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From today's CBR interview with EK (posted in New Spoilers thread):


What can viewers expect from a Curtis and Evelyn reunion?
Her betrayal stings. Evelyn was someone they were very close with. They started on this journey with her, especially with new team 2.0. They all take it personally. Curtis and Evelyn have some unfinished business to attend to.

Maybe one of the finale match-ups will be Curtis v. Evelyn.... lol.

Edited by tv echo
1 minute ago, bijoux said:

I like it except for the fact that it cuts off just when Oliver is supposed to react to Felicity's no good, very bad news.

Oh, I'm prepared for the episode to cut that too. I'm expecting that right after that sneak peek, we get the title card, then next we see them, Felicity's in the wheelchair already, maybe the scene in the photos. 

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21 hours ago, lemotomato said:

To be fair, it's not like the new Big Bads gets to talk to the former Big Bads to figure out what went wrong. Slade was imprisoned on Lian Yu (and probably wouldn't admit he got beat by a woman anyway), Ra's died, DD died. Maybe if Merlyn spilled the beans about who's really the brains behind Team Arrow...

Reminds me of the awesome scene of Felicity being the Boss bitch that she is in Episode 312 I believe sitting in her chair while Diggle and Laurel are standing on both sides while Malcolm is talking directly to her lol

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I used to think the Vinnie/Dinah's "dead" cop lover = Vigilante theories were extremely far-fetched, but after that sudden Vinnie mention in tonight's episode, I'm starting to reconsider. I don't know if he will be Vigilante or just some other crazed meta, but I am fairly certain that we haven't seen the last of him, yet. 

Edited by strikera0
  • Love 6

I'm surprised to see Oliver in the GA suit next week. I honestly didn't expect it to happen until the finale. Both because of the storyline that he's working his way back to it and this photo that he posted on March 28, during filming of 522. They're obviously in the field since Dig is in his Spartan suit, yet Oliver is in black, as he has been since Chase tortured him.


How old is Oliver's son supposed to be? 6-7, right? He looked like way older to me. How can Chase find him so easily though. I mean, he had to find out that Oliver has a child and then he had to figure out where that child lives. So even if Oliver isn't down in the bunker, Chase could have still kidnapped the child while Oliver turns over every stone to find him. Will William now be without Samantha on the island until 5x23? Because I don't really need another episode that has Samantha finding out her kid is missing 2 episodes later.  

Edited by Belinea

No, it's the same kid, but he does seem to have grown and matured a lot since we last saw him. I'm sure it is because I was paying attention since I wasn't against him being recast with another kid who can act this time around. The only thing I can say about him is that he is actually an excellent casting looks wise for Oliver and Samantha's child IMO. Maybe if we only got to see him in still photos it would work better.

28 minutes ago, bijoux said:

No, it's the same kid, but he does seem to have grown and matured a lot since we last saw him. I'm sure it is because I was paying attention since I wasn't against him being recast with another kid who can act this time around. The only thing I can say about him is that he is actually an excellent casting looks wise for Oliver and Samantha's child IMO. Maybe if we only got to see him in still photos it would work better.

Well, maybe he's studied his craft some more since we last saw him.  (Crosses fingers)

In a way, I'm releaved.  When I thought they'd recast, I thought it a sign that he'd be a regular next season if they went to the trouble of finding a better actor.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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7 hours ago, bijoux said:

I'm surprised to see Oliver in the GA suit next week. I honestly didn't expect it to happen until the finale. Both because of the storyline that he's working his way back to it and this photo that he posted on March 28, during filming of 522. They're obviously in the field since Dig is in his Spartan suit, yet Oliver is in black, as he has been since Chase tortured him.

Good point, I thought he was going to stay out of the GA Suit until 523 at which point he'd realize who he is...Or whatever nonsense they recycled

  • Love 1

I'm wondering if Chase doesn't kidnap William but just has a creepy conversation with him that causes Samantha to reach out to Oliver in service to some other plan of Chase's. Maybe he needs Oliver to leave Star City for some reason. 

This plot line is already so stupid that I really can't believe that they would go even further and have Samantha wait 3 weeks until 523 to tell Oliver that the kid is gone? And Oliver must not know because why would he be off mayoring badly and attending Birthday parties while his dumb kid is missing? If it is the case that Samantha just doesn't say anything after neglecting to teach the kid stranger danger then she is a truly awful parent and Oliver should sue for custody. 

Edited by leopardprint
  • Love 2

That's a good point but now Oliver is still stupid since he and Felicity now know they are a target for Chase and did nothing. 

I guess since Samantha was with Thea, I got the feeling she was taken later but the kid wasn't seen filming on "island", right?

They really needed to let this plot line die especially if they have no interest in exploring domesticity, I see no point to re-introducing them.

Edited by leopardprint
10 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

I'm wondering if Chase doesn't kidnap William but just has a creepy conversation with him that causes Samantha to reach out to Oliver in service to some other plan of Chase's. Maybe he needs Oliver to leave Star City for some reason. 

I was actually wondering that as well. I can't imagine William being kidnapped and the gang still going ahead with a birthday party in 522.  So either he's kidnapped but returned before then (though that doesn't explain Samantha's presence on the island in the finale), or Chase is just messing with them for a few episodes. It's still RIDICULOUS that this is the second time a bad guy has threatened William, and Oliver's refusal to do anything about it puts the kid in danger.

  • Love 1

Yeah, it doesn't make sense. If Chase took both at 520 then why is Oliver having a BDay party (like nothing Happened) in 522?

If Chase Only took William why hasn't Samantha Contacted Oliver right away?

If Chase just talked to William and creeped him out, why doesn't 521 deal with Samantha calling Oliver about a creeper?

I wonder if Idiot!William doesn't tell Samantha about creepy guy who knew his daddy?

  • Love 2

I'm guessing since Chase said he's a friend of William's father last night, that rules out Samantha being his old GF? Or could that be a surprise they reveal in 523 when she ends up on the island with everyone?

And here's the thing. Even if Chase takes William now and he's MIA and Samantha says nothing to Oliver, assuming she's not taken at the same time (though, really, two episodes are going to pass before the big island finale, so plenty of time to contact him), somehow she still wouldn't be in the wrong somehow because that's how they write her. She can't be in the wrong because she's the mother of Oliver's son. *rolls eyes*

Maybe Chase just pulled a Slade-with-Laurel-in-S2 and is just going to tell William that his father's the GA and then leave, and then Samantha is taken for the finale? (William may or may not be taken too.) 

  • Love 1

Real talk, Arrow is already a pretty dumb but otherwise entertaining show and doesn't require any extra suspension of disbelief. This kid storyline just drags everyone involved into a tar pit of stupidity where they are made so dumb they can't exercise basic human logic. 


Maybe Chase just pulled a Slade-with-Laurel-in-S2 and is just going to tell William that his father's the GA and then leave, and then Samantha is taken for the finale? (William may or may not be taken too.)

Oh, this is an interesting comment, maybe the kid takes off to find Oliver or confronts Samantha who contacts Oliver. 

It's crazy because we are supposed to respect Samantha because she is the mother of Oliver's child but from what they have shown she isn't very good at it. 

Edited by leopardprint
  • Love 6

Honestly? If we have to deal with both Samantha and William in the finale, which we probably do, I hope that they include a "don't talk to strangers" talk to that kid from either his mother, having finally learned, or anyone. Really, anyone can just step up and go, "So, uh, William, it's time to sit down and explain stranger danger to you."

  • Love 2

True, but they still had a discussion about W/S being a target and did nothing? And Oliver knew Chase was looking for him? It's really just very poorly setup I guess. It basically requires Sam, Oliver, Felicity and William to all be stupid simultaneously. 

I think the Arrow people are so reluctant to show any violence against children, which imo is totally fine and I even support because people are very sensitive to those depictions, that they would rather write William as just blithely going off into danger. I think they could just mention it off screen, or have Chase approach the kid then they cut to a backback in the street or something.

Edited by leopardprint
  • Love 3
10 minutes ago, Cleanqueen said:

I mean they can be taken and held hostage for two episodes without Oliver really knowing. Because Chase decides to take everyone one by one and drag them to the island with the help of his other goons.

Yeah but Oliver thought Chase locked them in the lair to go after Willaim so it would be beyond dumb for him to forget about that..

  • Love 3

Basically these steps have to happen to setup this plot line:

1. Samantha doesn't put any extra measures in place for her child who has been kidnapped and whose father has a lot of enemies. 

2. She lets the previously kidnapped kid walk to/from the bus alone.

3. Doesn't tell kid to not talk to/wander off with strangers. 

4. Oliver doesn't do anything with the knowledge that the man who wants to utterly ruin his life is looking for his child. 

5. Oliver, who already knows this, and now Felicity determine that the kid is Chase's target and do nothing? 

It's a lot of disbelief to have to suspend for me. 

Edited by leopardprint
  • Love 2
7 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

Yeah but Oliver thought Chase locked them in the lair to go after Willaim so it would be beyond dumb for him to forget about that..

Oliver learned that fact 4 episodes ago and still didn't do shit. However I can see Oliver perhaps still thinking they're not in danger because he hasn't been notified yet and they still think Chase is in the wind.

26 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Maybe Chase just pulled a Slade-with-Laurel-in-S2 and is just going to tell William that his father's the GA and then leave, and then Samantha is taken for the finale? (William may or may not be taken too.) 

I like this theory! Although William has to factor in somehow next episode, right? Just judging my the title alone.

  • Love 1

Oliver and Felicity might have discussed the possibility of William being targeted, but when exactly would they have had time to do anything about it in this episode? Oliver was rushed to surgery, and Felicity needed to have her chip fixed. She didn't even have time to clean up when we last saw her. 

I'll wait to see how they'll address it in the next episode before lumping in Felicity with the dumbness of this storyline.

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, lemotomato said:

Oliver and Felicity might have discussed the possibility of William being targeted, but when exactly would they have had time to do anything about it in this episode? Oliver was rushed to surgery, and Felicity needed to have her chip fixed. She didn't even have time to clean up when we last saw her. 

I'll wait to see how they'll address it in the next episode before lumping in Felicity with the dumbness of this storyline.

But who was talking about this episode? We were wondering with them celebrating Oliver's birthday in ep 22 if the writers were going to set the issue aside until then.

  • Love 1
35 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

I'll wait to see how they'll address it in the next episode before lumping in Felicity with the dumbness of this storyline.

You're right, I'm being hasty in tossing Felicity in with Oliver's dumbassery who's been sitting on this info for weeks. Chase can reprogram vintage arcade games, Oliver, there's nothing he can't do! 

To me, it doesn't seem to make a lot of sense with the upcoming episode descriptions to take the kid now. 

Edited by leopardprint
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1 hour ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

But who was talking about this episode? We were wondering with them celebrating Oliver's birthday in ep 22 if the writers were going to set the issue aside until then.

Since episode 521 is called "Sins of the Fathers Honor thy Father", I'm assuming they're going to address the William situation then.

Edited by lemotomato
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48 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Oh, lordie, I'd forgotten about that. Hopefully they dispose of William quickly.

But it doesn't make sense for William to be taken now, and then happy times next week before they ramp up again and Samantha ends up on the island.

Yup..it would make more sense if she was there to get her kid back after she told the team he went missing..or they got kidnapped twice in two weeks. Or the week after her kid gets kidnapped she gets kidnapped and how stupid are those people again?

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