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Maybe she objects to the situation with Diggle, Lyla and Oliver because it might require her to make a decision similar to the one that resulted in the Havenrock tragedy.  Am I expecting this arc to be written well? No. Storytelling is not this show 's strength.  Look at how they write Oliver. He regresses more than progresses. She is getting an arc. Would beating up random guys work better? How about abusing drugs or alcohol? Sobbing in her pillow every night? That would certainly change people's minds about her.  If she fails at running the team I would be more concerned that whatever new thing she does in 5B would be outside the team. If her story is outside the team we are looking at reduced screen time which doesn't work for me.

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I'm guessing her guilt over Havenrock causes her to hesitate to act. This will probably lead to some sort of confrontation with Ragman and serve as the breaking point. If her stuff is played out in 503-505 then 504 has to be the breaking point which leads to rebuilding in 505.

Of course BFS mentioned that she's still dealing with Havenrock in 512 (i think) so it's possible that it's all tied together.  Maybe whatever happens in 503-505 feeds into her 5B storyline.  I'm still unsure as to what her 5B storyline might be.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Olivers back to being a-okay with killing. That kind of environment, instead of Felicity repeating 3x10 she may make a decision to kill some of the minions. It could shake her real. She questions how she got there and what kind of person could do that (WM referenced this). 

It leads to her breakdown in 5x05, she gets a better understanding of Oliver and prompts Oliver to wonder if he's gone too far.

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I had considered that she might go in the other direction and be too willing to kill. However, i dropped it because i figured that was too close to Thea's storyline.  Of course with this show, that doesn’t really rule it out.

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I hadn't thought of that. Sadly it already is close Thea's storyline. 

I think they could avoid it if Felicity doesn't walk away from the Team (I doubt they are repeating that storyline). It could make a nice parallel. Thea deals by running and Felicity deals within the Team. 

Im not a fan of the hesitate storyline because I feel like that has been done before and they may be heading in that direction with Dig. In fact I wonder if that is the reason Oliver and Lyla are helping Diggle with this special mission. I don't know why Felicity would have a problem with that tho.

BFS said that they set up something 5x02 that is still paying dividends in 5x12.I'm not sure he said it was Havenrock specifically. 

WM said half a season for Havenrock and MG said first 5 episodes.

Edited by Chaser
S5 S5 S5. Also reread what was said about Havenrock.
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1 hour ago, Chaser said:

BFS said that they set up something 3x02 that is still paying dividends in 3x12. I'm not sure he said it was Havenrock specifically. I thought WM or MG said that Havenrock will be dealt with in the first 5 episodes.

Ah, ok. I guess i just assumed it was Havenrock related but you're right he could mean something else. We shall see soon enough, hopefully we can figure it out once the episode airs

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I'm laughing so hard about those wedding spoilers (my abs are rock hard, thank you Arrow). I cannot wait to be #blessed with some kind of Laurel/Oliver ~alternate universe~ wedding. I need to check the airing date to be sure to have a drinking game ready! 

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10 minutes ago, RussianRoulette said:

I'm laughing so hard about those wedding spoilers (my abs are rock hard, thank you Arrow). I cannot wait to be #blessed with some kind of Laurel/Oliver ~alternate universe~ wedding. I need to check the airing date to be sure to have a drinking game ready! 

Those wedding spoilers aren't real. Fandom was getting trolled. At least according to the paps that have been right about Arrow spoilers for the past 4 years

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2 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Those wedding spoilers aren't real. Fandom was getting trolled. At least according to the paps that have been right about Arrow spoilers for the past 4 years

Ah makes sense.

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So in the Felicity hesitates sending out the newbies scenario the baby vigilantes represent Havenrock, Star City represents Monument Point, and Tobias Church & friends represent the nuclear missiles.  Is that correct or am I now overthinking?   5.02 & 5.03 could show just how green the newbies are.  Or is it that she's just cracking which is resulting in such behavior?  I was thinking more the disagreeing with Oliver & Lyla because they are more whatever it takes to get the job done via the Amanda Waller school of thought.   

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1 hour ago, tarotx said:

Do you think Oliver is going to realize that life is fake when he sees Laurel as his Bride? He'll probably get flashbacks to Felicity in her wedding dress. 

If the show ever did do a fantasy Oliver/Laurel wedding (and I wouldn't put it past them) the one thing I would not expect is Oliver flashing to Felicity in the middle of it only because something like that would be IMO set up to be a fantasy scenario and nothing would spoil that fantasy more than showing him thinking of Felicity instead.  THINKING it or even saying something would make IMO perfect sense but if they SHOWED it, it would ruin the fun of the video makers and honestly, that's why I think the show would even go there in the first place, lol.  The show runners would probably think it would balance things out, having done a fake wedding for each.

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2 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

If the show ever did do a fantasy Oliver/Laurel wedding (and I wouldn't put it past them) the one thing I would not expect is Oliver flashing to Felicity in the middle of it only because something like that would be IMO set up to be a fantasy scenario and nothing would spoil that fantasy more than showing him thinking of Felicity instead.  THINKING it or even saying something would make IMO perfect sense but if they SHOWED it, it would ruin the fun of the video makers and honestly, that's why I think the show would even go there in the first place, lol.  The show runners would probably think it would balance things out, having done a fake wedding for each.


I was thinking Oliver isn't in a fantasy senario in 5.8. He is placed in one to keep him from being the Green Arrow who can damage the invaders. He is going to have to leave this alternate universe to be the Green Arrow again. Flashes to Felicity would fit with how they show the Olicity relationship. Oliver thought of her when he "died" and her breaking up with him is one of his bad memories that the dark magic used to fight off Oliver's White magic.  It fits.

But the whole wedding seems to be someone trolling the fandom anyway.

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...maybe the alien invaders use a plant on Oliver like in Supergirl, where the Kryptonians attached a parasitic plant "black mercy" on Kara to trap her mind in a fantasy world that she couldn't escape until she rejected that reality...or the aliens can attach the plant on Thea and put her in a fantasy world where Oliver never went on the Gambit and she had her happy family with Laurel around.  Geek squad uses a device to bring Oliver into Thea's fantasy world to try to convince her to leave - that's why we get the line Thea we can't stay here...

Edited by ComicFan777
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42 minutes ago, tarotx said:

But the whole wedding seems to be someone trolling the fandom anyway.

If that is what is happening, can't wait for those stills to be released. For all this hype, this damn 4 way crossover better be amazeballs.

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Well, if there is some Laurel/Oliver interaction (in whatever way,) at least I have Steve's inability to act with KC to look forward to. Oh Arrow, you always manage to fail to meet my lowered expectations. 

PS - If there is some sort of wedding stuff between Laurel/Oliver - THIS IS NOT WHAT I ASKED FOR WHEN I SAID I WANTED A WHAT IF EPISODE.

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Can you imagine the writers telling SA they wrote a wedding for Oliver and Laurel?

"But but but ... I wrote sex scenes for Olicity! Here is one with towels and this one has vodka."

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5 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

Well, if there is some Laurel/Oliver interaction (in whatever way,) at least I have Steve's inability to act with KC to look forward to. Oh Arrow, you always manage to fail to meet my lowered expectations. 

PS - If there is some sort of wedding stuff between Laurel/Oliver - THIS IS NOT WHAT I ASKED FOR WHEN I SAID I WANTED A WHAT IF EPISODE.

Dude, you know if they go for it, it will end in complete and utter disaster. I don't think I'd mind, even though I'd prefer the time to be spent on something else. 

I think I'm going to start looking only at episode synopses and stills. Everything else is becoming tiresome to be frank.

2 minutes ago, Chaser said:


Can you imagine the writers telling SA they wrote a wedding for Oliver and Laurel?

"But but but ... I wrote sex scenes for Olicity! Here is one with towels and this one has vodka."

Don't forget the cat.

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1 hour ago, Chaser said:


Can you imagine the writers telling SA they wrote a wedding for Oliver and Laurel?

"But but but ... I wrote sex scenes for Olicity! Here is one with towels and this one has vodka."

You forgot about the cat that had to be taken out of the room :P

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I like Carly Pope, dear Arrow writers please don't make me hate her by 1)making her Isabel 2.0 2)making her a love interest for Oliver. I know Carly is in her late 30's and CW shuns on older females dating their male protagonists, so I hope their shallow aspirations do benefit me in this case. 

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3 minutes ago, Cleanqueen said:

I like Carly Pope, dear Arrow writers please don't make me hate her by 1)making her Isabel 2.0 2)making her a love interest for Oliver. I know Carly is in her late 30's and CW shuns on older females dating their male protagonists, so I hope their shallow aspirations do benefit me in this case. 

Hah! This is my thought exactly. I did love CP as Sam McPherson back on Popular. (see also: Trapped in a Purple Haze) Don't make me have to skip her scenes, Show!

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43 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Guggenheim should be posting the title page for the midseason finale soon, right? I hope someone decent directs that one.

Probably going to be Antonio Negret, he's listed on IMDv and tweeted that he was headed back to Vancouver a couple of weeks ago

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23 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

Hah! This is my thought exactly. I did love CP as Sam McPherson back on Popular. (see also: Trapped in a Purple Haze) Don't make me have to skip her scenes, Show!

YES...I still watch popular re-runs from time to time. I also did like her appearance in suits although I haven't caught up with all the episodes yet. I find it odd that she only follows the production office on twitter though and she seems to be pretty active.

16 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Probably going to be Antonio Negret, he's listed on IMDv and tweeted that he was headed back to Vancouver a couple of weeks ago

All signs point to him, I'd like an official confirmation before celebrating. 

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Im seriously dying to know what kind of pull KC has with the Arrow team. 

Takes the official account less than an hour to retweet that on a Friday night. The Fanart Friday focus from the writers, which actually made me laugh because it's always the same person's fan-art. I've come to the conclusion that is probably Chico's other account. 

Lol One of these days I will not have a bitter reaction to KC. Today is not that day. 

Edited by Chaser
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20 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Im seriously dying to know what kind of pull KC has with the Arrow team. 

Takes the official account less than an hour to retweet that on a Friday night. The Fanart Friday focus from the writers, which actually made me laugh because it's always the same person's fan-art. I've come to the conclusion that is probably Chico's other account. 

Lol One of these days I will not have a bitter reaction to KC. Today is not that day. 

If you believe the blind items about her it would be a lot of pull with a lot of higher ups.

Anyway, they can do better. They act like she's some sort of high caliber actress who has won a bunch of prestigious awards with the way they talk about her. 

Not to compare but Emily Bett has actually been in a critically acclaimed, Oscar nominated movie for being a "newbie." You'd think Arrow would use that to their advantage. But we have damn Chico. KC who likes to asskiss but we have proof she could care less about this show. It's all so gross to me. Some will say I'm going overboard but, this shit is fishy. Look how long it took us to get an OTA photo.

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EBR was at the Arrow table read for episode 508, so I think it's safe to say that she's in the Arrow part of the crossover episodes. I have no idea if she's also crossing over to Flash and/or Legends of Tomorrow.

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Felicity is in the episode. Per one of the Paps, Felicity isn't filming at all at the Manison and that's where they are filming tonight. It kind of makes sense to me because I think Oliver and Thea are the only ones going to this alter world. 

I am concerned that Diggle and Felicity won't get much in 5x08. They made a big deal about hitting their 50th and they focused on the original cast. Oliver, Tommy, Laurel, Lance, Thea. Diggle and Felicity only got nods. They called that one a love letter to the fans too. 

For the record, I still think KC only has a cameo appearance. I just don't want Diggle and EBR to get shafted with the Queen parents back.

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They're not covering up wedding attire in that photo, are they? KC's top looks white and possibly strapless . . .

Remember the speculation about EBR's fancy makeup and sparkly top toward the end of S3?  Yeah, that's just how Felcity dresses for an epic showdown with the LoA! :-)

(Serisouly though, have the 508-ish wedding rumors been debunked?)

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20 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Well we've seen one BTS picture with Felicity, Sara, Supergirl and Iris (I think?) so she's probably working somewhere else. 

I may be a tiny bit excited to get an EBR/MB scene. Felicity and Kara geeking out while Sara possibly broods in the background? Now I want this! Why am I setting myself up for disappointment?

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24 minutes ago, EmeraldArcher said:

They're not covering up wedding attire in that photo, are they? KC's top looks white and possibly strapless . . .

Remember the speculation about EBR's fancy makeup and sparkly top toward the end of S3?  Yeah, that's just how Felcity dresses for an epic showdown with the LoA! :-)

(Serisouly though, have the 508-ish wedding rumors been debunked?)

The Pap said there was no actual wedding and that was just a troll for Olicity fans.

I did have the same thought about her attire and him being all zipped up. I wondered if he meant that it wasn't a real wedding because it took place in this other world. 

A couple things about the spec its Oliver and Laurel, if it's his dream why in the world would he be getting married to Laurel? If they are transported to another world, why would he be getting married to Laurel (I don't think there are two Olivers in this reality)? I can't see any storyline that makes sense. 

I have a very hard time believing they would do a mock Oliver and Laurel wedding for the 100th. I can't even grasp the concept. 

MG did say in his Facebook live thing that they were finding ways to represent characters, even if they couldn't get the actor. The only wedding thing that makes sense to me is Laurel and Tommy getting married. It fits the dream world in the sense that Oliver would want to see them alive and happy. It could also fit a reality that Oliver died instead of Robert. 

Edited by Chaser
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CL posted photos with KC. It looks like they are at the Mansion set. They are both dressed up in black tie. It looks like the photo with SA was before hair and makeup. No white dress. 

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2 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Well we've seen one BTS picture with Felicity, Sara, Supergirl and Iris (I think?) so she's probably working somewhere else. 

I honestly don't remember a pic of this, but one of Felicity, Sara, Iris and Thea. I really tried to squash hopes that there'd be an actual scene with two not masked women and two without superpowers. I'm sure they'll just be standing in the same scene, though.

As for EBR's presence in the episode, there is also the OTA pic SA posted.

Also, this is the first pic of KC on the set and it's the last day of principal filming. Doesn't have to be that it's her only day, but if there are worries about EBR not being there, the same logic should apply to KC.

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