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From the Spoilers -

felcityqueens asked:

From the second half of the season, which episode would you say your favourite Olicity moment is in?


Honestly, 3x12 is the current high water mark for me.

simonaamell asked:

Hello Marc, we learned that Felicity tells Oliver to leave her alone romantically. But she will declare 'ever her love for him? If and 'you in which episode?


Let me get back to you on that.  In the meantime, would you also like to know how the show will end?  How Season 4 will begin?  What other details would you like me to spoil for you?  :)

fairytailveg asked:
Marc, can you tell us if any Lauriver scenes coming up??

There’s a pretty good one in 3x15.


Hmm... what does it all mean? (that's sarcasm)

Edited by tv echo
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Maybe Oliver will finally accept Laurel's new persona and give her his blessing after she comes back from talking to Nyssa. I somehow wonder how she manages to get in touch with her. Maybe the leather jacket has powers of telepathy. ;-) 


I don't know but I think this season we should be safe from Oliver/Laurel relationship drama 2.0 but that won't stop them from alluding to it from time to time. Maybe next season they will try to sell it again because if there is one thing that you can be sure of is that if they want it they will do it no matter the backlash. 


I do however wonder how Felicity will break the internet (again) in 3x14. Maybe that will be the episode she hooks up with Ray. 

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It doesn't sound like Felicity's 'break-the-internet' scene will involve Ray because MG said that 3x14 will be this season's flashback episode (like "The Odyssey").


From MG's AssignmentX interview:

We’ve sort of watched the show grow into a true ensemble, and I think Episodes Ten, Eleven and Twelve really sort of are a testament to that, that it is an ensemble. I think they’re some of the best episodes we’ve done.
*  *  *
One of the things that we’re very sensitive to in the show is, when you kill someone, there’s a reason behind it. It’s not gratuitous, it’s not violence for the sake of violence. And in future episodes, we’ll be dealing with the consequences of it, not just the consequences in terms of the idea of breaking the law, but the consequences for Oliver’s soul. What does it mean to be someone who kills somebody, even if you’re doing so in the guise of being a hero? I think it’s an important issue to address.

One, if you planned to have the show evolve into a "true ensemble" from the beginning, why call the show Arrow?


Two, if you're going to make a big deal about Oliver's soul and what it means to be someone who kills somebody, then why did you gloss over the fact that Laurel killed someone last year and showed no regret for doing so?


Finally, if you don't want violence for the sake of violence, then why have Laurel/BC beat up Brick's henchman with a staff and say "I'm the justice that you can't run from"?  I assume she didn't kill him, but still she beats him up and then lets him go?  She's not bringing him in for trial or collecting evidence to ensure a conviction.  She's administering violent punishment and calling it justice.

Edited by tv echo
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He also said we arent really getting any scenes of Just OG team arrow

Thank you for posting this. I definitely will not watch then.

Depending on how the season ends, I may binge-watch episodes 10 - 22 (or is 23?)in the summer.

In the meantime, I will be coming here to read the hilarious posts from you guys. :)

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Thank you for posting this. I definitely will not watch then.

Depending on how the season ends, I may binge-watch episodes 10 - 22 (or is 23?)in the summer.

In the meantime, I will be coming here to read the hilarious posts from you guys. :)

We are hilarious? Thanks but I get depressed lol

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If Guggentroll says a Laurivel scene is good, I kind of expect a 3 (on a 1-10 scale). He didn't say 'epic'. Epic would be 5.


Anyhow, I'm kind of tired of Guggenheim's tumblr activities - they bring turmoil but little substance. It also shows he's tired of the fans and their zeal. He should have known better - the fans online are pushy and demanding, they don't want to be ignored. Some of Giggenheim's answers show he's had enough of certain behaviour - I kind of understand him, but he's an experienced writer and a person who should not get fed up with fan reactions.


Side note: Raylicity and Laurivel combined make me switch off the tv, especially if the original Team Arrow scenes are '-ish'.

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We are hilarious? Thanks but I get depressed lol

I am sorry. I didn't mean to offend any poster. :)

I meant to say I like the posts I read on this forum. They informative and thoughtful. But they also make me laugh (most times) which helps in dealing with the show. :)

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I am sorry. I didn't mean to offend any poster. :)

I meant to say I like the posts I read on this forum. They informative and thoughtful. But they also make me laugh (most times) which helps in dealing with the show. :)

when a show goes to crap, you can always count on the snark to get you through.
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Anyhow, I'm kind of tired of Guggenheim's tumblr activities - they bring turmoil but little substance. It also shows he's tired of the fans and their zeal. He should have known better - the fans online are pushy and demanding, they don't want to be ignored. Some of Giggenheim's answers show he's had enough of certain behaviour - I kind of understand him, but he's an experienced writer and a person who should not get fed up with fan reactions.

I have a ~theory that one and/or two things happened fairly quickly:

1. Being that this is Tumblr, his inbox got FLOODED with questions about diversity and representation, agency of female characters, and all sorts of social justice questions. Especially since he started out actually answering asks about fridging Sara, and the lack of diversity on the show. He opened the door for those type of asks, and I would bet moneys it freaked the fuck out of him.

2. Warner Bros PR and legal department told him to stay out of "controversial" topics if he wants to stay on Tumblr.

Hence the shift from answering some hard questions when he started out, to sticking to mindless trivia, and vague spoilers he can give out without saying much. And the occasional shutting down of fans that you were talking about. The question about Felicity moving to Flash was a good example of that. It's something he CAN answer while at the same time shutting up the folks who want Felicity out of Arrow.

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I doubt it since the 3x13 summary is about him not wanting her on the team. If anything I'd bet he has to save her from something.



He'll change his mind by the end of the epe. He is on prop duty!


So if Felicity basically got over Oliver's death in a week, does that not just highlight even more starkly that this storyline was forced into the show just to try and make Laurel and Ray happen? It was never about Felicity or Diggle and their emotional connection to Oliver Queen.




Edited by Hook75
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I am sorry. I didn't mean to offend any poster. :)

I meant to say I like the posts I read on this forum. They informative and thoughtful. But they also make me laugh (most times) which helps in dealing with the show. :)

Oh no you ain't offending anyone my apoliges

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For the Asian promo that was just posted, oh thank god. Can Sin please stay on the show? Can she go tell Thea the truth next? And while she's at it can she tell Team Arrow that "Hey guys, uh, it would have been nice to know that Sara had died."

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So Sin knows right away that it's not Sara out there looking like an incompetent idiot but not her own father? Come on Quentin, you know Sara was a ninja assassin not a fool with a stick.

I'm glad I'm not watching every character become stupid to make Laurel happen.

Edited by Sakura12
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So Sin knows right away that it's not Sara out there looking like an incompetent idiot but not her own father? Come on Quentin, you know Sara was a ninja assassin not a fool with a stick.

I'm glad I'm not watching every character become stupid to make Laurel happen.


Seems like such a meta comment on the show this season. A character who hasn't been seen at all comes back and says, 'the hell's wrong with you people? Are you all stupid?' Another of those accidental things that Guggenheim would probably try to take credit for if people pointed it out.


Of course, I'd wager that Sin ends up either a new convert to the Cult of Laurel or dead, by the end of the episode. So will Laurel add another one to her body count of people who have to die to make her relevant?

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So Sin knows right away that it's not Sara out there looking like an incompetent idiot but not her own father? Come on Quentin, you know Sara was a ninja assassin not a fool with a stick.

I'm glad I'm not watching every character become stupid to make Laurel happen.

I'm going to give Quentin a pass, because he was obviously getting a little desperate with worry after not hearing from Sara for so long. I think he believed it was her because he wanted it to be her. And probably because he couldn't fathom anyone would be able to use her voice to trick him. He's not the one who looks foolish in this scenario, IMO. Edited by apinknightmare
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But you know they practiced together. Laurel says the name of the bad guy and Roy says You have failed this city.



I'm totally picturing them standing front of the mirror practicing their posing and counting in their heads to make sure they hit everything just right. 


Diggle and Felicity are watching from the background with frowns and head tilts. "Why is this happening again?" "Its in the damn script."

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*L "I want to say it!"

R "I've been on the team longer so I get to say it"

L "But my sister DIED, so I should say it!"

R "You can say the first bit"

D "I can't believe I let them on the team"


What happened to their voice modulators? 


Edit: All of this will happen whilst they're making googly eyes at each other btw

Edited by doesntworkonwood
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Diggle and Felicity are watching from the background with frowns and head tilts. "Why is this happening again?" "Its in the damn script."


While wearing Canary and Arsenal shirts to embrace their inner fangirl. 



What happened to their voice modulators?


They are so awesome and badass, they don't need it! Especially one of the seemingly only lawyers in town. She doesn't need anything to conceal her identity. 

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See, if this was a better show, there'd have been a scene prior to this showing Roy winning a rock, paper, scissors and you'd realise this was what he'd won. 


For all of MG's love for Bangel, he really doesn't seem to understand it's those moments of levity that really enhance the angst, does he? (Or rather he doesn't after 2A).

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What if the reason Felicity is so mad is because Oliver comes back and tries to save the city once again and gets injured. She then goes to attend to his wounds and sees that he reopened the wounds from the RAG fight and she loses it because she hadn't realized the severity of the previous injuries. Guggenheim says Oliver is tired when she does this. I think it makes sense.

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What if the reason Felicity is so mad is because Oliver comes back and tries to save the city once again and gets injured. She then goes to attend to his wounds and sees that he reopened the wounds from the RAG fight and she loses it because she hadn't realized the severity of the previous injuries. Guggenheim says Oliver is tired when she does this. I think it makes sense.

This is exactly what I said a few posts back! YAY someone agrees :) I definitely think this will happen. BUT only difference is I think Oliver will come back in the middle of the episode, that's when the hug will ensue. Then he and the rest of team arrow and Laurel go out to stop Brick once and for all and gets really injured which is when Felicity blows a gasket and loses it. 

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Looking more closely at the Asia promo, I think Team Arrow does work with Malcolm to take down Brick. I think Oliver will be the one to tip the scales in favor of Laurel and Roy while Diggle will be against it? Maybe this is the third party that divides Oliver/Felicity? Hmm

Edited by wonderwall
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Looking more closely at the Asia promo, I think Team Arrow does work with Malcolm to take down Brick. I think Oliver will be the one to tip the scales in favor of Laurel and Roy while Diggle will be against it? Maybe this is the third party that divides Oliver/Felicity? Hmm

Maybe that's also where the comment about wondering if Oliver can handle what the team's become in his absence-more of a democracy than just Oliver calling most of the shots.

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Maybe that's also where the comment about wondering if Oliver can handle what the team's become in his absence-more of a democracy than just Oliver calling most of the shots.

Bless your soul! You made Diggle act in character!!!! Whatever happens in the ep, this is my head canon. Thank you

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I don't know if that's right. The promo makes it look like Oliver comes back mid-fight, and they are all surprised. I'd think the huge show down with the people of the Glades takes place mid-to end-episode, so they would have already taken a decision on accepting Malcolm's help. Besides, the promo pics show Laurel, Roy and Malcolm together somewhere? IDK

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I don't know if that's right. The promo makes it look like Oliver comes back mid-fight, and they are all surprised. I'd think the huge show down with the people of the Glades takes place mid-to end-episode, so they would have already taken a decision on accepting Malcolm's help. Besides, the promo pics show Laurel, Roy and Malcolm together somewhere? IDK

I think that there are two fights. One against all of Brick's goons (because that street fight doesn't include Oliver), this is where he possibly returns, and another with Oliver/Malcolm taking down Brick himself. 

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I wonder if they do accept Malcolm's help, but while the masks are fighting, Malcolm slips out to do nefarious deeds. Oliver finds him after he breaks up the school yard showdown. Oliver may stop him, but they end up striking an alliance for plot reasons.

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I think that there are two fights. One against all of Brick's goons (because that street fight doesn't include Oliver), this is where he possibly returns, and another with Oliver/Malcolm taking down Brick himself. 

It's possible. I just assumed that the scene with Malcolm, Oliver and Brick takes place at the same time as the street-fight, but in an alley, or wherever they are :)

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I wonder if they do accept Malcolm's help, but while the masks are fighting, Malcolm slips out to do nefarious deeds. Oliver finds him after he breaks up the school yard showdown. Oliver may stop him, but they end up striking an alliance for plot reasons.

And then Felicity finds out later Cue MAD AS HELL

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