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Yeah, I loved Sara on Arrow but the idea that she HAS to be back in order for us to get an all-girls episode on Arrow is absolutely preposterous. For one, she hasn't been an active part of the show in over a year and two), only MG and his colleagues would be stupid enough to put an extra spotlight on their failure(s) with the Black Canary character by having all 3 of them appear in an episode (I'm assuming BS would probably be the villain of the week whose evil plan needs to be stopped). 


38 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Since I pretty much think Caity Litz is as bad an actress as Katie Cassidy, just better at fight scenes and I think has as thirsty a personality, I really really don't need to see her on Arrow so MG can miss me on needing her to do a gno episode.

What makes you think that?

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10 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

From what i understand, one longish scene, like 301.

That's what I was thinking. They set aside 8 hours for this scene.

3 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

I suppose it's good enough for loving looks and heart eyes. 

Don't see them kissing in a restaurant though.

Maybe he rents out the restaurant and its just them...

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2 hours ago, JJ928 said:

There are several ways to do a girls team ep, with the women currently on Arrow, but he'd have to actually recognize their worth outside of wearing a costume. I mean, look how Thea has become nonexistent since they removed her from the Speedy mantle. At this point, I will happily take the girls team on a show I no longer watch because it means MG won't be writing it.

Also, the BOP ep in season 2 and 4x06 were awful. lol

I agree, the BOP eps were more like crossing things off a bucket list than writing a story that flowed naturally.

The girls' team-up that I really liked was s4 when it was Felicity, Donna and Thea escaping from the bees.  Just like I liked the Big Belly Burger caper with Oliver, Felicity and Diggle in s1.  No need for masks or costumes.

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9 minutes ago, Chaser said:

That's what I was thinking. They set aside 8 hours for this scene.

Maybe he rents out the restaurant and its just them...

Haha I like your thinking but he has no money!

Will settle for looooots of heart eyes!

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1 minute ago, Chaser said:

Really curious to see if they can top It was red.

If Oliver tells Felicity about the first time he saw her, it may be close (but I don't know if it would top "it was red"). (Though I have a feeling that may never be brought up again and they just thought it was a cute way to put Felicity into those FBs.) 

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Yeah, no to Sara needing to be part of the mission. I hate Guggenheim so much. This idea that he can only do this with masks — implied by the 3 badass women comment is just pathetic. No creative bone in his body, this hack. He has amazing characters, but he'd rather play with other characters while trapping the characters on his show in comas, or behind a computer. I bet his idea includes Felicity monitoring everything from the lair while all the freaking masks get to enjoy the action. SL already ruined season 2 for me, helped ruin 100th and looks like she's gonna piss me off again soon. 

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MG says a lot of offensive things but because of the Helix storyline in S5, I don't feel too hostile towards him.

In general he has done a wonderful job with Felicity, especially the Felicity vs Lyla plot in 519 with the boys standing back and basically going "Oh shiiiiit what do we do."

For all the offensive things he says, Felicity has received wonderful character development. She is the driving force behind the Green Arrow and they really showcased that in 5B. 

Edited by Mellowyellow
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February is anything from 11 to 14 depending the scheduling. But this year don't the Olympics happen?

I don't think it will be the MSF simply because that usually ends on a cliff-hanger and Oliver and Felicity's relationship has had enough drama by now.

Edited by statsgirl
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10 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I don't think it will be the MSF simply because that usually ends on a cliff-hanger and Oliver and Felicity's relationship has had enough drama by now.

I'm not saying it will be the MSF, but they could always have Oliver and Felicity leave on their honeymoon, thinking everything's fine, and then something happens to the city/someone from the team/etc. 

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Sara is my absolute favorite but there are enough girls on Arrow they don't need her for an all girl team up. Though Sara and Lyla are the only Arrow girls I like to see in action-action. I adore Felicity's little surprise turns. Maybe Marc has a set story idea and a mini crossover like Flash is doing Bringing Felicity in for their all girl "team up" episode. 

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9 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

I think CL has had a natural ability to convey a deep underlying sorrow that ends up pairing with Sara's strength instead of lessening it.  And of course she's grown as an actress on LoT but right from the start she always did enough to make me feel for Sara and that isn't something I could say about KC.   

I haven't watch LOT as faithfully as Arrow but I found her acting in season 2 soooooooo wooden that as bad as Katie is I think she showed more in scenes. Sara was Danny Rand/Iron Fist terribad levels of acting for me on Arrow. Of what I've seen on LOT she has seemed to have grown but at the same time from what I've seen the happy go lucky vibe of the show I don't think the actors on LOT really require much depth. 


And again with Thea Felicity Dinah and Lyla;  Sara is not needed or wanted to make a successful GNO episode so MG can shove it.

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Random thought.  Rewatching some of the greatest hits in season 5 and in 522 we had Felicity use the ruse of her and Oliver going out to dinner at Chez Marta to lure him to her place for his surprise party.  I wonder if the dinner date in 604 will at Chez Marta. 

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From the TV Guide article in Mind Your Surroundings:


Dinah (Juliana Harkavy) will embrace her role as the new Black Canary, as she and Black Siren (Katie Cassidy) hash out their differences.

"Hash out their differences"? Right now, "their differences" is one is on Team Arrow and the other one is a villain who has tried to kill the team and apparently thinks that she's somehow being replaced when she's from another Earth and was never (as far as we know) BC. I use "hash out their differences" when two people disagree about something and talk it out, not when at least one of them has tried to kill the other (and the rest of the team) in the past and will try to again. But maybe that's just me. 

Edited by insomniadreams88
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5 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

From the TV Guide article in Mind Your Surroundings:

"Hash out their differences"? Right now, "their differences" is one is on Team Arrow and the other one is a villain who has tried to kill the team and apparently thinks that she's somehow being replaced when she's from another Earth and was never (as far as we know) BC. I use "hash out their differences" when two people disagree about something and talk it out, not when at least one of them has tried to kill the other (and the rest of the team) in the past and will try to again. But maybe that's just me. 

Didn't Black Siren in the finale make some reference to Dinah replacing her which was weird because Black Siren was never Black Canary in her universe.

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If those two mainly share scenes with each other, it makes it really easy for me to fast forward. So, they can "hash out their differences" all they want, as far as I'm concerned, haha. 

On another note, are they going to pretend Diggle and Felicity could be dead until October? Don't we usually get another promo in August/September, will they just leave those two (+Thea + Noobs) out of it again?

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5 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

Does it still count as watching the show if you fast forward through all the parts without Felicity or Diggle? 

It counts as watching but it makes it difficult to have an informed opinion on things happening in the show. 

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16 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Didn't Black Siren in the finale make some reference to Dinah replacing her which was weird because Black Siren was never Black Canary in her universe.

She sure did. 

I wonder if they're going to give her a Black Canary backstory on E2 to make her being Dinah's ~rival make a smidge more sense. Not that that would help the "replacement" line, which is crap no matter how you look at it - it doesn't even make sense for E2 Laurel to feel particularly aggrieved on her E1 counterpart's behalf, since she herself said she thought Laurel was a pathetic pill.

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Just now, apinknightmare said:

She sure did. 

I wonder if they're going to give her a Black Canary backstory on E2 to make her being Dinah's ~rival make a smidge more sense. Not that that would help the "replacement" line, which is crap no matter how you look at it - it doesn't even make sense for E2 Laurel to feel particularly aggrieved on her E1 counterpart's behalf, since she herself said she thought Laurel was a pathetic pill.

Yep to me it feels like the same thing with Malcolm. The writers are going to go through all kinds of reach to make sense why Black Siren is even there- and has to hang around for 13 episodes- when she probably should have been wrapped up last season. So bizzare out of place rivalry with Dinah it is. 

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What I also don't get about the "replacement" line is that BS has shown zero sign that she even wants to be on the team, considering she's tried to kill everyone on it. So has Dinah somehow taken her place in something that she doesn't even want to be part of? I really hope we don't get any lines like that in season 6. 

But that's not going to stop people from making assumptions that she does want to/should be part of the team and therefore she should become BC/the "replacement" line makes sense or for comic book sites to write "soon-to-be-redeemed" when discussing BS. (I saw that exact phrase on some site discussing MG's comments about the all-girls mission. Sometimes I think people think if they say something enough times, it'll make it true.) 

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1 minute ago, insomniadreams88 said:

What I also don't get about the "replacement" line is that BS has shown zero sign that she even wants to be on the team, considering she's tried to kill everyone on it. So has Dinah somehow taken her place in something that she doesn't even want to be part of? I really hope we don't get any lines like that in season 6. 

But that's not going to stop people from making assumptions that she does want to/should be part of the team and therefore she should become BC/the "replacement" line makes sense or for comic book sites to write "soon-to-be-redeemed" when discussing BS. (I saw that exact phrase on some site discussing MG's comments about the all-girls mission. Sometimes I think people think if they say something enough times, it'll make it true.) 

Honestly it's either the writers being Meta and commenting on that fact that they killed Laurel off only to replace her with Dinah and the rivalry between those fans loyal to the old one and those loyal to the new, or they are going to make Black Siren Black Canary's personal rival and villian and give BS a weird totally bizzare motivation to hate/go after Black Canary.


I still don't see redemption but I won't be shocked if I'm wrong. But if it happens I think it'll be as she is being sent back to her Earth to make a difference. At the end of the day the writers have shown slightly more interest in Dinah/Black Canary then they did in Laurel/Black Canary.

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57 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

Does it still count as watching the show if you fast forward through all the parts without Felicity or Diggle?

Spoilers are not very enticing for the most part. 

Haha that's what I did most of s5. I have no idea about what goes on that doesn't involve Felicity.

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Maybe she resents Dinah having the sonic scream too.  And Quentin, BS misses the love of her father.  Very Electra complex.

1 hour ago, DrSpaceman10 said:

On another note, are they going to pretend Diggle and Felicity could be dead until October? Don't we usually get another promo in August/September, will they just leave those two (+Thea + Noobs) out of it again?

Personally I'm looking forward to the next promo with lots of William, Wild Dog and BS and Dinah screaming at each other.  Not.

Is there anyone who cares about the show (i.e. looks for spoilers) )who doesn't know that Felicity and Diggle are alive?

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I feel like they've been talking about Diggle in season 6, with comments like this (from the TV Guide article) -


we'll see a bit of a role reversal between Oliver and Diggle, as the latter deals with some real secrets of his own

without ever stating, "yes, Diggle is alive." It seems that while they've been playing up the "who's alive? who's dead?" mystery, they've also been talking about what's coming up for him, while with other characters (like Felicity and Thea), it's all, "are they alive? who knows?" - at least until recently with Felicity. 

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I'm pretty sure they'll just make up some bullshit retcon so the BS/BC rivalry makes more sense than it does now. Or maybe BS just has a few screws loose or something. Haha. Maybe she'll have a vendetta with everyone she thinks has stolen her life in some way? Next she'll be going after Felicity saying she stole her place in Oliver's life, romantically speaking. Or is that too meta? IDK. I never know with this show anymore. LOL.

I wish we'd gotten a bit more from that s6 synopsis or whatever it was. That's why the s5 cliffhanger was dumb. They're giving us nothing.

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3 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I'm pretty sure they'll just make up some bullshit retcon so the BS/BC rivalry makes more sense than it does now. Or maybe BS just has a few screws loose or something. Haha. Maybe she'll have a vendetta with everyone she thinks has stolen her life in some way? Next she'll be going after Felicity saying she stole her place in Oliver's life, romantically speaking. Or is that too meta? IDK. I never know with this show anymore. LOL.

I wish we'd gotten a bit more from that s6 synopsis or whatever it was. That's why the s5 cliffhanger was dumb. They're giving us nothing.

They'll do for BS what they did to Malcolm. Bend over backwards just to incorporate them even if it doesn't make sense and there's clearly no place for them on the show. 

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1 minute ago, wonderwall said:

They'll do for BS what they did to Malcolm. Bend over backwards just to incorporate them even if it doesn't make sense and there's clearly no place for them on the show. 

Oh, for sure. I don't think it makes any sense to have an E2 character on Arrow for longer than one episode and yet here we are!  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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1 minute ago, Angel12d said:

Oh, for sure. I don't think it makes any sense to have an E2 character on Arrow for longer than one episode and yet here we are!  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yup. And soon the most of the audience will get tired of her pointless ass as well. 

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TBH, I find the idea of a The One True Screecher storyline between the only female mask placed by an actress who basically replaced the actress playing the only female villain (I think?) is kinda gross. That's a little too meta for me and messed up. 

(Speedy, please come back ?) 

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With the recent comments from Marc about needing "badass Sara" to do an episode honouring women characters I found this Patty Jenkins tweet relevant. Change James Cameron to Marc Guggenheim and Wonder Woman to "any non masked female badass character" and "great film maker" to "adequate tv writer":

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20 hours ago, leopardprint said:

TBH, I find the idea of a The One True Screecher storyline between the only female mask placed by an actress who basically replaced the actress playing the only female villain (I think?) is kinda gross. That's a little too meta for me and messed up. 

(Speedy, please come back ?) 

I don't really want Speedy back, I'd rather have Thea as the Mini Moira that appeared for like an episode and a half.  That's much more interesting to me.

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4 minutes ago, Kymmi said:

I'd rather have Thea as the Mini Moira that appeared for like an episode and a half.  That's much more interesting to me.

Me too. I liked mini-Moira Thea. But remember that was so very bad of her, so she had to leave town to think about what she had done. I feel like they don't want to explore that side of her to the extent that they really should. 

I wouldn't mind having Speedy occasionally, as long as Thea doesn't just suit up to stand on a roof again.

Unfortunately, it looks like we first need Thea to not be in a coma in order to get any Thea, whether it's mini-Moira Thea or Speedy Thea or just Thea. I'd like to think that maybe we'll get a really good Thea storyline in 6B, but I'm not counting on it. 

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You know, it's when I read things like this


“This character that we’re having [Michael] play is somewhat similar to people has has played in the past,” Mericle shared. “But we had many conversations with him about how to make it different, and what elements we could bring to the character to change it up.”

from the TVLine article in Spoilers Only that I really wonder why they're not announcing that Emerson is playing Cayden James - because who else could he be playing? 

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