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So….Ray pulls away after the kiss and the last shot we see of him is him looking over his A.T.O.M. plans. Can I take this as a sign that his storyline is moving away from romantic Felicity and to technology??? PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE


One of the writers probably read any Fantastic Four story, and decided the idea of the emotionally unavailable genius with the needy, faithful little wifey, is a great story that doesn't at all undermine how awesome said wife is in her own right.


Honestly, I would be a huge Fantastic Four fan, if not for Reed Richards.

Well, I haven't read comics in years so I have no idea what's going on now, but the last time I did check Sue got tired of waiting around for Reed to acknowledge her and was kicking all kinds of ass on her own. She didn't need him to validate, accept or understand her. And I was under the impression that for a while now Sue has been unofficially designated as the most powerful member of the team.

It's too bad that Ray Palmer is destined to become a superhero (Atom) because he would make one great stealth villain.  For all the talk about him wanting to make the world a better place, he's still got that creepy, stalkerish vibe.  I mean, after Felicity returns the blue dress, just imagine Ray taking the unwashed dress to bed with him and sniffing it.

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It's too bad that Ray Palmer is destined to become a superhero (Atom) because he would make one great stealth villain.  For all the talk about him wanting to make the world a better place, he's still got that creepy, stalkerish vibe.  I mean, after Felicity returns the blue dress, just imagine Ray taking the unwashed dress to bed with him and sniffing it.

He could still become a villain if the show wanted to mess with comic canon which it has about many things.

When did she say that?  Could you provide a link?


I'm looking, but she reblogs a lot, and Tumblr's search function sucks. I could have misinterpreted, but it was sometime last week, I think. For a long time, she's posted to not ask her if she would be back on Arrow. Then, I'm pretty sure she had answered that she would be back but wouldn't talk about how or why. 


I'll keep looking.


ETA: I found this http://bext-k.tumblr.com/post/102571629167/is-there-anything-non-plot-spoilery-you-can-tell-us and this http://bext-k.tumblr.com/post/102552437232/so-did-you-hear-from-the-producers-you-were-coming-back


ETAAgain: I was looking at the pictures released for The Flash crossover and I'm most intrigued by the one of Felicity talking to Wells. I want to know what that conversation is about. 

Edited by calliope1975

So happy to hear that Sin is coming back. It's unfortunate that we probably won't get another Sara/Sin scene*, but hopefully she'll at least have some screen time with Thea. I really liked those two together, they even made Roy bearable. I kind of miss their little team.


*I mean, I guess we could get a flashback or something but I doubt that will happen, unfortunately.

Edited by manbearpig

I think Guggenheim said on twitter that Sara was coming back, but not in the form of flashbacks. Same goes for Tommy too, if I remember correctly.

 Apparition! Sara is going to give Laurel her blessing to Laurel to be Black Canary (and hopefully ask her TO TELL HER PARENTS SHE'S DEAD), and Apparition! Sara is going to tell Sin to rebuild the clocktower and eat all the Big Belly she wants.

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They said on the Arrow Aftershow this week that Stephen Amell told them that Oliver isn't kidnapped. So, Oliver must go willingly to fight Ra's (or whomever the epic fight is with in 3x09).


Was him being kidnapped ever a serious theory? I thought most people were vacillating between him willingly giving himself up or him getting left behind after the fight because everyone thought he was dead.

I've been thinking about the 'greatest Oliver and Felicity' scene that is probably happening in Ep9 and I hope its equal confession time. Oliver has made most of the confessions and we know what he is thinking, but we mostly have to read Felicity's expressions and actions. Other than the moment on The Flash, we haven't really gotten instead her head yet. I was hoping we would have more of an understanding with the Diggle/Felicity scene, but apparently he is more of a sounding board to Oliver then Felicity.


I want them both to be honest with each other. I think there is a lot going on in Felicity's head right now and she has no one to talk too.

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I want them both to be honest with each other. I think there is a lot going on in Felicity's head right now and she has no one to talk too.


Yeah, I want that too. SA seems to have his finger on the pulse of the fans, so if he's saying it's the "greatest Olicity scene," then it has to be something positive for their relationship. It would make sense for them to confess to each other if there's a life or death situation happening, which it seems like there might be. The only thing that puzzles me is what happens after, because if Felicity thinks he's dead then I will find it off-putting if she gets closer to Ray romantically during Oliver's absence, and if they've both laid it out on the line then what's to stop them from getting back together relatively soon once he comes back? If they do that then Ray really wasn't much of a roadblock at all.


That leads me to think that Oliver must voluntarily leave and they confess to each other anyway, but then Felicity has issues when he gets back because she would understandably be wary of him backing off or taking off again.

  • Love 5

I can't figure out how they are planing on doing it either. I'm not liking any scenarios honestly. If they do go the Felicity-is-wary-because-of-abandomment issues route, they need to spell it out for the audience. Right now its 85% Oliver's view and its confusing the audience.


There is no scenario where I'm going to like Felicity and Ray. I think I would like Ray with some tweaking, but I can't support Ray and Felicity.

  • Love 3

I think it will depend on why he's leaving. If he's manpaining off to the LoA like he when he bailed to the island after S1, I hope Felicity punches him in the nads and goes off to live happily with Bruce Wayne (not Ray. Sorry, dude.) Is he going to have a choice? Is it for the greater good? Or will he be basically abandoning everyone for whatever contrived reason the writers think up? 


It also matters if it's a temporary thing? Will he be presumed dead? I have no answers for any of these questions, but it will affect how I view Oliver and whether I want Felicity to maybe wait and give him a chance or move on and be happy. 

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 Apparition! Sara is going to give Laurel her blessing to Laurel to be Black Canary (and hopefully ask her TO TELL HER PARENTS SHE'S DEAD), and Apparition! Sara is going to tell Sin to rebuild the clocktower and eat all the Big Belly she wants.


If it's not flashbacks, I'm expecting a 'Three Ghosts' situation but for Laurel instead. 'You can do this, Dinah Laurel Lance, always trying to save the world. You can save it. Put on the mask!' Especially if both Sara and Tommy are coming back. 


I've been thinking about the 'greatest Oliver and Felicity' scene that is probably happening in Ep9 and I hope its equal confession time. Oliver has made most of the confessions and we know what he is thinking, but we mostly have to read Felicity's expressions and actions. Other than the moment on The Flash, we haven't really gotten instead her head yet. I was hoping we would have more of an understanding with the Diggle/Felicity scene, but apparently he is more of a sounding board to Oliver then Felicity.


I want them both to be honest with each other. I think there is a lot going on in Felicity's head right now and she has no one to talk too.


Ditto. I think it's beyond time that they got everything out in the open, extreme honesty. There's been too many missed chances and miscommunication between them so far which is not like Oliver and Felicity. Now that we know Oliver doesn't get kidnapped, I can see him leaving because he thinks it's the only way he can keep everyone safe. Knowing Oliver he'll confess his feelings because he probably thinks he'll end up dead. It's not ideal but it's human and at least it's honest. I hope Felicity is just as honest too. I just want to see how she feels.

"Meanwhile, Ray (Brandon Routh) tries to make amends with Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and Oliver sets a meeting with Ra’s al Ghul." -- 



wait what??? I feel like I'm missing something lol 


Also this is the episode Laurel tells Quentin and Dinah. I just know it. It's about damn time.


And whatever happened to Ra's not caring about Sara being dead?

Edited by wonderwall

Ray is probably trying to make it up to Felicity because he walked away from their kiss and she was confused. I don't know. Don't care either.


That episode description for 309 is interesting but yet again there seems like there's too much going on all at once. I didn't think Ra's cared about Sara so his ultimatum is a bit weird and out of nowhere but maybe he has another reason for it. 

wait what??? I feel like I'm missing something lol 


Also this is the episode Laurel tells Quentin and Dinah. I just know it. It's about damn time.


Ray must do something stupid in 3x08 I guess?


If she does tell them, I bet they both go apeshit and get super angry at her. I bet that would further fuel her desire to suit up, since she deals with stuff by lashing out.

Ray is probably trying to make it up to Felicity because he walked away from their kiss and she was confused. I don't know. Don't care either.


That episode description for 309 is interesting but yet again there seems like there's too much going on all at once. I didn't think Ra's cared about Sara so his ultimatum is a bit weird and out of nowhere but maybe he has another reason for it. 

It feels like the episode is going to be really split up. What I actually liked about episode 7 was that without Laurel, the episode was a lot more cohesive. Then again, it would've been better without Thea. This episode looks like there will be too much important stuff (bar Raylicity) going on. I just sort of wish that they would up the stakes for Felicity's arc because right now her arc seems a little meh to me.  

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With 3.08 being the crossover, do we even have the time (or room) to squeeze Ray in there?  Geeze, show. 


I thought I read on twitter that Brandon Routh wasn't in the crossover. If Oliver sacrifices himself for Starling City I can't see Felicity moving on with Ray (at least not for a while-definitely not a month or two) so I hope that's not what happens.

Edited by drspaceman10

I don't think Ray will be in 308. There's way too much going on to fit him in as well as characters from The Flash. 


It feels like the episode is going to be really split up. What I actually liked about episode 7 was that without Laurel, the episode was a lot more cohesive. Then again, it would've been better without Thea. This episode looks like there will be too much important stuff (bar Raylicity) going on. I just sort of wish that they would up the stakes for Felicity's arc because right now her arc seems a little meh to me.  


I know. I think a lot of episodes this season could have been better if they were tightened up and didn't have so much going on because in the rush to fit so much in we're often left handwaving things or trying to fill in the gaps. It's rushed and sloppy.


Personally speaking, Felicity's storyline is doing absolutely nothing for me. I was so looking forward to her getting out the foundry now and then and thriving in her career but we've not even seen much of that and she's just slotted into love interest role. But that's a rant for another thread and another day!

I thought I saw a BTS photo of David Ramsey and Routh while they were filming 3.08.  He might be attempting to make amends for walking away from the kiss though.  I believe MG said we would definitely know what he was up to by the end of 3.09.  I am guessing he shows Felicity the suit design he has been working on.   


I assume the greatest Olicity scene ever takes place right before Oliver either goes after the killer or to confront Ra's.

Edited by Sunshine
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I assume the greatest Olicity scene ever takes place right before Oliver either goes after the killer or to confront Ra's.


I wonder if he voluntarily goes, and after they confess that they love each other he encourages her to be with Ray (or someone else), since he isn't going to be around to be there for her and he wants her to be happy. That "frees" Felicity to get closer to Ray while Oliver's gone (maybe not full-on dating, but I can see him being a comfort to her), and keeps the third leg of the triangle open for when Oliver returns. That would create a bigger conflict for Felicity. It's tropey as hell - seems like something these writers would do.

  • Love 1

If Oliver and Felicity get everything out in the open, there's nothing to keep them from getting together after he gets back. I'm expecting an amnesia plot at the least.

If it's not flashbacks, I'm expecting a 'Three Ghosts' situation but for Laurel instead. 'You can do this, Dinah Laurel Lance, always trying to save the world. You can save it. Put on the mask!' Especially if both Sara and Tommy are coming back. 

If there were a contest for worst nightmare, this would win.


I thought the LoA had an honor code, and Ra's wanted to kill Malcolm for killing innocent people with the earthquake.  How does he handle that with killing innocent people in Starling city because Oliver can't find the killer in 48 hours?  WTH?


I think I read that Ray is in episode 3x08, maybe to mess with Felicity meeting her Team Arrow needs.

I don't think walking away from the kiss is enough to have to make amends to her, especially three weeks later.  My guess would be that she figures out he has some underlying motive for hiring her than the obvious job for Palmer Tech. Maybe this is where she discovers the suit and his plans for the mine she just talked Gardner into selling him.



I wonder if he voluntarily goes, and after they confess that they love each other he encourages her to be with Ray (or someone else), since he isn't going to be around to be there for her and he wants her to be happy. That "frees" Felicity to get closer to Ray while Oliver's gone (maybe not full-on dating, but I can see him being a comfort to her), and keeps the third leg of the triangle open for when Oliver returns. That would create a bigger conflict for Felicity. It's tropey as hell - seems like something these writers would do.

I don't see Oliver as the type to encourage her to be happy with someone else as long as he wants her himself (see 'go to Tommy'/'forget Tommy, I can be with you now' that he did with Laurel), nor do I see Felicity being serious about Ray if Oliver is an option for her.  I do think she may get closer to Ray if Oliver is missing, unless she's too pissed off at him for going and dates Ray out of spite.

I don't see Oliver as the type to encourage her to be happy with someone else as long as he wants her himself (see 'go to Tommy'/'forget Tommy, I can be with you now' that he did with Laurel), nor do I see Felicity being serious about Ray if Oliver is an option for her.  I do think she may get closer to Ray if Oliver is missing, unless she's too pissed off at him for going and dates Ray out of spite.


Well, yeah, if he thinks he'll come back. I was speculating as if he thinks he won't.

Brandon Routh tweeted that he is not in 3X08


I would guess that what Palmer is trying to apologize for is that he tells her or Felicity finds out he is making his superhero suit and some of the work she has been doing (helping get the mine at least) was being used for that. If they are going to go all the way with contrasting Oliver and Ray then Ray has to be completely upfront unlike Oliver who has so many secrets.


If Felicity tells Oliver how she feels before he leaves, and I'm assuming she will, and he chooses to go any way that is going to be a massive road block for them going forward. She already has reasons to doubt that Oliver will stick around when things go bad.

Rather than I love you I think the Olicity scene might be them saying goodbye. Whether he knows he's going to live or not Oliver handing himself over to Ra is the end of Oliver Queen and his life in Starling. 


It would make things easier for the writers if Olicity don't do a big ILY confession before shipping him off and sticking Felicity with Ray. 

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I also think the big Olicity scene is a goodbye. It's been speculated that Oliver sacrifices himself to satisfy Ra's and I think that's exactly what will happen. I think someone Oliver cares about is going to be revealed as Sara's killer and rather than give them up to the LoA, Oliver will offer himself in exchange. Once he gets there he'll realize what a huge mistake it was and he'll plot an escape, thus triggering the rath of Ra's al Ghul to carry through to the end of S3.

  • Love 1

I also think the big Olicity scene is a goodbye. It's been speculated that Oliver sacrifices himself to satisfy Ra's and I think that's exactly what will happen. I think someone Oliver cares about is going to be revealed as Sara's killer and rather than give them up to the LoA, Oliver will offer himself in exchange. Once he gets there he'll realize what a huge mistake it was and he'll plot an escape, thus triggering the rath of Ra's al Ghul to carry through to the end of S3.


Sara's killer is sounding more and more like Thea, especially if it's someone Oliver cares about. I dismissed the idea before but now I think it has some weight. GASP!



I honestly think that the moment is going to be bittersweet. It's going to be hopeful but devastating at the same time. Ugh. I'm so not ready. I mean, I wouldn't believe this statement if it was said by MG, but SA doesn't talk about relationship stuff lightly so I believe him


I was thinking bittersweet too. Like a confession of love on both sides but heartbreaking because he's leaving. That's ok with me because we know he's coming back but Oliver and Felicity won't know that so it works.

I was thinking bittersweet too. Like a confession of love on both sides but heartbreaking because he's leaving. That's ok with me because we know he's coming back but Oliver and Felicity won't know that so it works.


Same. It's going to be terrible, and then we'll have to wait two months to get any kind of resolution.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Anyone else surprised at the utter lack of build up for Ra's and the LOA? I know we had 3x04….but that was it. No looming threat or intrigue. I wonder if they are thinking Sara's murder counts. IMO it doesn't. And the episode description sounds fractured; You have Big Bad Ra's & Nyssa and then you have Felicity and Ray and Lance Family Drama. 


Regarding the scene, I think it will be a combination of I Love You and Good Bye. 

Edited by 10Eleven12
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