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I thought that was making it clear....did i read that wrong?  


Sara = Canary

Laurel = Black Canary


Is that not what he meant?


Yeah, I think that's what he meant. He's just attempting to be coy, which is maddening.

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I thought that was making it clear....did i read that wrong?  


Sara = Canary

Laurel = Black Canary


Is that not what he meant?


Does that mean Roy or anyone else can become Green Arrow because Oliver's the Arrow? That's all I think of when I see that excuse by Laurel fans


Black is the color of Sara's outfit, just like Green is the color of Oliver's. And if were are going with Black for darker then Sara's 100x darker than Laurel will ever be. So if we go with that Sara should be Black Canary and Laurel can be just the Canary. 


Cassidy can pump all the iron in the world, being in shape isn't even what makes Sara the BC, it's everything else they gave her from the comic persona that makes her BC. They left Laurel with nothing that ties her to that character besides her name. Are they just going to hand Laurel all of Sara's personality, traits, skills and friendships along with her jacket and that's how she becomes BC.

Edited by Sakura12
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Which is actually total BS because I can dig up any number of articles from S2 where they referred to Sara as the Black Canary.

Exactly. They've called her Black Canary several times. DC called her Black Canary. She's been called Black Canary in most of the publicity, and they never objected. Now suddenly they're embracing that very stupid argument that Sara can't be the true BC because she doesn't have "Black" in front of Canary? That actually makes me angry. I think I'm back to being done with the show. If they're so determined to make Laurel the "Black" Canary, they can do it without this viewer.

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Honestly, Marc's answer didn't sound definitive in any way to me. Stephen was asked at Denver Comic Con, why they weren't called Green Arrow and Black Canary, he said it was because they were still on their journey to becoming heroes. Marc's answer sounds more like a cop out, because the interviewer asked if Sara was still the BC or if Laurel could take over the Black Canary role, and all he said was Sara was Canary without the modifier. Well, Oliver is the Arrow without a modifier, so his answer is basically meaningless at this point. Plus, he did say in the question before, that Sara was a mainstay in Oliver's life, not just a visitor.


I love Sara and have no interest in Laurel becoming BC, but I'm still not convinced they're taking her that route. I could be totally wrong, and by episode five she's wearing fishnets... but with lack of training that would be a sure way to kill her off. Plus, AK said, again, that Laurel is a lawyer with a jacket. So I'm cautiously optimistic at the moment. I think SDCC will give us a better idea. I'll still be surprised if Caity isn't announce as a regular. In two days they went from saying, she's on for three episodes, & hopefully more; to she'll be a recurring guest in season 3. Who knows what SDCC will bring.

Edited by JJ928
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The Arrow panel is Friday night at 5PM PST, 8PM EST (or are we daylight now...i always screw that up)


You should get live tweets from people in the audience as well as media bloggers during the panel.  plus tons of interviews coming out before/after the panel.  By Sunday you'll have a good idea.

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Guggenheim: "Laurel, for one, is closer to becoming her comic book alter-ego." AND THEN "We're going to see Laurel take a few big steps towards her comic-book self this season. Let's just say that Katie Cassidy is pumping iron." ALSO "She's an attorney with a nice, sweet jacket." AND Guggenheim also maintains that Laurel has a long road ahead to becoming her comic book alter-ego.


This latest bit of info from MG's mouth seems pretty straight forward to me. Even though Laurel has a long way to become the Canary, since right now she only has the nice, sweet jacket and no formal training, she WILL be the canary sooner or later. I think we might be deluding ourselves into thinking otherwise. I mean how much more clear can they be?


No matter what Laurel's island was or when it happened (completely skipped past me or maybe I skipped past it), she is on the BC path according to the writers. They're taking it slow (while digging Laurel the grave called Sara) but they will get there. All the emphasis on pumping iron and KC working out etc., it means that this season will see her at least begin training if nothing else.


The producers obviously think that this show will have a long run (8-10 yrs) and so they might be taking us through all the paces of Laurel's Canary journey (no matter our protestations). It'll begin this season and by season 5 premiere, she'll be sporting the dreaded fishnets.

Meanwhile, Guggenheim says about Sara:  "She's come back to Starling City with a very specific mission."


Maybe her mission (aside from whatever action is going to take place with Arrow) is to put Laurel on the path to becoming BC. Maybe Sara knows that she wouldn't be able to come back again or to be an active Canary in Starling City, so she convinces Laurel to become one. She did give her the jacket, Sara must be thinking on it even in Season 2. Otherwise why give Laurel the jacket…the question is not why Laurel? The question is why at all? I mean if Sara could have stayed in Starling, she wouldn't have needed to let go of the jacket. The fact that she did, means that she can't stay. IMO

Edited by At Leisure
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I think they've doubled down on their original vision for the show which to me means Laurel,Laurel,and more Laurel.

I think it will be safe to watch this season, but next season - assuming they get renewed- all bets are off.

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This latest bit of info from MG's mouth seems pretty straight forward to me. Even though Laurel has a long way to become the Canary, since right now she only has the nice, sweet jacket and no formal training, she WILL be the canary sooner or later. I think we might be deluding ourselves into thinking otherwise. I mean how much more clear can they be?


I prefer to remain in denial and believe that these interviews have been worded in such a way that nothing is being promised.  Then, if things go terribly wrong and this is an epic fail, they can back out and tell Laurel fans that they never said that Laurel would actually become her comic counterpart, just that she would be working towards that goal.  Just because you make big strides in achieving a goal doesn't mean you ever actually will.  Yes, I know, TOTAL denial   :)

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I'm going to wait and see if we hear anything new at SDCC before getting annoyed. At the moment I'm okay with the spoilers, because if nothing else, the EP's have proven one thing: They love to mislead us, upset us, and get us talking about the show. After all, every time we're on twitter, tumblr, and forums, venting and arguing - we're providing them with buzz. Just the fact that they seem to love Caity Lotz, and have talked her up so much (more than that other), keeps me hopeful. We'll see if my hopes will be crushed. lol 

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Frankly despite an Earth sized chance that Laurel will be BC by season 5 premiere, I don't think that I can ever give this show up. So I might not like one aspect of Arrow, there are plenty others I love.

They're giving Diggle an actual family, Felicity a mother and a lover besides both of them being the mind and heart of team Arrow. And then there's Oliver and his struggles and his manpain and his lovers and his enemies and his triumphs and failures.

There will always be characters like Merlyn and Slade who despite being the villains make a big part of why I watch the show. The Isabels and the Nyssas, the Counts and the Bloods...and then there is Quentin freakin Lance.

The show has so much more than mere Laurel to offer. The villains, the thrills and chills and the sweet moments among the A team. The humour that the EPs say will be taken up a notch.

Nope...not leaving. So bring on Laurel...I've got this. I don't even see her...the Canary jacket is my invisibility cloak for Laurel.

Edited by At Leisure
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@At Leisure, I could've taken that attitude if they'd never brought Sara on. But they did, and now Laurel as BC, whenever it happens, comes at the direct expense of one of my favorite characters on the show. Unfortunately that's something I can't get past. :(

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@Starfish35 You know what, maybe they won't kill Sara off. Though the EPs do seem fond of killing people off on this show (Tommy, Moira), maybe Sara's popularity won't make them deal the same fate to her.

Perhaps they'll keep her on as a fantastic recurring Canary. The possibilities are endless and somehow I think that as long as the EPs want to play the Ra's al Ghul angle...I say they need Sara and she might disappear but they won't make her die.

Edited by At Leisure
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Sara goes by the Canary, just like Oliver goes by Arrow. So I don't see why it's such a huge thing for her when it means nothing for him. It's a color in front of the actual name they chose for themselves.


Which brings me to another thing, why would Laurel call herself Black Canary in the first place? If they are both running around in black outfits, is Laurel's bright idea to put "black" in front of her Canary name to be different? It's not different if they are both wearing black. If the outfit doesn't matter and it's black = dark, then again, Sara's 100x darker than Laurel will ever be so she should be one with "black" in front of her name. So it's really not possible for them to both be the BC. Then that leaves only 3 possibilities for Sara to give up the fight and her name, she becomes a villain, she dies or she gets crippled. Either way she needs to be out of the way for Laurel to be the Black Canary. All of those would be them destroying Sara for Laurel. That is what I don't want to see, Tommy already died for Laurel's story, ruining Sara for her will turn me off the show. I'm not interested at all in Laurel's journey to becoming a hero at the expense of other characters. 


They should not have introduced Sara, made her a badass if their 46 episode plan for Laurel was to just give her everything Sara has.

Edited by Sakura12
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You know it's funny because I was watching SA's Q&A on FB this morning and one of the questions was about writing - I can't remember the exact wording but it was something like does he ever question things the writers have characters saying. His answer is that he thinks the writing is on point (I disagree that this is always true but moving on) BUT his concern is more about continuity. Since they've wrecked continuity a couple of times with their fast paced story, he's right to be concerned. I think he voices these concerns and others like MB and JB likely do as well. Manu has been rather vocal about the parts of his character's story that didn't make sense, so I bet he spoke up at some point.

My gut feeling is that the EPs know the problems created by their methods. One of them admitted it was a problem in S2. However, it wouldn't surprise me if they think they can fix this by just tightening up the story. That might solve part of it but it's not the whole problem. They've been walking a very thin line with Oliver, for example. Sometimes he redefines hypocrisy and general mandouche behavior, and it's a problem if they want me to like him. I also need to like him to care about his journey to hero. It's the characters that will keep me watching more than plot twists.


I think that would be a very good question to ask the EPs at Comic con. Do they want Oliver to come out like a hero smelling like roses (hence the no kill rule) or do they want him to be a grey character (sister swapping, constant lying to family. general douchebaggery)?

I personally think they want him to be a hero but are constrained by the story they have told so far and they believe if they change him too much, it would be very out of character.

I am all for dark characters and protagonists - I mean I watch House of Cards and every decent and nice person loses out or gets killed in that series but that is how it was written. The problem with Arrow is this chaotic confusion. Is Oliver a hero or a douche? Do we introduce super powers or do we keep it gritty and realistic? Who is black canary? How did Malcom survive? Who feeds Slade Wilson in supermax?

Who is gonna answer these questions?

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Frankly despite an Earth sized chance that Laurel will be BC by season 5 premiere, I don't think that I can ever give this show up. So I might not like one aspect of Arrow, there are plenty others I love.

They're giving Diggle an actual family, Felicity a mother and a lover besides both of them being the mind and heart of team Arrow. And then there's Oliver and his struggles and his manpain and his lovers and his enemies and his triumphs and failures.

There will always be characters like Merlyn and Slade who despite being the villains make a big part of why I watch the show. The Isabels and the Nyssas, the Counts and the Bloods...and then there is Quentin freakin Lance.

The show has so much more than mere Laurel to offer. The villains, the thrills and chills and the sweet moments among the A team. The humour that the EPs say will be taken up a notch.

Nope...not leaving. So bring on Laurel...I've got this. I don't even see her...the Canary jacket is my invisibility cloak for Laurel.

What I'm afraid I'm foreseeing is a time when all the great stuff has been pushed aside or torn apart to make way for Laurel stories, Black Canary stories, Lance family drama, and Oliver and Laurel stories to the point where the show is Laurel with a side order of Arrow. We are not there yet but unless something changes, by fourth or fifth season this show might be unrecognizable.

I guess I'm trying to brace myself. Next year might be too Laurel heavy for my taste, but I can power through that, but the future...be afraid, be very afraid. :(

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Geez, I thought that Roy was going to be Arsenal at some point down the line, but they must be accelerating his storyline too if they've already got him in costume.  So, he goes from slapping water to a coma to Arsenal.  Nice journey there, EPs.  They really do a shitty job with these metaphorical "islands."

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Geez, I thought that Roy was going to be Arsenal at some point down the line, but they must be accelerating his storyline too if they've already got him in costume.  So, he goes from slapping water to a coma to Arsenal.  Nice journey there, EPs.  They really do a shitty job with these metaphorical "islands."


They do love to just skip over the interesting parts. Even with a 5 - 8 months time jump, Roy still wouldn't be proficient enough with a bow and arrow to have that be his primary weapon. Oh well, whatevs. I'll just include it in my hand wave for everything else about this show that makes no sense. (I do actually like the outfit, though.)

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How does this make him look different than Red Arrow? What is making him Arsenal?


Also this really doesn't make me confident in Laurel's "journey", she'll probably go from get some training from Sara or a retired boxer to the bestest Black Canary ever in a year and despite not having any weapons training, she'll know how to use every weapon better than the League trained Sara.

Edited by Sakura12
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So I'm guessing that Roy's going to have an arm lopped off sooner rather than later, if he's supposed to be Arsenal this season? Wonder who does it. Thea? Maybe Malcolm. Or it could be bypassed completely since he's supposed to be Arsenal but dressed as Red Arrow.


The stitching looks a little gothic to me. Not sure how I feel about it.

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I think they've doubled down on their original vision for the show which to me means Laurel,Laurel,and more Laurel.

Because it worked so well up to now.  (I'm rolling my eyes.)


If Laurel had worked in s1, we wouldn't have Felicity and Sara right now (so actually it's a good thing she didn't).  AK and MG may be in love with the comic books since they write them, but I have a hard time believing Berlanti would tank his show like that.


I still think that the whole 'who does Laurel become?' is not written in stone yet.  That's why Sara is the Canary but they don't want to put 'Black Canary' there in case they can still work it with Laurel. If they can't, and I think s3 will be the deciding factor, then Sara will become the Black Canary as Oliver is becoming the Green Arrow.  They're saying that Laurel is one step closer to being her comic book character (they don't specify which one), and she is because now she knows Oliver's secret identity, not necessarily because she has the leather jacket.


Does that necessarily mean that Caity's still our Black Canary, or is there room for that identity to shift to somebody else -- say, perhaps Laurel?

Well, the thing we've always said is Sara is the Canary. Without a modifier. That's my answer. I'm sticking with that.

He's avoiding definitiely answering the question.


Well, Brandon Routh is playing him, as been widely reported, and he's just a great deal of fun. What makes Ray so much fun is he's basically the smartest person on our show.

Wait, I thought that Felicity was the smartest person on the show. And then Barry Allen was.  Soon mensa will be starting a Starling City unit.


On the plus side, he's confirmed Suicide Squad coming back and hope to get Helena.



AK: For once, Oliver won't be a smooth operator when he and Felicity do go on that date. "Let's just say, Oliver is the one who has trouble completing sentences," Kreisberg hints. As he tells it, the timing was right to further evolve the Oliver and Felicity dynamic. "The way the show has shaken out and the experiences the two have had, it feels like it's time to explore that," he says.

I've been worrying about them messing up Oliver/Felicity but this sounds like it could be fun.



So I'm guessing that Roy's going to have an arm lopped off sooner rather than later, if he's supposed to be Arsenal this season? Wonder who does it. Thea? Maybe Malcolm.

If they can do the story properly, that would be a nice twist with his ex-girlfriend. Remember, guys,  you shouldn't keep secrets from Thea. It always backfires.

Edited by statsgirl
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 I think looking at their comments is probably making things worse, rather than better, because we read into every living detail. I just really hope what SA said about s3 being more intimate is true.


Exactly and I kind of wish they'd just stop talking all together even though this is the week leading up to Comic Con and I guess the media blitz is necessary. Plus I find that they're revealing way too many details about some things (like Olicity for example) and not enough about other things (Diggle, Team Arrow). Because I feel like I already know exactly how the Oliver and Felicity stuff will go down in the premiere because every day something new is revealed; from confirmation that there will be a date, which I feel could've been left up to speculation, to specific details about the date to actual dialogue. I just need them to leave something for me to be excited about when I actually watch the episode in October.


And I'm also not sure what its all meant to be leading up to in the first place, since we already know Oliver reverts back to his idiotic 'my life is far too dangerous for love' stance. I know that I might be in the minority with this; but I don't think Felicity needs to be made aware of Oliver's feelings so early in the season. That's an entire arc within itself worthy of season long build up and development. 


But that's just my opinion based on things I might be reading way too much into via all these EP interviews and quotes. In any case, while I might not have that much faith in the writers I do however have everlasting faith in Emily and Stephen and their ability to make anything the writers throw at them work. 





You know it's funny because I was watching SA's Q&A on FB this morning and one of the questions was about writing - I can't remember the exact wording but it was something like does he ever question things the writers have characters saying. His answer is that he thinks the writing is on point (I disagree that this is always true but moving on) BUT his concern is more about continuity. Since they've wrecked continuity a couple of times with their fast paced story, he's right to be concerned. I think he voices these concerns and others like MB and JB likely do as well. Manu has been rather vocal about the parts of his character's story that didn't make sense, so I bet he spoke up at some point.


Yes I watched the Q&A last night and I did take notice of what Stephen said there as well! It was very interesting because while he obviously can't point out the writers' glaring mistakes for obvious reasons, at the same time, I don't think he's always a fan of the choices they make and I think that was his way of acknowledging that without actually saying it. Stephen is one of the few reasons why I don't think I can give up the show just yet. He's such a genuine and stand up guy who legitimately cares about the work that he's doing. I mean most of the cast is like that (i.e.David, Emily, Willa, Manu) but as the series lead, Stephen goes way above and beyond what most series leads do when it comes to connecting with the audience on a personal level. 


And yes Manu has directly taken the writers to task for the way they butchered Slade. 

Edited by stormborn
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Quandary. I really like Roy's new costume--it looks seriously badass--but way to skip over all his training and "island" hurdles to become a hero so fast, show. Before Roy went into a coma, he could barely hit the side of a target. After his coma, during the tunnel battle, he was mostly doing close quarter arrow-ing of Slade's army. Is 6-7 months enough for him to become Arsenal-proficient with a bow and arrow? I do wonder where he/Team Arrow got the money to spring for his all-leather custom-made ensemble. Oliver's broke and I doubt Roy's busboy tips could cover all that. Maybe he's on a payment plan with whoever tailors all these costumes?


On another note, I'm getting really excited about "the secret origins of Felicity Smoak". I pretty much am all for any and all things Felicity because, well, fave. No matter what the writers throw at me about her past, I feel like I'll actually still know who present-day Felicity is. Her character is one of the very few that has been written remarkably consistent, so far. It would be really fucking awesome to see how she became the person she is, though. I like getting to taste the layers that built the delectable tower cake (sorry, food on my mind--still savoring memories of that truffle cake). Finding out if her father or mother were/are villains won't change who she is now. I will laugh while crying, however, if Felicity's mom turns out to be Arrow's spin on Roulette.


I also hope that since Felicity's not a natural blonde, they find a great wig for EBR's flashbacks like they did for ST during Moira's flashback.


On the Black Canary spoilers, just blergh. There is a dearth of fucks I have to give about Laurel. I wish I have even a smidgen so my viewing experience might improve. I am so sorry about what they might have in plan for Sara to transition Laurel, though. Sara will always be BC in my mind. At least, they modeled that BC collectible action figure after her. I'll just cling to the notion that S3 might be the writer's final attempt at trying to mold Laurel into BC and that, should it fail, they'll finally move the fuck on.

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Exactly and I kind of wish they'd just stop talking all together even though this is the week leading up to Comic Con and I guess the media blitz is necessary. Plus I find that they're revealing way too many details about some things (like Olicity for example) and not enough about other things (Diggle, Team Arrow). Because I feel like I already know exactly how the Oliver and Felicity stuff will go down in the premiere because every day something new is revealed; from confirmation that there will be a date, which I feel could've been left up to speculation, to specific details about the date to actual dialogue. 


It seems deliberate that they're revealing so much about the Olicity date. To hype the episode for sure, but also so they don't reveal much else about the series/show. I don't really know how they're going to handle Oliver going back on the date, but I doubt it's just going to be Oliver and his "because of the life" nonsense. Sounds like it'll be a fairly mutual decision. Which in turns make me wonder where Ray will fit in.

More spoilers from TV Line: http://tvline.com/2014/07/23/arrow-season-3-roy-arsenal-sara-returns-diggle-baby/


I'm pretty much looking forward to everything EXCEPT Laurel. UGH.


Not going to lie, the great scene between Felicity and Laurel made my heart skip a beat.

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More spoilers from TV Line: http://tvline.com/2014/07/23/arrow-season-3-roy-arsenal-sara-returns-diggle-baby/


I'm pretty much looking forward to everything EXCEPT Laurel. UGH.



I'm pretty much ambivalent towards everything except the Thea and Diggle stuff. I'm glad they're at least being careful with how much they reveal about Thea's arc. This makes me think that maybe we'll have some good stuff to look forward to and be surprised by with her character. Thea is one of my favorite characters. 


OH, BABY! | When last we tuned in, amidst so, so much mayhem and destruction, Diggle learned that he’s going to be a daddy. “Diggle has some major storylines coming up — the biggest obviously being Lilah is pregnant,” Guggenheim notes. Specifically, the EP singles out Episode 3 as “very Diggle-oriented” (though perhaps not to the same degree as “Keep Your Enemies Closer” or “Suicide Squad”).


So even with the eight month time jump, Lyla is still pregnant???  Excited for another Diggle-centric episode though. 

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Oh, definitely more Laurel mentions.  Maybe they don't want KC being questioned there?

Not going to lie, the great scene between Felicity and Laurel made my heart skip a beat.

If I could be sure it's Felicity telling her off, I'd love it.  But I'm afraid they're going to use Felicity to prop Laurel up because she's such a nice person, which would leave Diggle the only one giving her shade.  "Oh Laurel, I'm sure Oliver wanted to tell you but he couldn't because he was trying to protect you. Don't be upset that you're the last person in the universe to know and only because Slade told you."


I don't mind them not showing how Roy develops his skills because there are other stories I'd be interested in (like how Thea is going to get along with Malcolm). . I'm going to assume he practiced a lot during the missing 7 months.

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Oh, definitely more Laurel mentions.  Maybe they don't want KC being questioned there?

If I could be sure it's Felicity telling her off, I'd love it.  But I'm afraid they're going to use Felicity to prop Laurel up because she's such a nice person, which would leave Diggle the only one giving her shade.  "Oh Laurel, I'm sure Oliver wanted to tell you but he couldn't because he was trying to protect you. Don't be upset that you're the last person in the universe to know and only because Slade told you."


I don't mind them not showing how Roy develops his skills because there are other stories I'd be interested in (like how Thea is going to get along with Malcolm). . I'm going to assume he practiced a lot during the missing 7 months.


The fact that Roy was actively helping Oliver during the final battle in the tunnel with a bow and arrow was kind of shameful. I didn't know the boy could do it. But then Laurel shot an arrow in the previous episode so Starling City is full of talented archers.


Goodness. Laurel and Felicity interacting. What do they have in store?

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Since there is a call back scene in 3.03 to Season 2's coffee scene, I hope Laurel tells Felicity to get her some coffee and Felicity sets her straight.  That would be a "great" Felicity and Laurel scene for me!


I wonder if Lyla has the baby in 3.03 since it's very Diggle-oriented.

Edited by Sunshine
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I'm pretty much ambivalent towards everything except the Thea and Diggle stuff. I'm glad they're at least being careful with how much they reveal about Thea's arc. This makes me think that maybe we'll have some good stuff to look forward to and be surprised by with her character. Thea is one of my favorite characters. 


OH, BABY! | When last we tuned in, amidst so, so much mayhem and destruction, Diggle learned that he’s going to be a daddy. “Diggle has some major storylines coming up — the biggest obviously being Lilah is pregnant,” Guggenheim notes. Specifically, the EP singles out Episode 3 as “very Diggle-oriented” (though perhaps not to the same degree as “Keep Your Enemies Closer” or “Suicide Squad”).


So even with the eight month time jump, Lyla is still pregnant???  Excited for another Diggle-centric episode though. 


One of the other producers said in an interview released earlier today it was a 6-month time jump. They need to get their stories straight.

Since there is a call back scene in 3.03 to Season 2's coffee scene, I hope Laurel tells Felicity to get her some coffee and Felicity sets her straight.  That would be a "great" Felicity and Laurel scene for me!


I don't know, I'd like to continue watching this show and if that's going to happen I need Laurel to become a little more bearable, so i really don't want this to happen.

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David Ramsey said last year that we were going to learn more about H.I.V.E this season, but so far no one's saying anything. Did that storyline get put off too?

Edited by Starfish35
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David Ramsey said last year that we were going to learn more about H.I.V.E this season, but so far no one's saying anything. Did that storyline get put off too?


Hopefully this season we won't have that 7 episode arc where nothing happened of consequence to the story so Diggle could still get some time in.

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From the Hollywood Reporter article - I realize this is a minor point, but were we actually supposed to be getting an Apocalypse Now feeling from the 2nd season island flashbacks? Because speaking for just me, SO NOT the feeling I got.  And season one, island flashbacks = Spielberg?  So, er, was Fyers supposed to be a Nazi, a rampaging dinosaur, or a cute little alien?




1. To be fair with Roy and Arsenal, when we first saw Roy back in season one his stunt dude was doing all kinds of parkour and street fighting, and there's been indications that he was trained there. In the second season he was just bad with the bow and with control, not necessarily general fighting.  So I can see this. And while I don't think Mirakuru was really an "island" for him he did have a crappy life growing up, so...hmm. Ok, kinda stretching things here, I admit.


2. I'm calling it right now: this great scene between Laurel and Felicity in the third episode is NOT going to be Emmy worthy. 

Edited by quarks
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My biggest fear going into this season was that the EPs really didn't know what made Laurel's character a problem. That they really believe the only reason people don't want Laurel as BC is because of Olicity and to fix that they were going to go all in on Oliver and Felicity and then put Laurel everywhere else. The one thing I was holding on to was that Oliver said the "it started with the three of us" line and she would not be told the address to the new Arrowcave. Damn.


i'm not proud of this but I'm probably one of  the few people that are just not open to liking Laurel. Between the interviews KC has given and what the writers have established her character to be on the show my dislike of her is firm.  This season I'll be able to add friendships to things Laurel gets that are unearned. Ugh.


On a less annoyed note... wonder if Oliver helps Roy lace up his costume. ;D

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My biggest fear going into this season was that the EPs really didn't know what made Laurel's character a problem. That they really believe the only reason people don't want Laurel as BC is because of Olicity and to fix that they were going to go all in on Oliver and Felicity and then put Laurel everywhere else. The one thing I was holding on to was that Oliver said the "it started with the three of us" line and she would not be told the address to the new Arrowcave. Damn.


i'm not proud of this but I'm probably one of  the few people that are just not open to liking Laurel. Between the interviews KC has given and what the writers have established her character to be on the show my dislike of her is firm.  This season I'll be able to add friendships to things Laurel gets that are unearned. Ugh.


On a less annoyed note... wonder if Oliver helps Roy lace up his costume. ;D


The one positive I took from whatever interview it was is that Laurel's going to be be in the Arrow cave "when needed." So not all the time, hopefully (please, please not all the time). But yeah, I had a feeling that they were going to make a concession and give up on Oliver/Laurel as a couple in exchange for keeping her as BC.

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Looks like they're gonna be forcing a Laurel/Felicity friendship on us as well as a Laurel/Diggle friendship.It just feels like the EPs are gonna be doing A LOT of Laurel propping this season by using beloved characters so as to make her transition to Black Canary next season more palatable. More palatable for who I don't know since most of the fandom is against her becoming BC because we're all quite happy with the Canary we already have.


In fact, I'm so into Lotz's BC, I hope she'll be able to parlay that role into a Birds of Prey spin off where she can kick ass on her own show. 

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The one positive I took from whatever interview it was is that Laurel's going to be be in the Arrow cave "when needed." So not all the time, hopefully (please, please not all the time). But yeah, I had a feeling that they were going to make a concession and give up on Oliver/Laurel as a couple in exchange for keeping her as BC.

That's what @quarks has been saying for awhile now. Maybe he/she was right?

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In fact, I'm so into Lotz's BC, I hope she'll be able to parlay that role into a Birds of Prey spin off where she can kick ass on her own show. 

Another reason why I think they won't make Laurel into the BC any time soon. They'll wait to see how The Flash does, and if it does well, decide between a BoP or a Suicide Squad spin-off.  (I vote both, with each for a half-season.)

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Morrigan2575, my main reaction to these two interviews is that people should not bring up Apocalypse Now in conjunction with this show :)  Also that the individual streaming numbers for the Suicide Squad episode must have been lower than I thought.

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Oh, I'm pretty sure the EPs don't understand why the audience hates Laurel. They think it's because she's not BC already, or because she wasn't in on the secret. And yes, I'm getting this same feeling -- they're removing Laurel from being Oliver's love interest, but sticking to making her BC as a trade-off. 


It's a stupid trade-off because people don't hate Laurel because of Oliver/Felicity. That we're at page 19 of the Laurel thread pretty much proves that.

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