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I don't have a problem with jbuffyangel. I just interpret everything she writes as being influenced by her own personal theories, just like every other fan's report.* I don't always agree with what she writes (prime example is her belief/theory that Sara was the great love of Laurel's life). However I do appreciate that she takes the time to share her conversations with MG and that she always writes detailed, thoughtful reviews. Agree or disagree, at least she isn't hateful or spiteful. I also appreciate her optimism - especially since I tend to be pessimistic and distrustful.

(* I always take fans' secondhand reports about what the EPs or cast said with a grain of salt, unless the same thing has been reported by multiple fans. Of course, the best source is straight from the EPs' or cast's mouth, preferably in a video or quoted by a reputable media source.)

Speaking of distrustful, do you all really believe an Olicity wedding is going to take place this season? Or could SA and DR just've been trolling fans at recent cons?  I'm genuinely curious. 

Edited by tv echo
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I really do think a wedding will happen,it's not really like SA or DR to troll like that especially at a con full of olicity fans that paid to see them.Usually when they give a spoiler,especially DR it happens.It might not be the crossover and I hope its not,tho maybe I missed something but it seemed to me like MG just avoided answering and didn't confirm or deny.

It would be sad if Lance died mostly because he's the one paternal figure left and PB is a really good actor.But at this point I'm also like at least it would trim the cast,it's ridiculously overcrowded.

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7 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Speaking of distrustful, do you all really believe an Olicity wedding is going to take place this season? Or could SA and DR just've been trolling fans at recent cons?  I'm genuinely curious. 

Yes. I think it's happening later in the season though, especially because SA was talking about O/F taking things slowly and Oliver having his own apartment, which doesn't really add up to a wedding happening soon. IDK. Things change quickly on this show, too, so who knows?

Trolling fans would be so MEAN. But I don't think they were. SA doesn't lie, he pretty much sticks to the company line. Look at last year - he told us about Felicity's boyfriend and didn't really say anything positive about Olicity because there wasn't much to say. "You can't always get what you want" still haunts me. Ugh.

2 hours ago, tv echo said:

Marc Guggenheim SDCC17 Interview



Marc’s goal is try and defy expectations by giving a twist to the expected. He said one of his favorite quotes is from Stan Lee,“Give people what they need. Not what they want.”

It's a good quote.  Unfortunately MG and WM have a very distorted idea of what people need.  They don't get the line that differentiates something to look forward to, and something people absolutely hate but the EPs refuse to listen. They also don't understand that you have to give people what they want in every single episode, not just the wrap-up at the end of the season.

47 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I 100% believe SA and DR that Olicity is getting married this year.

I was frustrated as hell with SA last season, but he didn't sell something that wasn't happening. This is a guy that walks the company line. He wouldn't be selling something that wasn't approved.

And DR is DR.

Yeah.  SA may have very little say in what happens on the show but he is 100% better able to understand the audience than MG and WM.  And when he says something is going to happen, it happens, and when it's bad (e.g. Felicity's boyfriend), he prepares the audience for it.  When he's grumpy and short, he knows the audience isn't going to like what they get.

For DR, I don't trust what he says so much.  He listens to the audience and gives them what they want/need but sometimes it's a bit too much of wants that the show isn't going to deliver.


SA: that depends, is he good at listening? That's part of season 6. He had a scene where he's talking to someone, where Oliver is talking about having to lie to William. In the 6th season that's what you want, new things for your character & O being a dad is my fave thing thus far in s6

Lying was part of the problem during the BMD.  Maybe that idea gets reprised and Oliver make the decision to do things differently this time.

I can well believe that he loves being a dad in s6.  Not only is it different for Oliver (after the wash, rinse, repeat of broodiness and "I have to do it my way and alone", it's something close to his heart.

Edited by statsgirl
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3 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

I was reading JBA's write-up of her chat with Mark, and this caught my attention:

It made me feel not-so-great about Lance's chances. 

- MG struggles with finding new ways to surprise people, said that everyone's focusing on who lived or died after the explosion but "there's other things that come with that. All sorts of interesting things."

Yeah, where's is Paul Blackthorne?

Also, I don't know if anyone has already said it - been away from the forum for a while - but I think we're getting Amnesia! (TBC, not that I particularly want it, but I can't believe these writers wouldn't use it, and since they haven't till now..we're doomed sooner or later, haha).

3 hours ago, way2interested said:

And Richard Dragon for Oliver/Diggle and then I guess Vigilante for someone as well.

Who ìs Richard Dragon?

About the wedding thing, I thought they were joking - DR trolled a couple times before, ugh - but I'm not up to speed with the spoilers. So it's being considered true?

Edited by looptab

The wedding isn't confirmed.  I'm thinking that it's true though.  They could hold off for another season but GB likes to burn through storylines.

I think Lance is a definite asset to the show so I'm hoping he doesn't get killed.  They need him to make Rene tolerable.

3 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Yeah, James/Helix for Felicity/Curtis  BS for Dinah/Lance (or Thea?), Richard Dragon for Diggle/Oliver, Vigilante for Rene/Lance (or Thea?). If Vigilante is Pike, I could see that going to Lance/Rene. 

Also, totally possible that every person on the show will have their own individual nemesis and we haven't found out about some of them yet.

I think we started speculating about a bad for each Team Arrow member next season when we never saw what Cayden James looked like.  But I'll be surprised if all of the Team Arrow members get their own Bad because it's just going to be too crowded even if there is a mastermind overseeing it.  Curtis and Rene don't really need one of their own. I can see wanting Dinah vs BS but Curtis & Rene should remain on the B team.

I'd like Thea against am evil political mastermind but I doubt it will happen.

Do you think that MG and WB realized people like Thea when she's being mini-Moira rather than thinking "How awful!"?

Edited by statsgirl
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17 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

When have DR or SA ever trolled about stories?

Not Stephen, but I remember at a con before the end of S4 and after the break-up, DR was saying that O/F were getting back together before the end of the season. I don't know maybe there's a part of me that distrusts DR's comments on the matter simply because I'm sick and tired of people asking him Olicity questions and I assume he must be too, haha.

By the way, I wasn't saying I think they were definitely trolling. I meant that I thought what they said about a wedding were in the 'yeah, at some point in time sure' category rather than actual spoilers for S6.

Edited by looptab
4 minutes ago, tangerine95 said:

I think at a con before the final episodes of season 4 Charlotte Ross said they're getting back together and DR said they weren't.I remember because I chose to believe CR lol

Could be a different con? LOL It's not that I don't believe you, it's that I clearly remember it as well - I even brought it up one other time before, haha.

7 minutes ago, tangerine95 said:

I think at a con before the final episodes of season 4 Charlotte Ross said they're getting back together and DR said they weren't.I remember because I chose to believe CR lol

At COH2 a fan interpreted a wink from Charlotte as Oliver and Felicity getting back together. Meanwhile, David Ramsey strongly hinted (read: he kind of said it outright) that they weren't.

Edited by Soulfire
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9 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

So...PB isn't there. I'm now seriously considering that Lance might be dead. 

Gah I hope not, though I guess they could consider him the most expendable if they're determined to kill a regular but I'd have thought they'd want to get more juice from interactions with BS first. Could just be that PB has other commitments or isn't in the US/Canada at the moment since he's not in all the episodes but not dead (yet).

10 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

KC is telling people that Quentin and Laurel are gonna bond this season. So maybe not? Unless she talks about 15 minutes before he dies.

With her track record? BS/Lance bonding is probably coming right along with that Olicity + Laurel Love Triangle that everyone loved in S3. ?

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Stephen Amell has high hopes for Arrow Season 6, from a Supernatural crossover episode to a wedding for his character, Oliver, and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards).

While the former is incredibly unlikely, the latter might be a possibility if Felicity managed to make it off Lian Yu before it exploded into flames in the Season 5 finale. And let's be real, there's just no way she didn't. 

"If she's alive, I hope that they reconcile the involvement of William (Jack Moore) and then get married," Amell told TV Guide. "I mean, he proposed already. He's been sitting around. Waiting. So hopefully that happens."


I didn't post this in the SO thread since it's not technically a spoiler (yet), I guess.

  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, Proteus said:

Has anything been previewed about Thea for next season?

She was doing interviews, i think the problem is the reporters focus on getting the big actors/characters out first since that will get them the most hits. Thea's stuff will probably get lumped in with general S6 articles coming out over the next few weeks.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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4 hours ago, Chaser said:

If Lance does die, I can see BS taking him out. Meta.

Also, it would underline BS is a VILLIAN. And be motivation for DD to suit up.

That would seriously suck if they killed Lance, but it could also motivate Wild Dog since they're BFF's/his mentor. I'd laugh if BS turned out to be Rene's nemesis this season instead of DD's. 

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I think they just aren't giving up very much. I watched a roundtable with SA, and he didn't give anything that was a spoiler. He wouldn't even mention who he was talking to in some scenes, just like "I was speaking to a member of the team, and..." that kind of thing. The biggest thing he's talked about was Oliver as a dad and even that was pretty vague. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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Well I'm taking Stephen saying he "hopes" for a wedding as a spoiler for a wedding so I'm good on that front haha but yeah it'd be nice to hear some buzz.


I know the MTV interviewer said that it was ridiculously hard to get spoilers out of the cast. Stephen said he got in trouble for talking generally about season 6 on the Syfy show so maybe they've been told to keep it closer to the vest? *shrug*


If they aren't giving the interviewers good spoilers maybe the interviewers are just waiting till they do their write ups then tweet from the press room? Either that or the CW requested they didn't? 

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I think if they're not going to give out spoilers and everything will be all vague assuming they live kinda stuff,that's really dumb.Its basically a cliffhanger no one is taking seriously but it's stopping them from actually building up buzz and promoting the new season.

I like what SA said about olicity,I think it's pretty much confirming a wedding but I kinda also want to hear something more specific about them,its all very general the way they're talking about everything so far.

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I couldn't give a crap about the BC/BS stuff. I have no investment in William because that has been a plot point for 3 seasons so I just don't care. That and I'm kinda dreading scenes with that kid actor who I don't think is very good at all. And they're not teasing anything for my faves individually. Diggle sounds like he's finally getting a storyline again but I need more. It's boring.


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