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Small Talk: No Pun Intended

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I wouldn't put Will and Zoey in the same category as the Gosselin children or the Duggars or Honey Boo Boo or any of the other reality show kids.  While the Gosselins didn't care if they embarrassed their children or each other or themselves, I've not seen Jen or Bill do anything that will emotionally scar their children.  Showing a newly adopted, frightened baby being loved and cared for and implying that a young Will had a messy diaper in a car is not along the same lines as showing a child showering or having a farting contest in the living room with the family.   

  • Love 1

In fairness, if you genuinely feel its not embarrassing, feel free to post any photos you have of yourself shitting on the potty, pissing yourself, getting changed out of your dipy, or like at least one gosselin kid, being showered naked. It's not embarrassing for *them* so it shouldn't be embarrassing for you, right?


I look forward to you posting a picture of yourself at three pointing at feces in a toilet, or maybe even a video of you shitting in the yard in a training potty a la the poor Gosselin boys who have to live that down. Extra points if you have video of your dad telling the cameras how they digitally relieved your constipation, aka how your daddy pulled feces out of you.


That's what these kids (the tlc kids not just Will and Zoey) face. If you don't think its humiliating for all of America to see your private moments then post your pics.


In case it isn't clear, I am not expecting you to humiliate yourself, I am merely making the point that no child on a TLC reality show is given the choice to agree to show themselves shitting a diaper and being changed by the roadside or allowed the choice of not airing their weeping in terror as they are handed to their new parents. If you don't want your own moments held up to the public, then understand that while I don't think Bill and Jen are screwing their kids over, they *are* getting a check for their kids embarrassing moments

Oh please. Nobody is going to give a shit years from now. I don't think that stuff is embarrassing anyway. If you feel so strongly about it don't watch. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem, right?

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In fairness, have I said I've been watching recent episodes?


My point about such pictures is that while I might not be embarrassed anymore about such photos, I ultimately am the one who controls such photos and videos. You control whether we get to see you bare assed naked pointing at your poo in the toilet. (and I note you aren't offering to display such photos or videos of yourself)


Will gets no choice in how his peers can see him getting diaper changed. Zoey gets no choice in complete strangers watching her screech in terror at her adoption. They may not find it embarassing... but if they do... they don't have the choice. And its very easy to toss aside the concern when it doesn't affect you... but if your own child came to you and said it was embarrassing when you show photos of them naked as a toddler, would your response be "No one gives a shit, my child, I don't think it is embarrassing"

Along that vein, children rarely if ever have ANY say about the MANY decisions their parents make that may affect their future psyches.  One thing I have learned from talking to my 84 y/o Mum is that the things she most regrets and feels guilty about subjecting me to in my childhood are not the same things I remember as being traumatic and life shattering - and vice versa.  Most parents try to do their best, with the tools and knowledge they have available at the time; sometimes it works out for the kids, and sometimes it doesn't.   But unless the relationship is abusive or illegal, there's not much to be done about parenting choices we disagree with, other than voice our opinions and allow other to disagree with them.


Hey, Biz - how's the daughter's driving going for you these days?  ::giggle::

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Hey, Biz - how's the daughter's driving going for you these days?  ::giggle::


Good way to drag me into a discussion I don't want to be drug into!  HAHAHAHAHA


I crack myself up, and I think you crack me up too!!!


She is going pretty darn good.  I am really proud of her.  She has so many of her Dad's qualities, I was hoping she wouldn't inherit his incessant need to tailgate, and she didn't.  


And just for the record ... I embarrass my poor child so much ... but I just tell her I need to give her something to go to therapy for in the future.  


Yeah, I am joking, but we make light of all things and that keeps us both happy.  Why spend time on regret and remorse when you don't have to.  At least that is my thinking.

  • Love 4

Good way to drag me into a discussion I don't want to be drug into!  HAHAHAHAHA


I crack myself up, and I think you crack me up too!!!


She is going pretty darn good.  I am really proud of her.  She has so many of her Dad's qualities, I was hoping she wouldn't inherit his incessant need to tailgate, and she didn't.  


And just for the record ... I embarrass my poor child so much ... but I just tell her I need to give her something to go to therapy for in the future.  


Yeah, I am joking, but we make light of all things and that keeps us both happy.  Why spend time on regret and remorse when you don't have to.  At least that is my thinking.


Hey, I really didn't mean to drag your overworked ass into any discussion, Biz, I was just trying to lighten the mood and get back to the Small Talk that makes this thread so much more fun than all the others.  My apologies for the clumsy segue - I am long overdue for my morning nap (goddamn time change has messed me up!).   :-D


And you hit the nail on the head about regret, remorse and embarrassing parental moments.  Just enjoy the ride and know that the older the two of you get, the closer you'll become - because you are building a lifelong relationship (and I think it is going very well).  :-)


I am ever so glad your daughter hasn't inherited your ex's worst traits.  Mum and I have spent countless hours trying to sort out the "nature vs nurture" argument as it relates to my half brother, who unfortunately "inherited" many of my stepdad's worst traits.  Or maybe he's just an asshole.  :-)

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Oh gosh ... my mother is 93, I just turned 53, and she can still embarrass me to tears.  ::giggle::


Hey, I really didn't mean to drag your overworked ass into any discussion, Biz, I was just trying to lighten the mood and get back to the Small Talk that makes this thread so much more fun than all the others.  My apologies for the clumsy segue - I am long overdue for my morning nap (goddamn time change has messed me up!).   :-D


And you hit the nail on the head about regret, remorse and embarrassing parental moments.  Just enjoy the ride and know that the older the two of you get, the closer you'll become - because you are building a lifelong relationship (and I think it is going very well).  :-)


I am ever so glad your daughter hasn't inherited your ex's worst traits.  Mum and I have spent countless hours trying to sort out the "nature vs nurture" argument as it relates to my half brother, who unfortunately "inherited" many of my stepdad's worst traits.  Or maybe he's just an asshole.  :-)


First, I was just funning with you.  I hope you know that.  Overworked ass ... MUHAHAHAHA ... I loved that.  Yeah, that's the ticket.


Please, let's not talk about the time change.  If we want to talk about something that really matters, then let's talk about how we still do the time change when there is absofreakinglutely no reason for us to do so.  It doesn't make any sense.


There was something on my Instagram lately that said "I love turning the clocks back so it gets dark by 4pm" said no one ever ... I wish I could triple like that.  Seriously, right?


And thanks so much for the words of encouragement.  I try, I really do.  We seem to be doing good so far.  

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I feel so bad for the two of you, being forced at gunpoint to watch a show that you think shouldn't be on the air.

First, I don't think saying something like that is allowed here.

Second, take a look at any page of any thread in this site. This isn't a fan site.

Are you saying that every person on every show is open to snark and criticism except this one? I don't think so. I actually DON'T watch the show.

Everybody here is entitled to their opinion, not just the opinions that you agree with.

  • Love 5

Speaking of mother's embarrassing us--when I was 12 years old (about 100 years ago), I absolutely hated everything about my mom and dad--I prayed I was left on their doorstep as a baby and that I had no blood ties to either of them (no abuse issues, simply pre-teen angst).  My mother and I were cleaning the house the night before Thanksgiving and we were-surprisingly-getting along well, she was not saying anything to embarrass me or make me think she was the most moronic person on earth.....anyway, we ran out of one of the cleansers we were using and decided to walk down the street to the corner store and get more.  As we crossed the street from our house, my mom slipped and fell down (we found out later she dislocated her shoulder in the fall but I didn't know that at the time).  I was mortified!  She was moaning and crying and all I could do was say "Mother, get...up...you...are...embarrassing....me...to...death!!!"  I finally ran and got my dad and he called an ambulance--while I went to my bedroom to play Innagoddadavida and lament how I had to live with these two idiots!  Yes, now it makes me sad but I think she understood......at least I hope she did. 

  • Love 3

First, I don't think saying something like that is allowed here.

Second, take a look at any page of any thread in this site. This isn't a fan site.

Are you saying that every person on every show is open to snark and criticism except this one? I don't think so. I actually DON'T watch the show.

Everybody here is entitled to their opinion, not just the opinions that you agree with.

Oh no, you're entitled to your opinion.  It just seems like you're torturing yourself by getting all worked up needlessly.  That's all.

I hate the time change. It messes with my body chemistry for a long time... and then when I finally get used to it, along comes another one.

I hate it too.  Pick a time and stick with it already.

  • Love 2

In fairness, have I said I've been watching recent episodes?


My point about such pictures is that while I might not be embarrassed anymore about such photos, I ultimately am the one who controls such photos and videos. You control whether we get to see you bare assed naked pointing at your poo in the toilet. (and I note you aren't offering to display such photos or videos of yourself)


Will gets no choice in how his peers can see him getting diaper changed. Zoey gets no choice in complete strangers watching her screech in terror at her adoption. They may not find it embarassing... but if they do... they don't have the choice. And its very easy to toss aside the concern when it doesn't affect you... but if your own child came to you and said it was embarrassing when you show photos of them naked as a toddler, would your response be "No one gives a shit, my child, I don't think it is embarrassing"

I'd tell my daughter to get over, that she's being too sensitive.

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Oh no, you're entitled to your opinion. It just seems like you're torturing yourself by getting all worked up needlessly. That's all.

I hate it too. Pick a time and stick with it already.

Lmao. Worked up. Ok. That's hilarious. Because I express an opinion that you don't like, I'm getting "worked up". Not getting " worked up", just saying how I feel which I do believe is allowed here.

Not "worked up" in the least. I'm actually laughing right now.

Tell her she's being too sensitive and to get over it. It's always nice to shit on a child's feelings like that.

I'm done on the subject because you can't handle differing opinions so I'm out.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 4

First, I don't think saying something like that is allowed here.

Second, take a look at any page of any thread in this site. This isn't a fan site.

Are you saying that every person on every show is open to snark and criticism except this one? I don't think so. I actually DON'T watch the show.

Everybody here is entitled to their opinion, not just the opinions that you agree with.


First, only the MODS can determine what is allowed to be said here.

Second, no one ever accused PTV of being a fan site.

Third, everyone IS entitled to their opinion, even those who freely admit to not even watching the show. *.



*edited to change my ALL CAPS phrase to the less shouty and more appropriate italics.  My apologies if I came across as a shrill harpy, I try to save that persona for Sundays.  :-)

Edited by walnutqueen
  • Love 4

Ya'll know I am here right?  Keep it civil ok?


walnutqueen ... to bring this over from the other thread ...


Checkers and Pogo was a reality show in the 60's ... of which I was on, OMG ... perish the thought, my life was ruined!  LOL


But seriously ... it was my 6th birthday, and we celebrated it on a local TV show in Hawaii (where I was born and raised) ... here is a little video on the show.  No, I can't find myself on it, as much as I tried. ::giggle::

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Ya'll know I am here right?  Keep it civil ok?


walnutqueen ... to bring this over from the other thread ...


Checkers and Pogo was a reality show in the 60's ... of which I was on, OMG ... perish the thought, my life was ruined!  LOL


But seriously ... it was my 6th birthday, and we celebrated it on a local TV show in Hawaii (where I was born and raised) ... here is a little video on the show.  No, I can't find myself on it, as much as I tried. ::giggle::


Sitting on my injured hands as we speak to NOT click on the link of childhood embarrassment (only because I, too, did a few "performances" at around age 6, and I own the ONLY photographs to prove it is so!!!).   :-)

  • Love 2

Ya'll know I am here right?  Keep it civil ok?


walnutqueen ... to bring this over from the other thread ...


Checkers and Pogo was a reality show in the 60's ... of which I was on, OMG ... perish the thought, my life was ruined!  LOL


But seriously ... it was my 6th birthday, and we celebrated it on a local TV show in Hawaii (where I was born and raised) ... here is a little video on the show.  No, I can't find myself on it, as much as I tried. ::giggle::

There were reality shows in the 60's?  You were lucky to have such a fun birthday.

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I was the remote control for my parent's television viewing pleasure!


Hee!  The days when changing the channel meant getting off your couch potato ass and walking over to the TeeVee to manually turn the dial (which clicked loudly, if I recall).  Good thing we had so few channels back then, or we'd all have tendinitis from our parents' channel surfing ways.  :-)


Ooh - and sometimes you also had to adjust the horizontal or vertical - remember that?   

  • Love 4

I guess I might have used the word "reality" in the wrong context, don't really know what to call a live local show?  It was a children's show broadcast on a local TV station (CBS I believe) ... they had a birthday segment on every show, and I had my 6th birthday on that.  I was asked to "perform" with the hula hoop.  I had about as much grace as a bull in a china shop and was mortified beyond belief that I couldn't do it, not even for a second.  No wonder my Mom took me out of hula lessons after only 3 weeks.


I got over it, and have led a full life, complete with dancing.


And gosh darn, I learned how to hula hoop.

  • Love 4

Hee!  The days when changing the channel meant getting off your couch potato ass and walking over to the TeeVee to manually turn the dial (which clicked loudly, if I recall).  Good thing we had so few channels back then, or we'd all have tendinitis from our parents' channel surfing ways.  :-)


Ooh - and sometimes you also had to adjust the horizontal or vertical - remember that?   

We lived in a small town equally distant from 3 cities. We had a box that you used to turn our tv tower to aim it toward Indianapolis, Dayton, or Cincinnati. Sometimes the wind would twist the tower a little and we'd have to adjust for that. Still it enabled us to get reception on nearly every number up to 13. 

  • Love 1

Hee!  The days when changing the channel meant getting off your couch potato ass and walking over to the TeeVee to manually turn the dial (which clicked loudly, if I recall).  Good thing we had so few channels back then, or we'd all have tendinitis from our parents' channel surfing ways.  :-)


Ooh - and sometimes you also had to adjust the horizontal or vertical - remember that?

The horizontal hold, yes that used to drive me nuts. Boy we've come a long way, but I still miss Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom and Daktari.

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@Walnutqueen--and we also had to stand there and continue changing channels until the commercials were over and the shows returned.  And yes, adjust the horizontal/vertical, turn the volume up or down (especially if the phone in the wall rang) and adjust the aluminum foil on the rabbit ears!


@Bizbuzz--we all know that because you were so embarrassed and humiliated by your TV exposure as a child that you are now known by your nom-de-plume instead of your real name--lol



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I remember being invited on a local children's show because wow, "she's deaf and can TALK"..... so when it was my turn to perform for the tv monkeys I said my name, my age, my teacher's name and hobbies.

When I got home I asked my mom why I was invited to "talk" on the show when all the other kids were capable of talking too... I did not know I was deaf lol.

  • Love 9



More seriously, I'm pretty live and let live with the Browns. No one is a child bride, everyone is getting married as a grown ass adult... if that's how they want to live and the sons aren't being kicked to the street (we have problems with that here in the AZ) while the daughters are being force married at 12 to their uncles then ok

I was just wondering if Bill and Jen will adopt a third child. I know they never ruled it out, and I would think that since Jen and Bill are both 41 now, if they are contemplating an adoption they would not wait too much longer. What do you think? Could Jen handle two young children plus a baby or very young toddler?

I think they could handle it, but they seem pretty content with two. Given the difficulty Zoe had adjusting to her adoption, I don't know if a new baby or toddler would throw a monkey wrench into all the progress she's made.

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I was just wondering if Bill and Jen will adopt a third child.  I know they never ruled it out, and I would think that since Jen and Bill are both 41 now, if they are contemplating an adoption they would not wait too much longer.  What do you think?  Could Jen handle two young children plus a baby or very young toddler?



I, personally, wish that we could go back to separate threads for fans and critics. I think that it would be good to add a third thread for neutral posts. That seemed to be the big objection the last time separate threads were tried. Neutral posters didn't know where to post. I don't want to hurt fans' feelings or to be insulted for voicing my opinion. I don't like Bill and Jen, nor do I think that their intentions are selfless. Other people do like them and do think that their intentions are pure. That's good, everyone should think what they want to think about a TV show. Why do we all have to be repeatedly hurt by trying to post in the same thread?


I would hate to see this happen. Being able to ensure that Person A can always voice her opinion means that Person A must be willing to hear Person B's [opposing] opinion, whatever it might be. Personally I'm not hurt by the views of people who don't agree with me. In fact, I've often gained new perspective from opposing views - because these posters are saying things that would never have crossed my mind. And sometimes I've actually changed my views because I was exposed to new and different ideas.

Edited by Wellfleet
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I have a sarcastic sense of humor. My friends know to use my funny expressions and mannerisms when reading my t/m's and emails. I am not a serious person...at all. It might help to read my posts knowing I am posting with no emoticons. :-<

This is a TV show... not life or death. And I typed that laughing but no one could tell.

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Segregation and intolerance of other points of view?  Nyet, I say.  That is where some people might want to check out the IGNORE function, instead of trying to divide posters into factions and camps.


While I'm at it, let's get back to the non-show SMALL TALK this thread is meant for.  I'll start with a funny anecdote:


Yesterday I was on the phone with my gnome-obsessed girlfriend; whilst in the kitchen my Babalu must've butt-channel-changed to QVC.  I walked in and said "Holy fuckballs, some guy is roasting a garden gnome over the flame of a big-assed fugly candle on the shopping channel!!!  Oh no, wait, it's not a candle - it's a bubbler fountain and he's trying to drown it."   I got the gnome and fountain part right.  Yes, I really do NEED new glasses.  :-)

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I admit that the rabidness of certain points of view keeps me from posting as much as I might otherwise post.  I tend to be middle of the road on this show and usually try to stick to facts.  That's really kind of sad if you think about it.  I see good and bad and the Kleins are definitely not my hill to die on in any way.

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Personally I think the threads should be separated. Some people take criticism of the Kleins way too personally and resort to low blows against those that don't share their opinion. It's one thing to say "I disagree and here's why..." but when you start going overboard with the sarcasm the forum becomes a miserable place. I don't like to use the ignore feature because you can't follow the flow of conversation.

Edited by BitterApple
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Sorry guys (but not sorry), but we've tried this before in separate threads. The bottom line is this: we have eleventy billion show forums on this site (estimated) - this show is, shockingly, not the only one. Ergo, we aren't changing our ways.

We welcome posts of ALL opinions here, as long as it isn't attacking a fellow poster. If you don't like someone's opinion, ignore it. Plain and simple.

  • Love 3

I admit that the rabidness of certain points of view keeps me from posting as much as I might otherwise post. I tend to be middle of the road on this show and usually try to stick to facts. That's really kind of sad if you think about it. I see good and bad and the Kleins are definitely not my hill to die on in any way.

Totally agree with you! I'm pretty quiet on this board as well. Some of you know i am not the quiet shy type at all but realize this is pretty much a fan forum for this show, with not much allowance for opposing views, so mainly just read and carry on.

I'm really sorry to hear that about Maharincess tho. I really enjoy her take on a lot of different shows!

  • Love 1

Segregation and intolerance of other points of view?  Nyet, I say.  That is where some people might want to check out the IGNORE function, instead of trying to divide posters into factions and camps.


While I'm at it, let's get back to the non-show SMALL TALK this thread is meant for.  I'll start with a funny anecdote:


Yesterday I was on the phone with my gnome-obsessed girlfriend; whilst in the kitchen my Babalu must've butt-channel-changed to QVC.  I walked in and said "Holy fuckballs, some guy is roasting a garden gnome over the flame of a big-assed fugly candle on the shopping channel!!!  Oh no, wait, it's not a candle - it's a bubbler fountain and he's trying to drown it."   I got the gnome and fountain part right.  Yes, I really do NEED new glasses.  :-)


I have a problem... with Canadian geese who do not know where Canada is. They have taken over the cemetery where my daughter is buried. At first I was charmed. They are beautiful to look at for a day..or two. But when they don't GO HOME they leave tons of shit! I am so frustrated. I want them to hire border collies to chase the geese out. No geese will be harmed, they are trained not to bite geese. (although at this point...) One cannot walk around without getting green geese poop all over their feet.

My contribution to the small talk thread. If they don't do something... I might throw rocks! But there are so many damn geese. :-(

  • Love 2


I have a problem... with Canadian geese who do not know where Canada is. They have taken over the cemetery where my daughter is buried. At first I was charmed. They are beautiful to look at for a day..or two. But when they don't GO HOME they leave tons of shit! I am so frustrated. I want them to hire border collies to chase the geese out. No geese will be harmed, they are trained not to bite geese. (although at this point...) One cannot walk around without getting green geese poop all over their feet.

My contribution to the small talk thread. If they don't do something... I might throw rocks! But there are so many damn geese. :-(


OK, as your semi-official Canadian stand-in, I should be defending those pretty pretty green shitties, but I cannot lie - goose shit is almost as bad as dog shit (but not nearly so smelly).


The love of my life died of cancer in the poop chute, and belied every vets' predictions for a few precious years.  My vintage dining table was covered with puppy poop pads for longer than I care to admit, because that is where my little soulmate chose to do his business.


Animals have no sense of sacrilege, and neither do I!!!

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There was actually a case on Judge Judy where a woman was being sued by her HOA for feeding flocks of migrating geese. Her activity was causing her condo complex's pool area to become a filthy mess and she wouldn't stop despite multiple warnings. She ended up losing, naturally, but was clueless as to why anyone thought what she was doing was wrong.

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Yes it can be very hazardous,  Our golf courses hire people with dogs to "encourage" them to move on.  The eggs can be destroyed but the geese are protected.  We have a similar problem with people feeding coyotes who hang around and end up preying on family pets.     

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn

Back in 2002 a pair of wild ducks started hanging around in my swimming pool, and my pool guy took exception to their presence.  I fired him, and the ducks stayed in my chemical free pool that season.  I drained the pool down to a deep end pond, and those same 2 ducks returned to their "honeymoon suite" here for another 8 years (the female failed to show the last year, and the lonely male mourned her, as did I).  I fuckin' LOVED those pool ducks more than Tony Soprano loved his.  :-)

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