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I actually think chances are really high that Oliver is talking about Felicity in that new quote tease. Oliver/this show has a habit of telling Felicity/the audience in a very roundabout way that he loves her.


Ruse/Not ruse "I love you," "Don't ask me to say that I don't love you." Oliver could very well be saying that he (Digg, probably) knows how he (Oliver) feels about her (Felicity). Such a flair for the dramatics, that Queen. Then again, he could be talking about Sally. Oh, Sally, Sally! Wherefore art thou, Sally?


I don't think I've been this excited about Arrow since the hiatus. I can't wait to, finally, learn all about Felicity's past and to see her as the main focus of an episode! (And she better be. No sneaky BS about using her origin episode to highlight others', m'kay, Show?)

Edited by SleepDeprived
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Ruse/Not ruse "I love you," "Don't ask me to say that I don't love you." Oliver could very well be saying that he (Digg, probably) knows how he (Oliver) feels about her (Felicity). Such a flair for the dramatics, that Queen. Then again, he could be talking about Sally. Oh, Sally, Sally! Wherefore art thou, Sally?


Considering the show already had Dig tell Oliver that he was in love with Felicity in 301 (or something to that effect) I wouldn't be surprised if this is the follow up.  Oliver telling Dig that he (Dig) already knows how he (Oliver) feels about her.


I have seen the people declare that Oliver is still talking about baby Sara...basically a continuation of the " I don't know how I feel about her being down here" line.  I'm not sure how well that flows "I'm not sure how I feel about her being down here and, you know how I feel about her".  I can sort of see if but I'm not sure I could buy that last part being about a baby.

MG needs to stop trolling me.  There's no way that's something Oliver says about Felicity.  And yet ... my heart.


In this order of likeliness:




His bow

The Salmon Ladder





That's my guess, anyway. The producer is just trolling his black little heart out. It's amusing to me that they promote the hell out of Oliver/Felicity, but then the episodes usually focus on something else. You can only get away with that bait-and-switch crap for so long until people just flat out stop believing you. They should ask Andrew Marlowe about that.

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Saying "and you know how I feel about her," is a strange thing to say about a baby and generally has romantic connotations unless he's conveying something like, "I even helped Isabel (or some other terrible person) when she was in trouble, and you know how I feel about her," to explain his reasoning for doing/not doing something.

It could be a bait and switch, but this is Felicity's episode and Oliver's feelings for her are not a secret.  How he feels about everyone else is less obvious, but he's been pretty clear about how he feels about Felicity, and they've already kind of dropped the ball on their relationship for 3 episodes.  It's highly unlikely that they would have Felicity in danger and have no appropriate response from the man who loves her.  So I think that the highest probability for the lines is that they're both Oliver talking to Dig, and the "I am not comfortable having her down there" is about baby Sara being in the lair, and the "And you know how I feel about her" is about Felicity.

  • Love 6

It's Guggenheim giving viewers what he thinks we want so my guess is probably Oliver talking to Diggle about Felicity. But then, everyone except the anti-Olicityers and anti-shippers already knows that, including Diggle.  But will anything progress forward?  Unlikely.


Ray will have to start dating Felicity in 3x07 before Oliver gets his head out of his ass, and probably not even then.

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See its a bad move though if they don't do SOMETHING with Oliver's feelings in this episode. It doesn't even have to be with felicity. 

He's just lost Sara for the THIRD TIME. THIRD TIME.  Mortality is staring him in the face more than ever, and it seems like nothing is going their way.  If he doesn't have a minor freak out when he finds out she's in trouble, then I don't know what they are doing here. 

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I don't know whether Oliver is talking about Felicity with that MG quote (likely but also not getting my hopes up) but I will call bullshit if Oliver doesn't have some kind of reaction to Felicity being kidnapped. The guy is in love with her. Sure, he feels he can't be with her but those feelings don't switch off and if she's taken and held against her will, surely Oliver would have some feelings about that.

I'm trying very hard to remain positive and not get my hopes up but these last couple of episodes have made me gun shy and now I can't read that quote without anticipating that sentence including a "but".  "You know how I feel about her but.... a. the city needs me b. I forgot to water the fern c. I promised Thea popcorn, etc"  Arrow writers causing viewer paranoia since 2012.

  • Love 10

Laurel's boss didn't bother to tell her he's putting her in charge, so Quentin does it? I'm sure there's a reason why the DA would make one of the least senior attorneys in the office the acting DA. I can't fathom what it is, but there must be a reason. This isn't at all a slam against Laurel. I just get frustrated by blatant plot contrivances like this one. Why not have the acting DA be Laurel's immediate supervising attorney and have her work closely with that person? It's almost like MG is lying about having a legal background.

  • Love 10

At last clarity about DA vs ADA….This episode is already an improvement on 3.03 & 3.04.


Overall smart tease, hits the 3 main groups, Olicity/Team Arrow, Laurel & Comic Fans, without giving away major plot points.


It had Team Arrow and Felicity's expressions are telling

Laurel out of the Foundry and some useful exposition about her job

Brother Eye reference which I believe ties to OMAC which was hinted at end of the last episode with with 50 shades' ominous look.


Frankly this close to a Felicity centric backstory I expected more, something, but everything just seems a bit quiet.



Laurel's boss didn't bother to tell her he's putting her in charge, so Quentin does it? I'm sure there's a reason why the DA would make one of the least senior attorneys in the office the acting DA. I can't fathom what it is, but there must be a reason. This isn't at all a slam against Laurel. I just get frustrated by blatant plot contrivances like this one. Why not have the acting DA be Laurel's immediate supervising attorney and have her work closely with that person? It's almost like MG is lying about having a legal background.


I'm just so glad they didn't make Laurel DA that I'm handwaving anything else

Edited by Genki

Laurel's boss didn't bother to tell her he's putting her in charge, so Quentin does it? I'm sure there's a reason why the DA would make one of the least senior attorneys in the office the acting DA. I can't fathom what it is, but there must be a reason. This isn't at all a slam against Laurel. I just get frustrated by blatant plot contrivances like this one. Why not have the acting DA be Laurel's immediate supervising attorney and have her work closely with that person? It's almost like MG is lying about having a legal background.

From the way he handles legal stuff on this show its PRETTY CLEAR why he isn't practicing anymore. LOLOLOLOLOL.

Actually, maybe she is  not the least senior anymore. She was there through Spencer dying, Donner being ousted . . . But yeah, why daddy delivered the news, who the heck knows. 

I'm sure it will be quite Felicity-centric since what happened in her past plays such a pivotal part in the destruction going on in the present-day city, but I would just expect to see other character storylines going on as well. That's how it has always been in the past when they've done backstory episodes for other characters, so I don't think Felicity will be the exception.

  • Love 3

yup we know we get Laurel getting the acting DA appt, telling TED about Sara being dead, line with Lance about Secrets hurting more than the truth (bawling), boxing scene.


We know we get Thea/Malcolm, Thea/Oliver, and I think thea roy because in one clip it looked like he was in her apartment. 


Plus interactions with ray and mama smoak.


Was it THIS EP we were also supposed to see Roy's apt? 

We've seen Roy's place numerous times. He has a house in the Glades.

but that's not an apartment? If has has an apartment now that means he recently got it. And on that note. How was he paying for that house lol? 

I think MG answered a tweet saying we would see Roy's apt in 3.05.

Interesting. Thanks. 

Edited by ban1o

but that's not an apartment? If has has an apartment now that means he recently got it. And on that note. How was he paying for that house lol?

Interesting. Thanks.

I know it's not an apartment. And it was a shitty house (maybe a trailer), so it wouldn't have cost much. I wonder why they're giving him a new place when he already had one? Maybe Thea gave him a huge raise, so he moved out of the slums.

Chances he and Oliver become roomies?

Edited by apinknightmare
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I know it's not an apartment. And it was a shitty house (maybe a trailer), so it wouldn't have cost much. I wonder why they're giving him a new place when he already had one? 

Aah Sorry I thought when you were replying to my comment you meant that we would see his house in the Glades again, and yeah I wonder why they are giving him a new place. I guess we`ll wait and see.  

Glad there's clarity about Laurel's rank in the DA's office. Finally. But the show's history of flying loose on factual and reasonable legal stuff still takes a hit because she finds out she's in charge from her father, who happens to be the Police Captain. And why does he know the DA's movements?


I don't trust anything MG says at this point so I don't think the teaser dialogue has anything to do with the more popular characters. 


It would take a few lines of dialogue to explain how Oliver, Diggle and Roy have been able to afford ANYTHING. We know that Thea is being financed by 'investors' (Malcolm) so no shock there. And Felicity was working at Buy More whatever, too.  And I'm sure Lyla's job at ARGUS takes care of her and her family right now.  But a little word here and there wouldn't take up time or cost a penny.  But still the show prefers to leave those gaps open.


It makes no sense.

It would take a few lines of dialogue to explain how Oliver, Diggle and Roy have been able to afford ANYTHING. We know that Thea is being financed by 'investors' (Malcolm) so no shock there. And Felicity was working at Buy More whatever, too.  And I'm sure Lyla's job at ARGUS takes care of her and her family right now.  But a little word here and there wouldn't take up time or cost a penny.  But still the show prefers to leave those gaps open.


It makes no sense.

It's probably because the writers don't even know or haven't thought about it. 

Edited by ban1o
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Lmao I sort of love how the DA had to be conveniently 'out of town' to make Laurel relevant to the episode :p Nice one writers. Contrived writing = Arrow writers specialty. I mean just look at Oliver's finances, it doesn't even make sense how they're bankrolling Team Arrow. 


I thought one of the EPs mentioned that Team Arrow is being funded by a "surprising source" or something of the like? Did I make that up? I always assumed it was A.R.G.U.S., but who even knows at this point.

Still no sneak peak! *sobs*


I wanna stay excited CW!



Here - Pajiba had a write up, too. http://www.pajiba.com/trade_news/arrows-felicity-smoak-in-fullon-goth-regalia-is-why-you-woke-up-this-morning.php


It's funny that I can handwave a guy dressing in green leather shooting arrows at people, but when TPTB don't address why Oliver doesn't have any money, I get irritated. You have to have an ordinary, everyday world so that I can believe in the extraordinary, and I don't think the EPs understand that. Maybe when Oliver visits Thea at her new place, she can ask where he's living. 

  • Love 5

TBH Everybody`s living/ financial arrangements. are so strange. Like where is Thea currently living? Where is Ollie currently living (this still hasn't been answered on the show) How does Diggle get paid? Is he paid by Argus or something? 


I think Oliver's still sleeping in the foundry, although he's supposed to be getting his own place soon. It is weird that he never asked Thea (onscreen) where she was staying in Starling. I could kind of buy that he was just so happy that she agreed to return that he wasn't going to press any issues, but come on, dude.

  • Love 1

I thought one of the EPs mentioned that Team Arrow is being funded by a "surprising source" or something of the like? Did I make that up? I always assumed it was A.R.G.U.S., but who even knows at this point.

I think that was Thea being funded by the suprising source, meaning Malcolm Merlyn. Yeah, it makes sense that the man who helped destroy QC making Oliver lose his money, and the woman who wouldn't sign that papers moving some of it into a trust are the only ones with money now.


I assume we'll see Thea's new place when Oliver shows up with the popcorn.  It  seems strange that she has never asked Oliver where he's living, which makes me think she's as selfish as she was before.


Diggle should still have the $1 million Oliver gave him at the end of s1, if the writers remember that.  Felicity use hers to re-stock the Arrow cave.

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The problem is that money was in the comics not the show. I know it's supposed to be canon but it's never been mentioned on screen and they had the perfect opportunity in 2.01. As such and since most viewers didn't read the comics and probably don't even know about the $1 Million,  I'm going with it never happened. 

I still find it hard to believe that all of Oliver and Thea's money was invested in the company. Did they not have a separate stock portfolio or money in savings? What about property? For rich people they don't seem very good with money. Never put all your eggs in one basket is all I'm saying. They could have solved the money question with 'Oh, I sold our beach house in the South of France, we never used it anyway. I've got some capital now.' Easy.

Edited by Guest

So, basically, I'm the only person who wants the "her" in Oliver's quote to be about the salmon ladder?

Guys, guys, if there's any ship on this show we should be worried about, it's this one. It's been months! I am about to start arguing that the two of them need relationship counseling.

Oliver, prove to me that you haven't forgotten your true love. GULP.

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