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It's probably a flashback or a time jump within the episode.  Malcolm is strange, but would he really keep a bloody sword around for 6 weeks?  Would it take him that long to get back from a mountain that it only took Oliver a few hours to get to?


In the clip with Felicity turning around, as she does there is a shadowy figure in the background going up the stairs from the lair.  It looks like Felicity is just turning around then to look at the sword.  I kind of hope not though because that kind of reaction is difficult for any actor to nail.

Edited by statsgirl

Even if Merlyn had video evidence I'd ask where Oliver's body is. His (probably) solemn appearance would rankle with me and...seeing Felicity hit or hurl something at him would give me warm and fuzzies.

Also I think seeing idiot DJ before awesome mama Smoak is reason to go oh for goodness sake!!

...he probably works for Ra's All Ghul.

Every time I see the 'SPOILERS ONLY' thread has been updated I just feel dread rather than excitement. That's not good, is it?


I really hope Diggle and Felicity don't trust a word Malcolm says because they have absolutely zero reason to trust him. Ever. If they just accept his word I'm going to be calling OOC bullshit. Besides, everyone pretty much acted like Oliver was definitely coming home so I expect some hesitance, some "No, I don't believe you" dialog after they were all just like "See you later dude!"


I wonder if Laurel will find out that Thea killed her sister and that Oliver is dead? And what will Laurel's reaction be? Because she very clearly said in 309 that she can't lose another person (in relation to not telling her father that Sara is dead) and then Oliver gets stabbed and pushed off a cliff. The timing of it...


I have no interest in that douchebag DJ. I really don't see the point of his character tbh. 


And finally, I'm guessing that the episode will pick up where we left off in 309, we'll get the Malcolm scene telling them that Oliver is dead and then we'll get a six weeks later time jump or something. 


And finally, I'm guessing that the episode will pick up where we left off in 309, we'll get the Malcolm scene telling them that Oliver is dead and then we'll get a six weeks later time jump or something. 

Yeah i think this might happen but then wouldn't that mean that they believe Merlyn right away if they just show him telling them and then jump 5 or 6 weeks/?

Just because Malcolm delivers the news doesn't mean they believe him. Nyssa might come into play? Maybe she delivers Oliver's personal effects or something and there's just a stacked deck of evidence that what people are telling them is true. Maybe Felicity does look for him during the break but by the time the show comes back, she's starting to lose hope and accepts that he's gone? That would make MG's tweet technically true, since she would have looked for him over the break, but not in current time (if there's a time jump when the show comes back). 


I know some people just won't buy them ever believing Oliver's dead without a body, and it seems like I'm in the minority, but I don't care if they believe he's dead without a body as long as the story is compelling and somewhat entertaining, and the parts that have nothing to do with Laurel still entertain me. 

  • Love 4

I know some people just won't buy them ever believing Oliver's dead without a body, and it seems like I'm in the minority, but I don't care if they believe he's dead without a body as long as the story is compelling and somewhat entertaining, and the parts that have nothing to do with Laurel still entertain me. 


It's not them believing without a body. I don't think that matters as much, especially as I'm assuming they'll do DNA tests on the sword or whatever. It's believing Malcolm at all that bothers me. He's proven time and again that he's untrustworthy. Why would they suddenly believe him now?

It's not them believing without a body. I don't think that matters as much, especially as I'm assuming they'll do DNA tests on the sword or whatever. It's believing Malcolm at all that bothers me. He's proven time and again that he's untrustworthy. Why would they suddenly believe him now?


Well, we don't know that they do? Just because he's the one that tells them doesn't mean they buy it right away. They buy it eventually, but who knows why? Does Malcolm deliver the news, then someone from the League follows, then Lyla gets someone from A.R.G.U.S. to check it out? Is there video that can be verified? Do they have so much evidence even without a body that it's difficult to deny? Like...it could play out so many ways. I just don't see the point in talking about OOC reactions when we don't even know what their reactions are yet. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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You know one think that my sister and I have debated is does merlyn REALLY love Thea I mean, he swore on her life he didn't kill Sara, which he pretty much didand brainwashed her putting her in great possible danger (how could he know for sure that oliver would give himself up?) and is basically manipulating her but in interviews Barrowman says that he really does love THEA but I just don't see that. Beaded on spoilers from David RMsey he said Thea's storyline will really get intense and the next few episodes will have a lot of Malcom. I hope the show answers thT question for sure,

Edited by ban1o

Merlyn loves Thea in his own twisted way, one which quite possibly includes making Oliver part of his bizarre family, presuming that the suicide mission he just sent Oliver on doesn't actually kill him.


Anyone who is willing to wipe out an entire section of the city because his wife died because he refused to answer her phone calls isn't normal but in his own psychopathic way, he probably does love Thea at the moment, as long as she lives up to his expectations and doesn't fail like Tommy did..

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Anyone who is willing to wipe out an entire section of the city because his wife died because he refused to answer her phone calls isn't normal but in his own psychopathic way, he probably does love Thea at the moment, as long as she lives up to his expectations and doesn't fail like Tommy did..

Where was the magical brainwash plant with Tommy? It could have been helpful lol. It's not like THEA would have killed Sara willingly. I don't see how she's that different from Tommy tbh.

I don't think Merlyn ever loved Thea. I think he always wanted to use her for his personal gain because after his wife, I don't think he was capable of loving. Not even his own son who died (and he didn't even bat an eyelash IIRC). I can't reconcile in my mind that Merlyn loves Thea. It just doesn't really make sense to me. Maybe it makes more sense to say that Merlyn cares for Thea, but he loves himself more, so much more that he would happily throw Thea over the bus if he gains from the situation. 

  • Love 3

I will be very disappointed if Diggle and Felicity just accept Oliver is dead because Malcolm says so.


Anything that Malcolm says is only going to add to or confirm what they already know.  They know Oliver went somewhere within a half days distance.  They know he plans to come back to them.  They know it is a duel to the death.  They know that Ra's is supposed to be the best and that he could use Oliver's humanity against him.  When Oliver doesn't come back right away, they already know there is a real good chance he is dead - they are going to deny it until something else forces them to accept what the circumstances already are telling them. 


They know things aren't always as they seem and Cooper faked his death and Oliver just wildly assumed both Slade and Sara died and Oliver had been pronounced dead before and the world was wrong, but this time they know he went to face his death and that he went alone and really, would it take anything more than knowing that Ra's survived to make them believe Oliver could not have? 


I wouldn't be surprised if the show skips past Diggle and Felicity holding out hope that Oliver is alive against all odds as a time cheat since that is where I assume the show wants them to go.  I think I can be ok with that mostly because it won't be that Malcolm shows up and they think Oliver is dead, it will be Oliver would have come home if he wasn't dead and he hasn't and Malcolm will only be confirming what all the evidence already seems to imply.  They know people can fake their deaths or circumstances can be misunderstood but this was a case where they are told the only choices are he wins or dies.  Malcolm brings proof he did not win, but they know that already since he didn't come home. 


Next time they think he has to be dead and all evidence points to it, next time they wouldn't believe so easily but this is the first time they are personally processing his "death".  Previously all their other knowledge is academic, they know about it, but it didn't happen to them (and Oliver certainly isn't faking his own death) so it makes sense that they would believe what seems to be overwhelming evidence. 

  • Love 8

What wouldn't upset me is if Felicity and Diggle accepted Oliver's death. What would upset me is if Laurel and Roy don't accept it and actively look for him whilst leaving Felicity/Diggle in the dark. Not only would it make Laurel/Roy assholes for not telling Felicity/Diggle and at least trying to make them not lose faith, but it would make Felicity and Diggle look like bad teammates for just accepting Oliver's death. 


Worse this would probably be an indication where the show is headed teamwise. Where Diggle/Felicity will be team beta while Laurel/Roy will be promoted to team alpha. I know it sounds ridiculous because they all have different skill-sets, but it's not unbelievable especially with these writers. 

Edited by wonderwall
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What wouldn't upset me is if Felicity and Diggle accepted Oliver's death. What would upset me is if Laurel and Roy don't accept it and actively look for him whilst leaving Felicity/Diggle in the dark. Not only would it make Laurel/Roy assholes for not telling Felicity/Diggle and at least trying to make them not lose faith, but it would make Felicity and Diggle look like bad teammates for just accepting Oliver's death. 


Worse this would probably be an indication where the show is headed teamwise. Where Diggle/Felicity will be team beta while Laurel/Roy will be promoted to team alpha. I know it sounds ridiculous because they all have different skill-sets, but it's not unbelievable especially with these writers. 



I don't know, doubting that he's dead could mean anything. Does this person or do these people actively think he's alive or are they just in denial after they're told? Those are two separate situations in my book, and it's impossible to tell which one it is based on that tweet by MG - unless there's been another with more clarification.


Honestly, I think it could very well be Laurel, because Oliver didn't say goodbye to her or tell her where he was going, and she doesn't know who Ra's al Ghul is, does she?  So, believing he could be alive might be less - I know Oliver, he's a survivor and a fighter and he wouldn't give up, he's still alive and more I have no clue who this man is and have zero idea how he could've bested Oliver in combat after everything he's survived. Also, she doesn't know that Oliver went off to his death because Thea's the one who killed Sara - we've been given every indication that she'll be pissed as hell to find out that a) he knows who killed Sara and didn't tell her, b) it's Thea and c) he took away her chance at getting her UNHOLY VENGEANCE or whatever. Stranger things have happened, but I don't think Laurel's going to be leading a search party for him, unless it's so she can stab him in the face when she finds him.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Honestly, I think it could very well be Laurel, because Oliver didn't say goodbye to her or tell her where he was going, and she doesn't know who Ra's al Ghul is, does she?  So, believing he could be alive might be less - I know Oliver, he's a survivor and a fighter and he wouldn't give up, he's still alive and more I have no clue who this man is and have zero idea how he could've bested Oliver in combat after everything he's survived. Also, she doesn't know that Oliver went off to his death because Thea's the one who killed Sara - we've been given every indication that she'll be pissed as hell to find out that a) he knows who killed Sara and didn't tell her, b) it's Thea and c) he took away her chance at getting her UNHOLY VENGEANCE or whatever. Stranger things have happened, but I don't think Laurel's going to be leading a search party for him, unless it's so she can stab him in the face when she finds him.

Actually, Laurel probably does know who Ra's is because, remember, Sara confided in her (in some offscreen conversation) about the LOA's secret purple smoke communication method?  So Sara probably told Laurel all about the LOA and Ra's al Ghul.  Diggle and Felicity would have better reason to believe Oliver's still alive than Laurel because they know more of what Oliver's been through, both while he was away and since he returned to Starling City.  So if anyone had unswerving belief in Oliver's being alive because he's a survivor and a fighter, it would be them.  If Laurel's the one who doubts he's dead because of some instinctual feeling, then I'd call B.S. because she had no problem believing he was dead before.  It would just be another plot device to prop up her character.


If Malcolm is able to grab the bloody sword and/or get video footage of the fight between Oliver and Ra's, then I will be really disappointed in the powerful Ra's and his crappy LOA security - esp. considering the LOA has been scouring the globe for Malcolm Merlyn, and it would mean he was be able to slip in and out of the LOA's sacred duel grounds undetected.


Regarding the Chase spoiler that "there’s maybe a little bit more to him than meets the eye” -- you just know that Douchebag DJ is going to turn out to be another DC hero or villain.  Maybe we'll be 'shocked' and he'll be the third additional superhero that helps Oliver at the end of the season.  Then, hurrah, we'll have the trio of Arsenal, BC and whoever Douchebag DJ turns out to be... really great way to attract viewers!  (Yes, that's sarcasm.)

Edited by tv echo
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See, I've felt for a while now that Malcolm is NOT on the run from the LoA. This is MY head canon. I don't think Ra's disproved of the Undertaking, I think he encouraged it and in fact probably helped with the planning. Sara being killed wasn't Malcolm's response to being found out--since he has been in touch with the League, or at least Ra's, the whole time--but rather Ra's ridding himself of his daughter's unworthy suitor and testing Oliver Queen. Malcolm gets to check out his fancy new brainwashing toys and maybe gets a debt cleared or a favor owed while Ra's determines whether the Arrow is good enough for the League. Though getting stabbed through the chest and kicked off a mountain is a pretty clear indication Oliver has failed this city (Nanda Parbat).

  • Love 2


Regarding the Chase spoiler that "there’s maybe a little bit more to him than meets the eye” -- you just know that Douchebag DJ is going to turn out to be another DC hero or villain.


I think it would be hard for the show to use him long-term, since the actor is the lead in Shannara.  (Along with Manu Bennett, too, unfortunately for us.) 

Edited by tessaray

I think the douchey DJ is either a spy by Merlyn or the League to keep watch on THEA or just there to be killed off BY Merlyn to show that Merlyn is EVIL. I don't think he'll be there past this season. ( or hopefully past episode 13 or 14)

I think it would be hard for the show to use him long-term, since the actor is the lead in Shannara.  (Along with Manu Bennett, too, unfortunately for us.)

Yeah Manu Bennett getting a role on the show means he won't be on Arrow that much :(. I wonder what his role will be in episode 14?

Edited by ban1o
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Douchey DJ can be a comic book character in the way The Flash uses them, as recurring (e.g. Leonard Snort), so just because he's on another show doesn't mean he can't be costumed.



I don't think Merlyn ever loved Thea. I think he always wanted to use her for his personal gain because after his wife, I don't think he was capable of loving. Not even his own son who died (and he didn't even bat an eyelash IIRC). I can't reconcile in my mind that Merlyn loves Thea. It just doesn't really make sense to me. Maybe it makes more sense to say that Merlyn cares for Thea, but he loves himself more, so much more that he would happily throw Thea over the bus if he gains from the situation. 

We'll see what Merlyn's plan is (hopefully there is a plan or else this is just poor writing) but it's hard to believe he ever loved anyone other than himself. He refused to take his wife's dying phone call, and then blamed everyone else for her death.  (They could have taken the description from the DSM4?)



See, I've felt for a while now that Malcolm is NOT on the run from the LoA. This is MY head canon. I don't think Ra's disproved of the Undertaking, I think he encouraged it and in fact probably helped with the planning. Sara being killed wasn't Malcolm's response to being found out--since he has been in touch with the League, or at least Ra's, the whole time--but rather Ra's ridding himself of his daughter's unworthy suitor and testing Oliver Queen. Malcolm gets to check out his fancy new brainwashing toys and maybe gets a debt cleared or a favor owed while Ra's determines whether the Arrow is good enough for the League. Though getting stabbed through the chest and kicked off a mountain is a pretty clear indication Oliver has failed this city (Nanda Parbat).

If so, why did Ra's get so angry when Nyssa returned and said that Malcolm was under Oliver's protection?  Both Nyssa and Ra's essentially said that Oliver had made Ra's an enemy with that.  (Or are they making it up as they go along?)


I never understood why Ra's had such a problem with Sara as Nyssa's lover.


Honestly, I think it could very well be Laurel, because Oliver didn't say goodbye to her or tell her where he was going, and she doesn't know who Ra's al Ghul is, does she?  

She knows from talking with Sara  how dangerous the LoA is and if she's talked to Quentin at all, she should be aware how worried for Sara's safety he is, the grinning at the jacket handover notwithstanding.  Because Oliver didn't say goodbye to her is a pretty feeble excuse for not believing Malcolm Merlyn when he says Oliver is dead if Oliver's team, who knows much better what Oliver went to do, do.


 If she is the one who doesn't believe Oliver is dead and looks for him, it's an indication that the show is willing to throw Felicity and Diggle under the bus for Laurel too. 


Diggle looking for Oliver makes the most sense to me, because Oliver is the brother he thought he could save.  Finding out Oliver has died, especially after Oliver turned down Diggle's offer to go with him, would devastate Digg.

  • Love 3

They have been putting so much emphasis on the Oliver/Roy relationship this season, he could be the one who doubts Oliver's death. He does seem to hero-worship him. I could see Thea doubting as well depending on the information she is given and as his only blood family left, I would love for it to be Thea. 


It could also be someone not on the good/family side. Even though Malcolm is giving them the information, he could believe Oliver managed to escape death again.


And maybe the 'doubt' for the character is really them in 'denial.'. It may not mean they go looking for Oliver.

She knows from talking with Sara  how dangerous the LoA is and if she's talked to Quentin at all, she should be aware how worried for Sara's safety he is, the grinning at the jacket handover notwithstanding. 


I didn't write that she didn't know how dangerous the League was, just that she probably hadn't heard the lore of Ra's al Ghul like Team Arrow had. I'm not sure how much Sara would've shared with her about that. It's one thing for her to share customs of the League and for her sister and father to know that she's an assassin, it's another thing to go into scary detail about the guy she basically committed her life to.


My point was that if it is Laurel who "doubts" that Oliver's dead, it could just be a disbelief that he could be bested by someone (because she's never seen someone like Ra's in action), not some gut feeling that he's alive because she knows him to his bones. And doubting that he's dead doesn't equal sending out a search party for him or being the only one who believes against an overwhelming tide of evidence or something. It could simply be denial. And that spoiler was so vague, that doubt could come from anyone at any point after an extended period of Oliver not returning. For all we know the team doesn't hear from Oliver for a while and maybe one of them floats the thought that he could've lost - could be Roy since he was the one who said Ra's would kill him in the first place. Maybe Diggle and Felicity doubt it at first, then come to accept it once the evidence is stacked against them.  

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 1

I never understood why Ra's had such a problem with Sara as Nyssa's lover.


Hard to get more heirs to the Demon with Sara as Nyssa's lover, at least that's the explanations I've always heard bandied about.  I believe Ra's was always after Talia to find a worthy partner in the Batman universe so I would think that would apply here as well. 

  • Love 2

My point was that if it is Laurel who "doubts" that Oliver's dead, it could just be a disbelief that he could be bested by someone


Is there actually any reason to believe that anyone is going to doubt Oliver is dead or continue looking for him?  I looked back at the Spoiler's Only page and couldn't find anything (at least in the most recent page) that said it. 

Is there actually any reason to believe that anyone is going to doubt Oliver is dead or continue looking for him?  I looked back at the Spoiler's Only page and couldn't find anything (at least in the most recent page) that said it. 


What @ban10 posted - MG replied to a tweet. There's nothing that suggests whoever it is actually goes looking for him or anything.

Hard to get more heirs to the Demon with Sara as Nyssa's lover, at least that's the explanations I've always heard bandied about.  I believe Ra's was always after Talia to find a worthy partner in the Batman universe so I would think that would apply here as well. 

Artificial insemination?


The odds of finding a worthy partner and producing an heir jump astronomically when Nyssa doesn't have to be in love with him too.  If Ra's wanted Nyssa to procreate, he should have left her in a relationship with Sara, doubling the chance that one or the other would want to have a baby in their family.  Meanwhile, he could be looking for Nyssa sperm donor.

  • Love 1

Thinking about it, I think it's pretty clear that Laurel suits up because she doubts that Oliver is dead so she 'suits up' in order to look for him or find some evidence regarding his disappearance.


I mean it's that or she suits up to impersonate Sara so Quentin doesn't get all worried? IDK

Edited by wonderwall

In one of Laurel's recent episodes, she is jumping down Quentin's throat about the increase of muggings (I think).  I wouldn't be surprised if she suits up because those problems are getting out of hand and without the Arrow, there's no one to take care of it (since as mentioned before, the police were over worked and understaffed). 

Artificial insemination?


The odds of finding a worthy partner and producing an heir jump astronomically when Nyssa doesn't have to be in love with him too.  If Ra's wanted Nyssa to procreate, he should have left her in a relationship with Sara, doubling the chance that one or the other would want to have a baby in their family.  Meanwhile, he could be looking for Nyssa sperm donor.

Of course Sara's child wouldn't be worthy but if he'd kept Sara around even if Nyssa was against having a kid, he might have been able to convince Sara to play surrogate.  Actually, I'm surprised he didn't go that direction but I suppose Ra's is just a traditionalist. 

  • Love 1

In one of Laurel's recent episodes, she is jumping down Quentin's throat about the increase of muggings (I think).  I wouldn't be surprised if she suits up because those problems are getting out of hand and without the Arrow, there's no one to take care of it (since as mentioned before, the police were over worked and understaffed

Yeah this is very likely. With the Arrow gone she might step up to fill his shoes

How would suiting up make it easier for her to find him though? I think it's probably fooling Quentin which sucks,

Because this time she'll be dealing with deadly assassins who would probably make her life a living hell if they knew who she was? It's the same reason why Oliver wears his mask. 


At least that's what I think! :)

Lol don't most of the deadly assassins know who oliver is anyway :P

Yep! :p But they don't know the woman in the black suit with a million buckles is Laurel. If they find out that she's meddling in League business you better believe they would intervene, and if they know it's Laurel, that would probably put Quentin and Laurel in harms way. 

  • Love 1

Yep! :p But they don't know the woman in the black suit with a million buckles is Laurel. If they find out that she's meddling in League business you better believe they would intervene, and if they know it's Laurel, that would probably put Quentin and Laurel in harms way.

A woman shows up in the same city where Sara was born and died. Wearing an outfit similar to Canary's maybe even calling herself Canary (or a version of it) and the LoA aren't going to think hey maybe it's the sister? Edited by Morrigan2575
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The average LoA assassin wouldn't know Laurel if they saw her, in costume or not, but Nyssa would.

Seems to me they would figure it out it in a hurry once they see how lousy of a fighter she is and that she has a totally different body type, and is about two inches taller now which can not be the result of boxing lessons nor is she wearing heels.

She also would appear to have had the cleft in her chin removed which was a striking feature. So even if she had the exact same outfit as Sara and with the mask she looks nothing like Sara.

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The average LoA assassin wouldn't know Laurel if they saw her, in costume or not, but Nyssa would.

the average LoA assassin would know how Sara dressed, they would know that Sara was from Starling and that she had a sister since the LoA threatened said sister on 2 separate occasions, not to mention Nyssa tranqing Laurel in 223. Now, they see another woman running around dressing like Canary and can't put 2+2 together?

If the whole point of Laurel putting on the costume is to go after bad guys like the LoA while hiding her identity (as what was suggested) then putting on a costume very similar in nature to Sara/Canary is a dumb move.

If the whole point is to pretend to be Sara/Canary to fool the bad guys and Lance then it's even worse, because that just makes the character horrible. It would be one thing if Lance knew that Sara was dead but keeping him in the dark while wearing the costume, just makes it worse. Even if the intention wasn't to fool Lance (that was a by product) it's still horrible (IMO)

Edited by Morrigan2575

Oh. I misunderstood the discussion. I thought we were just talking about League people knowing Laurel. We're actually talking about Laurel trying to dress up to fool the League? No, that wouldn't work at all. Nyssa and Ra's know Sara is dead, presumably the others do as well since there were all the other guys with Nyssa when she interviewed Oliver and on the mountain. Everyone in the League who knows the Canary should be aware she's dead. At this point, if Laurel is dressing up to fool anyone the only person left it could realistically be in Quentin.

Edited by KirkB

I guess I don't find it impossible because the writers tend to dumb everyone down to prop Laurel up. At least in this scenario Laurel doesn't look like the world's biggest asshole for trying to dupe Quentin. Idk why I'm still trying to like Laurel. If they do make her suit up to fool QL I don't think I will ever have a chance of liking her.

Edited by wonderwall
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I think if Laurel dresses up to fool Quentin she will fail to fool him for very long.  I'd expect him to figure it out or know something is fishy right away.  I think dressing up is silly and furthers the pointlessness in hiding Sara's death but...


It won't make me dislike Laurel more since I honestly don't see it as much worse than the lying she's already doing to his face.  Dressing up is just more of the same to me. 

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