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Given Ra's penchant for extravagant dusters and jewelry and his love of tickling those ivories, he makes ends meet by becoming a Liberace impersonator. 


All assassins need to explore their artistic side.  Especially those in leadership roles.

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If Felicity is Ra's daughter, then I demand a full season of flashbacks to that time in the late 80s - early 90s when Ra's got bored leading the LoA, moved to Las Vegas, fell in love with a cocktail waitress, married her, had a daughter with her, and then spent six years with them, before going back to the murdering business.

Yeah that's why I think it wouldn't happen but hey MG hasn't made sense before!!

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Anyway, on to this tidbit:


@DocBrown_TV does felicity and ray have scenes that have a romantic vibe?
@eswlove Somewhat.




I hope the "somewhat" doesn't include Ray pinging phones, showing up at Verdant, or showing up at Felicity's apartment.  Otherwise this feels like a bit of a plus.

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Based on that producer's preview, looks like Oliver's up to some dumb shit again. If even Laurel is questioning the sanity of your actions, you need to step back and take a look at your life and your choices. 


At this point, Oliver needs to just get the fuck out of Starling City. I'm thinking he should just track down the Winchesters and chillax in one of their funky hotel rooms and they can all get drunk together and wonder why no one appreciates their sacrifices. 


Why, yes, I will contrive any reason for a crossover.

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So. Thea goes to Laurel, tells her about being brainwashed, asks for help taking down Malcolm. Laurel's "surprising" response is getting in touch with Nyssa and hand delivering Malcolm to her. All actually pretty smart, BUT they don't know about Malcolm's home video, so Oliver thinks he needs to rescue Malcolm before dude starts babbling to Ra's. Or, I dunno, maybe Malcolm has safeguards to release the video online, or something. It's still silly, because it's so convoluted, but it's still better than Oliver telling Nyssa that Thea is Malcolm's daughter because Nyssa needed to kidnap Thea for plot.

The twist in the end: unlikely alliance? Malcolm and Maseo are working together. Thea and Ra's are pals since last season when Moira contacted him. Ray and Tatsu are planning to take over the world.

Or maybe it's Lazarus Pit related, and someone gets killed and revived. Possibly by Oliver throwing someone in?

Or maybe it is Zombie Tommy.

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At this point, Oliver needs to just get the fuck out of Starling City. I'm thinking he should just track down the Winchesters and chillax in one of their funky hotel rooms and they can all get drunk together and wonder why no one appreciates their sacrifices. 


Why, yes, I will contrive any reason for a crossover.

Yes they should be happy Oliver is working with a fucking psycho who killed over 500 people got him "killed" who had his sister murder an ex and so on

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I think the reason that Oliver goes to rescue Malcolm is because Oliver thinks that Thea turning Malcolm into the LOA is tantamount to killing him, and Oliver wants to "save Thea's soul". It sounds stupid, so I think there's a strong possibility that it's true.

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I think the reason that Oliver goes to rescue Malcolm is because Oliver thinks that Thea turning Malcolm into the LOA is tantamount to killing him, and Oliver wants to "save Thea's soul". It sounds stupid, so I think there's a strong possibility that it's true.

actually, I wouldn't be shocked to see this play out.
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Yes they should be happy Oliver is working with a fucking psycho who killed over 500 people got him "killed" who had his sister murder an ex and so on


Well, to be fair, they have made deals with the King of Hell to try and save the world and I think King of Hell trumps Malcolm Merlyn...so....I think they might not entirely judge him as the worst person in the world for that. But in Oliver's defense, he has saved lives and we don't yet know what he's up to with Malcolm.  I reserve judgement at this point.


Or maybe it's Lazarus Pit related, and someone gets killed and revived. Possibly by Oliver throwing someone in?


What if Oliver throws himself into the Lazarus pit?

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Crowley is so damn likable, I can't even be mad at them for it.


Turning him in to face justice for what he did seems perfectly fine to me.  Oliver should pull the stick out and let Thea make her own decisions.  I'm THRILLED she's not cool with being buds with him, FINALLY.

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if the reason Oliver goes to save Malcolm is not related to the video of Thea, then i will not accept it lol. I don't think it is though because you  think they would mention it in the producer's preview. 

Edited by ban1o
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Might be Thea to Roy.

You guys really got me excited for Ra's Vegas. It's the only thing I'm thinking about.

Oliver being stupid is the reason I will quit this show. He's making so little sense. I just can't.

Edited by Limbo
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You guys really got me excited for Ra's Vegas. It's the only thing I'm thinking about.

I feel like the fact that we're all making (awesome) fun of Ra's shows what a misfire he's been on the show.  World's deadliest assassin and all...I expect he's supposed to be scary.

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Anyone seen Stardust? Ra's could be Captain Shakespeare


I'm leaning towards Thea/Roy even tho I think it probably fits Oliver and Laurel more. Other than Laurel's 'we used to date comment', they haven't acknowledged the past relationship between them at all. Even in flashbacks.

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So it's supposed to be the biggest surprise since they stabbed Oliver and threw him off  a cliff.  I'm pretty sure most of us saw that coming.  So nothing we haven't brought up.


Really the only thing I would be surprised at is if Sara strolled in alive.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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God this saving Thea's soul stuff is just gross, Mens have to save or damn her soul, Lord knows we wouldn't want Thea to save or damn her own soul. ASSHOLES.


Whatever epic, groundbreaking, game changing, inane story they go with, I hopepray that Thea saves herself. No one needs to fight for her soul; she's quite capable of making her own decisions. And should that decision be to go evil, at least she gets to decide.


PLEASE, PLEASE no baby drama!


Oh, that's coming. I'm sure Connor (that's what I'll be calling him until told otherwise) will show up in the last ep as the epic game changer. Also, it will be groundbreaking. 


I should really stop trying to make sense out of all this.


I had all these theories and reaction to others' ideas, but I just stopped when I read this because it is the TRUTH. 


At this point, Oliver needs to just get the fuck out of Starling City. I'm thinking he should just track down the Winchesters and chillax in one of their funky hotel rooms and they can all get drunk together and wonder why no one appreciates their sacrifices. 


Why, yes, I will contrive any reason for a crossover.


Oh man, a scene with Oliver and Dean and their manpain and self-hatred actually would be epic. If we could get two single tears of pain, I could die a happy fan girl. Also, that's a lot of hot on one screen.

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So apparently Laurel Brown said there was endgame talk for Olicity after the screening.

This means EPIC pain between them before it happens.


The tweet, just in case anyone's interested (someone asked what Laurel could give them about Olicity):


The producers - who answered questions afterwards - referred to that relationship as being of the endgame variety.


She said she'd post the comments verbatim in the ep review she posts after the episode airs. Smart lady - I hope she gets paid per click, haha.

Edited by apinknightmare
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The tweet, just in case anyone's interested (someone asked what Laurel could give them about Olicity):


The producers - who answered questions afterwards - referred to that relationship as being of the endgame variety.


She said she'd post the comments verbatim in the ep review she posts after the episode airs. Smart lady - I hope she gets paid per click, haha.

Ugh the pain of shipping Olicity LOL please let there be GOOD stuff between Oliver and Felicity like them being together THEN something like Felicity getting snatched by Slade to get at Oliver. And please NO cheating on each other when together OR Felicity being with Ray and fucking Oliver on the side(though I want sexytimes with Oliver and Felicity)

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My guesses:


QUOTE:  “I promised you vengeance, so take it.” - Ra's to Nyssa or Thea to Laurel

QUOTE:  “You shouldn’t even speak to me.” - Maseo to Oliver.

QUOTE:  “It’s hard to remember the time when I was actually in love with you.” - Oliver to Laurel or other way. it's the only thing that makes sense. or, Maseo to Tatsu in present day?

QUOTE:  “I hate boats.” - Oliver, i think flashback but possibly present day too

QUOTE:  “Vengeance is justice.” - Laurel or Nyssa. Maybe Waller.

QUOTE:  “Malcolm Merlyn will never be seen again.” - Ra's or Nyssa possibly also Maseo

QUOTE:  “You can’t save Thea’s soul if it costs you your own.” - this absolutely sounds like Diggle. ten bucks it's while they're tied up in Nanda Parbet

QUOTE:  “You don’t own a jet anymore.” - Diggle or Felicity.

QUOTE:  “Sometimes I forget we just work together.” Ray to Felicity. ETA: or the other way around. but i'm pretty sure it's the first one.

QUOTE:  “Maybe I am a killer — maybe that is the real me.” - Thea, for sure.

Edited by foreverevolving
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Playing the game.


QUOTE:  “I promised you vengeance, so take it.”  Nyssa to Laurel.  (or Ra's to Nyssa)


QUOTE:  “You shouldn’t even speak to me.”   Oliver to Laurel


QUOTE:  “It’s hard to remember the time when I was actually in love with you.”  Laurel to Oliver


QUOTE:  “I hate boats.”  Oliver


QUOTE:  “Vengeance is justice.”  Nyssa to Laurel 


QUOTE:  “Malcolm Merlyn will never be seen again.”  Nyssa


QUOTE:  “You can’t save Thea’s soul if it costs you your own.”  Diggle to Oliver


QUOTE:  “You don’t own a jet anymore.”  Felicity to Oliver


QUOTE:  “Sometimes I forget we just work together.”  Ray to Felicity


QUOTE:  “Maybe I am a killer — maybe that is the real me.”  Thea to Oliver

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Playing the game.


QUOTE:  “I promised you vengeance, so take it.”  Nyssa to Laurel.  (or Ra's to Nyssa)


QUOTE:  “You shouldn’t even speak to me.”   Oliver to Laurel


QUOTE:  “It’s hard to remember the time when I was actually in love with you.”  Laurel to Oliver


QUOTE:  “I hate boats.”  Oliver


QUOTE:  “Vengeance is justice.”  Nyssa to Laurel 


QUOTE:  “Malcolm Merlyn will never be seen again.”  Nyssa


QUOTE:  “You can’t save Thea’s soul if it costs you your own.”  Diggle to Oliver


QUOTE:  “You don’t own a jet anymore.”  Felicity to Oliver


QUOTE:  “Sometimes I forget we just work together.”  Ray to Felicity


QUOTE:  “Maybe I am a killer — maybe that is the real me.”  Thea to Oliver

I can see that last line being delivered before or after she kills Malcolm (who then gets pitted)

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When i saw the producer's clip, I thought Oliver's reason for going after Malcolm was so that Thea wouldn't have to live with his death on her conscience.  Could it be reprising Oliver and Sara in S2, or is that hoping for too much?


If Felicity is Ra's daughter, then I demand a full season of flashbacks to that time in the late 80s - early 90s when Ra's got bored leading the LoA, moved to Las Vegas, fell in love with a cocktail waitress, married her, had a daughter with her, and then spent six years with them, before going back to the murdering business.

Maybe he paid/forced some poor mant to take his place. On the other hand, nah.  The offspring of Ra's al Ghul and Donna Smoak couldn't possibly have  Felicity's tech brain.

“It’s hard to remember the time when I was actually in love with you.”

Please let this be Laurel to Oliver and not Felicity.  Maybe that's the line that says Olicity is endgame.


QUOTE:  “You can’t save Thea’s soul if it costs you your own.” - this absolutely sounds like Diggle. ten bucks it's while they're tied up in Nanda Parbet

I'd be happy if at last we got Diggle on Felicity's side about working with MM.


Wasn't Sara the one who said "I hate boats" last season?  Are they going to give this to Laurel too, or will it be Oliver's now?


QUOTE:  “Sometimes I forget we just work together.” Ray to Felicity.

I may throw up if it's that, which would be the cheesiest worst writing, which means it probably is..

Maybe it's Felicity worrying about Oliver again.


QUOTE:  “You shouldn’t even speak to me.”

Laurel to Oliver, angry that he's going to save the man who killed Sara.

Edited by statsgirl
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QUOTE:  “You shouldn’t even speak to me.” - Maseo to Oliver.



QUOTE:  “You shouldn’t even speak to me.”   Oliver to Laurel


I think I like Maseo to Oliver better than my guess.  I was thinking that Oliver was pissed at Laurel for turning in Malcolm but I'd forgotten about Maseo.   

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So does the quote about "saving Thea's soul" confirm that is the reason Oliver goes to save Malcolm?


But what on earth could possibly prompt it? Seems to me all Thea did was tell Laurel who then called Nyssa because no one talks on this show and therefore the two people who were responsible for Malcolm getting turned over wouldn't know why an obviously smart thing to do was not such a smart thing to do (although I hope they at least wonder why Oliver wouldn't just turn him in himself if Laurel, Thea or both do actually turn him over?).


So, if Oliver tells Thea why turning Malcolm over to Ra's was a bad idea, does she go to Nanda Parbat to try to make it right? I just don't see how her soul factors into what seems like a pretty hands-off transaction on her part. I mean, she knew Malcolm drugged her to kill Sara and she was pretty staunch in her conviction to see him pay for that, so why would knowing about the video change that? What soul compromising thing could she possibly do? 


Unless she decides to go off Malcolm herself and then let Ra's do whatever with her.

Edited by apinknightmare
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But what on earth could possibly prompt it? Seems to me all Thea did was tell Laurel who then called Nyssa because no one talks on this show and therefore the two people who were responsible for Malcolm getting turned over wouldn't know why an obviously smart thing to do was not such a smart thing to do (although I hope they at least wonder why Oliver wouldn't just turn him in himself if Laurel, Thea or both do actually turn him over?).

So, if Oliver tells Thea why turning Malcolm over to Ra's was a bad idea, does she go to Nanda Parbat to try to make it right? I just don't see how her soul factors into what seems like a pretty hands-off transaction on her part. I mean, she knew Malcolm drugged her to kill Sara and she was pretty staunch in her conviction to see him pay for that, so why would knowing about the video change that? What soul compromising thing could she possibly do?

Unless she decides to go off Malcolm herself and then let Ra's do whatever with her.

I truly don't think the video will factor into it. I think it will be about preventing Thea from being responsible for Malcolm's death. Edited by ban1o
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QUOTE:  “Vengeance is justice.” - Laurel or Nyssa. Maybe Waller.


So is justice the new vengeance or the other way around? Maybe it's the new orange. 


Oh Nyssa, I wish your awesomeness was far, far away from this show. You and Sara are off drinking whiskeys on a beach somewhere. 


I have never wanted Thea to kill Malcolm more than I do right this second. 

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I truly don't think the video will factor into it. I think it will be about preventing Thea from being responsible for Malcolm's death.


God, that would be just...beyond idiotic. So yeah, probably.


Let the woman make a goddamn choice for herself, show. Just one.


I hope Oliver does go to Nanda Parbat to get Malcolm back to ease her conscience and that she goes there and runs Malcolm right through anyway. And then I'm sure Oliver would make some kind of deal with Maseo to throw Malcolm in the Pit so even after making the choice to kill the fucker TWICE Oliver's still stupidly desperate to "save her soul." And then I hope all hell rains down upon his dumb, dumb ass. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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I'll have a go.


QUOTE:  “I promised you vengeance, so take it.” I'd say Ra's to Nyssa. He's giving her the kill on Malcolm.

QUOTE:  “You shouldn’t even speak to me.” Thea to Malcolm, possibly as the League is coming to get him and he asks for her help?

QUOTE:  “It’s hard to remember the time when I was actually in love with you.” My gut says Laurel to Oliver.

QUOTE:  “I hate boats.” Oliver seems the most likely but I'm giving it to Laurel because don't forget she suffered when Oliver and Sara 'died'.

QUOTE:  “Vengeance is justice.” Nyssa, probably.

QUOTE:  “Malcolm Merlyn will never be seen again.” It sounds like Nyssa.

QUOTE:  “You can’t save Thea’s soul if it costs you your own.” I agree this is probably Diggle, though it could be Felicity.

QUOTE:  “You don’t own a jet anymore.” Diggle or Felicity or Laurel. The latter if it's said in a mean spirited way.

QUOTE:  “Sometimes I forget we just work together.” Without context it's hard to say. It could be Roy at Verdant talking to Thea.

QUOTE:  “Maybe I am a killer — maybe that is the real me.” Yeah, Thea.

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God, that would be just...beyond idiotic. So yeah, probably.

Let the woman make a goddamn choice for herself, show. Just one.

I hope Oliver does go to Nanda Parbat to get Malcolm back to ease her conscience and that she goes there and runs Malcolm right through.

Don't get me wrong. I really hope this isn't the case but with the quote about saving Thea's soul and also the one about "being a killer" and the tone of the producers preview and such, I think this is the direction they are going. I'd be happy to be wrong though. Edited by ban1o
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I'm not sure these people know what a secret is, and where one actually ends. As long as Oliver told Thea about killing Sara, why didn't he tell her about the video?  Could  have avoided this altogether.

Edited by statsgirl
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Don't get me wrong. I really hope this isn't the case but with the quote about saving Thea's soul and also the one about "being a killer" and the tone of the producers preview and such, I think this is the direction they are going. I'd be happy to be wrong though.


No, I think this is probably what they're doing. She didn't have any agency in the first part of the season, Oliver might as well take it away in the second part. 



Marc Guggenheim ‏@mguggenheim  2m2 minutes ago

Arrow Ep. 3x15 dialogue tease:  "After dinner, I'm taking you straight to bed." - Felicity


To Ray, obviously. Blerg.

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Marc Guggenheim ‏@mguggenheim  2m2 minutes ago

Arrow Ep. 3x15 dialogue tease:  "After dinner, I'm taking you straight to bed." - Felicity


I hate MG. And this better be to the new cat Felicity just adopted. 


Actually, I'm sure it'll proceed an epic babble because Ray is tired and works his little Atom fingers to the bone. Haven't we had a conversation like that with Oliver, or was that a fanfic I read? Well, here's one more story line I won't be watching.

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Actually, I'm sure it'll proceed an epic babble because Ray is tired and works his little Atom fingers to the bone. Haven't we had a conversation like that with Oliver, or was that a fanfic I read? Well, here's one more story line I won't be watching.


It was in the 2.5 comics - Felicity offered her place up to Oliver to sleep for the night. I think she said, "You need to be in my bed." or something.

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