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But if they redeem BS, what's the point? I honestly don't think Tinah's going anywhere, not since they gave her the comic book name. If she was really just Tina and happened to have the metahuman cry, maybe. 

And what are they going to do if they do redeem BS? Send her back to her Earth? (Maybe they should. The Flash seems to have abandoned Earth-2 in favor of having Jesse go protect Earth-3.) Have her stick around and have two people on the team with the metahuman cry? Why? What would be the point? And what would they tell Star City? "Uh, so, this is Laurel's doppelganger from another Earth. She actually terrorized our city for a bit - and Central City the year before that - and destroyed that (horrible) statue we spent money on."

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On TV Line's Facebook Live, Matt Mitovich says he's dropping a BIG story at 3:30 EST and seemed to imply it might possibly be about Arrow? (They made a crack about Arrow right before he said it.) He also said that David Ramsey told him there's stuff coming up examining Diggle and Lyla's family life.

Edited by Trisha
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1 hour ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

The writers think she is a fan favorite but killed her off...LOL. 

she  is a fan favorite, yesssssssss,  sorry for you, katie cassidy is the best

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2 minutes ago, sara1121 said:

Hmm, so they hated KC so much that they brought her right back again as a series regular. LOL. 

I can't say anything that won't get me banned on the board. So believe what you want to believe.

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I'm confused as to why they would do this. Between 509 (when they used BS as a cliffhanger) and 510, they lost 250,000 viewers, which at the very least means her appearance didn't help the ratings. Plus, they've already added a new BC, with the name and the meta cry. 

Unless it's a limited number of episodes, like Willa?

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Will she be good or bad then?

Why would you fire someone to hire them back a year later? It is not like she is Oliver or Diggle in any capacity.

Edited by Belinea
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I just have to wonder how.

If they're going to redeem her (ugh), are they going to have her join the team? Never mind what happened in 510 and the fact that she tried to kill Felicity even after they tried to talk her down? Never mind the fact that BS will probably easily side with the enemy in a second if she feels her life is threatened? Are they going to have to carry around sonic dampeners to keep her in line?

If she's a recurring villain, how is that going to work without just getting repetitive? 

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Maybe she's the S6 villain? Also I like how the response to complaints about too many masks is have another mask! This actually also slightly lowers my certainty on Olicity.  

Edited by leopardprint
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1 hour ago, lemotomato said:

I can't say anything that won't get me banned on the board. So believe what you want to believe.

I don't particularly care about KC one way or the other. I'm not a fan of KC or Laurel at all, but don't really hate her character either. Just seems hard to believe that they would keep bring her back over and over and over again if they truly despised her. Or she has the best agent or the best blackmail material in the world. In which case - well done Katie's agent. It seems pointless to me to bring her back, but keep bringing her back they do.

Edited by sara1121
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Twist! This makes me wonder about all the behind the scenes issues we've heard about. I thought Black Siren was fun in her previous appearances so I'm willing to see how this plays out. Laurel was one of my favourites until season four so...we'll see how this goes!

Edited by manbearpig
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6 minutes ago, sara1121 said:

I don't particularly care about KC one way or the other. I'm not a fan of KC or Laurel at all, but don't really hate her character either. Just seems hard to believe that they would keep bring her back over and over and over again if they truly despised her. Or she has the best agent or the best blackmail material in the world. It seems pointless to me to bring her back, but keep bringing her back they do.

I think God put the¯\_(ツ)_/¯ emoji on this earth just so that we would have an appropriate response to Arrow "great" news. 

ETA: All this makes KC sound like a better villain than Black Siren. 

Edited by leopardprint
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Can't believe I'm coming out of stalking for THIS ........ How in the frack is she going to fit into the story line? And how is she going to play nice with her REPLACEMENT, will she even want to? I would not want to go back to a job where they got me out and replaced me AGAIN.


BTW, but does anyone know a good lawyer?? I'm in the wrong field .




Edited by fromfeartohope
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Another arc to get this chick into a costume. Can you endure it, future me?

Also curious about whether this means JH is out, or if they're gonna have E2 Laurel just be someone else (or have Dinah decide she wants her own name. SA's tweet made me think they're gonna have her be Black Canary again). 

Edited by apinknightmare
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Imo it's very clear why and how this happened so I can't even blame the EPs, I don't think it's their call at all. I honestly just feel bad for this show that no matter what they try they can't be rid of her lol

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2 minutes ago, tangerine95 said:

Imo it's very clear why and how this happened so I can't even blame the EPs, I don't think it's their call at all. I honestly just feel bad for this show that no matter what they try they can't be rid of her lol

I don't envy the EPs and writers having to put on a good faces at this news after all the shit they went through last spring summer. 

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I am already excited for Oliver trying to help 'Laurel' become his Laurel... I assume that will be just as wonderful as 5x10 teased. 

Oliver and Felicity need to have the hottest sex possible to call it even on the fan service this time around. 

There is so much I don't understand. 1) If you get fired, why would you want to come back? Why would you not try to get a job where you are appreciated? 2) If you fired someone, why can't you stick to it? 3) Can we get Moira back? I'd actually be excited about that 3) Why? 4) Will she take out her nose ring? 5) Why didn't they just keep Laurel then? 6) Isn't one canary enough on one show? 7) Can I call this fan service? 8) Even if she is the nicest person possible, why does the CW just not give her another show? 

Edited by Belinea
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Just now, Belinea said:

I am already excited for Oliver trying to help 'Laurel' become his Laurel... I assume that will be just as wonderful as 5x10 teased. 


You know they will do that. 

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14 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

Maybe she's the S6 villain?

Well, KC was at her best when she was playing BS, so I hope BS remains a villain in some capacity. I don't think she's menacing enough to be the main villain, but maybe one of their accomplices/henchmen? The thing that worries me is that the last episode that featured BS clearly set her up for a redemption arc. 

I'm not thrilled with the news (if anything, I'm totally confused why they just can't seem to let this actress go. It makes no sense ratings-wise, logic-wise, etc.), but it makes me more hopeful that they'll end the season with Olicity in a solid, endgame-y place so that they don't have to deal with another round of GA/BC speculation.

In any case, I'm guessing the woman who plays Dinah isn't feeling great about her job security today.

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6 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Another arc to get this chick into a costume. Can you endure it, future me?

Also curious about whether this means JH is out, or if they're gonna have E2 Laurel just be someone else (or have Dinah decide she wants her own name. SA's tweet made me think they're gonna have her be Black Canary again). 

What did SA tweet?

Wow. It's S2 all over again.

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Stephens Amell said he wanted a female villain but I thought they'd at least cast someone new. Eh, it's like he's been giving us clues all season lol. Hopefully, we won't see her too much like other regs.

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3 minutes ago, theOAfc said:

You know they will do that. 

Of course they will and he will fight about it with the team and Felicity. In the end, he will be right and they will be wrong... Maybe she will be part of a group of evil guys banding together and in the end she will turn on team because she saw the light or something.

I had hoped against hope that nobody has to suffer through KC's interviews or headcanons ever again. I mean she didn't watch this season so she has time to make something up.

Edited by Belinea
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WOW I honestly did not see that coming. I haven't watched a lot of television but has this ever happened on TV before?

And yeah, how can she be a villain, they can use the sonic dampener. I really think they might redeem her and Dinah is out of the picture. 

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Even if they redeem her and have her join the team next season ... I hope Curtis is working on some smaller sonic dampeners because the one he had in 510 was just a bit too big. Maybe pocket-size ones so they can all carry them with them? I just don't see how they could trust BS, even if her two episodes at the end of the season are her helping the team against Chase. Unless they're going to have her part of the Suicide Squad with a bomb in her neck to keep her in line? 

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Oh. My. God. 

29 minutes ago, sara1121 said:

I don't particularly care about KC one way or the other. I'm not a fan of KC or Laurel at all, but don't really hate her character either. Just seems hard to believe that they would keep bring her back over and over and over again if they truly despised her. Or she has the best agent or the best blackmail material in the world. In which case - well done Katie's agent. It seems pointless to me to bring her back, but keep bringing her back they do.

She'll never work on a Berlanti production again! Lol. I am truly shocked.

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