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I guess that makes any personal growth over the last 9 eps null and void? 

Well I hope not! That would be horrible. How often can they rehash the same storyline. Either he can finally be Oliver and the Arrow or he can never be. But after a while that story should get old. (Though I think they might truly go there) Didn't SA say that the amount of heroes running around Starling will help Oliver with his identity issues. At some point the Oliver side of his identity should come into play (hopefully). I am wondering if he will ever get around to getting QC back or at least be part of the company again.


And I hope there is no amnesia storyline but seeing as though there are pictures of SA in costume for episode 3x13 I somewhat doubt it. What episode will he be back? 3x12 or 3x13? 


As for the episode, I did think it would be painful and he would be left for dead but the way he went down was just pretty brutal to me. I hope the time between his death and his return will go by fast because I fear the the other characters will be forced to do stupid things (courtesy of the EPs) while he is gone and I might not like it. :-) We will see.

Edited by Belinea
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Was that really Malcolm's voice in the preview saying "Oliver Queen is dead?" I'm waffling between thinking that it's either Maseo or Malcolm. It's just too whispery for me to really tell. Lol that my speculation that Malcolm will be the one to find Oliver might come true, though.


If it's Malcolm, I'm going to have to brace myself for the possible brainwashing by magical herbs storyline that many have speculated on already. If it's Maseo then I'll feel a lot better that the Oliver we get back in 3x13 will still be the same guy whose journey I've been watching for three years though, since Maseo is such a huge supporter of the idea that "a man cannot live by two names," it might mean that maybe he'll be more Arrow than Oliver. If they actually do bring in the Lazarus Pit and have Oliver come back "broken" and a little bit crazy, or if they do a selective amnesia storyline? :sigh: I really hope the writers thought this 'Oliver gets mostly dead but not dead-dead so he can return' plot through. But since I don't really have a lot of faith in the writers, better gird my loins for next year!

I wonder if that Malcolm voiceover saying 'Oliver Queen is dead' is him talking to Felicity. Didn't they say that Felicity has a scene with Malcolm? I can kind of see how her finding out might be 'epic' per MG (not really, expectations still low) if Malcolm is involved.


The only problem I have with this is that without a body, all the people who would tell them that Oliver's dead are people they shouldn't be trusting at all, and they know they shouldn't be trusting these people. So why would they believe it? I don't understand. 

The only problem I have with this is that without a body, all the people who would tell them that Oliver's dead are people they shouldn't be trusting at all, and they know they shouldn't be trusting these people. So why would they believe it? I don't understand. 


Oh, I agree. There's a flaw to my theory! But they have been known to believe things when they shouldn't before. And if Malcolm told them after an extended period of time where Oliver hasn't been seen for a while, I can see them maybe thinking it's true. 


Also, are we sure that's Malcolm talking? Someone on tumblr is certain it's Maseo. I can't figure it out.

Edited by Guest

The only problem I have with this is that without a body, all the people who would tell them that Oliver's dead are people they shouldn't be trusting at all, and they know they shouldn't be trusting these people. So why would they believe it? I don't understand. 


The same reason half the stuff this season seems to have happened? Because the plot requires it to. If Felicity can find a stalker charming and Diggle can suggest she either becomes celibate or seduces Oliver, and Oliver being 'I can't be happy because reasons. Again', then this bunch can believe Nyssa or Malcolm or some random masked assassin when they tell them that Oliver's totally, completely, 100%, absolutely for certs dead.

  • Love 4

Yeah, before this season, I would have balked at the idea that they would believe Oliver was dead without a body, but not anymore.


Oliver ruled out the LoA in Sara's murder, then took Malcolm at his word that he didn't kill her, then put Malcolm under his protection against the LoA

Oliver reversed his decision to date Felicity after one li'l baby bomb

Felicity and Diggle jumped at the smallest indication that Roy may have killed Sara

Laurel can't tell Quentin about Sara because of his ~heart condition~ or whatever


All because: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It's not that I believe they would really just take someone they see as an enemy at his/her word, but I think there are certain people they would believe. I think Nyssa is one of them, and maybe even Malcolm if he can convince them that Oliver's death runs contrary to his interests.

  • Love 7

The only problem I have with this is that without a body, all the people who would tell them that Oliver's dead are people they shouldn't be trusting at all, and they know they shouldn't be trusting these people. So why would they believe it? I don't understand. 

I have a problem with that too, but then I remembered Nyssa telling Oliver (and by extension, Team Arrow?) that the League doesn't take prisoners in the season finale. So maybe if it's Nyssa that tells them Oliver's dead (and she doesn't have any reason to lie) combined with the fact that Oliver didn't come back is enough to convince them? It's weak, but this show has justified story lines with even flimsier reasons.

I think it is Maseo who says "Oliver Queen is dead" in the promo. My guess is Ra's sent him down to make sure and he is reporting back. IIRC there was something in the casting call for this role that said he might help Oliver in the present. Oliver is probably barely alive when Maseo reaches him. In 3.09 he tells Oliver that he knows he didn't kill Sara. He also states that he has no desire to watch him die. Is it possible that the Hong Kong flashbacks we see are Maseo's and not Oliver's? They would be the same as Oliver's. Might explain why there is no Oliver in present day shown. Malcolm could still come up the mountain and help Oliver return to SC in 3.12 or 3.13 (not sure which ep they were filming).

Edited by Sunshine
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I change my vote, it does sound like Maseo.  It would make sense if it was him lying to Ra's about Oliver being dead. Given what we've seen of Maseo and Oliver's relationship, Maseo would be invested in Oliver staying alive.


Felicity just found out that the boyfriend she had felt guilty about for five years because he died really didn't.  What's the point of that story if she's going to be so willing to believe that Oliver is dead without a body?


Barrowman said they were just finishing filming 3x09 when he was schedule to go up the mountain at midnight.  I think Oliver is supposed to return in 3x12 but only briefly since SA did only a day or so of filming.  His return is probably the cliff-hanger for the episode, and his real return is in 3x13 Canaries.



I can't see a Zombie Tommy. Having said that, the times that laurel worked best were when she was with him, and knowing these writers' attempts to make her work ...

I would so watch that.

Felicity just found out that the boyfriend she had felt guilty about for five years because he died really didn't.  What's the point of that story if she's going to be so willing to believe that Oliver is dead without a body?

I think the difference here is that Oliver went against Ra's al Ghul, and she knows he's relentless.  How she knows this is beyond me. Maybe she heard stories from Oliver/Sara? Anyways if Maseo says Ra's killed Oliver, then I wouldn't mind if Felicity believes him.

I think it is Maseo who says "Oliver Queen is dead" in the promo. My guess is Ra's sent him down to make sure and he is reporting back. IIRC there was something in the casting call for this role that said he might help Oliver in the present. Oliver is probably barely alive when Maseo reaches him. In 3.09 he tells Oliver that he knows he didn't kill Sara. He also states that he has no desire to watch him die. Is it possible that the Hong Kong flashbacks we see are Maseo's and not Oliver's? They would be the same as Oliver's. Might explain why there is no Oliver in present day shown. Malcolm could still come up the mountain and help Oliver return to SC in 3.12 or 3.13 (not sure which ep they were filming).


I like this theory and would like to subscribe to your brain. I like it so much more than Oliver being under Malcolm's care or control. In fact, I want Oliver focused on ending/locking up/I'm not picky Merlyn. I also hope Maseo is one of the many heroes SA has talked about sticking around Starling City to give him a break. Better yet if his wife and son are alive. His son should be in his mid-teens, maybe? 

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I think the difference here is that Oliver went against Ra's al Ghul, and she knows he's relentless.  How she knows this is beyond me. Maybe she heard stories from Oliver/Sara? Anyways if Maseo says Ra's killed Oliver, then I wouldn't mind if Felicity believes him.

It's not just Cooper though, Felicity thought Sara was dead but she turned up alive, she saw Oliver react to Slade being not dead after all, and they all thought Malcolm was dead and now he's also turned up, very much alive.  Maybe even Ronnie if Caitlyn told her about him.  Why wouldn't she hold out hope Oliver is still alive too?


MG tweeted that Felicity's reaction to the news was "epic".  I'm hoping that that means she goes into warrior queen (later to be warrior Queen) mode and refuses to believe it.

It's not just Cooper though, Felicity thought Sara was dead but she turned up alive, she saw Oliver react to Slade being not dead after all, and they all thought Malcolm was dead and now he's also turned up, very much alive.  Maybe even Ronnie if Caitlyn told her about him.  Why wouldn't she hold out hope Oliver is still alive too?


MG tweeted that Felicity's reaction to the news was "epic".  I'm hoping that that means she goes into warrior queen (later to be warrior Queen) mode and refuses to believe it.

Again, but this is RA'S. :p He would never spare anyone. 


Sara's 'death' wasn't anything like Oliver's. Oliver didn't see Sara drown, he assumed she did. However, Maseo did see Oliver die. 


I don't think Felicity's "epic" reaction is very "epic" because this is MG we're talking about. I don't think she'll go all warrior queen because apparently she won't be looking for Oliver? IDK

Edited by wonderwall
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I think it is Maseo who says "Oliver Queen is dead" in the promo. My guess is Ra's sent him down to make sure and he is reporting back. IIRC there was something in the casting call for this role that said he might help Oliver in the present. Oliver is probably barely alive when Maseo reaches him. In 3.09 he tells Oliver that he knows he didn't kill Sara. He also states that he has no desire to watch him die. Is it possible that the Hong Kong flashbacks we see are Maseo's and not Oliver's? They would be the same as Oliver's. Might explain why there is no Oliver in present day shown. Malcolm could still come up the mountain and help Oliver return to SC in 3.12 or 3.13 (not sure which ep they were filming).

I love this theory mainly because it wouldn't involve use of a Lazarus Pit. I could get behind Maseo deceiving Ra's while nursing Oliver back to health. Your flashback theory makes sense too since there really wouldn't be any other character (maybe besides Waller) who would have reason to have them while Oliver is gone.

  • Love 2

Maseo makes sense because he kind of randomly just showed up in the LoA this week...probably because the EPs need someone "friendly" to find Oliver's body.  The more I think about it, the more convinced I am that Oliver will be barely alive but unconscious.  This would explain why SA had so much time off.  There's not much present-day story to tell when you are lying comatose in a bed.  If they had used the Lazarus Pit to revive him, I imagine that we'd be seeing the effects of that come January, but it doesn't seem like Oliver is going to be in those episodes much since SA had so much time off. 

  • Love 4

Maseo makes sense because he kind of randomly just showed up in the LoA this week...probably because the EPs need someone "friendly" to find Oliver's body. The more I think about it, the more convinced I am that Oliver will be barely alive but unconscious. This would explain why SA had so much time off. There's not much present-day story to tell when you are lying comatose in a bed. If they had used the Lazarus Pit to revive him, I imagine that we'd be seeing the effects of that come January, but it doesn't seem like Oliver is going to be in those episodes much since SA had so much time off.

Yeah Stephen had a ridiculous amount of time off. Something like 12 or 13 days in a row. ( correct me if I'm wrong) I think maseo will find him and he"ll be trying to help him recover and he'll just be lying comatose for the first 2 episodes while he's in flashbacks. I really hope they don't bring the Lazarus pit into it and Ra's "67 years ago" mention was just a fun mention for comic book fans Edited by ban1o
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Applying the Marc Guggenheim Hyperbole Adjustment Algorithm, "epic" here probably means "regrets not telling him that she loves him too."

I love the idea that the HK flashbacks are Maseo's. But I don't see what the problem is with the LPs, and since they have been mentioning them forever now, I think it is inevitable.

I just posted a CW poster for Oliver's return in the Spoilers thread, that shows a hand thrusting up through glowing green goo, clutching an arrow. So...yeah.

I think using the LPs may have been the driver of the whole thing actually. If they had two problems to work out:

1. They felt their Grand Do-Over required another Oliver "death" and return to life.

2. They really really wanted Tommy back.

Then the LPs become obviously useful.

Edited by ostentatious
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Ita about the poster...sure it's real????

There are so many reasons I don't want a Lazarus pit actually being used.

Death still needs to mean something.

As it is, I probably won't get my hubby to watch w me anymore. He said after 9 he was done, he hates comics. He was pissed about the atom, pissed that everyone is becoming a comic counterpart, pissed that the original team arrow isn't featured as much (that's what he watches for). No way he will watch again if they dip Oliver in magic liquid.

Plus let's add this to the longgggg list of ways the eps have lied. Grounded in realism my ass.

If they do this, I will be livid if this washes away Oliver's scars. They are his history and makes him who he is. It is dumb if they wash that away.

Side note, I imagine, after that pic of kc/pb that Colin will be present in flashbacks. Maybe post gambit flashbacks. This concerns me for Quentin bc it's most likely about laurel moving on. Unless they are just going to show it because laurel is maybe finally getting her own love interest. Please no zombie tommy.

Of course, I also said NO WAY to Thea being killer. I hate everything.

  • Love 4

I could be wrong but I'm about 98% sure that Lazarus Pit poster's a fanart. Just basing off the fact that it looks way too pretty and meticulously done compared to previously released official CW Arrow posters (the shoddy copy-pasta of the S1 one, the weird perspectives on the S2 one, the lackluster S3 one, the very basic Flash/Arrow one). Fanart posters always look cooler and better made than the official posters, IMO. Also, it's way too early to release promo posters for next year's episodes, let alone one that might contain a very huge possible spoiler plot point in it (that the EPs have been extremely dodgy answering about).

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I will be kind of annoyed if Lazarus Pits are put into play, but I won't cry foul, since they are a thing. I don't think it necessarily means it opens the doors for metahumans and other superpowers to be introduced, unless this version of LP gives Oliver long-lasting super strength or something, which...no thank you. And like many others have said before, it would be nice if death meant something, although I don't actually need it to. My hesitation about LP existing in this 'verse is that I think it makes further head-scratching gotchas and twists more likely, and I'm not quite down with that. 


I wouldn't mind if his scars were gone, since that would possibly mean more shirtless salmon laddering since SA wouldn't have to sit for hours in the makeup chair. Even though I'm sure looking at those scars in the mirror was a reminder to Oliver of all that he'd been through, I don't think he needs to see the scars to remind him of that - so them actually existing isn't really of any importance to me. 


But I posted in The Climb thread that after making myself rewatch the last scene, it doesn't seem like he falls that far (granted, he falls on his back onto a cliff, but...), it could be survivable with some luck, some magical island herbs, and a lil TLC.

  • Love 1

I could be wrong but I'm about 98% sure that Lazarus Pit poster's a fanart. Just basing off the fact that it looks way too pretty and meticulously done compared to previously released official CW Arrow posters (the shoddy copy-pasta of the S1 one, the weird perspectives on the S2 one, the lackluster S3 one, the very basic Flash/Arrow one). Fanart posters always look cooler and better made than the official posters, IMO. Also, it's way too early to release promo posters for next year's episodes, let alone one that might contain a very huge possible spoiler plot point in it (that the EPs have been extremely dodgy answering about).

You know, the fact that it looked so professional was what made me not question it, but you are correct that CW Arrow posters rarely look professional.

But reading his tweets from this AM, I did see that he confirmed someone will question Oliver's death. I guess that's at least Dig, who is off looking for him?

Edited by ostentatious

But reading his tweets from this AM, I did see that he confirmed someone will question Oliver's death. I guess that's at least Dig, who is off looking for him?


It could be the entire team, for all we know. Unless I'm forgetting something, I don't think MG has said anything that rules that out. I still think Felicity must've put a tracker on him, and that's why she won't technically be looking for him - she'll know where he is (and where he isn't). 


I keep hoping that her epic reaction to finding out that he's "dead" is a) putting together a plan to annihilate Ra's (or try to, I guess), or getting the/a team together to go and find him. Maybe Diggle and A.R.G.U.S.? IDK

  • Love 2

Yeah, it's basically a Chekhov's Lazarus Pit game from now on. They've been alluding to them from way back when Malcolm first mentioned his travels. And "it's been 67 years since I was challanged to a duel" + first time we saw Ra's he was getting out of the bath thingy, and I remember Amell saying we were supposed to pay attention to the first time we saw Ra's onscreen.


I think at this point, it's not a matter of whether there are Lazarus Pits in this story, it's how they will be used. Maybe Oliver refuses to use it because he knows the side effects, or Maseo and/or Malcolm tell him about the side effects.


And if they really are bringing Zombie Tommy to the fold, it'd be interesting to contrast Tommy being all for the Pits, and Oliver not wanting anything to do with that.

This article contains not spoilers but spoilery speculation, so I'm putting this here.  Warning... this article includes some pretty graphic photos of exactly where Ra's skewered Oliver...


‘Arrow’ Mid-Season 3 Finale: Oliver Queen’s Fate Explained
Published 4 hours ago by Andrew Dyce

The question of why Nyssa didn't rez Sara would have to be addressed. If Ra's just said no, then how would Maseo be able to secretly get Oliver to them while Nyssa couldn't secretly get Sara there? Nyssa is maybe not inclined to go against daddy? Or daddy actually does approve of Oliver using them? I find that more satisfactory than "Well Sara's brains were splatted but Oliver and Tommy were impaled through the right side of the chest, so..." because Nyssa would be infuriated if Ra's rezzed Oliver but refused Sara. Tbqh it makes sense, though. Ra's didn't like Sara, certainly wasn't fond of the idea of her with Nyssa for whatever reason. Ra's would probably refuse, he wouldn't want Sara back. And even though the fight was IMO unimpressive, I believe we are supposed to perceive Ra's as being impressed with Oliver. So, he might've wanted to see what would happen if he came back.

It makes sense that League-consecrated ground would contain LPs, since the ground was probably consecrated because one was there. So...with the gang returned to Nanda Parbat, I guess it's possible Maseo could do it on the down low.

More interesting would be if they never show the face of the figure that appears next to Oliver's body and we just assume because of size and dark hair that it's Maseo, but ultimately we find out it was Tommy. Maybe even Oliver was unaware, or thought he was hallucinating.

Edited by ostentatious
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Now, if they have a little green vial of liquid that Maseo makes the barely alive Oliver drink, and then have a conscious Oliver say something like, "I should be dead", I would side-eye that but move on (but it would need to take a long time to work, and Oliver would probably need to be unconscious since SA wasn't filming much).  Keep it vague enough so comics readers can attribute Oliver's survival to Lazarus Pit goo, if they want, but other viewers can just believe it's some really potent medicine, or something.  But I really don't want any magical super-healing with Oliver's scars disappearing.  It would be nice to see SA sans shirt more often, but it's OK.  I can wait for the Olicity love scene to see him shirtless again. 

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
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There is only one loophole that I know of that could allow Arrow to pull a BS Resurrection of Tommy and not Sara.  If Ra's only has one Lazarus Pit and Sara has already used that Pit (perhaps Nyssa put her in there after The Amazo).  As I understand it, the rules are a person can only use a Pit once. 


Of course even that's BS because there will only be one Pit until they decide to kill/resurrect Oliver again, for ratings (errr I mean DRAMA!) and then they'll magically find another Pit or find out that Ra's had more Pits..blah, blah, blah.  However, by then there will be some new rule in place to ensure that only specific characters, get to come back because it's kewl.


ETA: Nevermind, I thought a person could use each Pit only once but I got it wrong


Eventually all of the Lazarus Pits were apparently destroyed by Bane and Batman, except for one. Because each Lazarus Pit can reportedly only be used one time, Ra's had to accept the fact that eventually he would die (a notion that is subject to debate, as there is evidence of him existing in the 31st century). His daughter Nyssa, however, had discovered a way to make the Lazarus Pits last indefinitely, but rather than let her father use it, she stabbed him to death. Although supposedly only one pit remains, its location has appeared vague - at one point it appears to be in an island compound Ra's assaulted, later it appeared to be in a completely different location, and another "last" pit was constructed inside the Batcave. This may in fact indicate that there is more than one pit remaining, or that Nyssa was able to create additional pits.


This is saying a Pit can only be used one, period.  However even that seems to follow BS comics rules in that it's only true until the creative team decides it's not..retcons ahoy!



Edited by Morrigan2575
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I think one reason that Nyssa couldn't bring Sara back to an LP is time - isn't Nanda Parbat in Asia?  And even if Starling City is on the west coast of the US or Canada, that's still a loooooooooong ride. Perhaps the nature of Sara's mortal wounds and the time isn't conducive to the show's version of the Lazarus Pits...


If Tommy was whisked away quickly by Malcolm (or Malcolm's "people"), then that may be a way to explain how he was saved.  But Sara and Moira are dead dead.


I'm still scratching my head over how Nyssa and Maseo traveled from Starling City to Nanda Parbat, talked to Ra's for about 2 minutes then they all flew back to SC in record time.

  • Love 1

Like people have mentioned, I think that it's dangerous to even go down this road.  Why resurrect Tommy, but not Sara or Moira (haha I know why, I know).  Anytime someone dies in the future, we'll all wonder "Why not just take them to a Lazarus Pit?"  And the answer will probably be "reasons."  Like I'm sorry that they regret killing Tommy, but that's the choice they made and he needs to stay dead. 

  • Love 7

Like people have mentioned, I think that it's dangerous to even go down this road.  Why resurrect Tommy, but not Sara or Moira (haha I know why, I know).  Anytime someone dies in the future, we'll all wonder "Why not just take them to a Lazarus Pit?"  And the answer will probably be "reasons."  Like I'm sorry that they regret killing Tommy, but that's the choice they made and he needs to stay dead. 

Yes, please.  If you kill a character stick by it, this show isn't even done with S3 and they've resurrected or faked how many deaths.  What's next turns out Robert didn't really blow his brains out on the raft?  


Oh we can't bring Sara back it's been too long but then in S4 they'll decide wouldn't it be kewl if we bring Shado (no wait she doesn't have a penis)...hmmm Yao Fei...let's bring him back...oh magical herbs + Lazarus pits means he wasn't quite dead to the point that he could be resurrected.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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