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Spoilers and Spoiler Discussion: How's Your Head?

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Saw that too, phoenics. I'm not sure what to think, to be honest.


Speculation: I'm going to hate the next two episodes, what with demon babies and Katrina entering the fold. It's going to ruin the dynamic. *sigh*


Demon babies...*shakes head*. The writers could have had Katrina escape herself without being harmed and rejoin the fold.


Instead...demon babies and ye olde "Save Katrina." *biggersigh*

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I knew when Moloch called her a vessel that we were in for a demon pregnancy. I'll reserve judgment to see how it turns out. I'm having uncomfortable flashbacks to Cordelia's pregnancy on Angel.


I will make a confession though: I'm kind of happy to see Katrina in modern dress. It's ridiculous to me that she's still walking around in historical wear.

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This is only acceptable if Katrina starts to go to the dark side. We all know Katrina isn't dying, but if Katrina the breathy lying good witch storyline can die that may be good enough.

Edited by Watermelon
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I'm actually wondering if she's baiting the ichabbie shippers because of the new Katrina-centric preview next week. If that's the case I'm not sure what to think. I know she's a jokester, but....

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Replying to phoenics from the Abyss thread...


I guess you could count the story with the crushed bones, etc.. as moving the story - but I guess I feel let down that the "story" is Katrina giving birth to Moloch. Whoopee. Yeah - that was worth it. Not.


Can I tell you, I was so disgusted and annoyed at that promo, at Katrina in distress again, and demon babies (demon babies, for fucks sake), that I never even thought that this was an attempt to bring Moloch into the real world. Didn't even cross my mind...


But dammit, I love it. Totally makes sense. In the pilot, they wanted Ben Franklin's key, so that the gates to Purgatory could open and Moloch and his minions could enter the real world. So you think that Katrina's gonna spawn Moloch himself into the real world.


Yikes. Okay, I can see that, based on the previews. The only flaw with this is that we are assuming that Moloch can't appear in the real world of his own volition, but we know Moloch did appear, because we know that he raised Henry from his grave in the real world, when Abbie and Jenny witnessed it. But I wouldn't be surprised if the show explains it away as a one-time thing to get the Horseman of War above ground, and he can't do it again.


Alright, okay...I'm on board. That could be interesting...but I still hate the reduction of a "powerful" witch to basically a uterus that spawns evil, all the while weeping and crying. Unless she uses her powers to get rid of it. Interesting...

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I think they explained that away with something Biblical - the part about Moloch appearing and pulling Henry out of the ground... ack - now I need to go back and look because that kinda doesn't make sense why he's stuck in purgatory... not when other demons seem to be able to walk around in the real world (sand man, right?)...

I'm actually looking forward to Moloch coming into the real world - if only because it will force the Witnesses to up their game and it will raise the stakes. With Moloch on the show (if he comes on the show in human form), then might we finally see the Witnesses developing powers? Might we finally see them up their game? This has to be leading up to something!!!

I'm not here for Katrina's latest damsel in distress thing though - just stop with that writers! Hopefully it will be overwith soon and then hopefully we will have a big bad to think about then.

There is a pic going around though - a spoiler pic from ep 7 that shows Katrina with Headless and Henry - and she's in civilian clothes basically (which suggests that she is talking to them AFTER she's free and back with Ichabod)... so why is she talking to them? That doesn't make much sense...

Based on some of the Sleepy Hollow comments on FB (when some fans question whether Katrina is on the up and up) that suggest that she might not be - I don't know if that's real or if they are jerking the fans around like they apparently did last season (when they tried to use Katrina as a "big bad" red herring).

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Question: I figure if anyone knows what Sleepy Hollow‘s Ichabod is going to sing at karaoke, it’ll be you. —Erin
You’re right, Erin. I know exactly what Crane’s going to cue up when the Fox drama has him and Abbie hit a karaoke bar, but I’ve been sworn to secrecy. However, I can tell you that he commits to the performance, and Abbie — like a good pal — wholeheartedly cheers her fellow Witness on.

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You know, I love the little things that Ichabod does in the modern world. Most if not all of the stuff has been hilarious, mostly because Mison always commits 110%.


But when I heard this karaoke thing, I was like...*cringe*. Really, show? Karaoke of all things? There isn't anything else we can see Ichabod doing at all? More bar hopping, playing some pool, going to a shopping mall/grocery store, BBQing on the porch, playing some basketball, etc. I don't know - something.


But karaoke? I don't know about this one. My preference is for the song he sings to be from an English band - preferrable NOT any of the recent ones. Older classic ones, is my preference. Phil Iscove has great taste in music (it happens to mostly be my taste - ha!).


But my first thought when I read the words '"fully commits to the performance" - why do I think it'll be the song YMCA. Please no...Or the American national anthem?


Still --> karaoke....*shudder* I just hope Ichabod (and Tom Mison) are/were bloody drunk while doing this....

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I'm actually looking forward to Moloch coming into the real world - if only because it will force the Witnesses to up their game and it will raise the stakes. With Moloch on the show (if he comes on the show in human form), then might we finally see the Witnesses developing powers? Might we finally see them up their game? This has to be leading up to something!!!


I don't know if I want to see Moloch in human form. With the Headless Horseman appearing more and more as Abraham, he's no longer as intimidating, powerful, or as scary as he was in Season 1. I like Moloch as the mysterious force of evil who makes brief appearances in the woods to scare people, who breaks mirrors, and who chastises Andy before snapping his neck backward.


And I like the idea of the Witnesses relying on their intelligence and their physical skills to fight Moloch. I don't want them to have super-powers. It would make Sleepy Hollow too much like "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."

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You know, I love the little things that Ichabod does in the modern world. Most if not all of the stuff has been hilarious, mostly because Mison always commits 110%.


But when I heard this karaoke thing, I was like...*cringe*. Really, show? Karaoke of all things? There isn't anything else we can see Ichabod doing at all? More bar hopping, playing some pool, going to a shopping mall/grocery store, BBQing on the porch, playing some basketball, etc. I don't know - something.


But karaoke? I don't know about this one. My preference is for the song he sings to be from an English band - preferrable NOT any of the recent ones. Older classic ones, is my preference. Phil Iscove has great taste in music (it happens to mostly be my taste - ha!).


But my first thought when I read the words '"fully commits to the performance" - why do I think it'll be the song YMCA. Please no...Or the American national anthem?


Still --> karaoke....*shudder* I just hope Ichabod (and Tom Mison) are/were bloody drunk while doing this....

I don't mind the idea....I certainly would expect him to be deep in his cups, as any worthy karaoke singer is.

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Other spoilers / possible things I've read recently:


- Yes, the Kindred will be back (poor baby...how is it that a monster creature can make us all go - Aww...poor puppy...)

- The spoiler also commented that when the Kindred comes back, so will the Horseman of Death's skull - I was like, duh - how do you think they made the Kindred?

- We'll get backstory on why Andy was in love with Abbie.

- Abbie and Katrina will of course argue over killing or redeeming Henry. Ichabod is obviously stuck in the middle and I'm not sure how much he will vacillate.

- To paraphrase: "A certain witch will use her powers against a certain witness." *drops dead on floor* I am going to guess that Abbie tries to take out Henry, and Katrina stops her. That will not end well. At all. Hoo boy.

- Episode 9 will feature Mama Mills and a storyline that reminds me so much of an X-Files episode....

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I can't wait, HalcyonDays. Part of me wants to stop watching till the end of the season so I can mainline every episode. This seems to be a common sentiment. But I'm addicted--I have to get my Sleepy Hollow fix every week. (And why exactly do I sound like a crackhead right now?)

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I will reserve my judgment of Katrina and Ichabod's "unconditional love" until I see it with my own eyes and believe it for myself!



You know, I read this today, and read some other actor comments and pretty much am thisclose to being done with the show. I've been waffling for about two weeks, just disgusted with the whole redemption arc and Save Katrina! and now demon babies and this whole article.


This is not the show I signed up for, nor is it the characters I care to have focus on. To me, the show decided on a path to try to secure John Noble an Emmy, and also to push Katrina into the forefront. But again, this is not the show I signed up for nor have any interest in.


I've tried to be positive and champion this show and storylines but I feel done.


Right now, I feel like the show is doing this: Oh look, cute Ichabbie scenes, how cute and fun and...HENRY and KATRINA. HENRY and KATRINA!


What a waste of the interactions of two brilliant lead actors and two brilliant supporting actors (Greenwood and Jones).

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I can't with the focus on Katrina/Henry. That is the least interesting plot on the show. It's annoying that Abbie's story is on the backburner for the tired Katrina storyline and Abbie is constantly having to endanger herself for Katrina's survival.

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This show is determined to commit suicide in the worst way. And this focus on the Cranes is not going to end, token Abbie episode about her mother aside, if the spoilers are accurate (they must be, they come directly from Mison and the showrunners). All of this proves my point that Ichy is just a moron and that this show went from insane but enjoyable to stupid and boring (Hi, Katrina!).

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I can't with the focus on Katrina/Henry. That is the least interesting plot on the show. It's annoying that Abbie's story is on the backburner for the tired Katrina storyline and Abbie is constantly having to endanger herself for Katrina's survival.


I agree wholeheartedly with this sentiment. Katrina is absolutely the most annoying, helpless, uninteresting character and I have no desire to see her take screen time away from more enjoyable and talented actors. Short of Arrow I have never seen a show so determined to place such a heavily disliked character (Laurel/Arrow) front and center to further alienate its viewers. So now, Abbie (a lead character) will now some how become some what second fiddle to the Crane's dysfunctional family drama. Katrina is not a character who I believe can maintain a strong presence since she is already at a disadvantage by not being very well liked, NO ONE is really going to want to see more versus less of her (really EPs, writers, showrunners, WTF?) They really are making Ichabod look like a grade A hypocrite of an asshole. Was he not just quoting to Abbie how they must place their mission before "anything or anyone" well that lasted a whole nano-second. So now he's ready to not only risk Abbie's safety for his family but that of all mankind as well (he's starting to piss me off).


Seriously, is this show really going to go there in hopes of making the audience like this woman or to appease the few Ichatrina fans who want to see them together. Together or apart it doesn't make much difference in the likability department. Watching Ichabod interact with her so far has been excruciatingly painful. Katrina serves no purpose other than to drive a wedge between the 2 witnesses. I do not want to see the Crane's resolve their personal family problems within the same hour that I should be seeing Ichabod and Abbie kicking ass and taking names whiles they are fighting you know a small thing like an apocalypse FFS. Too much focus on Katrina and the wannabe Rockwell happy homemaker Crane's and Sleepy Hollow is going to see those ratings start to drastically drop.


They had a working formula in season 1. I understand there is a need to take it further in season 2, I'm just not sure that the Crane family woes are going to be enough to hold many viewers attention.


Good luck Sleepy Hollow, cause I do believe right now you are walking a dangerously thin tight rope!

Edited by Ann Mack
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I'm disappointed because I want to like Katrina. Katia seems adorbs and she lives with Jenny in real life, so I want her to be a part of things but she's SO BORING AND USELESS.  Just turn her evil, fuck.  Nobody cares about Ichatrina. 

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Let's see, Mison says Crane and Abbie would never choose each other. I don't know how he can say that about Abbie, but I accept that completely from Crane, because as much as the show goes to extreme lengths to show he's the most open-minded man of his era and a self-proclaimed abolitionist, his idols still were slave owners and it takes a special kind of man to be unable to see anything wrong with that. A hypocrite. He's the kind of man, who doesn't have much trouble working with a black woman if there is no alternative, but blackness is ugly and therefore not eligible for a romance. Gotcha! I appreciate the honesty. If only they extended that honesty to the show and stopped the Ichabbie bait and switch, it would be awesome.


At this point, I'm not even going to ask for a romance for Abbie, because it's clear by now that, in this show, her blackness only makes her suitable to be strong and to take care of white people. Romantic love, or any love, is only fitting for the special white snowflakes, the Cranes.


What this show could have been!

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Let's see, Mison says Crane and Abbie would never choose each other. I don't know how he can say that about Abbie, but I accept that completely from Crane, because as much as the show goes to extreme lengths to show he's the most open-minded man of his era and a self-proclaimed abolitionist, his idols still were slave owners and it takes a special kind of man to be unable to see anything wrong with that. A hypocrite. He's the kind of man, who doesn't have much trouble working with a black woman if there is no alternative, but blackness is ugly and therefore not eligible for a romance. Gotcha! I appreciate the honesty. If only they extended that honesty to the show and stopped the Ichabbie bait and switch, it would be awesome.


At this point, I'm not even going to ask for a romance for Abbie, because it's clear by now that, in this show, her blackness only makes her suitable to be strong and to take care of white people. Romantic love, or any love, is only fitting for the special white snowflakes, the Cranes.


What this show could have been!


I understand and respect your opinion I just happen not to agree with it. I don't think Tom's statement was based on Nicole's skin color but due to an inability of free will to choose each other since they have different temperaments (they have to be joined with each other out of necessity and duty to defeat evil, not by any choice or decision of their own) about how he and she approaches matters. I don't think anyone has EVER closely implied/inferred black equals ugliness (all I have heard or read are rave comments about Nicole and Lyndie's beauty), the WOC on this show are drop dead gorgeous. Also, I believe both he and Nicole are probably being instructed to deter from any statements which builds up any hope of a romance between them to help further the shows story lines. I also don't believe Abbie's love life is being dismissed for any special snowflakes, I think its the show seeing that most fans are enjoying the chemistry between them and want to see them paired up. Which creates a problem for the show since they have Ichabod as a married man with a wife that most of the general viewing audience doesn't like. I think they are hoping that giving the Crane's family screen time will endear Katrina to Sleepy Hollow viewers but I think they are mistaken as most have already formed an opinion about her that the show will have a hard time changing and even more so now since most viewers don't even want her on their screen.


I have to wait to see where they take Abbie's love life. They do  have Nick interested in her (hate there is a history there with Jenny) I actually like him and hope that something does happen there. The fact that Ichabod is married and they have made it a point to stress this fact at every...opportunity they can is why I think they are trying to present a domestic Crane story line to flush out that unconditional, very much in love bait they've been casting, sorry but that story line still hasn't hooked anyone and I don't think it will.


I do think this show has consciously tried to stay away from race issues. I know it doesn't appear that way with Irving and Jenny getting less screen time for non POC actors but I won't be screaming that it's snowing in Sleepy Hollow just yet. I'll wait and see where the show is going. I hope Abbie gets a love interest (who is involved in the fight against evil with her) if for no other reason that she has someone other than Crane or Jenny to unleash all the crazy on. So I'll watch the show for the crazy, exciting, unbelievable fun that it is, until it gives me more reason to start analyzing the crap out of it for making dumb choices (hopefully they'll realize soon enough that focus on Jenny and Irving is needed, they too are a part of Team Witness Kick Evil's Ass to me).


Sleepy Hollow fan who just wants to watch for entertainment value right now!

Edited by Ann Mack
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I wonder if he isn't trying to protect the actress who plays Katrina by telling the Ichabbie shippers that they wouldn't get what they want if Katrina were gone. Not that shippers slow down for something like that, in my experience.

Kimberella, honestly, when I first read that quote, the first thing that popped into my head was that his type is a shady woman whose relationships with men have all been based on lies and manipulation, and anyone with her trust issues is looking for someone a little more reliable, so no, I don't know that they would choose each other.

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Just read a post on Tumblr that stated there is A LOT of Ichatrina in Deliverance, but there are good Ichabbie moments as well. More convinced now than ever before the show really is trying to turn the tide and bring Katrina more into this season. Problem being most of the general viewing audience really DOESN'T give two witchy cast spells about her annoying ass right now. Well its at a whatever point as it seems the writers are going down this road hope they know the less said and promoted involving Katrina or the whole Crane family drama is probably in the best interest of the show. I'll give it a chance, but I really can't deal with shotty writing or manipulations for one character at the cost of a whole good show. Why do I feel like Sleepy Hollow and Arrow are reading from the same misguided horrific playbook when its comes to having weak female actresses who they refuse to let go of. Shaking my head. I hope the show can survive the onslaught of bad tweets, comments and feelings toward "Bland, No Acting Ass, You Can't Sit With Us, What Is Your Purpose Again, Wish You Would Go Back To Purgatory Katrina"!

Edited by Ann Mack
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Yeah, I read a tumblr post from someone who saw the next episode at Comikaze(?)  and seemed to feel that some of the pre-episode hype about Katrina may have been a bit over hyped.  It is a Katrina heavy episode, but apparently there are still quite a few good Ichabbie moments.  And the poster also indicated that the producers affirmed that the show is and will always be about Abbie & Crane.  I guess  people needed to be reassured.  LOL.  The Examiner piece sounds very much like it is written by a Katrina/Katia fan.  So.... grains....salt.


Lest anyone misunderstands, I don't hate Katrina, but I don't want her (and by extension Crane Family Drama) to cannibalize the show.  Meanwhile we have to wait 9 episodes into season 2 until  finally get to see how the Mills family ties into the Apocalypse.


Speaking of...I just read the extended synopsis of the 2.09 Episode 'Mama' and it sounds like it is mostly Abbie/Jenny/Irving .... and Hawley.  Here is the link http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/11/sleepy-hollow-episode-209-mama-extended.html


I am so very much there for that. 

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Tidbits from the screening of the upcoming less than promising episode:
- They actually said the word "colorblind" in regards to how they're casting this season. That explains everything.
- "Abbie is the voice of the audience". They said that with a straight face. That explains the lack of characterization. Her role is to react to Crane, the way they want the audience to react. Something like the laugh track in a comedy.
- They said Crane and his family are given preference, because this season is about family. Then they remembered Abbie has a sister and went oop!, forgot about that, lol!
- They did say the Mills sisters would get one, ONE! episode with the Mills sisters, the one about her mother. No story arc for her. After that episosde, Abbie will go back to her rightful place of supporting character to Crane's manpain and his family. Alright then, I'm looking forward to that episode, Hawley and all.
- That it's FOX that wants to keep Crane and Abbie front and center, while they prefer to develop backstories (for the Cranes, obviously). Who would have thought I'd thank FOX for trying to keep Abbie as a lead character?
- In spite of the fact that they'll focus on the Cranes as the biggest love story ever, they'll still keep baiting the Ichabbie shippers... Of course.

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No promotional pictures or extended clips for Deliverance? What gives?


Are you surprised? I'm not. This is a Save!Katrina heavy episode, and one that I already know I'm going to hate. The previews would highlight how irritating this storyline is. However, people who have previewed the episode said it wasn't that bad. Eye-roll Katrina scenes (so what, I am going to be eyerolling for at least 45 minutes...) and a little Ichabbie.


However, conveniently, they released one little Ichabbie focused promo just today, and one yesterday that I didn't watch, because I didn't want to work myself up.

Check the Media thread - I'll throw the links up there, if I can dig them up again...

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This is not the show I signed up for, nor is it the characters I care to have focus on. To me, the show decided on a path to try to secure John Noble an Emmy, and also to push Katrina into the forefront. But again, this is not the show I signed up for nor have any interest in....

ITA. Katrina has always been the worst part of the show for me, so 'nuff said there. What really surprises me is how much I dislike John Noble on this show. I adored him as Walter/Walternate on Fringe, but I just am so over Henry and I resent the amount of screen time he gets, especially in comparison to Jenny and Irving. I read an article that he's in every single one of the first ELEVEN episodes. Argh! Where the hell is Jenny?!? Edited by cynic
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I read an article that he's in every single one of the first ELEVEN episodes.

Oh, geeze.  That's very bad news!  The only worse news would be if Katrina AND Henry are in every single one of the first eleven episodes...but that could still be true as well. Yikes!

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The extended synopsis (from the link posted above) for episode 9 says that Henry dupes Katrina into helping rear baby Moloch, because she thinks it's just a human baby.  So, I just added incredible stupidity to the list of reasons I dislike Katrina.  Really?  Her son just impregnated her with the demon of all demons, and now she thinks he's just raising some normal human baby?  Where does she think this baby came from?  This is maddeningly dumb to me.  

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The extended synopsis (from the link posted above) for episode 9 says that Henry dupes Katrina into helping rear baby Moloch, because she thinks it's just a human baby. So, I just added incredible stupidity to the list of reasons I dislike Katrina. Really? Her son just impregnated her with the demon of all demons, and now she thinks he's just raising some normal human baby? Where does she think this baby came from? This is maddeningly dumb to me.

For everyone who thinks the writers will EVER move away from the CFD and shoving Katrina on us, this is an example of how they are going to keep doing it. They really don't get it and probably never will.

What fools!

Edited by phoenics
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The extended synopsis (from the link posted above) for episode 9 says that Henry dupes Katrina into helping rear baby Moloch, because she thinks it's just a human baby.  So, I just added incredible stupidity to the list of reasons I dislike Katrina.  Really?  Her son just impregnated her with the demon of all demons, and now she thinks he's just raising some normal human baby?  Where does she think this baby came from?  This is maddeningly dumb to me.  


Well, at least they are spreading the stupid evenly amongst the Crane's. I think I'll need a stiff drink for that one too - and the rest of the season....


On a brighter note - more Abbie backstory - Yes! see Media Thread - Synopsis for 2.10 - Magnum Opus.

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I forget where, but someone posted that they felt like the show was giving us a bunch of dated female tropes this season - damsel in distress, womb/vessel, the upcoming siren/succubus etc. Katrina mothering a random demon baby does seem to continue this trend. I think the idea sounds awful, by the way. You know what always improves a boring character with a shaky storyline in a show? Adding a baby!

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"Ichabod and Abbie get a dire message from Katrina, warning them that the earthy version of Moloch which has – despite their best efforts – been born into this world is growing stronger, and she fears his reign on Earth could begin in as little as two days time."


Are they kidding me right now? What are they smoking? They did warn this season they'd do a will they won't the with Ichy and wifey, but, come on, this is ridiculous! She's not a person, she's a putrid potato they keep passing between stupid Abraham and stupider Ichy. Is the spying supposed to make me trust her and root for them to be reunited? This show is in the most incompetent hands and there is no saving it.

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They get a message from Katrina? But she's with them now, why would...omg, she doesn't actually go back to Abraham does she?!? What the...are they kidding? What is this, like the third time this season? Why would she go back again? She was useless as a spy! And if she hadn't stayed with him, she probably wouldn't have gotten pregnant with stupid demon spider baby Moloch in the first place. So no doubt she'll soon have to get rescued again. How many times are we going to repeat the same storyline? Gah!

Edited by cynic
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I forget where, but someone posted that they felt like the show was giving us a bunch of dated female tropes this season - damsel in distress, womb/vessel, the upcoming siren/succubus etc. Katrina mothering a random demon baby does seem to continue this trend. I think the idea sounds awful, by the way. You know what always improves a boring character with a shaky storyline in a show? Adding a baby!

I made a post like this in the season comparison thread, and you're right, this is just one more to add to the pile. I actually didn't look at future episode descriptions because I was afraid of what I would find...you know, things like this. Sigh.

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I'm sorry his show didn't work. Oh well! I hope he finds another lead role soon, because he's wasted on Sleepy Hollow. I still want him to guest star every now and then, though.

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I haven't seen any discussion of Fox's announcement that Max Brown is joining the SH cast. http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/10/20/sleepy-hollow-max-brown-orion/ 


On Sleepy Hollow, Fox says he’ll portray “a powerful and mysterious new ally known, at first, only as Orion—a charismatic soldier who possesses a game changing weapon.”

I'm kind of excited about this as I really wonder if he will end up being a "resurrected" Major John Andre-the British intelligence officer caught near Tarrytown and eventually hanged after meeting with Benedict Arnold. Interestingly, when the British occupied Philadelphia, Andre was quartered in Benjamin Franklin's house and "... took several valuable items from Franklin's home…" It seems too perfect not to weave into the show's "twist-ory".  Also,  a dashing British officer (who may be a double-agent) would be an excellent foil for Ichabod, especially if he's "adapted" better to modern times than Ichabod.

Edited by RiddleyWalker
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Another new character? They can't seem to write for all the characters they have now! I hope this doesn't mean even less screen time for Jenny and Irving. Also, it would seem to add to the theory that the show is actively trying to lessen the minority presence this season.

Edited by cynic
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Another new character? They can't seem to write for all the characters they have now! I hope this doesn't mean even less screen time for Jenny and Irving. Also, it would seem to add to the theory that the show is actively trying to lessen the minority presence this season.


Also it keeps the show rooted too much in the past when I believe the show's greatest strength is in having Ichabod navigate modern times with modern characters. Every time they go to Casa de Abraham and Katrina the show grinds to a halt.

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Also it keeps the show rooted too much in the past when I believe the show's greatest strength is in having Ichabod navigate modern times with modern characters. Every time they go to Casa de Abraham and Katrina the show grinds to a halt.

Well, the article mentions nothing about the new character being from the past--the John Andre part is purely my own speculation. Besides, Katrina and Abraham would be boring even if they were modern. We also have no idea how many episodes the new guy might be in. 


I'm one who wants to see the show get "bigger"--bigger cast, more locations, bigger storyline.  Get them out of Westchester county every now and then for Pete's sake! I love Ichy and Abbie, Jenny and Irving, but I want to see this "War" they've said is here. I want to see some action. Character development, backstory etc are fine if it occurs naturally as part of the action, but making that the prime focus is the wrong move IMO. It takes a lot of "soldiers" to win a war, it doesn't take as many to make a soap opera.


Edit: Just reread this and I'm sorry if it sounds at all angry or aggressive. I don't mean it to sound that way at all. I really love hearing people's opinions about the show or I wouldn't be here. We all have different things we like the most about SH and we all have our own ideas about changes that would make it better. I also like to speculate a lot, thus my thoughts on the new character as "Andre."

Edited by RiddleyWalker
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Well, since they've cast Michelle Trachtenberg as Abigail Adams who has a back story with Katrina, we're in for even more of the past. Ugh. And even more Katrina. Double ugh. I just hope she's a guest star and she's not actually joining the cast. Anybody know?

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