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Small Talk: Out of Genoa

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3 hours ago, valleycliffe said:

she finds faux news more truthful than "mainstream media" ....

equally eye rolling.

There is no more cynical enterprise than Faux News. Whatever anyone wants to say about liberal media -- Fair and Balanced is the most cynical slogan in the history of propaganda and media boilerplate.

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Yeah, read about that earlier today and wondered what it might mean for Y&R. Aren't they both in the Sony TV family? Some DOOL cast refugees might end up over here. Are there any we might want?

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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6 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

I haven't watched the View since Baba Wawa left. Who or what is a Jedediah Bela?

I have never watched the View, and I'm still trying to figure out WTF a Hoda Kotb is.  I have a feeling it might be one of those Star Wars creatures.

Heee!  Baba Wawa!  I miss Gilda Radner.  :^(

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I've only seen DOOL in waiting rooms...but I seem to remember a guy ED was involved with when she was on that show who might make a good Adam#4.  Something Brady or Brody.  Oooo, and there was a sexy priest.  Yeah, let's get the sexy priest!

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23 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

Hey Canadian Preverts, have any of you ever made Nanaimo bars? Are they really the hassle they appear to be? They look absolutely delicious.

Made them years ago. But, you can't trust my opinion, because I don't really have a sweet tooth, and I don't like chocolate much. So the fact that I'm indifferent about them is based on those things. To me they're ass-achingly sweet, but it depends on what you like.

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50 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

Thanks for replying, pearlite. We had some Canadians in the store recently and they were rhapsodizing about them. So, I thought I would give them a try. WTF is custard powder?

Aha! I'd forgotten that's not a product distributed in the US. It's like powdered creme patissiere [not looking up accent keystrokes, sorry]--egg yolks, cornstarch or other starch, sugar, vanilla, and so on. Makes what we call custard sauce--sort of thickened, yellow, gooey stuff to put on desserts of some kinds. It's British, but available in most parts of Canada. And Walmart US has it: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Custard-Powder-Pack-of-6/31010080

Now, valleyfield lives near Nanaimo on Vancouver Island--she may have indigenous knowledge I lack here: http://www.nanaimo.ca/EN/main/visitors/NanaimoBars.html

There you go--a nice distraction from loading up my course-sites for next week.

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2 hours ago, Capricasix said:

Do you guys get Dr Oetker in the US? They might make custard powder.

I like nanaimo bars, but I've never made them. They really are very sweet!

LOL  yep, but here in NANAIMO, we have an ultimate nanaimo bar recipe.  it is the official one..it is delicious and not as sickly sweet as most of them.  apparently 30 or so years ago, a contest was held for the ultimate nanaimo bar and this lady won it.  


it is delicious.   my daughter makes them, she now lives in maryland.  i sent her a can of bird's eye custard...

ETA:  pearlite, i'm sorry, i started reading from the bottom up and i didn't see your post.

Edited by valleycliffe
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53 minutes ago, valleycliffe said:

LOL  yep, but here in NANAIMO, we have an ultimate nanaimo bar recipe.  it is the official one..it is delicious and not as sickly sweet as most of them.  apparently 30 or so years ago, a contest was held for the ultimate nanaimo bar and this lady won it.  


it is delicious.   my daughter makes them, she now lives in maryland.  i sent her a can of bird's eye custard...

ETA:  pearlite, i'm sorry, i started reading from the bottom up and i didn't see your post.

That's the exact recipe I have. It's from the City of Nanaimo website.  I still think I'll cut a bit of the sugar and use bitter sweet chocolate with a little instant espresso powder. I'll let you guys know if I did the right thing. My hubby will be in heaven either way!

Thanks everybody!

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On 1/6/2017 at 1:14 PM, valleycliffe said:

good gravy, just watching the view and i really can not stand that jedediah bela...

going to have to invest in a nerf brick to throw at my tv when she's on..

This is so funny because I'm home sick today and turned on the view (after years and years) and this moron jedediah person was offering some stupid ass defence of Trump and I turned it off. 

Sending good thoughts for Marguerite.

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Come on, Marguerite ...



Last night was the Golden Globe Awards, and Meryl Streep spoke eloquently after being awarded the Cecil B. DeMille Award -- basically a lifetime achievement award. Hair Gropenführer issued a standard insulting press release in regards to Ms. Streep's talent and ignoring the content of her statement.

I don't particularly care for the annotated video attached to the Washington Post link, but the New York Times has text of her acceptance speech, with Viola Davis' introduction for Ms. Streep.

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On ‎1‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 8:47 PM, Capricasix said:

Ooh, we have butter tart trails here in southern Ontario!

I love these, but they are a labor intensive treat. I make this recipe in heart-shaped tart tins for St. Valentine's Day. Some are the straight butter recipe (with a gooey center), others have toasted pecans or a tiny bit of mincemeat fruit filling.

Decadent ...

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2 hours ago, jewel21 said:

Mein Fuhrer Trump is a giant baby lala. Can't stand that man.

Marguerite has been hospitalized while they try and figure out what's wrong with her. :-(

? this baby has already been through so much 

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Marguerite is back home. They did blood and x-rays and everything is normal. She doesn't have a fever. But she's super congested and she's having nasal flushes done. She's so badly congested it's causing issues with her eating. And because she's so small and young, it doesn't take much to tire her out. A nasal flush was performed earlier, and she was fed some water and wet food through a syringe and she took it well. She's in a room with a humidifier. Since there doesn't appear to be any underlying issues, and the rhino she has is the equivalent of a human cold, it's not a reason to euthanize. They don't know what her future holds, but right now Marguerite is a fighter and wants to live and Brigitte is giving her every chance to do just that. I hope she'll pull through and kick this stupid rhino. Thanks for the good wishes and positive thoughts, everyone.


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Ok I have a strange story / situation and pardon if it's long. I'm at work right now. I worked yest from 3am-12:10pm. Then returned around 11pm to work overnight. I do this every week.

i work in a grocery store and have shared in this thread in the past there's been a few guys who hassled me or seemed unstable including an assault which I reported and he was temporarily suspended for. I do the computer changes and generate and hang all the tags and signs and do display stuff for the store proper and the cases for meat, bakery, deli etc. 

At our other branches it's a 3 person job but I do it alone so several managers of depts gripe about me getting behind or not doing my job this happened Saturday and Sunday. I am the only daytime employee who comes in before dawn each day and work an overnight and often 10 hrs shifts at 12hr busting my ass but ok I'm sure there so many better you'll find. That was my silent response and a digression. 

Anyhow when I returned at 11pm one of the rude dept managers said security wanted to speak to me and I went in the office and he had a baggy with a bullet in it. And said it was found in the bathroom that morning after I used it. I don't have a gun or bullets. So I don't know if someone left it in to scare me and I didn't notice...or if someone "found" it and said I dropped it. I just don't feel comfortable and find this extremely strange and creepy. 

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Petunia, if I were a cynical person, I would say that someone is trying to get you fired...is this a chain store that you work for, or an independent? At any rate, I think you should talk to your store manager, or human resources, or something.

Jewel, I'm glad to hear Marguerite is holding her own. As an aside, I love what Brigitte said - "je lui flushe le nez" ? (My degree from way back when was in French-English translation, and I have a soft spot for Quebecois French ❤)

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I'm scared too @PatsyandEddie. It's seems so crazy some of the thins that happened w Joel and now today but crazy shit does happen sometimes. I bring my makeup to work and usually leave the cosmetics bag on the sink while I go pee or change clothes and someone probably placed the bullet by to scare me or so someone coming in after thinks it fell out of my bag. 

That one creepy super nasty woman from deli threatened me and of course psycho Joel has been obsessed w me for months. 

Edited by Petunia13
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petunia13, you should invest in a pair of those eye glasses they use on mystery diners that record audio/video and no one knows....at least that way, you could have evidence if more threats come about...

such a scary situation, i don't know if i could handle it...

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LOL  just checking out jamey giddens twitter feed and noticed i had a couple of notifications...

a couple of people liked my diss of nick/chelseacon and one was that i had a new follower:  max ehrich.  yes, fenmore baldwin...

colour me shocked.

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9 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

I'm scared too @PatsyandEddie. It's seems so crazy some of the thins that happened w Joel and now today but crazy shit does happen sometimes. I bring my makeup to work and usually leave the cosmetics bag on the sink while I go pee or change clothes and someone probably placed the bullet by to scare me or so someone coming in after thinks it fell out of my bag. 

That one creepy super nasty woman from deli threatened me and of course psycho Joel has been obsessed w me for months. 

Petunia, I hope you take P&E's advice and contact your union rep. Also if you haven't already start documenting these threats, especially any emails. Maybe even see if you can record some of this on some device? This is really scary. I hope you find redress soon.

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3 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Honestly, it sounds like it's time to lawyer up and look for another job. No employment is worth risking your life, no matter how justified.

Oh, man...I hope this gets sorted out. :(

This.  And contacting your union rep like peacheslatour said.  It sounds like this has gone from annoying and dispiriting into possibly actually dangerous.  

Do you have people you work with you can trust, who can help you watch your back?

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I am meeting a lawyer and making a police report this afternoon. I'm still really confused and weirded out if it was meant to be seen by me and scare me and I missed it .....or was left someone so a person coming in will think it was mine or the person who ' 'found' it said I dropped it to get me fired.

and I don't feel super safe in a place one person threw a plastic crate at me and cussed me out and another (?) person is bringing guns or ammunition to work. This is a v busy supermarket. 

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Good for you, hon. 

It's with sad news that I have to announce that Marguerite passed away peacefully last night. In addition to the rhino, she developed another disease that is fatal in 90% of kittens and would have made her suffer greatly. I'm really saddened by this, I really wanted her to live. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. 


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