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An Iron Man moment would have more impact in S1 when we saw him put on this playboy persona. Now it doesn’t really feel like it would be a ‘moment’. I kind of imagine the public rolling their eyes now. 

Edited by Chaser
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As Oliver continues to alienate everyone who loves him

Whaaaaaat? People around him are either dipshits like NTA or temporarily insane like Diggle with his sudden white-hot Green Arrow-envy. 

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1 minute ago, apinknightmare said:

Yeah, that's Mavi. 

It seems like she’s on set a lot this year or like it’s documented more. Of course, she’s also older, so that probably makes it easier.

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46 minutes ago, tv echo said:

I think it's interesting that Beth Schwartz is the one in the 617 producer's preview and not WM - what, is Wendy too busy?

I got the feeling that she's uncomfortable with being on social media and interviews. Didn't the clip also say that Schwartz is an EP n0w?

It makes a lot of sense for Dinah to be leading the internal investigation int the corrupt police but at this point, I'm so sick of her being shoved into front and centre of every plot line this season, I'm really tired of her.  I wish they would drop her down to the level of Felicity when everyone was complaining about it being the Felicity and Friends show.

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1 minute ago, bijoux said:

Who are #Sherri, #Peter, #Skyler, #Scarlett?

JH's husband's name is Peter, so I'm guessing the other hashtags are the names of the other people who were there. 

Here's the KA interview:


What are your fondest memories working on Oz?

" The bond and the family we created on set is what I’ll take away from that show. Best job I ever had! Tom Fontana is a god!"

How did the role on Fringe come about and which are your favourite episodes?

"I originally auditioned for the Joshua Jackson role but they insisted on Charlie Francis. I loved the name and thought why not. 
I’m glad I met and became good friends with Anna Torv. She’s the best!"

What have been your most fun and challenging scenes to film on Arrow so far?

"I love playing The Dragon ?! I love all my scenes! Challenging would have been breaking my foot in the fight with David Ramsey, and figuring out how to work out with a boot on and stay in shape!"

Who are your heroes and inspirations?

"The obvious ones as an actor: Pacino, Deniro, Gary Oldman, Daniel Day Lewis, Streep. Growing up in the Hood, my heroes were anyone who made something of themselves and got out the Hood!!
A big influence on my life was Sam Shepard! Wouldn’t be in this position without him."

Were you a big fan of the Wallking Dead Comic and show before?

"Unfortunately I never read the comics or books.:

Your role as Jose Ramsey on 12 Monkeys is one of my favourites - did you watch the film before and what was he like to play?

"I’m a horror & sci-fi fanatic, so of course I’ve seen the film dozens of times. 
Once again I auditioned for the lead in 12 monkeys. And they came back and asked if I’d read for Ramsey and I said no.
They came back two more times and I still said no. 
They then said would I mind going in and just have a meeting with the writers and I said no. Then then offered me the role and I said I needed to have a conversation with the writer first before I accepted. I talked to Terry Matales and he explained my arc and the rest is history. Love Terry too!"

Name three facts about you that people might not know?

"1. I’m the fastest celebrity/actor/singer/etc marathoner EVER! I ran NYC Marathon in 3:00:08 and I tore my posterior tibialis at mile 15 and still finished. Unfortunately I trained for a 2:50:00 that race. 
2. I rule at scrabble & chess.
3. I Love/hate politics!"

Who was the biggest prankster on Prime Suspect?

"Me and my boy Tim Griffin. We’re by far the biggest pranksters!"

Which of your other roles would you have liked to spend more time on?

"I wish I could have done Prime Suspect a lot longer, because it was my second favorite job. We all got along like we did on OZ!"

Do you get to go to a lot of conventions?

"I've only done two conventions - Chicago HNFF will be my third."

Where can people find out more about you and what have you got coming out in 2018?

"Y’all can google me or IMDB me. Have a few projects in the works waiting to finalise AND of course Still working on Arrow."

Thanks for the chat, Kirk!

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9 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

"1. I’m the fastest celebrity/actor/singer/etc marathoner EVER! I ran NYC Marathon in 3:00:08 and I tore my posterior tibialis at mile 15 and still finished. Unfortunately I trained for a 2:50:00 that race. 

This reminds me of his tweet @ ing Kevin Hart, all the Arrow accounts and basically every Nike account he could think of about his marathon time, haha

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So now we know the full slate of directors for S6...

601    James Bamford        
602    Laura Belsey        
603    Kevin Tancharoen        
604    Gregory Smith        
605    Joel Navoa        
606    Antonio Negret        
607    Gordon Verheul        
608    James Bamford            
609    Laura Belsey            
610    James Bamford        
611    Wendey Stanzler            
612    Mairzee Almas            
613    J.J. Makaro         
614    Ken Shane                
615    Kristin Windell                    
616    Joel Navoa        
617    Mark Bunting        
618    Ben Bray            
619    Gordon Verheul        
620    Alexandra La Roche    
621    Andi Armaganian        
622    Tara Miele        
623    James Bamford        

Edited by tv echo
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Why do they keep giving Bamford episodes to direct? He's terrible. The leap in quality from 601 to 602 was so obvious I just don't understand.

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The trouble is I'm not seeing any improvements from him either. I thought Gregory Smith was a pretty mediocre director when we first saw him in s3 but he's a lot better now. Bamford is not.

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Wendey Stanzler is more in demand than Bamford, unfortunately for us. 

MG’s snark about hoping the CW would officially announce renewals so they can book directors makes me wonder how much of a time advantage Arrow got because they could start sheduling a little earlier than shows on other networks.

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2 hours ago, Chaser said:

An Iron Man moment would have more impact in S1 when we saw him put on this playboy persona. Now it doesn’t really feel like it would be a ‘moment’. I kind of imagine the public rolling their eyes now. 

I hope it's a citywide, collective "meh." Then someone can say, "No shit you're the Green Arrow. Anyone who is within 2 feet of you can clearly see your face."

30 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

The trouble is I'm not seeing any improvements from him either. I thought Gregory Smith was a pretty mediocre director when we first saw him in s3 but he's a lot better now. Bamford is not.

Bamford isn't improving and seems to be doubling down on techniques that aren't visually pleasing. I hope they can get some new directors next year.

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2 hours ago, Chaser said:

An Iron Man moment would have more impact in S1 when we saw him put on this playboy persona. Now it doesn’t really feel like it would be a ‘moment’. I kind of imagine the public rolling their eyes now. 

And in chorus, say: "We know." 

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Here's video of the entire Bounding Into Comics' interview with JH (transcriptions for rest of interview are posted in Starling City Times thread)...

Interview: Arrow's Juliana Harkavy
Published on Apr 5, 2018, by Bounding Into Comics

-- On what we can expect to see from Dinah for the rest of S6 of Arrow, JH: "I think Dinah is - she's really gone through an emotional and spiritual roller coaster this season. I think she's really kinda - because of the loss that she went through and going through another tragedy again - like, she kinda lost herself to find herself. So she's just going to be coming into, I think, a new stage, a new approach to her position as the Black Canary and her position as Dinah, as herself. Um, I think that, the moment where she understood that vengeance is not necessarily the best way to get justice and that, you know, violence isn't the best way to, um, [unintelligible word] justice or [unintelligible word] be a hero, it's just going to be a new kind of Dinah. She's going to be a little more zen maybe in her approach."

-- On Dinah being on the odds with the GA right now and whether we'll see a reconciliation, JH: "I think Dinah's always going to challenge the head of the team, whoever it is, if it's not her... It's kinda in her nature... I think that Dinah and Oliver are actually great together. I do think that they fight well together, they work well together. From the moment that he found her, he kinda pulls her out of, again, this sort of downward thing that she - or, uh, I wouldn't say downward - like, the dark place that she falls into. Um, he pulls her out of it, so I think she really cares about him and I do hope that on some level, um, they get to work together and be a team together. Again, but, you know, it's all - it's going to be a process because, again, she's strong-headed."

Edited by tv echo
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27 minutes ago, Chaser said:

When does Arrow normally start filming again? SDCC is 7/19-7/22.

601 started shooting on July 7, 2017. 501 started shooting on July 5, 2016.

So I guess they'll start shooting 701 sometime during the first week of July.

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10 minutes ago, tv echo said:

-- On Dinah being on the odds with the GA right now and whether we'll see a reconciliation, JH: "I think that Dinah and Oliver are actually great together. I do think that they fight well together, they work well together. From the moment that he found her, he kinda pulls her out of, again, this sort of downward thing that she - or, uh, I wouldn't say downward - like, the dark place that she falls into. Um, he pulls her out of it, so I think she really cares about him and I do hope that on some level, um, they get to work together and be a team together. 

Sorry but where is she getting this from? I haven't seen this on screen at all. Bizarre. 

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20 minutes ago, tv echo said:


-- On Dinah being on the odds with the GA right now and whether we'll see a reconciliation, JH: "I think Dinah's always going to challenge the head of the team, whoever it is, if it's not her... It's kinda in her nature... I think that Dinah and Oliver are actually great together. I do think that they fight well together, they work well together. From the moment that he found her, he kinda pulls her out of, again, this sort of downward thing that she - or, uh, I wouldn't say downward - like, the dark place that she falls into. Um, he pulls her out of it, so I think she really cares about him and I do hope that on some level, um, they get to work together and be a team together. Again, but, you know, it's all - it's going to be a process because, again, she's strong-headed."

You just know that if she could she'd love to end that quote with "and then they fall in love, because their soul mates".  

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I feel like every JH interview is 100% headcanon. There aren’t many actors that can give interviews as bad as this (though Rick come close). She can’t even describe where her character is emotionally, sounds like she pulling things out of her ass, and from old Katie interviews. For me, her character hasn’t changed at all, she still the kill happy psycho from 5x11 lol. I’m sure she’s nice, but where are the PR people prepping these new actors and giving them the right talking points?

Edited by JJ928
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I wonder where this deep caring for each other is- is it the scenes where Dinah's blaming Oliver for everything shitty in her life or when Oliver's telling her he'd rather save Roy and potentially die trying by himself then with her helping him? 

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If you watch the rest of that interview, JH basically said that her life is Arrow right now. She has no other projects. She spends her off time with family and working out. She also said that she "feels very fulfilled" in this role. So she has a lot invested in being BC. And you get the sense that she very much wants to stay BC on Arrow.*

(* Incidentally, I don't think the interviewer even watches Arrow, because his question about Dinah reconciling with Oliver also included him asking if Dinah and Oliver will "get back together.")

On the other hand, we know that KC has invested a lot in Arrow as well. She really wants Black Siren to be redeemed and said at Dutch Comic Con that she hopes for her character to join Team Arrow. She may have fun playing the villain, but she always describes superhero E1 Laurel in such glowing terms. I think that she would be overjoyed to become BC again.

JH and KC may very well get along on set, but there's got to be an unspoken rivalry. They both want (imo) to be the BC on Arrow and to remain regular cast members.

Edited by tv echo
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JH is their last attempt at BC so she's going nowhere and she knows it. But she really shouldn't be making out like there's more to her or her and Oliver than what's actually on screen. It just comes across a little...desperate, IMO. Dial it back, girl.

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1 hour ago, JJ928 said:

I feel like every JH interview is 100% headcanon. There aren’t many actors that can give interviews as bad as this (though Rick come close). She can’t even describe where her character is emotionally, sounds like she pulling things out of her ass, and from old Katie interviews. For me, her character hasn’t changed at all, she still the kill happy psycho from 5x11 lol. I’m sure she’s nice, but where are the PR people prepping these new actors and giving them the right talking points?

Well, can you really blame her? I already said it in the News & Media thread, but I'll repeat it here: Dinah as a character has no personality apart from being the tough chick. Just think about it - she has been on the show for 30+ episodes and the writers have wasted a shit ton of screentime on her, but what do we actually know about Dinah as a human being? She used to be an undercover cop, supports the second amendment, hates weddings and acts like a hypocrite in just about every facet of her life - and I'm fairly certain that the hypocrite part isn't even supposed to be a real character trait, but just an unfortunate side-effect of the shitty writing on the show. 


51 minutes ago, tv echo said:

If you watch the rest of that interview, JH basically said that her life is Arrow right now. She has no other projects. She spends her off time with family and working out. She also said that she "feels very fulfilled" in this role. So she has a lot invested in being BC. And you get the sense that she very much wants to stay BC on Arrow.*

(* Incidentally, I don't think the interviewer even watches Arrow, because his question about Dinah reconciling with Oliver also included him asking if Dinah and Oliver will "get back together.")

On the other hand, we know that KC has invested a lot in Arrow as well. She really wants Black Siren to be redeemed and said at Dutch Comic Con that she hopes for her character to join Team Arrow. She may have fun playing the villain, but she always describes superhero E1 Laurel in such glowing terms. I think that she would be overjoyed to become BC again.

JH and KC may very well get along on set, but there's got to be an unspoken rivalry. They both want (imo) to be the BC on Arrow and to remain regular cast members.

Well, if there is, we have Marc, Wendy and co. to thank for it because they keep playing musical chairs with the Black Canary identity. 

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10 minutes ago, strikera0 said:

Well, if there is, we have Marc, Wendy and co. to thank for it because they keep playing musical chairs with the Black Canary identity. 

I’d actually blame the network or DC. With everything that MG said after 418 aired, and the way 419 ended with BC engraved on LL’s tombstone indicated at that point that as far as the show was concerned, they were done with BC. And then something happened over the summer that forced them to backtrack.

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Yeah I can't blame them for bring KC back. I truly believe they were done. I image they were at least grateful The Flash gave them an out with BS and they didn't have to write Laurel back into the show.

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1 hour ago, tv echo said:

On the other hand, we know that KC has invested a lot in Arrow as well. She really wants Black Siren to be redeemed and said at Dutch Comic Con that she hopes for her character to join Team Arrow. She may have fun playing the villain, but she always describes superhero E1 Laurel in such glowing terms. I think that she would be overjoyed to become BC again.

JH and KC may very well get along on set, but there's got to be an unspoken rivalry. They both want (imo) to be the BC on Arrow and to remain regular cast members.

If it were me, I'd definitely feel resentful if I was in KC's shoes & concerned if I was JH. Like her or not, Katie was around since the beginning, and was essentially replaced. It's shitty. They should have let the BC mantle die with Laurel. IMO, it should have died with Sara, but I can understand her sister wanting to continue her legacy. I have no clue why Dinah was like, ok I'll be your replacement BC, instead of being her own person. Either way, JH puts so much growling, heavy breathing, and stomping into her BC that it's impossible for me to ever take her seriously. I really wish these noobs would at least be cut down to recurring, but now we know JH is signed for 23 eps, so we're never getting rid of her or anyone I bet.

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22 minutes ago, strikera0 said:

Well, can you really blame her? I already said it in the News & Media thread, but I'll repeat it here: Dinah as a character has no personality apart from being the tough chick. Just think about it - she has been on the show for 30+ episodes and the writers have wasted a shit ton of screentime on her, but what do we actually know about Dinah as a human being? She used to be an undercover cop, supports the second amendment, hates weddings and acts like a hypocrite in just about every facet of her life - and I'm fairly certain that the hypocrite part isn't even supposed to be a real character trait, but just an unfortunate side-effect of the shitty writing on the show. 

Yeah, I had the same thought. What can you even say about your character when your character is a total cipher? There's nothing interesting or distinctive about Dinah, not even from a superhero-ing perspective since Black Siren has a sonic cry too.  We know virtually nothing about her, and at this point, I don't even want to know anything about her. Despite her screen time, she always manages to fade into the background. I was trying to think of anything memorable she's done since she's been on the show, and other than being a huge hypocrite and hating Oliver, I've got nothing.

She's irrelevant in Oliver's life, superflous to Team Arrow, and any day player could relay information in her policing scenes. There are too many characters on this show, and she could leave the show without anyone even noticing her absence. Nothing against Juliana at all, but Dinah is a non-entity and another failed BC.

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2 hours ago, tv echo said:

Here's video of the entire Bounding Into Comics' interview with JH (transcriptions for rest of interview are posted in Starling City Times thread)...

Interview: Arrow's Juliana Harkavy
Published on Apr 5, 2018, by Bounding Into Comics

-- On what we can expect to see from Dinah for the rest of S6 of Arrow,


The correct answer is lots and lots of screaming.

Edited by Chaser
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I think Dinah should lose her scream. A meta simply does not fit in with a team of regular people. If we must suffer by keeping her, then at least do something that removes her scream, since she uses it to fall back on. Also, I am tired of the open mouth pop a squat. 

Edited by JJ928
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I think they've actually done a really good job incorporating a meta onto the team. They havent gone over the top with it or made things way to easy by having her around, I have to give them kudos for it. Plus they already expect us to believe that meta humans stay in their lane (ie: Central City) which is just....stupid so it's nice to have that reminder that they exist. 

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I liked it better when flash shit remained on flash, and Arrow could just be Arrow. She's super powerful, she stopped a train ffs, but she still gets her ass kicked lol. Same thing with Siren, she can bring down buildings and she was still scared of Chase, a lackey to Cayden, and now one for Diaz, when she should've been the big bad. These characters belong on a show with a powered hero, or need their power stripped because it just looks stupid. There is no need for Oliver while there is a meta on his team. Just my opinion.

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There is no need for Oliver during the crossovers yet we have them. 

Yeah Siren being afraid of other villains is stupid because they do a poor job explaining why just as they do with most things on this show. Oliver technically doesnt even need a whole team. 1 other person is good enough. 

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Listen, if I could get rid of the crossovers, and go back to just Oliver/Diggle going out, with Felicity on the comms I would lol. I think the crossovers are more of a nuisance than anything else, they break the flow of the season & sometimes don't even contribute to the shows storylines. But while I can ignore and side-eye crossovers, those happen once a year. Having  a meta every week on the team isn't necessary. 

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