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I was thinking something similar. In the summer Marc said something about not everyone will meet their comic book destiny. At the time I assumed it was Thea, but after Stephen said last night that she wasn't going bad, I wonder if it could be Laurel. If this happens then this insta-canary story line makes sense, if in the end she decides to give it up. Since this is logical it probably won't happen. I've been searching for that interview, I'll post if found.


I remember that interview too, because I remember hoping that he was talking about Laurel.  Sadly, I think that this has to end with Laurel as some sort of costumed hero.  Otherwise, it doesn't solve their "what to do with Laurel Lance" problem.  When the vigilante route doesn't work, does she just go back to being an ADA, but now her character has the added bonus of knowing the Arrow's true identity?  I'm not sure that would solve their problem of making her relevant.  Maybe Laurel will decide that she doesn't want to be Sara, so she takes off the Black Canary costume and adopts a new identity. 

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Ooh.  Shirtless Brandon Routh photos over in the other spoiler thread.  I know Ray's a bit creepy, but I'm always up for the eye candy.  Ray has his very own Sally, too.


What the hell?  He picks out Felicity's blue dress for her?  Did that happen in 50 Shades??

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
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More 'originality' from the writers then? I think it's pretty common for roadblock love interests to be written as 'everything the hero is, but even more super awesome and dreamy'. So of course 50 Shades can do the salmon ladder, of course he is a much better businessman than Oliver. He'll probably turn out to be a better archer than him too.


But that's okay, because it just makes it extra super romantic and squee-worthy when the girl picks the lesser man. Because then you know her feelings are real, right? I would continue, but my eyes just rolled right out of my head, and I'm having trouble staying on point.

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I guess those pics explain why MG's tweet said the Salmon ladder would make an appearance in 3.07 sort of. I guess they want Felicity to be able to make a real comparison between Oliver & Ray.


Hahaha I love it, and he looks smokin' hot. I think Ray's ladder is named Samantha and he's hired Felicity to make her sentient so they can live happily ever after together.


Also I am hoping he's giving her a dress because it's a last minute thing, Felicity I need you to do this now, it's a formal event, here. And given what flexible boss he's been with her flitting off to CC and with Mama Smoak, I think it's reasonable he says heh, when I need you to be somewhere you will be there.

Edited by blixie
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And yeah, the dress thing is not great, but I will try so hard not to be mad about it in advance (but why do they keep making him do the creepy things why why why) because I'm trying to like him.

According to Emily, Oliver bought Felicity the gold dress from Dodger. Not seeing a lot of difference as this is supposed to be a work related 'date'.

  • Love 3

Ugh. That whole thing is creepy. And I can't believe a young woman as smart as Felicity is going to be sucked into that creep's game. And screw the salmon ladder.  And screw the show for thinking that it's the Salmon Ladder and washboard abs that impresses Felicity. It's who the washboard abs belong to that makes the difference IMO.  And Oliver is not creepy. 


Oliver buying Felicity a dress for the job at hand is way different than what Ray seems to be doing. 

Edited by catrox14
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I used to defend Ray Palmer and say the stalker argument didn't hold up. But when you put it all together?


Dude has: spent 2 billion to get her to work for him, shown up at her apartment first thing in the morning, pinged her cellphone to get her location, not to mention calls, emails, texts despite not getting a reply... and now he hands her a dress to wear to their first date.


That's both a little creepy and controlling.

  • Love 3

According to Emily, Oliver bought Felicity the gold dress from Dodger. Not seeing a lot of difference as this is supposed to be a work related 'date'.


Okay, well we didn't see that on the show and I'm not sure how it went down, but there's a difference between "I need you to get a super fancy dress for this thing, so here's my credit card, go nuts," and "Here's a dress I bought for you to wear should the occasion ever arise; I took your measurements with my creeping eyeballs. Here, try it on for me, my precious."

Edited by Carrie Ann
  • Love 15

Ugh. That whole thing is creepy. And I can't believe a young woman as smart as Felicity is going to be sucked into that creep's game. And screw the salmon ladder.  And screw the show for thinking that it's the Salmon Ladder and washboard abs that impresses Felicity. It's who the washboard abs belong to that makes the difference IMO.  And Oliver is not creepy. 


Oliver buying Felicity a dress for the job at hand is way different than what Ray seems to be doing. 


The fact it's in the office is just making me think of this:




Probably not what the show is going for. But I am fairly sure they're going for the 50 Shades creepiness, because those clueless dingbats probably really think that women secretly want to be controlled and used. Nice.


And you know, I wonder if I may have been wrong when I said that this storyline would not engender the same anger at Felicity amongst fans that the Oliver/Sara stuff did for Oliver. Because if they're writing her as some airhead who is won over by expensive gifts and the guy taking his shirt off in front of her, and then gets swept up in the 'romance' of being manipulated and controlled, then they're doing her character a huge disservice, and either don't understand who she is, or are deliberately trying to sabotage her in the eyes of fans.

Edited by Danny Franks
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Ray probably did the background check on Felicity better than Oliver ever did, knows already that Ollie is the Arrow and that Felicity has a thing for sweaty shirtless men doing the thing with the salmon ladder. So he goes for it. Setting the perfect trap, saying only the things she needs/wants to hear at the perfect time.


(But Brandon is soooo pretty!)


...But the real question is... is his tablet still emitting the sounds of porcupine flatulence?

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And screw the show for thinking that it's the Salmon Ladder and washboard abs that impresses Felicity. It's who the washboard abs belong to that makes the difference IMO. 


The washboard abs impress me.  But on a purely superficial level, of course.  Not so sure about all of the other shady behaviors that go with those abs...


Like she's in the office working, goes to see him, he invites her out and CASUALLY has a dress in his closet. And at the end of the episode we'll see he also keeps skeletons there lol



OMG.  So funny!

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
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^ It's giving me Streets of Fire feels. Don't crash the van, Dig!

It looks like they're all wearing the same outfits. Felicity is wearing that jacket with the leather arms and the holey shirt and hoop earrings (imo stupid for missions), Diggle was wearing a brown leather jacket if I'm not mistaken, and Oliver is obvious lol IT'S ALSO THE SAME VAN. 

Edited by wonderwall

I'm with @apinknightmare.  We have no idea how this scene will play out, but really, show?  Ray on a salmon ladder?  That's about as ham-handed as you can get.  There were about 10 others ways to showcase the beefcake without using the exact same piece of equipment Oliver is known to use.  Good grief.


Yeah, I think pictures like the ones with Ray are specifically to get us all riled up and will wind up not being exactly like they're made out to be. Although I can't imagine any scenario in which him handing her a dress to wear wouldn't be creepy (maybe she mentions she has one at the dry cleaners earlier? Maybe she has some dry cleaning in her office? IDK), maybe it is already hers and there's a logical explanation for it. The necklace is very Pretty Woman though.


Guys, words cannot express how I want Ray to not be creepy. I wanted to root for them, but...I just can't, haha.

  • Love 3

I'm with @apinknightmare.  We have no idea how this scene will play out, but really, show?  Ray on a salmon ladder?  That's about as ham-handed as you can get.  There were about 10 others ways to showcase the beefcake without using the exact same piece of equipment Oliver is known to use.  Good grief.


Yeah, the salmon ladder thing is ridiculous, IMO. When they said Ray was shirtless I did picture him working out in his office but maybe jogging on a treadmill or something. He looks like one of those kind of bosses. The kind that has a few newly packaged shirts in a closet too. And clearly a dress in Felicity's size...

Edited by Guest

I'll lay odds that he asks his secretary to pick up a dress in her size because it is a last minute thing and the necklace is borrowed.


Yay! Suicide Squad/Team Arrow/FBI van is back!


Seeing Team Arrow just reminds me of all that I love about this show and all that has been taken away.


And Felicity isn't going to be impressed with his abs (even though I am) beyond oh look pretty because of the comment on Flash that, "It took more than watching Oliver do the Salmon Ladder to get me to trust him."

  • Love 5

Yeah, I think pictures like the ones with Ray are specifically to get us all riled up and will wind up not being exactly like they're made out to be. Although I can't imagine any scenario in which him handing her a dress to wear wouldn't be creepy (maybe she mentions she has one at the dry cleaners earlier? Maybe she has some dry cleaning in her office? IDK), maybe it is already hers and there's a logical explanation for it. The necklace is very Pretty Woman though.


Guys, words cannot express how I want Ray to not be creepy. I wanted to root for them, but...I just can't, haha.

My best case scenario is that he asks her to go with him to this work function while they're at the office; she says she's swamped and can't get home to get an appropriate dress; he says to give her measurements to his assistant or her own, so they can call a store and get something sent over.


Nothing will make the necklace okay though.

  • Love 1

I think it was EBR (or someone) who said that Oliver bought Felicity the gold dress from the Dodger episode in the first season. So the dress-buying thing while strange... can't be gross for Ray but squeeworthy for Oliver... 

I'm going to see it like this, if it was said on screen that Oliver bought Felicity the dress, then he did. Otherwise, neh. I don't buy it. It wasn't even mentioned in an extra. 


Regardless, whether Oliver or Ray bought her dresses, it's still weird. Unless it goes Carrie Ann's way (in the above post).

Edited by wonderwall
  • Love 1

It looks like they're all wearing the same outfits. Felicity is wearing that jacket with the leather arms and the holey shirt and hoop earrings (imo stupid for missions), Diggle was wearing a brown leather jacket if I'm not mistaken, and Oliver is obvious lol IT'S ALSO THE SAME VAN. 


Yeah, they're all wearing the same clothes. It has to be a flashback.

  • Love 1

I'm going to see it like this, if it was said on screen that Oliver bought Felicity the dress, then he did. Otherwise, neh. I don't buy it. It wasn't even mentioned in an extra. 


Regardless, whether Oliver or Ray bought her dresses, it's still weird. 

If Oliver buying her the dress isn't canon, then technically anything that happens in the comics isn't canon either, and neither are any of MG's tweets about when Oliver bought Felicity that bottle of wine or where Raisa went.. 


But yeah, the dress buying is still a bit weird, but I'm withholding judgement until the episode airs. 

Yeah, they're all wearing the same clothes. It has to be a flashback.


Oh right, so the guy would be the courier from Star Labs?


ETA: Actually, I take it back--there is another shot of them out of the van in an alley, so this does appear to be current. They just happen to all be dressed the same.

Edited by Carrie Ann

I think it was EBR (or someone) who said that Oliver bought Felicity the gold dress from the Dodger episode in the first season. So the dress-buying thing while strange... can't be gross for Ray but squeeworthy for Oliver... 


It's the context of why Oliver bought Felicity the dress. There is no context that I can discern from Ray that is anything other than him buying her a dress that he likes and thinks she'd look good in. And we never saw on screen Oliver handing Felicity a dress and the dress was used in their job. 


That's a huge difference for me.

Okay, well we didn't see that on the show and I'm not sure how it went down, but there's a difference between "I need you to get a super fancy dress for this thing, so here's my credit card, go nuts," and "Here's a dress I bought for you to wear should the occasion ever arise; I took your measurements with my creeping eyeballs. Here, try it on for me, my precious."

Well as you say, we didn't see it on the show, but I was always a bit 'huh?' about that dress (I personally referred to it as the hooker dress) because it didn't seem like Felicity at all. So I basically assumed it was Oliver 's fault even before I read the interview because it's such a guy dress.

Where does the necklace go? You only see it in one still (I'm assuming at the beginning of the date), but not during the kiss scene.

 So you have no necklace when she first appears in the dress. He says per promos, "You look beautiful". Probably follows it with something is missing. This is a loaner for the night. Puts the necklace on. She has the necklace in one of the shots of her in the Arrow cave and at dinner. She gives back the necklace at the end of the night and that is when the kiss happens.


Oh right, so the guy would be the courier from Star Labs?


Star Labs guy had red hair. But I think you are right and it is a flashback. Saves someone Cupid knows and that's where her obsession starts?

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