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True but I really don't like basing my opinions's impressions of what's going to happen In Show based on comics, these guys twist things to fit their own storyline.  At best I can see them having Malcolm Merlyn using Arthur King as an alias which would be a funny play on names...Arthur King and Thea Queen.


So, assuming The Magician is a Merlyn heavy episode


302 - Sara

304 - The Magician

305 - Oracle


that gives 3 character heavy episodes early on and 3 episodes named after characters?


S2 we had 

208 - The Scientist

213 - Heir to the Demon (Sara heavy)

218 - Deathstroke (Slade/Thea heavy)


Did I miss any?

Edited by Morrigan2575
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So, assuming The Magician is a Merlyn heavy episode

302 - Sara

304 - The Magician

305 - Oracle

that gives 3 character heavy episodes early on and 3 episodes named after characters?


I think 3x03 will be Diggle Centric since it has deadshot.

Edited by abhi
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I think 3x03 will be Diggle Centric since it has deadshot.


I'm sorry if I missed it, but has there been confirmation that Michael Rowe is in 303? I've seen this mentioned a bunch of times, but I can't find any.

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Well he visited the Arrow production office and they took a pick with him. So i am guessing he at least is somewhat involved in episode 3. The same thing happened with Brandon Routh, the guy who plays Wildcat and Barrowman just a few days ago. 


Meh it was the writers lol xD 


Edited by Velocity23
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Well he visited the Arrow production office and they took a pick with him. So i am guessing he at least is somewhat involved in episode 3. The same thing happened with Brandon Routh, the guy who plays Wildcat and Barrowman just a few days ago. 


Meh it was the writers lol xD 


Yeah, he was at the DC offices and the writers room [both in LA] the week before 303 filmed. But I didn't see any mention of him being on set [or the prod offices] anywhere. I *want* him to be in 303 bc I love Deadshot, but I really haven't seen any confirmation. Gimme what I want, show! *g*

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Well I 


And 308 is the crossover with The Flash.  I guess that takes us up to Christmas.


The title of 303 is Corso Maltese. Isn't that where Deadshot is working from?

309 is the last episode before Christmas I think 

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Yeah but you know a lot of our speculations could be completely wrong. Also the EP's often try to mislead people.

This got me thinking about 3.01 again. We know Oliver and Felicity go on a date and it ends in disaster. They told us a lot about this, too much almost. Most people are assuming Oliver pushes Felicity away "because of the life I lead." What if he doesn't? Does it make sense to ask her out on a date, tell her how he feels about her and then say lets be friends because I really only want to be Arrow? Vertigo is involved. The drug is supposed to lower inhibitions/people can't help but do what they want. What if Felicity tells Oliver that she loves him but she needs more than just being a member of Team Arrow in her life? She is the team member who is MIA. (I realize part of the reason she isn't in 3.03 or 3.04 much is because she's filming Flash 1.04 and getting a centric episode in 3.05.)

Maybe mom went to Vegas with dreams of being a showgirl or something and ended up pregnant with Felicity? Dad stuck around for a little while before heading off to greener pastures. Mom becomes bitter which makes life with her difficult for Felicity. Mom thinks dreams are a waste of time so she discourages Felicity from following hers? Now, even though Felicity believes in what Team Arrow is doing, she doesn't want to settle for this as her life. She wants to be more than just Oliver's (or any man's) love interest. Oliver may love Felicity but he isn't looking for a life outside the lair at this point (3.01).

Either way, I think their season arcs will play out the same way. I am just thinking her motivation is more than him just rejecting her. One of the EPs said her response would surprise us. I really want(NEED) to see that conversation.

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Most people are assuming Oliver pushes Felicity away "because of the life I lead." What if he doesn't?


I'm fully prepared to be wrong, but I do think this will be his reasoning.


Stephen Amell said at upfronts that regardless of whether or not Oliver meant the "I love you," the "because of the life I lead" still rings true. The producers said during Comic Con that Oliver's struggle this season is whether he can be Oliver Queen (have a private life) and be the Arrow. The answer at the beginning is going to be no. He'll push her away because that's how he deals with things and has dealt with them from the beginning. 



Does it make sense to ask her out on a date, tell her how he feels about her and then say lets be friends because I really only want to be Arrow?


To me it does. He did the same thing with Laurel at the end of the first season. He found out about the Undertaking and was ready to stop it, ran to Laurel the very second he thought he could hang up the hood, then disappeared after the earthquake. Things are going well in Starling, so he asks Felicity out - a catastrophe ensues. This is just history repeating itself, as it tends to with Oliver. Hopefully he learns something this time.


I'm not 100% sure about Felicity's motivation (maybe it could be the stark realization that she's got her life wrapped in a cause and there's a very good chance that she'll have missed most of her life by the time she's done fighting for it). I am, however, 95.5% sure that's exactly what Oliver's will be.

Edited by apinknightmare
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I thought that Thea was the cast member who was going to miss the opening episodes.

Does it make sense to ask her out on a date, tell her how he feels about her and then say lets be friends because I really only want to be Arrow? 

In the Hong Kong flashback, Maseo tells Oliver that he can't be two people.


We know something happens on the date before they get their main course.  I'm assuming that, whether Felicity gets hurt for real or just that Oliver freaks out that she could be, whatever happens causes Oliver to decide that he can only be one person and that person is The Arrow.  Oliver Queen has to be sacrificed for him.


Felicity may decide that she wants more than Oliver is offering and start dating but to leave the team at this point seems like a drastic step.  She's been there less than two years.  Maybe s4 if Oliver is still dithering.

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Someone posted on Reddit the character description of Ra's al Ghul.



That same poster on Reddit (who seems to have had info on other shows in the past-judging by his/her post history) says Ra's first appears in episode 3x04, I'm not sure if it's true or not though...


That would make sense with what we heard about Ra's first scene being with Nyssa (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwOu64N8EIg), and Katrina Law going up to Vancouver in a few weeks, I don't think she was in Vancouver for 3x02 (Sara)...


Here's a Katrina Law interview from Comic-Con where she talks about flying up to Canada soon:



Edited by drspaceman10
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Introducing the Big Bad so early? I'm really hoping that's not true. That was one of my problems with the back half of the season. It seemed like the show went into a holding pattern, just waiting for the big showdown, after Slade was introducing in present-day Starling in 2x09. Unless, of course, the writers figured out a way to really build the tension and sustain it over 19 episodes. #skeptical

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It might very well be that the face of Ra's al ghul won't be shown, maybe just his shadow or something.I think he won't really make a move until the second half of the Season starts. Anyways I hope Ra's is not just a half a Season villain

Edited by abhi
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Wow, 304? I thought for sure we wouldn't see him until the Winter finale.  Since 304 if Malcolm centric I wonder if we see Ra's in flashbacks in 304 (assuming it's correct) and not in the present?

I wonder, if the episode is Malcolm centric, perhaps we will finally get to see Malcolm time at the League?

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That's what I was assuming as well. Although, maybe as others suggest we'll only get a view of Ra's from the back or in the darkness if they haven't actually cast the character yet.


Nothing new, mostly a collection of Felicity S3 spoilers with a few questions/speculations thrown in.



Edited by Morrigan2575
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I wouldn't mind having Ra's pop up in the first episode, but just as a shadow or a voice speaking to Nyssa or Sara. If he is going to be the big bad of the season I would rather him looming over the whole thing rather than just showing up halfway through like Slade. Save the full reveal for the mid-season break maybe, but hint that he is involved in much of what's going on beforehand.

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More detailed casting descriptions from Reddit:




Most of it is stuff we already know, but it says Toshi (Maseo) is supposed to be in the present later on in the season as well...

Edited by drspaceman10
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That's interesting because in the Deadline/TV Line announcements it was Akiko/Katana that would possibly show up in present day Starling but no mention of Toshi/Maseo which is why most of us suspect that he dies in the past.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Hmmm... So, that might explain how EBR was hanging out with Karl Yune in between takes. Maseo's going to be alive and helping out Oliver in the present?


I hope Katana's going to be around with Maseo in the present, too. If only to further show Oliver that he can have a private life while, also, being a badass vigilanteing hero. Because, damn it, if they kill off Katana, in the past, for Maseo's (and added to Oliver's) manpain then I will cut a bitch. Shado's death left a very bad taste in my mouth; and may a colony of bed bugs infest that writer's room if they subject Katana to that, too.

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I still think it's more likely that Maseo is the one to die and Katana will appear in the present. I would trust Deadline/TVLine over Reddit. I think Reddit just got the details switched.

If they both live, excellent, but I think if one dies it will be Maseo. That's also, if I understand correctly, more in line with the Katana origin story in the comics.

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I wonder how Tatsu becomes Katana if Maseo lives? His death and the deaths of their children were what started her down her path. Then again, I can see them wanting to keep Maseo around because that's another minor character they could really do anything with. He's essentially a blank slate. Maybe the kids die but Maseo lives, and he and Tatsu are vigilantes together. I don't think it makes any sense to kill Tatsu before she ever becomes Katana. That would really be spitting in the faces of comic fans.

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Oh, man, now I want Maseo and Tatsu to be a masked vigilante couple OF AWESOMENESS in the present, that shows that hey, Oliver, look, you can have happiness and sexytimes and fight crime all at the same time. Idiot.


And now I probably jinxed it. *g*


But yeah, if they kill Katana and let Maseo live I'm gonna help @SleepDeprived with the cutting of bitches.

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Bane was terrifying? In the comics maybe. Admittedly the one in Rises was better than the one in that other Batman movie, but I couldn't understand half of what he said and he only really beat Batman up after the movie made a point of showing us Bruce was already broken.

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Bane was just a puppet of Talia anyway, so what's up with that? They want Ra's to be some hulking dude? I almost think that just plain fanboyism is to blame for that weird casting call. None of the things mentioned before Bane would lead me to think of Bane. Confusing.

Edited by JayKay
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Yeah that casting call (assuming it's legit) does not inspire me with confidence. I did not like Bane (although in fairness that had nothing with his build - it's just that the association is not making me happy). Why would they want Ra's to be a huge guy like that? Someone can be physically imposing without being built like a tank.

Edited by Starfish35
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JR Ramirez has been made regular on another show, so it looks like the whole Laurel/Wildcat story is fizzling out before it even begins. I guess he'll make one appearance, do something with Laurel for canon's sake, and that'll be that. I honestly don't know what the frilly heck is going on with Laurel's storyline. Are they even trying? Is it all just lip service? Why didn't they bother to sign him for multiple episodes?

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I'm sure Arrow knew about him possibly becoming a series regular on Power before they signed a deal with him. He can still pop up as a recurring character in a few episodes though. How much of the season was he really going to be in anyway with all of the other characters that Arrow has?


ETA: How big of a part of the season do you think Ray Palmer is going to be (he's supposed to be in 16 episodes)? Isabel was in ten episodes last year but I barely remember her. Do you think Ray is going to be like a Sara level character or more like a Blood/Isabel character?

Edited by drspaceman10
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JR Ramirez has been made regular on another show, so it looks like the whole Laurel/Wildcat story is fizzling out before it even begins. I guess he'll make one appearance, do something with Laurel for canon's sake, and that'll be that. I honestly don't know what the frilly heck is going on with Laurel's storyline. Are they even trying? Is it all just lip service? Why didn't they bother to sign him for multiple episodes?

well it is possible that he will be a recurring on arrow.

we don't know how big his part in that other show will be, meaning will he be needed to be on set all the time (doubtful).

schedule can be worked around, especially if he is not needed daily on both shows.

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If it starts filming in Sept, how many eps is J.R. signed up for with Arrow? Is Wildcat just going to be an Easter Egg appearance or is he going to be like BD Paul who played the ADA and only have a few seconds of screen time for a couple of episodes because he was filming Orphan Black at the same time? That won't be much of a love story and it looks like Laurel's training will be taking place off screen. Then when KC's stunt double shows up as BC she'll magically be amazing. 

Edited by Sakura12
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