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Out there theory ?Oliver ends up having to marry Reporter so she can't testify against him.  MG did say the storyline wasn't going to play out the way the internet was expecting. He then used the phrase "for better, for worse."  He did say that but I am kidding about the conclusion I've jumped to.

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So Stephen basically repeated what he's been saying for a while now....the show isn't the comics and that they're telling their own story. I am now interested to actually read his response. 

And honestly if after the past 4 episodes anyone even thinks a Dinah/Oliver romance is happening than I don't know what to tell them. She's shared more scenes with Diggle than anyone at this point. 

Edited by Cleanqueen
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Just now, insomniadreams88 said:

Lyla's back in 519, right? 

Honestly? I don't think they'd break up Diggle/Lyla because it's the easiest way for them to have a stable relationship they rarely show. 

I think so, it lines up with when they started filming for 519.

Ha, I'm ultimately kidding because I think so too, but if I see one more reviewer/comment seriously mention Diggle and Dinah I'm going to throw something, not even thinking about what I would do if they actually went in that direction.

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45 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

Remember when people were speculating that Ray was gonna ask Felicity to marry him during s3. 

I missed out on that.  If it wasn't clear I don't think anyone is getting married in S5, definitely not to the reporter.

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If they kill Lyla, Diggle is left as a single father to JJ and can't hang out with the Team.  I'm holding on to that.

4 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

Yeah, I expect Thea's going to try to right that wrong. 

I really hope Thea doesn't back track on what she did to Susan.  The idea that her career was destroyed is histrionic (in the clinical sense) and at this point I think she deserved it. She's still lying to Oliver because if she were working on a Bratva story, she would be more concerned about it than about whether he's the Green Arrow.

SA said that Susan isn't going to be like Isabel and at this point, I agree, she's much worse  In season 2 Oliver had an excuse because Isabel was a ONS and he was in over his head as CEO of QC.  What's his excuse now?  He was the one who wanted to run for mayor, and he's in a long(er) term relationship with her.

4 hours ago, Chaser said:

Reporter seems to be the one storyline every agrees is terrible.

Both present and future.  Only some male journos seem to like her.  Plus the longer Oliver is with her, the stupider he gets.

3 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

I think the only way to not have her be a shitty reporter (in the dumping the story for penis way, and not dating her subject for a story way), and for Oliver to not look like a complete and utter moron regarding her is to agree to an exclusive to out himself. That way she actually doesn't drop her story because feelings, and he's a willing participant at that point in what she's writing (even though it didn't start out that way).

But he will still look like even a bigger moron to me because he's agreeing to out himself to save her.  I know this show likes to reverse itself from season premier to season finale but to go from killing a man because "no one can know my secret" to having everyone know his secret, and Diggle's and Dinah's and Rene's and Curtis' and Felicity's, in order to redeem Susan who very few viewers care about and even less like  ... words fail me.

1 hour ago, lemotomato said:

I think episode 14 was written before reporter showed up onscreen, though. If they already had plans for the relationship arc, I'm not sure they had time to throw it out and restructure her role.

We know that MG was writing 513 around the time of the election in early November because WM said he changed things when Trump won.  That argues they're writing about 2 months ahead of airing at this time of year.  Susan would have been on-screen about at least three or four times by the time they had finished writing episode 14.

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

But he will still look like even a bigger moron to me because he's agreeing to out himself to save her.  I know this show likes to reverse itself from season premier to season finale but to go from killing a man because "no one can know my secret" to having everyone know his secret, and Diggle's and Dinah's and Rene's and Curtis' and Felicity's, in order to redeem Susan who very few viewers care about and even less like  ... words fail me.

I don't think he'd be doing it to save Susan. 

I mean, he just basically outed himself to the cops, so...he really doesn't seem to care at all anymore at this point. And if he's at a point where she knows and she's going to expose him anyway, why not do it on his terms? Plus, at this point there could be something that pushes him to do it that we don't know about yet.

There's a reason why those scenes with Pike happened though - and that's to get Green Arrow off the hook for Billy's murder. Could just be to get them to stop coming after him and Oliver never winds up outing himself. Maybe Susan does fall victim to his magic penis (although why she would at this point - after they had that falling out over it and he's aware of what she's doing - I have no idea). I think it was likely to set up Oliver revealing he's Green Arrow - whether he reveals it to her or just has a press conference on his own.

Edited by apinknightmare
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2 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I really hope Thea doesn't back track on what she did to Susan.  The idea that her career was destroyed is histrionic (in the clinical sense) and at this point I think she deserved it. She's still lying to Oliver because if she were working on a Bratva story, she would be more concerned about it than about whether he's the Green Arrow.

But he will still look like even a bigger moron to me because he's agreeing to out himself to save her.  I know this show likes to reverse itself from season premier to season finale but to go from killing a man because "no one can know my secret" to having everyone know his secret, and Diggle's and Dinah's and Rene's and Curtis' and Felicity's, in order to redeem Susan who very few viewers care about and even less like  ... words fail me.

The thing is, if Thea backtracks, what's going to stop Susan from writing her story? She already told Oliver she would have if she hadn't been fired. Thea gets her her job back, what, because she's a "good person," they can just trust her to keep quiet what she knows? Nope. She'd be even more likely to do something, whether it's expose Oliver or Thea for getting her fired. The best thing Oliver can do? Hope Susan skips town and keeps quiet? (Unfortunately, not happening right now.) Maybe wish he could have Barry run back in time so he never got involved with her? Have Barry run back in time so he can eliminate all photographic proof of him not on the island?

Right now, it doesn't seem like Oliver's even thinking about the others when it comes to any concern about him being GA getting out. To me, it seems like he's all, "This is all my secret. I can decide what happens and who knows." 

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4 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Right now, it doesn't seem like Oliver's even thinking about the others when it comes to any concern about him being GA getting out. To me, it seems like he's all, "This is all my secret. I can decide what happens and who knows." 

(Whispers: He brought his nasty lying gold-digging one-night-stand right on into the lair while his teammates were there without so much as a by your leave.)

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5 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

The thing is, if Thea backtracks, what's going to stop Susan from writing her story?

If she gets her job back, I'd say that she doesn't publish or broadcast her story yet because it's incomplete. She can't prove Oliver's the Green Arrow - she can accuse him of it, but been there, done that. Without proof, it's just gossip. Add to that - the story just got even more interesting because the guy she thinks is Green Arrow is getting impeached for covering up a murder that he committed. 

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If she gets her job back, I'd say that she doesn't publish or broadcast her story yet because it's incomplete.

I agree, or rather that's the reason the show will give.  But if she were a real journalist and she saw Oliver was getting impeached, I think she'd reveal what she's go so as not to be scooped.  As proof, she's got those pictures of him in Russia, and she's got the Bratva captain tattoo.  That's enough to make her name in today's internet world.

23 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

The best thing Oliver can do? Hope Susan skips town and keeps quiet? (Unfortunately, not happening right now.) Maybe wish he could have Barry run back in time so he never got involved with her? Have Barry run back in time so he can eliminate all photographic proof of him not on the island?

Right now, it doesn't seem like Oliver's even thinking about the others when it comes to any concern about him being GA getting out. To me, it seems like he's all, "This is all my secret. I can decide what happens and who knows." 

As we keep saying, the longer Oliver is involved with Susan, the more moronic he appears.

This is not a man who shoudl be making decisions for a team of secret vigilantes.

Edited by statsgirl
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8 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

You say that like it's something we want to happen. *side eye*

Yeah, I'm with you. He's a brainless parent who sends his child to her room when his house has been ransacked instead of getting her the hell out of there, and who's unemployed and doesn't know what a "safe environment" is for children.

Sure, add more kids to that situation.

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2 hours ago, way2interested said:

At least if it's by plane maybe they'll remember to finally show us how Oliver learned to fly a plane.

In a Huntress episode they recounted the story of Oliver trying to land a helicopter at a tennis match. It sounded like they were teenagers when that happened. We also know that his father was a pilot. So, I always assumed he learned to fly growing up.

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14 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

You say that like it's something we want to happen. *side eye*

what? Did I get the wrong memo, I thought we all wanted Dinah and WD to be the new main couple on Arrow. WildCanary sounds like a magical couple. 

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6 minutes ago, finnaire said:

In a Huntress episode they recounted the story of Oliver trying to land a helicopter at a tennis match. It sounded like they were teenagers when that happened. We also know that his father was a pilot. So, I always assumed he learned to fly growing up.

I mean, according to a pilot friend and the internet flying a helicopter isn't the same as flying a plane (plane is harder), and they left the question up in the air when Felicity asked Oliver how could he have learned how to fly a plane since he was on an island for 5 years in 223, so I assumed that was something they would get back to in the flashbacks.

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5 hours ago, tangerine95 said:

I'll never understand them pushing this reporter storyline through 2 sweeps periods. There was zero excitement for that, it might actually be the one relationship of Oliver's that no one seems to like and it's pretty much hated all around.Whatever the whole storyline turns out to be imo it won't be worth it that they wasted time on this character, her boring investigation or her gross relationship with Oliver. 

Maybe they overestimated Carly Pope's Popular-ity?

If Arrow has never been beholden to the comics, then what's with this season's party line about how we can't have a Green Arrow show without a Black Canary?

Someone upthread asked about 520/Felicity/Malone's death. Here's what WM said: "The grieving is not going to stop. We're going to be feeling the repercussions of what happened with Malone at lea[st] through episode 520." (Jan. 25, 2017 ScreenerTV article, page 52 of Spoilers thread)

Edited by tv echo
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One way or another, I think Oliver is outed as the Green Arrow. I think having Pike notice GA and Oliver making the same statement is foreshadowing that the secret gets out.  I also think Oliver Queen could die at the end of the season.

Oliver can either give Susan her story as recompense or Susan proves her shifty ways and manages to out him. Either way I can see him then faking his death so that he can carry on as GA.

It matches up nicely to the first episode where he came back from the dead.

Edited by finnaire
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3 minutes ago, tv echo said:

If Arrow has never been beholden to the comics, then what's with this season's party line about how we can't have a Green Arrow show without a Black Canary?

Justification about a controversial story choice that was forced upon them?

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Despite what tptb have said about how DCComics not interfering much and letting them do what they want, I think it has been very clear all along that DCComics has stuck their fingers in the pot and meddled and forced them to change plans often. 

It's why Suicide Squad was changed.

Its why Felicity's code name was changed.

Its why Ted Kord became Ray Palmer.

Ita why I think they've left crumbs for some plots and then dropped them. 

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36 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Someone upthread asked about 520/Felicity/Malone's death. Here's what WM said: "The grieving is not going to stop. We're going to be feeling the repercussions of what happened with Malone at lea[st] through episode 520." (Jan. 25, 2017 ScreenerTV article, page 52 of Spoilers thread)

Thanks for the clarification.

Grieving? Who's grieving?  No one seems to remember Felicity was in a relationship with him and all I get from Oliver is guilt.  Poor Billy.  I guess the ACU going after the Green Arrow counts as a repercussion.

32 minutes ago, finnaire said:

One way or another, I think Oliver is outed as the Green Arrow. I think having Pike notice GA and Oliver making the same statement is foreshadowing that the secret gets out.  I also think Oliver Queen could die at the end of the season.

Oliver can either give Susan her story as recompense or Susan proves her shifty ways and manages to out him. Either way I can see him then faking his death so that he can carry on as GA.

It matches up nicely to the first episode where he came back from the dead.

It does match up but how would it work?  Oliver Queen is outed as the GA and then he does and a third Arrow appears?  How would Oliver live after that?  He'd either have to be in hiding or have plastic surgery.  The latter might be an option if SA leaves the show after his contract is up but the ratings suggest it will be done when he is.

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

I agree, or rather that's the reason the show will give.  But if she were a real journalist and she saw Oliver was getting impeached, I think she'd reveal what she's go so as not to be scooped.  As proof, she's got those pictures of him in Russia, and she's got the Bratva captain tattoo.  That's enough to make her name in today's internet world.

Which, dear reader/viewer, I got to see up close and personal.


Sounds professional.

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1 hour ago, tv echo said:

If Arrow has never been beholden to the comics, then what's with this season's party line about how we can't have a Green Arrow show without a Black Canary?

They can't say "Time Warner's board of directors want DC Comics IPs that have potential to be developed in movies, videogames, and merchandise to be featured on our show."

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5 hours ago, Trisha said:

In that EW Spoiler Room article, they link to their latest Superhero Radio podcast. If you FF to the end, Natalie Abrams says that she'll post part two of her SA interview next week but when she asked him about Oliver and Dinah, his take seemed to be that we expect that because of the comics but Arrow has never been beholden to the comics. So that's nice! 

Fast-forward to around the 49 min mark:

Huh I really thought Stephen would go a little vague and at least throw in a "we will see what happens" but he seems to have gone with his standard "stop asking me bitches it's never going to happen" response haha.

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2 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Huh I really thought Stephen would go a little vague and at least throw in a "we will see what happens" but he seems to have gone with his standard "stop asking me bitches it's never going to happen" response haha.

Although whenever SA says "it's never going to happen" it usually ends up happening. Not saying that it will, it's just that the dude's track record with "nope never ever" isn't too good. 

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1 minute ago, Chaser said:

Can you refresh memory with his other "nevers"? 

I know there are some, I just can't remember them.

There was the Van Dyke and I'm sure there is something else? Maybe something with metas? 

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3 minutes ago, HighHopes said:

Although whenever SA says "it's never going to happen" it usually ends up happening. Not saying that it will, it's just that the dude's track record with "nope never ever" isn't too good. 

Well he's been right every time they've asked him the GA/BC foreva question so I'm happy with those odds :)

I think both Marc saying people have the wrong impression re Tinah romance and calling the sides fake a bazillion times (or three times) and Stephen using the standard it's not the comics response when he could have said something a little more teas-y and the show barely spending  much serious time on Dinah and giving no real emotional development and bonding to Oliver/Dinah plus the series low ratings; all that makes me think the odds of Oliver/Dinah or a triangle next season are getting lower and lower by the day.

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5 hours ago, Chaser said:

He's going to take Felicity back with him. 

Dont tell me otherwise. 

Knowing these writers he'll go with Dinah or Susan I'd love for it to be Felicity and they wind up having island sexy times 

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32 minutes ago, jay741982 said:

Knowing these writers he'll go with Dinah or Susan I'd love for it to be Felicity and they wind up having island sexy times 

Thanks for putting this idea in my head now. I wanted him to take her back to the Island last year and tell her about his time there so he could open up more. And now I want Island sexy times. 

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1 hour ago, jay741982 said:

Knowing these writers he'll go with Dinah or Susan I'd love for it to be Felicity and they wind up having island sexy times 

If he takes Susan and leaves her there, I'd be fine with that. (He can give her a farewell nod from the plane. No goodbye on the beach or anything like that.) That's one way to keep her from exposing what she knows. See, Oliver, it could have been worse. Thea could have done that, not just discredit her as a reporter. 

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1 hour ago, Cleanqueen said:

Thanks for putting this idea in my head now. I wanted him to take her back to the Island last year and tell her about his time there so he could open up more. And now I want Island sexy times. 

Hey I wanted the same last year. 

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2 hours ago, HighHopes said:

Although whenever SA says "it's never going to happen" it usually ends up happening. Not saying that it will, it's just that the dude's track record with "nope never ever" isn't too good. 

I know this is about SA, but in trying to think of his other "never"s, I randomly remembered his comment about how later on in s1 he asked MG/AK/GB if Oliver was ever going to sleep with Felicity and they very seriously told him "never," so maybe they're not all bad?

Edited by way2interested
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3 minutes ago, way2interested said:

I know this is about SA, but in trying to think of his other "never"s, I randomly remembered his comment about how later on in s1 he asked MG/AK/GB if Oliver was ever going to sleep with Felicity and they very seriously told him "never," so maybe they're not all bad?

Really? That's the first I'm hearing this. Was this at a con?

38 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Wasn't Marc talking about Oliver going back to Lian Yu in the flashbacks, not present time?

Yeah, but I feel like Oliver's probably due for a trip back in present time, if not this season then next. 

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Just now, insomniadreams88 said:

Really? That's the first I'm hearing this. Was this at a con?

You caught me up the creek without a paddle. I just remember it was some time during s4 because he was talking about how far Oliver and Felicity's relationship ended up going and was joking about it comparing to how they didn't think Felicity's character was going to go as far as she did.

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