefers one over the other. That is, unless someone from outside of the family puts it into their heads. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/39559-s10e09-new-challenges/page/2/#findComment-2301842
Jellybeans June 3, 2016 Share June 3, 2016 I wish my brother had been as nice to me as Will is to Zoey lmao! You know, not trying to drown me during swimming lessons or screaming during my baton lessons, etc... I love the relationship these two have. Perspective shapes how we see things I guess. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/39559-s10e09-new-challenges/page/2/#findComment-2302270
Wellfleet June 4, 2016 Share June 4, 2016 (edited) On June 3, 2016 at 9:48 AM, Veronique Bette said: IMO these kids have a great sibling relationship and their home life is even further enhanced and more fun because they have another child to grow up with, especially in their special circumstances. I’ve seen Will looking out for his little sister from the first day she joined the family when he literally kissed her feet at the hotel, up to the present time. He always makes sure Zoey gets her food treats and snacks when he’s getting some, and how cute was he at Halloween waiting for her to catch up with him before he knocked on the doors for trick or treating. Yeah, like most kids, they're going to have their sibling rivalries and squabbles, but they’ll never have a real reason to think that either of their parents loves or prefers one over the other. That is, unless someone from outside of the family puts it into their heads. I think Will and Zoey have a very healthy & solid sibling relationship overall, especially considering that they haven't been "together" since birth as unadopted siblings usually are. They enjoy each other, they're good company for each other and - no small consideration - they're both going to face the same Little People challenges, so they'll always have that as a common sibling bond too. My guess is that both kids are doing exactly what they want to do right now. Zoey doesn't WANT to join Will's Chinese lion deal because she has ZERO interest in it. Knowing Zoey she may even be a little [understandably] frightened of it. Will is just an extraordinarily enthusiastic child - game for anything - and that's probably why we sometimes see him join Zoey's activities. That will likely change soon since they're approaching that "boys/girls are cooties" period of development pretty quickly. I do not think Will is allowed to do anything and everything he wants all the time - at least I hope he isn't - but I do understand why some viewers have come to this conclusion. Because there's rarely been footage of the kids being denied anything, or being disciplined. It's been 99% plusses and 1% minuses. And Life just isn't that one-sided. We don't need - or want - to see meltdown after meltdown, and of course privacy issues should always be considered. But is it "reality" TV or not? If Jen and Bill really want to portray their regular family life, let's see a few cons along with the Pros. On a personal note, if it were me, I would NEVER want anyone to think of me as such an indulgent parent. I'd be sure to include examples of both, so it would be clear that I was at least trying to teach my kids that everything is not always going to go their way in life. The sooner every child learns that, the better. Looking at you, Donald Trump... Edited June 4, 2016 by Wellfleet Spelling 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/39559-s10e09-new-challenges/page/2/#findComment-2304770
eributterfly June 20, 2016 Share June 20, 2016 This may not be the correct place for this. But, does anyone know when the new season starts? Or if they are even coming back? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/39559-s10e09-new-challenges/page/2/#findComment-2340711
Honey July 3, 2016 Share July 3, 2016 Hmm. I remember a birthday party of Wills. It was the one with the scientific experiments. When the host asked Will to stand up and help out he (Will) made a point of calling Zoey up to help out as well. Nah, He doesn't have any problem sharing the spotlight with his little sister. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/39559-s10e09-new-challenges/page/2/#findComment-2378051
eributterfly September 18, 2016 Share September 18, 2016 "With “7 Little Johnstons,” Discovery is understood to have a third-party company lined up to take over production of the show. Of the six LMNO shows wrapped up in the lawsuit, only one, TLC’s “The Little Couple,” at present is moving to a Discovery-owned banner. However, “Little Couple” is the most successful of the shows, which is why the move has raised eyebrows." www.variety.com/2016/tv/news/discovery-lmno-7-little-johnstons-writ-1201855705/ This is an excerpt from an article on variety.com in reference to why some TLC shows aren't coming back or are in limbo. I put it here because it seems to have the most recent activity. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/39559-s10e09-new-challenges/page/2/#findComment-2576728
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