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This is my dream scenario, tbh:

Thea: Hey, Laurel, Oliver totally ditched, so maybe this time around we can get rid of Malcolm!

Laurel: Super great, I'll call my new BFF Nyssa!

Nyssa: *decapitates Malcolm*

Thea, Laurel and Nyssa: *go out for drinks*

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This is my dream scenario, tbh:

Thea: Hey, Laurel, Oliver totally ditched, so maybe this time around we can get rid of Malcolm!

Laurel: Super great, I'll call my new BFF Nyssa!

Nyssa: *decapitates Malcolm*

Thea, Laurel and Nyssa: *go out for drinks*



I would be fine with them all stabbing him with something pointy ala Ayra in GoT.  Thea: This is for Robert and Walter.  Laurel: This is for Tommy.  Nyssa: This is for Sara!  If they would let Felicity go so dark, I wouldn't mind getting her in on this as well!  Girl bonding for the win!

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I didn't say she couldn't be close to both. But I don't want her to become closer to Felicity.


OK, I'll bite. Why? I'm really curious. I've seen the same statements from Laurel fans and their reasoning is that Felicity has taken everything from Laurel.

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If it's O/N how is it a marriage? Because by saying it's both, that to me implies more than a ceremony, it implies an actual marriage and everything that goes with it (love, sex. Commitment, etc).

I think you're using words much more precisely than Guggie in terms of what a marriage entails.  Plus, the wedding is in the penultimate episode, and probably doesn't continue into S4, meaning it's a 1.5-ish episode "marriage" regardless of who it's between.  Seriously, think about how much of a ripoff of Batman this season has been.  It's totally Nyssa and Oliver.  Hopefully they don't have a sex scene.


This show is gross.



Ra's will so confident that the process was successful in transforming Oliver into the Arrow, that he won't need these 'hostages' anymore.  That hubris could lead to Ra's' downfall.

I definitely think Ra's is likely to order Oliver to kill them.  Obviously, he won't.  Maseo/Sara/Malcolm weren't ordered to kill their families, but, you know, REASONS.


I've realized there's one single thing I'm grateful for this season...all this terrible crap is happening at the very end of the season.  Evil Oliver won't last longer than 1.5 episodes at most, same with Oliver/Nyssa "marriage" and any danger Oliver puts Diggle and Felicity in.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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I think you're using words much more precisely than Guggie in terms of what a marriage entails.  Plus, the wedding is in the penultimate episode, and probably doesn't continue into S4, meaning it's a 1.5-ish episode "marriage" regardless of who it's between.  Seriously, think about how much of a ripoff of Batman this season has been.  It's totally Nyssa and Oliver.  Hopefully they don't have a sex scene.


This show is gross.

Soooo. . . they killed off their bisexual superhero, the very first one ever on tv, and now they're going to have her lesbian girlfriend marry Oliver? Because, why now? Her daddy won't let her run his evil killing organization unless she's appropriately hetero? Oh my stars and garters, this is going to get ugly.


You know, there's been an awful lot of stupid this season, but this would take the cake. Guggenheim can't possibly be that short-sighted to not see the hell that would come at him if he did something like that. I mean, he has shut up about what a wonderful idea killing Sara was, and how he couldn't have possibly known that when he shoved her dead body in a fridge, people would accuse him of fridging another female character. Somebody must be giving him some "dude, head out of your ass" advice, right? Right?


Oh, fuck.

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Guggenheim can't possibly be that short-sighted to not see the hell that would come at him if he did something like that.

Guggenheim thought people would love Laurel faking Sara's voice to fool her father.  As far as why, it could be ANYTHING, because the Ra's story has been insanely inconsistent and illogical from the beginning.  It has never, never, never made sense that Ra's wants a dude to take the job who absolutely does not want the job.  When they did this storyline with Batman, it made sense.  In many ways Batman would be an awesome Demon's Head.  More importantly, when he said no, Ra's didn't go after his family and friends to make him take the job.  Because making someone take a job they hate is STUPID AND INSANE.  So I am sure it's Oliver/Nyssa, because Batman.


Also, this is from awhile back, but at this point Oliver is basically Neville Chamberlain.  Ra's stabbed his sister more or less to death, and his reaction is to take the job offer and apparently become friendly with him (yeah, brainwashing, Oliver was tortured and screwed with for years and never broke).  I realize, see above, he didn't WANT the job, but he still took it.  When evil comes to your door, you don't appease it, you destroy it.  You certainly don't surrender to it.  

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I don't know when this Nyssa/Oliver theory started to get so much traction, but there aren't really any spoilers to support it. Yes this show has done stupid things in the past, but even they're not that stupid. In my opinion, there's nothing in the current plot/upcoming episode descriptions to suggest that Nyssa/Oliver are going to be the ones getting married. 

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I don't know when this Nyssa/Oliver theory started to get so much traction, but there aren't really any spoilers to support it. Yes this show has done stupid things in the past, but even they're not that stupid. In my opinion, there's nothing in the current plot/upcoming episode descriptions to suggest that Nyssa/Oliver are going to be the ones getting married. 

It's getting traction because what spoilers we do have limit the people it can be. 


We know its between two prominent characters, in present day, and its their first marriage.....so that seems to leave Ray, Oliver, and Roy as male options and Laurel, Felicity, Thea, and Nyssa as female options. 


The wedding happens in 3x22 which seems to eliminate Ray since he hasn't interacted with Thea or Nyssa, he and Felicity are done per MG, and he and Laurel have only shared like two or three scenes. 


Roy would only marry Thea.


That leaves Oliver and Felicity, Laurel, and Nyssa. I'm 99% positive Laurel is off the table because I think they know you can't have Oliver have sex with Felicity in one episode and then marry Laurel two episodes later for any reason.  Maybe they don't realize this - but I'm hoping they aren't that stupid.


I believe Oliver's and all three women will be in NP in 3x22 per spoilers so that would make the story surrounding the wedding seemingly related to Ras and the LoA story.  That seems to leave us with a forced wedding between Oliver and Nyssa with a possible fake-out of Felicity replacing Nyssa. So yea, people have come to this conclusion in a rather logical manner.


Me?  I'm still in the corner going it's Roy and Thea, it's Roy and Thea, it's Roy and Thea......

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I think the only reason Oliver and Nyssa is an option is because of Batman.


There is nothing in the narrative to support a marriage at all for anyone. If MG hadn't mentioned another wedding, no one would be talking about a one. I've read all of MG responses to the wedding and I still think its not going to amount to anything. If they had the media talking about it I would take it more seriously, but its really only being talked about by the fans.


Maybe I'm in denial, but it's my bubble. I decorate how I want.

Edited by 10Eleven12
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Guggie admitted in an interview that Nyssa being gay was part of the reason Ra's disinherited her.  His reasoning was "Yes, it's offensive, but Ra's is THE VILLAIN."  He really said that.  So he thinks the show can present homophobia as much as he wants, as long as it's presented by a villain.  He'll do the same thing here.  He really is clueless.  


I think the only reason Oliver and Nyssa is an option is because of Batman.

100% agree.  It makes absolutely no sense in any way.  But, Batman.  That's all Guggie needs.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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Guggie admitted in an interview that Nyssa being gay was part of the reason Ra's disinherited her.  His reasoning was "Yes, it's offensive, but Ra's is THE VILLAIN."  He really said that.  So he thinks the show can present homophobia as much as he wants, as long as it's presented by a villain.  He'll do the same thing here.  He really is clueless.  

100% agree.  It makes absolutely no sense in any way.  But, Batman.  That's all Guggie needs.


No offense, but MG has a point. we need to also look at this from Ra's perspective and not just our own modern one. Ra's is easily a couple centuries old, so he comes from a time when being gay was literally a crime! punishable by death. yes he has lived through the 20th century, and he may have some tolerance for it among his ranks, but alot of individuals in our modern society are okay with gay marriage and equality but when push come to shove and it's their own child.. they turn their back on them. Ra's world is very old fashioned, and from a region in the world which is far less tolerant equality.

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In the US it would have the same force and effect as two six-year-olds getting "married" on a playground.  No need for divorce or annulment.  It wouldn't go into S4, it's entirely meaningless outside of the aforementioned Batman ripoff.  I hope the LGBTQ community rips them new assholes for it, but Guggie will just say "Yes, I know it's totally offensive, but Ra's is the VILLAIN."  As if that excuses it.

I agree that i can't see any way that this marriage is going to turn out good, none at all, but if it's in the US and is really a green card marriage, it would be legal, and it would have to be in effect for as long as the protection is needed.  Love the idea of Oliver as Neville Chamberlain. He's been that way since he protected Malcolm in The Magician. 


If MG hadn't said that Ray and Felicity were definitely over, I'd give them my vote. Remember  how many times MG talked about Felicity catching the bouquet? And how it was in the episode not just during the wedding, but also at the end in the lair as Felicity thanked Oliver and went off to see Ray?  (I hope she got rid of it before Quentin & his crew got there.)


Roy and Thea.... Roy and Thea.... Roy and Thea....


Or hey, if it's a green card marriage, what about Ray and Nyssa?

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No offense, but MG has a point. we need to also look at this from Ra's perspective and not just our own modern one. Ra's is easily a couple centuries old, so he comes from a time when being gay was literally a crime!

Ra's isn't a real guy, and this show already killed and literally fridged a major bisexual character.  Do you really think the LGBTQ community is going to be okay with now forcing that dead bisexual hero's lesbian girlfriend to marry/be impregnated by a guy, just because it's a villain who is making it happen.



but if it's in the US and is really a green card marriage,

A US green card marriage is fraud, but it is binding on the parties.  I'm assuming this is a Nanda Parbat wedding.  Even between two US citizens who consent it wouldn't be legal in the US, because they'd still need all kinds of licensing, etc., and most importantly there's no evidence that NP/LOA are sovereign nations.


I wonder if they've fixed the Flash/Arrow timeline.  If no, then Arrow 21 should be the end of evil Oliver, since Flash 22 would have been next and he's helping Barry in that one so PROBABLY no longer evil.  But if fixed, then it goes from him being evil in Arrow 21, to Arrow 22 with everyone in NP and Oliver maybe still evil, to Flash 22 Oliver in Central City helping Barry, then Arrow finale.  I'm hoping it's not fixed, as that strongly implies ("Barry, move!") that evil Oliver is over at the end of Arrow 21.


Also, Morrigan is the first person I saw who guessed Oliver would be brainwashed, so major props to him.  I LOATHE it, but that was a smart speculation.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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Honestly, I think it depends on how they do it. If they had Nyssa marry Oliver and everyone was a-okay with it and no one pointed out how fucked up it was and she went along with it, then yeah, there's an issue. If Ra's mandates a marriage and children and Nyssa goes into it with her own agenda on how to get out of it so she ultimately plays Ra's and gets whatever she went into the deal to get (seems like he might threaten her with something), then I think it could be okay. 

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If this show had a good history of dealing with sensitive material, then a homophobic villain maaaaybe could work. But time and again they botch things up, whenever some social justice awareness is required. Characters are white-washed; people of color don't get masks or superhero names; women are constantly written as objects/pawns in the story of men; they fridged their bisexual character and didn't realize what they were doing; they dismiss complaints of male characters perceived as problematic, and blame screaming fangirls for legitimate character rejection. Simply put, this show should NOT go anywhere near Oliver/Nyssa, because TIIC *don't know how to*. They lack the necessary skills to deal with it, because they're not attuned to any of these issues.

Edited by dancingnancy
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Ra's isn't a real guy, and this show already killed and literally fridged a major bisexual character.  Do you really think the LGBTQ community is going to be okay with now forcing that dead bisexual hero's lesbian girlfriend to marry/be impregnated by a guy, just because it's a villain who is making it happen?


I can't and won't speak for the rest of the community, but I tend to look at things in a case by case basis, and how it fits into the characters and the world they live in. In Arrow Ra's is a 200 something year old bastard, who lives a very different life than we do, who grew up in a different time than the very modernized US is, everything about the league and Ra's especially screams I was born before slaves were even freed! if you were to drop a man from 19th century england into our 21st century world (well first of all he may get a heart attack from the change) said person would be outraged to learn that gay people can marry and be happy with no fear (well mostly no fear, cause you know hate crimes) that women can vote and are (mostly) equal, and there's a bunch of other stuff. but those things would be of a shock to such a person. someone who lived through the 20th century, may not be as shocked, but that person would still have the morals that were taught to him growing up.


Also this is a comic book show, looking for reason or trying to impart any of our world logic into it doesn't always work. in this case I can be okay with Ra's wanting the wedding to happen, I can't see Oliver or Nyssa going along with it, unless if they do as an alliance to get rid of Ra's and have Nyssa take her place as the demon, while Oliver returns to Starling.

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OK, I'll bite. Why? I'm really curious. I've seen the same statements from Laurel fans and their reasoning is that Felicity has taken everything from Laurel.

I don't normally answer for someone else but the poster has expressed on several occasions that he/she is not a fan of EBR. They are a huge fan of Thea/WH though. So it makes sense to me that they wouldn't want Thea & Felicity getting close even if there is no in-story reason to be against it.

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It's not that I'm not a fan of EBR or Felicity (and I like her a little more than Laurel) but Thea/Laurel is one of the few things I like about the latter...don't want that gone. 

And it could be rewritten...I mean they did retcon parts of Oliver/Laurel in s2 and 3. 

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It's not that I'm not a fan of EBR or Felicity (and I like her a little more than Laurel) but Thea/Laurel is one of the few things I like about the latter...don't want that gone. 

And it could be rewritten...I mean they did retcon parts of Oliver/Laurel in s2 and 3. 


Having one friendship doesn't mean that the other can't exist. Thea can be friends with both Laurel and Felicity, because going by the show Laurel and Felicity are friends and Laurel and Thea are friends. It would make sense for Thea and Felicity to be friends too (or at least acknowledge the other's existence). Thea and Felicity are the two most important women in Oliver's life (and he has said as much in 3x09) for them to never interact would be incredible strange. 

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I've decided to be optimistic that Oliver is faking while he comes up with a plan.  I accidentally watched the preview, and it looks like brainwashing, not magic or drugs.  They've apparently shown pics of Diggle from 22 (right?) in which he seems to be physically okay, so it doesn't seem that Oliver does any major physical harm to him.  Kidnapping Diggle's family would be terrible, but eventually forgivable (I am 100% sure he won't actually harm Diggle''s family).


I"ve never so looked forward to the end of a season of tv.  Never. 

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Ra's isn't a real guy, and this show already killed and literally fridged a major bisexual character.  Do you really think the LGBTQ community is going to be okay with now forcing that dead bisexual hero's lesbian girlfriend to marry/be impregnated by a guy, just because it's a villain who is making it happen.


Yep yep. We know Ra's the villain, but he sure has repeatedly won this season. Forcing his gay daughter to marry a straight man is just one more win too many for me. Merlyn is/was a villain, too, and TIIC seem to be bending over backwards to keep him around as some sort of sympathetic figure. It's not working for me, and I don't know that there's any way a marriage between Nyssa and Oliver could work for me either. Of all the crap I've sat through this season, that might just be my breaking point. I've watched too many of my friends have to deal with real homophobia and handwaving it on a show where it will most certainly not be treated with the respect it deserves makes me feel really uneasy. 


Fingers crossed it's Roy/Thea.


You know, I think with so much agency being taken away from women on this show, I'm just at the end of my rope. If all the other situations with women had been handled differently, and then a Nyssa/Oliver wedding happened, I'd probably be okay with it, or at least willing to see where it went, but after the story lines this year, I'm beyond done with these writers thinking all of this is okay. They've beaten me down, I'm sad to say.

Edited by calliope1975
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So, I was rethinking the last episode and Oliver's confession to Felicity about killing Thea's drug dealer.  With no statutes of limitations on murder and Lance still on the warpath, any chance the wedding/marriage is O/F for spousal privilege? 


Yes, I do know that's not the way spousal privilege works but this is tv and Arrow, to boot.  It's not any more far-fetched that O/N for any reason. 

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For some reason I am not looking forward to the episodes of evil Oliver. Maybe if the whole season didn't have so many painful episodes, I'd be more ok with all the angst and the dark moments that are to come. But after this season I am just so over these situations that seem to be getting worse and worse and never better. And I am already mourning the loss of Diggle and Oliver's relationship. It just seems like really nothing good ever happens and everyone is crying all the time. By 3x23 he will somehow be Oliver again and I'd prefer to skip to that episode because I just cannot deal with sad Diggle and sad Felicity. And really I don't care that much about Laurel and Nyssa's friendship. 


As for the wedding: I was actually wondering why they made such a big deal out of Felicity catching the bouquet. Was it foreshadowing or just a way to emphasize that she is moving on with someone else at the wedding. Because Oliver and Felicity could have had that conversation at the table without the flowers involved. 

I am still going with Oliver/Nyssa. Mainly because I think it is stupid. Therefore it must be a great storyline for other people. I'd be ok with T/R but that doesn't make sense to me storywise and if Ray were to marry them, I wouldn't think it is funny. The only two 'funny' options (imo) are either O/F (although that would be more inappropriate than anything) or if Ray had to be a LoA priest and therefore totally out of his element (I still wouldn't think that is funny but I'd understand why it might be considered to be)


Furthermore I was wondering whether or not Malcolm will be dealt with at some point in time. He is not a good guy and he is now free (I don't understand that part, he was hunted by the LoA before the whole Sara/Thea/Oliver thing) Does he have anything up his sleeve in the remaining episodes or is he just mysteriously hanging out in doorways for the rest of season 3.

Edited by Belinea
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It's not that I'm not a fan of EBR or Felicity (and I like her a little more than Laurel) but Thea/Laurel is one of the few things I like about the latter...don't want that gone. 

And it could be rewritten...I mean they did retcon parts of Oliver/Laurel in s2 and 3. 


Why would Laurel and Thea's relationship need to be rewritten for Thea and Felicity to have one? They're not dating, they don't have to be exclusive; these are friendships we are talking about. These women are allowed to have more than one friend, even if the show has often failed to show us that. Laurel and Thea can continue to enjoy the big sister/little sister relationship they've had for years. Felicity and Thea may not even have the same dynamic, not that it should matter if that's the one they also have.


I'm really curious how the dinner with the Diggles comes about. Have Diggle and Felicity been looking in on Thea all this time? Or did she seek them out? I really like the idea that Diggle and Felicity have basically appointed themselves Thea's guardians because Evil Dad Malcolm is all she really has left in terms of blood family.


And how adorable is the Digglette in those preview photos? *kissy noises*

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A Laurel/friendship is something they could have been building all this season, Laurel checking in on Thea because she's lost both her parents and maybe she wants a woman to talk to.  Probably didn't think of it though.


Now would be the time for Laurel to pay attention to Thea, with Oliver gone and Thea alone except for Malcolm, but it sounds like she's going to be more involved in Nyssa's problems while Diggle and Felicity mourn with Thea.  It really does look like they're separating Laurel from Oliver's "family".


Is Thea going to be over the LP craziness by the time she goes to see Roy in ep22?  And if Oliver is still a danger to everyone, how can she leave Starling City even to say good bye to Roy?


I hope Ray's scene with Felicity is a set-up to whatever he's going to do in the finale and not one about their dead, blue dead, love affair.


I've realized there's one single thing I'm grateful for this season...all this terrible crap is happening at the very end of the season.  Evil Oliver won't last longer than 1.5 episodes at most, same with Oliver/Nyssa "marriage" and any danger Oliver puts Diggle and Felicity in.

This is very true. I just wish I weren't dreading more episodes this season than I am looking forward to.

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I've been trying to fit the whole it would be funny if Ray married them thing into my conviction that it's Roy and Thea and what I've come up with is that Roy and Thea go to Vegas and get married by Elvis so MG thought it would be funny if Ray were impersonating Elvis.  Leave me alone - I'm hanging on by a thread here this season!

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Yeah, it's a manip. That's from (I forget the ep) Oliver's love scene with McKenna. They replaced her head with Felicity's.

Thanks for the info...I just saw it and thought: "What! Why have I not seen this before" but it seemed to blurry to be real. 

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MG said it was a wedding and a marriage and that they weren't sure if it would continue into S4.

If it's O/N how is it a marriage? Because by saying it's both, that to me implies more than a ceremony, it implies an actual marriage and everything that goes with it (love, sex. Commitment, etc).

If the show forced a wedding between Oliver and Nyssa, I would roll my eyes and get over it soon, but if they force it to be a consummated marriage, that's a huge problem.  All the already acknowledged issues with Nyssa but it's also pretty icky to have Oliver forced into it as well.  It would be awful for Felicity to find out about tool...which is why it wouldn't shock me if it is what is going to happen.  It will continue to horrify me, but not shock.


And yet, the most reasonable wedding IMO remains Thea and Roy.  It feels like the kind of impulsive thing they might do and it could give us a happy ending to Thea and Roy ...for about thirty seconds before they make them come to their senses and realize while they will always love each other, their lives are being pulled in different directions.  They can find their bittersweet closure.   MG claims the wedding makes sense and while abrupt, the spontaneous act doesn't feel out of character for either Thea or Roy when everything else in their life has been upended. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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I'll say again, I really think you're clinging onto the 'wedding and a marriage' description too much. To me, it being a marriage could mean simply that the two people get married, rather than it being a wedding that's interrupted and does not result in vows being exchanged.


If you take out the assumption that Guggenheim means it as the more poetic idea of marriage being commitment and love and consummation and the prospect of a happy life together, it seems to make far more sense.


But what do I know? I don't even watch the show. And I don't see the big deal with Ra's forcing Nyssa to marry Oliver, because Ra's is a 100 year old bad guy. It seems to fit that he might have some rather outdated ideas about homosexuality. The bigger problem is that the clowns who write this show will eventually run out of Batman stories to steal from, and then they might have to move onto another DC character. God help you all when they start rehashing old Aquaman stories, or something.

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I'll say again, I really think you're clinging onto the 'wedding and a marriage' description too much. To me, it being a marriage could mean simply that the two people get married, rather than it being a wedding that's interrupted and does not result in vows being exchanged.


If you take out the assumption that Guggenheim means it as the more poetic idea of marriage being commitment and love and consummation and the prospect of a happy life together, it seems to make far more sense.


I agree. I think most people here think these two people, whoever they are, are going to get married as in have a wedding ceremony, not that there will be love or commitment between them. I think MG just used the term "wedding and a marriage" to let people know there will be a ceremony and these people will technically be married, not that they're actually going to commit to a life together with love and consummation and stuff.

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I agree. I think most people here think these two people, whoever they are, are going to get married as in have a wedding ceremony, not that there will be love or commitment between them. I think MG just used the term "wedding and a marriage" to let people know there will be a ceremony and these people will technically be married, not that they're actually going to commit to a life together with love and consummation and stuff.

If it's Nyssa and Oliver I certainly don't expect there will be love or willing commitment between them or even for the marriage to continue past a couple episodes but I'll still be unhappy if part of the process that makes them officially married (even if only in Ra's' eyes) includes consummation.  I don't think concern over that is an overreaction.  I don't want it to happen.  I can handle a wedding, I just don't want them to do anything physical to make it official past perhaps a kiss or a nice friendly slap (different strokes for different folks)



Changing the subject.  In the Canadian promo they use the line one life saved and one sacrificed.  And then show Diggle in danger which makes a gal go all HELL NO!  But I think the line more refers to Oliver saving Thea by sacrificing his life to the LoA. 

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I don't get the big deal about Nyssa marrying Oliver either. For me it would be the better choice (I'm not sure I trust the writers writing O/F married well). Maybe because when I thought about that possibility I never in a million years thought they'd be married in every sense of the word. They are not going to make their hero basically forcing himself on a gay woman. That's just not going to happen. What I think could happen if they are the one getting married is them working together to get rid of Ra's, forming an alliance, faking it in front of Ra's and then kill him. I know MG talked about wedding/marriage but like it was said before it could only mean the ceremony won't get interrupted, they'll actually go through with it.


Change of topic, that whole amnesia storyline for Oliver is a fake (saw it on Tumblr)? Or is it only a speculation based on the trailers? [Eagerly waiting for the asian promo to spoil everything.]

Edited by steeledwithakiss
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If Oliver is truly Evil, then there must be amnesia. He's spent over two years becoming a hero, it doesn't make sense that he would lose that if he remembered. Even with Slade, he wanted to capture him, not kill him.


Diggle's line "there's nothing Ra's al Ghul can do to turn Oliver against the people he loves" should be accompanied with the Organ Music of Doom.


If at this point either Oliver or Felicity marry anyone else for whatever reason, consummation or not, I will be disgusted at the lack of creativity in that tired old trope to keep them apart.

Edited by statsgirl
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I don't think Oliver marrying Nyssa for whatever reason will be tropey for romantic reasons, because they have absolutely no reason to stay in a marriage after this League storyline is over. I seriously doubt either one of them would decide to see if they could make it work, haha. 

If it's Nyssa and Oliver I certainly don't expect there will be love or willing commitment between them or even for the marriage to continue past a couple episodes but I'll still be unhappy if part of the process that makes them officially married (even if only in Ra's' eyes) includes consummation.  I don't think concern over that is an overreaction.  


I never said it was?

Change of topic, that whole amnesia storyline for Oliver is a fake (saw it on Tumblr)? Or is it only a speculation based on the trailers? [Eagerly waiting for the asian promo to spoil everything.]


Looks like they're for real going with brainwashing, based on the Asian promo, so it's speculation based on the trailer. God, I hope he's only pretending or that they're giving him some of whatever Malcolm gave Thea in addition to that they're telling him while he's chained up in that room. That's the only way I can see him truly being confused after everything he's gone through. 


I wonder if someone's going to mention that there's no way he could be brainwashed so quickly given all the shit he's been through over the past eight years, and there will be some explanation from Nyssa on what Ra's might be doing to him.

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I asked for the Asian promo and it's posted a minute later. Let me think now I want 1 million $.


So it looks like Oliver brings Nyssa back to NP. They are so getting married.


It might be old school brainwashing : sleep deprivation with a side of magic herbs.

Edited by steeledwithakiss
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The Asian promo make me think they are going with Nyssa/Oliver forced to wed by Ra's. hopefully something will save this from being truly awful.


The Canadian Promo makes me think that Diggle will have a Felicity "I don't want to be a woman you love" moment, where he is certain of Oliver's actions and is surprised and betrayed when Oliver acts another way.

Diggle fighting Oliver --> make it stop!!

Edited by Genki
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I think it's gonna be Oliver/Nyssa too. Does anyone remember SA saying something like 'he would choose Felicity, she's his match but she's not the only woman he has to save this season?' I kind of remember something along those lines and I didn't think it was linked to saving Thea because why would Felicity be relevant in that? It just makes me think maybe he has to marry Nyssa as a way of saving her instead of killing her? I don't know. Just a theory.

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I think it's gonna be Oliver/Nyssa too. Does anyone remember SA saying something like 'he would chose Felicity, she's his match but she's not the only woman he has to save this season?'


He did say that. 

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He did say that. 

Almost killing Oliver fine, almost killing Thea ok, being a jerk to his own daughter I'll get over it but making Oliver wearing an earing that's the last straw! He looks like Mister Clean now. I'm really not digging that fashion statement.

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.I don't think concern over that is an overreaction.


I never said it was?


Sorry for the confusion.  I was quoting your post because I was agreeing with it and then went on to make a point more in reaction to the post you were replying to, the one that said:


I'll say again, I really think you're clinging onto the 'wedding and a marriage' description too much. To me, it being a marriage could mean simply that the two people get married, rather than it being a wedding that's interrupted and does not result in vows being exchanged


Edited by BkWurm1
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That earring upsets me.


I think the woman he saves is Thea. He finally gets with Felicity but he has to stay behind to save Thea. It makes sense too me. 


Is he playing a long Con? He sounds brainwashed or something, but the 'won't fight an unarmed man' sounds like he has some awareness. Unless its a process. But why send Oliver back to Starling City if the process isn't complete yet? His humanity is there. 

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But why send Oliver back to Starling City if the process isn't complete yet? His humanity is there.

Honestly, because this version of Ra's is dumb as a broken doorknob...plus plot.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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Is he playing a long Con? He sounds brainwashed or something, but the 'won't fight an unarmed man' sounds like he has some awareness. Unless its a process. But why send Oliver back to Starling City if the process isn't complete yet? His humanity is there. 


Amanda Waller sent him back to Starling City and had him break into his family's company. None of the "masterminds" on this show are very smart. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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I honestly thought that the "won't fight an unarmed man" wasn't about Oliver's humanity but more about the LoAs code? Like they have a specific code they have to follow. IDK I'm sure they fought and killed unarmed men before (just look at Ra's and Thea)...


Or maybe it IS Oliver's humanity. IDK. 


Ra's and the LoA would've been so much better if they were more intimidating. The fact that Laurel can go head to head with a LoA member and the fact that Oliver can beat Nyssa shows just how weak they are. 

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