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'Arrow's Echo Kellum on Curtis and Felicity's Dynamic
By NICOLE DRUM - January 18, 2018


According to Kellum, that tension is something that will be explored during the second half of Arrow's sixth season, and the friends will ultimately work out.

"You know, I think Curtis and Felicity will try to put their own personal feelings aside and focus on a business and making, you know, some type of amazing product or tech that can, you know, help people or be meaningful in some grand scheme," Kellum told ComicBook.com. "So, I think they'll have focus on that, but it doesn't mean that there won't be tension there. Doesn't mean that, you know, some decisions might not have some eye-rolls or whatnot, you know?"
*  *  *
"I think it's just one of them things where you gotta work for it and do what's better for people as opposed to what's best for you," he said. "And I think that they both kind of have that head space where they can put their own needs aside and, you know, come together and do some good work. And so that's what I believe that'll be showcased more end of the season, but you'll still see the tension there. And that it's not something that they're necessarily flawless at executing."

Arrow’s Echo Kellum Reveals Why the Stakes Are Higher Than Ever Before
January 18, 2018  by Meagan Damore


CBR: Ever since Curtis has been on the show, he’s been this happy-go-lucky, lighthearted guy for the most part. Does the new split change his attitude at all?
: You know, I don’t think it changes who he is. I think he’s still a lighthearted guy. I think even the most lighthearted person can have moments where they’re deeply affected and, you know, they have layers. We all have layers, and I think it affects him in a way that’s really disappointing and it comes from a lot of hurt, because he really thought that he had a place on the team and, for half the team to split up and not trust the other half of the team, especially in Curtis’ instance, where he’s done nothing wrong. It’s just a really huge betrayal. I think a part of why the team split and part of why Curtis left the team is because he’s looking for something that has a little more trust and maybe looks a little different than what Team Arrow is offering.

I think all three of them — Dinah, Curtis and Rene — are looking for more of a partnership and more of a democratic approach to trying to save Star City. I think that’s where they’re going to really approach their team and kind of where Curtis’ head is right now, but it’ll still be who he is. He’ll still be that optimist dude who sometimes does his own thing in his own situation, but Curtis is always looking for a piece of levity in the dark moments.
*  *  *
That being said, what are the odds we’ll see Curtis get another shot at love?
I’d say the odds are very likely! I definitely want to see Curtis get out there and hit up a couple clubs, you know what I’m saying? Go on maybe a kayaking trip with somebody. I want to see him have fun and live life and get back in the groove and live for himself for a little bit. I think that there would be a lot of fun involved that and it’d be a lot of good growth for Curits as well.

Since Curtis will continue to work on Helix Dynamics with Felicity, how does the split impact their relationship?
Yeah, it definitely makes it a little bit more fractious. They have been very close ever since Curtis come onto the scene in Arrow, and he feels very betrayed by her. He feels betrayed by her, Dig and Oliver and that definitely will affect them. I think they’ll put their differences aside to work on the company and do what’s best for the company, but it’s not going to be just easy sailing and hunky dory every day. There might be some eyerolls and some weird looks sometimes and some board meetings sometimes, but I think they’ll do what’s right for the company when it all comes down to it.
*  *  *
What kind of role does Curtis take on within the new team that he, Black Canary and Wild Dog are forming?
I mean, he definitely takes on a more leadership role, but — like I said — I think it’s a shared leadership. They really want to be democratic about their approach of how they go about the new team. They just want to differentiate how they go about saving Star City versus how Oliver and Team Arrow goes about saving Star City. But you’ll definitely see him more involved in the decisions and getting out there and making some calls of his own that not everyone might jive with in some instances, but I think he’ll always be coming from a good place.
*  *  *
Rene was willing to betray Oliver and everyone else for the sake of his daughter. How does that impact the new team’s dynamic?
You know, I think it’s kind of one of those things where the new team can see it from both sides. Oliver and Rene are both fighting for their children. There’s no easy decisions made there. I don’t think they look at Rene in a negative light for making the decision he made. They may not have made the same decision, but they understand where he’s coming from. He’s coming at it from the father aspect. That’s the same reason that Oliver’s coming from right now. He wants to be there for his son. So it’s just a really tough dynamic where they can see both sides of the coin and they sympathize with both characters.

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Arrow - Episode 6.14 - Collision Course
Arrow - Episode 6.15 - Doppelgänger
Arrow - Episode 6.16 - The Thanatos Guild


615 Is Roy's return, right?  Which means even if the rest of the episode is about BS, there's still a chance it could become my second favorite 15th episode.  Season 1 had Dodger but after that numbe15 has been a string of stinkers.  (S2 The Promise - yawn.  S3 was Nada Parbat aka Felicity sleeps with Ray, S4 Taken Is the break up and last year Thea had to get Susan's job back.

Edited by BkWurm1
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31 minutes ago, tv echo said:

You know, I think it’s kind of one of those things where the new team can see it from both sides. Oliver and Rene are both fighting for their children. There’s no easy decisions made there. I don’t think they look at Rene in a negative light for making the decision he made. They may not have made the same decision, but they understand where he’s coming from. He’s coming at it from the father aspect.

Maybe I am just not that good with answers but isn't the question basically about trusting Rene? How can you trust him if he could betray you (even if the reason is his kid.)

I really only like this storyline because Oliver, Felicity and Diggle are back again in a team I enjoy watching. Other than that this storyline can go away.

Edited by Belinea
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32 minutes ago, Belinea said:

Maybe I am just not that good with answers but isn't the question basically about trusting Rene? How can you trust him if he could betray you (even if the reason is his kid.)

Right? It doesn't matter how good the reason is when you're the one who is facing the repercussions of it. Oliver can think the reason is good all he wants, but he's still the one looking at jail time because of it. So dumb.

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How many episodes is Michael Emerson supposed to have left? Because I don't seen how this operation is supposed to go on without him. I love Anatoli, but it looks to me he's letting go of his grudge against Oliver and only doing his part because he might as well. BS and Diaz are a bust, and Vince is neither here or there. Will CJ's original goon take over the show? Are they going to flip their original script this season? Instead of baddie of the week in the first half, and major threat in the second half, it's the other way around?

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^^^ I agree. I  wonder if the surprising, unexpected, never-been-done-before, shocker will be Dragon suddenly pulling out a gun and shooting Cayden dead and taking over the villains team.

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Just hope to see Oliver foiling the Villains plans for once. Like literally finally one-upping them. What's the point in having Oliver kick ass if the villain still gets what he wants?

Hate Oliver having to go beg to the noobs "pushes him over the edge" should mean Oliver DESTROYS ppl without hesitation. Not go beg for help... How i would LOVE to see Oliver lose it and take out an army of dudes.

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Someone asked upthread how many episodes KC/Black Siren has left this season to fulfill her series regular contract. I believe that she has been in the following episodes so far:

601 - Fallout
604 - Reversal
607 - Thanksgiving
609 - Irreconcilable Differences
610 - Divided

That's only 5 episodes. So she's still got quite a few to go, even assuming her contract is only for 13 or 14 episodes.

Edited by tv echo
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17 minutes ago, way2interested said:

Tbh I thought 610 focused more on setting up Vince killing Cayden over literally anything for Dragon.

I could see Vince killing Cayden and then Dragon taking advantage of the lack of leadership to try to take over. And maybe that’ll be when they start writing him as something other than a random thug with a name from the comics. 

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4 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I could see Vince killing Cayden and then Dragon taking advantage of the lack of leadership to try to take over. And maybe that’ll be when they start writing him as something other than a random thug with a name from the comics. 

Sure, but as of now they haven't set Dragon up to do that yet or be the type who would do that. They might, and that might be exactly what happens since ME tweeted that he had an intense scene with KA before he left. I'm just going off of what happened in 610. Other than wanting to kill Oliver, I didn't see anything really setting Dragon wanting to take over from Cayden yet (heck the same could be said for BS in that criteria and even she has more animosity towards Cayden than even Dragon does at this point). 

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3 minutes ago, way2interested said:

Sure, but as of now they haven't set Dragon up to do that yet or be the type who would do that. They might, and that might be exactly what happens since ME tweeted that he had an intense scene with KA before he left. I'm just going off of what happened in 610. Other than wanting to kill Oliver, I didn't see anything really setting Dragon wanting to take over from Cayden yet (heck the same could be said for BS in that criteria and even she has more animosity towards Cayden than even Dragon does at this point). 

Oh, same. I wonder if they want it to be a surprise moment and they’re just doing a horrible job setting it up. 

(I do have to say that I’d be happy if Dragon never becomes more than what we see now.)

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‘Arrow’: Echo Kellum on Team Arrow’s Bad Break-Up and the Fate of Mr. Terrific


In the last episode, when Curtis left the team, how hard do you think that night was for him and what do you think he did, after that moment?
: I definitely think he had a meeting with Jack Daniels, at least, just to clear his head. It was a really big decision. They’ve been like a second family to him. He lost his husband. They were the only things that were left, especially his friendship with Felicity. Just looking at Oliver’s mentorship and really going out and making a difference, it was definitely a decision that was tough, but it’s that thing where, if you can’t trust somebody, you don’t have anything, really. For him, it was about knowing that he can strike out on his own or get to a place where he feels like he can at least have that trust. So, it would have done him a disservice to stay on Team Arrow, after they violated some clear boundaries.

After growing into a much more cohesive unit, the betrayal among the team was that much more difficult to watch. What was it like to shoot those moments?
: Those moments are always a little tough ‘cause we all do genuinely have such a high affinity for each other and really love working with each other and being around each other. Even pretending to be mad or disconnected or that our friendship has been ruined, it pulls on you a little bit. Emily and I are all frown-faced after those scenes. I really do love their dynamic, but I also see how it’s important for the writers to constantly have things in flux to keep things interesting and new, and to have there actually be repercussions to people’s actions. Sometimes best friends fight and I think that really is pulled from real life. As an audience, those moments can be very disheartening, but I think it can also strengthen them, in the long run, if they do get back together.

We see Curtis suggest to Rene and Dinah that they just should form their own team. What will that look like and what will that do to their dynamic? Won’t somebody have to be in charge?
: Yeah. For them and their dynamic, it’s gonna be more about trying to do things a little bit different than Team Arrow. I feel like there’s gonna be a more democratic approach to how they handle things, as a team.

Will they get a new team name?
: Yeah. We didn’t coin it, but I think the name that’s really been sticking, right now, is that our new bunker is called NTA Bunker, which means New Team Arrow. We don’t have Arrow on our team, per se, but we all have a lot of what he embodies and taught us, within ourselves. We all still have the same goal of saving Star City and protecting the denizens against anyone trying to bring them harm, but we just want to try to have a different approach to it?

Is the new team confident that they can succeed at saving the city without Oliver, Diggle and Felicity, or does that become a concern, very quickly?
: Look, Rene would be confident in any situation. He just exudes confidence. No matter what, he’d be like, “I can go and get 17 people by myself and feel good.” Even though he might lose, his confidence is always on peak mode. I definitely think that coupled with Curtis embracing more tech and doing stuff specifically for the team, and still working on his company with Felicity and trying to help Diggle figure out what’s going on with his issue with his arm, they’re definitely going to go through it in a confident way. Whether they’re going to be successful every time is something you’re going to have to tune in to see, but I think they’ll definitely feel good about the decisions they’re making and confident about executing them.
*  *  *
What do you think it will take to bring this team back together?
: I think it would take some kind of monumental task at hand, like on a Crisis on Earth-X level, for the betterment of humanity, at this point. The teams are really split up. There’s definitely a lot of tension there, so it’s definitely going to be a thing that’s played out, in a real way. It’s going to have repercussions and lasting results. I don’t know exactly where it’s gonna go for the future, but I know that it’s definitely something that you will feel, going forward.

Curtis stated that his decision to leave Team Arrow won’t affect his work with Felicity at Helix Dynamics, but it seems like there’s no way that it won’t bleed over. What can we expect to see from their working friendship now?
: First of all, if James Carville and his wife can make it happen than anybody can. They’re from such different parts of the political spectrum, and they still have to work together and make things work for their relationship. I think Felicity and Curtis are, in a lot of ways, the same way. Especially with a business partnership, you have to put your differences aside and do the work. You’ve got patents pending and people are gonna be expecting different tech to come out. You’ve gotta make that money. So, the focus will be toward keeping that on task and hopefully not letting the other issues that permeated through the separation influence that too much, but it won’t just be a slam dunk. They’re not just robots. They still have to deal with their issues, but they’ll try to put the north star on business ventures and try to let everything else fall by the wayside, as best they can.

Cayden James has been a different kind of villain this season, and we’re only just starting to see what he might be capable of. What do you most enjoy about the challenges that he represents, and what can we expect to see from him?
: I like the aspect that he’s more of a thinker. Sometimes the villains are just brute force, they’re on Mirakuru, they have superpowers, or they want bloodlust revenge. I like that he implements a different approach to how he’s going to exact revenge or justice, or whatever he feels he needs to do to the denizens of Star City. I think it’s an interesting way to have a villain playing more of the mind games with his enemies and trying to get at them in a more psychological way sometimes, but still having a clear and present danger there, in a real sense. He’s going to tear you down from every aspect of your humanity, which is an interesting and different way. What you’ll see from him, throughout the season, are these psychological games, whether it’s just sticking a camera in the bunker when we thought we were two steps ahead. He’s really smart, and he’s gonna use that to his advantage.

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In my opinion, the best twist would be to have Siren end Cayden and make her the big bad. Dragon so far has been useless with no fighting skill, nothing more than a lackey. They have done nothing with Siren, who's a regular & I personally don't think they're gonna redeem her. However, making the characters think she is redeemable, and making it look like she's going down that path - just for it to turn out she's the big bad would be more interesting. It would also give Siren something to do other than just being a lackey to the next dude that takes over. The show can make it seem Dragon is the new boss, while Siren is on her make believe redemption, only to swerve a few episodes later. It'd line up with everyone saying they wanted a female big bad. I mean, MG and WM spoke about Siren like she was a huge threat, even calling her evil... Other than her love for murdering people, which I guess makes her evil, I haven't seen her as a threat at all. I think if they show that she actually had a plan all this time and was biding her time for a take over, she could become a formidable villain.

Edited by JJ928
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2 hours ago, JJ928 said:

In my opinion, the best twist would be to have Siren end Cayden and make her the big bad.

I'm sorry, but to switching the big bad from Michael Emerson to KC wouldn't just be a downgrade, it would be dropping off a cliff. We've seen lots of BS and all she's done is smirk and murder. KC's not capable of carrying a more complex role. I don't like Acevedo personally, but his previous roles have shown he's a decent actor and we haven't seen much of Dick Dragon yet so there might be potential.

3 hours ago, tv echo said:

Someone asked upthread how many episodes KC/Black Siren has left this season to fulfill her series regular contract. I believe that she has been in the following episodes so far:

601 - Fallout
604 - Reversal
607 - Thanksgiving
609 - Irreconcilable Differences
610 - Divided

That's only 5 episodes. So she's still got quite a few to go, even assuming her contract is only for 13 or 14 episodes.

IIRC, KC filmed for several episodes but her scenes didn't end up in the aired episode. I think those count towards her total, whatever it is.

Edited by lemotomato
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1 hour ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Maybe Speedy gets in on the action in 615?

Maybe? Hopefully? Thea's been telling Oliver she doesn't feel quite there yet. What if, with OTA being swamped by bad guys, they call in Roy or Roy gets wind of it and arrives and Thea is compelled to help out. They win the day, but she gets injured or suffers a moment of doubt in the field and that's what propels her to leave with Roy. 

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I figured WH was hiding the Speedy costume in that BTS pic the other day. I'm glad she's coming back but there's something bittersweet about them bringing back Roy and Speedy at the same time and then they'll probably leave and we'll get the newbies forced on us again. CRUEL! 

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14 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

I'm sorry, but to switching the big bad from Michael Emerson to KC wouldn't just be a downgrade, it would be dropping off a cliff. We've seen lots of BS and all she's done is smirk and murder. I don't like Acevedo personally, but at least we haven't seen much of Dick Dragon yet so there might be potential.

Switching from Emerson to anyone is a downgrade, but it's one that seems likely to happen. Regardless of KA, I can still separate character from the actor, and he is imo worse & less threatening than Siren. At least with Siren there is that emotional component for  Lance and maybe Thea, they haven't shown anyone else care, so it'd make some sense to me. Otherwise, the only other choice is vigilante and I really don't want that. The actor is cringeworthy and making him a BB and getting more scenes with DD whose acting is also terrible sounds awful.


Also, I really hope Speedy is back. 

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If we finally get an OTA + Speedy + Arsenal team up in episode 15/16 then that's just cruel to NTA and the audience. Because this team will be something that the audience will love and then it'll be taken away and replaced by NTA which will lead to more resentment towards them. Like here is an amazing team that we could have but NOPE! WE're stuck with the ungrateful dumbass newbies.

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2 minutes ago, WindofChange said:

If we finally get an OTA + Speedy + Arsenal team up in episode 15/16 then that's just cruel to NTA and the audience. Because this team will be something that the audience will love and then it'll be taken away and replaced by NTA which will lead to more resentment towards them. Like here is an amazing team that we could have but NOPE! WE're stuck with the ungrateful dumbass newbies.


This is one of the problems I have with the newbies. I don't feel like there's any connection with them and OTA. With both Roy and Speedy there was a relationship there that had been built over seasons. They felt like a family. Not to mention Speedy is actually Olicity's family. I don't feel that way with the newbies. They're just a lame bunch of comic canon masks shoved into the show because DC told them to and I have to put up with it.

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2 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

I am actually wondering if they still gonna do the suicide plotline with Vigilante or changed it into him making a sacrifice. 

Probably a sacrifice. Anything to increase the sympathy towards Dinah. ? ? ? 

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14 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Probably a sacrifice. Anything to increase the sympathy towards Dinah. ? ? ? 

I feel really awful saying this but I probably still won’t care about her.  ?

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3 minutes ago, kes0704 said:

I feel really awful saying this but I probably still won’t care about her.  ?

Me either. I'm done with all of them. 610 pushed me over the edge. ?

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But will anyone actually feel sympathy for her? I know I won't. I won't care and there are a lot of people who feel the same way.

I think it's gonna be really hard for this show to sell the newbies again after bringing Speedy and Roy back. Now I know the Arrow creative team is useless and out of touch, but even they must know they're setting up these 3 to fail. Even those that may not like OTA, still ask for Roy Speedy back, imagine how ugly it's gonna be when Arrow brings those canon characters, just to toss them away. I can already imagine the outrage over losing Arsenal & Speedy (if that's what happens),for the newbies. It's cruel. 

I swear, if they were smart they'd bring those two back on a permanent/semi-permanent basis for the last season or two. Because CW or not I just don't see Arrow going past season 8 (but I could be totally wrong).

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My guess is Roy and Thea will be used to bring back the Boobs in someway. Probably convince them that a Team takes time to build and OTA never gave up them so they should fight for the Boobs cause they need each other and BLAH BLAH BLAH I DONT CARE.

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Bringing back Roy and Speedy to join OTA and then taking them away and leaving us with the newbies to rejoin the team is like giving us steak for 5 minutes, taking it away and leaving us with a bowl of watery soup or a piece of stale bread. I object! 

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1 hour ago, Velocity23 said:

I am actually wondering if they still gonna do the suicide plotline with Vigilante or changed it into him making a sacrifice. 

Is that an earlier spoiler or something from the comics?

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7 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

Adrian Chase (as Vigilante) commited suicide in the comics. As far as i remember when i read up on him when JS was cast. 

I think they basically followed that storyline with Adrian Chase as Prometheus, since he committed suicide in 523.

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31 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I think they basically followed that storyline with Adrian Chase as Prometheus, since he committed suicide in 523.

True although i still expect some kind of resolution with him either with death (but with his healing powers i am not sure how) or a sacrifice. Honestly he has been given more attention then Dragon till now. 

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16 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

True although i still expect some kind of resolution with him either with death (but with his healing powers i am not sure how) or a sacrifice. Honestly he has been given more attention then Dragon till now. 

Yeah, I think sacrifice to save Dinah or the Team so he can be redeemed.  Maybe he doesn't die but they do the whole Kurt Lance bit, years long coma. 

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6 hours ago, tv echo said:

Someone asked upthread how many episodes KC/Black Siren has left this season to fulfill her series regular contract. I believe that she has been in the following episodes so far:

601 - Fallout
604 - Reversal
607 - Thanksgiving
609 - Irreconcilable Differences
610 - Divided

That's only 5 episodes. So she's still got quite a few to go, even assuming her contract is only for 13 or 14 episodes.

That was me!  Darn I thought it was more. Thank you.


@lemotomato Thanks as well!

Edited by BunsenBurner
Added lemotomato
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Since Vigilante is male, they will make sure to give him a decent death. 

I was thinking IF they kill off Cayden and plan on doing any kind of redemption for Siren/Laurel, I could see her not really jelling with the rest of the guys on the team and going against them in the end since it seems like she has respect for him to a certain degree. 

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Didn’t MG say there was going to be an unexpected turn in the story?  If so, I be been thinking for a while that CJ and Prometheus were working together last season. It would make sense that would be how P got all his info on GA. I believe P would have paid CJ for this info rather than be in cahoots together. When CJ found out that GA was the reason his son went missing he used it against GA. 

It might also make sense that the Vigilante if he is to be redeemed, might have figured it out and decided to help GA after realizing GA helped Dinah after the accelerator exploded. He however has no not let anyone know this.

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Vigilante and BS actually staying bad and getting killed/taken to prison would be more of a shocker than redeeming them. Which is so typical and cliché i'm already sighing in advance cuz i know it's gonna happen.


Evil Laurel is pretty fun although i think she is starting to get stale by now. Having her turn "good" would complete ruin the fun IMO and again.. too predictable.

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I'm expecting Cayden James to be in the middle of explaining why now is not the time to do something and Dragon just pull a gun and shoot him.  BS was shown to be impatient but she also was shown to follow orders so I don't see her killing him.  I still don't get why Vigilante is working with them unless James promised he could get Dinah to let him back into her life (which the fracture in the team let happen).  

I don't know what to think about Vince yet.  He sold his line about knowing all the buttons to push when it came to Dinah, but if he's evil, then what's the reason behind him wanting or needing to push her buttons? What do they want from Dinah? If he's just gone along with the alliance to get closer to Dinah, then he's going to turn on them eventually to save her.  Maybe a building can fall on him and as he dies, Dinah can realize that she really did love him and thus dedicate her coming mission to him or something.   

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