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Basketball Wives LA - General Discussion

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17 hours ago, charliesan said:

Evelyn had nothing else to say so she had to resort to slapping her incapable-of-trapping-a-man kitten, classy and classic Eve. And by the way, I don't like to shame someone because they don't have a man or a woman, but clearly that's what Evelyn values the most, the ability to have a man even though she doesn't have one.

I agree that they want OG fired, but without Tami, Cece or Jennifer, who else are they going to fight? Going against Tami is getting old and not for one second do I truly believe that Malasya has beef with Jackie, they forgot about their feud rather quick especially since, supposedly, Jackie went after Malasya's kids. 

If OG doesn't come back, I'm 100% sure Eve and Shaunie will go after Kristen, that "bitch" moment will not be forgotten plus Kristen called Evelyn an animal during the whole confrontation with Cece. Writing about this scenario is already dull.   

OG was not allowed to be on stage with the other ladies at the reunion that was taped earlier this month, she had to be in another room via satellite.  It is why Cece left the reunion before taping.  OG is being set up to be this violent woman that the other ladies are deathly afraid of. This is laughable given that Evelyne is the most violent person there in my opinion. I will never understand why Shaunie is so loyal to Evelyne. Evelyne is an awful person.  I feel embarrassed for her children.  

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Just now, Pearson80 said:

This is laughable given that Evelyne is the most violent person there in my opinion. I will never understand why Shaunie is so loyal to Evelyne. Evelyne is an awful person.  I feel embarrassed for her children.  

And that's one of the reasons Tami left. Because she eventually realized that Shaunie would always cape for Evelyn instead of her. Jackie even called Shaunie out about it when Jackie and Evelyn had their drama. 

I haven't seen OG do or even say a single thing on this show close to the stunts Evelyn and Tami pulled over the years. Or hell Malaysia throwing an entire table after Jen. And back in the early days of LA, Malaysia was always quick to throw some "I'm Compton and will take you out" threat. So this stuff with OG is pure bullshit. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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On 9/26/2019 at 10:01 AM, Pearson80 said:

Evelyne is pure trash and I hate to say that about a human being. What the hell happened to her for her to be so crass, vulgar and explosive. I fear she may kill somebody one day. We all have our demons but Evelyne's hatred of Cece makes no sense. I understood her anger when it came to Jennifer but this is just odd even for her.   Shaunie does not reign her in. Shaunie pretends to be above it all but she is just as shady as the others.

I had my issues with Tami but even she realized that Basketball wives was not a good look for her, it was making her worst and not better in her evolution as a human being. She had the sense to get the hell out of there and move on..

OG is over the top but I admire her loyalty to CeCe.  It is obvious that the ladies are scared of her and the editors are setting up her eventual firing. I think Evelyne is more dangerous than OG. 

I like Cece and Kristen is beneath contempt. She says that Cece is manipulative, but I think that she is the manipulative one, pretending to be a victim of Cece's. I also wonder if Cece's Asianness has something to do with the ladies dislike of her. I don't understand Malaysia laughing and smiling when the other ladies are mocking Cece. Cece is married to her cousin, how about her showing some loyalty to Cece.

CeCe kinda has it made in the shade. No kids, educated, entrepreneur, gorgeous, about to marry a retired athlete, and is a pretty nice person. Although some of her gossipy and childish ways have presented on the show. Hmmm, I’d say a little envy is in order. Do we want to add the racial elements with the whole “exotic” thing or is that going too deep? That could be the very crux of it truly. Hmmm

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CeCe was the MVP in last week's episode; not only did she read Evelyn for pure filth, she reduced Kristen to tears and was unbothered. I was all the way here for it.

OG gets an honorable mention for being a loyal friend to CeCe and sent Evelyn in the bushes and gave her a second read of the episode, plus she called Shaunie for her hypocrisy for labeling her aggressive, yet Evelyn Tami--even Malaysia have gotten physically aggressive. I think I'm out next season, too. The mean girl vibe is too much. 

Edited by sereion
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I guess this is an unpopular opinion, but I'm not a fan of CeCe. She has been caught talking shit on numerous occasions, and switches her story when confronted. I will say, I was proud of her for sticking to her story with Evelyn but I was a bit confused about what her problem is with her. I thought they had resolved whatever issues they had in previous seasons but maybe I missed something. The back and forth with Kristen is exhausting at this point. I'm sure there's more to it that we don't know about. Cece seems to play innocent in front of Byron who obviously thinks she's the bees knees (as he should).  I think it would be awesome for them if they could stay in their bubble but these family issues seem to be overwhelming. 

OG cannot mind her business. It's impossible. I find her annoying and I'm not entirely sure about the CeCe dynamic

IDK why Evelyn was so set off by "Toe-G" and her Ochocino  DM rant but I cannot WAIT to see these alleged receipts!! 

If there is a next season, some major revamps need to happen. 

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Welp. OG’s receipts were better than Evelyn’s. So now they are trying to change the narrative and say she’s a home wrecker rather than Chad was the home wrecker who wanted some of that OG. It’s burning Evil-lyn up that he wanted her AND OG could prove it was while they were dating/married. Got that ass burnt huh Evelyn!!

The girls have a real point about Shaunie not calling others on the aggressiveness. We just watched her not invite OG to the last lunch because she is too aggressive. When we all know it was so they could attack CeCe. But, then we watch fake ass Shaunie do absolutely nothing when Evelyn purposely went to find OG to start mess. 

Dumb ass show. I’m dumb for watching. I don’t even like these people. 

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Shaunie is pure trash. She was complicit when Evelyn and Tami showed aggression, but shuns OG--who has never thrown hands on anyone. She lost me during season  two when she tried to bully Gloria, but the way she treated OG is foul and disgusting. Plus, she's a coward for sending Jackie to break the news to rescind her invitation to lunch. She is worst of all the ladies; she throws rocks and hides her hands.

OG was MVP in this episode; I was totally here for Evelyn getting her face cracked again when she pulled out those receipts--and giving Evelyn her second straight "L". OG should've quipped that she was a "non MF factor", though. I thought Ev met her match with Tami, but OG came with serious smoke.

I also hate how they're trying to frame OG as a homewrecker. Seriously, Evelyn and Ocho were married for two seconds, and OG never slept with him, but she's the strumpet. Please....has she forgotten that she slept with Kenny Anderson TWICE while he was still married to Tami? Plus the DMs were sent years ago, why is Evelyn stressing over it now? And why is she talking to the man who headbutted her??

Iyanla didn't fix Evelyn's life; she's still a broken, evil mess

This show is trash; I can't believe it's been renewed for next season. I can't with this anymore.Even the RHOA ladies are more maturity and class than these birds.

Edited by sereion
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I watched the first part of the reunion. Hawt mess. Apparently they kept the audience waiting around for 2 hours before they got their shit together. Someone in the comment section on youtube said they were paid $175 for the day. Tami Roman wasn't there because of a health issue; I forget what it was. Jackie made a fuss about who was sitting where. OG walked out (& Cece & Byron went with her) because Evelyn wanted OG to film in a separate room. OG said she is a princess. They were surprised Byron was there. They all denied the accusations of colorism. Shaunie walked out, but came back. At the end, OG came back, so I guess she & Cece will be in part 2.

Edited by NowVoyager
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I'm a little confused.  Why did the host tell OG that Tami had agreed to film in a different studio for the reunion, but then when the show actually started, he said that Tami sick and that's why she wasn't there?

Also, as much as I don't condone the fighting, I have to say that I enjoyed watching Evelyn dive head first into those bushes (and re-watched it several times) and man, I need someone to pop Kristen in her face.  There is something I find so suspect about her; I really do feel that she came on the show with the sole purpose of finding a mean girl posse to have her back while she taunts Cece. 

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Just now, luckyroll3 said:

I really do feel that she came on the show with the sole purpose of finding a mean girl posse to have her back while she taunts Cece. 

I think Kristen came on the show to make some coins and was desperate to fit in, to keep her job on the show. And so once the women decided CeCe was their latest victim, she sold her down the river in a heartbeat. 

3 hours ago, sereion said:

Evelyn made me chuckle talking filing restraining order against OG and refusing to sit on the same stage with her; where was the energy she had when she exhibited violent behavior in previous seasons? FOH with this.

It really is just laughable. I guess "big, bad" Evelyn isn't so big and bad when confronted by someone who is genuinely not afraid of her and can kick her ass in a second. It's too bad Jennifer is being too meek right now because it would have been perfect if she'd said she should get a restraining order too for that drink Evelyn threw at her during the San Diego trip and the way she lunged at her, ready to strike. Evelyn is just embarrassing herself with this shit, more so than how she usually embarrasses herself. 

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That "reunion" was a sham.

Y'all (may or may not) know that I'm no fan of Toe G but she was right in this situation. It's ridiculous for these women to act like they are so terrified that they need separate studios 🙄

I feel like Jackie was just looking for an excuse and a reason not to film, it made absolutely no sense. 

Maybe part 2 will be worth something 

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8 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

It really is just laughable. I guess "big, bad" Evelyn isn't so big and bad when confronted by someone who is genuinely not afraid of her and can kick her ass in a second. It's too bad Jennifer is being too meek right now because it would have been perfect if she'd said she should get a restraining order too for that drink Evelyn threw at her during the San Diego trip and the way she lunged at her, ready to strike. Evelyn is just embarrassing herself with this shit, more so than how she usually embarrasses herself. 

I stopped watching this nonsense for years; I watched from the beginning.  How can Evelyn go around thinking she's big and bad, and then run screaming to the courts, demanding a restraining order?  You're either tough or you're not, honey.

For years, Evelyn has been trying to get some wealthy baller to marry her.  She thought she'd found that person in Chad, they were even supposed to have their own reality show, Evelyn was going to leave BW, but that didn't happen, so Evelyn was back on the show.  I think Evelyn leaves BW when she thinks she's found a wealthy baller, but it never works out. 

She's never been a wife, though she has tried hard...I take that back, she was a wife for two seconds.  She's a fame whore; she was even on Iyanla's show trying to get her life fixed.  I think she had her own reality show, or maybe it wasn't her.  At any rate, she went back to BW.  Evelyn looks like a fool now she's in her forties and acting like a teenager.  Evelyn should be barred from reality TV for life.

Also, how can these silly women say, "I'm scared of OG...put her on another stage..." there are like 19198188 security people on set, what do they think is going to happen?  

This guy has Evelyn's number.  I've been saying that about her for years.

Edited by Neurochick
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On 10/6/2019 at 10:55 AM, SlutAssBitchAssHor said:

Evelyn would have been much better of just paying OG dust about the Chad issue. She should have been totally unbothered and told OG "You're proud that my EX wanted you? Cool story Bro IDGAF. He's an ex for a reason"  End of story. 

Evelyn has no idea how to deal with a woman who is smarter than her who is also unafraid  of her. It's why she goes out of her way to make fun of OG behind her back, but refuses to actually challenge OG directly. 

Shaunie has to be  afraid of Ev. I'ts crazy that Shaunie spends so much of her time trying to make Ev the reason for the show. Especially since Evelyn has been the MOST violent person on the show - since the show started. And I say this as someone who gets why people try so hard to be Ev's friend.

I have hated Ev since the first time I saw her in season 1 (back when they were in Miami), but I also saw that she has a confident personality that makes the people she smiles upon feel like they are special. So I get Shaunie's devotion, but Shaunie is feared by all of the other women, except Evelyn. I mean, Shaunie is at least smart enough to keep Jackie on no matter what way she is feeling. But, when it comes to Ev? Shaunie is beyond ride or die. She actually twists herself into knots to defend Evelyn's behavior. 

On 10/13/2019 at 11:00 AM, JBC344 said:

The judge has dismissed Evelyn's laughable claim for a restraining order. 

Evelyn's violence has been well documented. And her bullshit about OG using her abuser as a weapon at the reunion, was straight up...You guessed it, BULLSHIT. Ev has no problem dragging Chad as an abuser, and I legit get that. But, then she pulls some fake "we're still fiends, so I asked him about OG" bullshit? 

I love how trashy this show is but, I also feel like it may be time to let it go. I mean, it's like Tammi said, "There is no black girl magic in this group."

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@MatildaMoody there's not enough hearts to give your post.

I know everyone on social media finds Evelyn funny but I find her grade school antics sad. And I say grade school, because if you notice, her jokes are always about people's appearances. She's too old to be acting like a 13 yr old mean girl. And the fact that Shaunie implicitly condones this behavior while having power of a producer just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

It"s gonna be interesting what happens next season. The audience is on OG's side but the cast, with the tacit approval of Shaunie, is trying to push her out. With Tami and potentially OG out, there's no one to call Evelyn out on her bullshit and that's not a show I'm interested in watching.  So it's going to be very interesting how this show moves forward..

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On 11/23/2019 at 2:22 PM, NowVoyager said:
On 11/23/2019 at 3:04 PM, Brooklynista said:

Listen, hoes gonna ho. Nice try though Evilyn.

For reals.  Once she sees all her cash sources drying up, she'll be right back at it.  She doesn't know any different.  


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OG was on a radio show  in Chicago recently talking about colorism and her beef with Evelyne.  She is just so awesome and intelligent.  An impressive woman who knows things.  She has said that the ladies mocked her African culture. It does not surprise me at all.  She also said that Evelyne does not speak Spanish. She knows just basic words while OG speaks Spanish fluently. She said that irritated the hell out of Evelyne. So many things were left on the cutting room floor to push the false narrative that OG is the most violent woman in the history of Basketball Wives.

Kristen was also on a radio show discussing her experiences. She denied OG's colorism allegations because she is also dark-skinned.  The ladies who were all Black gently pushed back on her.  One of them told her that just because she never experienced colorism does not mean that OG did not.  The ladies on that show called out Evelyn's history of violence and Shaunie for constantly protecting her while maligning OG's character as violent and aggressive. 

I have also noticed that alot of Latinas of African descent are speaking out more in the wake of Evelyne calling herself an Afro-Latina.  Alot of them are sharing what it is like to be Black in Latin America. They too have a history of slavery and marginalization.  The majority of African slaves were taken to Latin America and the Caribbean.  

Brazil has more black people than the U.S., and even some smaller African nations. Colombia has the highest black population in South America. Black Venezuelans have always had to fight whites for basic rights, Argentina infamously killed off their black population and has since offered some lame apology. Honduras, Bolivia, Panama, Peru, Uruguay, Belize, Costa Rica have sizeable black populations, and Mexico's treatment of their black population is shameful, they're FINALLY allowing them to report on the census. 

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Evelyn's second baby daddy Carl Crawford has had some tragedy & legal troubles:


Two people, 1 adult & 1 child drowned in his pool during a house party. It's an odd story because the mother of the child was not present at his home. The child was left in the care of another woman who decided to bring him to an otherwise all adult party. She was not the woman who drowned trying to save the child. (So, to follow the story, there are 3 women: 1. The mother of the child who was not present & is now suing CC; 2. The woman who was left in care of the child, brought him to the party & left him unsupervised; & 3. The woman who was also a guest at the party who drowned trying to rescue the child.) Tragic & messy...

The party was mid-May. Then in early June, Carl Crawford was arrested for domestic violence against a woman not Evelyn Lozada. Here she speaks up to say domestic violence was never an issue in her relationship with him:


He's accused of choking a woman at gun point:


So, the roughly 2 month time-line is: alleged domestic violence incident, tragic party, domestic violence arrest, wrongful death lawsuit, foot fetish videos.

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Jennifer Williams has moved to Atlanta & has been hanging out with some of the Real Housewives of Atlanta cast.



She & Nene Leakes are good friends now.


Here Nene interviews Jennifer. They have excellent chemistry. Jennifer talks about her future on Basketball Wives & how she was scammed out of her Range Rover by a known con artist.

It's ~45 minutes, but I enjoyed watching it. Helpful hint: if you fast forward through the video then hit replay, you can skip the commercials. ~25 minutes where Jennifer talks about how she got scammed.

Edited by NowVoyager
1 hour ago, NowVoyager said:

Damn, I actually thought about doing this!  Lol! #TMI

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10 minutes ago, luckyroll3 said:

Damn, I actually thought about doing this!  Lol! #TMI



Lol. Apparently Ocho Cinco had a foot fetish, so I guess that's where she got the idea. 330,000+ views. Don't know how many of those subscribed. Looks like Carl Crawford may be having financial trouble w/ all his legal problems, so she's out here hustling.

Edited by NowVoyager

I've watched the first and second one. Interesting, but not surprising that Evelyn is trying to revamp her image (again) after being called out for colorism. Now she's "saved" and giving to charity all the time, but her using a Gorilla emoji in reference to a dark skinned woman on the cast had nothing to do with racism. 


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3 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

I've watched the first and second one. Interesting, but not surprising that Evelyn is trying to revamp her image (again) after being called out for colorism. Now she's "saved" and giving to charity all the time, but her using a Gorilla emoji in reference to a dark skinned woman on the cast had nothing to do with racism. 


Black women are boycotting Basketball wives and the ratings are terrible.  It is not a good look to have a light-skinned Black woman like Shaunie supporting a xenophobic colorist Latina like Evelyne who compared a dark-skinned Black woman to a monkey.  People have also picked on Evelyne's anti-African sentiments.  So the viewers are choosing to not give Shaunie and her despicable crew any love.. It could not happen to be better group of people. OG is still awesome and viewers got her back.

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Not too long ago, Evelyne Lozada was on Instagram insinuating that she was dating Mark Anthony, he came out and cleared that with the quickness. To go from J-Lo to Evelyne a nasty disgusting colorist bully  would have been a downgrade to say the least..

I hear that Jennifer is trying to ingratiate herself with Evelyne again in the new season and will have a fallen out with OG. I see you Va'shaundia, divide the dark-skinned ladies to invalidate OG's accusations of colorism.  It will not work with the viewers, you showed your ass last season and it is too late to put the genie back into the bottle.  Get some self-esteem Jennifer, Evelyne is trash and will never change.  Her ex-husband did say she was a follower so I guess he was right.

Edited by Pearson80
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On 4/18/2022 at 1:44 PM, Keywestclubkid said:

What's the point if the toxic twins (and Tammi) aren't there to bully and intimidate the other "wives"?!?!?!

And Jackie will NEVER let this shit go. 


Also, I guess Shaunie didn't have as much power as she thought she did if Brandi of all people is back. 

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Finally watching.

Malaysia's side eye to Brandi when she walked in the room followed by a "we don't have no beef, we just don't talk". LMAO!

On 5/20/2022 at 12:03 AM, SlutAssBitchAssHor said:

Brandi was really trying to make fetch happen. I don't see why Malaysia would lie about not knowing that Wolf died.  Give it a rest already.

Same. I would have believed it more if Brandi hadn't been all, "I don't want to start shit at Jackie's wedding" and then immediately launched into starting shit with Malaysia. If she truly believed that and they were as close as she claimed they were, she would have mentioned it once, followed by asking to speak to Malaysia about it at a later point. But I don't know why I'm expecting decency and common sense from anyone on this show. 

Just realized that Kristen is no longer here. Oooh, I couldn't stand her ass. 

Jackie and Doug = Queen and Slim?


Just figured out why Angel's boyfriend looks so familiar. He was on Love and Hip Hop Hollywood, and he's a real dick. 

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