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I'm honestly probably just going to be too happy they got married to complain whenever it happens lol

But I really do want them to get a lot of focus in the episode they get married in which is why I don't want the crossover wedding.It does have some positives like all their friends being there,the whole big event feel of the crossovers and the fact that those episodes get the most promo but I'd still prefer an episode where they wouldn't have to share screentime with characters from four shows.

I can see it happening in the midseason finale maybe,they're already talking about it so that makes me think its in 6A.I'd be okay with feb sweeps too,it would be nice if feb sweeps weren't horrible for olicity for a change.

Edited by tangerine95
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I'm team "they plan a proper wedding again but it gets interrupted by villains of the week/big bad so they elope instead." Haha. I really want to see Felicity in a better dress but I also think an elopement watched by their loved ones just works for them. Simple, no more messing around.

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3 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Haha. I really want to see Felicity in a better dress but I also think an elopement watched by their loved ones just works for them. Simple, no more messing around.

All of the wedding dresses across the Flarrowverse have been questionable, so I'm fine with her getting married in one of her Felicity dresses. (After she and Oliver have many productive discussions about their relationship and she starts Smoak Tech and Oliver establishes a good co-parenting relationship with Samantha that maintains respectful boundaries.) 

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Ooooh, a wedding. I love weddings. I was thinking, with Marc saying that there would be other effects/consequences to what happened on the island (something like that) I wonder if they'll just be like, you know what life is short, our lives are hectic and dangerous, let's just get married asap and have a small wedding. But I'd like it if their friends from the other shows were there too (I feel the same way with Barry and Iris, when they get married I want everyone to be there). But I think that SA said that they would take their relationship slow. So I'm confused they're talking so openly about a wedding this early.(I'm not up to date with Arrow spoilers though, I get most of my info when I pop into this thread from time to time ). 

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For some reason, I am not as excited as the rest of you guys for a wedding. I don't even know why. But I had just hoped that they'd have them be a power couple in the background for a bit after rushing the relationship in S4 and then after some solid time they could have had a small ceremony. After the way they screwed the relationship over, I am scared of them going there yet again. *goes into hiding*

Edited by Belinea
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I'm having a bad feeling we are going to get the Van Dyke in the first ep of S6. I only allow it if that monstrosity goes away by the end of the ep. Bonus points if a character points out how hideous it looks. 

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3 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I could see something happening to prevent Barry and Iris from being able to get married on their Save The Date and Olicity takes it over instead but I really, really don't want that to happen.

Personally, I think that would be really rude of Oliver and Felicity. Stealing someone else's wedding day is just tacky. 

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I cannot believe I woke up to wedding rumours!!!!


My preference is 620 but I'll take anything I can! I suppose he'll use the same ring though. Hehe it's nice to whinge about this stuff instead!

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1 hour ago, Belinea said:

For some reason, I am not as excited as the rest of you guys for a wedding. I don't even know why. But I had just hoped that they'd have them be a power couple in the background for a bit after rushing the relationship in S4 and then after some solid time they could have had a small ceremony. After the way they screwed the relationship over, I am scared of them going there yet again. *goes into hiding*

Excited is not the word I'd really use, haha, though I can't speak for anyone else! Obviously I want it to happen and I know I will be excited when it does, but I'd rather they left the wedding until later in the season (620 is my preference). Mainly because there's less time for them to mess things up afterwards. LOL. Plus I think it makes sense to take their time for a little while.

But yeah, mainly I just want them to be together and be that solid power couple in the background. I've never needed the show to focus on them a lot with engagement parties and all that stuff. Just let them be together and let's get on with the show. 

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16 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Excited is not the word I'd really use, haha, though I can't speak for anyone else!

I wouldn't say I am excited either, more like accepted it's going to happen. If I had my druthers, Oliver and Felicity would attend multiple couples counseling sessions and occasional ones with Mom and Myson (ugh) and then get married in like S8, but I also realize that pretty much no one but me wants to see that. Really neither of them should be getting married anytime soon. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

I do kind of think a big, white wedding has been sort of tainted because of 416 even though thy had no guests. ?

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They can be married and have cute couple scenes. And at this point, these two have been through so much and almost lost each other countless times that time is indeed of the essence. I think they're both at a good place emotionally so I'd love to see that. Also 6 season's in to the show, Oliver needs to be planning the next phase of his life. 

Edited by Cleanqueen
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5 hours ago, Angel12d said:

I'd like a wedding in 620 purely because I kinda like the 320, 520 almost tradition. Haha. But I'm at the point that I don't care when it happens just as long as it happens tbh. And I agree, if they're teasing it already it makes me think maybe it's in 6a. IDK.

If the odd year pattern follows, then I'd not expect much in 620 but 720 should be great!

5 hours ago, way2interested said:

At most I could picture them skipping the reengagement and having them just start out 601 engaged just to avoid having to write another proposal scene to try to rival 409, but that's it. If they were so set on showing their first date, their first time, their proposal, their "vows," etc. I doubt they would want to skip anything at this point.

I'm wondering now if 601 just has a re-proposal and that DR and SA are just bouncing off from there because of the plot point checklist method that the writers use, since that could fit SA's tease from before with the "please say yes" quote or him saying that Olicity fans would be happy with where s6 would be going. Or maybe everyone is all-in on skipping the drama between them that they just want them together foreva as soon as possible in 6a to push their relationship as support into the background.

Given that the last time we saw the ring, Felicity gave it back to Oliver and told him not to give it to her again, I'm still expecting payoff and have Felicity do the proposing this time around.  Have her ask for her ring back.  I don't want to miss that.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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I think it makes perfect sense for them to get married. They've been through hell and back, seen all sides of each other and yet still look at each other like the other person is a freaking unicorn jumping over a rainbow. There is nothing left to do but to get married and grow old with someone who makes you feel like that.

I even feel like they've done enough to establish it on the show. Oliver looked like he wanted thus sped up in 522 but was trying to be patient with Felicity's "one step at a time" and Felicity's whole "regret" speech in 523. Makes sense they'll go for it in S6.

No 620 dream wedding but still SQUEEEEEEEEEEE all the same. BRING ON THE HEART EYES!!!!!!!

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27 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Given that the last time we saw the ring, Felicity gave it back to Oliver and told him not to give it to her again, I'm still expecting payoff and have Felicity do the proposing this time around.  Have her ask for her ring back.  I don't want to miss that.  

I really don't want Felicity proposing. Maybe mention she'd be open to getting the ring again, but I don't want her asking for it. I want Oliver to make all the steps, because I still feel he didn't do enough after lying to her about Myson AND putting her through the "worst day" of her life with the fake wedding. 

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
To include quote marks because I was using Felicity's words to describe the fake wedding
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I can't imagine the fake wedding would still be the worst day of her life after what happened to Havenrock.

I don't really see Oliver proposing because post breakup, he has let Felicity set the pace and tone of their relationship. 

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11 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

I can't imagine the fake wedding would still be the worst day of her life after what happened to Havenrock.

Oh, I meant to put "worst day" in quotes, to borrow Felicity's words. But yeah, it's not her worst day after Havenrock (though you wouldn't know from how the show treated that story). 

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17 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I really don't want Felicity proposing. Maybe mention she'd be open to getting the ring again, but I don't want her asking for it. I want Oliver to make all the steps, because I still feel he didn't do enough after lying to her about Myson AND putting her through the worst day of her life with the fake wedding. 

I'm with you! I think Felicity has done more than enough at this point and Oliver needs to do way more going forward. I mean she basically asked him to ask her in 409 already. 

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At this stage, I predict Felicity saying "Oliver let's get married" as if it's something set in stone and bound to happen. It won't be a full out proposal but her mentioning it and then Oliver getting down on one knee and taking out the ring he carries everywhere with him.

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2 minutes ago, Cleanqueen said:

At this stage, I predict Felicity saying "Oliver let's get married" as if it's something set in stone and bound to happen. It won't be a full out proposal but her mentioning it and then Oliver getting down on one knee and taking out the ring he carries everywhere with him.

Yep, that's what I think too. I doubt we'll get a second full-on proposal. 

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4 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I think it should be a totally different ring or even skip the engagement ring and just do the Wedding Rings/Bands.

it's possible they'd go with a different ring but this ring has been through so much too at this point it's sentimental...LOL

Speaking of Wedding Bands, I am gonna lose it when we get the first image of Oliver and Felicity as husband and Wife. 

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They used these proposal tropes: 

Romantic dinner, ring in food proposal. (Sort of) 

Her finding the ring and saying "if you asked, I'd say yes", which, to me, is basically saying "let's get married."

Big, cheesy public proposal 

What's left? Drunken proposal/wedding in Vegas? Jumbotron proposal? She just puts the ring on? Ambush wedding (please no.)? 

Edited by leopardprint
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5 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

They used these proposal tropes: 

Romantic dinner, ring in food proposal. (Sort of) 

Her finding the ring and saying "if you asked, I'd say yes", which, to me, is basically saying "let's get married."

Big, cheesy public proposal 

What's left? Drunken proposal/wedding in Vegas? Jumbotron proposal? She just puts the ring on? Ambush wedding (please no.)? 

mid mission proposal. 

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3 minutes ago, Cleanqueen said:

mid mission proposal. 

After the fake wedding happened, I knew they weren't going to redo the traditional ceremony scenario so I figured this would be how Olicity would eventually get married-- proposal leading right to a wedding, possibly mid battle or post-battle

Edited by lemotomato
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18 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I think it should be a totally different ring or even skip the engagement ring and just do the Wedding Rings/Bands.

I remember SA telling a story about how engagement rings are unnecessary and proposals should be done with wedding bands, so maybe this is what's going to happen.

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19 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I think it should be a totally different ring or even skip the engagement ring and just do the Wedding Rings/Bands.

I don't feel like the ring itself is tainted.  It's not like he was cheating on her or didn't want to marry her.  That part of it was real, it's just he was a total dunderhead and until they figured out why, the wedding and relationship was off.  The ring was something Felicity loved and something that was personal from Oliver so I want her to have it back. 

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My feelings on the ring are complicated because while I would like to see Felicity get it back, I also always kind of hated that Oliver gave her his mother's ring. They at best strongly disliked each other so it always seemed weird to me.

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They can totally just get a new ring and have some speech about a fresh start. 

People get upgrade and recuts all the time.

In "Magic" they had him on one knee so I'm hoping he'll get on one knee again. But I agree she'll need to give him a big sign. Although they couldjust write him as having enough after losing her and getting on one knee again. 

Hehe some how I think I'm going to be pretty happy either way!

I was probably the only person who didn't mind him being pushy in 416. Oliver is rarely proactive in relationships so him trying to manipulate Felicity into marrying him and him actively running away from Laurel are two things that endear him to me. 

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4 hours ago, Hiveminder said:

Personally, I think that would be really rude of Oliver and Felicity. Stealing someone else's wedding day is just tacky. Not

Not on purpose.  I see it as for some reason Barry and Iris decide they're not going to marry right then, and Oliver or Felicity grabs the other and says "the minister is here, the guests are here, let's do it!"  so the surprise of the other.  It avoids having to re-do a formal wedding since the show has already done that.

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If they followed Greys Anatomy and had Barry and Iris say they want Oliver and Felicity to have their wedding day maybe, but otherwise I have to agree that I'm not personally a fan of co opting Barry's wedding mainly because I feel Olicity and more importantly ME deserve their own special day haha. 

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I don't want this wedding anywhere near the crossover!!!!

Is it going to be? Is that the threat?

I want it in the Arrow cocoon!!!! If I can't have a 620 wedding let me have an Arrow only wedding show. 

Heck I adore Ray and I'd give up a visit from him for an Arrow only wedding!

I'm normally all for a Ray visit/guest star. 

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I think at this stage all we have is hints from David and Stephen about there being a wedding and a comment about the crossover being a good episode from Stephen but apart from that there's no more concrete info.


Im guessing SDCC might be the Olicity wedding blitz promo which should make it a much more exciting con then last year which was a bit blah

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32 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Im guessing SDCC might be the Olicity wedding blitz promo which should make it a much more exciting con then last year which was a bit blah

Yeah, it was disappointing in terms of show info, but I liked all the cast interaction and antics so much I didn't even care. I just wish those OTA/Olicity photos we saw them take would finally get released. 

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4 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

I don't feel like the ring itself is tainted.  It's not like he was cheating on her or didn't want to marry her.  

I just think the act of giving the ring back taints it with all the reasons why they broke up. If the marriage goes through at a later date, it should be a clean start, new ring and everything. 

It's not a huge deal for me, I just think new start/clean slate is the way to go.

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1 hour ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I just think the act of giving the ring back taints it with all the reasons why they broke up. If the marriage goes through at a later date, it should be a clean start, new ring and everything. 

It's not a huge deal for me, I just think new start/clean slate is the way to go.

Bringing over to the relationship thread.  My reply got long and thinky.  :D

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10 hours ago, leopardprint said:

What's left? Drunken proposal/wedding in Vegas? Jumbotron proposal? She just puts the ring on? Ambush wedding (please no.)? 

The "Omg I'm so glad you didn't die in massive explosions on an evil island so please let's get married because losing you made me realize how much I love and want to marry you." trope? LOL.

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21 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

Ooh, guys, secret marriage trope? I mean I don't know why they would keep it a secret but they do lots of things that don't make sense. 

If it's a secret marriage then no one would know to target Felicity to get to Oliver/GA.  She'd have to "lose" the marriage licence record in the system and brain bleach anyone that might remember two years ago when they got engaged in front of cameras and stayed friends even after he killed her boyfriend, but otherwise you're good to go!  Now this would only really make sense if he gets outed as the GA.  And by "make sense" I mean, be absurdly ridiculous and completely out of character for Felicity to accept, but they'd have their excuse.  

In all honesty, I think we are safe from a secret marriage.  These are the writers that hated juggling Oliver's secret as the Arrow.  I don't think they'll add another secret to juggle.  But it would give them an excuse to have Olicity together but never at a Bed, Bath and Beyond.  

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7 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

I don't think it would make that much difference for an eventual big bad to kidnap Felicity the wife, or Felicity the woman Oliver loves and he is living with, LOL.

True, but this is the show that said Myson would be in danger if Felicity knew about him.

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-- Fan asked that, if he could pitch the ending of the show, what would it be. SA: "And as for the ending, I can't tell you because I have a very, very specific idea for what it is. And they're going to listen to me. So I can't spoil it. But I've told it to a couple of people and they hear it and they're like, 'yeah.' So you'll have to keep watching for like 6, 7 more years." (HVFF-Portland, Jun. 24, 2017: Video in WeAreSecondU tweet, Soulfire post, ShippingAcademy tweet and latinasmoak tweet, page 1545 of Spoiler Discussion thread)

Maybe not exactly a spoiler but per this comment, I guess SA intends to stick with Arrow for as long as possible.  

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4 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Maybe not exactly a spoiler but per this comment, I guess SA intends to stick with Arrow for as long as possible.  

I worry about EBR. She's younger so probably more likely to want to see what's out there.

Not that I know her from a bar of soap!

Let's hope she's like Matthew Gray Gubler from Criminal Minds who I've read is really attached to the cast and crew and all his friends on set which is why he doesn't leave the show.

Edited by Mellowyellow
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So you'll have to keep watching for like 6, 7 more years." 

OMG no. Seriously, if it was up to me I'd wrap the show up after s6, maybe s7 at a stretch. In the words of Felicity Smoak, "End this. Once and for all."

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