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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Willie was impressed that Biden got over 78 million votes. Joe said no one is listening to Trump.

Joe praised Kasie for predicting that Georgia would turn blue. Arizona & New Mexico went blue.

Joe admitted that the Democrats did poorly in the House & Senate races.

Do Demographics explain why the GOP picked up seats in California & Florida?

Kasie said that Democrats will continue to struggle in the Midwest but they are confident about gaining strength in the South.

Kasie said that Democrats could not have won the election without Joe Biden.

Joe said he didn't believe the polls.  He admitted that the polls were correct in Arizona,NC & Georgia.

The polls were wrong in Wisconsin,Pennsylvania & Michigan.

Joe said Demographics is Destiny.

Joe used a new accent to make fun of people that criticized his tweet. It sounded like a stuffy New England accent.

Joe brought up the 9 hispanic babies being born in Texas for every white baby.

Joe made fun of Trump for only getting 12% of the black vote & 32% of the hispanic vote compared to 8% & 27% in the last election.

Bush got 44% in 2004.


Willie said that the Democrats will target Texas in the next election.

The Coronavirus gets worse. The CDC predict up to 13,400 deaths per week.


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Kasie said that Pelosi is in a weaker position after the election. The Democrats lost seats in the House & don't have control in the Senate.

Kasie said the Democrats losses in the Senate & house was undercovered.

Pelosi could have got some stimulus 1.8 trillion before the election. There is still no national testing strategy.

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Liked the Richard Engel interview, but Joe said he was the NEW chief foreign correspondent for NBC.  I was so surprised that I looked it up, and he had held the title since 2008.  

Now a rerun of the first hour, with the BREAKING NEWS that was announced nine hours ago about the Arizona results.  

Edited by freddi
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Eugene said Trump is wrong to refuse to concede the election.

Joe said Trump worked hard to lose the election based on the final results. He should have won had he been competent on the virus.

Barnicle said that only Joe Biden could have beaten Trump. Why is Barnicle throwing shade at all the other Democratic Presidential candidates ?

Lemire is excited at Trump attacking Fox News.

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1 hour ago, oakville said:

Joe used a new accent to make fun of people that criticized his tweet. It sounded like a stuffy New England accent.

STOP with this shit, Joe. It's not funny and so unprofessional. I refuse to take anything he says seriously because of this. Immature behavior for a host. What happened to "diversity", Joe? That we are all united? That our heritage, locales, and subsequent accents are part of the fabric of this country? If you want to be a stand up comedian, have at it, but on another platform.

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Suan Del Percio was outraged at Marco Rubio as acting chief of the Senate intelligence committee. She said voters will remember that in 2022.

She thinks he could lose re election in 2022. That was music to Joe's ears.

Joe is still seething from the 2010 Florida GOP Senate Primary when Gov Charlie Crist & Marco refused to withdraw from the race to make it easier or Joe to be the GOP nominee.

Michael Steele said Rubio is afraid of Trump.

Donny has been waiting quietly for 29  minutes before being allowed to speak.

Joe blasted the Democrats for supporting socialism & defunding the police. Donny said the world socialism is unAmerican.

Donny said that AOC only represents 100,000 voters.

Donny praised Joe for being a just right of center politician. He said most Americans are right of center.

Joe admitted people escape to Florida to have lower taxes. LOL! Joe never admitted that was a key reason why he moved to Florida.

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I loved how when joe gave Tom Ricks "the last word", Tom didn't spend it on solo pontificating, he spent it by eagerly turning to his colleague and asking her opinion, with genuine warmth and enthusiasm. *that's* how you do it...curiosity, not self-indulgence... is the true sign of an intellectual, and a gentleman.

Edited by neona
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4 hours ago, freddi said:

Liked the Richard Engel interview, but Joe said he was the NEW chief foreign correspondent for NBC.  I was so surprised that I looked it up, and he had held the title since 2008.  

Now a rerun of the first hour, with the BREAKING NEWS that was announced nine hours ago about the Arizona results.  

I think he tried to say NBC News but it came out as NBC's new correspondent. It's surprising that Engel would agree to appear on Morning Joe.

Joe used to get into frequent arguments with Richard Engel over the situations in Syria, Iraq & Israel.  Joe claimed that he knew more about the Middle East than Engel.

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3 hours ago, Kemper said:

Poor Zbig...his daughter and son-in-law will be picking over his bones forever.

Awww man, noooo... i mean it seemed to be an initiative of Little dr B and he's definitely not a grifter. He legit seems smart, and like he want to honor his father's memory. i think joe and mika genuinely miss him. But i agree...it was... a long segment, in the middle of a lot of breaking news... but i really have no doubts about their motives here tbh...

1 hour ago, oakville said:

I think he tried to say NBC News but it came out as NBC's new correspondent.

I'm so sorry but Joe's newsreader! and breaking news! voice  is *terrible*. He always sounds like a mix between an earnest schoolboy and a used car salesman.  

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Wow, they have Dr. Vin Gupta here in Seattle on at 3:00 AM PST to talk about this virus massive spread.  I’m still up here from the preceding day, trying to plan how to proceed in my organization to follow the Governor’s new restrictions.  Tough time for this state and so many others.  “We are in a worse situation than we were in March,” said Dr. Gupta. 

Edited by freddi

Really unsatisfying to listen to Mika this morning.

Around 7:15 Eastern Robert Costa was on.  Costa's level of professionalism avoids offering personal opinions, Mika takes twice as long to passive aggressively ramble about her opinions, and then concludes with a question to Costa.  Costa replies in his usual style, refusing to engage in the distraction of Mika's other comments.

Why even have a guest like Costa, if it merely interrupts the opinions of the hosts.  They demean a real journalist's insight.

Then Mika asks "That's Right Joe" Lemire to ask Costa a question.  So where does the AP White House reported get his insights, from the WaPo White House reported.🤥

Edited by Liberty
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Monday Recap. Mika is solo, no mention of Joe. This will be tough to watch.

Meacham is back as an unofficial advisor to Joe Biden. Will he apologize to viewers for misleading them ?

Mika is starting her angry reading about the Coronavirus.

Mika is happy about the new restrictions  in Michigan & Seattle.

Mika stumbled over the words asymptomatic. She is outraged that nurses that are sick have to go to work in North Dakota.

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Meacham said that Jefferson & Adams didn't get along during the transition of power. The election was resolved in the House of Representatives.

Steve Kornacki's ancestors had not arrived in America to provide analysis of the election results.

Adams  left at 4 am on Inauguration Day & appointed John Marshall Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. He was Jefferson's cousin.

Meacham said the 1860 election victory by Lincoln was not smooth since many states seceded from the Union.

After Meacham's long explanation, Mika said flatly, "Yeah ...it is". Does she even pay attention to Meacham ?

Obama is worried about Democracy. No one cares about the truth.

It is 6 26 am & Kasie & Sharpton have not said anything.

Goldberg gets a split screen with Mika !


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Mika is tired of shock opera & Trump populism. The GOP doesn't want to lose their majority.

Kasie was allowed to speak at 6 33 am. she said that McCain pushed back in 2008 about Obama being a Muslim.

The problems started with Sarah Palin.

Kasie said that the conservative media ecosystem. They promote conspiracy theories.

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Dr Dave showed up . He is Mika & Joe's neighbor. He thanked Mika for inviting him over last week for cocktails.

He wore a medical coat to show that he was a real DR. He works for Jupiter Medical. He is the Chief Medical Correspondent for Morning Joe.

Dr Celine Grounder is part of the Biden task force. Biden will invoke the Defense Production Act to make sure that everyone gets supplies.

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It's nice not to have to listen to joe rambling when there's soooo much info to process gah.

I thought Mika did a good job, she asked relevant questions and kept things moving, but it was kinda tense and exhausting... i wish these tee-vee people could just use their normal speaking voices and not make us so stressed, like it should b possible to do that even tho the news is serious... 

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1 hour ago, oakville said:

Mika isn't wearing her wedding ring.

Uh, oh.


9 minutes ago, neona said:

and not make us so stressed

She is cry talking and reading because SHE is stressed immensely when she has to host the show. She gets squirmy and worked up because she is so unsure of herself.


1 hour ago, oakville said:

Mika said flatly, "Yeah ...it is". Does she even pay attention to Meacham ?

This is evidence of her inability to process the information she is given...she's so worried about what her next question will be. There is never any free flowing conversation with her...she never actually participates in conversations; just reacts. Makes it hard to follow. I wish Willie would host when Joe's gone.

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Mika admitted that restaurants are suffering due to Covid 19. Joe hasn't taken her out for a nice meal in months. He said she was a picky eater & took too long to order a meal. Mika also kept asking for several substitutions to the meals she ordered.


She asked Kasie about a Covid relief package. Nothing is moving forward yet. Pelosi want help for the states.

Edited by oakville
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19 hours ago, oakville said:

Meacham is back as an unofficial advisor to Joe Biden. Will he apologize to viewers for misleading them /

to be fair, they *did* introduce him this time as an advisor to the Biden team....that's really all it takes.... and he was great! He had interesting insights, it changed nothing tbh

it's funny, during my obsessive 24-hour MSNBC election marathon...there was this one part where Lawrence O'Donnell was on...and he was obviously in a home studio, and he just straight-up said "good evening, I'm Lawrence O'Donnell, joining you from Los Angeles...." I almost fell off my chair!!!!!  

Like he literally said that *out loud* where he was, like it was both not a big deal but also information the viewers should have regardless, for transperency! Heyyy, go figure!!

that's why i'll never understand Joe and MIka's weirdo confusing locations, the fake-ass "we're in separate rooms" split screen, the never-explained-absences bullshit.....like just relax! be transparent, laugh about it....it's not complicated! because people do kinda care about honesty and authenticity.....

Edited by neona
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34 minutes ago, neona said:

to be fair, they *did* introduce him this time as an advisor to the Biden team....that's really all it takes.... and he was great! He had interesting insights, it changed nothing tbh

that's why i'll never understand Joe and MIka's weirdo confusing locations, the fake-ass "we're in separate rooms" split screen, the never-explained-absences bullshit.....like just relax! be transparent, laugh about it....it's not complicated! because people DO kinda care about honesty and authenticity, in the long-term...

Yes, Mika did the appropriate thing today to call him an advisor to Biden. However, he should have apologized for praising Biden's victory speech without mentioning that he wrote part of it. Meacham should learn from Joe who often reminds viewers about his op- eds in the Washington Post which are read by people around the world. Joe never fails to praise his own work or has Mika do it for him.

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18 hours ago, oakville said:

Kasie was allowed to speak at 6 33 am. she said that McCain pushed back in 2008 about Obama being a Muslim.

The problems started with Sarah Palin.

Kasie said that the conservative media ecosystem. They promote conspiracy theories.

Kasie is freakin smart, and *never* gets any credit

Hey, you know before the election, pollsters were completely off, and people like Joe were all blah blah maybe this, maybe that....literally the *only* thing our girl Kasie said, consistently, was..."hey...Georgia's gonna be interesting, guys...no really...georgia, georgia, georgia...."

she was *right*....

but at no point afterwards has she launched into a speech about "me, me, meeeee... I predicted, I kneeew..l, me, meeee..."  she has basically just been cloaked in the beautiful quiet glory of her rightness, and kept doing her job like a professional....and following the actual story....  

Edited by neona
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if I hear one more media person say Biden is gonna "enact" the DPA I think i'm going to scream. Dude, learn what words mean...the actual verb you're looking for is "invoke"!!!!! gaaaaah

is it weird that Joe annoys me when he's there, but i kinda miss him when he's not there? at least he's not boring. and Mika is doing well but still making me a little stressed tbh... 

Edited by neona
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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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