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I honestly just think those were all prop graves. That's why Oliver's was there too. They won't show the names.

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"Laurel," Oliver says, reaching out and touching her headstone. "You wanted us to find our way back to each other." ::reaches out, takes Felicity's hand. They give each other watery smiles:: "We have." 



[Edited by mod: Narking on other people's fanfic = fan talk.] (But then my sanity takes over and I never want Olicity brought up in conjunction with Laurel ever.)

Edited by MuuMuuChainsmoker
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I think the guy just captured a picture of Sara's Grave stone-not that it was at Sara' Grave. We already knew both Oliver's and Sara's grave stones were there. I think they must be using the stones they have and will alter them post production. Probably not enough to film at the actual grave yard. Or trying to keep something secret? Was EBR and SA the only cast members there?

...maybe Thea kills Malcolm, and Oliver and Felicity bury his body in Sara's grave...

LOL that is what he deserves :p 

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Does Sara have a grave on Lian yu? Is that even how you spell the island name? Idk lol

Sara never had a grave on Lian Yu.

I think this will be the end scene for 423. Or one of the ending scenes, not sure if the actual final scene will be a flashback or present.

Although, it would be funny if the giant chasm opens up under the graveyard or something like that.

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Tumblr-world thinks this season will end with Olicity back together but then Felicity kidnapped. I don't know if it's going to be that dramatic, but I think it's clear we are going to head towards a reconciliation.


And they are absolutely not killing off Malcolm Merlyn. There is a LOT they can still do with that character, by himself, his story vis a vis Oliver, and obviously Thea too. Not to mention killing off two big bads in a single season? No, it's not happening, I can virtually guarantee it.


My bet is that Oliver doesn't kill DD (he is after all, representing the light for everyone else this season), and Lyla, as head of ARGUS will magically have a solution for containing DD by the season finale. Because that's how these things work, lol.

Edited by ArrowFan
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And they are absolutely not killing off Malcolm Merlyn. There is a LOT they can still do with that character, by himself, his story vis a vis Oliver, and obviously Thea too. Not to mention killing off two big bads in a single season? No, it's not happening, I can virtually guarantee it.


Do you promise to eat your hat if you're proven wrong?

Edited by wonderwall
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What else can they do with Malcolm? IMO they've done everything they can with him and now they just keep repeating the same crap. How many times has Thea told him he's not her father/cut him off now? No exaggeration, I think like 6-8. SICK OF IT. They've done foe, friend, foe, frenemy, foe, friend, foe. Oliver's trusted him and tried to kill him. He's helped, he's hindered, helped, hindered. 


He bores the everlovin' crap out of me, makes Oliver really truly stupid, and now makes Thea stupid and ridiculously wishy-washy. I literally see nothing interesting left for him.

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Do you promise to eat your hat if you're proven wrong?


Totes. I'm wearing it right now.

What else can they do with Malcolm? IMO they've done everything they can with him and now they just keep repeating the same crap. How many times has Thea told him he's not her father/cut him off now? No exaggeration, I think like 6-8. SICK OF IT. They've done foe, friend, foe, frenemy, foe, friend, foe. Oliver's trusted him and tried to kill him. He's helped, he's hindered, helped, hindered. 


He bores the everlovin' crap out of me, makes Oliver really truly stupid, and now makes Thea stupid and ridiculously wishy-washy. I literally see nothing interesting left for him.


My theory is that they are gearing MM up to be the Big Bad again, perhaps for season 6.

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I wish they'd start showing a different promo for the next ep. I need some new material. Laurel and Oliver probably being garbage over their dead friend's barely cold body, imposter!Canary, and Diggle going off the rails is making me not wanna watch (even though I will watch). Give me something interesting in the next 7 days, CW. Please. 

You're obsessed with hat eating! LOL


She needs more cotton in her diet!

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Although I do want him to get a sword to the throat for all he's done, I do think they could get away with another season of MM but only if they stop trying to sell him as a misunderstood hero. Just make him full on evil again. Make sure everyone hates him. The mistake they made was having Oliver and Thea both trust and believe Malcolm when really he should be treated like the evil criminal he really is.

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I wish they'd start showing a different promo for the next ep. I need some new material. Laurel and Oliver probably being garbage over their dead friend's barely cold body, imposter!Canary, and Diggle going off the rails is making me not wanna watch (even though I will watch). Give me something interesting in the next 7 days, CW. Please. 


She needs more cotton in her diet!


Anyone think that the Lauriver thing from 4x19 is actually a "what if" scenario (like in a dream) in which Oliver never gets on the boat?  Instead, he commits to Laurel and this is sort of a small window into that possible life, and then it rudely cuts to something very dark and sad; ie- Arrow reality.

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You're obsessed with hat eating! LOL



Every time someone says "I can guarantee you it IS/ISN'T going to happen" they should promise to eat their hat if they're wrong :p

Totes. I'm wearing it right now.

You should ask @Aychihuahua how this went for her :p

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Anyone think that the Lauriver thing from 4x19 is actually a "what if" scenario (like in a dream) in which Oliver never gets on the boat?  Instead, he commits to Laurel and this is sort of a small window into that possible life, and then it rudely cuts to something very dark and sad; ie- Arrow reality.

I feel like that's possible otherwise we're heading for a retcon somewhere. I don't know where they'd fit a Lauriver kiss into the canon of the show otherwise.

None of it is ideal though. I don't even want to watch this episode because of the O/L retread. Ugh.

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So, like, I get money every time someone says that, right? Since, ya know, I was the cool one who started it all.


Re Malcolm, making him the Big Bad (again) isn't interesting, bc he's been the Big Bad. Both in S1 and arguably S3. How many times do we have to watch this evil smug douche smug his douchiness all over everybody while Thea waffles on him and Oliver whines that he can't kill him. It's SO TIRED. Even if he's full-on evil again and everyone hates him (and honestly, my kingdom for Barrowman stopping with his "misunderstood hero" BULLSHIT), still been there, done that. Multiple times. This show has become much, much too repetitive. 

Edited by AyChihuahua
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Anyone think that the Lauriver thing from 4x19 is actually a "what if" scenario (like in a dream) in which Oliver never gets on the boat?  Instead, he commits to Laurel and this is sort of a small window into that possible life, and then it rudely cuts to something very dark and sad; ie- Arrow reality.


That would probably be my best case scenario. My fear is that it's after Tommy died, and...I cannot express how much I don't want that. 

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In season 2, Isabel and Blood were killed, and Slade was imprisoned.

In season 4, Malcolm could be killed and DD imprisoned.  Works for me.


Isabel and Blood were low level big bads.  Darkh is a  big bad for s4 but IMO  Malcolm is THE BIG BAD of the series. He's the one that did the most damage to the Queens. IMO they are setting him up to be Oliver's true Nemesis yet again for s5.



nd honestly, my kingdom for Barrowman stopping with his "misunderstood hero" BULLSHIT), still been there, done that. Multiple times. This show has become much, much too repetitive.


But that is just JBs headcannon that helps him play the character. That doesn' mean the show sees him that way and I don't think they do.

Edited by catrox14
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Malcolm getting killed off would mean I got two of my three wishes for this season. I'm not sure I'm going to get that lucky, but hey, there was a time when I didn't think I was going to get any of them. :)

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Malcolm getting killed off would mean I got two of my three wishes for this season. I'm not sure I'm going to get that lucky, but hey, there was a time when I didn't think I was going to get any of them. :)

What was your 3rd wish?

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Sara taking up the Black Canary mantle (on LoT, not here). For a short time I thought that might actually happen, but it's looking a lot less likely now, especially with Baby Canary in the mix. But if I get two out of three I will be quite pleased.

I think there were some other wishes that got lost along the way - Thea having an actually interesting storyline for one. :(

Edited by Starfish35
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I've been thinking MM will be the season 5 big bad, I can see both sides of killing this season or not though.


I actually am very interested in seeing Dig go a bit off the rails, only thing that doesn't really ring true for me is Oliver invoking LL memory as a way to bring him back. 



Edited because I forgot what season we are on lol

Edited by Thundercatmary
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 my kingdom for Barrowman stopping with his "misunderstood hero" BULLSHIT), still been there, done that. Multiple times. This show has become much, much too repetitive. 


Villains always see themselves as the hero of their own story, and it's never true lol


But i understand your sentiment. :)

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Anyone think that the Lauriver thing from 4x19 is actually a "what if" scenario (like in a dream) in which Oliver never gets on the boat?  Instead, he commits to Laurel and this is sort of a small window into that possible life, and then it rudely cuts to something very dark and sad; ie- Arrow reality.

This is an ideal situation... I can take nightmarish "What if" scenarios, as opposed to them actually hooking up after the curtain open awkwardfest. But more importantly, I just don't want them to do anything after Tommy dies, it just feels wrong. LL & KC have pissed enough on her relationship with TM, I don't need to see anymore confirmation from the writers that LL definitely did not care about TM, even though TM loved her until his last breath.


On happier times, I see OQ is wearing my favorite leather jacket in the spoilers pics. That jacket is just divine on him.

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Villains always see themselves as the hero of their own story, and it's never true lol


But i understand your sentiment. :)

I'm fine with MALCOLM thinking Malcolm's a misunderstood hero. My problem is with JOHN BARROWMAN thinking that. 

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I'm okay with them being at Moira's or Tommy's grave. Or his father's headstone could have been moved to the cemetery after they no longer owned the mansion.

Though, will Oliver ever move his father from Lian Yu? Maybe it's that.

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I'm fine with MALCOLM thinking Malcolm's a misunderstood hero. My problem is with JOHN BARROWMAN thinking that. 


Meh. I don't get why that's an issue. IMO Barrowman probably thinks of Malcolm that way so he can play Malcolm that way. I highly doubt IRL if someone like MM existed that Barrowman would be all, Well this poor guy is misunderstood.  

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Why is Sara's grave still there? Are they just keeping it for when she dies again? 


Oh, come now. These people can't even afford their own apartments, to the point where they're sharing them with people from other shows, and you expect them to just be able to pay for new gravestones every time Sara dies?

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Oh, come now. These people can't even afford their own apartments, to the point where they're sharing them with people from other shows, and you expect them to just be able to pay for new gravestones every time Sara dies?


I'm pretty sure her old coffin is in there too... Hopefully the cheap wood doesn't rot! *Fingers crossed*

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It's sending messages. Yes, it's the coat of doom on the one hand, but loose hair and pants of Sex on the other. Very confusing.




I hope for the sex pants and loose hair to be the real indicator of what's happening

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Sara never had a grave on Lian Yu.

I think this will be the end scene for 423. Or one of the ending scenes, not sure if the actual final scene will be a flashback or present.

Although, it would be funny if the giant chasm opens up under the graveyard or something like that.


Finally, a way to crossover with iZombie!



I guess the "surprising place" Oliver and Felicity end up in per WM is the cemetery.

If they do have them get back together over her grave I will spend the summer laughing my ass off.  That would send a message, lol. 

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If they do have them get back together over her grave I will spend the summer laughing my ass off.  That would send a message, lol. 


I can 100 percent promise them I will buy the DVDs if this scenario plays out. 

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Oliver straight op killed Ra's without any moral speech about if he should kill or not.. Just did it, no drama, no guilt, just death... and nobody questioned his decision about that. It was the right choice...

Killing DD or Malcolm is obviously the right choice again, but somehow i feel it won't happen without of drama and talking about it being "right".. If it will happen at all...


Honest question here, why didn't Oliver put DD in his Lian Yu prison?

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Oliver straight op killed Ra's without any moral speech about if he should kill or not.. Just did it, no drama, no guilt, just death... and nobody questioned his decision about that. It was the right choice...

Killing DD or Malcolm is obviously the right choice again, but somehow i feel it won't happen without of drama and talking about it being "right".. If it will happen at all...


Honest question here, why didn't Oliver put DD in his Lian Yu prison?



Because DD was arrested by the police.

Because the show needed DD to escape and be the Big Bad for the final 6 episodes.  LOL


In show though, I suppose you could make an argument that once Oliver discovered that  DD's magic/power came from the same totem that Reiter's did on the Island, Oliver wanted to keep DD as far away from the magic temple that runs under the Lian Yu prison? (I think, I kind of blank out the flashbacks).

Edited by Morrigan2575
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The show needed DD to be prosecuted by Laurel so that Lance could openly betray him, and so that Laurel could pay the price for that.

Benefits include: Laurel getting to do something, and the other criminals breaking out from Iron Heights, which seems to play a part in the last couple of episodes.

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Maybe Donna does the kidnapping. She's the real villain, not Noah. And she's already tossed Lance in a well somewhere with skin lotion. That's why he finished his scenes earlier than she did.

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I don't think Oliver & Felicity will get back together fully this season - maybe just taking steps in that direction.


From the latest Spoiler tweets, we have Sara's gravestone, Rebecca Merlyn's gravestone (with fresh flowers!) and two identical Oliver Queen gravestones!  I guess Laurel's gravestone must be on the LoT set.




Maybe Oliver becomes Mayor and he's inspecting the local cemetery as part of the city's beautification efforts - you know, like maybe get rid of the old, obsolete headstones (like his and Sara's)? ;)

Edited by tv echo
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