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  On 11/30/2016 at 6:18 PM, insomniadreams88 said:

I have to imagine it's intentional. Especially after the reporter using that line from their first date. Or they just honestly don't remember their own episodes, which would just be sad (but very possible). My guess? They probably just don't care. 


It's hard to say because they recycle lines a lot but it feels intentional here. IDK? I don't know whether to laugh or be annoyed tbh. Haha. A bit of both.

  On 11/30/2016 at 6:21 PM, catrox14 said:

Unless, it's a trigger for Oliver to remember Felicity, it's a really asshole move by the writers to do that. Not



I think it could go either way. It could be seen as the writers just being careless and forgetting dialogue or it's intentional because it's Oliver repeating something he's already said and it's his real world experiences coming through. IDK. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Maybe until they realize this world isn't real, the aliens are controlling everything so they're picking quotes from the characters' past and fitting them into their story? But in doing so, they're going to trigger memories and lead to those in the dream world beginning to fight back? I have no idea. I'll stop trying to logic this. 

From 413 (Sins of the Father):
Oliver: “Will you marry me?
Felicity (holding up hand with ring): “I think I already answered that question.” 

SA has said that the 100th episode begins with Oliver running. So I'm thinking it'll be an AU twist on the beginning of 401 (another copying of an Olicity scene):  Oliver wearing sweats is running and then heads home - but home is the Queen Mansion and it'll be Laurel who's waiting for him there. He takes a shower, Laurel joins him, and they have shower sex. Etc. (with a side of 'ick').

I'm hoping that in this AU hallucination, Team Arrow consists of Diggle as GA and Felicity as his backup - and that they target corrupt businessmen like... Oliver Queen, who's followed in his father's illegal footsteps. I hope Diggle says to Oliver, "You have failed this city!"


Fans will also be treated to some serious sister bonding between Sara (Caity Lotz) and Laurel. We got to see some of the fallout of Laurel’s death where Sara was concerned on “Legends of Tomorrow” last season, but in the 100th episode, we get to really dig into how close those two women were. We wouldn’t be surprised if one or two tears (as well as a lot of laughs) accompany fans’ viewing of their reunion.


Right. They were so close as sisters that one ratted the other out and sabotaged a potential relationship, later snagging her sister's crush as her own boyfriend, and then the other one slept with her sister's boyfriend.

Edited by tv echo
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  On 11/30/2016 at 6:30 PM, HighHopes said:


Super annoyed at them having Curtis interrupt Felicity in her explanation so he could explain what she was thinking. 


That is the epitome of mansplaining. I hope we find out that Felicity tells him to shut the fuck up and she can explain herself. 

ETA: I'm really starting to greatly dislike Curtis because they are putting him in a role he largely hasn't earned and pushing Felicity aside and I DO NOT LIKE IT ONE LITTLE BIT

Edited by catrox14
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  On 11/30/2016 at 6:30 PM, HighHopes said:


Super annoyed at them having Curtis interrupt Felicity in her explanation so he could explain what she was thinking. 


I've grown to hate Curtis this season.

I'm now curious about MM/Artemis, I could have sworn she was in one of the BTS pics for 508 but, so far she's been missing from all the promos. Unless she's off in Prometheus storyline?

As for the other stuff I'm going on the assumption that it's deliberate because real life is intruding on the dream.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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  On 11/30/2016 at 6:30 PM, HighHopes said:


Super annoyed at them having Curtis interrupt Felicity in her explanation so he could explain what she was thinking. 


Oh! Whew! Thankfully Curtis is there to mansplain everything to us. 

Eta what @catrox14 said better above! 

Edited by RussianRoulette
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  On 11/30/2016 at 6:29 PM, Angel12d said:

I just hope they make it clear that the repeated dialogue is intentional. I don't want to hear Oliver repeat his real vows from the fake wedding in 416 to Laurel. Naw, son. That's too far. 


I think it will be. I saw another sneak peak - can't find the link anymore though - of a scene with Thea and Oliver and then Moira and Robert, and Thea repeats some pilot's dialogue.

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  On 11/30/2016 at 6:26 PM, tv echo said:

Right. They were so close as sisters that one ratted the other out and sabotaged a potential relationship, later snagging her sister's crush as her own boyfriend, and then the other one slept with her sister's boyfriend.


How close Laurel and Sara were. HAHAHAHA. I know they kept telling me that but I rarely saw any of it on screen. Hugging each other doesn't show sisterly closeness. I got more sisterly bonding between Sin and Sara. Then the only memorable scenes between them for me were Laurel throwing an exploding glass at Sara's head and blaming her for stealing her life and Laurel smiling like a loon upon receiving Sara's jacket as she left to go back to people she almost killed herself to get away from. Both of those not really showing me a sisterly bond. 

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  On 11/30/2016 at 6:30 PM, HighHopes said:


Super annoyed at them having Curtis interrupt Felicity in her explanation so he could explain what she was thinking. 


Especially since it's not even like she was babbling or anything. He just interrupted her. And did I hear Felicity thanking Curtis in the background after? UGH. Please don't let this be what we see in the rest of the episode from the real world. 

Still don't like Rene at all. Still love Rory, but the poor thing gets like nothing to do. I wonder if they'll have Cisco touch something of Evelyn's and vibe her with Prometheus. That would probably be too easy. 

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If we get repeated Olicity lines from Laurel.....HAHAHA. That CB.com article is in a whole new awesome light. All that depth of love yada yada yada is Oliver subconsciously trying to remember Felicity.

  On 11/30/2016 at 6:28 PM, statsgirl said:

I hate that promo so much. 

All Lauriver and and Laurel and a flash of Queen family.   They really do think that Felicity fans are so stupid we'll tune in no matter how much dirt you throw at us.


If it makes you feel better, those aren't always accurate representations of the episode. I think it was the one for 4x03 that was all Laurel, Sara, Thea and NP. In actuality, the episode was like 20% NP and 80% OTA.

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The trouble is, will the general audience realize that the dialogue is repeated and it's intentional as a way to show Oliver's real world memories breaking through? Or will they think Laurel is all Oliver ever wanted? Yikes, it's tricky.

That Felicity and Friends clip made me dislike Curtis even more. She consistently gets cut off so he has something to say. STOP IT.

  On 11/30/2016 at 7:05 PM, looptab said:

I don't think it'll be meant as the real world breaking through so much as the writers inserting pieces of dialogue from past episodes in celebration of the 100th. Just little nods here and there. Of course they could serve both purposes, but I wouldn't put much stock on that.


Yeah. But the writers should realize some dialogue has weight, particularly lines from important relationship moments. Taking Olicity lines and giving them to Lauriver as a way of celebrating past episodes is messy and wrong, IMO, especially if it's not clear why they're doing it. But I don't expect anything less from these guys tbh.

Edited by Guest
  On 11/30/2016 at 7:06 PM, Belinea said:

To be fair, many of the writers seem to be on a different show as well depending on the money they want to make that day. 


Speaking of money, I am debating whether I should watch live. For the LOLZ of course. I have a great drinking game but given MG's recent statements I would like to avoid giving him my hard earned $$$. Um, decisions, decisions. 

On topic? Can't wait for those recycled lines. This is gonna be fun. Or not. 

I am going to wait to watch the ep before I get annoyed.  

Like others I am no longer liking Curtis.

  On 11/30/2016 at 7:08 PM, Angel12d said:

Yeah. But the writers should realize some dialogue has weight, particularly lines from important relationship moments. Taking Olicity lines and giving them to Lauriver as a way of celebrating past episodes is messy and wrong, IMO. But I don't expect anything less from these guys tbh.


I agree with this.  I am not a shipper and I think it is tacky.  Intentional or not somethings should just be sacred - you know like asking someone to marry you. JMO

  • Love 7

I think the repeating Olicity dialogue is intentional, but not as a way to get Oliver to realize he's in a fake reality. I think it's part of the narrative that the EPs are trying to sell of Oliver and Laurel being star-crossed lovers. They're saying, look, if Oliver had never gotten on the Queen's Gambit - he would have somehow* changed into a committed, loving, mature adult; he and Laurel would have gotten married; and Laurel would be the love of his life.  So don't blame us for Olicity, blame destiny and one ill-fated boat trip for why Lauriver is no more. (It's the Sliding Doors concept of two parallel paths in life, and one choice decides which path you take.)

(* Major eye roll. There are plenty of real life examples of spoiled, womanizing, self-centered sons in wealthy families, enabled by rich parents, who grow up/age into spoiled, womanizing, self-centered adults, married or not.)

It's also consistent with the EPs' bending over backwards this season to appease Laurel/BC/comic book fans - from the canonization of St. Laurel to her multiple mentions/appearances/legacy. I think the backlash over her death last season was bigger than they expected and they attribute the dropped ratings in 4B primarily, if not solely, to killing her character off. That's because MG has blinders on when it comes to criticism of the BMD.

Edited by tv echo
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Just watched the Cisco sneak peak, I liked that he was more Cisco of old.  I haven't watched Arrow since Laurel's death. My first impressions from that peek. Don't really care for the angsty angry teen in the hoodie, second Rory is the rag guy right? and I don't know why they had Curtis say Felicity's line. Felicity can explain what she means just fine her self, Curtis. He could've had the "Cool, we get to hack alien tech line". 

Edited by Sakura12
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I think that re-asking of marriage and showing the ring to say hey already your spouse/fiance gag isn't something new to Olicity. I did know it was an Olicity thing though so when I watched the clip I went >.< But then again people weren't amused when LOT had Sara say,  "League of Assassins class of 09" so I knew placing an Olicity moment on Laureliver would not go well...

Edited by tarotx
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Just watched the Preview and the Sneak Peek.

Outside of Curtis, I liked the sneak peek. Remember when Cisco and Felicity rode the same wavelength? I liked that better.

As for the Preview, I don't think I'm getting a flashback in that Ollie and Laurel scene. Darn. Not ruling it out that the dialogue was intentional though. I lol'd at the Sara/Oliver scene. I'm looking forward to the awkward of Oliver knowing everything is fake and having to interact with Laurel. I'm hoping he embraces the NOTP face.

If they think the backlash over Laurel's death last season was more than they expected, they ain't seen nothin' yet if they continue to screw Felicity/Olicity around.  IMO.

  On 11/30/2016 at 6:39 PM, Sunshine said:

I think the Olicity lines are the subtle Olicity in the episode. Hopefully it helps Oliver realize it's not real.


That's a little too subtle for me.  Having O/L repeat O/F dialogue will just prove that Felicity stole Laurel's role from her.  And it's the Olicity shippers fault, going by the tweets to MG.

They really don't know what to do with Curtis other than screw up fight scenes and take Felicity's role from her.  He's only got the prominence he has at this point because he's Mr. Terrific in the Comics!  Otherwise he'd probably still be a recurring comic relief character.

Grr.  I didn't know they could make me dislike ep 100 this much!

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My take is that the alien tech is grabbing scrambled bits of everyone's memories to make this reality feel real to them.  If I were to go into Oliver's brain, I would imagine there is a whole lot of Felicity stuff rattling around in there and if the alien tech is taking stuff from his brain and twisting it around - yeah, I would expect a whole lot of olicity manifested in his dreamworld - whether he notices or not, I think I'm ok with reusing olicity dialog because this shows me that even clueless Oliver still subconsciously remembers all things Felicity just like her pen is red.  She's been his world for a long time, so even if aliens scramble his memories around - we still see that she's still a large part of it even in a dream world, not even aliens can erase that.  That's the only way I can deal with not raging about it.

Edited by ComicFan777
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I wonder if the other characters saying or doing something will trigger the Olicity flashbacks for Oliver. Like as soon as LL says the line and shows the ring, we get a quick shot of Felicity ...


Has anyone said just how many flashbacks are being shown? We know of at least 2 from @Morrigan2575's guesses ...

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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