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Growing Up Hip Hop - General Discussion

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No comments?? Is anyone watching this show besides myself?


My thoughts: Kristinia is annoying and fake.This whole story with her addict father, just seems off. El Debarge seems like he's badly acting from a script that was created to get Kristinia noticed or something. And she's a bad friend. You know Angela likes Romeo, you told her to her face that you don't like him like that and two seconds later, you're all up in his face and flirting with him. Whether he's single or not, that's a violation in my book. I don't like her at all.


Angela, girl. I liked you a whole lot more before I saw you on this show. I don't know if this stalker story line is real, but if it is, you really need to stop treating it like its a joke. With regards to Romeo, you should really chill out. He's not your man, he hasn't said anything about being your man, so stop acting like the neglected girlfriend. I'm actually a little embarrassed for you.


Romeo, we get it, you're taking over No Limit, and you have to make your pops proud and yada yada yada. Do you have to say it every five minutes? Is No Limit even a major record label? Who is currently on the label? Kristinia? Ok, I guess.


Egypt is cool, but really, I don't know who told her she should be singing. I agreed with Romeo that she still has a ways to go before she can do that professionally. Boogie and TJ are cool as well. Too bad Angela is only see TJ as a brother, I think they're cute together. Is Damon Dash a producer on this? I'm wondering why he's always around. He did crack me up when he was taking picture of that chick that Angela thought was her stalker.

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So, still seems like I'm the only one watching again, lol. I have to get this out though:

Season one ended with someone chasing Angela. Season two starts, and we don't know what the hell that final scene was about. No resolution as to who she was running from, no mention of it at all. I have a feeling that it was probably her dude, but still.

Seems like the main focus, two episodes in so far, is everyone being all up in Angela's business. She brought it on herself though. These people are supposed to be your friends, yet no one knows that you were even dating, then all of sudden you're engaged. This man is such a mystery that people keep asking if Romeo proposed. Then, you hide behind a jacket/table/bulky clothes. It's clear you're pregnant and trying to hide it.

All that being said, everyone got on my nerves in the first episode. Every time Angela's engagement came up, they all said "I thought she was a virgin". Obvious pregnancy aside, she couldn't be engaged and still be a virgin???

I didn't really try but seriously, I don't like Kristinia. She is not interesting to me in any way. I don't care about her family, I don't know why they're on this show in the first place. When was the DeBarge family Hip Hop anyway?

Boogie's mom looked more like his grandmother. I'd love to see what she looked like back in the day. 

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A part of me wants to support Angie and say it's your business.  But then? You open up your life to this show! Girl you need to pick a side and stick to it. It annoys the f*ck outta me how these "celebrities" want fame but privacy as well.  This aint the 40's yall!  The deal you made with the devil was money money money in exchange for transparency.  Rock Hudson was protected by his agent and whatever movie making machine (MGM, etc) for decades. Then the truth came out.  These little boys and girls and their "empires" do NOT in any way live in that reality.  Get over yourselves children.

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I want to also add that "made for tv" argument between Peppa's daughter and her boyfriend was so staged.  If the producers want us to buy into these producer driven situations, then they should invest in some acting lessons for these people.  Sign up almost everyone on this show. Lol. I am still watching episode 4.  Might be back again before the end of this ep.

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So......last night's episode.  I loved DeBarge back in the day.  It breaks my heart how fragile James is.  And could Kris look more like him? I don't follow these people online, but I do remember the Janet Jackson rumors, but don't remember how it eventually played out.

Did Damon Dash actually say he "intimidated" Angela out of the party?  If so. get your ego in check dood. Being rude to pregnant women?  STFU with the quickness. 

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I just started watching the first episode of season 2.  I just can't with Angela's "I don't understand why everyone is all up in my business and wanting to know who my fiance is" shtick after she was the one who posted about her engagement on social media.  You can't have it both ways.

Can someone tell Peppa's daughter that her music is awful so she should stay her ass in school?

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Wow - I guess I'm the only one still watching?  Admittedly, I only started watching because a lack of programming on Thursday nights.  But then I started getting sucked in and wanted to see how things would play out. The exact same reason I have stooped to watching My Life is a Telenovela and Marriage Boot Camp on Friday nights.  I have no life.  Don't judge me.

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I still watch this show. I still want to know who was chasing Angela at the end of the season 1, however, even if they don't reveal it, I won't be tuning in for season 3, if there is one. This show is a mess and all of these people annoy me. Briana most of all. Going back to the abusive boyfriend was the last straw for me. Plus I suspect that she might be on drugs or bi-polar or something. She's not all there. Good luck to ya, drama queen.

And yeah Pepa's daughter whose name I can't recall even though I'm actually watching the show as I type this, you can't sing worth a damn. Take your ass to college honey because that's your best bet.

Edited by MitaJo

Just caught this show.  Wow, just wow.  I don't know who Brandon is but he is an asshole.  I would not stand there for 2 seconds while he pulled that crap on me.  Is he really Wayne's daughter's cousin?  Around the Detroit area black people will claim everyone as their cousin, Godsister(?), or other familial moniker.  I found this out the hard way when my new neighbor introduced me to her cousin and then the next day they were having sex on the porch.  Freaked me the hell out.  My friend explained it to me and I explained it to her that white people never (at least anyone I know) call anyone not in the bloodline a cousin, aunt or whatever the hell a Godsister is.  We will even go the extra step to say, "you know my aunt Kay who is really my mom's best friend growing up but we call her aunt out of respect since we can't call her Kay and Miss Kay is not close enough..........."

On ‎6‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 10:16 PM, jumper sage said:

Just caught this show.  Wow, just wow.  I don't know who Brandon is but he is an asshole.  I would not stand there for 2 seconds while he pulled that crap on me.  Is he really Wayne's daughter's cousin?  Around the Detroit area black people will claim everyone as their cousin, Godsister(?), or other familial moniker.  I found this out the hard way when my new neighbor introduced me to her cousin and then the next day they were having sex on the porch.  Freaked me the hell out.  My friend explained it to me and I explained it to her that white people never (at least anyone I know) call anyone not in the bloodline a cousin, aunt or whatever the hell a Godsister is.  We will even go the extra step to say, "you know my aunt Kay who is really my mom's best friend growing up but we call her aunt out of respect since we can't call her Kay and Miss Kay is not close enough..........."

No. Brandon is the cousin of the girl who looks like Wayne's daughter. I can only tell them apart because Brandon's cousin wears a nose ring. Brandon is an asshole and too blunt for my taste, but Reginae (Wayne's daughter) is a spoiled little brat who runs her mouth then runs to her mommy when she gets her feelings hurt. Running around ordering your cousins to find and beat up Brandon is plain ridiculous.

We call kids we've grown up with who aren't blood relatives "play cousins". I don't know what's more disturbing about your neighbor. Her introducing the guy to you as her cousin and you seeing them have sex on the porch the next day or just seeing them have sex on the porch. Lol.

Edited by rmcrae
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4 hours ago, rmcrae said:

Brandon is an asshole and too blunt for my taste, but Reginae (Wayne's daughter) is a spoiled little brat who runs her mouth then runs to her mommy when she gets her feelings hurt. Running around ordering your cousins to find and beat up Brandon is plain ridiculous.

I completely agree!  Brandon is an ASSHOLE!  Reginae is a spoiled brat and if my kid talked to me like she talked to her mom - no party.

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I love how Brandon keeps wanting to "do things on his own" but always manages to include his famous respected mother.  He is way to self involved to even understand the irony of complaining about Zonnique wanting his mom to manage her while he actually sits in his mother's house.  Or putting on this "showcase" all by himself and having his mom be a judge.  Brandon instead of telling us and the world how great you are at Talent Management maybe you should of been at the venue before show time making sure that everything was all set and right for your artists and your showcase.  Of course Deb stepped in at the end and schooled Brandon about real talent management.  The female rapper at the end was ready to jump ship and ask Deb to manage her. 

I have no problem when someone wants to go into the family business but please Brandon let's stop pretending that anybody would know who you were outside of your mom.

Ayana, girl what the hell was up with those designs?  That hoodie looked half done and the other two pieces looked pretty basic.  Can DJ Hurricane be any more homophobic? Your daughter is telling you about someone serious she is dating and you don't want to meet them? Really?  I have a distinct feeling that if Ayana was straight you would be demanding to meet the guy she was getting so close too. 

Can someone remind Bow Wow he is 30 years old? The bowling alley scene with his friends looked fun but also incredibly childish with the tweeting and the instigating friends.  I did like Snoop's advice about just focus on making a single or singles.  It is pretty evident that Bow Wow has no real interest in making a whole concept album so why waste everyone's time.

Reginae, please just sit down.  The more episodes she is featured in the more she comes off like a complete spoiled brat.  This show is doing nothing for her image.

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DJ Hurricane - When you were talking about how you grew up with no one giving you anything and then don't understand why your own kid has no ambition and just manipulates you for rent money, you answered your own question.  The key to parenting, at any income level, is to not give your kids anything.  Feed them, clothe them and offer them a good education and then let them go.

So Bow Wow called Snoop his uncle.  People!  This drives me insane.  He could have called him his mentor, or good friend but I despise when people call non family members by familial monikers.

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On 8/17/2017 at 11:20 PM, jumper sage said:

Am I the only watching?

Egypt - there is this magical place called a public library.  If they don't have it on their shelves they will get it for you.

Brianna - what a bitch.

Lol no. I'm watching this show too. Hoping there would be a discussion about it.

Lol at what you said about Egypt. Well Tee Tee gave her the book so we'll see what happens.

Briana - I agree with you 100%. I would try to give her the benefit of the doubt but the way she came at Kristinia was not cool. Kristinia is cool...she didn't deserve that.

Boogie - he cracks me up. And I agree he shouldn't trust Tee Tee who clearly wanted to gossip.

Romeo - is funny too.

What are your thoughts on the Angela, Vanessa and little sister situation...with all the crying?

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, GodBless13 said:

What are your thoughts on the Angela, Vanessa and little sister situation...with all the crying?

I have always liked Angela and Vanessa.  I liked Rev Run's show.  They seem like a nice family.

The little sister confused me.  I know that the newest sister with Rev couldn't be old enough so I went looking online.  Daryam is the daughter of the girl's bio mom and is much younger than them.  Looks like someone wants in on all the action, no?  Why would she show up and then say no to a relationship?  Crazy.

I also found out, while online searching, that the 3 eldest of Run all have children out of wedlock.  Granted Vanessa did marry the father, Michael Wayans, and they did date for 10 years.  Not making a slight here since I had a son out of wedlock and remained with the father for 21 years.  Just found it interesting.

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Briana is like that one girl in high school that soo badly wanted to be popular but wasn't then thought having a famous stepparent would be her ticket for people to kiss her butt but it wasn't. its like she has this sense of entitlement of how people should treat her and act around her and if you dont she pops off...girl you aint that special .....

  • Love 3
26 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Briana is like that one girl in high school that soo badly wanted to be popular but wasn't then thought having a famous stepparent would be her ticket for people to kiss her butt but it wasn't. its like she has this sense of entitlement of how people should treat her and act around her and if you dont she pops off...girl you aint that special .....

She is very jealous of the way her friends are living large and she does not get that same treatment.  Instead of being proud of doing things herself she has to act like an idiot.

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On 8/20/2017 at 7:20 PM, jumper sage said:

I have always liked Angela and Vanessa.  I liked Rev Run's show.  They seem like a nice family.

The little sister confused me.  I know that the newest sister with Rev couldn't be old enough so I went looking online.  Daryam is the daughter of the girl's bio mom and is much younger than them.  Looks like someone wants in on all the action, no?  Why would she show up and then say no to a relationship?  Crazy.

I also found out, while online searching, that the 3 eldest of Run all have children out of wedlock.  Granted Vanessa did marry the father, Michael Wayans, and they did date for 10 years.  Not making a slight here since I had a son out of wedlock and remained with the father for 21 years.  Just found it interesting.

I also liked the Rev Run's show. For me however I find Vanessa to be more likeable compared to Angela. This is more in regards to this show Growing Up Hip Hop.

Well if we get technical Vanessa was never on this show now all of a sudden she is...it could be more so with Angela being a new mom. As for the little sister Daryam and Angela's estranged relationship apparently Vanessa said it's always been like that but really didn't shed light as to why. Unless I missed something.

Wow, until you mentioned it...I wasn't aware. I agree with you nothing wrong with how Vanessa went about it. 10 years dating is a long time and now they married. As for you, congrats I admire anyone who can be in a long term relationship (married or not) and make it work :)

What is interesting is that when the subject of marriage is brought up to Angela she really doesn't want to discuss the relationship. This show is crazy but entertaining lol

On 8/24/2017 at 9:38 PM, Keywestclubkid said:

What is wrong with briana? Like she needs some deep deep therapy 

I used to defend some of her actions but now she is just too much. I really didn't like what she did to Kristinia. Especially when Kristinia has been a great friend to her and would defend her.

On 8/25/2017 at 10:10 AM, Keywestclubkid said:

Briana is like that one girl in high school that soo badly wanted to be popular but wasn't then thought having a famous stepparent would be her ticket for people to kiss her butt but it wasn't. its like she has this sense of entitlement of how people should treat her and act around her and if you dont she pops off...girl you aint that special .....

LOL this cracked me up and you hit it on the nail. So true!

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Deb was funny trying to put a good spin on Jhonni asking Bow what happened in there when she was standing right there.  Yes Bow did call Jhonni a bitch but Jhonni was popping off first about Bow saying she was setting him up.  The whole thing was probably scripted anyway so dont know why I am even commenting on it.  

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12 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

I finally catch up on this new season (didn't even bother trying to catch up on season 3), and it's been almost a year since anyone has posted.  Anyone out there??  Lol!

I'm on the episode when they all go to Vegas, and I'm just hoping that Egypt does not marry this dude, Sam.  She is not bright at all.  

I watched.  Pep was disappointing, Egypt's an idiot and IDGAF about Angela & Romeo's no-mance.

Oh and I knew before she told us that a good portion of Brianna's concern for Boogie stemmed from her wanting his dick.

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So this show is fake-right? What the hell is with this Brianna chick and why do people even acknowledge her? She's a whack job bitter bitch. 

I remember when Vanessa and Angela started Pastry but thought they just dissolved the company. Apparently I was wrong and the company was sold? Now Vanessa and Angela were asked to come back as "creative people" and Vanessa is talking about leaving the company to her daughter. So who owns the company?

Edited by druzy

Does anyone still care about "Lil Romeo" vs. "Lil Bow Wow"?  Did anyone ever care?  And no one is trying to fight over Angela.  No one.  And I like Angela.  She's self-centered, but makes decent reality TV.  Especially since she continues to refuse to fuck with Brianna.  I'd be the same way.  Chick is off and looking for anything to dull someone else's shine so she can seem more important.  

Oh Pep.  You are a bird.  You're gonna let a come-lately come between you and your bag?  Fuck that.  And you're paying for the ex/baby mama?  The dick can't be that good.  B.I.R.D.

I died laughing when Romeo shaded Titi for coming to the "star-studded" basketball event but not showing up for his photo shoot.  He's right, not enough cameras for the latter event and not enough dudes with more than $5 for her to swoop.

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Romeo and Master P can leave this show already. They get on my nerves. Romeo was all into this show, playing it up, acting like he was the prince of Hip Hop and now he wants to act like he's better than everyone. Like he's too good for reality TV. Is it because they made fun of him (he deserved it for acting like he's some guru sent to save their souls)? Did he find Jesus between seasons? Why is he acting brand new? 

And Master P needs to stay of these young folk's business. He looks so dumb getting involved in their mess. Let Romeo speak for himself. Talking about JoJo deserves an Oscar. He and Romeo are putting on the biggest performances than everyone else on the show. Acting like they don't know how reality shows work and how they manipulate things for the story. I enjoy this show so much more when they aren't on.

Sam is another one that I can do without but I'm sure he needs the show to pay his child support. Egypt must not think she can find anyone better. That dude is a joke.

I wasn't sure about Lil Twist when I first saw him but he's become one of my favorites. I love his energy.

Angela, bless her heart. I can't figure her out but she really doesn't need to try as hard as she does. Own your shit girl! Stop acting like you don't know why people make such a big deal out of shit you do/wear/say.


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Lil Twist is my favorite this season haha he seems like a nice person. Romeo can’t get his ego so bruised over a little joke. I think Egypt also fought Brianna because she thought she disrespected both her parents in the past. I don’t understand why everyone kisses up to Angela on this show haha. Sam was talking crazy imo when he was saying stuff about “taking off the collar” off Egypt. Lol weird cult leader stuff lol

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