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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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17 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

Mika was sitting over there looking pleased.

LOL.  I saw that too.  I too was worried she'd pipe up and bring it all to a screeching halt like a record needle.  
She just leaned back, wrapped her wrap tightly around her and bestowed us all with a beatific smile.  Her pleased attitude like "This is all mine.  I made all this.  My children are going to be ok," when Willie interviewed Bomani is as inscrutable as it is funny.  She think she has empowered these two professionals to speak at a high level because she invented the chat show.

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Nicolle Wallace is apparently out this week so I'm stuck watching Morning Joe instead of streaming yesterday's Deadline White House.   Ayman and Ari fill in for Nicolle, and I can't take either of them for more than 10 minutes.

Is it just me or is Scarborough gleefully jumping right back into 2016 mode, except this time he's kissing up to Ron DeSantis?   I considered that he's lavishing praise on DeSantis to goad Trump -- "he's somebody who wins!" -- but at the same time he gives the distinct appearance of giving free publicity to a candidate who is being accused on multiple fronts of curtailing the rights of Floridians.   I remember it wasn't too long ago that Scarborough would trash DeSantis on a daily basis, "this guy has no experience!  What's he gonna do when there's a Category 5 hurricane?"  Now, though, he's positioning DeSantis as Republicans' only hope of winning -- with no mention of the serious criticisms against him. 

Is Scarborough passively courting DeSantis, trying to make him "a friend of the show?"   Sure seems that way.

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good god, is anyone else sick of indictment! watch!

can't they just tell us when something happens?

its like watching paint dry. 

it's like spending a 72-hour layover at Miami airport #thanksrondesantis

And the images aaaaah. One moment I'm admiring teh sartorial splendor of Barnicle, the next minute, there is f-ing former guy's face, radiating negative energy thru the screen over and over and over

at least Joe is on fine form this morning, heh. Also here for Michael Steele's beautiful tie. 

Edited by neona2
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Let’s hear it for Working Mom Steve Rattner, everyone! *partyface*

Mika hit that one on the nose.

I don’t work from home and I’m lucky enough to live in a country with subsided licensed childcare, and my kid is in school now anyway.  I have zero idea how one does two jobs at once. Sure Steve i couldnt!  But many people do work from home and say it's much more efficient, and their employers aren't complaining.

He made some fair points. I can't quite articulate why I wanted to rip up his charts this morning.


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I dropped in three times this morning. Twice it was Trump Indictment and the other was 50 over 50. 

Apparently you can nominate someone for the next group. Does that mean  working women who have made a difference will be rubbing elbows with the successful Rich and Famous women who are celebrated? And get to attend and celebrate at a nice vacation/resort? Anyone here interested? 😏

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16 minutes ago, Kemper said:

Apparently you can nominate someone for the next group.

Jeebus! They're hardly over their jetlag and they're already yakking about next year's stupid "event"? Hmm. I'm sure Mika is gonna approve my neighbor, 55 and doing shift work, with 3 kids and a sick husband to care for. NOT. She would never make the list of fabulous women in Mika's star struck eyes. Besides, the humble, "little people" like my friend don't have the time or interest in this. Such crap.

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catching up on today's 9 a.m. hour and cracking up at Joe & Mika's sudden realization that their Florida Basement Netflix and Chillin is so extensive that Willie and Lemire can't keep up, because they, uhh have lives.

Willie! and Lemire! 🥴

tbh during the past year my whole mission has been to save my actual human friends from their Pandemic Blanket forts, and take them out to rejoin the living, so I know an intervention! situation! when I see it.

Is anyone confused about all the shows named after years? Joe kept talking about 1883 and I thought the whole time for sure he meant what *I* was actually watching, which was 1889, this Netflix time travel thing on board a titanic-style ship.

Or if not that, possibly 1864, which was a Danish show about the Second Schleswig war and quite possibly the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, but no, it wasn't that either. 

so wtf even is 1883?

I do wanna watch 1923 thought, because it sounds amazing. 

I wonder what the 2023 show will be like in a 100 years. Probably we will all not come across too great. 🥴 

Edited by neona2
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On 3/22/2023 at 8:13 PM, millennium said:

Nicolle Wallace is apparently out this week so I'm stuck watching Morning Joe instead of streaming yesterday's Deadline White House.   Ayman and Ari fill in for Nicolle, and I can't take either of them for more than 10 minutes.


I'm watching now and ymmv but I think Ayman is doing a good job. Mara Gay is there and being badass!!

also the Deadline! DC! has cherry blossoms in it now

it's not like the inexplicably scary-ass ominous treescape of winter! Morning Joe! DC! 🥴

that's another thing about indictment! watch! ---> they all took a vacation this week, so they all obviously knew nothing was gonna f-ing happen

so why did they subject us all to the indictment! watch! torture! when they knew and we knew and everyone knew that the tuesday thing was all bullshit so why just why.

just and aside, Alicia in for Nicolle the other day was pretty good, she has a similar calm, witty energy imo

Edited by neona2
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1 hour ago, neona2 said:


I wonder what the 2023 show will be like in a 100 years. Probably we will all not come across too great. 🥴 


it appears a MJ fan has already thought of this!  This is the strangest blog, it appears to be a mix of 4 languages the person is very witty, somewhat crass, and a big morning joe fan. And general msnbc fan.  If anyone can makes head or tails of it let me know….  It’s pretty funny. 

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7 hours ago, jenkait said:


it appears a MJ fan has already thought of this!  This is the strangest blog, it appears to be a mix of 4 languages the person is very witty, somewhat crass, and a big morning joe fan. And general msnbc fan.  If anyone can makes head or tails of it let me know….  It’s pretty funny. 

I tried the link, wtf is that? A blog, or? Honestly I just found it weird and rambly and disturbing 🥴

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1 hour ago, neona2 said:

I tried the link, wtf is that? A blog, or? Honestly I just found it weird and rambly and disturbing 🥴

It’s like a (very dedicated!) joke blog, someone from the future trying to piece together what happpened  in the past (ie, today) and making the wrong connections. Like over-reliance on The Beatles to make sense of the world. I will say that they watch MJ very carefully and know their stuff…calling Joe the “Floribama lawyer” and stuff.

It is very weird and the crassness is the “oof” part for me, but once in awhile it has me laughing hysterically. 

ETA: Neona, you follow the SistersInLaw, right? have you ever seen the black and white pictures of Jill Wine-Banks when she was a special prosecutor?  I didn’t realize she was 80 years old now either, but of course she’d have to be. 

Edited by jenkait
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dude why are they cutting Mika out of the sports segments? Joe and Willie just did a whole thing she wasn't even there. My favorite part of those segments is the wtf expression on her face, it's tradition!!

eta: now Joe went awol. this will never not be puzzling. is he coming back today, or...?

Edited by neona2
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i feel like this show is the only show where such a thing could happen

But they literally did an in-depth discussion about anti-semetisim without a single! Jewish! person! on the panel


it wasn't even bad, it was fine, but whyyyyy do they never think about this stuff before going on air, i cant 🥴

eta: I just realized they also did a second segment on this the same day when at least Donny Deutsch was there. so i need to qualify my snark, it wasn't as bad as i thought! 

Edited by neona2
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okay I gotta go to work but but why is my girl Jen sitting in the dark in some sort of white fog DC snowstorm?

btw I don't think I said but Jen's weekend show is sooooo good ---> I can't recommend this enough. The overall Art Deco Greek Goddess Vibe is so on brand *chef's kiss*

Also the show is so damn well-produced, gorgeous graphics, interesting, evenly paced. The interviews were brilliant and interesting. A hundred per cent recommend everyone to DVR this

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they just said John Kasich is an MSNBC contributor.

LMAO, what? Is this new, or have I been living under a rock?

Everyone still referred to him as "governor" though. 🥴

is this real, I'm laughing so hard

I mean I like him, but why does he talk so slowly, and everything he says is super obvious, I literally had to put him on 2x 😂

ETA: also "joe this, joe that" when addressing both Joe and Mika is an immediate sign! of! asshood! in my book. I mean if only just too meet teh basic standard of gentleman-hood, use both their names when addressing them together, just ugh

ETA 2: oh, ok, points for the Netanyahu mention though. That's brave ---> if actual courage is what Kasich going for, I'm here for that, at any speed. Maybe amp that up, but for sure, it could be a thing


Edited by neona2
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On 3/24/2023 at 4:36 AM, neona2 said:

dude why are they cutting Mika out of the sports segments? Joe and Willie just did a whole thing she wasn't even there. My favorite part of those segments is the wtf expression on her face, it's tradition!!

eta: now Joe went awol. this will never not be puzzling. is he coming back today, or...?

I’m guessing because she doesn’t add anything! I’m not into sports but if I were I’d be really annoyed with her.  (If this was once in awhile her reaction would be funny ie “Tell us how you really feel.” but we know Mika… 🤦🏼‍♀️)  just my 0.02.



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Well, ymmv on this, but that's honestly exactly why I like it!

she speaks for those  of us who don't give a shit, but also at the same time makes the sports segment more balanced and funny for that exact reason.

In general I like the sports segments bc everyone's relaxed and it's a break from the former! guy! shitshow! For me, I have zero interest in the particulars but I like the overall energy and optimism and community of sports.

---> the only thing I don't like is when they literally say every  morning "*sigh* we have a lot to get to *sigh*", oh man, no no no.

*you* have a lot to get to, the *audience* has a lot to *look forward to*

that's the whole point of professional life, I mean, you don't say that first part out loud?

It's like a waiter instead of saying "enjoy your meal" is saying "man, making this dish was f-ing exhausting", I can't 😂

eta: You know, on Velshi this weekend he had actual! Israeli! lawyers and activists on to talk about the Bibi shitshow, imagine that!

The US analysts are too tip-toey about this imo. The internal debate and activism on this shitshow is much more interesting and forceful.

Edited by neona2
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The top story today was the Trump Rally. Joe said trump is dangerous & should stop harassing the DA.

Mika watched the NCAA Florida game. she was happy then won.

Joe complained about Alabama losing.


Joe is worried about right wing governments in India,Israel & Hungary.

There is a crisis in Israel over Netanyahu justice plan.

The show has no experts from Israel to discuss the planned changes.

Joe compared Bibi to Trump.




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John Dalton just congratulated Joe and Mika on their upcoming! sixteenth! anniversary!

okay but did anyone tell him about the fifteenth! anniversary! that they put on their backdrop chyron and on their coffee mugs, but then never did any special or any fun thing or any real NYC Joe and Mika and Willie together show or anything at all..... despite talking about it for a whole year *cries*

I wanna read his book though, tbh I love insider! biographies!  

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2 hours ago, neona2 said:

okay but did anyone tell him about the fifteenth! anniversary! that they put on their backdrop chyron and on their coffee mugs, but then never did any special or any fun thing or any real NYC Joe and Mika and Willie together show or anything at all..... despite talking about it for a whole year *cries*


I am surprised that there wasn't a Morning Joe special for the 15th Anniversary.

Joe has complained in the past about the extra income tax costs of hosting his show from NYC.

Perhaps MSNBC could have offered him an extra bonus to get him to appear in NYC on a regular basis. ?

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Catching up on some parts I missed this morning, they just showed a clip of the show from 2019 with the most atrocious lighting in the history of the universe, lmao!!

Hilariously real! Time! Joe! was surprised by this, it's so weird how they only notice this bizarre shit in hindsight, while contemporaneously the entire audience saw it in real time and were horrified, every single day.

The one thing I kinda objected to though was Mika saying, on air, and I quote, that "it looks like my head was dipped in bleach" ---> wtf, no, it didn't?

Why on earth would a famous person, on live television throw shade at what was obviously, at the time, a very competent colorist?

It was actually a great color for her overall aging pattern and lighter skin tone. Especially going forward into her sixties and seventies. The only difference is, it was bolder and more interesting.

Now it's more generic and won't transition as well over time. Which is fine, but who on earth would blame the colorist for making the better long-term choice initially. And doing it pretty well. 🥴

I’m a great believer in this being a personal choice, so I'm only saying this bc I find this intentional throwing shade thingy on people doing their actual job, and doing it well, to be profoundly impolite. Ooof. I'm not a hairdresser but *chef’s kiss* to all of you out there who are doing this thankless work, and doing it well, we see you 💕

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10 hours ago, Kemper said:

I think she maybe regrets almost killing her hair.

At least it got her a story on her KYV site...I doubt she'd intentionally diss any of her hair and makeup people. Her friend Wilbert has been featured several times over the years as her guru for all her makeup and maybe hair...and I've read that she used to frequent one of those fancy salons in NYC for her hair maintenance. Perhaps she is just shocked by how her style has changed now that she's on her own in FL. Or that she realizes she's getting older; kinda like the rest of us.

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On 3/22/2023 at 4:13 PM, millennium said:

Is it just me or is Scarborough gleefully jumping right back into 2016 mode, except this time he's kissing up to Ron DeSantis?   I considered that he's lavishing praise on DeSantis to goad Trump -- "he's somebody who wins!" -- but at the same time he gives the distinct appearance of giving free publicity to a candidate who is being accused on multiple fronts of curtailing the rights of Floridians. 

Not just you. Yes, it's probably due in part to Joe's confidence that he's speaking directly to Trump every morning but it's not sitting well with me at all. Scarborough had even said a couple of years ago that we would have to continue to hold politicians who supported Trump accountable long after Trump was gone. I guess that's gone out with the bathwater.

On 3/23/2023 at 8:06 AM, plumbago blues said:

I actually had a hard time keeping my head from exploding when the headline "Is working from home really working" was placed below 6 screens of panelists. The hypocrisy was unbearable. I had to do a quick exit. 

Seriously. They bring Donny on every few weeks to complain about WFH on a show where the hosts had a studio built in their apartment that's a thousand miles away from everyone else. How they carry these segments with straight faces is beyond my understanding.

On 3/23/2023 at 9:50 AM, plumbago blues said:

Jeebus! They're hardly over their jetlag and they're already yakking about next year's stupid "event"? Hmm. I'm sure Mika is gonna approve my neighbor, 55 and doing shift work, with 3 kids and a sick husband to care for. NOT. She would never make the list of fabulous women in Mika's star struck eyes. Besides, the humble, "little people" like my friend don't have the time or interest in this. Such crap.

Yeah, I have no use for KYV but I was holding out a little hope for Mika for a few days during Oscar season. Willie & Joe's cheerleading for Top Gun was disturbing and I appreciated her side-eye, which turned into "no comment" when Joe actually turned to her for reaction.  

Of course Joe will never stop catering to the folks who really matter, as evidenced this week when he declared Gwyneth Paltrow a true champion for standing up for the right thing.

Edited by chick binewski
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The top story today is the lack of gun control measures in Nashville. Joe said you don't need a permit to carry an AR 15 in the state.

Joe said he was a responsible gun owner. Meacham lives near the school shooting.

Joe said Reagan supported an assault weapons ban.

Joe went on a profanity based tirade against the January 6th convict choir at the Trump rally.

He said beat the sh*t out of cops. Mika got upset since you can't swear on peacock or MSNBC.

Joe said that they might go to 8 hours a day on tv.

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16 hours ago, Kemper said:

chick b….he actually said that about Gwyneth P? Maybe Meeka is trying to woo her for KYV. Just saying.

He said Paltrow - much like Taylor Swift - was taking a stand for the Right Thing, heavily implying if not outright stating the lawsuit was frivolous. For someone who doesn't shut up about Jeffersonian democracy Joe really likes influencing the court of public opinion against regular folk.

I don't know if the plaintiff in the case is in the absolute right but I do know he's dealing with a defendant who is accustomed to the media and has deep pockets. It also seems the resort disregarded the plaintiff completely and lied on at least one report in Paltrow's favor. But you're right - Mika's got KYV and Joe's got his 10 minute celebrity interviews to close the show and Willie's got Sunday Today and none of them want to fill that time with a 76 y/o optometrist.

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every time


in fairness, our badass Mara Gay was there, but she wasn't allowed to be in the shot for this particular discussion. Also Mika didn't say anything.

how is it possible that they're always like, here's a segment on abortion, with abortion written underneath it, let's have three dudes discuss it amongst themselves. 🥴

anyhoo, I hereby exempt High-lemann from my snark, by reason of being infinitely entertaining and also right about Michelangelo's David ---> the original was initially outdoors in Piazza della Signoria but has been in the Accademia Gallery since 1873 bc it started cracking. Buuuuut a replacement replica was put up in teh public piazza, private parts and all, and has been there ever since. In a place where, you know, kids and grandmas and cats and pigeons and tourists from all kinds of countries are all exposed to it every second of the day. As far as I know no kids have been harmed and no nonnas have been mentally scarred. 🥴

As an aside, the Archaeological Museum in Naples has an actual section called the Gabinetto Segreto which features a collection of *cough* vaguely pornographic sculptures and frescoes from Pompeii and Herculaneum ---> the most famous one is an actual statue of a man having sex with a goat. 

It's meant to portray the god Pan and dates back to at least before 79 AD when the volcano erupted. Yup, an actual man having sex with a goat. And other things. From nearly 2000 years ago, and part of our collective human heritage, so maybe take a chill pill, Ron, and focus on fixing that airport *grumble*


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Anand G is brilliant. How come the best people are so damn underused?

i'm skipping the 9 a.m. hour bc Joe isn't there, but overall for the first three hours this was actually a really really great show.

Like truly vintage MJ. even the shouty parts were good because they were actually appropriate and forceful. i can't even remember the last time Joe and Mika and Willie were in the same room, it must've been last summer. so good!!

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On 3/28/2023 at 2:58 AM, Kemper said:

. I think she maybe regrets almost killing her hair.

but I'm pretty sure a single process color is actually less damaging than than a single process color and then getting highlights or lowlights on top of it. I just think that's probably what her colorist would have been thinking, but honestly I don't know and we'd need an actually professional to weigh in. 🥴

I was just trying to defend what seemed to me a sensible way of thinking and a vibrant and interesting aesthetic choice by a professional who was apparently trusted w this for years and then randomly thrown under the bus on live tee-vee, yikes 😂

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On 3/28/2023 at 1:03 PM, oakville said:

Mika announced that Morning Joe is on Peacock TV.

oh man I've been waiting for this!! I actually need this for traveling

they also excitedly announced! that now you could catch all of MJ on podcast, as though something had changed, but that was a lie, it's still the same shitty 51 minutes, ie 1/4 of the show, so it only includes the boring parts, and you can't download it or listen on planes or in transit or anywhere bc it's short and useless.

literally every other show on MSNBC has the whole show on podcast. Deadline WH is the whole show, every pod is 1 hr 30 min. So basically a show half the length of MJ is twice the length on pod. 

also freakin CNN this Morning you can get and its 2 hrs 5 mins https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hero-officers-pence-ordered-to-testify-former-starbucks/id1652102240?i=1000606470591

man it's so hard to root for these people sometimes. none of this stuff is hard.

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On 3/27/2023 at 6:17 AM, neona2 said:

Well, ymmv on this, but that's honestly exactly why I like it!

she speaks for those  of us who don't give a shit, but also at the same time makes the sports segment more balanced and funny for that exact reason.

In general I like the sports segments bc everyone's relaxed and it's a break from the former! guy! shitshow! For me, I have zero interest in the particulars but I like the overall energy and optimism and community of sports.

---> the only thing I don't like is when they literally say every  morning "*sigh* we have a lot to get to *sigh*", oh man, no no no.

*you* have a lot to get to, the *audience* has a lot to *look forward to*

that's the whole point of professional life, I mean, you don't say that first part out loud?

It's like a waiter instead of saying "enjoy your meal" is saying "man, making this dish was f-ing exhausting", I can't 😂

eta: You know, on Velshi this weekend he had actual! Israeli! lawyers and activists on to talk about the Bibi shitshow, imagine that!

The US analysts are too tip-toey about this imo. The internal debate and activism on this shitshow is much more interesting and forceful.

I mean, I agree with you, and I’m definitely on Team Mika here. The funny thing is she gre up with a dad and two brothers, maybe they didn’t like sports? I have a dad, two brothers and a son and like…. I tune it out when they talk sports. I always like your example of “the pleasant babble of babies”. Works for me! 

I try to imagine if every time my sister and I talked about recipes the males in the family cut in and rolled their eyes and were like “recipes suck!” or whatever. Like if you don’t care, don’t get involved! So yeah, I don’t dislike her reaction, I concur but cringe! shall we say.

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You know who I was happy to see on Morning Joe? Adrienne Elrod. While I agree with all her politics I am not as optimistic as she always is.  I was very glad to see her working for the CHIPS program in “public engagement” or whatever, because when your democracy needs saving you need someone that tireless and enthusiastic!  

I read an interview with Elrod once where she was talking about Hillary Clinton/2016, and she said when she was in elementary school she got pushed down on the playground for telling other kids Mondale would be better than Reagan.  Now THAT is hardcore!

(Incidentally my kid told daycare that Kamala Harris gave his mommy the Covid vaccination. Cute, but I think he was confused more than hardcore! We aren’t even American.)

Edited by jenkait
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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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