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[putting on cranky old lady hat after listening to a radio interview about ghosting] I get the feeling that there is a lack of good manners these days.  KC with her phone during interviews was bad enough; EBR and EK doing that mess of an interview is just unforgivable.  I felt like it was a waste of my time to listen to it.

It's part of their job to give interviews to get people to watch their show; people come to report on them and many more watch the broadcasts of the interviews. It's possible to talk about your character without giving away what happens after the island.  There's just no excuse for what they did there.  If you're drinking iced tea in your bottle, don't make people think it's the Long Island Iced variety.  [/cranky old lady]


2 hours ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I think I saw it suggested somewhere that that scene could be Oliver having a nightmare, and if it is, that means that this is how Oliver perceives his son, which I'd find amusing. (And if it is, maybe Oliver turns and sees himself? So he thinks he's the "bad man" for getting Samantha killed, even though it'll probably be her own fault for running off?)

That makes sense, that it's Oliver's nightmare, to parallel the nightmare in the pilot.  I wonder if William has to comfort Oliver now.

Although I would still prefer it to be the introduction of the next Bad.

1 hour ago, tv echo said:

-- On what she's looking forward to with her character's new dynamic with Quentin, KC: "I think Black Siren - in terms of my back story, what I've personally done, you know, uh, she has a very - she lost her father, um, you know, when she was like 14. I think that they will start to bond and actually grow closer. I think there's, you know, a chance for redemption for her and, uh - you know, it's so funny, whenever Paul and I do a scene together now, we're just - we're like, 'what the hell?' I'm like, 'Paul, what do I do with this?' Literally, he''ll be like, 'I don't know, darling, I'm so confused right now because I'm so used to you being my daughter and now you're not, so I'm just as messed up and confused about it too.'  I think it makes scenes like that as an actor more interesting almost. You just have to be present and listen and, you know, you play off of one another. And as long as you've done the script analysis and done your part in working [unintelligible words]. That's why I love working with - sorry, I love working with Paul. Like, he is that type of actor and so it gives us a lot of time to play [plan?]."

KC is truly beautiful, especially with how she was wearing her hair yesterday.  And then she opens her mouth.

Edited by statsgirl
48 minutes ago, tv echo said:


-- On the sweet moment in the finale when Quentin acknowledged Dinah as the Black Canary and what she'd like to see for her relationship with Quentin, JH: "Well, if Quentin is still around, um, then, I love that dynamic. I love that sort of, like - it's almost like a paternal thing that, you know, Quentin has with Dinah. Uh, I just think that's really sweet. I would love to see that continue. And I also love that they have the police force in common. They have a common goal. So, um, I think they're a great alliance."



I honestly can't remember them having that kind of dynamic..I could have forgotten some scenes of course.

KC is right about Paul by the way..he is the type of actor that makes the less talented ones look good or at least decent in their scenes together.

Edited by Midnight Lullaby
  • Love 4
5 hours ago, Angel12d said:

Did we hear anything about Felicity's individual storyline? I know there are hints that Michael Emerson is Cayden James (no certainty yet though) so that means she'll be involved with that but fans sent tons of questions everywhere about Smoak Tech and I've not heard a single thing about it. *Humph*

In a couple of interviews Emily implied that Felicity - if she lives- might be bored with just being on Team Arrow alone and should start working, maybe with Curtis aka Smoak tech. In fact I think she used the words Smoak Tech in one interview.

Wendy also mentioned in interview that Helix was still around to cause trouble.


4 hours ago, jay741982 said:

An article I read said Micheal Emerson is playing Richard Dragon I believe it's from Comicbook.com

Michael Emersons role wasn't announced so right now it's just speculation unless the article has the Producers confirming it.

Most people seem to think he's Cayden James just because Emily was told about him being on the show before anyone else in the cast- and Cayden James is a Felicity based villain- it its hardly damning evidence he's Cayden. Personally I think he'd make a great Cayden James. 

  • Love 2

From GreenArrowTV/KSIteTV's video of press roundtable interview with EBR and EK (posted in New Spoilers thread) - audio was terrible, hence all the unintelligible words in the below transcript...

-- On what she thinks the chances are of Oliver & Felicity completely rekindling their relationship because it seemed to be going that way at the end of S5, EBR: "Well, I mean, what do you want? To be honest, like, I feel like we go right now with, you know, [sixes?], we really do go by demand at this point. There's obviously, you know, creative juices funneling the story, but I feel like we're so grateful to have such dedicated fans and - um, I don't think 'dedicated' but involved? (EK interjected, "Yeah.") And I think the involvement because they've started that way - I mean, I don't think for every show - but for ours, it really works. I think you can't [unintelligible word] the fans all the time, [unintelligible words]. It kinda depends on how it can be [unintelligible words] (EBR draws circle in the air with her fingers)." EK added: "I echo those sentiments." 

-- On Felicity's career in S6, EBR: "Well, assuming she's alive... I think that Felicity needs a job, a day job. I suspect she'll be running out of money. That girl wears [bitchin'?] clothes.... Um, I think that she needs to sort of have the passion that she carries inside of her, like genetic code - she needs to be able to exercise that more often. [She mentions Helix and working with Kacey Rohl last season here, but I couldn't hear what she said exactly]... Yeah, it would be interesting to see Felicity sort of like doing work, maybe even if she's still in the bunker, but doing a different type of - I don't want to say 'occupation.'"

-- On what they want for their characters going forward, good or ill, EK: "I would like Curtis not to get stomped on by like 17 people. Every scene. That would be nice, to see him kick some butt." EBR: "I'm pushing for Felicity and Curtis to have more scenes together and more [unintelligible words]." 

-- EK mentioned WM's quote about how Curtis and Felicity complement each other's skill sets, saying: "She's like, 'Felicity's the software, where Curtis is the hardware.'" 

From Whedonopolis Videos' and Showbiz Junkies videos of press roundtable interview with EBR and EK (posted in New Spoilers thread)...

-- EK said he hoped that Curtis and his husband Paul can find their way back to each other. 

-- EBR: "I would like to see Felicity sort of, you know, honestly, work with Curtis more. Because - because this was my debate. I am totally sincere. I had a conversation that was mostly based on the fact that Curtis has taken all of Felicity's jokes. (Laughs) And I was like - and I was like, 'but I'm down, as long as they get to have them together.' Which is really just a long con for us working together. Which is really just a long con for us hanging out more together. Which is why we're at this [unintelligible word] together." EK added: "Yeah, we keep hoping that if they see us together, they'll make more scenes. They'll see the chemistry that we have." EBR: "I think just the opposite. My career is over after this interview."

Edited by tv echo
50 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

[putting on cranky old lady hat after listening to a radio interview about ghosting] I get the feeling that there is a lack of good manners these days.  KC with her phone during interviews was bad enough; EBR and EK doing that mess of an interview is just unforgivable.  I felt like it was a waste of my time to listen to it.

It's part of their job to give interviews to get people to watch their show; people come to report on them and many more watch the broadcasts of the interviews. It's possible to talk about your character without giving away what happens after the island.  There's just no excuse for what they did there.  If you're drinking iced tea in your bottle, don't make people think it's the Long Island Iced variety.  [/cranky old lady]

I agree. I've been on the other side of round tables and they're really hard to begin with, let alone when you have to deal with talent who won't answer questions. I know EBR reportedly hates this stuff but everyone there had a job to do, including her. She could have talked about her hopes for the character without giving anything away. DR and SA tend to be pretty good but really repetitive (SA clearly had talking points about his first scenes with Jack and how S6 won't have the emotional impact of S5, and he repeated them verbatim multiple times). I think JH probably did the best job of offering up a bit of substance in different ways. And surprisingly, so did WM. She did well this weekend, which shocked me because most of her past interviews sounded like word salad. 

  • Love 2

I do wonder if they just didn't give EBR and EK any talking points. Either because it's too spoilery or they just don't have anything really coming up in the first few episodes. 

It is strange when you look at all the interviews together. They're doing this stupid "we don't know who lives" thing, yet they're giving whole interviews about Dinah, teasing a new love interest for her, showing off the new BC suit (which I understand, but still), etc. 

  • Love 5

Well Carina Mackenzie said before the day that she was suppose to be going around with Emily during interviews for support. But then her instsgram suggests she hung out with The Orginals cast for most the day. So if only she had stuck with Emily maybe we wouldn't have been stuck with that mess of an interview with Echo haha.

Edited by LeighAn
  • Love 3
10 minutes ago, Chaser said:

EBR normally does well at these round table interviews but I think the combination of no talking points and EK there to play off of was just bad.

They both did slightly better in the KSiteTV video so I wonder if they figured out how bad the first one was and tried harder. It was interesting that EBR basically said Olicity's future is led by what the fans want (which is the opposite of what MG always says). She also said she and Echo are shooting a big scene together on Monday. 

Edited by Trisha
  • Love 1
19 minutes ago, Trisha said:

I know EBR reportedly hates this stuff but everyone there had a job to do, including her. She could have talked about her hopes for the character without giving anything away. 

Emily doesn't hate interviews she gets anxious in interviews due to a anxiety issues. Something that's been confirmed by cast members and friends of hers. From what I know from people who have similar issues sucking it up and getting over it isn't always an option and I think Emily being able to enjoy her self and put on a good face as she can is commendable. I mean even at this con there's video of Stephen hugging her and telling her he loves and she's doing great to comfort her. 

6 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

I don't see how that means she is allowed to make the interview a mess for the people doing their job there.

She had Echo with her because she didn't want to do it alone. Last year she had like three friends with her for support during interview day, Jared and Carina among them iirc. This year both of them seemed to be working so Echo was with her instead. 


I think the messy answers as others said has to do with the combination of them joking with each other and the fact that they were given no story points to sell because the network wants to push the "who survives" angle 

Edited by LeighAn
  • Love 1
10 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Emily doesn't hate interviews she gets anxious in interviews due to a anxiety issues. Something that's been confirmed by cast members and friends of hers. From what I know from people who have similar issues sucking it up and getting over it isn't always an option and I think Emily being able to enjoy her self and put on a good face as she can is commendable. I mean even at this con there's video of Stephen hugging her and telling her he loves and she's doing great to comfort her. 

Yeah, I know. Anxiety sucks and she otherwise did an awesome job this weekend. I probably just have a lot empathy for people on the other side of that table because I've been in that situation. And when she actually paid attention to them and answered, she did really well. 

  • Love 6

From the ET facebook live video interview with the Arrow cast (posted in New Spoilers thread)...

-- SA said that William is 12 years old and in the 6th grade. 

-- When asked what we might see happen with Oliver & Felicty next season, since they've been on a long journey back to each other, SA and EBR just looked at each other for a long moment. Then interviewer read a twitter question asking for two truths and a lie about Oliver & Felicity's relationship next season. SA: "Oh my god, I did two truths and one lie at a con in Nashville a few weeks ago and I caught a rash of sh*t, so I'm gonna pass." EK: "Figure two lies and a lie?" SA: "Emily's got it." EBR: "They're already married. They're getting married. They're never getting married."

-- After cast concluded interview by telling audience to watch S6 on Thursdays at 9, SA said: "There's going to be nudity this year." Other cast members (including EK and EBR) said simultaneously: "A lot of nudity."

Edited by tv echo
4 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

She had Echo with her because she didn't want to do it alone. Last year she had like three friends with her for support during interview day, Jared and Carina among them iirc. This year both of them seemed to be working so Echo was with her instead. 


I think the messy answers as others said has to do with the combination of them joking with each other and the fact that they were given no story points to sell because the network wants to push the "who survives" angle 

@Trisha said she could have talked about her hopes about her character instead of the messy interviews they did. Unless we are saying it's impossible for them to be together and be professional I don't see the connection.

  • Love 1

It's unusual for EBR interviews to be messy tbh - and I agree, they were (though I only watched one, I'm assuming the others were similar). She's usually very articulate and thoughtful with her answers and has lots of headcanons about Felicity. So IDK what happened yesterday. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Maybe next time don't put her with EK. I think they just distracted each other too much to the point where they forgot what they were supposed to be doing. 

1 hour ago, LeighAn said:

In a couple of interviews Emily implied that Felicity - if she lives- might be bored with just being on Team Arrow alone and should start working, maybe with Curtis aka Smoak tech. In fact I think she used the words Smoak Tech in one interview.

Wendy also mentioned in interview that Helix was still around to cause trouble.

I know he'd have to be involved because he created the spinal implant but man, this is just the opposite of what I want. Ugh, I can't stand him. Just...no.

The best way to handle a situation where you have anxiety issues but can't get out of is to practice, practice and then practice some more including with pre-worked out answers to obvious questions.  Which EBR's mother, a psychotherapist who treats anxiety disorders, would know.

I understand the stress of having to to all those interviews but EBR and EK were so scattered, they seemed drunk.  I don't know what was happening there but EBR was aware enough of it to say that her career was over after this interview.

  • Love 3
11 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

The best way to handle a situation where you have anxiety issues but can't get out of is to practice, practice and then practice some more including with pre-worked out answers to obvious questions.  Which EBR's mother, a psychotherapist who treats anxiety disorders, would know.

I understand the stress of having to to all those interviews but EBR and EK were so scattered, they seemed drunk.  I don't know what was happening there but EBR was aware enough of it to say that her career was over after this interview.

I think it's up to EBR to decide how she deals with her own issues. 

  • Love 11

Unrelated to EBR, I love that William is 12. It means a) Samantha, the model of feminine grace, had two years to actually tell Oliver that he had a son before he went on the Gambit, b) Oliver cheating on Laurel throughout the course of their relationship is pretty much set in stone. I didn't think otherwise, but this is just blatant additional proof.

  • Love 3

From Flicks And The City video of Arrow panel highlights (posted in New Spoilers thread)...

-- MG: "We're not like rebooting the show. Uh, in fact, we're going to double down on a lot of the things that I think really resonate with people in Season 5... The dark, gritty, you know, grounded storytelling. But we are going to see a different kind of Oliver Queen. Uh, you know, the last 10 years have really changed him, particularly Season 5. And we're looking forward to telling some very different kinds of stories with Oliver."

-- On how does being a dad change Arrow, SA: "He's not the best dad. No, but I've said this a bunch of times today. My first day on season 6 - and you see it a little bit in the footage that you saw - it was all with Jack, who plays William. And he and I had done a couple scenes together, but he and I had never really acted together. And I was really legitimately nervous because I didn’t know. Not only was he equal to the task, but he exceeded my expectations. He's a wonderful young man and a terrific actor. And I'm loving my scenes with him. But, you know, to be on episode - to start on episode 116 and to be able to do fun new stuff as Oliver has been a real joy so far this season. But yeah, he’s a sh*t dad.” 

-- When the panel was asked how it affected them to have a different version of Laurel on the show, there was a momentary silent pause. Then EBR: "We have a powerful new villain on the show. We're going to have to kick some butt." KC: "Yeah, I'm coming after you." SA: "Yeah, you come in like a wrecking ball. Like in the first episode. Like the Miley Cyrus song. Like a wrecking ball." KC: "Shaking it up a bit." Mod then asked KC how it was being back and if it was like putting on an old pair of jeans. SA interjected: "Katie doesn't wear old jeans. They may look distressed, but they're brand new." KC then said, "You know me so well." 

-- On what we can expect coming up in S6, MG: "Well, you know, Season 5 was really about building up this team... And by the end of the season, we had Team Arrow 2.0, in a really formidable, you know, tightly knit way. In thinking about Season 6... we really wanted to double down on this concept of family and groups and found families. So, towards that end, we started thinking in terms of a group of villains, something we’ve never done on the show before. Um, so, we're gonna have a few familiar faces, like David Nykl is coming back, uh, to reprise his role as Anatoly, and as we know from episode 518... and he's coming back with a literal vengeance. Um, and we want to, you know - we're not going to tell you everything in this panel, uh, but we - we can tell you that, uh, one of the other members of this villainous cabal is going to be played by Michael Emerson. And we could not be more excited.... We are really, really thrilled. And you can also expect a really cool announcement, uh, not now, uh, about, uh, a character, uh, whose character's name is Richard Dragon from the comics, who will also be among our villains that we'll be seeing this year. Um, so you'll be seeing a lot of different villains throughout Season 6. And more so than any kind of villain of the week thing. These are, you know, characters that we'll be seeing really throughout the season. Uh, we've never done that before."

-- On whether the Vigilante could be someone we know, like Earth-2 Tommy Merlyn, MG: "Yeah, we keep trying to get Colin back on the show, um, but he's busy on Chicago Med. Um, for sure, we're big believers that if you have a mystery, like some type of whodunnit, or in the case of Vigilante, who is it, uh, it's always really unsatisfying if the answer to the mystery is 'yes, it's some person you've never seen before.' So, uh, you can probably expect that whoever's behind that mask or underneath that mask, uh, is a face that is familiar to you."

-- WM said that Kacey Rohl will be returning.

Edited by tv echo
5 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Unrelated to EBR, I love that William is 12. It means a) Samantha, the model of feminine grace, had two years to actually tell Oliver that he had a son before he went on the Gambit, b) Oliver cheating on Laurel throughout the course of their relationship is pretty much set in stone. I didn't think otherwise, but this is just blatant additional proof.

It also means retcon since Moira's check had 11/06/2007 as its date, LOL

  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Unrelated to EBR, I love that William is 12. It means a) Samantha, the model of feminine grace, had two years to actually tell Oliver that he had a son before he went on the Gambit, b) Oliver cheating on Laurel throughout the course of their relationship is pretty much set in stone. I didn't think otherwise, but this is just blatant additional proof.

Huh? I never thought of it like that haha. 

  • Love 1

I don't think Samantha ever intended to tell Oliver about William.  She just took the money and kept their son for herself. 

I guess Laurel knew about the years of cheating and kept taking Oliver back.

So are we thinking that Pike is Vigilante now?  The actor's other show just ended.

7 minutes ago, tv echo said:

On how does being a dad change Arrow, SA: "He's not the best dad. No, but I've said this a bunch of times today. My first day on season 6 - and you see it a little bit in the footage that you saw - it was all with Jack, who plays William. And he and I had done a couple scenes together, but he and I had never really acted together. And I was really legitimately nervous because I didn’t know. Not only was he equal to the task, but he exceeded my expectations. He's a wonderful young man and a terrific actor. And I'm loving my scenes with him. But, you know, to be on episode - to start on episode 116 and to be able to do fun new stuff as Oliver has been a real joy so far this season. But yeah, he’s a sh*t dad.” 

Because we all loved him being a sh*t mayor so much last year.

14 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

I think it's up to EBR to decide how she deals with her own issues. 

Those who have staged an intervention for someone spiraling or called the authorities for a suicidal friend or relative would disagree. But it's not my business.

7 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

It also means retcon since Moira's check had 11/06/2007 as its date, LOL

They probably forgot about that along with the second check. 

5 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

So are we thinking that Pike is Vigilante now?  The actor's other show just ended.

I feel like Pike is an obvious choice (but he's still on my list, just not that high up). I really hope the reveal comes before the midseason break. I don't think I've seen anything about when we'll find out? But if they wait until 2018 to reveal the identity of a character they introduced in 2016... 

I honestly don't really care anymore about Vigilante. When the character was first introduced, sure, a bit. But now? Nope. 

5 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

The check being wrong is especially stupid because in the same episode Oliver mentioned to Samantha that "William is what, nine? And we had our thing ten years ago" and that was in 2015. 

No one on this show can do math.

There are also the FBs from season 2 with Moira and Samantha being set 7 years before..what a mess, LOL

  • Love 2

Another show that I watched I remember someone on twitter bringing up a similar sort of mistake between dates in the script not adding up to the props. I remember the show runner saying that the props department don't get scripts but work off a synopsis which is why continuity errors like that can sometimes happen. 


It could be the same thing with the check *shrug* 

@tv echo that EBR interview you transcribed for us and posted, is that the messy one? Are there any other different interviews? Thank you!

So weird that she says Olicity is up to the fans. Unless they've conceded defeat after s5 and really are writing Olicity for the fans now because the demand is huge. I wouldn't complain but it's such a strange thing to say.

11 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

So weird that she says Olicity is up to the fans. Unless they've conceded defeat after s5 and really are writing Olicity for the fans now because the demand is huge.

Or because they messed it up so badly in 4b and 5a and are listening to wiser council now.

EBR said in earlier years that she thinks that a couple being happily together is boring so maybe she's not happy at this direction?

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 2

Are the other interviews less silly or are they all nonsense? Just checking before I watch. 

@statsgirl I'm all for it and it looks like they are doing that but it's so.......unexpected.

The Olicity vibe seems fantastic though.

I'm now side eying Curtis and want to get rid of him so he doesn't interfere with Felicity's story lines. Curtis is a threat to my enjoyment this season! I would rage if my girl doesn't get to shine. 

Edited by Mellowyellow
2 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

@tv echo that EBR interview you transcribed for us and posted, is that the messy one? Are there any other different interviews? Thank you!

So weird that she says Olicity is up to the fans. Unless they've conceded defeat after s5 and really are writing Olicity for the fans now because the demand is huge. I wouldn't complain but it's such a strange thing to say.

I'm going to give Emily the benefit of the doubt that she maybe just poorly worded meant that Olicity became a life on to its own due to the fans. As in it become something bigger then the show originally envisioned. 

 I'll need to watch the interview where she makes those comments though.


Because the fact is they were writing ship teasing scenes for Olicity in season 1 before the episodes had even aired so the Olicity fandom was really a reaction and follow through to where the writers and actors were leading them in the first place.

2 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Or because they messed it up so badly in 4b and 5a and are listening to wiser council now.

EBR said in earlier years that she thinks that a couple being happily together is boring so maybe she's not happy at this direction?

Didn't she say that in a lead up to a storyline that was going to see Olicity break up?


I do wonder if they just didn't give EBR and EK any talking points. Either because it's too spoilery or they just don't have anything really coming up in the first few episodes. 

It is strange when you look at all the interviews together. They're doing this stupid "we don't know who lives" thing, yet they're giving whole interviews about Dinah, teasing a new love interest for her, showing off the new BC suit (which I understand, but still), etc. 

The roundtables didn't bother me that much. I honestly think they just told EBR and EK to deflect instead of giving them talking points, particularly as neither of them are featured in being off the island in the trailer. Also it seems like at times during SDCC interviews when EBR did talk vaguely about her hopes for future storylines (provided she's alive, which is DUMB, producers, because your cliffhanger was not as interesting as you seem to think), she was definitely criticizing past storylines and missed opportunities -- Curtis taking Felicity's lines; the lack of a job; even the odd incomprehensible stuff about writing for the fans -- fans who hated Olicity in the beginning of season 4, and fans who hated the contrived break up in season 4, both of which led to the mess that is season 5's approach of "we've never met and were definitely never engaged... what?". It must be incredibly frustrating as the actor given that, as a viewer, seasons 4b and five drove me crazy. 

(It reminds me of Candice P's repeated comments in interviews about advocating for Iris needing a storyline where she has agency and an identity apart from Barry's love interest or Eddie's love interest. I wonder if CP and EBR ever just get together and complain about the perils of being written as a love interest/object only.)

  • Love 4

I watched the Emily answer about Olicity and she's asked "What can fans expect to see for Olicity?" to which she responds with "Well what do you want?" before going into a discussion about how she thinks it's important for the producers to listen to what the fans want as much as following creative juices as the fans are just as invested in the story. 


So I actually didn't see it as her saying Olicity is because of or up to the fans or an unethused response. I actually really appreciated her answer because I thought it spoke to something a lot of fans feel was a problem with last season. 

  • Love 7
17 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Next years cast will certainly be interesting to see. I already have set in my mind that KC is 1 season deal.

TBH I tend to agree. With Marc saying that they wanted to create a "family of villains" to take on the found family of Team Arrow as the season long big bad I think Katie/Black Siren is just one of the parts in the cog of group Big Bad. 

  • Love 3
11 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Because she's in IT and not engineering?  The things that Curtis did in s4, creating a battery to save the company, building the chip for Felicity, are all engineering things.

Felicity was responsible for running PT. Between that, working with Team Arrow and helping Oliver run his campaign, there wasn't much time for creating new IT projects. 

It was in s5 that the trouble really began because they were both out of PT and in the Arrow cave and doing the same thing especially because Curtis is such a bad fighter.  It was ridiculous that Felicity needed Curtis' help running scans but that was because there wasn't anything else for him to do.  That's why  Felicity needs to create and run Smoak Technology and work on cyber projects while Curtis is in the lab inventing new biomechanics.  She needs to hire some new people to work there too.

I'm not thinking of her building things like the battery or the T-Spheres, but yeah, computers chips are completely in her previously shown wheelhouse.  She's the one that rebuilt the crucial chip for Ray's suit.  I think it was fine that Curtis did it without her since I think there's an argument that could be made that when she was in the wheelchair, she wasn't in the right headspace to try and come up with the chip (since she was moving forward and not looking back) but in the future,  I do want to see her being allowed to create things still.  

If the show is too nervous about going to any kind of techy stuff, let her write code to run one of Curtis's gadgets or just some fancy software to sell.  But let it be something tangible, not just having her be in charge, because I think the character was shown to be capable of doing so, so I want to see that as a part of what she builds in her company.  


7 hours ago, tv echo said:

From the ET facebook live video interview with the Arrow cast (posted in New Spoilers thread)...

-- SA said that William is 12 years old and in the 6th grade. 

-- When asked what we might see happen with Oliver & Felicty next season, since they've been on a long journey back to each other, SA and EBR just looked at each other for a long moment. Then interviewer read a twitter question asking for two truths and a lie about Oliver & Felicity's relationship next season. SA: "Oh my god, I did two truths and one lie at a con in Nashville a few weeks ago and I caught a rash of sh*t, so I'm gonna pass." EK: "Figure two lies and a lie?" SA: "Emily's got it." EBR: "They're already married. They're getting married. They're never getting married."

-- After cast concluded interview by telling audience to watch S6 on Thursdays at 9, SA said: "There's going to be nudity this year." Other cast members (including EK and EBR) said simultaneously: "A lot of nudity."

I wish I could believe the move to the later hour might change things but amid the rest of the cast saying there's going to be a lot of nudity, we had DR pipe up and say "that's not true."  He's quiet the rest of the time but he had to speak up to rain on my parade, lol.  

I'm also really confused about what EBR was doing with her three things thing.  The question was for two truths and one lie and it seemed like EBR was ready with her list even before Echo suggested flipping it to two lies and one truth,  so I'm not sure which she actually gave let alone if she really understand how to play the game (despite her claims otherwise).  I just can't make sense of it, lol.  

7 hours ago, statsgirl said:

The best way to handle a situation where you have anxiety issues but can't get out of is to practice, practice and then practice some more including with pre-worked out answers to obvious questions.  Which EBR's mother, a psychotherapist who treats anxiety disorders, would know.

I understand the stress of having to to all those interviews but EBR and EK were so scattered, they seemed drunk.  I don't know what was happening there but EBR was aware enough of it to say that her career was over after this interview.

Yeah, it wasn't a great interview but those interviews go by so quickly so once it was off the rails, it seems by the time she realized it was a mess, it was over.  Since it's not a pattern of her normal interviews over the years and because the Producers seemed to have given ALL the actors a very firm talking to about giving out spoilers, and because she and a lot of the cast are supposed to pretend they don't even survive, AND because they haven't even filmed past the second episode and didn't even know about big casting announcements before the con, I'm just going to give her and really everyone a pass for less than insightful interviews.  

I really think they weren't allowed to say anything.  I've never seen SA look so flustered and red faced in interviews, even when it was other cast members answering questions.  He looked like he'd been put in charge of making sure no one gave out any info and looked like he was about to hyperventilate anytime answers veered off into anything remotely spoilery.   I suspect both he and DR got just reamed for their comments at recent cons.  DR wouldn't even say a word in most of those group interviews.    In the group interviews, the joking around to distract from giving any real answers seemed encouraged by both WM and MG.  So I can see how that mind set would transfer over to the one on one interviews as well.    

I guess I'm not surprised at how little new info we got.  We all knew that ridiculous we blew everybody up ending was going to get in the way this year.  Still, we had some really great cast interaction and nothing I'd consider that negative spoiler wise has come out.   I may or may not love Myson ( I actually liked April on Gilmore Girls if I ignored how they used her to blow up the relationship) but there is SOOOOOO much worse they could throw at my screen and they did just last year so yeah, I'm still feeling pretty happy about everything coming up for season 6.  :D




Edited to fix a triple post.  New record!

Edited by BkWurm1
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