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My money is on Sin being the serious casualty - and perhaps Felicity is reacting to Sara's reaction (which I can just imagine would be gut wrenching to witness). 


Lots of old clips but also some new ones, too - such as a bit more with Diggle (with Lyla and Oliver).  A new bit with Ray and Felicity (love that hair style on her in that scene, too!.... moving on)


Very little of Sara and Quentin.


Hardly ANY of Laurel that I could see.  just the scene of her & Oliver walking out of court(?)  How is that even possible for the 2nd lead on the show? 


Also, no Ted Grant.


No Vertigo - or did I miss him?


So Slade will still be a part of this season, in some way.


I'm a bit iffy on how much Suicide Squad I want to see - hopefully it will feature a lot of Digg, maybe touch on his brother ... but I remember reading somewhere that there are no plans for more Harley Quinn at this point, so I'm a little less interested in the Suicide Squad without her.  I'd rather see her than Waller, for example.


A bit more quick stuff with Oliver reacting to different things as himself and as Arrow.


Frankly, the lack of Laurel in this was a nice surprise and makes me more excited about the season.


BUT... I know she's going to be around this season, so my excitement is tempered.


It also makes me wonder why whoever edited this preview left her completely out of it.


2 Theories:

1) she isn't in the season (that they've shot so far, at leas) much so why bother showing her beyond walking with Oliver, which we've already seen

2) she's going to be BIGGER this season but they don't want to deal with any negative backlash with just 2 weeks to the premiere

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I think its both. I think they aren't promoting her much right now because she doesn't play a large part in the first few episodes and they want more positive buzz from the fans.


It also seems to me that she is filming more with PB, J.R, and K.L. right now. I think they are going to have a seperate storyline until mid-season when they all merge. I image the later half of season three will be more Laurel heavy like last year. 

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He says at the end

"We really feel like we've worked out the kinks and we've figured out what works well in the show and this season is even more epic, even more romantic, even more heartbreaking- and even more hilarious, then the previous 2 seasons and we're so excited to show everyone where Oliver Queen's adventures take him next." 


Maybe figuring out what works well on the show means they've realized with Laurel less is more? Positive thoughts, folks! ;)


I've been trying to find this interview with Greg Berlanti where he talks about the EPs figuring out which storylines and characters resonated with the audience more. This was right after Season 2 ended, so I'm thinking the interview was during the upfronts. And I wondered what kind of reaction they got from viewers from a particularly heavy Lances storylines in the back half of S2 (I say Lances because I'm thinking both Laurel and Sara), whether they found people wanted more or not.

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If you look closely at the pic of Roy and Felicity, there is an arrow "between" them- vertical. So I think someone has been shot, and is on the table in the foundry.

Edited by looptab
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If you look closely at the pic of Roy and Felicity, there is an arrow "between" them- vertical. So I think someone has been shot, and is on the table in the foundry.

Good eye! I didn't notice that. I guess someone gets severely injured or dies. Is Komodo the villain in episode 2? 

Edited by ban1o
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If you look closely at the pic of Roy and Felicity, there is an arrow "between" them- vertical. So I think someone has been shot, and is on the table in the foundry.

oh yea! so i wonder.. possibly Oliver fighting with himself (as we have been predicting) so maybe he ends up "shooting" an arrow on himself?

but @ban1o also has a good point, could be an injury from komodo.


Also, if we take the CW preview that was shown where Laurel tells Oliver she has surprise for him.. Oliver is wearing the same clothes so i assume the surprise is Verdant. not sure how she did it, but oh well.

Edited by foreverevolving
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tried to post this image early but the system rejected (it) think it was too large.  Here's the link with the circle around the arrow and Oliver being nosy



Off to the left is an image (under the A in Arrow), looks like a gold/yellow seal.  Reminds me of a fireman's or EMTs seal that's on their uniform (arm) anyone else figure it out?


Also, it's a black Arrow...I was thinking 302 with Komodo or 304 with Merlyn.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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oh yea! so i wonder.. possibly Oliver fighting with himself (as we have been predicting) so maybe he ends up "shooting" an arrow on himself?

Isn't Oliver standing off to the right? That looks like his (blurry) profile. Maybe someone from the LoA arrows Sin to get at Sara?

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Off to the left is an image, looks like a gold/yellow seal.  Reminds me of a fireman's or EMTs seal that's on their uniform (arm) anyone else figure it out?

I thought it was one of the target in the foundry, but I could be wrong. No idea!

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tried to post this image early but the system rejected (it) think it was too large. Here's the link with the circle around the arrow and Oliver being nosy


Off to the left is an image (under the A in Arrow), looks like a gold/yellow seal. Reminds me of a fireman's or EMTs seal that's on their uniform (arm) anyone else figure it out?

Also, it's a black Arrow...I was thinking 302 with Komodo or 304 with Merlyn.

Could be a seal, but they're in what looks like the foundry so why would anyone in uniform be down there?

ETA: I think looptab's right. It looks like a target.

Edited by apinknightmare
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I would have never noticed the Arrow between them if it wasn't pointed out. I wonder what they're going to do w/Komodo on the show vs the comics. I liked his back-story in the comics, so I hope they stay as close to it as possible.

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Wow. Felicity looks smoking hot on her date. What a babe! And I loved how Oliver was all nervous and awkward asking her out. It's great to see a different side to him. 


Nice to see Roy comforting Felicity. Question is, why is he comforting her (PLEASE I am even more worried for Sara than I was before) and does this happen before Roy finds out he murdered a cop and they kept the truth from him? Interesting! It looks like Oliver is standing off to the right of them though so I'm assuming Oliver is fine. Seriously, I am worried for Sara. I mean, I did wonder if Sin would be hurt but I'd assume that Felicity would be the one comforting Roy if that was the case so yeah. Prayer circle for Sara!


Also there was like no Laurel in that clip which is not surprising but DAMN. 

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Yes another person said that as well and I also heard perhaps a seal on a crate or something. So we'll go with those as being more probable.

I actually googled a pic of the foundry (I know, I know), and that's definitely a target. They do look like seals when they're blurry though!

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are we sure that's Oliver on the right?

I don't think Sin is hurt cause, why would Felicity be upset? I don't think it's Sara either- TPTB will probably have a riot on their hands if Sara is killed.

Damn it! i need Oct. 8 to be here already, i need those episodes to air! So many unanswered questions



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It's entirely possible that Oliver just shot an entire crate full of the very latest tablets because he thought the logo on the crate looked like one of his targets and Felicity is weeping over the broken technology.


....or not.

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are we sure that's Oliver on the right?

I don't think Sin is hurt cause, why would Felicity be upset? I don't think it's Sara either- TPTB will probably have a riot on their hands if Sara is killed.

Damn it! i need Oct. 8 to be here already, i need those episodes to air! So many unanswered questions


It doesn't really look like him to me, but the profile is blurry and I can't figure out who else it would be. It's not Digg, so...

If there's an arrow in a person, I can imagine Felicity looking like that, regardless, especially if it's someone they trust enough to bring into the basement. Assuming the arrowed person is still alive, of course. If not, then she's probably upset because she's looking at a corpse.

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Maybe Sara is hurt (by Komodo) attempting to help Roy somehow.  She doesn't die but won't be able to function as Canary any time soon (coma, paralyzed, etc) so that's when her sister decides to follow in her steps?  It would explain PB, KL & KC filming together with no CL mentions.

Edited by Sunshine
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Maybe Sara is hurt (by Komodo) attempting to help Roy somehow.  She doesn't die but won't be able to function as Canary any time soon (coma, paralyzed, etc) so that's when her sister decides to follow in her steps?  It would explain PB, KL & KC filming together with no CL mentions.

I was actually thinking something like this. It would some what explain Colton's comment about Roy and Sara getting closer, some comments about Sara heading into a dark place this season and it could start Laurel's path to BC without killing Sara off. It would also somewhat explain KL filming scenes with PB and KC without CL. 

Edited by ban1o
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I was actually thinking something like this. It would some what explain Colton's comment about Roy and Sara getting closer, some comments about Sara heading into a dark place this season and it could start Laurel's path to BC without killing Sara off. It would also somewhat explain KL filming scenes with PB and KC without CL.

I just assumed Sara got kidnapped or took off, but that's an interesting take too.

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Yeah but if it was Sin, why would Felicity be crying that much? She didn't really know Sin. I get she's a compassionate person but  I don't think it's her. It might not be anybody dying. It could just be something really bad that happens that changes everything. 

I don't think Felicity's reaction has anything to do with Sin because Roy looks pretty calm and supportive of Felicity. If Sin were to die, I'd think Roy would've been more shaken up. 

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I know it's unlikely, but what if it's not a person? What if it's a message from Malcolm Merlyn. I could see both Felicity & Roy reacting badly to that, since they all think he's dead. Just a thought.

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I know it's unlikely, but what if it's not a person? What if it's a message from Malcolm Merlyn. I could see both Felicity & Roy reacting badly to that, since they all think he's dead. Just a thought.

Or maybe it IS a person, but one they don't know with a note attached to an arrow through the chest?

(Read too much fanfic, making stuff up as I go along)

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I know it's unlikely, but what if it's not a person? What if it's a message from Malcolm Merlyn. I could see both Felicity & Roy reacting badly to that, since they all think he's dead. Just a thought.

LOL yeah it could be that. I mean like Malcolm did commit mass genocide and killed over 500 people. He's a pretty scary guy. 

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Hmm I would think more shock and incredulity than verge of tears. The arrow through the chest is interesting though. That would be creepy and very sad.

To me it looked like built, like he did when he failed to find the subway Vigilante and that person died
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Im just saying she doesn't look devastated or distraught because Sara or anyone really close to her is dead, she just looks like she feels guilty or upset that she failed at something.

We've seen Felicity scared, angry, sad/upset before and just think this appears no worse. If someone is in fact dead (quite probable) it doesn't look like it's someone extremely close to her (Sara, Diggle, Mama Smoak)

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That does look like an arrow sticking out of body, and it looks like black arrow so quite possibly a message from Malcolm. Felicity looks in horror and fear as well as sadness, but how would they get a body to the lair? 


Speaking of Felicity, I like how her hair is down and flowing when she meets with Ray, unlike the ponytail she wears with Oliver.


AK:  Susanna Thompson, who plays Moira, was killed in season 2.


Stephen Amell isn't the only one who has trouble differentiating actor from character.


I love how he refers to "the island repertory company".



So I'm guessing Slade will definitely show up again this season? Has Manu Bennett said anything about filming on social media?

They probably don't know yet. If he is, it's going to be later in the season. Manu Bennett has said that he'll be on Arrow if he's available from other acting jobs (because he's not a regular on Arrow any more) so the EPs will have to find a way to work him in if they want him.


Hardly ANY of Laurel that I could see.  just the scene of her & Oliver walking out of court(?)  How is that even possible for the 2nd lead on the show? 


I wonder if they're keeping quiet on Laurel because it seems to be a backlash every time they talk about what Laurel will be doing, although it's strange since they talk about Thea, Malcolm and Roy and their identity crises. But there's no Quentin either so maybe it's just for time.  I'm sure she'll be more prominent than I want.


Good quality video on the "The Green Archer" site.  (linked because I like that picture of the five of them, better than the s3 poster)

Edited by statsgirl
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Im just saying she doesn't look devastated or distraught because Sara or anyone really close to her is dead, she just looks like she feels guilty or upset that she failed at something.

We've seen Felicity scared, angry, sad/upset before and just think this appears no worse. If someone is in fact dead (quite probable) it doesn't look like it's someone extremely close to her (Sara, Diggle, Mama Smoak)


I wondered the same thing. It doesn't look like she's actually looking at anything specifically, it's more like she's had a realization about something and it upsets/shocks her. 

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Odd. I thought they'd jump at the chance of showing off Laurel and her new arms.


Maybe the backlash over the poster scared them. Though from what I saw, the backlash over the poster was less the fact that Laurel was there than the fact that she was seemingly placed in a better position than Diggle. Putting her more in the forefront than Diggle in a poster labeled 'Team Arrow' wasn't the wisest of moves.


Still, a scene or two of her training with Wildcat would have been nice, if only to get a glimpse of where the writers are taking her. That is, if they have any plan at all.


I'm liking Ray at the moment, and as long as he isn't a generic love interest to separate Oliver and Felicity I welcome him to the show. I liked Routh in Superman Returns, and really enjoyed him on the Crackle series 'Chosen.'

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The more they keep Laurel's storyline and clips/spoilers of that a secret, the more I think they genuinely believe people want to be surprised about it and we're all somehow sitting here waiting for her transformation. I thought it was because they knew she wasn't popular but I'm less sure of that now. It's really weird.

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There was talk in the relationships thread about Ray Palmer and Queen Consolidated, and Andrew Kreisberg has just tweeted this:




I think one of the things I am most looking forward to is the Ray Palmer storyline (mainly because it will hopefully give us a Felicity storyline away from Oliver). 

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If they thought the fans were into Laurel's storyline, I would think they would at least tease something from it. Even a shot of her training or just talking to Wildcat (I almost wrote Wildgrant lol). It wouldn't really spoil anything. I can see why they would hold back on Ra's/Thea/Malcolm because its all tied to the season's villain arc. But to not tease anything for the show's lead female character, that's weird. I think they are acting with caution because the fan response has not been too positive so far. 


I'm at a place where I don't know if I want to hear about Laurel's storyline. Either we aren't hearing anything because her role is minimized (pretty sure that would be wishful thinking on my part) or she plays a much bigger and involved role (that I will probably hate),

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I really don't think there's a conspiracy. I said it before, they talk about stories they have, and if Laurel gets a big story they'll talk her up, they don't care.

We went through this exact thing last season, people swearing left/right/center that they weren't talking Laurel up because her story must be huge or super secret or they're lying to rope fans in, etc.

At this point I suspect 301-309 will be Laurel light, not as light as 201-209 but light enough and then they'll give her stories in the back half. Now, I could be totally wrong but these guys are fairly transparent.

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There was talk in the relationships thread about Ray Palmer and Queen Consolidated, and Andrew Kreisberg has just tweeted this:




I think one of the things I am most looking forward to is the Ray Palmer storyline (mainly because it will hopefully give us a Felicity storyline away from Oliver). 

Yes I'm also looking forward to Ray Palmer's storyline. All of Felicity's storylines have been dependent on Oliver so hopefully this gives her something different to do. 

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