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Is Human Target the guy with the gun wearing a helmet and leather jacket in the promo? I remember one of the BTS pics Wil Traval posted he had on a leather jacket and that wasn't Diggle's new helmet.

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I suspect the Olicity in 5-05 will be Olivers reaction to finding out about Mayo and if we're lucky Felicity losing it when it looks like Oliver has been shot.  At best they'll also toss in a moment where she would have gone to tell Oliver something but he's going out with the reporter instead. Missed opportunities! Cue revert to status quo until the next sweeps period

Edited by BkWurm1
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3 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I suspect the Olicity in 5-05 will be Olivers reaction to finding out about Mayo and if we're lucky Felicity losing it when it looks like Oliver has been shot.  At best they'll also toss in a moment where she would have gone to tell Oliver something but he's going out with the reporter instead. Missed opportunities! Cue revert to status quo until the next sweeps period

Yep. That's the clarity. Felicity still loves Oliver even though she has a condiment. We already know Oliver loves Felicity. I don't think there will be any movement on any of this until after the MSF if even then. 

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Yeah, I suspect the Midseason finale will set up something I hate, but I also expect it to go away by spring. Probably something Canary or Laurel related that hangs like a demon fog over our heads til the show comes back fro break.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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5 hours ago, RussianRoulette said:

I predict the same overwhelming success as The Atom then. Oh wait. Though, LoT can have him. 

Noooo, I actually like LoT. I don't want Wild Dong anywhere near that show. He'd drag it down! Can we pass Wild Dong over to The Flash instead? I like The Flash, but maybe Cisco can open up a breach and send him through to Earth-32 or something.

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49 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Noooo, I actually like LoT. I don't want Wild Dong anywhere near that show. He'd drag it down! Can we pass Wild Dong over to The Flash instead? I like The Flash, but maybe Cisco can open up a breach and send him through to Earth-32 or something.

Yeah, sorry. I don't want Arrows unwanted people ending up on LOT.

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Is Wild Dong supposed to be playing Shovely Joe next week?

ETA: Never mind, I actually paid attention to the promo this time and it's in there.

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There's a scene in 505 with the Wild Dog actor shirtless in the woods with a shovel. SA was there and tweeted about it.

I can only assume Church makes Wild Dog dig his own grave before killing him. GA shows up to rescue WD and then WD helps in a fight scene.

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“Vigilante” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
DOLPH LUNDGREN "ROCKY" GUEST STARS - When the bodies of two criminals are dropped at SCPD, Oliver (Stephen Amell) realizes there is a new Vigilante in Star City. The team is split about whether they should stop someone who is helping keep the city safe.

Didn't we go through this already when a woman in black was saving women from men attacking them?  She had a really cool scream too.

I guess this is the episode we get yet another new vigilante, Chase.  yawn


Arrow: Wild Dog & Diggle Will Build ‘a Very Deep Relationship’

Asked how Digg’s military background affects his relationship with Wild Dog, Ramsey said, “That’s clearly the link, right? They both are military guys, they both have some troubled past, so there’s going to be a very deep relationship between those two men.”“Wild Dog, I believe, connects the most to Diggle,” Gonzales agreed.


Dinicol also weighed in on whether or not fans will learn more about the source of Ragman’s mystical powers. “It’ll trickle out slowly,” he explained. “Largely because the specifics of it are quite a mystery to him, these were laid on him and he was protected from this horrible thing — and then everyone who knew anything about these rags were killed. This stuff, if and when it does come out, will come out slowly and it will be equally a surprise to him.”

However, this mystical power sets him apart from his teammates. According to Dinicol, “I think it makes him a more thoughtful and watchful character; I think he knows how powerful they [the rags] are, and I think he knows how careful he has to be with them. I also think it sets him apart in a sort of a good way from the group; he’s been alone for so long now, and so — when he comes and and he has this other thing that sort of keeps him at arms’ length — to watch them reach out and pull him in a little is really a lovely thing to have happen for him, because he’s a lonely guy.”

Of course Diggle and Wild Dog are going to be best buds.  I wonder if Oliver will really mentor Artemis or is MM is just saying that because she's left out.  So far it's been Wild Dog, Wild Dog, quip from Curtis, Wild Dog, magic Ragman.

Maybe Ragman is the most popular of the four newbs because they're not writing him in your face as they are Rene, he's apart and coming out slowly.  That's a much better way to do it if you want the audience to like a character enough to launch a spin-off or comic book with him.

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7 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Help me out here, the only Shovely Joe reference I know is from Friends.   

That's what I was referring to because of the scene @Morrigan2575 mentions. I wasn't paying much attention to the promo the first time I saw it, but it's there.

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Help me out here, the only Shovely Joe reference I know is from Friends.


That's what I was referring to because of the scene @MORRIGAN2575 mentions. I wasn't paying much attention to the promo the first time I saw it, but it's there.

Lol, it's right there in the name but I don't think of shovels when I think of Shovely Joe, I think of "the thing that we never do"  I really wanted to know where anyone saw that in the promos.   ;)

3 hours ago, bijoux said:

I can't erase this.  Don't know why.  Ignore.  

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15 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

Any guesses on Lance's shocking secret in 5.07? Did he find out he has a secret child named Dinah he didn't know about?

That Thea is really his daughter and he and his wife sold her to the Queens so they could pay to send their other daughters to an expensive private school.  That way Thea is not related to Oliver at all and can become the new (insert color here) Canary!

What?  With these writers it could happen.

Or maybe he is Prometheus!

But really - it is probably the drinking. 

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I wonder if Thea "fighting for" Lance has anything to do with the shocking secret? 

He could be drinking again...I'm guessing after Thea's run-in with reporter what'sherface, reporter what'sherface is going to be working overtime to air some of Lance's dirty laundry, especially since Thea pretty much made her look like a fool in that situation. 

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Barry needs to be punched for what he did to Baby Sara and Wild Dong just because but maybe Bambam is just commenting on that clip of her working out in the gym that's posted in the Social Media thread.

Edited by statsgirl
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16 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Barry is an excellent idea. Since we're making a list, Wild Dong.

Good start.

Barry  - for crimes against the universe.

Wild Dong - for being an asshat

Mayo of course  - to start with, for those tiny hands touching Felicity (we can add more reasons later)

Oliver - cause I'm still pissed about the BMD

Lyla - for acting like Amanda Waller toward Felicity

Diggle - for nearly abandoning his son and for ignoring his wife but listening to Oliver after 30 seconds. 

Curtis - for quitting his job and working full time as a vigilante in training and NOT telling his husband.

Malcolm - well duh!

  The list goes on.

Edited by BkWurm1
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My guess? While in a drunken rage, Quentin hit Donna and that's why they split.  Felicity finds out several episodes later and punches Quentin... Or maybe Felicity punches out Susan Williams for publishing a story that endangers someone on Team Arrow.

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You know she could actually punch Oliver. Super delayed reaction to lies lies lies. 

It's 5x10, she could be punching BS.

Or it's another random henchmen that she clocks.

I doubt it's self defense training because based on that pic with JB, she isn't dressed for it.

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Good question. I have no idea, her pictures are all over the place. She was in Boston filming 3 days ago. She also posted a picture flying somewhere and then old pictures from the LA film. 

Given her personality, I'm pretty sure she'd post BTS the minute she stepped foot in the Arrow set. Makes me think she's not filming 510 yet.

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Just going by the first tweet I wasn't sure if Bam was talking about what he was filming now or about about a crossover  scene he could've been been doing something with since he directed it. The other tweets tell us he's talking about 5.10. I was just joking about Malone. 

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Malone could be a good guess if Mayo turns out to be corrupt. If he is corrupt can we call him Miracle Whip? Name upgrade to something worse then Mayo.

They are behind a couple days so filming should end on the 3rd. Right? IIRC the original end date was on the 1st. 

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WM: "we’ve had Oliver try so many different jobs: CEO, various positions that he more or less could blow off."

I'm so confused by what show Wendy has been watching.  CEO in season two is the ONLY job we've seen Oliver tackle.  Is there a way to get a message to the writers that their BTS canon doesn't impact the narrative of they DON'T WRITE IT into the story?!  

The interviewer seemed familiar with the show; I wish that they had written it in!



WM is correct here; we've seen Oliver tackle and blow off a number of jobs.

1. In season one, after blowing off a potential job at QC, his job was nightclub owner - a job that, after purchasing the foundry and announcing that he would be turning into a club, he completely blew off.  Construction didn't start until Tommy came on board.

2. In season two, he was the CEO, a job he was taking mostly seriously until Slade's return, at which point he blew it off to focus on Arrow things.

3. In the flashbacks in season three, he was an Argus agent, a job he blew off after getting angry at Amanda Waller. Yeah, he wasn't exactly a willing Argus agent, but it was still his job. 

4. In the flashbacks in season four, he was again an Argus agent - this time slightly more willingly. Instead of doing that job, he got involved in running around the island with Poppy and failed to call in updates - partly because the flashback dudes took his communication device, but also because communicating with Argus stopped being a priority. He was also hired to guard the workers who were harvesting poppies, and blew that off to go wandering in tunnels with Constantine and then later go swimming and get attacked by a shark.  

5. In the present day in season four, he was running for mayor - something he stepped down from/blew off without hesitation when his son was kidnapped. 

So that's three full time jobs in the present day (yes, campaigning for a political office counts as a full time job) that he blew off, plus the flashback stuff.

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41 minutes ago, TrueMyth said:

WM: "we’ve had Oliver try so many different jobs: CEO, various positions that he more or less could blow off."

I'm so confused by what show Wendy has been watching.  CEO in season two is the ONLY job we've seen Oliver tackle.  Is there a way to get a message to the writers that their BTS canon doesn't impact the narrative of they DON'T WRITE IT into the story?!  

The interviewer seemed familiar with the show; I wish that they had written it in!

Whoops, quoting myself from the spoilers only thread.  This is what happens when I try to post from mobile first thing in the morning.

I wasn't counting flashback "jobs," and I don't see "jobs" as something that you don't draw a salary from.  These two distinctions eliminate everything except the CEO job (and maybe the nightclub if we think Oliver knew enough about budgeting to pay himself).

When exactly did he walk away from ARGUS in season three flashbacks?  My memory of those yellow-tinted times is super fuzzy, and I have no drive to go back and rewatch, but he worked for them under duress, so I don't see stoping (either time) as "blowing off."  Didn't he only "stop" when he realized that the general was dirty and about to kill many thousands?

I agree, the night club job should be in there under the dynamic that Wendy described, but the campaign seemed different to me.  I don't remember him missing speeches or events due to his GA activities.  I don't see quitting due to blackmail as "blowing off" either. The dynamic just seemed very different to seasons one and two to me.

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1 hour ago, TrueMyth said:

Whoops, quoting myself from the spoilers only thread.  This is what happens when I try to post from mobile first thing in the morning.

I wasn't counting flashback "jobs," and I don't see "jobs" as something that you don't draw a salary from.  These two distinctions eliminate everything except the CEO job (and maybe the nightclub if we think Oliver knew enough about budgeting to pay himself).

When exactly did he walk away from ARGUS in season three flashbacks?  My memory of those yellow-tinted times is super fuzzy, and I have no drive to go back and rewatch, but he worked for them under duress, so I don't see stopping (either time) as "blowing off."  Didn't he only "stop" when he realized that the general was dirty and about to kill many thousands?

I agree, the night club job should be in there under the dynamic that Wendy described, but the campaign seemed different to me.  I don't remember him missing speeches or events due to his GA activities.  I don't see quitting due to blackmail as "blowing off" either. The dynamic just seemed very different to seasons one and two to me.

I'm with you - when exactly did the ARGUS gig become a job, rather than wetwork he was either blackmailed into or tricked, drugged and thrown off a plane into? In Hong Kong, his recruiter let him go after she was tortured by the corrupt general, and on Lian Yu, he left with Waller's blessing too. Besides, he was never given a choice, so why exactly should he demonstrate some kind of work ethic here?

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Now they've just run out of ideas. Yikes.

I suppose it's better than Malcolm.

Also, just catching up on spoilers and I can't wait for Felicity to punch someone in the face! I hope it's Mayo Bread. But it probably won't be. LOL.

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29 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Jesus, they really can't write Thea as anything more than somebody's daughter, can they?

A few more, and Thea will be able to give Barry Allen competition over father figures.

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52 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Jesus, they really can't write Thea as anything more than somebody's daughter, can they?

It is kinda funny. But at the same time, this is the only father/daughter type relationship I would have ever cared to see on this show (aside from one with Walter, sob), and I'd prefer to watch a Q/T relationship develop than to see either of them focused mainly on LIs (sorry, Donna). Also, I feel like Thea is actually being developed here, where her "relationship" with MM mostly served to highlight him and victimize her. I enjoy found family stories way more than blood family stories, so this pleases me. This seems logical for their characters. It seems healthy and positive, and not laden with the angst or drama of their relationships with their bio parents/kids. They seem to be handling it with a light touch so far, and it sounds like PB thinks it continues to go that way, which is lovely. Their scenes have been some of my favorites so far this season, and I couldn't have said that about either of them in any other season, I don't think.

Edited by Carrie Ann
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