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I think he said Thea and Felicity would be sharing a lot of screen time in the back half of the season. I think with Oliver's death we assumed it would start fairly soon, but he may mean towards the end of season. Wishful thinking here, but may be Thea is brought into the loop by then. I really want Thea in the Foundry helping to take down Malcolm.


It worries me anytime MG says something is one of his favorites.

Edited by 10Eleven12
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I think he said Thea and Felicity would be sharing a lot of screen time in the back half of the season. I think with Oliver's death we assumed it would start fairly soon, but he may mean towards the end of season. Wishful thinking here, but may be Thea is brought into the loop by then. I really want Thea in the Foundry helping to take down Malcolm.

I just assumed "back half" meant like season 3b but I guess it could be much later. But I wonder why they would mention it in interviews that are supposed to advertise the show when it returns. so like 3x10-3x13.


Also tbh I will be really annoyed if after 3x11 Thea is still in the dark about everything. If Felicity doesn't tell her anything than Roy should. Like Thea needs to gtf away from Malcolm.

Edited by ban1o
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Here's the thing. I have no doubt Laurel is going to step up and take the reins while Oliver is gone. That is absolutely consistent with her character. She assumes she knows better than everyone else and things will work out if they just follow her lead. The only thing is, just because one is in charge of the ship doesn't mean they are good at navigating, just ask the Titanic. Being a leader doesn't automatically make you a GOOD leader. I think a bigger question is why on Earth Diggle and Felicity would follow her lead. Roy, maybe, he seems like a natural follower, but Diggle and Felicity go along with Oliver because they trust him and when they think he's wrong they'll step up and say so. Every time Laurel takes charge (like when she gave the cops orders) things go badly. What makes anyone think a month or so of boxing lessons is going to make up for her shortcomings?

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so I don't know if any of you are still paying attention to Guggenheim's tumblr but for some reason he seems to be minimizing the amount of Felicity/Thea interaction. On tumblr people are asking questions about it and he's saying "not in 3x10" and when someone asked if there would be Felicity/Thea scenes in the upcoming episodes he said "eventually." Also someone asked a question if we would see more female interaction and he only mentioned Felicity/Laurel. I know this isn't really a big deal but I just thought it was odd because I thought before he said there would be a lot of Felicity/Thea. Maybe before he was overstating it?

I expect felicity/Thea to be later. Or. With our luck, the old arrow tag line....that scene was cut. Bleh.

I still can't get over the fact that laurel is in costume before Thea, that they started Thea's fight training over hiatus, only to have her mindraped into killing Sara, while laurels training began 4 or so months ago and she gets a suit. I do hope someone tells her about Oliver sooner rather than later, but I don't expect anything. The saddest thing about the bc s/l is is has removed my desire to speculate things on this show, because the s/l with laurel has shown they will do whatever they want whether it makes sense or not.

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What makes anyone think a month or so of boxing lessons is going to make up for her shortcomings?


The boxing thing is such a mistake to me. If they ever show her using her legs or other fighting styles, I'm going to cry foul. I maintain they should have had Ted be an MMA fighter. I still wouldn't believe Laurel is anywhere near prepared or ready to go out on the streets, but I could at least believe she'd have the basis for the skills you need to take random criminals down. Four or whatever months of boxing? Hell no.

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A question just came to mind; will we see flashbacks of Sara at all? She was one of my absolute favourite characters and Caity is brilliant in the role!!

We definitely want to do flashbacks depicting Sara’s journey from the freighter to the League of Assassins.  One day…


I hope Caity gets a job as a Marvel hero and can't come back for pointless flashbacks. 


As for Laurel riding a motorcycle. I know they said they couldn't do the stunt, but even so when did Laurel even learn to ride a motorcycle? Or was that another skill that she was just going to magically have because comics? The Laurel we've seen doesn't seem like the type of person to touch a motorcycle let alone know how to ride one. 


They are just showing how much more sense everything made for Sara as BC. I could see party girl Sara, loving motorcycles and if not all her skills are easily explained by assassin training with the LOA. 

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They should leave Sara alone now. I don't think its going to do Laurel any flavors.


At the end of the day, what Laurel should be able to do is going to be a mute point. Looking at the facts: She is an ADA who works full time (that means a lot of long days) and is learning to fight in her spare time. So we aren't talking about hours of training every day. Even though she has been at for a couple months, the only moves that she should have down to muscle memory is the basic ones (and since the writers have forgotten her self-defense training from S1 so have I). She doesn't have the experience to adapt to her enemies or get creative. As for riding a motorcycle? No groundwork has been laid for any type of skill. However, if they want to add it to her skill set they will. 


I know she isn't going to be the prettiest fighter in 3x11 but I image by 3x12/3x13 she is going to show a lot of improvement. The writers are impatient to get Laurel to Black Canary so organic storytelling is out the window.


Though, I don't think LL is going to be the only one. I'm thinking Arsenal is going to be out of his flip-and-out phrase. 

Edited by 10Eleven12
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On Tumblr MG said that the Felicity/Laurel scene in 3.13 might be one of his favorites so I guess there is some sort of bonding. I wonder if this is supposed to be the big but not climatic payoff scene? Or perhaps it's the scene which made them think 3.14 was a good episode to bring Slade back?


How about a scene where Laurel and Felicity giggle together like childhood friends about how dreamy 50 Shades is, and how cuckoo for Felicity he is, and Laurel encourages Felicity to pursue him, with a shit-eating grin on her face, and no one knows if it's Laurel smiling sincerely, or Cassidy glorying yet again in stealing from another female character, and making Oliver 'available' again?


I could definitely see that happening. But then, if 50 Shades is handsome and rich and successful (and not at all creepy and stalkery, right?), then wouldn't Laurel fix her sights on him anyway? Seems like the sort of guy she'd be in to.

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As for Laurel riding a motorcycle. I know they said they couldn't do the stunt, but even so when did Laurel even learn to ride a motorcycle

Maybe someone should ask him when it was ever indicated that Laurel even knows how to ride a motorcycle. Or maybe when she is transforming into her sister she magically learns that too. I get that I am watching a show with a superhero element and that you have to not look at everything too closely otherwise you'll realize how little it makes sense. But it really is too much sometimes. So Laurel manages to become a fighter and team leader in 8 episodes and learned riding a motorcycle for no apparent reason in her spare time? 

Edited by Belinea
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The biggest problem isn't that its a superhero show. Their biggest problem is it's an origin-story superhero show. If your central plot is the 5 year journey of man to superhero. And then you go and turn the other lead into a superhero in a 3-episode arc? You have undermined your whole show. That's the problem.


ETA: About calling Laurel "Pretty Bird" or "Dinah", all of his answers are basically the same. If it's organic or if there is a reason too. That's writer speak for "No."

Edited by 10Eleven12
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Ted Grant did flip Laurel when she started getting cocky about how good her boxing was and she landed on the floor complaining. Presumably he's been teaching her basic fighting moves but he's basically a boxer and that's no where near what's needed for the Black Canary.


Has Laurel even met 50 Shades yet?  I laugh, because it's Felicity who the billionaires go to for help.

Most definitely. But I think it's in character to be delusionally overconfident to the point of thinking she could take Oliver's place.



I think it's in character for Laurel to be so delusional.  But Katie Cassidy believing it?


Also someone asked a question if we would see more female interaction and he only mentioned Felicity/Laurel. I know this isn't really a big deal but I just thought it was odd because I thought before he said there would be a lot of Felicity/Thea. Maybe before he was overstating it?

I think he's back tracking. He said that there would be a lot of Felicity/Thea so people started thinking that Felicity might be involved in telling Thea about Oliver/Malcolm and setting her straight about who is the good guy and who isn't.  With no Thea/Felicity in 310 and nothing specific in sight, it seems he was to pull back because people got too excited for them. Now MGs talking about Laurel/Felicity scenes.


All of which makes me think that Felicity will be only minimally involved in the Team Arrow stuff and maximally in Ray's arc.


At about the 40 second mark of the new promo, Thea throws something a knife?) at Malcolm which he catches. I suppose it's too much to hope that Thea is on to him.

Edited by statsgirl

I wish I could believe the scene was Felicity saying "See this scar? I took a bullet for Sara.  But listen, Laurel, unless you start treating me better ...."


I wonder if Donna gets caught in the crossfire when Ra's goes after  Oliver?  Team Arrow?  MG said that "I think the shit that Ra’s has planned is gonna make Oliver long for the days of Slade Wilson".  I still have no idea why Ra's would have such a vendetta against Oliver though unless he's a coocoo as Slade was.  Merlyn lost his wife, Slade was mirakuru'd, are they going to say that the Lazarus Pit makes Ra's crazy too?

At first I thought the whole hospital thing was Slade related (because obviously he'd go after Felicity at one point), but then I realized he's in episode 15 and Mama Smoak comes in episode 18... 


So either Team Arrow goes to Nevada to help Felicity figure out what happened to her mother (who's in the hospital) or Mama Smoak comes to Starling when Felicity's gravely injured and in the hospital. 

According to TvLine/MG the Thea/Felicity scenes have now been "pushed back a bit". Makes me wonder if they were ever planned, or if they just said they were coming up so fans would tune in after the break. 


But don't worry!! There are tons of Felicity/Laurel scenes coming up! 


(This reminds me of the spoiler that Roy/Sara would bond this season over something. Maybe they just decide to replace a name in spoilers since they know the actual spoiler won't be as popular? So instead of Roy/Sara bonding we now have Roy/Laurel and instead of Felicity/Thea scenes we now have Felicity/Laurel). 

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Are those interviews supposed to make us want to watch? Because it does the opposite. I'm really wondering what the ratings will be now for the next 3.

She takes the reigns? Yet MG is claiming that it's not a Laurel arc?

I usually watch live, rewatch on Hulu Plus, and end up buying the episode on Amazon.  I'm not doing any of that for these three, at least.  Life is too short to watch the utterly ridiculous saga of the whiny lawyer magically developing the skills to become a costumed hero.  (Full disclosure, I am a lawyer, and promise you we are not capable of becoming badass vigilantes, esp. after a couple months of boxing lessons.)  After Oliver returns I'll see how I feel.

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(This reminds me of the spoiler that Roy/Sara would bond this season over something. Maybe they just decide to replace a name in spoilers since they know the actual spoiler won't be as popular? So instead of Roy/Sara bonding we now have Roy/Laurel and instead of Felicity/Thea scenes we now have Felicity/Laurel). 

tbh I think that was just Colton trying to cover up Sara's death.

Edited by ban1o
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Speaking of baddies, Vinnie Jones (who on Wednesday begins an arc as Danny “Brick” Brickwell) teased for me a fight scene in which a stunt woman jumped out a high window and grabbed a rope dangling from a helicopter above. Hmm, which character could that be?


If I was using show logic, I would think it's Nyssa because we know LOA members are very skilled at dangling from ropes. However, I suspect it might be Laurel because she's the Black Canary (no other explanation needed).

Edited by strikera0
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According to TvLine/MG the Thea/Felicity scenes have now been "pushed back a bit". Makes me wonder if they were ever planned, or if they just said they were coming up so fans would tune in after the break.

Complete and total lie to try and get people interested in the BC arc. The first time it's even mentioned is right before the finale aired when MG started running away from BC Trilogy. They already filmed 10-14 at that point so these weren't pushed back. They used Felicity/Thea to lure people in but, they were never intended to be in 10-14, maybe not at all.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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LOL that producers preview. Guys…...Its a Brick-Trilogy.


I'm glad they owned up to no Thea/Felicity. Just one more reason not to watch. 


It does sound like Laurel gets some truth tea from Felicity. At least there is a good chance its not about Oliver. Unless Felicity points out Oliver and Sara are seriously better equipped then Laurel is to handle the lifestyle.

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I need someone to ask MG what the time frame is going to be on these very special episodes. This villain has an slum lord look to him; I'm thinking we get to watch build some strength. My guess: a few weeks.


My question is more logistical than anything else.


Why is a British man trying to take over Glades in Starling City USA? Wouldn't he have a better chance in Eastern London or North Manchester?

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I've not watched the preview because I can't be bothered but I'm disappointed that we won't be getting any Thea/Felicity scenes. Hopefully they're just pushing it back for later in the season. I just really want Thea out of her father's clutches. I want her to take back some of her agency and take him down for what he did to her. It just felt like Felicity would be the first step towards that maybe. Or at least a friend.

If Oliver gets all upset at Felicity getting hurt, how much do you want to bet he's going to push her away to protect her?


Roy (Colton Haynes) and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) point out that the team could use some help to save the innocents of The Glades, but Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) is adamantly against it. They look to Diggle to make the final decision. Meanwhile, the flashbacks chronicle Malcolm’s descent from kind-hearted father and husband to cold-blooded killer after the murder of his wife.

Just what I've always wanted, Roy and Laurel to team up against Felicity. And you just know that Diggle is going to side with them.


Malcolm refused to take his wife's phone calls repeatedly as she lay dying, and then immediately abandoned Tommy.  How is that a "kind-hearted father and husband"?  I smell retcon.


Written by Beth Schwartz, who co-wrote ToD, and Brian Ford Sullivan, who co-wrote The Secret Origins.  I wonder which writer will have the stronger stamp.

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I love John Barrowman. I would love to watch the descend. So torn.


The episode they team up with Malcolm (and we know they will), Oliver returns. Felicity is forced to work with the man that is the reason Oliver died. A walking reminder of what she is going thru. And then Oliver comes back from the dead…cue the angst.


I'm assuming Laurel doesn't know yet then. And her and Roy are BFFs.

Edited by 10Eleven12

Wow Thea/Felicity scenes were only spoilers I was looking forward to during this BS BC trilogy. Even more reason to bank up episodes.

Willa deserves so much more than what she is getting. Especially since she is one of the stronger performers and her brother just "died" because if her father. I hope there is something for her, but I doubt it.

I've noticed a trend, negative reactions (like TCA Panel debacle) send out Felicity spoilers. Hello Mama Smoak!!

Obviously they can't give away Oliver stuff, but once he is revealed to be alive there will be some strong push to gain back the viewer interest that they have lost (IMO).

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