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I wouldn't mind one of Guggie's GOTCHAs! here -- if they tease that DD is Felicity's father for a while, but then it turns out that psych!, it's his second in command, or the tech guy instead.

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Why would centuries old vampires settle down and go to HS?  


Equally ridiculous, true, but at least those vampires had committed to not eating people. Believing a big bad (old) evil dude, who's been evil for eons falls in love with a cocktail waitress after a trip to Vegas, has a kid and plays house for years, then leaves so he could return to being evil? Nah. Can't buy it.

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I.don't know maybe it's my love of Highlander and Methos popping up but I don't really see a problem with a centuries old immortal falling in love with a waitress.

Every character gets out of the game at some point. X-Men characters always leave and try to be normal before getting pulled back into the fight. Duncan McCloud would always try to settle down and live a normal life before the woman got killed by one of his enemies.

I think Ann Rice has something like this in Queen of the Damned. It was about Louis's appeal and how even the oldest of Vampires were attracted to him/cared for him. It was because he was the most human of all the Vampires and that held an attraction for them because he was so unlike them.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I don't think it'd be an issue if he wasn't supposed to be some big bad villain. I just find the idea of him wanting to be the next Ra's, stealing LP waters to keep himself alive (and I guess carting them with him to Vegas where he played house for however many years), deciding to give it up for a bit for a cocktail waitress, and actually being close to Felicity for a while just...utterly ridiculous, sorry. I think that would be so ridiculous, haha.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Agreed. It's not his immortality that's the problem. It's him being this huge Big Bad on a level with Ra's Al Ghul. Methos was Death, but he gave that up. DD has done no such thing. I just honestly can't imagine the leader of H.I.V.E. just taking a break for a few years, and then going, well that was fun. Now back to evil and world domination!

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I don't have issues with century old beings falling in love and trying to be like modern humans. Just ones who are the big bad. I rather the big bad play these people. Even the ones he loves. I do believe that evil can love but it's not going to be pretty. And settling down for years isn't believable imo.

And imo being the big bad doesn't mean the actor should be a regular. Just a major recurring but I guess they wanted to ensure the actors availability.

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And IF he'd fathered a child, wouldn't his ego have made sure to bring her along or at the very least sent her to some private school? I could have bought into a brief fling while on a visit to Vegas, but to stick around for seven years and then disappear ... I can't make that work. Plus the sides the used in the auditions indicated DD has had no emotional ties holding him back. Why would a dude of nearly two hundred only decide to cut emotional ties in the last couple decades?

I really don't think it will happen, but I did like the idea of DD being Felicity's grandfather and that her father had rebelled and ran off to Vegas only to have to leave when daddy dearest tracked him down.

My theory is that DD is Felicitys Grandad

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My theory is that DD is Felicitys Grandad



That's slightly less hilarious, but he'd still have to have fathered a child at some point. I guess he could've raised DD Jr. in the evil business, and DD Jr. escaped dear 'ol dad during his own version of villain spawn rumspringa. Maybe dad called him back into the family business for some tech support? 


Still hoping he's a regular guy tied up with baddies. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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A BIG bad fathering a child is believable. Sex is still going to be important. I could see DD playing at being an asshat casino owner and his child wanting Normalcy.

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timestamp="1436559592"]That's slightly less hilarious, but he'd still have to have fathered a child at some point. I guess he could've raised DD Jr. in the evil business, and DD Jr. escaped dear 'ol dad during his own version of villain spawn rumspringa. Maybe dad called him back into the family business for some tech support? 


Still hoping he's a regular guy tied up with baddies.

Ras had Nyssa and she is practically Felicity's age so it's no stretch for me to believe DD could have a son that would be Donna's age.

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A BIG bad fathering a child is believable. Sex is still going to be important. I could see DD playing at being an asshat casino owner and his child wanting Normalcy.

Or Jr just happened to be on vacation and met her. In my head he kept Donna and Felicity secret from dad. (Traveled a lot for work?). Then when dad found out or was close to finding out, he had to cut ties to keep them safe.

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A BIG bad fathering a child is believable. Sex is still going to be important. I could see DD playing at being an asshat casino owner and his child wanting Normalcy.


I didn't mean to imply that it wasn't believable, but a big bad fathering a child that isn't groomed in the business ala Nyssa al Ghul is a little iffy to me. Especially since he and Ra's fought to be the previous Ra's heir - you'd think he'd want to get that locked up tight. That's why I wrote the rest about DD Jr. having gotten free at some point, but brought by into it by dad. 

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Well, Felicity is not a true blonde, so DD being blond doesn't necessarily mean anything.

I think this casting is proof, however, of just how cynical I've become about Arrow. I really like Neal McDonough. And don't shoot me, but I vastly prefer this to Sebastian Roche. But all I can do is sit here and think about all the ways this can go wrong. *sad*

I would have much preferred SR too. The only thing I've ever liked NM in is Agent Carter.  He always plays the creepy psycho villain and that's just never been my thing. 


ETA: The announcement of him being a regular means S4 is likely to be a long slog for me.

Edited by catahoulamama
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They could make DD Felicity's grandad and not have her dad onscreen at all. All we know right now is that we learn about who her father is, and that he's connected to HIVE right? He could still do that as a dead guy.

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I've always thought Neal McDonough to be creepy so I'm iffy on this but I have to say, he does play evil really well.   (This causes conflict in my household since one person loves him as Caine from The Tin Man.)  A lot better than Matt Nable, so I've got hopes for this arc.


I don't want him to be Laurel's love interest for realz but I'd love it if he tried to seduce her to get an "in" to Team Arrow for a few episodes.  I'd also like to see if it ups KC's acting game to act opposite him.


A huge NO to him being Felicity's father.  But you have to admit, they  must be forking over big bucks to pay for him so maybe Arrow isn't going to be the red-haired stepchild next season too.


I still wish it had been Peter Wingfield though.  He does creepy-evil too, but with more subtlety.

And IF he'd fathered a child, wouldn't his ego have made sure to bring her along or at the very least sent her to some private school? I could have bought into a brief fling while on a visit to Vegas, but to stick around for seven years and then disappear ... I can't make that work. Plus the sides the used in the auditions indicated DD has had no emotional ties holding him back. Why would a dude of nearly two hundred only decide to cut emotional ties in the last couple decades?

The impression I got from Donna in her second visit is that Felicity's father would have been in jail but he wasn't an evil person himself.  Damian Darhk (hate that spelling) is a centuries old evil evil villain.  Donna wouldn't have felt the way she seems to about her ex if he was that bad. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


I'm hoping Felicity's dad is someone who fell into HIVE's evil ways through Darhk's manipulation and couldn't get out.

On the con side, the casting makes me nervous that DD is Felicity's dad. I hate it and I don't want it to be true, but casting the ultimate in blonde-haired, blue-eyed dudes of a certain age.

But Felicity dyes her hair.  If her mother is blonde, and her father's hair is white-blond, she wouldn't need to be going to the hair dye aisle in the drug store.

Edited by statsgirl
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I think I'm more for DD being related to Felicity Father/Grandfather than not. Maybe her development would actually be on Arrow and about her...that really what I want. Also being related to an established Dc character may legitimise Felicity as a character more in other fan's eyes than random henchman no 2. (Sadly not every evil organisation can have the likes of henchmen 21 & 24).


If he is her father, who's to say that the 6 or 7 years that he was in her life he didn't travel a lot for work. If he is her grandfather maybe the son keep her & Donna hidden form H.I.V.E and DD. Either way Donna is adorable enough to make most guys reconsider their allegiance to a secret evil organisation of Assassins and mercenaries.


The description for DD in the DC wiki I found on google he seems to be very in touch with technology which suggest, for me, they are likely to go the route of DD related to FS.


SR has turned up on so much lately that I'm pleasantly surprised with NM's casting.

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Maybe DD is also the Dread Pirate Robert and Papa Smoak was Wesley, who was captured by him for super hacker purposes. Papa Smoak was rather endearing and he and DD bonded (even tho DD continued to tell him he would die the next day every day - total tool move). One day DD decided to hang up his boots and eye patch and Papa Smoak became the Dread Pirate Robert because he needed to make something of himself and make it home to his Buttercup.


It's all fixed now.

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Maybe DD is also the Dread Pirate Robert and Papa Smoak was Wesley, who was captured by him for super hacker purposes. Papa Smoak was rather endearing and he and DD bonded (even tho DD continued to tell him he would die the next day every day - total tool move). One day DD decided to hang up his boots and eye patch and Papa Smoak became the Dread Pirate Robert because he needed to make something of himself and make it home to his Buttercup.


It's all fixed now.

LOL, I could get behind that, but there's no way I'd want these showrunners to even sniff in the direction of anything Princess Bride. Just No. Fabulous alternate head canon for sure though!

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Yeah, see this is why it's tricky because DD being Felicity's father is one of the main ways for her storyline to be front and center and I think she deserves that after 3 seasons. But at the same time I'd rather her dad was anyone but DD.


Can you imagine if he is her dad though? I can hear the 'But it's not canon!' cries already.

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See, I think making her dad be DD would actually make it less about her. It'd just be an aside in the Oliver/Team Arrow vs. DD dynamic. It wouldn't be just about her, it would be about the terrible things he did/is doing, his vendetta against Team Arrow, etc. I think the only way for the storyline for her dad to be truly about her is if the dad is a random (hopefully unwilling) HIVE member. That way his involvement can stretch all throughout the season, the storyline can be more than just a one off, it provides interesting conflict for her, and is apart from Oliver and the team's beef with DD.

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See, I think making her dad be DD would actually make it less about her. It'd just be an aside in the Oliver/Team Arrow vs. DD dynamic. It wouldn't be just about her, it would be about the terrible things he did/is doing, his vendetta against Team Arrow, etc. I think the only way for the storyline for her dad to be truly about her is if the dad is a random (hopefully unwilling) HIVE member. That way his involvement can stretch all throughout the season, the storyline can be more than just a one off, it provides interesting conflict for her, and is apart from Oliver and the team's beef with DD.

That is my fear. I don't want other characters (even if it's Oliver and Diggle) to have the more significant interaction/storyline with her father.



Yeah, see this is why it's tricky because DD being Felicity's father is one of the main ways for her storyline to be front and center and I think she deserves that after 3 seasons. But at the same time I'd rather her dad was anyone but DD.


Can you imagine if he is her dad though? I can hear the 'But it's not canon!' cries already.


I won't lie. I would love to watch that meltdown.

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See, I think making her dad be DD would actually make it less about her. It'd just be an aside in the Oliver/Team Arrow vs. DD dynamic. It wouldn't be just about her, it would be about the terrible things he did/is doing, his vendetta against Team Arrow, etc. I think the only way for the storyline for her dad to be truly about her is if the dad is a random (hopefully unwilling) HIVE member. That way his involvement can stretch all throughout the season, the storyline can be more than just a one off, it provides interesting conflict for her, and is apart from Oliver and the team's beef with DD.


Sadly though, I think that'll happen even if her father isn't DD and just works for H.I.V.E. I'm not expecting the writers to have an epiphany and change methods in s4. I just hope whatever she gets is more than the love interest role she was lumbered with in s3.

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I didn't mean to imply that it wasn't believable, but a big bad fathering a child that isn't groomed in the business ala Nyssa al Ghul is a little iffy to me. Especially since he and Ra's fought to be the previous Ra's heir - you'd think he'd want to get that locked up tight. That's why I wrote the rest about DD Jr. having gotten free at some point, but brought by into it by dad.

Happens all the time in comics. Maybe that's why I don't see the problem.

Magneto fathered Pietro and Wanda Maximoff and later Lorna Dane. Victor Creed fathered Grayden Creed with Mystique. Mystique had Nightcrawler with Azazel and abandoned him but raised Rogue for a few years. Terry/Siryn was fathered by Banshee but raised by his cousin/brother? Black Tom, a villain.

There's even a trope for it, could totally work for Felicity. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MadScientistsBeautifulDaughter

Does this mean it's going to be good/entertaining/beneficial for Felicity? Sadly, probably not but, I don't think it bends credulity to have DD be Felicity's father.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Happens all the time in comics. Maybe that's why I don't see the problem.


I don't see a problem with it in general, or even with some other character on this show. I only see the whole trying out a new life away from crime with a Vegas cocktail waitress storyline completely ridiculous for this particular villain. If he wasn't however many centuries old and in the running for the old Ra's position, I honestly wouldn't find it that ridiculous. That's why I could maybe get behind the idea that he was her grandfather, and his son tried leaving the life and met Donna, then got back in for whatever reason. 

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I don't see a problem with it in general, or even with some other character on this show. I only see the whole trying out a new life away from crime with a Vegas cocktail waitress storyline completely ridiculous for this particular villain. If he wasn't however many centuries old and in the running for the old Ra's position, I honestly wouldn't find it that ridiculous. That's why I could maybe get behind the idea that he was her grandfather, and his son tried leaving the life and met Donna, then got back in for whatever reason.

The grandfather idea is definitely a good way to go but I doubt really think these writers care. To be honest I don't think many fans will think DD getting with Donna is much of a stretch or reason to complain.

BTW - why do people think Donna was always a cocktail waitress? Was that stated somewhere? I always assumed she became a waitress after Felicity's dad abandoned them and she had to find a way to provide for Felicity. I know Donna is not super smart like Felicity but that's about all the backstory I really have. Was their relationship discussed? Do we know that Donna met Daddy Smoak while she was working in Vegas or that they even met in Vegas?

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I'm 50/50 on him being Felicity's father at this point.  I have myself convinced they won't go there, then I think DR mic drops Felicity's Dad and hintis that he is tied closely to HIVE, MG saying they are aware of fan expectations and this season making Felicity fans happy...I don't know.


Done well and I think it could be amazing, done poorly and I think it could be S3 all over.

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BTW - why do people think Donna was always a cocktail waitress? Was that stated somewhere? I always assumed she became a waitress after Felicity's dad abandoned them and she had to find a way to provide for Felicity. I know Donna is not super smart like Felicity but that's about all the backstory I really have. Was their relationship discussed? Do we know that Donna met Daddy Smoak while she was working in Vegas or that they even met in Vegas?


No, it wasn't ever discussed as far as I know, so I am assuming. Good point. Although I get the feeling Donna was always at least some version of Donna, so that still makes the villain on a hiatus for love thing ridiculous to me, haha.

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I'm in the camp of hoping Felicity's dad is tied to H.I.V.E. in some significant way but not DD. Truthfully, I think it would be much more effective to have him be eeeeeevil to start and then give him some way to be ultimately redeemed in order to be worthy of her relationship. I don't think they could do that with an iconic villain like DD. Also, I don't think I can endure the tidal wave of bitching and moaning about comic canon and fan pandering that would inevitably follow should they make Felicity his daughter. It used to be humorous, now it's just annoying as hell.

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Yeah, that's another reason why, if he's tied to HIVE, I don't want him to be DD. I'd like for her to have struggles with who he is and if she can trust him, but I would like the door to be open for them to have a relationship at some point. I would never buy her doing that with DD.

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For me, tying DD to Ra's was a huge, and entirely unforced, error.  It added nothing to the (stupidass) story being told in S3 and really hamstrung them in S4.  It would be no problem for DD to be Felicity's dad or really anything, if they hadn't made him a contemporary of Ra's.  I honestly have no idea why they did that or what that brought to the story.  Plus, it will make me remember the utter loathing I have for pretty much all of S3 in S4, again entirely unnecessarily.


Excited about the casting, though.  He's a very reliable actor.  Plus hopefully he takes up enough of the salary budget to keep Routh's appearances minimized.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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Thats what I don't like too.They shouldn't have tied HIVE to the LOA,especially if DD is Felicity's father.I think its just so they can involve Malcolm in the story again.But they could have done that by making him work for DD the whole time or something instead of the being the new Ras thing.The LOA plot was so bad,it would have been better to not drag it out in season 4. But I still really like the idea of the big bad being Felicity's dad. Love the casting.Unlike BR it benefits arrow,its not just a spinoff pilot going on too long.

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Diggle and Felicity possibly getting significant storylines this year is the best news I've heard so far (with the casting of DD).


I wanted Felicity's mother to be the "hero or villain" character -it would have been a nice subversion of the trope- but the show gave me Donna Smoak so I can't complain.

By the way, I don't remember an outcry when Diggle was linked to HIVE through his brother and ARGUS through his (then ex-)wife, or when Malcolm Merlyn who if I'm not mistaken doesn't exist in the comics was tied to the likes of Ra's. So I don't see the problem with the de facto leading lady getting ties with comic characters, just like the other creations of the show. Although I'd honestly rather see Felicity keep her own brand of original show character, she earned her own importance without comic creds and she doesn't need them imo.


I don't really care about the identity of her father anymore, to be honest. I just want the writing to be good, in character and avoid a repeat of the mistakes made in S3. So, if her dad's a villain:

-I don't want her to get a case of "Woe is me, my dad is evil and his sins make me unworthy", replace Oliver in the (wo)manpain department and blame herself for everything including global warming, because hello, it would be absolutely OOC for me. Felicity knows imo that she made herself and isn't responsible for her parents' actions. Daddy left her with fear of abandonment and lots of heartache, yes. But not this kind of self-esteem issues imo. 

-I'd be OK if she followed the Luke-Vader "There's still good in him left" trope, preferably if she's right, but only if it doesn't result in her acting like an idiot by believing in it at all cost against evidence or logic, especially if she's wrong. Conflicted and hurt, of course, but not blindly stubborn. Above all, I don't want a redux of the Thea/Malcolm S3-A mess. If her father is truly too far gone, I want Felicity to do what she has to do, as she always did so far.

-I do not, I repeat I do not, want the identity of her father to create problems inside Real Team Arrow. Not after S3, nope, no more conflicts, no more separations. My number one wish this season is a rapid resolution -like, Barry-rapid- of the Oliver/Diggle issues, already. So I want this trial to reunite OTA, to reaffirm that they're each other's priority and that they place the trust and understanding between each other above everything else. I especially want Felicity and Diggle to bond over having lost (one way or another) a loved one to HIVE. BTW, maybe Diggle will learn that Andy wasn't a good guy either.


If Felicity's father is a good guy coerced by HIVE into helping them (somehow, I have trouble imagining it) then I want some epic Original Team Arrow rescue. The team needs some win, the show needs some levity. It would be the perfect opportunity.


About DD, I don't know. Nothing made sense about the LoA last year so I kind of hope the writers kind of sweep that connexion under the rug, along with Ra's memory, and focus on finding him a place as a villain in his own right. I'd even take some retcon over a possible compelling (if evil) character coming with baggage from a season he wasn't even a part of.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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I love what they did with Donna.When she was first mentioned  I thought she was going to be negligent or distant towards Felicity.I'm glad they made it more interesting then that.The main outcry if DD is her father is gonna be that she's a Mary Sue because I've already seen complaints that Ra's or Merlyn should have killed her for daring to talk back to them.So the meltdown would be funny. :)

And I agree whoever her father is,I just need her reactions to be in character.Not like Thea changing her mind on Malcolm every other episode for no good reason.

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Me three, or four, that I don't want DD to be Felicity's father because then the story will be all about him and not her. Just look at Thea in s3 when everything was about Malcolm until they actually needed to put her in a costume and then it became about her.  Thea's big story arc was 19 episodes about Malcolm and four about her.  I worry that they will do that to Felicity too.



BTW - why do people think Donna was always a cocktail waitress? Was that stated somewhere? I always assumed she became a waitress after Felicity's dad abandoned them and she had to find a way to provide for Felicity. I know Donna is not super smart like Felicity but that's about all the backstory I really have. Was their relationship discussed? Do we know that Donna met Daddy Smoak while she was working in Vegas or that they even met in Vegas?

We don't know that she always was but we do know that:

  • she was intimidated by how smart Felicity is and that Felicity and her father did computer things that Donna didn't understand;
  • she assumed that Felicity being so smart, she would eventually leave her mother behind as her father did;
  • that Felicity had to fight to get out of Vegas and not be a cocktail waitress like her mother;
  • that when her husband left, Donna had to work 60 hours a week in 6" heels and skimpy dresses to provide for the two of them;
  • that what she thinks is appropriate casual day wear really isn't.


The working 60 hours a week as a cocktail waitress especially makes me think that if she had another way of getting money, like being an accountant or manager even a secretary, she would have chosen that instead, regular hours, better pay and easier working conditions. 

Edited by statsgirl
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We don't know that she always was but we do know that:

  • she was intimidated by how smart Felicity is and that Felicity and her father did computer things that Donna didn't understand;
  • she assumed that Felicity being so smart, she would eventually leave her mother behind as her father did;
  • that Felicity had to fight to get out of Vegas and not be a cocktail waitress like her mother;
  • that when her husband left, Donna had to work 60 hours a week in 6" heels and skimpy dresses to provide for the two of them;
  • that what she thinks is appropriate casual day wear really isn't.
The working 60 hours a week as a cocktail waitress especially makes me think that if she had another way of getting money, like being an accountant or manager even a secretary, she would have chosen that instead, regular hours, better pay and easier working conditions.

We have no idea how old Donna is, she could have easily been 19-20 and gotten involved with the wrong guy. It's entirely possible that she became a cocktail waitress only after papa Smoak abandoned them.

She could have been a cocktail waitress, she could have been a performer (lots of legit/clean shows in Vegas...even 25 years ago), she could have been a dumb college kid/townie. We really have no clue about Donna, Felicity or Papa Smoak so anything is possible.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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To me, it doesn't matter what Donna's occupation was when she met Felicity's father, if said father is Damien Darhk. It's the idea of him taking an evil sabbatical to go play house for a few years that makes me LOL. And, obviously getting involved in some low-level crime while he was there, since Donna and Felicity's hospital talk insinuated that they knew he was a criminal. 


It reminds me of Steve Martin's character in My Blue Heaven, who leaves the mob by going into the witness protection program, only to start a small-town crime ring by scamming people out of change donations to help sick children, haha. 

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My last comment wasn't even about DD it was pretty much all about Donna. I just always assumed that Donna was a young mom who was abandoned by her husband/boyfriend (I don't even know if she was married to be honest) and became a waitress to support herself/daughter.

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Casting someone as well known as NM solidifies my belief that Damien Darhk is not going to be a straight out evil villain, but someone with layers who believes he's doing the right thing and knows what's best for the world.  (I mean, they tried to redeem the awful Malcolm Merlyn.)  A good actor is going to want to portray a complex 3D character and not a one-dimensional character.  So it's very possible that he could be Felicity's father - so that they could use Donna and Felicity to show Darhk's good side or weak spot - and a way to how Oliver/TA ultimately can defeat him.


However, I also agree with jay741982 that Darhk could be Felicity's grandfather.  His son would be the one who rebelled against his father, left HIVE, fell for Donna, was tracked down by his father, and left his family to protect them.  His son is now dead, and Darhk didn't know about Felicity until now.  That would still work to make Felicity (his granddaughter) as a weakness for Darhk.

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And IF he'd fathered a child, wouldn't his ego have made sure to bring her along or at the very least sent her to some private school? I could have bought into a brief fling while on a visit to Vegas, but to stick around for seven years and then disappear ... I can't make that work. Plus the sides the used in the auditions indicated DD has had no emotional ties holding him back. Why would a dude of nearly two hundred only decide to cut emotional ties in the last couple decades?

I really don't think it will happen, but I did like the idea of DD being Felicity's grandfather and that her father had rebelled and ran off to Vegas only to have to leave when daddy dearest tracked him down.

The grandfather is a good angle, especially if he is using LP serum to keep him young. I like this idea! It still puts TA in the middle, but does not require a reason for DD to be the one who settled in Vegas.

I think the biggest problem with DD now is that they established him as a contemporary to Ra's & a former lover/husband/housemate to a Vegas waitress. Separate both of those backstories could work, together its kinda a mess. Per usual, I'm not sure the writers can back up their genius 5 secs of OMG with hours of quality scripting.

Edited by kismet
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Okay, guys, I like the grandfather idea.


However, I also agree with jay741982 that Darhk could be Felicity's grandfather.  His son would be the one who rebelled against his father, left HIVE, fell for Donna, was tracked down by his father, and left his family to protect them.  His son is now dead, and Darhk didn't know about Felicity until now.  That would still work to make Felicity (his granddaughter) as a weakness for Darhk.



...And then of course, Felicity's father is not really dead because THIS SHOW.

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FYI: Laura Hurley gives her four reasons as to why she doesn't want DD to be Felicity's father...


anonymous asks:

I have to admit I didn't think it would be a good idea having DD as Felicity's dad either at first but the more I thought about the story possibilities and how it would connect all three members of the team I started to love the idea of the core members having that big of a connection to the villain. I also love the idea of Diggle and Felicity having a little conflict and a actual story together which means more focus on that relationship. Also, I'm not buying Felicity's dad as some...
Jul 10, 2015 3:46 pm

Edited by tv echo
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I think Felicity's father is going to Dr. Arthur Light.  It just works on so many levels and the ties to ARGUS could leave it very unclear whether he is all bad or all good.  I think the powers that be cannot avoid the attraction to parallels and the Light v. Darkk thing, along with Felicity being the light, is just too compelling.  There was the spoiler a couple of months ago that her father would be one of the smartests DC characters.  There was also something a long while back about a hint to her her father is being in a Season 2 episode (the one that introduced Caitlyn and Cisco).  In that episode was the use by Cisco of Dr. Light's equipment and dialouge about Light being fired by Wells.


One possibility is that Light works with ARGUS and is in HIVE in that capacity.  He would thus have ties to Waller.  The trope of him doing it to protect Felicity and Mama Smoak would be there.


I would not be shocked if he hasn't been officially cast yet.  He would not need to be introduced in person for a while in the season.

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Laura's points are how I feel.

Same. I really hope they don't go there. And as interesting as I think the theory of DD being Felicity's grandfather is, I hope they don't go there either.

Edited by apinknightmare
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I wonder if the new character showing up in episode 2 (20-something African-American male, technological genius on par with Felicity Smoak) has become an LGBT male and friend of Felicity - Mr. Terrific?

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