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Happy trails beyond Small Talk!


Hi everyone!  I meant to introduce myself some time ago, but am quite the professional procrastinator.  Guess this is as good a time as any to get the thread going.


I'm a reclusive retiree living in sunny San Diego County in a ramshackle place that ain't much to look at, but it is sanctuary for me & the critters.  Smack dab in the center of the recent firestorm, but far enough away from danger to be able to breathe easily.  The evacuations were scary - I was on standby to again help evacuate my friend's 25+ birds; luckily her beautiful place was spared and my house stayed quiet (those birds are awesome, but you need ear protection when they're all excited about a sleepover at walnutqueen's hovel).   :-)


I'm an animal lover, quiet environmentalist, and live my life pretty much as I want, albeit with a lot less money and physical ability than I would have hoped for in my "golden years".   I don't chase kids off my lawn because I don't have one (lawns in SoCal are a sin), but I am truly cantankerous and often obstreperous.   I use some of the foulest language known to mankind - often while yelling at the idiots on my TV.  I'm trying to curb it a little for this polite company, but while you can take the girl out of Deadwood ...  :-)


I look forward to getting to know everyone.



ETA: anyone else planning on watching "Little Women of LA" on Lifetime?

Edited by walnutqueen
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Howdy y'all!  I'm from Texas (can you tell?) and I love my animals too--all 6 of my rescued doggies.  I am a "burned out" RN who decided to take some time off and consequently never returned and never looked back.  I love to work in my yard (in Texas its almost a sin not to have one) and feed the wild birds and squirrels around my house and sit outside and watch them.  I like reality TV but not to the point of stalking and I do indeed plan to watch the new "Little Women of L.A."  Thank you for the funny feedback you often post--it seems we are usually on the same page in terms of our views of this show.  And I will forever think of "Eeeevil Jen" as her new name!  Good to meet you!

  • Love 3

Hello everyone, I was here, then disappeared because frankly I found thinks quite unfunny but now that we have adopted a sense of humor I am back. :-) I am in Colorado where it seems to be raining non-stop! I love my gardens but I better not have to re-plant them again... hail keeps wiping it out. :-(

Yay, "Eeeeevil Jen" comes on tonight! I wonder what awful thing she will do... smile too much, maybe? ;-p

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auntl--at the bottom of each post in the lower right hand corner there are 3 icons--the "thumbs up" icon is the one you click on to like the post.


JELLYBEANS!!! So glad you're back!  I missed you!


walnutqueen--I for one am so glad you came up with that moniker--its perfect for when we want to cut the tension without being called out on it.  Thank you!

  • Love 3

Hello everyone, I was here, then disappeared because frankly I found thinks quite unfunny but now that we have adopted a sense of humor I am back. :-) I am in Colorado where it seems to be raining non-stop! I love my gardens but I better not have to re-plant them again... hail keeps wiping it out. :-(

Yay, "Eeeeevil Jen" comes on tonight! I wonder what awful thing she will do... smile too much, maybe? ;-p

Sometimes she is so heinous I have nightmares. Hope I can sleep tonight.

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Howdy. Another (currently) Texan here. I do have a yard and am in the process of revamping it but I'm not yet fortunate enough to retire yet so I only do it a little at a time. I do like reality shows - I should be embarrassed by how many I watch. I only started watching this one because of the adoption angle since I'm interested in that at some point in the future. I've not watched the early seasons so I don't really know if evil Jen has become more or less evil in her old age. 


I'm on the fence about Little Women of LA because I've really got no interest in those 'females behaving badly' shows like Real Housewives or Basketball Wives or the like. The previews seem to show it will be one of those shows but their defining feature will be that they are all little people. 

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Since this is supposed to be the introductions type thread, I'm steff (obviously) and I'm also from Texas, but now living in Georgia.  Mom to a 20 year old college student son and still married to my baby daddy (aka first husband) for 21 years.  I do the housewife, garden bitch, hey where is my (fill in the blank)  thing.  I'm a little wishy washy/flip floppy when it comes to reality tv.  I have slowly given up on all the Howife shows because if I wanted to watch women fight, I'd go to my moms when my aunts visit.  I liked the house porn, the shopping porn, the food porn, but not so into bitchy cat fights every show.  I love bad reality more than cat fight/bitchy reality.  Mountain Monsters is a current "so bad it's good" show. 


I got really caught up in Bill and Jen when they moved to Houston.  That's where I grew up, so I get a kick out of seeing stuff around town.  I made my kiddo watch last week just so I could prove to him that there really is a train in Herman Park, so the pics of him on it were real.  He was convinced I took them on vacation & that he had never been to the Houston Zoo.  I got totally hooked on the show because in a sea of negative reality tv, this show is an oasis of just good people.  It's just a bonus that Will is a totally adorable little boy and Zoey is a beautiful little girl and of course, Super Stud Bill all balance out Eeeevil Jen. 

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Thanks to everyone who set up this thread!  I'm so glad there's a new place to discuss "The Little Couple" and all the other wonderful shows that were available over on TWOP. 

I'm a veterinarian from NJ, specializing in felines but will take on even the largest dogs!  I'm a wife and mom to three, two boys and a girl as well as a couple dogs, many cats and recently a guinea pig that was abandoned at our hospital but now has a loving home in my daughter's bedroom.

Can't say I really watch reality TV other than "The Little Couple" or "House Hunters."  I just happened to stumble upon the first episode of this show and loved it ever since.  I just love Jen in particular because of her determination and spirit to go after her dreams and not let anything stand in her way from living a life of use and purpose. She's a fantastic role model for kids especially, pursuing your dreams no matter what the obstacle. 

It took me awhile to warm up to Bill, it really started to happen after they adopted Will and I saw what a wonderful husband and father he was during that process and my admiration for him has only grown watching him care for the kids and Jen during her cancer ordeal. Now, I just think he's fantastic (I'm sure he was before too, I don't know what I was thinking!)

The kids are just adorable, lively, fun Will and contemplative Zoey with her Audrey Hepburn-esque eyes. It's been wonderful to watch them grow together as a family.  I love the dogs too!

So glad to find this thread before the show ends for the season, so I can discuss the last couple of episodes with other fans of the show!

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Hi there, Limelight - it's great to meet so many animal lovers here - it must be a theme ...


There is a very special place in my heart for animals and the people who look after them.  I have a huge admiration for vets, especially those who work with cats - I've been with the same local vet clinic since 1988, and the vet who took over the practice in the early 1990s has nurtured my 5 cats ever since, and has helped me through the ends of 4 of their long loves in the past 4 years.  Dr. Cecilia Morris is one of the few people I'd save in the Zombie Apocalypse, so you are already in very good company in my books, Limelight.  :-)


As an aside, I caught that Little Women of LA show, and it is more along the lines of Housewife reality than I personally care to watch, although it's a bit early to delete the series.  It IS summer, and the pickings are slim (and I am WEAK!!!).

  • Love 2

Hi Limelight! Welcome! I used to have FOUR cats and two dogs (what was I thinking?) but all but the daschie have passed on. I had a vet who was rather well known in the vet world.. Dr. Norsworthy... he wrote many of the feline vet textbooks and a column for "Cat Fancy" magazine. He still practices in San Antonio. Do you know him?

I love your avatar LOL.

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Hi everybody and welcome Limelight!  Just popped in to say I watched the "Little Women of L.A." last night and I agree with walnutqueen--if summer TV choices weren't so slim, I wouldn't give that show a second chance.  Alas, I probably will but they better quit trying so hard to be badass or I will quit after the next episode.  I've never watched a "housewives of......" series and I don't plan to start with the "Little Women!"

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Hi everyone! I was born and raised in Texas, but I currently live in Florida, and am in my last year of nursing school.

My small claim to fame is that I always loved the show and was delighted to find out I worked for the same hospital system as Jenn (although I did not work at the same hospital as her, she worked at the main hospital and I worked at a pediatricians office that is a subsidiary of TCH). I always joked that I was going to use inter office email to reach her, always looked for reason to have to go to main campus, and grilled patients as to whether it not they ever saw her at the hospital (one patient was actually featured, but it was because they went to Rocky and Maggie's not while they were at the hospital) (disclaimer I am kidding, I did not actually grill patients about jenns whereabouts). My moment came once I had to go to the main campus for a training when the hospital system went to computer charting, the computer lab happens to be located in close proximity to the simulation center, my heart was so happy, I knew this was the best chance of seeing her. Low and behold, during a restroom break I glanced through the glass door or the simulation center, and saw a 3ft 2in figure talking to a few other doctors... Unfortunately professional courtesy, the fact that I didn't want to lose my job, and the fact that she was talking to other doctors prevented me from approaching her... But some day once I move back I will meet her :).

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It's a small world, leighroda.  :-)


Your mission, should you choose to accept it ...  kidding!  But if you ever did happen to hear anything about how the folks in your profession and in that particular medical group feel about a certain diminutive physician ... come sit by me and spill some tea!  Meanwhile, good luck with your studies, and rest assured I'd be interested in getting to know more about you even if you didn't have an almost connection to an almost famous person.  {I am not a shallow stalker, I am not a shallow stalker I am not a shallow stalker...}

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Lol thanks :) unfortunately I no longer work for Texas children's, I moved to Florida almost 2 yrs ago to live with my sister while I'm in nursing school (to cut down on bills). However once I have my RN, I plan to work in pediatrics, and I am not above returning to TCH and working in maybe the ohhhhh neonatal icu. The only thing I ever heard about her was "she's nice" which is true, but I need more.

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I totally just remembered this... I don't know if y'all have been watching since season 1, if you remember the episode with Coucqui (however that is spelled), well, her mom is a locum (substitute doctor) and was at my office one day, apparently she had worked with one of the other doctors at my office. I talked to her a little at lunch, she was really nice... But I played down the crazy so she didn't know I was stalking... Errr interested in Jenn.

  • Love 2

Hi Limelight! Welcome! I had a vet who was rather well known in the vet world.. Dr. Norsworthy... he wrote many of the feline vet textbooks and a column for "Cat Fancy" magazine. He still practices in San Antonio. Do you know him? I love your avatar LOL.

Thanks for the welcome!

I do know Dr. Norsworthy, not personally but I've read his textbooks and been to a few of his lectures. I was able to speak with him a few times, he's really charming and I remember him saying that he liked black cats, I have a soft spot for them too, so that made me like him even more. You're lucky to have him as your vet, he's very accomplished and dedicated to his patients and their owners.

The avatar is of one of my cats (I have 5!). My daughter dressed her as one of the princesses from Frozen but by the time I took the picture, only the hair remained intact. I think she liked it, she wore it for about a half hour!

My daughter loves the pet shop that Bill and Judy run on the show, she wants to own one herself someday, that or be a princess, she's not sure yet. She just loves all the dog costumes but thinks they need more stuff for cats too. Does the store have feline products or just canine? I never thought about it until my five year old started worrying about all the "naked" cats in Houston because they don't have clothes like the dogs have.

Edited by Limelight
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Hi there, Limelight - it's great to meet so many animal lovers here - it must be a theme ...


There is a very special place in my heart for animals and the people who look after them.  I have a huge admiration for vets, especially those who work with cats - I've been with the same local vet clinic since 1988, and the vet who took over the practice in the early 1990s has nurtured my 5 cats ever since, and has helped me through the ends of 4 of their long loves in the past 4 years.  Dr. Cecilia Morris is one of the few people I'd save in the Zombie Apocalypse, so you are already in very good company in my books, Limelight.  :-)


As an aside, I caught that Little Women of LA show, and it is more along the lines of Housewife reality than I personally care to watch, although it's a bit early to delete the series.  It IS summer, and the pickings are slim (and I am WEAK!!!).

Thanks for the welcome! I'm so sorry about the loss of your cats in such a short period of time. That happened to me too a few years ago, as I had a whole litter that I adopted in college and they lived long lives too but nature took it's course and they all passed away in the course of a couple years. It's really sad when you lose all that love and history with your pet but thankfully we're left with lots of wonderful memories. We've since adopted or were adopted by, five new cats and two dogs, so my heart is filled with new memories as well as the old.

All my usual shows are off for the summer now, so maybe I'll have to start trying out some of the other reality shows out there, as long as they don't involve a Kardashian, I'm willing to give it a try!

Funny how that works.  My #5 (now #1, I guess!) was a rescue kitten who brought new life to my old senior cats, and saw each one of them through their passing with an amazing grace.  Then in the midst of all the illnesses and death, a stay cat had kittens in my back yard, and I'm now the steward(ess?) of a family of  "feral" cats (all fixed & healthy) and a couple of strays who have managed to worm their way into our peaceful little patch of ground. 


Dressing up cats isn't as easy as getting dogs to wear outfits, in my limited experience.  Getting an incontinent foster cat to keep on diapers with a cat harness was impossible!!!  My little Beanster tolerated such foolishness, and I'd drape a scarf in Cleopatra fashion over his head & torso, and have him pace back & forth along the dining table to the Bangles' "Walk Like an Egyptian".  But I digress.  They make cat clothes for those hairless Sphynxs, me thinx.   Also try Halloween cat costumes for some awesome ideas - I used to get pictures of the craziest things when I was still in the workforce silly email loop.


Thanks for the welcome!

I do know Dr. Norsworthy, not personally but I've read his textbooks and been to a few of his lectures. I was able to speak with him a few times, he's really charming and I remember him saying that he liked black cats, I have a soft spot for them too, so that made me like him even more. You're lucky to have him as your vet, he's very accomplished and dedicated to his patients and their owners.

Hi Limelight, he is no longer my vet as all my pets passed away one after the other except for the daschie. I kind of acquired all my pets at the same time. I now live in Colorado. He is a very sweet man.

Haha, naked cats! Haven't heard about that phrase but I have heard about painted cats. LOL. That is a good question about the store... I am thinking it is mainly a dog store since it is called "Rocky and Maggie's"? I have no clue really...

Glad you are here! :-)

Edited by Jellybeans

Jellybeans - you just HAD to mention painted cats, didn't you?  Of course I had to search for my cat butt painted like a clown picture and spent far too much time looking at cat images on the interwebs.  Gah!  :-)


I hesitate to recommend TV shows, but since so many of us seem to be animal lovers here, and because we have our very own resident vet joining the ranks, I want to mention my two favorite NGC shows: The Incredible Dr, Pol and Dr, Oakley: Yukon Vet.  I have a huge lurve for Dr. Pol (also a total hunk, in my book!), and although Dr. Oakley's show is new, I really like her, too.  She does some work with a wildlife rehabilitation center, and that's another one of my favorite topics, so I'm a big ole' gushing fangirl for these shows,  

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Too bad you don't get the National Geographic Channel, 4leafclover.  Dr. Pol is this awesome little "old" (69+) vet who runs a family practice in Michigan, and handles everything from large animals to small pets.  He is the energizer bunny on crack when it comes to seeing patients, and he's one of those old timey guys who has seen almost everything under the sun, and knows how to handle emergencies like no one else.   His positive energy, constant good humor and no nonsense work ethic are just a few things I love about him; I also appreciate how important it is to have a well-versed large animal vet in a farming community, and how Dr. Pol understands the animals' needs and those of the owners.  He's a delightful little man who has totally captured my heart.  Seriously.  Oh, and he works with Dr. Brenda, a formidable force in her own right - and a woman I admire for very many reasons, not the least of which is her ability to wrangle the biggest cow in the herd.  The woman has some mad skills.  :-)

Dressing up cats isn't as easy as getting dogs to wear outfits, in my limited experience.  Getting an incontinent foster cat to keep on diapers with a cat harness was impossible!!!  My little Beanster tolerated such foolishness, and I'd drape a scarf in Cleopatra fashion over his head & torso, and have him pace back & forth along the dining table to the Bangles' "Walk Like an Egyptian".  But I digress.  They make cat clothes for those hairless Sphynxs, me thinx.   Also try Halloween cat costumes for some awesome ideas - I used to get pictures of the craziest things when I was still in the workforce silly email loop.

They do make cat clothes, but they are very hard to find and pretty pricey. Most Sphynx owners make the clothes themselves or try to make dog clothes work. My sister had 2, but one died, so there's just one left. She's an ornery cat and won't keep her clothes on, she knows how to scootch backwards across the carpet to pull her clothes off over her head. The other one never cared and you could put her in all sorts of stuff. You have to find the right kind of dog clothing since dogs arms are different from cat arms and most dog clothing keeps the cats arms completely trapped and barely able to move. My sister always uses old clothing from her kids and just makes what she needs. 

I'm a senile moron - they are both on summer hiatus.  Keep an eye out for reruns, though, or hopefully they'll do a marathon of Dr. Pol.  I believe both shows were airing on Saturday evenings - but don't take my word for it - I don't pay much attention to that whole "time" concept.  :-)


The website probably has some nice video content for both shows, if you're in to that.

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