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All Stars 2: Speculation & Chat

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Have you all seen this clip? Lil' Poundcake went to rehab after an intervention.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=901W8CAL9b4 "Queens have a Message for Lil' Poundcake - RuPaul's Drag Race Reunited"


And also, Willam's song Not A Pearl is a reveal of many queens who are not in All Stars 2, hence they had time for cameos in this video. So watch the video but know you will be spoiled. Derrick Barry is in the video, and at the time it was released this was also a spoiler that she was going to be on Season 8. Of course, Rupologize was Willam's first song video reaction to being left off of All Stars 1.


Why yes, I do have a job that allows me to surf Youtube and Wow, how could you tell?



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And also, Willam's song Not A Pearl is a reveal of many queens who are not in All Stars 2, hence they had time for cameos in this video. So watch the video but know you will be spoiled. Derrick Barry is in the video, and at the time it was released this was also a spoiler that she was going to be on Season 8. Of course, Rupologize was Willam's first song video reaction to being left off of All Stars 1.



Well crap does this mean Willam isn't going to be in AS2?

The entire cast of All-Stars 2 is actually pretty widely known by now and easy to find. Social media absence was a big clue, and then half a year ago one of the contestants' bitter ex-boyfriend posted screenshots of a private conversation (I think; might be misremembering how this happened) that revealed who the finalists are and how the competition was structured. Lying for shits and giggles? Maybe. I'm still taking it with a grain of salt, but I can't deny it seemed pretty legitimate.


Regarding Willam, I believe he's stated quite a few times that he wasn't even asked for AS2.

Edited by Xazeal
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The entire cast of All-Stars 2 is actually pretty widely known by now and easy to find. Social media absence was a big clue, and then half a year ago one of the contestants' bitter ex-boyfriend posted screenshots of a private conversation (I think; might be misremembering how this happened) that revealed who the finalists are and how the competition was structured. Lying for shits and giggles? Maybe. I'm still taking it with a grain of salt, but I can't deny it seemed pretty legitimate.


Regarding Willam, I believe he's stated quite a few times that he wasn't even asked for AS2.

OMG could you spill the T on who is rumored to be on the AS2?  Or post the link to where I can find it?  I'm not as clever as the other Nancy Drews on the other boards to dig up this info.  =(



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Yeah, I was unsure whether to post it since it's not exactly a Spoiler thread, but here goes. Social media absence has spoiled pretty much the entire casts of the past three seasons, and with the limited pool of viable contestants, this is most likely 100% certain.


Rumored cast:

Alaska, Adore, Katya, Roxxxy, Detox, Tatianna, Coco, Alyssa, Ginger, Phi-phi

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The thing is, production realizes that the cast will be leaked way, way in advance. They even tried to throw people off by allowing the queens to go on social media at one point during filming - several contestants were active right around the same time, all from mobile devices. Didn't really fool anyone.


Basically, had they included queens like Acid or Thorgy, we would know they lost season 8. And we'd know this months before the season 8 cast was even officially announced. That has to be the reason none of them were brought back.


As a side note, Laganja was allegedly supposed to appear but backed out last minute. Coco was her replacement, which means literally half the cast is from season 5 while season 6 is criminally underrepresented.

Edited by Xazeal
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From the texts posted by a contestant's ex-boyfriend, there are no teams. I want to say we've heard this from other sources as well but I'm not sure. This was way back in October, memory's getting hazy.


However, the texts revealed another format change:

Each week, the top two performers will lip sync for the win. The winner then gets to eliminate one of the other queens, presumably only from the bottom two/three.


Personally, I'm still hoping the whole "bitter ex-boyfriend leaks the entire season" was some sort of big, dramatic hoax designed to throw people off, but that's a reach. I personally don't mind spoilers, but I hate the way these spoilers came out. It was just an ugly situation and I feel bad for the queens.

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Interesting format spoiler, Xazeal, if true. At least it sounds like they won't be stuck in teams for the whole season.


I'm not enthused about the alleged cast being so many people from one season. Allegedly. The rumored list looks like a list of people who came close to winning who now get another chance and some people wanting a chance to come across better than they did on their seasons. I'd like to see more gone too soon queens, people with potential who left their seasons too soon. And the rumor list has one person who was on All Stars 1, which seems weird. Not on the list are a bunch of my favorites, but maybe they couldn't make it or didn't want to do this. Nina Flowers was on AS 1 so briefly I forgot she was on there.


On second look, it also looks like they were trying to cram the cast with people with adversial histories, and if that's the kind of season they're planning on I'm less interested in the result.

Edited by Cosmic Muffin

The cast has been officially announced now. The season premieres on August 25, which I don't think we already knew. As was spoiled almost a year ago, the cast is Adore Delano, Alaska, Alyssa Edwards, Coco Montrese, Detox, Ginger Minj, Katya, Phi Phi O'Hara, Roxxxy Andrews, and Tatianna. 

I'm kind of in love with these promo shost. Detox in particular looks spectacular and I can't wait to see what she brings on the show. I'm most excited to see what Phi Phi will bring, though. She's grown a lot in the looks department and her 365 Days of Drag is on a whole other level of art.

Let's hope All-Stars doesn't suck this time!

Edited by Xazeal
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I am legit heartbroken that Chi Chi isn't on All Stars 1; there are far too many season 5 queens for my liking and I reaaaaaally don't want to see a rehash of the Alyssa/Coco drama all over again.  Hell, I don't even want a "Relaskatox" reunion again either.  I don't know, season 5 has been my least favorite season by far and to see so many season 5 queens without any from season 8 is a bummer for me.  

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To be fair, they couldn't bring any queens from season 8 because it would've spoiled the outcome of that season. All-Stars 2 cast spoilers were widespread by September, so if they brought a season 8 queen, we'd know they didn't win.

For Chi Chi in particular, they didn't even officially know she was out by the time they filmed All-Stars 2, since they film all different outcomes for top 4.

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I'm okay with this. The only ones I'm not super interested in are Roxxy and Phi Phi, but I think Phi Phi has mellowed a lot and evolved as an artist, so I'll get over it. Also not thrilled about Rolaskatox, but the dynamic will surely be different this time, also with Alyssa/Coco. Thrilled about Katya and Alaska and Alyssa on the same show though.

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Meh. Too many people from season 5, too many people just there to stir the pot. 


I'm glad to see Alaska, Adore, Alyssa, Katya and Ginger again. Alaska is the no-brainer here, and she's really grown since her season. Adore was a little bit of a surprise, but I'm still glad to see her. Listening to Alyssa on Ru's podcast recently reminded me that I always find her entertaining. 

I'm interested to see what Detox brings to the table this time, because last time it felt like she had so much potential and just refused to tap into it. Roxxy might be okay if she has mellowed out, because I do think she is talented and can be funny. If she starts bullying people again, I'll be totally over her. And please, no more RoLaskaTox. None of them need it, and Alaska certainly doesn't need it.

Phi Phi? I have zero desire to see her again. She may have mellowed, but she left such a bad taste in my mouth last time and she never really impressed me with her drag.  I know she's been posting some interesting stuff on Instagram, but it doesn't hold the same magic for me as Kim Chi's work, or even Nina Flowers. She may make me change my tune, but I'm not looking forward to seeing her. Also have no desire to see Coco again because her drag does next to nothing for me. She had a couple good looks and she can lip sync, but absolutely nothing she did wowed me. She seems really overrated to me. She is like Derrick to me in that if she weren't good at impersonating a celebrity (Janet Jackson in her case), I don't think her career would be as big as it is. Tatianna is the same for me - she was funny as Britney, but otherwise she did nothing for me. She was just a bitter little kitten.


Hopefully they learned from their last effort that the team thing was a disaster and they don't try it again.

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Wow, WTF? They're bringing back the entire yotoxicrash clique as well as coco/alyssa? All the bitches that made S5 unbearable with their toxic drama?   S5 didn't need a redo, the best queen already won. What about Shangela, Willam, Bendelacreme, Ongina??  Somebody better be jumping out of a box in the premier, because otherwise this looks like a real shitshow (especailly with feces ohara cast!)  Katya better smoke all those bitches out of the water, she and Tattiana are the only two who I'd really like to see. 

  • Love 6

I'm also not happy that Rolaskatox are back as well as Coco and Alyssa, and that fully half of the cast are from season 5. I think the needed to chose whether to bring back people who needed to redeem themselves, Roxy, Alyssa and Phi Phi I think, or whether to bring back people who could really give the winners competition, or whether to bring back people who have improved a lot since their season. I know everyone has their favorites, and some of the Drag Race queens I like are under rated, but I feel like there are filler queens here, and they just don't belong on All Stars. Drag U, sure, but not All Stars. I also wish they had a cast of 12 instead of 10. So I'm looking forward to this with mixed feelings. I am really happy about Katya, Alaska, Detox and Adore.

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Milk would be interesting, especially since he's been doing as much male modeling as drag lately. It's certainly a different trajectory for a queen. Still, only *one* S6 girl? I would have loved to see Ben or Trinity.

Willam is persona non grata with World of Wonder and would have never been on. Bummer.

It is a LOT of Season 5 and if they try to re-hash Coco v. Alyssa again, I'm over it.

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Supposedly Laganga dropped out last minute and was replaced by Vivian Panay, so that would have been one more Season 6 contestant, and bless her heart, she's changed a lot, but Laganga isn't one of the Season 6 girls I'd like to see back. 

Willam is blacklisted by a WOW producer I believe, and RuPaul blocked Courtney Act on all social media when CA said that it was time to stop using the word tranny, so there are only so many Season 6 contestants. I would have liked to see April, Milk or Dela back, or even Kelly Mantle. Or Vivacious, why not?

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Team Alaska and/or Katya here. Bring back Lil Pound Cake, Alaska! :-D 

Not looking forward to PhiPhi at all, could not stand her in her season, it would be a miracle if I can stomach her now. Coco annoys on a general level but if the producers are rehashing the Coco vs Alyssa "rivalry," I ain't having it. I really hope Rolaskatoxx does not appear again. 

It's too bad some of the other queens from other seasons are not participating. Ongina, Ben de le Creme, Josyln Fox, Dida Ritz. I can understand Chi Chi and Kim Chi not being cast for AS2 since their season was still airing (I think) when AS2 was being filmed. And hopefully they have gotten rid of the damn permanent team challenge model!

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Cast interviews

I don't think anyone reveals anything ground-breaking or new. The people who were awful on their seasons want to prove that they can be nice people. Those who were eliminated too early want redemption, and those who were super-close to getting the crown want to see if they can actually get it this time.

Coco still does nothing for me, but at least she still has a good sense of humor about her orange makeup. Ginger doesn't look great as a blonde. Detox seems to realize she wasn't at the top of her game in season five and was holding back, so I am curious to see if she can do better this time around. Alyssa still cracks me up just by being Alyssa.

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Drag queens competing in the upcoming second season of "RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars" will hand out mini cups of soft-serve ice cream and rainbow popsicles from a Big Gay Ice Cream truck in Union Square, on University Place between 13th and 14th streets, Wednesday from noon to 6 p.m.

On Thursday, nine contestants will move north to the Flatiron District, where they'll give away some treats at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and 26th Street during the same afternoon time slot.

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