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S11.E04: Outlaw

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Immediate thoughts:


Did Rossi send a cop home who had been drinking? How did Rossi expect that cop to get home? It seems unlikely he'd call a cab or ask for a ride, because it would draw unwanted questions.


And do pharmacies in the US really keep controlled drugs out on the shelf like that? In Canadian pharmacies they're all locked up in a safe to prevent things like this from happening.


Still too much unsub, and I'm confused as to why their MO changed from 6 years ago and what motivated the attacks (in the present and 6 years ago). It didn't feel like a very strong plot.

But the kid was cute.

I don't really like Tara. She's taking on a lead role in the team too quickly for my liking.

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Yeah, I'd give this episode a B to a B-. It was sort of like Criminal Minds' version of a Sons of Anarchy episode (or at least how I imagine they were, since a show about motorcycle gangs never interested me). I didn't hate the subject matter, though I do think there was WAY too much unsub. Overall, there was a good balance of team in terms of screen time. It certainly won't be one of my favorites, but it is MUCH, MUCH better than last year's "Protection." And I really liked the visual choices Larry Teng made in this episode. It wasn't just meat and potatoes direction, but something interesting to look at. And yes, Reid was very pretty throughout the entire episode. :) :) :)

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Immediate thoughts:


Did Rossi send a cop home who had been drinking? How did Rossi expect that cop to get home? It seems unlikely he'd call a cab or ask for a ride, because it would draw unwanted questions.


And do pharmacies in the US really keep controlled drugs out on the shelf like that? In Canadian pharmacies they're all locked up in a safe to prevent things like this from happening.



Still too much unsub, and I'm confused as to why their MO changed from 6 years ago and what motivated the attacks (in the present and 6 years ago). It didn't feel like a very strong plot.

But the kid was cute.

I don't really like Tara. She's taking on a lead role in the team too quickly for my liking.

I  don't like her either. It annoyed me how she pretty much took over that interrogation. For crying out loud at least JJ had been on the show for several seasons before I started feeling like she was taking over the damn show. Although I didn't feel Tara was as much in my face in this episode as I did the previous episodes. I was also very happy with the amount of Reid we got and was happy for the most part with how he was used. I also liked the pairing of him and Morgan together .

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The unsubs were really creepy.  I am not crazy about psychos like that.  I still hate that we now see them in like the opening scene and have to spend the whole hour with them.  No....just no. 


I've said this before and I'll say it again.  The way they profile.  They are so sure.  He's young.  He's this..he's that.  Always on the money.  Never wrong.


I miss Prentiss.


I'm out next week.  Baby involved.

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I rarely come post in this forum just to bitch about something, but this was so bad it kept pulling me out of the show. The guy who played the long-haired outlaw has to be the worst actor I've seen in a long time. Every sentence out of his mouth sounded like really bad community theater.

Edited by Gbb
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Yeah, I'd give this episode a B to a B-. It was sort of like Criminal Minds' version of a Sons of Anarchy episode (or at least how I imagine they were, since a show about motorcycle gangs never interested me). I didn't hate the subject matter, though I do think there was WAY too much unsub. Overall, there was a good balance of team in terms of screen time. It certainly won't be one of my favorites, but it is MUCH, MUCH better than last year's "Protection." And I really liked the visual choices Larry Teng made in this episode. It wasn't just meat and potatoes direction, but something interesting to look at. And yes, Reid was very pretty throughout the entire episode. :) :) :)


Rossi could write a whole library just trying to explain Gemma's twisted behavior xP

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I rarely come post in this forum just to bitch about something, but this was so bad it kept pulling me out of the show. The guy who played the long-haired outlaw has to be the worst actor I've seen in a long time. Every sentence out of his mouth sounded like really bad community theater.

I've not watched the episode yet, but that's so sad, their guest actors used to be great now they bring "famous" guys or crappy ones  :(

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Garcia is horrible.

The way she introduces the case is unrealistic. They are an elite team of the FBI. Every time she shows up I wanna take it off.

Why is not Hotch the sniper this time?!?! At least the spot was for poor Benito Martinez. Sudenly I miss The Shield.

The bikes were a mistake, they are an unnecesary tool here. Bad casting for the bad guys. They need Justified or breaking bad casting director as much as they need writers :(

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I didn't think it could get any worse but it did.

It's official, I'm no longer a Reid fan. As in, I'm not going to be a Reid fan this season. I hated the little close up on him, just ugh, he's a person. He's not a supernatural being, we don't need a close of up of his eyes, fingers. Just, what? I didn't like the thing like that in the last season either with the Prison episode. Why can't they just make episodes like they used to? I feel like I've been baited and switched, they show us these great characters in the early seasons only to have their personalities do a complete 180. Honestly, can you imagine Reid high-fiving a child in the early seasons? Can you imagine him high-fiving anyone? Also when he hugged that old man multiple times in season 10...wut. 


Yes Reid is just a person,but he is also a genius with an eidetic memory and a mind that works faster than a computer. And that is what those scenes were showing us.And since Reid scenes like that are not all that common I for one enjoyed them, as well as all the close ups of that gorgeous man. But hey to each their own I guess.

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I rarely come post in this forum just to bitch about something, but this was so bad it kept pulling me out of the show. The guy who played the long-haired outlaw has to be the worst actor I've seen in a long time. Every sentence out of his mouth sounded like really bad community theater.


This!  Totally this!  He kept taking me out of the episode - what rock did they find him under?  


Honestly, this episode totally sucked.  Everything was bad, and nothing rang true.  (as someone above mentioned, Rossi sent a drunk cop home with no driver or escort?  Police work 101 - fail.)  Garcia and her magic computer - what's next?  Find an unsub with blue eyes who likes donuts? - boom! there he is!  


I hated this.  Where's my old show?  :-( 

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Couple points...the sheriff could have drove himself home if he was not legally drunk.


The actor who played the long haired unsub was a regular on the Charlie Sheen show Anger Management. He played a criminal who would and did murder anybody for most any reason. But in AM he was played in a comedic way, almost like a murderer you would love to go have a beer with.

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I guess it's different because I don't find him attractive. I don't think the writers get points for showing more of a certain character because people find them pretty. it doesn't improve the writing. I can't help but feel like the writers realised how little they've given Reid in the past few seasons and think that this is making up for it. I know Reid's supposed to be a genius but if they don't write him that way then I'm not going to see him that way. 


I actually agree with you on this Qwerty---well not the part about not finding Reid attractive, of course!---but the part about how they try to 'show' his genius with special effects and quirky closeups instead of actually writing his dialogue that way.  Even with this episode, there wasn't anything in his conclusion that couldn't have been thought of by any of the others.  To me, it was just more evidence that they don't understand him at all.  


Not that there was any room or call for genius in this particular plot.

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Honestly, can you imagine Reid high-fiving a child in the early seasons? Can you imagine him high-fiving anyone? Also when he hugged that old man multiple times in season 10...wut. 

it's been 11 years, people do change.

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I'm surprised at so much dislike, although I did miss the first 10 minutes or so. I saw plenty of Reid along with him in on the action and not stuck at the precinct, equal amounts of time for all the cast, local law enforcement actually serving a role, and the kill shot not coming from the main cast, but from the local cop.

I think that's a vast improvement from the last season or 3.

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I'm surprised at so much dislike, although I did miss the first 10 minutes or so. I saw plenty of Reid along with him in on the action and not stuck at the precinct, equal amounts of time for all the cast, local law enforcement actually serving a role, and the kill shot not coming from the main cast, but from the local cop.

I think that's a vast improvement from the last season or 3.

I felt it was definitely a step up from that episode we got last week. Here is the problem though there was still way too damn much unsub for a lot of people's liking. I know somebody mention that this one actor took them completely out of this episode.Now here is something I find almost unbelievable even for the CM people.I heard that the long hair unsub was only suppose to be 26 years old,now I could be mistaken about that because I honestly don't remember what age the team pegged him to be, but now here is where it gets down right ridiculous,apparently the actor they chose to play this part was at least 46 old. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME. Was I and everyone else suppose to buy that this guy was several years younger than Reid is.

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This episode was much better than last week's, but that doesn't mean I'm singing its praises.  Way too much of the unsubs, too much Garcia and her magic computer and too little profiling.  I kept wondering why this was a BAU case.  Yes, it was related to a case they worked several years ago, but is that all it takes to warrant the entire team flying out to work on it?  They really just did police work--very little profiling.  


And that last scene in the church--what the heck was that?  It was like they put the CM characters in a scene from another show.


I am enjoying JJ-free episodes, but it has made we wonder what we can do to get some Garcia-free episodes.  Maybe Garcia could be sent to an extended tech convention.  Or be sent to recruit other goth hackers.  Or be placed in therapy (holding puppies, drawing unicorns) for seeing too many violent pictures.   

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Egad, the actor playing the long-haired unsub was bad. While watching him "emote" I thought to myself, "Um, I'm not supposed to laugh, am I?" And if he was supposed to be 26, then I'm still a fetus. Then again, I guess drugs and being a murderous asshole ages a person. Snerk.


The episode as a whole? Well, I didn't hate it as much as last week's episode; it kept me sufficiently entertained, but yes, way too much unsub and not enough profiling (other than Garcia's magic computer-ugh).


As for Reid, well, I thought it was a cute moment when he high-fived the little kid (at this point, I'll take any Reid scene I can get). We've seen Reid bond with kids like Henry, his godson and the little autistic boy (name escapes me). Perhaps, Reid was once awkward around kids because he grew up as a boy genius and an only child in a very dysfunctional home, and of course, he was severely bullied when he was a kid. But people do change over time. Why wouldn't Reid? Of course, Reid is also a character that has been totally marginalized in negative ways, which we have discussed in great detail. Ugh, we can't have it all.


And I'm not going to complain about the close-up of Spencer's eyes. I just love his hazel eyes.




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Too much unsubs, but that's par for the course these days. But, correct me if i'm wrong, TPTB seem to think it's necessary to compensate for the absence of one profiler by adding too much LEO, too? The side story of the LEO was sappy, badly written, and poorly performed, and way too much of it! Between his angst, and the 2 different unsubs, there was barely any time for the team. I know writers like Virgil write for the unsub because it's easier than actually writing intelligent profiling with real psychology behind it, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised that he spends a large amount of the rest of the story writing a redemption plotline for a stunt-cast guest star playing a LEO. Go figure.


Truly, they could have had Hotch sniper out the unsubs, but, no, let's use him as little as possible (although I know he was preparing to direct, so i'm not too surprised he was scarce). Tack on an ending with an abysmal rendition of Amazing Grace and "our heroes" in church looking all, all "churchy," and, well Virgil could have written this show for almost any procedural on TV now and in the past 25 years.


And this episode was sooooooo much better than last week! Larry Teng did a good job making this certainly watchable, and his use of  the beauty that is MGG is greatly appreciated. I liked that Reid was fully engaged and didn't disappear to the drugstore to buy diaper rash cream. He even got to jump around on a takedown with guns a-blazing, although as exposed as he was, it's a miracle he wasn't blasted by one or both crazies. He even shot the rapist one!


I guess I'm holding my breath for the newbie to possibly pull a "Jordan" and decide this job is not for her because she can't compartmentalize. She's too damn capable right out of the gate in a job that bears almost zero resemblance to the one she was trained for, including gun skills. Sigh. Cardboard character.

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Too much unsubs, but that's par for the course these days. But, correct me if i'm wrong, TPTB seem to think it's necessary to compensate for the absence of one profiler by adding too much LEO, too? The side story of the LEO was sappy, badly written, and poorly performed, and way too much of it! Between his angst, and the 2 different unsubs, there was barely any time for the team.


That idea also crossed my mind when I was counting unsub/victims time. Huge amount of guest cast on the goods-side too.

All I want is more main cast (so less Garcia, less guest stars) and plausible, good plots.

Still, and compared with recent seasons, the episodes from season 11 are ok, I guess...

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Too much unsubs, but that's par for the course these days. But, correct me if i'm wrong, TPTB seem to think it's necessary to compensate for the absence of one profiler by adding too much LEO, too? The side story of the LEO was sappy, badly written, and poorly performed, and way too much of it! Between his angst, and the 2 different unsubs, there was barely any time for the team. I know writers like Virgil write for the unsub because it's easier than actually writing intelligent profiling with real psychology behind it, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised that he spends a large amount of the rest of the story writing a redemption plotline for a stunt-cast guest star playing a LEO. Go figure.


Truly, they could have had Hotch sniper out the unsubs, but, no, let's use him as little as possible (although I know he was preparing to direct, so i'm not too surprised he was scarce). Tack on an ending with an abysmal rendition of Amazing Grace and "our heroes" in church looking all, all "churchy," and, well Virgil could have written this show for almost any procedural on TV now and in the past 25 years.






I was thinking the same thing.  The show used to be unique, a stand-out that didn't really have another show to compare it with.  But now the plots and characters have become pretty much interchangeable with any other procedural, and the sad news is that they are not as well accomplished.  It's becoming just one among many, and not the best one, at that.

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Well, last night I didn't think this one was awful, but I had taken my Ambien before the show started, so I must have been a bit out of it. Re-watched while my sister is here doing her laundry today, and it just felt off. As everyone said, too much unsub, and could the acting get any worse? My favorite moment was in the prison when Hotch told the prisoner to shut up. But too much Dr. Lewis. I don't like how much, or the way in which she is being used, but I guess it's just because JJ isn't there. I don't care for how much she seems to take charge. I would prefer, even with her credentials, for her to defer to other team members. And, my word, I cannot get over how horrible she looks. She is a beautiful woman. That horrible wig needs to be replaced with something that doesn't look like it was cut with a lawn mower. Garcia is intolerable.  Gotta go. My husband brought me pizza. More later. 

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Well, last night I didn't think this one was awful, but I had taken my Ambien before the show started, so I must have been a bit out of it. Re-watched while my sister is here doing her laundry today, and it just felt off. As everyone said, too much unsub, and could the acting get any worse? My favorite moment was in the prison when Hotch told the prisoner to shut up. But too much Dr. Lewis. I don't like how much, or the way in which she is being used, but I guess it's just because JJ isn't there. I don't care for how much she seems to take charge. I would prefer, even with her credentials, for her to defer to other team members. And, my word, I cannot get over how horrible she looks. She is a beautiful woman. That horrible wig needs to be replaced with something that doesn't look like it was cut with a lawn mower. Garcia is intolerable.  Gotta go. My husband brought me pizza. More later. 

I loved it when Hotch told the prisoner to shut up. It was all in TG's delivery. Like he was thinking, "I seriously do not need your shit."

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They should have outlawed this episode.


*crickets chirping*


Okay, okay, whatever man...you know, after watching this, I'm pretty sure this was written while the writer was high on methamphetamines...because none of this made one lick of sense.


Sure, the two guys playing the outlaws were kind of fun...so full credit to Jesse Luken (Mason) and Stephen Monroe Taylor (Lester) for the life they gave their roles...plus Raul Montoya (played by Jimmy Smits look-a-like Benito Martinez) was kind of interesting, because the "cop tortured by the case" is a character the show has rarely ever used when it should be more often.


Oh, and Morgan kicked down a door. Yay Morgan! That's the first time in what...years? Maybe since Season 2? It's been a while.


Still, none of that could save this steaming pile of burning meth.


For one, I find it hard to believe two strung-out meth addicts are going to be so good and so coordinated that they can team up, rob a restaurant, tie up the boys, rape the girls, make the boys watch the rapes, shoot the boys, shoot the girls, empty the cash and then burn the place down.


...and then do it again, six years later. Only for them to "conveniently" escalate when the writers need them to escalate.


As great as Montoya was as a character, he should be fired for being unable to capture the dumbest of criminals.


OK, so the whole thing with Mason and his kid was kind of interesting, but Mason was also the one who chastised Lester for bringing the cops out, so I have no idea why Mason wouldn't understand that going back to see his "son" was a bad idea. I'd think he'd better understand that going on the run now, waiting a few years and then go back to see his son would have been a better idea, because it'd at least make his "wife" believe that he was gone and not going to come back. Instead, going back to his son made him out to be a rather nice, convenient target for the police, and it was instrumental in his capture.


Worse than that...worse than that...why did Lester decide to go back to the campground?


(Never mind that, presumably, he was south of all those roadblocks where the police were actively looking for him but for some reason decided to let him through...but I digress)


Anyway...convenient police stupidity aside, why did Lester decide to go back to the campground? I get that maybe he's the stupid one and wouldn't realize it was just smarter for him to cut his losses and get to Mexico (which, by the way, is five hours from Las Vegas, New Mexico), and perhaps Lester let his loyalties get in the way (which was in character)...but, Lester's also the one who chastised Mason for "developing a conscience".


Furthermore, while we're talking about how "random" these guys are, why did Mason decide to leave the dad and the kid alive at the corner store? I guess Virgil Williams needed to give the BAU a clue that pointed to Mason's "fatherhood" but the decision rang way too "convenient" for me. As Lester pointed out to his strung out partner, "that's not a kid, that's a witness". The show didn't even have to show the boy getting killed- just the BAU mentioning it would have sufficed. They need to stop chickening out on things like this if they want their criminals to be realistic.


I mean, which is it with these guys? Are they random but smart or controlled but stupid? Or is this a matter of Williams deciding that the recklessness that would come with being higher than a kite allows him to make his criminals be stupid just when he needs them to be?


I hate when the show uses "random" as an excuse to use the idiot ball.


Other points:

-Since when did New Mexicans talk with a southern drawl? I've been to Albuquerque and I've never heard anyone sound like an Oklahoman.

-Nice that the show made a few quips about this Las Vegas not being like the, uh, "other" Vegas (which, by the way, doesn't actually have all the casinos and clubs Vegas is known for- the place called the "Las Vegas Strip" is actually an unincorporated section of Clark County south of the actual city), but a big fat minus on neglecting the city's rich array of old-style buildings. If you watched this episode, you'd think Las Vegas, NM was nothing but a ramshackle of yokels, dirt and dilapidated housing. In fact, this is downtown Las Vegas. Did we see that anywhere tonight? I didn't.

-Nice to know that Tara Lewis has an assortment of shirts where her boobs explode out of her blouse. In fact, just about every female on this show has boobs that could poke your eyes out and blouses that are purposely one size too short. Does CM do its casting based on cup size? Seriously guys.

-Speaking of Lewis, I like how Aisha Tyler is giving her some softness, but other than that, she hasn't been very noticeable. Stick her lines in any of the other characters and you wouldn't notice. She needs some development, and soon.

-Good to see a lot of Reid in this episode, but he was pretty much the only one who had lots to do. Only Rossi had the other notable impact, counselling the drunk police chief (which may explain his cluelessness). The rest? Ciphers.


Overall...horrible, just horrible. No wonder this hit a series low.

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Overall...horrible, just horrible. No wonder this hit a series low.

Well, to be fair that series low is more tied to the previous episode than this one.

Although I share many of your views regarding this episode, I can't be too hard on it. I just try to enjoy the few JJ-free episodes.

I would like to add one more weak point though: sound and visuals were weird. They didnt even bother making the stills follow the rhythm of the music, which is just standard tv nowadays.

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Oh gawd. "YAY it's JJ-free so it's EXCELLENT!" 


Please. This was a steaming pile of shit. So was last week's episode. What is the matter with this writing team that they think we'll just take anything? 


You guys, what can we do? WHAT CAN WE DO? There has to be someone out there we can communicate with regarding quality this season! UGH! HELP!!

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I'm trying to remember the things I liked about this contrasted with things I didn't like:


  • Reid gave extra info about the area and nobody gave him side-eye, rolled their eyes, or told him to shut up
  • Reid got to show how his brain works like a computer
  • The local sheriff actually had personality
  • Rossi was perceptive about the sheriff & actually did something about it
  • Tara seems intelligent, I like her voice, and she does a good job in interviews-- since her job thus far has involved interviewing criminals after they were convicted, it did make sense to me for her to interview the guy in prison
  • They actually had a valid reason to break into the house-- exigent circumstances-- because they could hear someone trying to call for help
  • Someone other than the team actually got to take the unsubs down
  • We very rarely see much of the aftermath and lately its been all about the unsubs so there isn't as much focus on the victims. They are now disposable instead of important. The funeral scene was a reminder that there was a person who lost her life and the families had to move on.



  • The opening sequence with the way the scenes flashed and had the black as if an eye was closing was annoying to me. It bothered my eyes.
  • I didn't like how the murder sequence at the beginning was interspliced with the round table meeting. I appreciate that they were trying something different, but it was too distracting for me.
  • I live in the south and I despise southern accents on TV and in movies. The accents of the unsubs just seemed a bit overdone and there was too much stereotypical bullshit
  • The ex-girlfriend of one of the unsubs should have called the cops as soon as she saw the motorcycle in her yard. Dude forced his way in to her home after she told him to go and that should have sent off alarm bells. She should have tried to get a restraining order.
  • I didn't buy the motivations for the unsubs to do these crimes. It would have been one thing if they just robbed a place or raped some girls; but to rob, rape, AND burn the place down didn't make sense.
  • I couldn't believe that these clowns didn't get caught sooner
  • While I appreciated that they gave more personality to the sheriff and it showed how LEOs can be affected when they are unable to help, it still felt a little over-the-top or contrived. The grieving father with the strong southern twang was pretty bad.
  • Acting from the unsubs was over-the-top and not believable
  • Sheriff suddenly sobering up on Rossi's advice seemed too contrived
  • Hotch barely had anything to do or say
  • Garcia was annoyingly whiney
  • The team all in a church for the funeral-- we don't need to see that and I don't think they would have the time. I appreciate that they were trying to humanize the victim, but they only did it for one of the victims and I would rather they have done more victimology to make us feel for her and her family rather than have the funeral. I admit I'm biased in this area since I despise funerals and going to church. I despise going to funerals in churches even more.
  • The awful rendition of Amazing Grace hurt my ears
  • The angle with the unsub finding out he had a kid was done before and done better
  • Official twitter for CBS/CM asked people to retweet if they felt sorry for one of the unsubs-- Why the fuck would I feel sorry for the creep? NOTHING in the episode made me feel an ounce of sympathy for him. He was too over-the-top and didn't come across as real and what he did was despicable. I felt annoyance and boredom while watching.


Overall, this one was meh. It could have been worse but it could have been a lot better. I give it a B- or C+.


Saje, I think that if Andrew Wilder came in it could really help the show-- but I think Messer would have to be gone before that could happen. At this point, I don't even know if the show will be renewed for another season because it is doing worse in the ratings.

Edited by zannej
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I've just read the the "criminal minds round table" review and they agree about the sniper scene and the lack of Hotch xP


"When I saw Turner go down to a sniper shot I got excited that maybe Hotch, who we know from cannon and from the episode ‘Final Shot’ has sniper training, was the one behind the scope. But alas, no, it was the Chief of Police with Rossi as his spotter.

I get it, I really do; Virgil said on Twitter that Thomas wasn't available on the set, but He had to be there at some point so why not use the star of the show and showcase at least ONE great scene. (The Sniper shots, Prison sequence?) I’m fairly certain that Thomas is professional enough that he would or could have flexed to make the writing of his character fit his schedule."


well, I don't know if TG would have flexed, but I think both parts should have flexed to improve that shit of a script :(

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While we're speaking of choices, how about the director's choice to shoot Tara Lewis from her boobs to her waist while she was at the station discussing the case with Morgan? What was up with that shot? I felt like Lewis' boobs were going to jump out of my screen and lay a beatdown on me.

Granted, it was a nice rack (I gotta admit) and I guess that there was no way to shoot both Lewis and Morgan with Morgan seated the way he was...but why did Lewis have to stand there? She could have been sitting as well.

Don't get me wrong...I'm not against sexualizing characters, but it's gotta make sense. Truth is, I don't tune in to CM to see “Barbie with a gun”, I expect to see people who behave and dress like professionals, with their characters framed that way. Doesn't mean they have to look bad...I just don't want “sexy” to be so obvious (unless the story calls for it).

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While we're speaking of choices, how about the director's choice to shoot Tara Lewis from her boobs to her waist while she was at the station discussing the case with Morgan? What was up with that shot? I felt like Lewis' boobs were going to jump out of my screen and lay a beatdown on me.

Granted, it was a nice rack (I gotta admit) and I guess that there was no way to shoot both Lewis and Morgan with Morgan seated the way he was...but why did Lewis have to stand there? She could have been sitting as well.

Don't get me wrong...I'm not against sexualizing characters, but it's gotta make sense. Truth is, I don't tune in to CM to see “Barbie with a gun”, I expect to see people who behave and dress like professionals, with their characters framed that way. Doesn't mean they have to look bad...I just don't want “sexy” to be so obvious (unless the story calls for it).

I'm tired of seeing Garcia's cleavage week after week, too. Besides being unprofessional, it doesn't go with her ridiculous hair ornaments.

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I think there were greater problems with the writing and the choices made with regards to Hotch's absence than him not being the sniper.

ooh absolutely, but I've already given some opinions about that earlier, the review of the sniper scene was just something I was glad to read :)

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But too much Dr. Lewis. I don't like how much, or the way in which she is being used, but I guess it's just because JJ isn't there. I don't care for how much she seems to take charge. I would prefer, even with her credentials, for her to defer to other team members.

Why should she defer to the other members of the team, she earned her place, her opinions are just as valid as anyone else's.

Christ, last week she's unfeminine, this week she's too take charge. Is that a dog whistle I hear.

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While we're speaking of choices, how about the director's choice to shoot Tara Lewis from her boobs to her waist while she was at the station discussing the case with Morgan? What was up with that shot? I felt like Lewis' boobs were going to jump out of my screen and lay a beatdown on me.

Granted, it was a nice rack (I gotta admit) and I guess that there was no way to shoot both Lewis and Morgan with Morgan seated the way he was...but why did Lewis have to stand there? She could have been sitting as well.

Don't get me wrong...I'm not against sexualizing characters, but it's gotta make sense. Truth is, I don't tune in to CM to see “Barbie with a gun”, I expect to see people who behave and dress like professionals, with their characters framed that way. Doesn't mean they have to look bad...I just don't want “sexy” to be so obvious (unless the story calls for it).

Messer's philosophy is all about Barbies with a gun, you just nailed it!

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Why should she defer to the other members of the team, she earned her place, her opinions are just as valid as anyone else's.

Christ, last week she's unfeminine, this week she's too take charge. Is that a dog whistle I hear.

Well, she has no experience as a profiler or working in a behavioural analysis unit that we're aware of, and when you start a new job it takes time to learn the hierarchy and how the team works, as well as how to integrate yourself into the team. You need to get used to the team and they need to get used to you.

To me, it doesn't feel like she just started there. It feels like she has been there for 6 months if not longer, and it also feels like she out-ranks some of the team members who have been there longer and have more experience. It's not just this week; last week or the week before, she was giving orders and deciding on a plan with Hotch standing right there.


I really don't think whether people think she's feminine or unfeminine or neutral has anything to do with her integration within the team?


The way her character is right now, it seems to me like they might as well have just hired a blond JJ-look-a-like and pretended JJ was still there. Tara is acting like she's been a part of the team for ages and doesn't seem to bring anything unique to the team, in my opinion. We're told that she has these special skills, but I don't think we've actually seen that in action, with the possible exception of the first episode she was in.


I think it goes back to how all of the characters are getting progressively more interchangeable with each other, but it's not like I can think back and remember when Tara had an actual personality, like I can do with the others.

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I think the girl singing Amazing Grace at the end was supposed to sound sad, but it came off more like bored out of her gourd.

But hey, benefit of the doubt, perhaps she'd had to sing at the other two guy's funerals first and got fed up.

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CBS thought we should feel sorry for one of these unsubs? Did they watch the same episode we did?

I doubt they watched it at all. The social media job usually goes to interns and its probably some intern that just reads a brief synopsis or something and maybe sees some promo photos and doesn't know wtf went on and just spouts some inane crap.

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Ditto to most that has been said but here is my personal peeve - any of the team at a funeral! Seriously it takes days (at best) to get a funeral organised  and the 'wheels up in 30' team are going to hang around for a funeral? NO. Not just this show either I might add.

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Ditto to most that has been said but here is my personal peeve - any of the team at a funeral! Seriously it takes days (at best) to get a funeral organised and the 'wheels up in 30' team are going to hang around for a funeral? NO. Not just this show either I might add.

Agreed. Especially because no one had a personal connection to this case.

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And I'm not going to complain about the close-up of Spencer's eyes. I just love his hazel eyes.




at the risk of sounding 15...... *yummy*!! in high def, that close up was so detailed you could actually see Matthew's contact lenses on his eyes.  Unfortunately, it was so close up, it made for a crappy screen capture, too much of his head was cut off...Oh well, I'll take it!

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The way her character is right now, it seems to me like they might as well have just hired a blond JJ-look-a-like and pretended JJ was still there. Tara is acting like she's been a part of the team for ages and doesn't seem to bring anything unique to the team, in my opinion. We're told that she has these special skills, but I don't think we've actually seen that in action, with the possible exception of the first episode she was in.




To be fair, that's how they write all the characters these days. Blandly perfect, interchangeable, with the same skill set, never having conflicts with anyone on the job.  Except JJ, who can do everything better and be a super mom too!  They have apparently given up on bothering to remember anybody's specialties or issues they've had in the past.

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