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I agree that the latest spoilers narrow the grave suspects down to Quentin and Laurel.  I'm still not totally convinced that the death is Laurel, though. The absence of any pics showing a blonde Laurel and/or Donna at the present day funeral could be easily explained - for example, 418 ends with a scene where Quentin, Donna and Laurel are together when they're attacked and left for dead; and then 419 opens with one character dead while the other two are in the hospital, too critically injured to attend a funeral. Donna being in the hospital could also help explain Felicity's extreme anger in the limo.  One CR tweet kinda hinted that she was returning to film while 418 was shooting*, and another CR tweet outright stated that she was returning to film while 419 was shooting. So it's possible that Donna is in 417, 418 and 419.


(* On Feb. 18, 2016, CR tweeted: "Nooooo @EmilyBett -I want to Nemo w/ you!! ❤ We'll have Nemo pajama party next week!" )


The only actual things tipping the scale in favor of Laurel appear to be two papp reports (Canadagraphs and Steve Ginsburg of AKM-GSI photo agency).  But it's also possible these papps were fooled by deliberate misdirection by the EPs.


If, however, the EPs do kill off Laurel, then I wouldn't be surprised if 419 contains a hint that someone else might take up the Black Canary mantle in the future - for example, Madison McLaughlin's character.  She could be Nyssa's protege - someone Nyssa rescued and is training to fight.  Maybe she tells Nyssa that she wants to be like her, but Nyssa tells her that she (Nyssa) has too much darkness in her and that she would do better to look to Laurel as her role model - someone with light inside her and who died heroically fighting for others as the Black Canary.  Should that happen, that wouldn't necessarily mean that there would be any future romance with Oliver.  Aside from the 'ick' factor, Oliver has already romanced two different women on the show who each played a variation of the Black Canary.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 1

I agree that the latest spoilers narrow the grave suspects down to Quentin and Laurel.  I'm still not totally convinced that the death is Laurel, though. The absence of any pics showing a blonde Laurel and/or Donna at the present day funeral could be easily explained - for example, 418 ends with a scene where Quentin, Donna and Laurel are together when they're attacked and left for dead; and then 419 opens with one character dead while the other two are in the hospital, too critically injured to attend a funeral. Donna being in the hospital could also help explain Felicity's extreme anger in the limo.  One CR tweet kinda hinted that she was returning to film while 418 was shooting*, and another CR tweet outright stated that she was returning to film while 419 was shooting. So it's possible that Donna is in 417, 418 and 419.


(* On Feb. 18, 2016, CR tweeted: "Nooooo @EmilyBett -I want to Nemo w/ you!! ❤ We'll have Nemo pajama party next week!" )


The only actual things tipping the scale in favor of Laurel appear to be two papp reports (Canadagraphs and Steve Ginsburg of AKM-GSI photo agency).  But it's also possible these papps were fooled by deliberate misdirection by the EPs.


If, however, the EPs do kill off Laurel, then I wouldn't be surprised if 419 contains a hint that someone else might take up the Black Canary mantle in the future - for example, Madison McLaughlin's character.  She could be Nyssa's protege - someone Nyssa rescued and is training to fight.  Maybe she tells Nyssa that she wants to be like her, but Nyssa tells her that she (Nyssa) has too much darkness in her and that she would do better to look to Laurel as her role model - someone with light inside her and who died heroically fighting for others as the Black Canary.  Should that happen, that wouldn't necessarily mean that there would be any future romance with Oliver.  Aside from the 'ick' factor, Oliver has already romanced two different women on the show who each played a variation of the Black Canary.

Maybe a another Black canary? no, i don't  know


So wait. the logic here is that Sara Lance a daughter of Dinah Drake and Larry Quentin Lance couldn't be the Black Canary, could only be "Canary" and then later White Canary (an extremely minor BoP villain) because she had the wrong name.  However, a totally unrelated girl that doesn't even get introduced until the episode after Laurel dies is going to become the new Black Canary for a woman she never met before because the relationship between Laurel and Nyssa was just that strong?  


ETA: I'm dropping the whole Laurel isn't in the grave argument you guys have your doubts, that's fine.  However, WHEN (not if) the time comes I reserve the right to say "I told you so"

Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 9

I think that new girl might be an important recurring somebody, but I think it's too early for them to be considering replacing the Black Canary.


If 418 is the death, than CR does not need to be there. If 419 is the funeral or the fallout, than it can easily be explained that CR was not in the shots of the funeral. My guess is that most of the major funeral shots will be SL's funeral. The other cast was there to do quick shots of TA reacting to LL's death. They could smartily edit the funeral shots and write the scripts to reveal that Donna was there, even if the actress was not on the set for the actual shots.

  • Love 2

The only reason I suggested that there might be another BC is that maybe the EPs would try to appease the comics BC fans - like, 'see, Laurel might be dead, but BC will live on.'  I mean, from what I understand, comics canon has multiple versions of superheroes and universes.  We know that the DC Rebirth will include new titles for Birds of Prey but not Black Canary.  Maybe the new BoP will be a next generation version.


Morrigan2575, I would be thrilled if you got the chance to say "I told you so." :)

Edited by tv echo

I can see Dinah requesting that Quentin doesn't bring his girlfriend to their daughter's funeral. Donna doesn't really know Laurel. Out of respect she wouldn't go an she can be waiting for him back at his house.

I've been to more funerals than birthday parties or weddings. What I have found is that colleages and friends attend the wake or viewing. Maybe a service at the church or funeral home but the burial at the cemetery is for family and very close friends. Donna could go to the wake to support QL but not to the burial. She is a new girlfriend and didn't know Laurel. Only if QL was an absolute wreck and needed Donna. Even then my family would think it very inappropriate but they have very old Southern ways of doing things.

  • Love 2

The only reason I suggested that there might be another BC is that maybe the EPs would try to appease the comics BC fans - like, 'see, Laurel might be dead, but BC will live on.'  I mean, from what I understand, comics canon has multiple versions of superheroes and universes. 


I'm not sure if introducing another BC with a different name would do much to appease comic fans because one of the main reasons Sara was largely rejected by hardcore BC enthusiasts was because despite having many of BC's attributes, her name wasn't Dinah Laurel Lance.

  • Love 10

Laurel is 30/31, and the new girl is at least late teens (the actress is 20).  That would have been some pretty early puberty & sex happening.


I think it would be a mistake to introduce another Black Canary at this point. They had Sara, they had Laurel become Insta-Canary on her death, let it rest for the moment. It would honor Laurel more to let the name die with her at least for a couple of seasons than to have someone (Sin? Talia?) pick up her leathers.



It's probably Laurel.  I'm shocked, but it makes sense. 


I mean, if they had left Tommy alive at the end of season one under the impression that Oliver killed his father, had Laurel and Tommy grow closer while Tommy grew to hate Oliver, and then had Tommy go the Dark Archer path while Laurel was inspired by Sara to train and step into her shoes when she left at the end of season two (very much alive - Sara did NOT need to die for Laurel to become BC), we could have had Oliver vs. Tommy with Laurel in the middle by season three - all while Oliver was still surrounded by Diggle and "Olicity" was developing.  Laurel would have still "fit" in that storyline.

I don't think they could have done that and still made the show work.


They needed a major death in s1 to motivate Oliver into his 'no killing' stance. The only people he cared enough about for that to happen were Moira, Thea, Tommy and Diggle.They needed Diggle for Team Arrow, and they wanted Laurel to become the Black Canary, or the network wouldn't have let her be killed. That leaves only Moira, Thea and Tommy, and of those, Tommy makes the most sense in terms of story potential.


I don't see how the show also could have worked as an action show with both the Oliver/Laurel/Tommy drama and the Team Arrow.  They would have spent all their time trying to find a balance. Right now, Arrow works best on the Team Arrow front with plotlines for each of the Team members.  When it tries to put something else in (e.g. Laurel's drinking) most people think it takes away from the show. Right now even the flashbacks are resented because they take time away from what is more interesting. I think Oliver's Creek (or would it have been Laurel's Creek?) would have been even worse.

I would find it extremely lame if Dinah requested that Donna not be there. Whatever for? Quentin has obviously had a closer relationship with Laurel than she did for the past decade, so if the man needs his girlfriend to comfort him, what right does his ex-wife have to demand she not be there?

I understand it completely, and if Quentin didn't invite Donna for that reason, or Donna decided to pull back so that the Lance family could mourn, it's very sensitive.  This is about Laurel and should be about her family. Even if Quentin has developed deeper feelings for Donna, he's still close enough to Dinah that he can mourn with her.


Huh.  And here I was thinking that they had decided Laurel would be in the grave before season four premiered.  It's pretty crappy that they set the whole thing up not even knowing if they would be allowed to kill off the character of their choice.  What if the network had signed off on Diggle?!  Not that I think that would have actually happened...but the grave flashforward was kind of a risky move.  Oh well, it payed off for me :)  

They could still have decided that it would be Laurel in the grave, but they needed permission from the network and DC, and had some "just in case" characters on the list.


I can believe that it was the network that was putting the kibosh on LL being allowed to be killed until s4. I can only believe that the network is willing to do it now because KC is starting to age out of their demographic. And more importantly, after 4 seasons, there is quantitative evidence now that perhaps KC's salary does not justify her being on the show anymore.

If true, that is so telling of Hollywood today.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 2

I don't see them introducing a new Black Canary on Arrow.  I could see them doing an E? - Black Canary on Flash and have her be a younger Dinah Drake.  Hell, if they were smart they would have Alex Kingston play E2 Dinah Drake and have her be the Original Black Canary.  Or I could see them doing it on LoT S2 where we find out that Sara Lance ends up having a daughter who grows up to be Black Canary #3.


Both of those could be interesting nods to Black Canary.  However, I don't think this show or these producers feel that need to have another Black Canary on Arrow. I don't think there's any real argument to support a need other than "because comics" and lets' face it, as of 418 that argument is no longer valid

  • Love 8

I'm a contracts attorney, but not entertainment contracts. I have read a bit about entertainment contracts, and basically, it's unlikely that they had to pay her anything beyond probably the end of this season. (Not sure how regulars on tv shows are paid...monthly, biweekly, or in one big chunk at the beginning of filming for the season.) Severance isn't really an issue with service contracts. She's not exactly an employee, she's more like an independent agent. 


Yep, you're right. I'm not an entertainment attorney, but I did take Entertainment Law in law school.  


The top, top, biggest stars can sometimes get a clause in their contracts that requires them to be paid a lump sum if they get fired from a project. But that's super rare and generally only happens when the star has such name recognition that people would tune into a show just because they're in it. But generally, no. Actors in television shows get paid a certain amount per episode and when they leave or are let go, the show is under no obligation to pay them any further. 

  • Love 6

I understand it completely, and if Quentin didn't invite Donna for that reason, or Donna decided to pull back so that the Lance family could mourn, it's very sensitive.  This is about Laurel and should be about her family. Even if Quentin has developed deeper feelings for Donna, he's still close enough to Dinah that he can mourn with her.


Leaving aside all the implications that Donna being or not being there could mean re: the death, I'm sorry, but I don't agree with this at all.

So they can have at least 30 random people at the burial, but his girlfriend can not be there? If they say that Donna has chosen not to go, cool, fine. But I don't see why he would ask her not to be there. It's not like she would sit in his lap.

  • Love 1

Leaving aside all the implications that Donna being or not being there could mean re: the death, I'm sorry, but I don't agree with this at all.

So they can have at least 30 random people at the burial, but his girlfriend can not be there? If they say that Donna has chosen not to go, cool, fine. But I don't see why he would ask her not to be there. It's not like she would sit in his lap.

Well, a Lance is surely dying, and it makes more sense to me that Donna (provided she and Lance are still dating at this point) wouldn't be at Laurel's funeral as opposed to not showing to Quentin's. If CR wasn't available or they weren't able to have her on for whatever reason, I think it's perfectly understandable that she'd excuse herself from the actual funeral so that Quentin could bury his daughter with her mother and avoid any potential awkwardness. Especially if Dinah wasn't aware that he had a new girlfriend (and given the way she acts toward her family in SC, she probably didn't).

  • Love 1

I do NOT want another Black Canary.  No freakin' way.


And I LOVE Black Canary from the cartoons (I have kids - leave me alone).  But Sara was perfect and she couldn't have the name. Laurel wasn't perfect, but she had the name.  No - we are done.


I don't even want another mask on the show (not a regular that is) - but if I must have one, make it someone new.

  • Love 5

Leaving aside all the implications that Donna being or not being there could mean re: the death, I'm sorry, but I don't agree with this at all.

So they can have at least 30 random people at the burial, but his girlfriend can not be there? If they say that Donna has chosen not to go, cool, fine. But I don't see why he would ask her not to be there. It's not like she would sit in his lap.

At the risk of oversharing, which I was trying to avoid, I am hoping my ex's new wife doesn't show up at our daughter's graduation or wedding, and I'd be very upset if she showed up at her funeral.  And they have been together a lot longer than Quentin and Donna have.


Any solace Quentin needs, he can get from Dinah even though they've been apart for years.  They can share memories of :Laurel and Sara when they were little, remembering when they found out Dinah was pregnant and all their feelings then, and watching the girls grow up, anecdotes about Laurel wanting to be a lawyer, talking about what a great woman she had grown up to be. 


Donna would have no place in that. She's been Quentin's  girlfriend for only a few months and she barely knew Laurel.  For Quentin, I think he'd get more out of talking and remembering with Dinah than having Donna there.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 2

Well, a Lance is surely dying, and it makes more sense to me that Donna (provided she and Lance are still dating at this point) wouldn't be at Laurel's funeral as opposed to not showing to Quentin's. If CR wasn't available or they weren't able to have her on for whatever reason, I think it's perfectly understandable that she'd excuse herself from the actual funeral so that Quentin could bury his daughter with her mother and avoid any potential awkwardness. Especially if Dinah wasn't aware that he had a new girlfriend (and given the way she acts toward her family in SC, she probably didn't).

If it's Donna that chooses not to go, for the reason you stated, I'm fine with it - although it shouldn't be an issue IMO. But I guess it's a matter of cultural differences. :)
  • Love 1

Yeah, I don't think they'll be bringing another Black Canary on the show either. Arrow may have finally, FINALLY realized it doesn't need BC on a show called Arrow. Yes, it was the original plan, when the plan was still Oliver/Laurel. They were going to be partners in love, life and vigilantism. But Black Canary as a character on Arrow became unviable the moment TPTB decided to go with Original Team Arrow and Olicity.


And I've said this before and I'll say it again, I don't want new masks or even returning masks on the show. This season has proved, IMO, that it doesn't work as an ensemble of costumes. They can't support it in-story, they can't support it in terms of stunts.

  • Love 9

At the risk of oversharing, which I was trying to avoid, I am hoping my ex's new wife doesn't show up at our daughter's graduation or wedding, and I'd be very upset if she showed up at her funeral.  And they have been together a lot longer than Quentin and Donna have.


Any solace Quentin needs, he can get from Dinah even though they've been apart for years.  They can share memories of :Laurel and Sara when they were little, remembering when they found out Dinah was pregnant and all their feelings then, and watching the girls grow up, anecdotes about Laurel wanting to be a lawyer, talking about what a great woman she had grown up to be. 


Donna would have no place in that. She's been Quentin's  girlfriend for only a few months and she barely knew Laurel.  For Quentin, I think he'd get more out of talking and remembering with Dinah than having Donna there.

I realized as I was replying to apinknightmare that this might be a situation where cultural differences are at play. And maybe one's character, too. I have no first hand IRL experience of what would be the scenario in the show, but, from my point of view there's no issue with Donna being at the funeral. Of course Quentin would mourn and remember and share his grief with Dinah. But there would be no problem if Donna showed up. She wouldn't have to do anything at all, but she surely could be a comfort even only with her presence, even just being there.

  • Love 3

I think the stunts worked season 2 with Sara&Roy also on the team at times. I don't think it's the number. The problem is that number when the stunt people have to work with the non Oliver actors to get them to do the stunt believably. This season Stephen and David show up and are given stunt instruction and after a couple of practice tries, the stunt is filmed. That's not the way it used to be and it shows. Both Wilia and KC aren't stunt people so they are who the stunt people worked with. But Wila looks more presentable because she's not as worried about being presented as a stunt character. KC wanted that really bad. She worked hard on it but she still needs a lot of work and it's still a problem. 

  • Love 1

I don't believe Laurel's ever coming back.  She's dead dead dead.  I mean they do lie, but the producers have said that this death will stick, they had Nyssa destroy the Lazarus Pit, and MG gave an interview talking about how superheroes are mortal and should be able to die.  Also, the CW apparently had to sign off on the death--would they have to do that if the show was just going to turn around and resurrect Laurel?  Nah, I think it's permanent.  

  • Love 6

I'm cool with that.

yes, mother and daughter will share the same man : the sexy queen oliver lol

I don't believe Laurel's ever coming back.  She's dead dead dead.  I mean they do lie, but the producers have said that this death will stick, they had Nyssa destroy the Lazarus Pit, and MG gave an interview talking about how superheroes are mortal and should be able to die.  Also, the CW apparently had to sign off on the death--would they have to do that if the show was just going to turn around and resurrect Laurel?  Nah, I think it's permanent.  

Yes, everyone knows that death remain permanent, but with magic, multiuniverse, ........ the choice is endless

I don't believe Laurel's ever coming back.  She's dead dead dead.  I mean they do lie, but the producers have said that this death will stick, they had Nyssa destroy the Lazarus Pit, and MG gave an interview talking about how superheroes are mortal and should be able to die.  Also, the CW apparently had to sign off on the death--would they have to do that if the show was just going to turn around and resurrect Laurel?  Nah, I think it's permanent.  



Has it been confirmed there is only ONE Lazarus Pit n the world?

  • Love 1

Has it been confirmed there is only ONE Lazarus Pit n the world?


That I could not answer since I skipped half of the episodes last year and tend to zone out during the ones I actually watch.  BUT, the whole point of Nyssa destroying the pit seems to be so the audience doesn't turn around and say but, but...Lazarus Pit!  I mean, really, people are absolutely going to ask why Barry didn't change the timeline again or why Sara didn't go back in time to the moment before the death, but I still believe 100% that the death will stick.  

  • Love 1

Has it been confirmed there is only ONE Lazarus Pit n the world?

The writers of this show seem to have forgotten that they wrote about Damien Darhk being older than dirt and still alive and that he stole water from the LP in NP to achieve said being alive despite being older than dirt. But I think we're supposed to believe that the only one around is gone.

  • Love 3

[old obsession/] Get me Sin as the BC, Real Canary Sara's heir. Get me Roy back full time. Let Thea shine with them. [/old obsession]


OTA + Tween Arrow is the way to go.

Aww, I remember that.  I loved the idea of Team Arrow and Teen Arrow working as two separate groups but both trying to take down the bad guys in their own way.

  • Love 13

Laurel is 30/31, and the new girl is at least late teens (the actress is 20).  That would have been some pretty early puberty & sex happening.

The actress could play young.... LL could have a had a baby at 15, then the child would be at most 15. The math is not great.... But that is why it's a swerve theory.


I really don't think it will happen, but I will laugh if the random actress winds up being biologically connected to the Lances. Just when we think we're done with the Lances.

so let's see 4.16 is the cupid episode - 4.17 is Beacon of Hope, can't find the description anywhere, I guess it is too early for press release, do think this is when Laurel takes DD on in court?  4.18 - 11:59, no description - death episode?  - 4.19 - blacked out title - we assume is "Canary Cry" - funeral?  - then we have 4.20-23 until the end of season.  I assume rise of the big bad and leading into next season, most of us assume the BB will be Malcolm.  It seems like MM has been the big bad for awhile, almost every season he has done something terrible and they keep him around.  It would be nice if Arrow actually had proper villains, they are all so watered down. Even DD stalled.  Text book villain writing, set up execution etc, The Mayor on Buffy.  They set him up very early in S2, it was thought out and well played. Team Arrow could learn from Joss, Marti and Co.  


Laurel prosecutes DD in 416  - Guggie confirmed on twitter

417 - Bree Larkin AKA Bug Eyed Bandit shows up

418 - Death (probably), something Mayoral Race related happens

419 - Funeral, new female villain


Description for 416 comes out this week and we'll get a new one every week until 423 (unless there's another break somewhere but it seems unlikely)

Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 4

They need to take down Malcolm but I wouldn't be surprised if they also focus on destroying HIVE. Not only Damien but his wife, too. There seem to be a lot of members that we haven't seen either.


I do wonder if HIVE will end up being something like the LOA storyline and it will continue beyond this season and into s5. That might link into DR saying that Andy will be in more episodes next season (he did say that, right? I'm not imagining it?). 

Edited by Guest

Has anyone posted this yet. If I had any doubts, they are gone.  I know some don't trust the source, but I've never seen him be wrong about a spoiler before.




Clearing the air on Questions this weekend

So I got a LOT of questions on twitter, facebook, emails…and here this weekend about the Arrow set. Sooo…. let me try and answer most of them.


Question 1- Do you know who is in the grave?


Question 2 - Whos in the grave?
Check twitter or tumblr. Theres MORE than enough people willing to tell you. As for me, I dont confirm/deny things that I either A- saw myself, or B - someone else saw and can prove…. and even then sometimes I wont. If you are conflicted because you saw more than 1 answer. Simple rule of thumb, read a couple dozen posts… the VAST MAJORITY in this case, are right. That person is the person in the grave.


Question 3 - Maybe your wrong. Maybe they….?
No, they didnt. I’d go into more detail why you are wrong to assume/hope that, but its exhausting and its just easier to summarize it as No.


Question 4 - I saw _____ on set…. so how could they be dead?
I’ll actually answer this one because it something I DID see. There was present day, AND flashback funeral scenes shot. Two different funerals, for 2 different people not at the same time.


Question 5 - Are you not posting spoilers because of your talk with Stephen?
No. Our talk was quite civil and 2 points he made abundantly clear during it was, I have the right to post anything I see, and he cant tell me what to do. I even gave him an out that if he ever sees me at set and he really doesnt want a spoiler out, he can ask me and I’ll probably oblige… he essentially implied he would never do that. I’m not posting spoilers because I got more or less shut out that day. I over thought things too much & picked bad places to be.


Question 6 - What about the Clayton tombstone?
Funny thing, I saw this in my photos and at first got really excited I might have nabbed an additional spoiler that no one else had heard about yet….but after I looked at it closer and saw some details that dont add up, I chalked it up to random fluke that it happened to be close to the grave. If you notice, it is an entire row in front of the casket.


Question 7 - This fan account says not to trust you because you hate so & so….
Feel free to not trust me if you want. All I’ll say is 2 things on this.
1st - When have I posted anything about a shoot thats ever turned out wrong?
2nd - Those exact same fans thought I was the bees knees when they assumed I also was a fan of their idiotic ship…. I’m only “untrustworthy” now because I dont ship their shit. Still the same account they relied on and praised a year ago.


Question 8 - Who was on set?
During the day, every main cast was on set, plus 3 non-regulars. At NO POINT was everyone on set at the same time though.

If you send me a question as anonymous… I cant answer it since it forces you to post it as public. So, you actually WANT an answer to something…. dont send it anonymously.
I hope this clears up a BUNCH of the questions some of you sent me this weekend….. I didnt have the time, or patience to answer each 1 individually.



  • Love 2

Laurel takes DD to court in 4.16.  Beacon of Hope might be something positive before the death in 4.18 and the funeral in 4.19. Then the final push starts in 4.20.


I think one of MM or DD will die, and the other will be the Big Bad for next season.

The writers of this show seem to have forgotten that they wrote about Damien Darhk being older than dirt and still alive and that he stole water from the LP in NP to achieve said being alive despite being older than dirt. But I think we're supposed to believe that the only one around is gone.

Wasn't the old Ra's 250 years old?  And Damian Darhk was his contemporary.  Maybe a gallon of LP water, used carefully, would be enough to keep him as spry as he is, especially since he didn't need to bathe in it as he used his magic to fight rather than his sword.


If it's Donna that chooses not to go, for the reason you stated, I'm fine with it - although it shouldn't be an issue IMO. But I guess it's a matter of cultural differences. :)

I would guess that Donna isn't there either because they want to focus on the Lance family or because CR had other commitments, but if this were real world, I think it would depend on how Quentin and Dinah feel and how they mourn.  I can see reasons both for and against Donna being there, but if she is, I would hope that she would sit in the back with Oliver and Felicity rather than in the front with the Lance family.  She's still a very new girlfriend and barely knows Laurel. As Laurel told Quentin before the building blew up, she'd like to join them for dinner to get to know Donna.  In terms of feelings, I think Dinah should get priority over Donna.


ETA:  Canadagraphs tagged his tumblir post: Arrow, Arrow episode 419, Canary cry, Laurel Lance, Canadagraphs, Arrow Spoilers.


Yeah, that's pretty much a confirmation.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 2

Aww, I remember that.  I loved the idea of Team Arrow and Teen Arrow working as two separate groups but both trying to take down the bad guys in their own way.


I might have liked that in season three, but now I'm a little worn out.  I would love for Roy to return and see him and Thea together, but that's about where my loyalty to masks stops.  I don't mind the occasional appearance from characters like Vixen, Constantine, or even Huntress - but even I think this show is doing a bad job of blocking out fight scenes and dividing the field team well.  I think LoT is making it work, but Arrow just isn't that kind of show. 

  • Love 2
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