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Im not trying to take his side, but FS has said and done very little since ep1 to prove or indicate that she wants a romantic relationship with OQ.


It'd be kind of hypocritical/weird for her to indicate that she wanted to be in a romantic relationship since she's the one who told him to stop "dangling maybes," and let him know that once he pushed her away it was over. But when he returned after "dying," she told him that she fantasized about what would happen when he came back, so I think it's pretty clear she was hoping he'd change his mind about being with her. That hope got dashed right quick, unfortunately for her. 

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As for Oliver accepting the Offer, I think he will take it to give him purpose. I think he than questions his decision once he finds out that Ray is The Atom. I think he will see Ray has everything Oliver has had and/or wanted. Oliver will decide to fight for what what Oliver wants. But Ra goes hard getting the city to hate Oliver and team Arrow. And Oliver will be left with the city messed up, team Arrow on the run and no other option than to become Ra.

Team Arrow go with Arrow to make sure it's not a trap And/or cause they have no other options.

Magic isn't that different than science. If it's used in a true but exaggerated way I can understand and even like that direction.

Arrow has always had that magic thing going with the herbs and now with the LP. Plus the herbs goes with the science of the mirakuru and this Omega virus. I can see this leading into more of a magical show.

The LOA is a group that uses smoke, meditation, myth, prophecy and ancient weaponry. I can see their use of the LP can lend itself to magic. They seem a very mystical group built upon tradition and lore. So I can see how the bulk of them would follow Oliver as Ra. I can see the show using them to give Arrow a place inside a super powered universe.

And if the base of Arrow is Nada Parbat it will give Arrow a distinct look from Flash. There will be Inner politics plus they can travel on missions. Perhaps give it a kind of Alias Feel.

And they can also go back to Starling in later seasons.

Other thing I wonder is if they going to move Detective Lance to The Flash. That would be a reason to have him cross over to the Fash. And they would have a Lance on each of the 3 CW shows.

I have no idea why they wouldn't mention KC crossing over. I guess the scene will be on the Arrow but in A priviously on Arrow and th flash to flesh out why DL is in a cross over.

Edited by tarotx
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The LP doesn't give powers. Ra's doesn't have any, he can use to heal his wounds or come back from near death or death. It makes him stay alive longer but that's it. And he has to use it to even get the healing effect. It won't make a difference to Oliver unless he brings the magic water with him and builds his own bathtub in the lair.

Edited by Sakura12
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So Roy's not the one dying (unless CH is lying to us) - so here's my current speculation on the death watch...


Ray is injured but recovers.  Malcolm dies saving Thea.  Oliver is not injured nor killed, but uses the LP to acquire enhanced abilities.  No one else dies.

But haven't we seen bts pictures of JB post 319?

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Has there been any indication that LPs enhance humans? Does Ra's have powers?


I mean, it does something to them considering Ra's probably roamed the earth when dinosaurs were alive and he was able to grab the blade of Oliver's sword like it was nothing. But it hasn't been explicitly stated. I was replying to a comment someone made about Oliver using the LP to "enhance" himself. I thought I quoted it, and obviously it wasn't a recent comment, because now I can't find it. Oops. 

The LP doesn't give powers. Ra's doesn't have any, he can use to heal his wounds or come back from near death or death. It makes him stay alive longer but that's it. And he has to use it to even get the healing effect. It won't make a difference to Oliver unless he brings the magic water with him and builds his own bathtub in the lair.


I know it doesn't - I was responding to another post that I thought I quoted but now I can't find it. I must've had an old post opened in another tab.

Edited by apinknightmare
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The LP doesn't give powers. Ra's doesn't have any, he can use to heal his wounds or come back from near death or death. It makes him stay alive longer but that's it. And he has to use it to even get the healing effect. It won't make a difference to Oliver unless he brings the magic water with him and builds his own bathtub in the lair.

that's what I thought which is why I was confused with people suggesting LP gives you powers.

if the follow the comics won't putting a healthy person in the comics kill them?

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Yes, putting a healthy person in the LP would kill them, putting an insane person in the pits would make them sane for a bit. According the comics you have to be near death or dead to use the pits. 

Edited by Sakura12
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But haven't we seen bts pictures of JB post 319?

Maybe Malcolm doesn't die until 3x23.  I'm just speculating - and assuming that someone dies before this season ends.


The EPs can make their version of the LP do whatever they want it to do (to serve the plot).  I think that they're going in the magic direction, to level the playing field with all the superpowers on the other shows (as others have mentioned).  If they follow comics, my understanding is that the powers and limitations of the LP have varied over time.


Maybe Oliver survives the LP through magic and his wandering the hospital halls is part of some vision quest.

Edited by tv echo
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Just for the record, since I'm the one who inadvertently started this "superpower" conversation, I didn't mean to assert that Oliver would get powers. Like I wrote, I was responding to another comment that suggested that Oliver would take Ra's place in order to have use of the pit so he could heal himself whenever he got hurt, therefore not having to worry about being "beaten," since SA said that was weighing on Oliver's mind. That's why I said superhuman (obviously not the best choice of words), which would've made sense if I had actually included the comment I was replying to. I didn't mean super powered. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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So.... maybe Roy doesn't die???


Back wit my boos @emilybett @davidpaulramsey #Arrow


Based on Felicity's dress, I'm pretty sure that's an old picture and CH might be being a big old troll-y troll considering everyone is speculating that Roy is dying and they have to know that.

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Maybe Malcolm doesn't die until 3x23.  I'm just speculating - and assuming that someone dies before this season ends.

Pretty sure Guggenheim said that the death was in 319 though.

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It'd be kind of hypocritical/weird for her to indicate that she wanted to be in a romantic relationship since she's the one who told him to stop "dangling maybes," and let him know that once he pushed her away it was over. But when he returned after "dying," she told him that she fantasized about what would happen when he came back, so I think it's pretty clear she was hoping he'd change his mind about being with her. That hope got dashed right quick, unfortunately for her. 

Well I think that if she wanted a relationship with OQ, the first step would be for her to ask for one and that was the perfect opportunity. He told her before he left that she would do anything she asked of him. She mentioned the dreams which was nice, but that's probably not enough to convince OQ to overcome his issues. She accuses him of not doing things differently since he returned from the dead, well she didn't change the way she approached their relationship either. He needed her to say that she was willing to be with him, instead she just walked away from him again. I guess all Im saying is right now in OQ's mind I think he feels that Felicity does not want to be with him and perhaps he even questions if she loves him. Maybe he thinks its all one-sided. So if she is officially in this "great" & "healthy" relationship with Ray, he probably has enough evidence now to not hold his feelings towards her as a reason to stay around SC. Like SA has said in interviews, there comes a point where OQ has to imagine his life without FS, she just made it easier for him by proving that she can "be happy" without him.

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Regarding the dialogue tease posted in the Spoilers Thread, if that's Oliver showing up at Felicity's and that's how he finds out about her and Ray I may need to buy a new TV tomorrow.


Might also be during the scene between Oliver and Felicity in the Foundry.


Please be Roy and Thea.

Edited by Soulfire
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Regarding the dialogue tease posted in the Spoilers Thread, if that's Oliver showing up at Felicity's and that's how he finds out about her and Ray I may need to buy a new TV tomorrow.

Oh, I can picture it now. Just as Oliver finishes asking, Ray walks out of the bedroom in just a towel, or shirtless.

I hope they prove me wrong, and let it be Thea and Roy.

Edited by lemotomato
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Even though Oliver can be a gigantic idiot if he says that to Felicity and gets shut down, my heart will break for him.  But my guess would be Thea to Roy.

Edited by Belinea
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Based on Felicity's dress, I'm pretty sure that's an old picture and CH might be being a big old troll-y troll considering everyone is speculating that Roy is dying and they have to know that.

I don't recognise the dress, she's worn similar but not with that notched neckline. The closest I can think of was the dress she wore in 301 for her date with Oliver and it's not that one. Or actually, that hideous peach peplum top she wore in The Flash Crossover 108, but unless the colour in the photo is really weird then it's not that either.

ETA just seen the picture with BR from February. It does look like it's that dress (I just want Roy to be alive :( )

Edited by Tallis
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If it's Oliver and Felicity, with Ray emerging from her bedroom, I'm also going to throw something at my TV.


Remember this MG tumblr response?

-- Asked about his favorite scenes this season for: 1. Laurel, 2. Olicity, 3. Roy/Thea, and 4. Diggle, MG says:

"1) Laurel telling Diggle “that’s not how this is going to work” in 311
2) End of 312.
3) An upcoming scene in 316.

4) Diggle getting in Oliver’s face in 301."

So maybe the dialogue tease is Thea/Roy. (fingers crossed)

Edited by tv echo
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Fingers crossed for Thea/Roy it would be organic and be a way to bring them closer together again. Obviously something big is going down with both of them (WH's mask fitting & CH's cryptic tweets) so to have them find comfort in each other would be nice. It is also esp appropriate since it was Roy being part of TA that caused them to fall apart in the first place & led to JB being able to manipulate Thea. They really deserve another shot at figuring things out.


Plz Plz if its between O& F, I just pray they don't do the cliche Ray coming in just at the right moment to make the scene awkward & spoiled. Its just too cliche & trope, so I hope its not between them cuz I cant see the writers avoiding the cliche when it comes to R/F/O.

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Well I think that if she wanted a relationship with OQ, the first step would be for her to ask for one and that was the perfect opportunity. He told her before he left that she would do anything she asked of him. She mentioned the dreams which was nice, but that's probably not enough to convince OQ to overcome his issues. She accuses him of not doing things differently since he returned from the dead, well she didn't change the way she approached their relationship either. He needed her to say that she was willing to be with him, instead she just walked away from him again. I guess all Im saying is right now in OQ's mind I think he feels that Felicity does not want to be with him and perhaps he even questions if she loves him. Maybe he thinks its all one-sided. So if she is officially in this "great" & "healthy" relationship with Ray, he probably has enough evidence now to not hold his feelings towards her as a reason to stay around SC. Like SA has said in interviews, there comes a point where OQ has to imagine his life without FS, she just made it easier for him by proving that she can "be happy" without him.


We'll have to agree to disagree here. I don't understand why she should have to convince him to overcome his issues? His issues weren't about being in a relationship with her - his issues are about who HE thinks HE can be. It's not all about Felicity. I'd agree with you if he said his only problem was that he didn't think he could be in a relationship with someone, but that's not what he said. 


Did anyone ever say that Felicity and Ray's relationship was healthy (I honestly can't remember)? I thought one of the EPs said what Felicity was doing was healthy, which was moving on, since Oliver flat-out told her he was scared of what would happen if he allowed himself to be himself. Which, I mean...healthy is relative depending on one's coping mechanisms. 

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Also: if that dialogue tease is Felicity to Ray? Then yep. Still going to need to buy a new TV after tomorrow night.



Edited by Soulfire
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Also: if that dialogue tease is Felicity to Ray? Then yep. Still going to need to buy a new TV after tomorrow night.

I was thinking exactly that.

They NEED to play "Stay with me" in this background. Pleeeeeeeease.

Edited by Limbo
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Based on Felicity's dress, I'm pretty sure that's an old picture and CH might be being a big old troll-y troll considering everyone is speculating that Roy is dying and they have to know that.


I don't think we've seen Felicity in a top (can't tell if it's a dress) like that this season. So I'm thinking that's a legit new photo.


About the dialogue tease, I'm guessing Malcolm to Thea. Read an interview with Barrowman this morning (which, of course, I can't find now) where he says he's pretty devastated about his daughter being angry at him and not knowing what to do next. He's at the siblings' loft in the trailer, so I'm guessing he is recovering from his injuries and he asks Thea if he could stay with her/them.

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I think the dialogue is Nyssa to Laurel when she finds out that Ra's offered her job to Oliver


AK definitely said that Felicity was the healthiest one emotionally, and that going to Ray means she's not waiting around for Oliver.


Well I think that if she wanted a relationship with OQ, the first step would be for her to ask for one and that was the perfect opportunity. He told her before he left that she would do anything she asked of him.

She asked him not to team up with Malcolm.  Not in so many words, but she was horrified at the thought, pointed out the women Oliver said he loved who Malcolm had hurt, and said that if that's what his love is like, she doesn't want to be a woman he loves.


He didn't even try to talk to her about it, or to ask her what dreams she had. In fact, when she said she was upset that he was working with Malcolm, Oliver turned it into "you're angry because you thought we'd be together if I got back".  So A) Oliver does know Felicity wants a relationship with him because he said so himself and B) he was lying when he said he'd do anything she asked of him.  He wouldn't even discuss it with her much less do as she asked.


Maybe Oliver survives the LP through magic and his wandering the hospital halls is part of some vision quest

He secretly always wanted to be a doctor?  I can identify with that.

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I don't think we've seen Felicity in a top (can't tell if it's a dress) like that this season. So I'm thinking that's a legit new photo.


She was wearing the same dress and the same earrings in a picture with Routh from February. So it's from an episode that's not aired yet... I think 3x18? Here's the image:





Btw, @Soulfire? Awesome catch. You're my favorite detective today! :)

Edited by dancingnancy
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She was wearing the same dress and the same earrings in a picture with Routh from February. So it's from an episode that's not aired yet... I think 3x18? Here's the image:





Btw, @Soulfire? Awesome catch. You're my favorite detective today! :)


Ooohhhh, OK. You guys have amazing memories! And if she's wearing that in 3x18, too early to repeat the outfit for 3x21, which ... have they started shooting that?

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If they're in Nanda Parbat, that's not very utilitarian desert wear. I'd think she got kidnapped in it, but she was wearing something different in the BTS shots in 3x20. Are they shooting a flashback? Is Felicity really wearing a dress and those earrings when they're on the run? Is she not in NP anymore? Are none of them in NP? Is Oliver the only one in NP? Could I ask any more questions?

Edited by apinknightmare
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I think that's an old picture and CH is trying to trick people into thinking that Roy is still around. I mean Felicity is wearing the same dress, the same earrings, and similar lipstick in both pictures.


What ep were they filming that day? I wonder if she's got that coat on in any of the stills? 

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Consensus seems to be that they were filming ep 19 in the pic with BR, which is when the spoiler clip of Felicity getting attacked by the metahuman might happen. And I think she was wearing that coat in the clip

Edited by lemotomato
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Regarding the dialogue tease posted in the Spoilers Thread, if that's Oliver showing up at Felicity's and that's how he finds out about her and Ray I may need to buy a new TV tomorrow.


If Oliver says it, it will be moments before a topless Ray wanders out of Felicity's bedroom. This shit writes itself. And has done, on a thousand TV shows before this one.


But as for characters who are confused, lost and don't know who the hell they are any more, it could be any of them, couldn't it? Oh wait, I'm confusing them with the actors who play them. Poor souls.

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Yeah, that's what I meant with my earlier comment. I'd seen EBR wearing that dress in a picture on twitter from a few weeks ago, meaning that it was an old picture and CH is being a troll to deceive us. As if CH! As if!

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I'm pretty sure that's an old picture and CH might be being a big old troll-y troll considering everyone is speculating that Roy is dying and they have to know that.


Yes also CH has totally lied before about Sara, back at ComiCon, so I have no problem thinking he's lying now about his own departure, now that everyone has been speculating like crazy about him being the likely candidate.

Edited by blixie
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