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So MG confirmed they'll be doing the 5/6 months time jump. And he's not sure the marriage will carry out in s4. I'm thinking if (and that's a big if), O/F are the one getting married it's not by choice. Maybe it is Thea and Roy after all.

Edited by steeledwithakiss
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I really think he wants the audience to believe it's Olicity. He put in a couple moments in show and then brought up the wedding to get people talking. It's like Roy all over again.

Granted I really don't want them getting married. S5 sure, but not now. That may taint my view of everything.

Riding off into the sunset sounds good. Kinda reminds me of Knight & Day and their someday. Really disappointed that we may miss a lot of great moments over the summer.

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I really think he wants the audience to believe it's Olicity. He put in a couple moments in show and then brought up the wedding to get people talking. It's like Roy all over again.

Granted I really don't want them getting married. S5 sure, but not now. That may taint my view of everything.

Riding off into the sunset sounds good. Kinda reminds me of Knight & Day and their someday. Really disappointed that we may miss a lot of great moments over the summer.


I think you're right that MG is playing with the fandom by making them think it's O&F.  I tend to buy that Oliver is going to have to marry a League member as part of the Ra's deal, but we'll see.


And yeah--I'm sure we'll be right back to MG pimping the Season 3.5 comics because he knows that the Olicity shippers will be chomping at the bit to spend that cash and he can avoid having to show actual relationship progression on the show.

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MG's answering stuff on Tumblr. The marriage will be the first for both participants. Guess that rules out Maseo and Tatsu.

So that leaves any combination of Oliver, Felicity, Laurel, Thea, Roy, Ray, and Nyssa, with a random LoA member thrown into the mix. 

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Oliver choosing to give up Arrow to be Oliver Queen full time or the Demon, negates the last three seasons of growth. S4 would just be a redo of beats already hit. It's a cheap rewrite. I would also say the same for regressing Diggle and Felicity who have shown to be 100% behind the vigilante business.


He's never been forced to give up the Arrow before, at the top of season two it was his choice and he didn't turn to Olivver Queen then to live his life, his slunk off and hide on the island so if he tries to just be full on Oliver and live his life and find a way to help that way, I don't see it as regression or repeatative. No one wants the Arrow to go away but the circumstances seem to be pushing them all to try something new and find another way.

Oh you're right! Yeah, weird...no idea when that direction would have made sense.

  I figured the "go limp" would be Oliver when he admits he doesn't know who he is anymore.

I think they've set up Quentin's dislike of Arrow and vigilantes to continue next season tbh. I get the feeling that next season's theme will be about family - just based on hints about Felicity's dad and Diggle with H.I.V.E and solving his brother's murder etc - and so I can see more conflict between Laurel and Quentin related to that. She's now BC and he's against that. I can't think what else they'd do with Laurel or Quentin otherwise.


I hope we keep Quentin. I do worry with all the interviews he's been doing. It's just what good is him dying while he hates what they've been doing? Where's the emotional impact? Right now it would be a solution and that's too easy of an out. They've made Quentin an appoinant now. They love their conflict. The timing to off him seems a waste and yet if they are I trying to cut ties to Central City, his death is still very possible.


I think season will end will Oliver just trying to be Oliver. Questions about being or becoming the Green Arrow will occur in S4.

Like the thought the camera crane is Oliver driving and enjoying himself in the daylight.


I think this makes the most sense. End the season with no Arrow and let the return of the Arrow be the issue next season but the identity crisis is over, Oliver is who he is no matter in a suit or a hood. :)


AND IT'S A PORSCHE. Does Oliver get his company back in the last episode? Maybe with Felicity's help? Lord let this be true

  Ever since Laurel mentioned how a libel suit against Palmer might be enough to make. Oliver rich again, I've wondered if. Palmer doesn't play a hand in it. He's stupid rich and he's not going to be concentrating on business so much so maybe he does return the company. He's a grand gesture kind of guy. He might think its a fair trade for the help he's received.

If he's still there, why can't he confirm/deny the "blonde girl with glasses" is EBR or not? I need to knooooow

Riding off into a sunset screams Oliver and Felicity but blond girl in sunglasses could still be Sara.

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You guys have seen On Her Majesty's Secret Service, right? Just asking....


On a different note, why do so many 'shippers seem to want this wedding to be Oliver and Felicity? Would they not feel totally ripped off that they've been forced to miss out on the entire relationship, only to jump instantly to a wedding that would surely just feel rushed, out of place and half arse? I know I would.

Edited by Danny Franks
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O.K. after freaking out because of these "driving into the sunset" pics, doubts are creeping back on me: Should we be more suspicious? Read, for example, what "olicitybabies" over on tumblr has to say about this:


"Oh.. kay this is getting blown out of proportions. I’m very skeptic person so don’t me mind for this but..

This all seems too shady to me. First that guy goes “I think that was Stephen Amell” and then after he gets thousands of messages asking if there was a blonde girl sitting in passenger seat that he says “Oh yeah and there was blond girl sitting with him.” And baam his followers count goes up. And come on how hard it is to zoom in and take a picture to actually prove it? (sorry not sorry)

Second that first picture was taken during the day and then suddenly he’s saying that they were driving into the sunset without actual car being on the picture. When he posted the picture and said “this is the last scene they filmed” sky was too bright for sunset. And it was in opposite direction.

I’m not saying that there wasn’t Olicity scene being filmed but driving into sunset theory is tad too much. Don’t get me wrong, I would love this to be true more than any of you but I’m not getting my hopes up. Especially since I’ve been burned before. And I am not trying to be a negative one here. I am trying to be realistic. Sorry peeps.

Now send me your theories."


see: http://olicitybabies.tumblr.com/post/116625356197/oh-kay-this-is-getting-blown-out-of-proportions

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You guys have seen On Her Majesty's Secret Service, right? Just asking....

On a different note, why do so many 'shippers seem to want this wedding to be Oliver and Felicity? Would they not feel totally ripped off that they've been forced to miss out on the entire relationship, only to jump instantly to a wedding that would surely just feel rushed, out of place and half arse? I know I would.

Yes I have seen On Her Majesty's Secret Service and yes that thought is a little too prominent in my mind. Gah, that would end me. On the plus side they could not make it a kill shot but stick her in a medically induced coma or something so we wouldn't have to miss out on the relationship developments.

I want to rule that out, MG said the finale ended on KINDA a cliff hanger and someone shooting Felicity as they drive off in to the sunset would be a major cliffhanger.

Edited by BkWurm1
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Why? Why? Why would Ra's tell her that? I get insisting she needs to tell him goodbye but why would he urge her to tell Oliver that she loves him and to do it now? Yes they have a clock ticking, but why does Ra's care if she ever says the words or not?

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He wants an heir from Oliver xD

I was going to say they better check for hidden cameras cause Ra's seems a bit too invested but given the no tech policy maybe they should go old school and check for peep holes.

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I wonder what the context of that conversation is. Maybe felicity is adamant about the fact that Oliver will break free from Ra's and Ra's will be all "oh honey no."? This is why he tells her to say her goodbyes because it'll be the last time she sees him? Hmmm

Otherwise I don't see why felicity needs to be prompted to tell Oliver she loves him...

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You guys have seen On Her Majesty's Secret Service, right? Just asking....


On a different note, why do so many 'shippers seem to want this wedding to be Oliver and Felicity? Would they not feel totally ripped off that they've been forced to miss out on the entire relationship, only to jump instantly to a wedding that would surely just feel rushed, out of place and half arse? I know I would.

I'm so confused by this. Didn't MG and SA say the wedding won't be between Oliver and Felicity? I mean saying it's between Al Saheem and Felicity is splitting hairs. And probably the exact kind of thing MG would do. But no, I don't think it's them.

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They're getting a little too heavy-handed. Who am I kidding, they've always been. I now imagine Ra's, Slade, and Malcolm having a bet going on when O/F will get it on. That's the only reason I can't think of for so much investment.

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They're getting a little too heavy-handed. Who am I kidding, they've always been. I now imagine Ra's, Slade, and Malcolm having a bet going on when O/F will get it on. That's the only reason I can't think of for so much investment.

Lol I don't think any of them are invested in O/F.

Slade brought felicity up because he wanted to get a rile out of Oliver.

malcolm brought up felicity's feeling because he was aware of what Oliver's death would do to Felicity and I'm pretty sure he was trying to get on her good side by appealing to her emotions.

ra's I think brings up O/Fs feelings for one another as a way to 1) convince Oliver to become a part of the league 2) to tell felicity to say goodbye to Oliver because it's the last time he'll be Oliver because he is planning on brainwashing the guy in episode 21, I think. Which I think is really cruel.

These villains aren't invested. They're trying to use O/F to their advantage. They're trying to get the upper hand by using O/Fs feelings for one another to work in their favor.

Edited by wonderwall
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Lol I don't think any of them are invested in O/F.

Slade brought felicity up because he wanted to get a rile out of Oliver.

malcolm brought up felicity's feeling because he was aware of what Oliver's death would do to Felicity and I'm pretty sure he was trying to get on her good side by appealing to her emotions.

ra's I think brings up O/Fs feelings for one another as a way to 1) convince Oliver to become a part of the league 2) to tell felicity to say goodbye to Oliver because it's the last time he'll be Oliver because he is planning on brainwashing the guy in episode 21, I think. Which I think is really cruel.

These villains aren't invested. They're trying to use O/F to their advantage. They're trying to get the upper hand by using O/Fs feelings for one another to work in their favor.

I was kidding/trying to be sarcastic :) I know they're not actually 'invested' in their relationship, but honestly the fact that every villain feels the need to comment on their love is something I'd rather they'd avoid. It made sense -sort of- for Slade, after the last finale, but I think having Ra's as a couple counselor is a step too far.
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More tumblr specs regarding the future conflict between Oliver and Diggle - and maybe even between Oliver and Felicity. This time it's from "smoakandarrow":


QUESTION: "[...] what do you think is so bad that it could nearly if not completely destroy this trio's sacred bond?"


ANSWER: "[...] I’ve always believed that Oliver Queen was there when Andy Diggle died. I think we’re going to find out Andy & Oliver crossed paths in the next flashback story.  I’m not saying Oliver was involved in getting Andy murdered or killed him or even knew really “who,” he was.  But I think Oliver was there. I think Oliver knew who Diggle was long before he (Oliver) returned to Starling City.  I think Diggle being hired by Moira was arranged. I think Oliver arranged it.  I think Oliver hand picked Diggle as his shadow because he knew, should Diggle uncover his exploits as the Vigilante, he (Oliver) could use Andy’s murder to get Diggle on his side to aid him in his quest to save the city.  I still remember that scene where Oliver tells Diggle he (Oliver) killed Deadshot, the guy who killed Diggle’s brother.  That was a huge moment for those two men, and I’ve always thought Oh Oliver, what did you do? when it came to that past. So if Diggle finds out that Oliver was there when Andy died?  That Oliver was involved somehow?  That Oliver never told Diggle that?  Hell YES I could see that breaking the bonds of trust and brotherhood between them, and all it would take would be one line dropped by someone.  Something like: 'Did Oliver ever tell you he was there when your brother died?'

And if I were to extend these fractures to Oliver and Felicity, I’d have the same person turn to Felicity (and if I were really evil? This would be just after they’ve gotten married) and say to her, 'And Mrs. Queen… has your husband ever told you he knows your father?  That he known all along who you are?  That seeking you out when he returned was no accident?' How’s that for “destroyed bonds?”


see: http://smoakandarrow.tumblr.com/post/116598464959/so-from-the-juicy-tidbits-we-got-from-marc-about

Edited by Kordi
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I'm so confused by this. Didn't MG and SA say the wedding won't be between Oliver and Felicity? I mean saying it's between Al Saheem and Felicity is splitting hairs. And probably the exact kind of thing MG would do. But no, I don't think it's them.

I have yet to see either say that. If you have links, please provide
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Okay, so, that Asian promo made me think that the wedding is either a) between Oliver and a League member (perhaps a daughter of Ra's that we've never heard of) or b) some kind of manipulation hallucination or something.

If I allow myself to think like an evil dude (including some nonsensical stuff like why I'd want a guy I have to manipulate into leading my terrible organization into leading my terrible organization because plot), it makes sense to me that Ra's is interested in Oliver's love life. He had to orchestrate reasons to compel Oliver to join by taking away the Arrow, by killing Thea, things that killed all hope of him being able to refuse the offer. Once Ra's gets him to accept it, he's got to orchestrate reasons to compel Oliver to stay. Oliver can't want to go back to the Arrow, because the Arrow can't exist anymore. I'm guessing Thea will only go bananapants for a little while, so he won't have to worry about her so much if she returns to Starling (I mean, he'd worry, but...). What's the one tie that would keep Oliver wanting to go back? Felicity.

So, Ra's is going to have to take that from him, too. If I had to guess, I'd say that Ra's is telling Felicity to go to Oliver and tell him how much she loves him as some kind of ploy that he's going to use later to manipulate Oliver into thinking that she didn't have sex with him or tell him she loved him because she meant it, it'll because she was trying to get him not to do what he was doing or something. Maybe that's another reason they had R/F together for so long with a breakup right before they left, with Oliver getting to see them together. That way he could be compelled to believe that whatever happened with Felicity wasn't real, with the help of some herbs or some other ridiculous shit, I don't know.

So, maybe Ra's would make Oliver marry League member, or convince Oliver that Felicity and Ray will get married (hence my hallucination theory, which is reaching and ridiculous, I know).

I just don't think it's O/F (and I'm relieved about that), despite the fact that they want us to think that. Or maybe it is Roy and Thea, since it seems like we'll see CH again, although I cannot imagine why they'd do that.

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Okay, so, that Asian promo made me think that the wedding is either a) between Oliver and a League member (perhaps a daughter of Ra's that we've never heard of) or b) some kind of manipulation hallucination or something.

If I allow myself to think like an evil dude (including some nonsensical stuff like why I'd want a guy I have to manipulate into leading my terrible organization into leading my terrible organization because plot), it makes sense to me that Ra's is interested in Oliver's love life. He had to orchestrate reasons to compel Oliver to join by taking away the Arrow, by killing Thea, things that killed all hope of him being able to refuse the offer. Once Ra's gets him to accept it, he's got to orchestrate reasons to compel Oliver to stay. Oliver can't want to go back to the Arrow, because the Arrow can't exist anymore. I'm guessing Thea will only go bananapants for a little while, so he won't have to worry about her so much if she returns to Starling (I mean, he'd worry, but...). What's the one tie that would keep Oliver wanting to go back? Felicity.

So, Ra's is going to have to take that from him, too. If I had to guess, I'd say that Ra's is telling Felicity to go to Oliver and tell him how much she loves him as some kind of ploy that he's going to use later to manipulate Oliver into thinking that she didn't have sex with him or tell him she loved him because she meant it, it'll because she was trying to get him not to do what he was doing or something. Maybe that's another reason they had R/F together for so long with a breakup right before they left, with Oliver getting to see them together. That way he could be compelled to believe that whatever happened with Felicity wasn't real, with the help of some herbs or some other ridiculous shit, I don't know.

So, maybe Ra's would make Oliver marry League member, or convince Oliver that Felicity and Ray will get married (hence my hallucination theory, which is reaching and ridiculous, I know).

I just don't think it's O/F (and I'm relieved about that), despite the fact that they want us to think that. Or maybe it is Roy and Thea, since it seems like we'll see CH again, although I cannot imagine why they'd do that.

If it goes as you say and it's some ploy I could tolerate it, but I've so little faith in these writers that I don't expect more than what we saw in the promo, Ra's dropping love advice disguised as threats disguised as advice. We all put more thoughts into these storylines than they ever will..SMH

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I wouldn't be surprised if he just dropped love advice either, but I think it's going to be followed by some kind of blow/devastating news like, "tell him how much you love him, because you won't recognize him soon," or some other type of gloom and doom nonsense.

I also wouldn't be surprised if that's the beginning of a threat to her, since I'm pretty sure she's going to threaten him, or at least tell him that she's going to find a way to get him out/that Ra's will never break him, etc.

So, it'd be like, "You need to tell Oliver goodbye, tell him how much you love him, and do it now, BECAUSE I AM GOING TO MURDER YOU IN YOUR SLEEP." or something like that.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Ra's is the one who tells Felicity to tell Oliver she loves him?! I...don't know how I feel about that. I wanted her to do it herself because she needs him to know, not because Ra's makes the suggestion. Unless she still thinks there might be a way out of this which is possible but Felicity's not stupid. Aaaaah! I don't know.

Also I'm getting a bad feeling that Raylicity might not have broken up...

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Ra's is the one who tells Felicity to tell Oliver she loves him?! I...don't know how I feel about that. I wanted her to do it herself because she needs him to know, not because Ra's makes the suggestion. Unless she still thinks there might be a way out of this which is possible but Felicity's not stupid. Aaaaah! I don't know.

Also I'm getting a bad feeling that Raylicity might not have broken up...

I'm really hoping that this scene comes after they sleep together, or at least after she's already told him that she loves him (on the plane, maybe)? If Felicity does anything romantic toward Oliver because Ra's told her to, then I will vomit.

So, I'm guessing that's what happens, ha.

The only thing that gives me some hope is that Felicity doesn't seem to have any lipstick on in that scene with Ra's, hopefully because Oliver kissed/licked it off and this is after the scene in the LoA honeymoon suite.


Please, after. I really just want it to be that Ra's is telling her to go say her goodbyes because he's booting her ass out of there and she's not going to recognize Oliver when he's through with him.

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I wouldn't be surprised if he just dropped love advice either, but I think it's going to be followed by some kind of blow/devastating news like, "tell him how much you love him, because you won't recognize him soon," or some other type of gloom and doom nonsense.


I'm definitely on board with this. But I'm not so sure Ra's will threaten Felicity further than that simply based on the futility of it; he's already taking away the man she loves. She doesn't pose a threat to him beyond completing that goal, to turn Oliver into a League member. (In his mind.)


I'm holding onto that Felicity wouldn't tell Oliver she loves him just because Ra's told her to.

Edited by Soulfire
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So, someone is gonna get kidnapped into that cargo plane, right? Is it Diggle, all the while Oliver and Felicity are riding into the sunset, completely unaware? Is it something that happens to Oliver and/or Felicity after riding into the sunset? MG said "kinda" on a cliffhanger, so something has to happen.

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So, someone is gonna get kidnapped into that cargo plane, right? Is it Diggle, all the while Oliver and Felicity are riding into the sunset, completely unaware? Is it something that happens to Oliver and/or Felicity after riding into the sunset? MG said "kinda" on a cliffhanger, so something has to happen.

I don't think it would be any kind of cliffhanger like that, since MG said that they're going to go with their normal 5-month break. If I had to take a guess, we're probably going to see HIVE and/or the S4 villain start to put some plans into place. So, we'll see everyone being someone happy with no idea that this big cloud is hanging over them, because...of course.

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I'm really hoping that this scene comes after they sleep together, or at least after she's already told him that she loves him (on the plane, maybe)? If Felicity does anything romantic toward Oliver because Ra's told her to, then I will vomit.

So, I'm guessing that's what happens, ha.

The only thing that gives me some hope is that Felicity doesn't seem to have any lipstick on in that scene with Ra's, hopefully because Oliver kissed/licked it off and this is after the scene in the LoA honeymoon suite.


Please, after. I really just want it to be that Ra's is telling her to go say her goodbyes because he's booting her ass out of there and she's not going to recognize Oliver when he's through with him.

It looks like Ra's scene with Felicity is right before she goes to Oliver's room so exactly what we don't want to happen is probably going to happen. I'm gonna hope that she's already said it on the jet because I don't want it to be prompted by Ra's. Ugh. Why are they doing this to us? I just wanted Felicity to make up her own mind.

Edited by Guest
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I am fully prepared for Ra's to use Felicity against Oliver. As leverage or whatever. But yeah, pls let what ras says to her come after. But you know he would probably know if She went to her.

Re, not knowing how long wedding will last (really, Guggie?) What excitement the Internet give-Th., Guggenheim taketh away.

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I was wrong about MG and SA in that case.

You guys are making me so down about what Ra's says to Felicity, especially if it's somehow used against Oliver. That's the worst case scenario and I hope Oliver will understand she does love him, and she didn't just say it to manipulate him into leaving Nanda Parbat.

Really down now.

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Honestly, Ra's telling Felicity to tell Oliver she loves him doesn't bother me in the least.  I imagine it follows their confrontation, in which, if they allow Felicity to be Felicity, she will tell Ra's that they'll find another way to get Oliver back from LoA.  Ra's will basically go, Child, please!  I'm Ra's Al Ghul, and he's mine now, bitch!.  So you just go tell Oliver that you love him because you'll never have the chance to do so again..mwahahahah.  

Edited by Morrigan2575
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It bothers me. Not because I don't think the sentiment will be real, but because now that Felicity is well aware of how she feels about Oliver, I want her to stop being passive about it. Tell him because you want him to know, not because some bejeweled idiot in a duster told you to.

There are ways that this scene wouldn't bother me, like if Felicity had already told Oliver that she loved him, or if this scene takes place after the sex, if this scene takes place before the sex and somehow Felicity tells him about her conversation with Ra's (or parts of it, because I'm guessing she won't want him to know all of it) and that she's worried it's her last chance, or something. So long as it's not just because Ra's tells her it's her last chance.

I guess I'll withhold judgment until I see how it plays out.

Edited by apinknightmare
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I can see Felicity being conflicted about telling Oliver she loves him right before they're going to be separated permanently (so they believe).  Such a confession would be both a blessing and a curse.  On the one hand, she'll give him the comfort of knowing that the woman he loves loves him in return.  On the other hand, he'll be further tormented by the fact that his choice to become Heir to the Demon will break not just his heart, but the heart of the woman he loves (remember, he just wants her to be happy even if it's with another man).  Regardless of what Ra's says to her, I'd like to think that ultimately it's her decision whether to confess her feelings to Oliver and that she does so because their relationship has always been based on truth.


After reading the latest spoilers, I'm now concerned that the upcoming wedding is going to be between Oliver and Felicity* - and that (1) the EPs haven't decided yet whether their marriage will last into season 4 or if they'll break up over the hiatus, or (2) the wedding is not real but a dream or hallucination by O or F, complete with them driving off for their honeymoon in a Porsche, or (3) the wedding is real and, as they're driving down the highway, they are intercepted, rammed or run into some other problem, ending the season in a "kind of cliffhanger".


(* I love Oliver and Felicity together, but a wedding at this point would be too soon and, I think, would indicate that the EPs don't consider them endgame.)


Also, I really hope there isn't some significance to Felicity's having sex with Ray and then Oliver within a short span of time - like on The Walking Dead when Lori became pregnant and didn't know whether Shane or Rick was the father.  I would hate that.  IIRC, MG said that three weeks lapse between 3x20 and 3x21 (which is different from their usual real time lapsing between episodes), which means that Felicity would know if she was pregnant by 3x22.  Then if Oliver returns and finds out, he would ask Felicity to marry him since they already love each other - kinda old-fashioned but consistent with current Oliver.  (This would contrast nicely with pre-island Oliver getting a girl pregnant and leaving it to his mother to solve that problem for him.)  Then they find out that the father of the baby could be either Oliver or Ray - leaving the possibility open to having them stay in the marriage or divorce over the hiatus.  Again, I would hate such a story line with the force of a thousand suns.

Edited by tv echo
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I don´t think that Ra´s al Ghul is going to make Oliver hallucinate that Felicity marries Ray (brilliantly weird idea BTW :-). MG stated on tumblr that we are going to see "a wedding and a marriage". A fake wedding or the hallucination of a wedding would not bring about a marriage. Hence I think it is going to be something real.

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I don´t think that Ra´s al Ghul is going to make Oliver hallucinate that Felicity marries Ray (brilliantly weird idea BTW :-). MG stated on tumblr that we are going to see "a wedding and a marriage". A fake wedding or the hallucination of a wedding would not bring about a marriage. Hence I think it is going to be something real.

Yeah, I don't think so either, just throwing that out there because MG's idea of things is really different than mine (like considering that Laurel "going pretty far for Oliver" was standing up to Quentin). Just trying to figure out ways around the very obvious "these two people are for real getting married" wedding/marriage spoiler.

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Well he can also hallucinate a marriage. All they need to show is scenes of marriage, kids and growing old together.

Not that I think that will happen but I've seen it Done before.

I don't want it to be any of the characters tbh. They are too young or have a relationship that is too young.

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Regarding the promo, I'm just holding tight to the fact that Felicity's wearing lipstick when she goes to Oliver, but she's not when she's talking to Ra's.

So, she talks to Ra's after. After. And what we're hearing about him telling her to say goodbye and let him know how much he loves him is the beginning of a threat because he'll finish it off with, "Because Oliver Queen doesn't exist anymore." or something of the like.

After. After, after, after.

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Well he can also hallucinate a marriage. All they need to show is scenes of marriage, kids and growing old together.

Maybe when Oliver undergoes his "transformation" in 3x21, he has to take hallucinatory herbs or goes into the LP or just uses his imagination, so he imagines what his life might've been like, married to Felicity.

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Maybe when Oliver undergoes his "transformation" in 3x21, he has to take hallucinatory herbs or goes into the LP or just uses his imagination, so he imagines what his life might've been like, married to Felicity.

For him to be brainwashed into being evil in the span of 3 weeks, it has to be drug-induced. No way would Oliver break that quickly (unless plot!).

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Regarding the promo, I'm just holding tight to the fact that Felicity's wearing lipstick when she goes to Oliver, but she's not when she's talking to Ra's.

So, she talks to Ra's after. After. And what we're hearing about him telling her to say goodbye and let him know how much he loves him is the beginning of a threat because he'll finish it off with, "Because Oliver Queen doesn't exist anymore." or something of the like.

After. After, after, after.

Knowing Guggentroll she will put it on after that scene of her and Ra's. I just hope Felicity does it on her own not through encouragement of Ra's

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