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Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

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Opens this Friday in North America, but was released internationally on March 26. 92% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and 8.2/10 on IMDB! I'm looking forward to it. I just finished watching all eight Marvel Cinematic Universe films in order and enjoyed the first Captain America installment more than I expected to.

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I'm very much looking forward to this.  Cap has been one of my favorite Marvel characters of all time, and though I was leery about Chris Evans' casting at first, I was pleasantly surprised by how well The First Avenger went, and how seriously he took the character.  Now I'm dying to know what exactly happens in The Winter Soldier that's being called a "game-changer"!!

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I am so very much looking forward to this; Captain America is my favorite Avenger (and I swear it's not because Chris Evans is adorable).  I just hope that the second installment is better than Marvel's other second installments as each one of those have disappointed me (though to be fair, I did enjoy Thor 2 better than Ironman 2 or Ironman 3).

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Just got back and also loved it.  I never thought I'd be such a big fan of comic book movies/action adventure stuff (until now, I enjoyed some of them, but could take them or leave them as a genre), but I've turned into an Avengers movies fan.  Even the weakest one was still a lot of fun. 


Saw it and loved it. Just as a heads up, make sure you stay through the credits.

So many people left the theater tonight!  I can't believe that after 9 Avenger movies, people still walk out of them before the end of the credits!

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I enjoyed it as well. One thing that was missing from Captain America I and The Avengers is them giving Cap sweet action sequences. He never really showcased his strength/speed/skill before this film. Falcon and Black Wids were also fun to watch. I didn't really care for the extended CGI sequences near the end.

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I really enjoyed it, though I feel they could have trimmed some of the longer action (read: CGI) sequences.

Loved the interactions between Black Widow and Cap.

I feel like some of the plot fell under the 'conveniently, needlessly complicated' umbrella but it didn't diminish my enthusiasm for the film.

The first scene with Chris Evans in that skin tight UnderArmour shirt? Yeah, that's kind of too much muscle for me. He's so broad shouldered and broad chested that his poor head looks tiny! Still hot though. :)  Thanks for the close ups of his face; lovely eyes and lashes. Ahem.

Some nitpicks: how did Cap manage to get the USB key into the vending machine?. He's not Rubberman! How did winged guy - who is human - simply run through the skyscraper's window? Aren't those things specifically designed to prevent people going through the glass and falling to their death?

The Bucky anvils were hilarious. So much foreshadowing but the people behind me gasped - GASPED! - at the reveal that he was the Winter Soldier. They also gasped at the so not shocking reveal that Fury wasn't dead. Maybe I've watched too many movies or am just cynical/suspicious but there was no way I was buying that they'd killed Fury off. Particularly not when Agent Hill  is all "...uh...I need to take the body...um...now?"

Also, one major problem with the merged Marvel universes is that they really need to address why the other heroes don't get called in to help. They even name dropped Tony Stark and I found myself repeatedly saying "and you aren't calling Iron Man to help out with the impending genocide because....why exactly?" I mean, they settled for a guy with metal wings and a regular gun instead of calling the guy with the fully armoured weaponized jetpack suit?

Edited by NoWillToResist
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The Bucky anvils were hilarious. So much foreshadowing but the people behind me gasped - GASPED! - at the reveal that he was the Winter Soldier. They also gasped at the so not shocking reveal that Fury wasn't dead. Maybe I've watched too many movies or am just cynical/suspicious but there was no way I was buying that they'd killed Fury off.

My whole family went, but my husband and son watch so many more action films than my 12 year old daughter and I and even we guessed both of these.  I don't recall hearing gasps for either one, but when they showed the Winter Soldier, I leaned over and whispered "It's Bucky" and she said "Of course it is" and when Fury was "killed", she leaned over and said "He's not dead.  They wouldn't kill him." 


Some nitpicks: how did Cap manage to get the USB key into the vending machine?.

I wondered the same thing.

I loved the interaction between Black Widow and Cap, too.  Especially the kissing scene/conversation.  "Embarrassed isn't exactly what I'm feeling right now" (I know that's not exact wording).  hee!  Then the whole "Was that your first kiss since the 40s?"  Loved that one, too.

Edited for grammar.  I don't speak so good  ;)

Edited by Shannon L.
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Only one answer, the USB got in the vending machine because there was a guy loading it so it was open. :)

Explanation accepted! With gratitude. :)


when they showed the Winter Soldier, I leaned over and whispered "It's Bucky" and she said "Of course it is"

Hubby and I also giggled at the fact that the Winter Soldier's 'uniform' included a face mask and yet that was no longer used even after he was returned to be re-wiped/fixed and sent back out. So, really, the only reason he was wearing a mask at all was because THE AUDIENCE wasn't supposed to know who he was. Couldn't they have spared one line to say that it had been a prototype and they didn't have a replacement?

Oops, I forgot one more eye-rolling nitpick: at the end, Black Widow reveals that she's the Security Council woman in disguise. She had some high tech mask which totally replicated the look of the real woman over her. So...here's my question: if you're trying to get the good guys onto enemy vessels, WHY NOT USE THOSE MASKS ON THEM???? Just pull Random Dude #12423's face and slap that shit on Captain America. Fucker could just stroll onto the damned ship and carry on with his covert mission. But no, let's wear our stand-out-like-a-sore-thumb outfits and blow any chance of sneaking in! Sigh.

To conclude on a positive note: the scene with Steve and Peggy broke my heart. I totally cried a little. I mostly held it together when she was getting weepy but when he started to get watery, I couldn't hold it all back.

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I really loved this movie. My big nitpicks are first that the Triskelion, is basically built on Roosevelt Island in the Potomac and there is no way in hell that DC would allow a building that tall to exist that close to the city. I'll fanwank and say that technically it's not DC so Virginia could fight the regulations and whatever, but it's annoying. My bigger problem is the scene where Black Widow is drying her hair? It's all curly and cute and then 3 seconds later she's in her getup with perfectly straightened hair. Where the hell did she get a flat iron? So annoying. 

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My big nitpicks are first that the Triskelion, is basically built on Roosevelt Island in the Potomac and there is no way in hell that DC would allow a building that tall to exist that close to the city.

I was impressed that they somehow managed to build such massive bunkers - and under a body of water too. How in the fuck did they manage that? The logistics would have been a nightmare!

My other beef with the location was that they were all yammering on about how they had to stop the three vessels so that people wouldn't die. And then they blew those fuckers up when they were 3000 feet above inhabited areas. I call total bullshit on those vessels ONLY falling back in the water and on the big bad's building.

Considering the size of those vessels, half of that city should have been levelled/crushed.

Edited by NoWillToResist
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Am I alone in hoping that the blonde agent is a relative of Peggy's and that in the next movie they'll get together? 

It's amazing to me how invested we can become in fictional characters. I guess that's a tribute to good writing and acting.

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@Shannon if I'm not mistaken the blonde agent is Sharon Carter and she and Steve do get together in the comics. 

It was so funny in our theater we had a BUNCH of people who didn't read the comics/never go on the internet and they all GASPED when you could see it was Bucky's face. hee. We thought it was cute. 

Totally with @Lisin on the B-Wids hair action!! I wondered if maybe her shoe was a secret flat-iron. ;)

@NoWillToResist - YES on the ships falling. We wondered that too. And I'm laughing at the idea of Steve wearing someone else's face but walking around with that body! "Hey Jim, have you been working out?" hee.

ETA: totally weepy on the scene with Peggy. WAY too real on the way Alzheimer's patients are totally with you and then completely not. So sad.

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totally weepy on the scene with Peggy. WAY too real on the way Alzheimer's patients are totally with you and then completely not. So sad.

Oh yeah, I forgot that. I totally cried. I was like "HE FOUND HER! HE'S VISITING HER! HE'S THE BEST!" SOB!

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@NoWillToResist - YES on the ships falling. We wondered that too. And I'm laughing at the idea of Steve wearing someone else's face but walking around with that body! "Hey Jim, have you been working out?" hee.

Heh. It looked like it was a whole body thing though. When she was kicking their asses, she was...um...sturdier? But when the mask came off, Scarlett's hourglass was on full display.



My husband was grumbling a bit about how, even though we're in the present for the movie, it's all about the past: Bucky is the Winter Soldier, the Big Bad is Hydra, Steve finally visits Penny...etc. I get where he was coming from but I still liked the movie.

I'm still trying to figure out why in the hell Pierce would try and kill Fury so publicly - and while he's in a fucking armoured vehicle too?? Tip your hat much? Sheesh. You've got a quiet and super effective assassin in your pocket yet you select the Keystone Cops to smash up half the city in pursuit of him? It's astounding to me that Pierce rose through the ranks of Hydra. I suspect nepotism because I can't fathom how else he got that position. ;)

And while I'm on the subject of the attack on Fury...what is with the civilians during police chases? These bastards never pull over!!! Like, they don't know that the cops are fake, and the cop cars are clearly chasing someone and they've got their lights flashing! But it's like the general populace is all "fuck the police, man. My shit's too important to pull over for that noise." I am usually happy to see those guys get rear-ended and side swiped.

I did think Steve's little notebook to jot down people's recommendations to check out (Miles Davis, Steve Jobs etc.) was completely fucking adorable.

Chris Evans can play earnest far better than I ever would have thought possible.

Edited by NoWillToResist
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I saw this tonight, and I really enjoyed it. I think it's right up there with The Avengers as one of my favorite MCU films. I wasn't expecting as much Black Widow as we got, and I really liked the vibe she had with Cap -- the non-romantic bro kind of thing. I liked the running gag of her trying to set him up with different girls (Sharon Carter is a great choice!), and I liked her teasing him about the kiss. Falcon was pretty neat, Fury was a badass (I want his SUV), it's good to have Bucky Barnes back, and I like that dissolving S.H.I.E.L.D. changes the whole series in a big way. I'm also interested to see what they're going to do with Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch and the Age of Miracles (looks like this is how they'll work "mutants" into this universe) and the infinity gems in the future movies.

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Am I alone in hoping that the blonde agent is a relative of Peggy's and that in the next movie they'll get together?

I'm guessing that was cut out. In the comics she's Peggy's niece (which made more sense age-wise 40 years ago).

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I did think Steve's little notebook to jot down people's recommendations to check out (Miles Davis, Steve Jobs etc.) was completely fucking adorable.

SO adorable. I mean it's just the cutest thing ever. I love the little things in parentheses like Berlin Wall (Up and Down) heee! 


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The only Avenger I didn't see a reference to was Thor- did I miss one?

Bruce Banner- name check

Anthony Stark- name on the screen as a target when the satilites are linking with gunships

Clint Barton- referenced via Natasha's arrow pendent on her necklace (which makes me really happy)


I guess the bonus scene could maybe be viewed as a reference to Asgard and therefore to Thor, but it, obviously, calls to mind Loki for me.

Edited by HelloooKitty
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@Shannon if I'm not mistaken the blonde agent is Sharon Carter and she and Steve do get together in the comics.

I'm guessing that was cut out. In the comics she's Peggy's niece (which made more sense age-wise 40 years ago).


Thanks!  If they do start a relationship in the next movie, I hope we see the beginning, as opposed to it having been going on for a while already.  The beginning of that relationship could be cute.

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@Lisin did you read that Steve's book of lists is different depending on the region of the world the movie was showing? Geeky cool.


My youngest loves super hero/sci-fi stuff & is finally old enough that I'll let her watch some things. We went to this opening night. Squee for me! I usually don't see things until they're out on video. We both loved it. She was shocked that people got up & left as soon as the credits began. She decided that they had never been to a Marvel movie before or didn't read the internet. Ha!

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SO adorable. I mean it's just the cutest thing ever. I love the little things in parentheses like Berlin Wall (Up and Down) heee!

I guess the crossed out Star Wars means he's watched that, but hasn't yet got to Star Trek? Good man. :)


did you read that Steve's book of lists is different depending on the region of the world the movie was showing? Geeky cool.

That is awesome!! I must confess that I am getting a kick out of imagining Steve's reaction to Old Boy!!! :)

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While I find the different lists interesting, I must confess that I'm a little confused they bothered since Steve is American and in America. I mean, I find it unlikely that he would have obtained those non-US lists while on US soil, you know?  I get that there are tons of people from all over the world who live in the States but considering that Steve's exposure to people appears to have been quite limited, it would take me OUT of the movie to see him with such non-US specific recommendations. Like, I'm supposed to believe that someone actually told Captain America "yeah, dude. Of all the stuff you missed, you really need to check out Spain's 1978 constitution (or whatever)!" ;)

It plays to the audience rather than the movie's universe, which is a curious choice, IMO.

Edited by NoWillToResist
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I straight up loved Falcon in this film - the way his experiences in Afghanistan weren't explicitly made clear but were just a part of who he was. I actually prefer the film version of his origin to the comic.

And needless to say, Anthony Mackie is a delight! Have you guys seen this interview? http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s9IpyoDcfyY (Phone won't embed link, sorry!) Dude is having a good time!

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I saw it. I loved it. I also didn't expect so much Black Window. I love Captain America, but the team element of this movie warms my heart just as much. I think it actually works better here than it did in The Avengers. The friendships, man! And the action scenes were amazing, especially since you actually got to see them, unlike a lot of films that use fancy tricks and effects to hide/show-off the stunts. I almost cried twice. Stupid movie.

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I saw it yesterday. This movie is right up there with Iron Man and The Avengers as one of the MCU's best. Lots of great action scenes and character moments and just the right amount of comic relief. The events really set up the stage for the next Avengers movie.

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I totally agree on the action scenes JayKay. What confuses me is some reviewers either not caring for the action (Grantland), or not even addressing it at all (PCHH). I wonder why they bother reviewing movies that obviously aren't their cup of tea.

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I totally agree on the action scenes JayKay. What confuses me is some reviewers either not caring for the action (Grantland), or not even addressing it at all (PCHH). I wonder why they bother reviewing movies that obviously aren't their cup of tea.

That's disheartening. Maybe they got so wrapped up in the topical political thriller themes that they forgot it was a superhero movie? From what I've read, the Russos are directing Cap 3 as well, so hopefully the next one will maintain the same quality and balance.

I also just realized that I typed Black Window in my earlier post and I'd like to thank the entirely of the previously.tv community for not mocking me ruthlessly.

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Yeah, it's weird. There's no reason why Steve would give a damn about England winning the '66 World Cup.

His team back in the days was somewhat international, wasn't it? And he spend couple of days in the UK, so could have had taken a liking to football (that is soccer for the U.S.). But guess they went for funny here, not thoughtfull. No, it makes no sense, it is a nod to international audience, and people like things like that regardless if it actually makes sense in the story. As a German found it interesting, that the Berlin Wall is on the US/Canada list as well (but remember how everybody from North America visiting wanted to go to Berlin and wanted to see the wall, although it impressed them, when we showed them the fortification of the inner German border in other places, a mad thing to live with), but nice to see Currywurst on the German version (though for Munich and Bavaria they should have put Weisswurst on it), It's fun.


That's disheartening. Maybe they got so wrapped up in the topical political thriller themes that they forgot it was a superhero movie? From what I've read, the Russos are directing Cap 3 as well, so hopefully the next one will maintain the same quality and balance.

I found the balance of story, character moments, and action mostly okay, but find it hilarious to even partially compare it with or consider it even a political thriller, something that the Russo brothers though brought up themselves. Sorry, but whatever references to a movie like Three Days of the Condor was in there, whatever touch they wanted to bring in, it was superficial at best. This is action superhero comics movie and not science fiction, it just doesn't fit. As much as I want to get rid off this stupid notion, that superhero movies are no "real" aka serious movies, and especially that acting in it is no serious acting, I still want these movies to be appreciated as what they are and not try too hard to make them something they simply are not. Alright, with the recent headlines about NSA and them gathering information on a grand scale, the Zola computer program algorithm was getting a lot more interesting. And I found it good, that Zola was inside some pretty old computer tech, because surveillance is nothing new and was already done on big scale in analogue times (as a German I am very well aware of that). But other things didn't make that much sense and were not well thought through attempts to bring in this political thriller thing. Like putting the Triskelion more or less into Washington. Like ending the movie with the impression, that SHIELD is all gone - that is superhero cowboy hero mentality, the individual hero will safe the day, but organisations are always to be distrusted and a breeding ground for the bad and evil. It was arrogant when Romanoff told in the hearing at the end: you can't put us away, you need us. Well, I am for balance of powers and not a fan of letting superheroes take all over. But more important, you don't get rid off such a large organisation like SHIELD in just a day, with more or less the push of a button. As usual the superheroes leave it to the common folks to clean up the mess they've created.

But it was no political thriller, it's action superhero movie, one about Captain America, SHIELD was just the playground so to speak. There were great character moments for him in this movie, and good story, and great action scenes.

Have to confess, the only reason I went to see it now in theater though was, that I wanted to see Black Widow. Wasn't disappointed, and would love to see her have her own movie.



I also just realized that I typed Black Window in my earlier post and I'd like to thank the entirely of the previously.tv community for not mocking me ruthlessly.

You're welcome. Guess most have a blackout once in a while, can happen. But if you hadn't mentioned it, I am sure most of us wouldn't have noticed even. Human perception is so easy to satisfy at times and so bad at noticing details. 

Edited by katusch
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Also, one major problem with the merged Marvel universes is that they really need to address why the other heroes don't get called in to help. They even name dropped Tony Stark and I found myself repeatedly saying "and you aren't calling Iron Man to help out with the impending genocide because....why exactly?" I mean, they settled for a guy with metal wings and a regular gun instead of calling the guy with the fully armoured weaponized jetpack suit?

Going to the TV show this is a worldwide civil war and fast in action. As I remember Ironman 3 Stark had blown up all his armor and retired Ironman (until the next crises causes him to reassess of course) by the time Jarvis set up another suit of armor, Captain America as presumably the only person Stark would trust got to some secure communications to contact him without the super NSA in Zola, the Clairvoyant monitoring. The helicarries would have already killed an unarmed or armored Tony Stark.


edit to add;

And from The Avengers while they worked together in the  Battle of New York Stark and Rodgers really don't share a similar worldview and given the choice Captain Rogers would probably want Sergeant Wilson/Falcon in his unit. Especially in a civil war situation.

Edited by Raja
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I think there's also the problem of figuring out how to contact Stark when you have no idea who's been compromised by Hydra. I can fanwank that Capt America might have felt that it was too risky to call in Tony while he was in investigation mode, and by the time the shit hit the fan, there wasn't really a good time to call.

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I also just realized that I typed Black Window in my earlier post and I'd like to thank the entirely of the previously.tv community for not mocking me ruthlessly.

I noticed but was so amused by the typo that I didn't want to mention it because I figured you'd correct it. :D

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I was glad to see Steve Rogers, um, "borrow" his old uniform .... I like it much better than his S.H.I.E.L.D uniform; I like that WWII vibe it has.

I thought Falcon was a great addition and for the first time ever, I didn't actively hate Black Widow or think her dull.

For me, this is the best Marvel movie (I'm one of those odd people who have very mixed feelings about The Avengers).

I did like the name drop of Steve Strange AKA Doctor Strange.

Question about the second end credit scene (and I will spoiler just in case) and the Captain America comics -

Do you think the reveal of Bucky Barnes visiting the Captain America exhibit at the museum along with that one fantastic shot of him holding the Captain America shield a la Steve Rogers is a hint at the third installment?  In the comics Steve Rogers dies and Bucky Barnes becomes Captain America.  I just wonder if that is something the studio would be willing to do.

I think there's also the problem of figuring out how to contact Stark when you have no idea who's been compromised by Hydra. I can fanwank that Capt America might have felt that it was too risky to call in Tony while he was in investigation mode, and by the time the shit hit the fan, there wasn't really a good time to call.

Or maybe the other Avengers were off dealing with other threats ...... I can't imagine it is a good thing to always call all the Avengers every time there is a crisis; I mean if they did then if I were plotting some nefarious dealings, I just send out one to distract all the Avengers and then a second to follow through with my plan. 

Edited by OakGoblinFly
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Question about the second end credit scene (and I will spoiler just in case) and the Captain America comics -

Do you think the reveal of Bucky Barnes visiting the Captain America exhibit at the museum along with that one fantastic shot of him holding the Captain America shield a la Steve Rogers is a hint at the third installment?  In the comics Steve Rogers dies and Bucky Barnes becomes Captain America.  I just wonder if that is something the studio would be willing to do.

I've seen speculation to that effect, yeah.

Chris Evans has a six-film deal with Marvel, and doesn't know yet if he'll want to continue after that. So far he's done Captain America: The First Avenger, The Avengers, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and the upcoming Avengers: Age of Ultron (his little cameo in Thor: The Dark World doesn't count; it was a confirmed freebie). He has two films left after that, and then who knows -- if Marvel wants to keep including the Cap character but Evans no longer wants to play him, Bucky could be a good replacement.

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Or maybe the other Avengers were off dealing with other threats ...... I can't imagine it is a good thing to always call all the Avengers every time there is a crisis;

Well, I don't think one should call the Avengers for every skirmish but when you're dealing with the murder of billions of people? I think that should take top priority.

It's just frustrating because they could have addressed and dismissed the issue in ten seconds:  "Banner is in X location and won't be able to get here in time, Thor is off-world and we have no way to reach him, and Stark went off-grid with Pepper for a holiday so no one knows where he is. Cap and Black Widow are all we have".

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I think there's also the problem of figuring out how to contact Stark when you have no idea who's been compromised by Hydra. I can fanwank that Capt America might have felt that it was too risky to call in Tony while he was in investigation mode, and by the time the shit hit the fan, there wasn't really a good time to call.

Yes this! But I think they should have at least had a sentence about "should we call the team, no we have no idea who's been compromised/don't want to put anyone else in danger" would have been enough so that it wasn't odd.

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I think there's also the problem of figuring out how to contact Stark when you have no idea who's been compromised by Hydra. I can fanwank that Capt America might have felt that it was too risky to call in Tony while he was in investigation mode, and by the time the shit hit the fan, there wasn't really a good time to call.

Didn't Cap find out that Fury was alive prior to their plan to take out the three carriers? Doesn't Fury have a way to contact Iron Man? Hell, Agent Whats-Her-Name (Cobie Smulders' character) could have called while she sat at her desk giving them updates on their progress.

It's just something that bothers me since they've merged these superheroes' worlds. Their selective amnesia about the existence of outside help during crises is annoying and it bothers me that I have to fanwank why other heroes aren't called in.

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It's just frustrating because they could have addressed and dismissed the issue in ten seconds:  "Banner is in X location and won't be able to get here in time, Thor is off-world and we have no way to reach him, and Stark went off-grid with Pepper for a holiday so no one knows where he is. Cap and Black Widow are all we have".


I'm not bothered by the fact that the movie didn't state why the other Avengers weren't around to help Captain and Black Widow deal with the Hydra threat ....... for me, if they did it would all get a little to meta and convoluted.  As it is, I thought the name drop of Banner and Stark were forced - trying to force Thor and Hawkeye or Avenger-to-be-Named-Later would be a bit too much.

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My bigger problem is the scene where Black Widow is drying her hair? It's all curly and cute and then 3 seconds later she's in her getup with perfectly straightened hair. Where the hell did she get a flat iron? So annoying. 

My question was why Natasha took a shower but Cap didn't.

Am I alone in hoping that the blonde agent is a relative of Peggy's and that in the next movie they'll get together? 

In the original comic books, she was Peggy's sister, but they later changed it to her niece as the series moved forward in time.

I'm hoping they do a Doc Strange movie. C'mon, they mentioned him.  But they really really need a Black Widow movie.  With Green Arrow as her love interest.

I read that Cobie Smulers has a nine movie commitment.  A Maria Hill movie would be great, too.

It's too bad that FOX has the X Men movies because they have different actors playing Quicksilver in upcoming movies.

Edited by Rick Kitchen
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I'm hoping they do a Doc Strange movie. C'mon, they mentioned him.  But they really really need a Black Widow movie.  With Green Arrow as her love interest.

I read that Cobie Smulers has a nine movie commitment.  A Maria Hill movie would be great, too.

It's too bad that FOX has the X Men movies because they have different actors playing Quicksilver in upcoming movies.

They supposedly have a master plan of movie roll outs until 2028 and seeing Dr. Strange was mentioned I would assume he will show up as marvel continues their world conquest, In thsat light I doubt that they will take their foot off of DC's neck by doing a crossover and will use Hawkeye and not Green Arrow as an archer love interest for the Black Widow.

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I'm not bothered by the fact that the movie didn't state why the other Avengers weren't around to help Captain and Black Widow deal with the Hydra threat

It's never bothered all that much either. Especially since as much as they were a team at the end of that movie, it didn't seem that they were all that gung ho to work together again. They got the job done and were content to go their separate ways and they didn't necessarily want to get back together again. Not that a threat to SHIELD or the Dark Elves or the Mandarin aren't issues that would not need the team, but for me there are pretty plausible reasons why they didn't immediately call on their newish friends. Tony especially chafed with SHIELD. For me it's not a big deal.

Edited by frenchtoast
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My question was why Natasha took a shower but Cap didn't.

I wondered that too, but maybe it's supposed to be some sneaky subtext on how she felt extra dirty all over again even after she'd thought she was cleaning up her act by working for SHIELD. Or something. He comes in wearing a white top, with grunge on him, and yet he's still metaphorically cleaner than she is.

I saw this movie again last night and it held up well to a second viewing. Definitely my favorite MCU film so far. Probably my favorite superhero movie since the first X-Men came out. Also, there needs to be a Black Widow film before Doctor Strange or a second Guardians of the Galaxy. Seriously. I wonder if the performance of "Lucy," the Johansson-led action/sci-fi film due for release this fall will have an impact on a Widow movie being viable for a green-light.

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Also, one major problem with the merged Marvel universes is that they really need to address why the other heroes don't get called in to help. They even name dropped Tony Stark and I found myself repeatedly saying "and you aren't calling Iron Man to help out with the impending genocide because....why exactly?" I mean, they settled for a guy with metal wings and a regular gun instead of calling the guy with the fully armoured weaponized jetpack suit?

I kind of like that they don't go out of their way to spell out for the audience why Cap isn't calling the other avengers. I mean for one thing this isn't the comics where the avengers are mostly friends who share a house. Plus if you are Cap, would you even know how to get in contact with Thor (a god from another universe who may not really be interested in the problems of SHIELD) or the Hulk (and even if you did get in contact with the hulk, would he be much help?). As for Iron Man goes, I got the sense in Avengers they didn't really like working together, plus Cap knows he is not a soldier (he had major PTSD in IM3). Plus how do you know that Iron Man isn't part of Hydra? And even if you knew how to contact them, how could you be sure your communications weren't being tapped. A major theme of the movie was all about who can you trust, so I can totally buy that Cap would try to bring as few people to help as possible. 


Same thing with Iron Man 3, it took place over a couple of days, and I am not really sure that Tony likes cap enough to call him for help, and he would have the same issues mentioned above with Hulk and Thor. If each one of these movies has to go out of their way to explain where everyone else is, it is going to get really old and annoying really fast.

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