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Paranormal and Ghosthunting Shows: Ghosties, Ghoulies and Things That Go Bump in the Night


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Has anyone ever seen Alien Highway? I'm not sure what exactly it's about, but it seemed like a UFO show but in the ep I watched, they were investigating this man who claimed to have been stalked by UFO's at his house after being abducted by aliens. So the crew check out his rural residence in the middle of nowhere and see lights in the woods which vanish when they approach them and try to set up those cameras you tie to trees, only to discover the next morning disabled cameras (turned off, batteries removed, aimed in a different direction) and footprints in the snow. Obviously, there is something illegal going on in the middle of the night there, but it got really weird when they held a EVP session in his basement to contact the aliens!

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Anyone seen last summer’s Mysteries Decoded with supposed actress/private eye/Navy vet Jennifer Marshall on The CW (Channel 11 for me)? Looks like it hasn’t been renewed for a second season, and rightly so: in many ways it’s a pretty awful show. Marshall’s not all that great a host, her sidekicks—particularly the guy in the Montauk MonTOCK Project episode—are jawdroppingly irritating, and the mysteries themselves are the basic ones that you see on every TV paranormal show (Lizzie Borden, Salem Witch Trials, Bermuda Triangle).

In its Bigfoot episode, however, the show reached some kind of perverse brilliance. Marshall and her sidekick du jour meet up with some Bigfoot-hunters in the Pacific Northwest. That night, Bigfoot apparently rips down some tree branches and conveniently leaves other evidence of his existence.

OK. The funny part is you can tell while watching that the Bigfoot-hunters are faking the evidence. Of course the show never tells you that, Marshall and sidekick treat it like it’s the most serious thing in the world, but you the viewer can piece the unintentional onscreen clues together and determine they’re totally faking it.

It’s hilarious, the episode is basically an inadvertent mystery for the viewer to solve. It’s actually pretty enjoyable.


On 6/12/2020 at 9:51 AM, Ubiquitous said:

Has anyone ever seen Alien Highway? I'm not sure what exactly it's about, but it seemed like a UFO show but in the ep I watched, they were investigating this man who claimed to have been stalked by UFO's at his house after being abducted by aliens. So the crew check out his rural residence in the middle of nowhere and see lights in the woods which vanish when they approach them and try to set up those cameras you tie to trees, only to discover the next morning disabled cameras (turned off, batteries removed, aimed in a different direction) and footprints in the snow. Obviously, there is something illegal going on in the middle of the night there, but it got really weird when they held a EVP session in his basement to contact the aliens!

Ive checked out a few.  I like them. And i like how they stream 4-6 shows at once.   Those eps are pretty old i believe, i dont think anymore eps will be made.

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I watched a new show over the weekend on the Travel Channel (why are they playing paranormal shows now?) called The Believers which I think was about skeptics who became convinced by a supernatural encounter. I knew I was in for trouble when a solemn voice-over said that the names have been changed and the people recounting their encounter and them in the re-enactments were actors, but I decided to bail when the first person was a man who was taking photos that I've seen on another paranormal show years ago (I forget which one), so I am pretty sure his true name is no secret. Anyhow, this photographer was investigating a haunted attic or something and caught his neck on a nail or loop of wire or bit of rope and declared that a ghost had tried to lynch him. Uh, yeah.

ETA: Oh, here's the clip. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCAleAcsC3M

On ‎4‎/‎21‎/‎2016 at 4:26 PM, Psherryred1 said:

What the hell is happening with "Ghost Adventures?" Are they running out of ideas??

That's what I thought when I binge-watched their Quarantine special last weekend. Anything to keep their museum on people's minds, I guess...

Edited by Ubiquit0us
Added YouTube clip.
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I'm okay with GA Quarantine, because it either helps them fill their contractually specified number of episodes, or gives them brownie points from Travel Channel for providing new content during this period of filming difficulties. What I'm not cool with is what's going on with taking shows, just renaming them, and calling them "new." Killing Bigfoot from another channel (I think Destination America) is now Bigfoot is Real on TRVL, same thing with Terror in the Woods now being These Woods are Haunted. For no reason, they changed the name of Mysteries at the Museum to Beyond the Unknown, and I think reedited some of it so that old clips go in "new" shows. And don't get me started on Paranormal Caught on Camera: it just had a "season finale" immediately followed by a "season premiere," they recut them so that all the clips on a show have the same theme (UFOs, haunted prisons, whatever) and call them "new," they reuse the footage for Unexplained Caught on Camera, just with some Ripley's Believe It or Not type stuff thrown in and some skeptical talking heads, and now those very same clips will form the basis of the new Osbournes Want to Believe show (I think it's called that) where Sharon, Ozzy and Jack watch and talk about them. Talk about getting your money's worth! They also do this with GA - two or three "prison" eps (for example) get put into a programming block as "Prison Haunts" or something and they call it "new." Zak has even mentioned this.

To be fair, some other channels/shows do it to, like Unearthed, Strange Evidence, Forbidden History. It's frustrating to like a show and think there is a new one, and it's one you've seen already just renamed.

And are there any non-paranormal shows on Travel Channel anymore? They should rename.


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I watch Paranormal: Caught on Camera mostly because I find it kinda humorous how pretty much every single 'expert' or opinion giver is so into it.  Like the fact that very nearly everything presented is real [IE, not faked or staged] and so worthy of amazement.  There are mentions of "skeptical at first" or attempts to debunk footage, but they are very rare and far between.

There are videos that seem geniune, or at least extremely difficult to manufacture if not real, but some of them are extremely hard to accept as actually the supernatural and not human doing.  For example, knockings/handle rattling on a closed door with people sitting right outside it while interacting with ghost/spirit/poltergeist/etc??   How can you see a video like that and not be extremely skeptical of forgery?  Another thing I find extremely hinky about the legitimacy of a lot of these videos, is the fact that 'new' or other videos seen now are from people who already sent videos in.  You're telling me that these people were extremely lucky to catch paranormal/supernatural events on camera not only once, but again (or multiple times)?!  Uh-huh.  Sure.

And as mentioned above right before this post, I am noticing a lot of recycling of footage between shows/networks.  Hell, I think some footage is being reused on P: CoC itself, and re-represented with 'new' takes from the talking heads.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Another thing I dislike about these types of shows is the networks themselves.  There is little to absolutely no variety on the batch of networks that is Travel/Science/Discovery/NatGeo/History channels, etc.

The shows/themes are matched for the stations, but almost every day and/or night is either a full 16-20 hour marathon of one series or blocks of mini-marathons of two or 3 series.  Every night. 

For example, P; CoC gets two full days & nights a week, and Ghost Adventures is on (at least) three of the seven days a week, on Travel Channel.  I can stomach about 1, maybe 2, episodes of GA at a time.  Torture, for me, would be made to sit and watch a full 18-20 hour marathon of it.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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There is now also UFOs Caught on Camera, which is just the UFO clips from P:CoC edited into their own theme episodes. And I saw some of the same clips will be featured on Strange Evidence on The Science Channel! Shall we place wagers on what's next? We have Unexplained, UFO, calling new shows Ghosts or Spirits would be too on the nose, perhaps Poltergeists, maybe Cryptids. Cryptids: Caught on Camera!

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13 hours ago, Ananayel said:

There is now also UFOs Caught on Camera, which is just the UFO clips from P:CoC edited into their own theme episodes. And I saw some of the same clips will be featured on Strange Evidence on The Science Channel! Shall we place wagers on what's next? We have Unexplained, UFO, calling new shows Ghosts or Spirits would be too on the nose, perhaps Poltergeists, maybe Cryptids. Cryptids: Caught on Camera!

We Honestly Have No Effing Clue What We're Seeing in These Clips, But We're Going to Label Them Some Kind of Paranomal Phenomenon or Thing Anyways (Even if Their Fakes/Hoaxes Filmed by Clip Sharers):  Caught on Camera!

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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On 7/31/2020 at 1:55 PM, Ubiquit0us said:

Jebus! Now they're showing these clips to Ozzy Ozbourne and his wife for their reaction!

I have a feeling this venture is either going to be quite entertaining.... or its gonna flop like a fish stuck on a dry shoreline.


On 7/31/2020 at 3:34 PM, Ananayel said:

I swear a very large portion of the "new" episode of Strange Evidence was these clips. At least there are actual scientists looking at them though.

I do admit to finding Brian Cano's voice very soothing.

He's ok.   He sure like the phrase that people in those situations would say;  "What is that!?".

Personally, I like when the bearded redhead has something to say about the clip(s).  He's usually got some funny quips, or at least kinda funny.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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On 7/30/2020 at 12:29 AM, Ananayel said:

There is now also UFOs Caught on Camera, which is just the UFO clips from P:CoC edited into their own theme episodes. And I saw some of the same clips will be featured on Strange Evidence on The Science Channel! Shall we place wagers on what's next? We have Unexplained, UFO, calling new shows Ghosts or Spirits would be too on the nose, perhaps Poltergeists, maybe Cryptids. Cryptids: Caught on Camera!

Well, I missed one. New! Doomsday! Caught on Camera! At least this one will be harder to fake. 

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On 8/23/2019 at 9:21 PM, jewel21 said:

I watched a show last night for the first time called Ghost Bait. Has anyone seen it? A guy and a girl investigate haunted locations and use the client’s fear to seek out the entity. They do this by putting a potato sack on the client’s head and leaving them alone in a room to confront their fear and the entity. It’s as ridiculous as it sounds.

I think seeing online ads for Bait-Bus has ruined any show with the word "bait" in it forever for me. 


On 6/24/2020 at 11:30 PM, Salzmank said:

Anyone seen last summer’s Mysteries Decoded with supposed actress/private eye/Navy vet Jennifer Marshall on The CW (Channel 11 for me)? Looks like it hasn’t been renewed for a second season, and rightly so: in many ways it’s a pretty awful show. Marshall’s not all that great a host, her sidekicks—particularly the guy in the Montauk MonTOCK Project episode—are jawdroppingly irritating, and the mysteries themselves are the basic ones that you see on every TV paranormal show (Lizzie Borden, Salem Witch Trials, Bermuda Triangle).

In its Bigfoot episode, however, the show reached some kind of perverse brilliance. Marshall and her sidekick du jour meet up with some Bigfoot-hunters in the Pacific Northwest. That night, Bigfoot apparently rips down some tree branches and conveniently leaves other evidence of his existence.

OK. The funny part is you can tell while watching that the Bigfoot-hunters are faking the evidence. Of course the show never tells you that, Marshall and sidekick treat it like it’s the most serious thing in the world, but you the viewer can piece the unintentional onscreen clues together and determine they’re totally faking it.

It’s hilarious, the episode is basically an inadvertent mystery for the viewer to solve. It’s actually pretty enjoyable.


I watched the one on Roswell and bailed when they went to the UFO museum in Roswell, NM to do their "research", but I did watch the Bigfoot one you mentioned all the way thru and was pleasantly surprised to discover they actually investigated the topic instead of blindly accepting whatever they were told. Yeah, it was obvious the "bigfoot hunters" were faking it and the "video evidence" was one taking a closeup shot of the other wearing a monkey mask or jiggling a mask on stick thru their trailer window. It took me 3/4 of the show to realize the big brown blob was actually a head-shot, but maybe I was distracted by how much the sidekick de week reminded me of Steve Urkel. It was good to see a show of this type with skepticism. 


Last week, they showed an updated episode on The Mothman, the lamest cryptid ever, and concluded that it's an owl, possibly a local variety of crane. The updated portion was funny because apparently Chicago is trying to get a piece of the Mothman action with even flimsier evidence.


ETA: Link added

Edited by Ubiquit0us
Link added
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Another theory I've heard for the very first Mothman sightings is Army paratroopers, testing new night vision equipment. Only for the very first ones though. Flapping parachute =  huge wings, early prototype night vision goggles = glowing red eyes. 

I admit I've turned a corner on Osbournes Want to Believe. A recent episode had Jack showing a clip that had literally just been on a new episode of P:CoC that very night, so not even an hour earlier. The tattoo parlor one, where things fell off the shelf and bonked a guy in the head. CoC crew: that's a significant poltergeist! It takes a lot of energy! It could be very dangerous! Sharon Osbourne: Come on. Somebody knocked into the other side of the wall. Jeez.

Jack (to Ozzy): What about the time you were naked in the hotel hallway.

Sharon (completely deadpan): Which one?


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I'm liking Mysteries Decoded more than I expected. It's refreshing to see something from the skeptic side, but some episodes are more skeptical than others. 

This week this aired an updated one on the Bermuda Triangle and eventually debunked a pilot who claimed a thunderstorm over the triangle sent him thru a time-travelling wormhole. Unfortunately, they didn't seem to think too much about the fact that the area is no more prone to missing craft than others and in many cases, they didn't vanish in the triangle.

23 hours ago, Ananayel said:

Another theory I've heard for the very first Mothman sightings is Army paratroopers, testing new night vision equipment. Only for the very first ones though. Flapping parachute =  huge wings, early prototype night vision goggles = glowing red eyes.

Interesting theory!

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On ‎8‎/‎27‎/‎2020 at 12:27 PM, Ananayel said:

Well, I missed one. New! Doomsday! Caught on Camera! At least this one will be harder to fake. 

I watched it last night and became annoyed, then angry at the people who were lucky and didn't die from their stupidity.

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So, according to the Instagrams of these folks, there is something called Fright Club coming up on Travel Channel (I think) involving Jack Osbourne and the Ghost Brothers. Don't know when, possibly during Ghostober. Maybe a paranormal talk show? I don't know, but I like all of them very much so will watch it. 

Really though, Travel Channel needs to rebrand as BŪ (pronounced "Boo" but can be trademarked.) At least when Josh Gates and Andrew Zimmern were the other two sides of the TRVL triangle along with Zak Bagans, they could still claim to be a travel network.

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I was watching Paranormal Caught On Camera and saw a segment about a man seeing a ghostly bride walking down the side of the highway. This was the first thing that Google returned:


Really, show?

History Channel is making new (updated?) episodes of Monster Quest. Last night's was about the Chupacabra, lamest of all of the cryptoids. It's obviously a hairless or mangy canine/coyote/wolf mixed breed of some sort, which was what the scientists who performed an analysis on the tissue and hair samples said they were at the end of the show. 

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So I haven't watched a Paranormal; Caught on Camera marathon in a while and I am now almost immediately remembering why I haven't missed it.

So many episodes just keep getting repeated and repeated and repeated, every Wednesday and Sunday.

Swear I've seen some of these episodes at least a 100 times now.

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There was one on tonight - Paranormal - Captured, which seems like it would be yet another one. But this seems more along the debunking lines, so a bit of a different perspective. Perhaps it was inspired by the reconstituted clips that aired a few times on the Science Channel (I think, could be wrong) as Unexplained: Caught on Camera, where actual scientists debunked stuff.

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19 hours ago, Ananayel said:

There was one on tonight - Paranormal - Captured, which seems like it would be yet another one. But this seems more along the debunking lines, so a bit of a different perspective. Perhaps it was inspired by the reconstituted clips that aired a few times on the Science Channel (I think, could be wrong) as Unexplained: Caught on Camera, where actual scientists debunked stuff.

I missed that.  It was on last night (Wednesday)?   Which channel?

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2 hours ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

I missed that.  It was on last night (Wednesday)?   Which channel?

Also on Travel. It will probably be on demand, and given that it's Travel they will repeat it 500 times! It was on at 10:00 pm, so not ideal for a new show, but not the 11:00 slot of death for shows they are just trying to burn off.

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On 10/5/2020 at 6:45 AM, Ubiquit0us said:

I noticed Paranormal Caught on Camera was playing a "best 100" clips this weekend. I didn't think there were enough clips to do that!


They're showing it again.  Which just goes to show that Trvl is lacking any kind of new programming when they repackage a show that's been on repeat for years now.

And really show, if the "globster" is in the Top 100 'moments' (#87), then that very much proves there isn't much more than 100 overall clips on the whole to choose from.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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39 minutes ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

They're showing it again.  Which just goes to show that Travl is lacking any kind of new programming when they repackage a show that's been on repeat for years now.

And really show, if the "globster" is in the Top 100 'moments' (#87), then that very much proves there isn't much more than 100 overall clips on the whole to choose from.


For the first time ever - when it wasn't part of the opening 'quick bits of clips from past shows' montage - I saw the one of the toddler that climbed up and balanced on the crib rail.  That was some freaky sh*t.   If that wasn't a paranormal event, then that kid is already a freaking good gymnast, for a ~1 year old.  lol

I would have had that clip quite a bit higher than #82, myself, but what do I know?

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Anyone watch Believers on Travel Channel, either now or in the past?   (running a mini-marathon today, this morning and early afternoon, before the normal Paranormal; Caught on Tape marathon starts)

This is either some real stuff going on, or these are some very enthusiastic method actors and finely faked footage/photos (or real photos from something else, but used as 'paranormal evidence'; IE scratches and other injuries, photos with defects on them, etc).

And yet, I can't help but feel like I believe the faked stuff part more than the other option.

I think its going to take a seriously real unexplainable event to happen to me, because otherwise despite wanting to believe, I just can't make myself fully do so.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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On 10/21/2020 at 1:58 PM, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

Anyone watch Believers on Travel Channel, either now or in the past?  

This is either some real stuff going on, or these are some very enthusiastic method actors and finely faked footage/photos (or real photos from something else, but used as 'paranormal evidence'; IE scratches and other injuries, photos with defects on them, etc).

I watched the first episode of Believers but quit during the first segment, which was about a ghost photographer who claimed a ghost was trying to lynch him when he got entangled in a hoop of rope or wire in a haunted attic. It wasn't because of the dubiousness of the claim, but because they obviously used an actor for the interview and another for the recreation of the event. They could have at least interviewed the man from the clip they showed or hired actors who look more like him! 


Last night, on Strange Evidence, they recycled that viral clip of a woman talking on her webcam, unaware of a shadowy figure in the background. I guess I should count myself lucky no one claimed it was a ghost or a space alien this time, but TBH, I seriously doubt it was a burglar or psycho dressed like a clown, either. I tried to Google some better explanations, but apparently am not using the right search terms. 😒

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So I tried watching part of an episode of The Osbournes Want to Believe, and jiminy christmas.  I wonder if they even tried to caption it for the people's sake of trying to understand Ozzy.

"Something, something ..... mumble ..... uh, ... something or other ..... more mumbling ....  ah, the hell with it!  We can't understand a single thing coming out of his mouth either.  You're on your own."

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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There was a new episode of MonsterQuest on last night about vampires, just in time for Halloween, but it was lame because they don't exist, so they discussed some history people accused of being vampires and some deluded people who think they are vampires. I quit when they were going to try to measure an "energy vampire" doing her thing. 🙄


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Trying to figure out why shows like Ghost Adventures, Ghost Nation, Paranormal; Caught on Camera, The Holzer Files, etc, air on a network like Travel Channel.

Or does Travel mean something else than I thought it did?   I imagined "travel" meaning destination locations [IE, islands/resorts/tropical paradises], but does it instead = 'other world'/'alternate reality' travel??

And if travel is the standard definition I thought it was, then I don't know about you, but when I have the time and finances to take a vacation, its going to be somewhere nice, peaceful and very relaxing... and not to a "haunted" hotel/inn/b&b or a tour of "haunted" place(s), etc.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I wonder the same thing weekly, it seems. I would suggest a rebranding, but that never seems to go well. Sleuth (mystery channel) became Clue, and then when they couldn't trademark Clue since it's a common word (which is why SciFi became SyFy and Travel became TRVL) it turned into Cloo. And then went away. At this point, just spin all the ghost and cryptid and paranormal stuff into its own channel. Losing Josh Gates and all his shows to Discovery really put the nail in the coffin. But, I'm sure actual travel shows would cost more, so there's that. I would watch the heck out of a paranormal channel, which means I'm watching now, which means they have no incentive to change. If the ratings weren't there they would do something else.

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14 hours ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

Trying to figure out why shows like Ghost Adventures, Ghost Nation, Paranormal; Caught on Camera, The Holzer Files, etc, air on a network like Travel Channel.

Or does Travel mean something else than I thought it did?   I imagined "travel" meaning destination locations [IE, islands/resorts/tropical paradises], but does it instead = 'other world'/'alternate reality' travel??

And if travel is the standard definition I thought it was, then I don't know about you, but when I have the time and finances to take a vacation, its going to be somewhere nice, peaceful and very relaxing... and not to a "haunted" hotel/inn/b&b or a tour of "haunted" place(s), etc.

To be honest, I miss the travel shows that Travel Channel used to have on—especially Samantha Brown, who’s now on PBS. I like paranormal stuff, but I’m not a big fan of the shows the channel has on now, so I’d take the genuinely travel-related shows back in a heartbeat.

I would have expected that Travel Channel and History Channel were owned by the same company—they’ve both moved away from the programming their names would suggest—but apparently not. Travel’s Discovery, Inc., and History’s Hearst and Disney. Huh.

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On 9/13/2020 at 12:28 PM, Ubiquit0us said:

I'm liking Mysteries Decoded more than I expected. It's refreshing to see something from the skeptic side, but some episodes are more skeptical than others. 

This week this aired an updated one on the Bermuda Triangle and eventually debunked a pilot who claimed a thunderstorm over the triangle sent him thru a time-travelling wormhole. Unfortunately, they didn't seem to think too much about the fact that the area is no more prone to missing craft than others and in many cases, they didn't vanish in the triangle.

While I still think the show is exceedingly goofy (my favorite episode is the MonTOCK one because I know the area, yet I can’t hack that horribly-acted hypnosis part), I’ve got to admit on second watch (because of the “new evidence” gimmick) I like it more than my “pretty awful” characterization would suggest.

It does have a refreshing skepticism that most shows of its ilk lack, though the best paranormal-skeptical show on TV in my opinion is, of all things, the William Shatner/History Channel UnXplained. Still, it’s lightyears better than just about everything on Travel Channel.

My favorite eps so far have been Montauk MonTOCK (with the most hyper, lunatic sidekick of them all), which is even better with the “new evidence” that basically debunks everything; Bigfoot because of that inadvertent mystery; Mothman because of good pacing and local color despite focusing on what you accurately called “the lamest cryptid ever”; and Salem because of that intriguing high school mystery.

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18 hours ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

Trying to figure out why shows like Ghost Adventures, Ghost Nation, Paranormal; Caught on Camera, The Holzer Files, etc, air on a network like Travel Channel.

I thought I recently saw a commercial with a new slogan that made sense. I forgot what it was, but it was something lame about "travelling to the frontiers of the paranormal". 🙄 

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On 12/5/2020 at 11:08 AM, Ubiquit0us said:

Apparently, they are now recycling Fact or Fake as a new show titled Paranormal: Fact or Fake. 

This is so annoying. First they start double-upping old episodes of shows and labeling them as new, then they reuse all their CoC clips on other shows like Strange Evidence and the Osbournes show, and now totally renaming old shows. Wait, they did that with the Terror in the Woods or whatever show. Can't wait till they rename Destination Truth - I loved that one and the never rerun it. What will it be called, I wonder?

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On 12/8/2020 at 2:33 PM, Ananayel said:

This is so annoying. First they start double-upping old episodes of shows and labeling them as new, then they reuse all their CoC clips on other shows like Strange Evidence and the Osbournes show, and now totally renaming old shows. Wait, they did that with the Terror in the Woods or whatever show. Can't wait till they rename Destination Truth - I loved that one and the never rerun it. What will it be called, I wonder?

Destination Still Sorta True?

  • LOL 1
On 12/8/2020 at 1:33 PM, Ananayel said:

This is so annoying. First they start double-upping old episodes of shows and labeling them as new, then they reuse all their CoC clips on other shows like Strange Evidence and the Osbournes show, and now totally renaming old shows. Wait, they did that with the Terror in the Woods or whatever show. Can't wait till they rename Destination Truth - I loved that one and the never rerun it. What will it be called, I wonder?

We bought all the seasons of Destination Truth on Amazon. It wasn't too much as I recall and totally worth it. 

On 12/8/2020 at 3:33 PM, Ananayel said:

This is so annoying. First they start double-upping old episodes of shows and labeling them as new

They did it with the Osbournes Want to Believe last night! This is beyond tedious.

They did play a new Paranormal Caught on Tape afterward. The credulousness of the so-called experts compels me to look online for explanations, but I either used the wrong search terms or these clips were so new that no one's had a chance to debunk them yet.


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