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S10.E19: Baptism By Fire

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Thank you! Shannon also claimed Vicki was horrible to her at the lunch and she wasn't. I don't think Shannon knows the difference between people being mean to her and people not kissing her ass.

I don't think Vicki can keep telling people they are part of a toxic or negative environment.  That is an insult.  To leave a party without saying good bye is an insult.  Sure Shannon was whiney but Vicki has to stop walking out.  They should have collectively been angry at Tamra and Meghan.  Also, what would have been wrong with Vicki saying, "Shannon in the last 48 hours I have had both Tamra and heather ask about Brooks medical records."   To me the one thing that would have changed the lunch is if Vicki had said, "Brooks has asked I not discuss his health without him present."  Throwing her arms up and exclaiming, "ask Brooks," seems like avoidance and very dramatic.  Vicki had good reason for saying it but did not share it with Shannon.  I also thought it kind of odd that Vicki could not have led with my daughter is coming out tomorrow or something more personal in nature instead of the BS 68% tax base and how on April 15th she is on the phone with her attorneys and accountants.   The walking off that gets to people.  In all reality Vicki tried leaving the finale no less than five times.  I think it is probably production that makes her stick around.  Production and the $$$$$$$$.


I am certain that no matter who the better friend is, the one that keeps walking off is probably at risk for not returning next season. 

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IMO, too much manipulation by the production company is forcing the HW to act unnaturally. Friendships, breakups, fights, suspicion, jealously have seemed very forced this season, resulting in more distrust and competition between co-workers. I think there's a fine line between reality TV and a production company setting out to tell their own story with forced situations.

I have come to believe that Tamra is playing the role Bethenny Frankel did on RHONY this season. She seemed to be right there when Billy and Rhonda were talking to Shannon. Then she played dumb later on about not knowing what Rhonda said to Shannon concerning David cheating on her. I believe the production company has asked Tamra to talk to Heather, Meghan and Shannon behind the scenes in order to stir them up and orchestrate how they'd participate in the next day filming with Vicki.

Edited to add: When Tamra tells Vicki to get out of the limo and face her detractors at the end of the finale and then tells Vicki that "they won" seems to further her manipulation role. At one point Vicki says, I just can't do this anymore, (or something like that) I believe Tamra knew that meant continue on with the show.

Edited by talula
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I certainly don't care if Vicki walks away from someone grilling her for medical information on another person after being told repeatedly to stop. I wonder if Shannon would stay put if anybody grilled her on when exactly she found out about her husband's affair, why she is staying with him and why would she allow her kids to be filmed during this messy family issue (and I am not talking about sweet, softball questions either). Basically, there is nothing wrong with a person removing her/himself from rude behavior and repeatedly asking personal questions after being asked to stop is rude as hell.

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I don't think Vicki can keep telling people they are part of a toxic or negative environment.  That is an insult.  To leave a party without saying good bye is an insult.  Sure Shannon was whiney but Vicki has to stop walking out.  They should have collectively been angry at Tamra and Meghan.  Also, what would have been wrong with Vicki saying, "Shannon in the last 48 hours I have had both Tamra and heather ask about Brooks medical records."   To me the one thing that would have changed the lunch is if Vicki had said, "Brooks has asked I not discuss his health without him present."  Throwing her arms up and exclaiming, "ask Brooks," seems like avoidance and very dramatic.  Vicki had good reason for saying it but did not share it with Shannon.  I also thought it kind of odd that Vicki could not have led with my daughter is coming out tomorrow or something more personal in nature instead of the BS 68% tax base and how on April 15th she is on the phone with her attorneys and accountants.   The walking off that gets to people.  In all reality Vicki tried leaving the finale no less than five times.  I think it is probably production that makes her stick around.  Production and the $$$$$$$$.


I am certain that no matter who the better friend is, the one that keeps walking off is probably at risk for not returning next season. 


And bless poor Icki's white trash, uneducated heart. I think she thought she was proclaiming herself as some kind of billionaire when she squawked that she paid a 68% tax rate. It's so sad to see these nitwits try to act rich. There are school teachers and bus drivers who are taxed at 68%, but this silly INshunce agent is too provincial and ignorant to know that. It's hard to believe that someone who is pushing sixty and a grandMAW is SO uninformed about SO many things. Dang. Smh.

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I certainly don't care if Vicki walks away from someone grilling her for medical information on another person after being told repeatedly to stop. I wonder if Shannon would stay put if anybody grilled her on when exactly she found out about her husband's affair, why she is staying with him and why would she allow her kids to be filmed during this messy family issue (and I am not talking about sweet, softball questions either). Basically, there is nothing wrong with a person removing her/himself from rude behavior and repeatedly asking personal questions after being asked to stop is rude as hell.

Yes. There are some things about Shannon's narrative of the affair time line I don't really believe (for instance I think during the email fiasco David told her and did ask for a divorce and them something happened to change his mind) but I would call bitch to any of these women who felt like they had to badger Shannon into giving a story that made sense to them after she had asked them to stop.

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If Shannon and Briana had never met, how did Shannon corroborate the details about the IV as matching the details Briana allegedly knew?

Briana told heather and heather mentioned it to Shannon and she said she had heard the same thing the end of October.


https://instagram.com/p/82Gzccmeiq/  Oh look Vicki's nemesis from Season 8 is wearing Vicki's finale dress in black.

Yes. There are some things about Shannon's narrative of the affair time line I don't really believe (for instance I think during the email fiasco David told her and did ask for a divorce and them something happened to change his mind) but I would call bitch to any of these women who felt like they had to badger Shannon into giving a story that made sense to them after she had asked them to stop.

I think the e-mail said he wanted to move out and they claim the issue was resolved the same day.  Would you really want to hear Shannon go into detail on anything? 

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Briana told heather and heather mentioned it to Shannon and she said she had heard the same thing the end of October.

https://instagram.com/p/82Gzccmeiq/ Oh look Vicki's nemesis from Season 8 is wearing Vicki's finale dress in black.

I think the e-mail said he wanted to move out and they claim the issue was resolved the same day. Would you really want to hear Shannon go into detail on anything?

No. That's pretty much what I said. I don't believe her about what happened, what was in the email, or why David came back, but that's her story. I wouldn't expect her to just sit quietly at lunch while Vicki kept harping on all the details. Get up an walk away.

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No. That's pretty much what I said. I don't believe her about what happened, what was in the email, or why David came back, but that's her story. I wouldn't expect her to just sit quietly at lunch while Vicki kept harping on all the details. Get up an walk away.

When she got the e-mail it was before she found out about the affair.  My money is on David thought he would leave and Nicole would follow and David quickly learned that wasn't going to happen so he went back home, knowing Shannon was headed for Bali in the near future.


Where we differ is I think Shannon would love to go into detail.  Vicki did ask a few questions in Tahiti and then wisely shut it down not wanting to hear the blow by blow.  We are talking about a woman who called two RH over her butt crisis!!!  I think she lives for details.  Like some sort of therapy.

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When she got the e-mail it was before she found out about the affair.  My money is on David thought he would leave and Nicole would follow and David quickly learned that wasn't going to happen so he went back home, knowing Shannon was headed for Bali in the near future.


Where we differ is I think Shannon would love to go into detail.  Vicki did ask a few questions in Tahiti and then wisely shut it down not wanting to hear the blow by blow.  We are talking about a woman who called two RH over her butt crisis!!!  I think she lives for details.  Like some sort of therapy.

She lives to give the details that SHE wants out but I highly doubt she just sit there while somebody asked her some actually difficult questions such as why is she allowing her kids to be on this show when going through such marital and family issues. She also wouldn't be too keen on someone questioning her ignorance of the affair and if her "hurt" feelings are genuine.
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So my theory about the email is that was when David told her everything and asked for a divorce. Shannon asks him to come back for the rest of the show and then they will file quietly (being a relative term) between seasons. David agrees and then the mistress backs out so he and Shannon go to counseling. The thing I think Shannon is glossing over and possibly would not want to reveal (although you're right about the woman loving her details) is that the second half of the season was her and David pretending to still be together when they both thought at that point their marriage was over. I don't actually think it's so crazy not to want a film crew following you around while everybody gets lawyers and finds apartments and such and I can totally get the logic of just getting through a couple of weeks of filming and then handling things privately but it might hurt Shannon's authentic-ness thing she has going on. I do think she worries about being loved by fans and I don't think she wants to come across as another Bravo star the creates storylines for the camera. I could be totally wrong about all of this, but if one of the ladies started pressing her about what really happened with David and that email...yeah I could see her trying to just shut down the conversation. Which is ok by me. I don't need to know.

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Yes, and someone like Vicki can afford a tailor--<NOT because I think she's wealthy, quite the contrary, she seems mortgaged to the hilt and spends like MC Hammer in the 90s>--but even lower-middle-class people can afford a little tailoring.


I suspect that she refuses to buy larger sizes and still tries to fit into her old wardrobe, which strains wheezingly across her gunt, broad hips, and expansive sagging rump, all combining to look like "two pigs fighting under a blanket." #steelmagnolias. 



This just made my weekend.....  Thank you! 

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I think when Vicki made up the story about Terry saving Brooks, it was under the assumption that Heather and Shannon didn't get along and weren't friends. So Shannon wouldn't be talking to Heather to have it ever come up. Same with Brianna, who doesn't talk to Heather. However, she didn't tell the story to Tamra or Heather because obviously they would know it wasn't true, since Tamra talks to Heather and they are friends. Tamra and Shannon weren't friends either, so Vicki wasn't worried about Shannon saying anything to Tamra. In the beginning of the season, you see Shannon visibly disgusted by Vicki and Tamra "holding hands" and she wondered what that was about. She said multiple times that she never would have thought she would be friends with Heather and Tamra. So Vicki probably thought the story wouldn't get back to anyone who would verify it. She made a point in the last episode to remind Shannon that "no one liked her" and she was the only one that was nice to her. The other ladies were like, "Yes, but we moved on!" 


With this show, it's hard to tell what is real and what is fake. I think everything is sort of in the middle. 

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Yes, and someone like Vicki can afford a tailor--<NOT because I think she's wealthy, quite the contrary, she seems mortgaged to the hilt and spends like MC Hammer in the 90s>--but even lower-middle-class people can afford a little tailoring.


I suspect that she refuses to buy larger sizes and still tries to fit into her old wardrobe, which strains wheezingly across her gunt, broad hips, and expansive sagging rump, all combining to look like "two pigs fighting under a blanket." #steelmagnolias.

I have been waiting for something very embarrassing to happen to Vicki as a result of her insistence in wearing the ridiculously ill-fitting clothes.

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She lives to give the details that SHE wants out but I highly doubt she just sit there while somebody asked her some actually difficult questions such as why is she allowing her kids to be on this show when going through such marital and family issues. She also wouldn't be too keen on someone questioning her ignorance of the affair and if her "hurt" feelings are genuine.

She has answered those hard questions on WWHL.  This is a show about relationships between people and if all they are going to do is have conversations off camera and then carefully re-enact the portions everyone feels comfortable with-it would not stay on the air.  Shannon has said that she questioned her husband and he told her she was both stupid and crazy for questioning him about having an affair,  I am sure she will get many questions come the Reunion.  The thing is these other ladies don't care-because it is not happening to them.  Now if Shannon was telling everyone-don't mention the affair on the air, or don't ask David anything about the affair or saying, "ask David," we would be on a level playing surface. 


Does anyone really think that Shannon wasn't genuinely hurt by her husband having an affair?  She faked the hurt/

I would be more likely to consider the IV story as possible proof of a hustle if the details were corroborated between Shannon and Briana alone; w/o outside influence or intermediaries.

I think in journalism it is called two independent sources.  Why would Shannon and Briana have a conversation since they have never met?

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Does anyone really think that Shannon wasn't genuinely hurt by her husband having an affair?  She faked the hurt/

At this point, yes, yes I do think she is capable of faking the "hurt" and that they had an "arrangement" before even starting this show.
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Yes. There are some things about Shannon's narrative of the affair time line I don't really believe (for instance I think during the email fiasco David told her and did ask for a divorce and them something happened to change his mind) but I would call bitch to any of these women who felt like they had to badger Shannon into giving a story that made sense to them after she had asked them to stop.


Interesting....My impression had been that the email from David was about his moving out. They've said that he was out of the house for about 2 weeks.   I just thought that this was part of it.

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Personally, if I am going to corroborate details, I am going to go straight to the source.

So if I was Shannon or Briana, I would go directly to Shannon or Briana and compare notes.

From what I gather, Heather related the IV story as heard from more than 1 unnamed source.

Since Shannon is at least known to exagerate the truth, I would have liked to have heard what Vicki allegedly told Shannon before Heather, Tamra, and Meghan got into the mix.

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For some reason, I cannot recall the details about the e-mail.  Can someone help me out?  Thanks so much-!!!!

Here is the clip.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-9/videos/rhoc-season-9s-craziest-moments?clip=2791551


David said he wanted to move out for awhile.


Tamra decided it said David wanted a divorce.  She passed that on to Heather.

Personally, if I am going to corroborate details, I am going to go straight to the source.

So if I was Shannon or Briana, I would go directly to Shannon or Briana and compare notes.

From what I gather, Heather related the IV story as heard from more than 1 unnamed source.

Since Shannon is at least known to exagerate the truth, I would have liked to have heard what Vicki allegedly told Shannon before Heather, Tamra, and Meghan got into the mix.

Tamra told heather, Heather talked to Briana and confirmed what Tamra had told Heather.  Heather retold the story and Shannon said she had a similar conversation with Vicki in late October.  When Heather talked to Vicki she did not mention who she had heard it from.


From what has transpired since Shannon had repeated the conversation prior to the Baptism.  It was one of the inconsistencies and briana offered up her story without knowing Shannon had heard the same.

Personally, if I am going to corroborate details, I am going to go straight to the source.

So if I was Shannon or Briana, I would go directly to Shannon or Briana and compare notes.

From what I gather, Heather related the IV story as heard from more than 1 unnamed source.

Since Shannon is at least known to exagerate the truth, I would have liked to have heard what Vicki allegedly told Shannon before Heather, Tamra, and Meghan got into the mix.



Interesting....My impression had been that the email from David was about his moving out. They've said that he was out of the house for about 2 weeks.   I just thought that this was part of it.

David sent the e-mail during filming.  After filming stopped he moved out in April.  So they were two separate incidents.

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Personally, if I am going to corroborate details, I am going to go straight to the source.

So if I was Shannon or Briana, I would go directly to Shannon or Briana and compare notes.

From what I gather, Heather related the IV story as heard from more than 1 unnamed source.

Since Shannon is at least known to exagerate the truth, I would have liked to have heard what Vicki allegedly told Shannon before Heather, Tamra, and Meghan got into the mix.

Heather did confirm with Briana what she was told by Tamra. She, Heather, then told Lizzie, Shannon and Meghan what Vicki said about Terry/IV at the finale. Then Shannon told ALL of them that Vicki also told her the same story about Terry/IV and that was when Heather went to the source of the story....Vicki, WHO denied saying it and claimed it had to have happened when she was in OK visiting Briana and that she had no knowledge about Terry/IV at all. NOW, in her blog, she, Vicki, is trying to pass off yet another story, a completly different story. LOL

When did Heather and Briana speak?

I totally missed it.

Heather said that she spoke to Briana when she was telling the other HWs about Vicki's Terry/IV story at the finale. It was not shown, the conversation between the 2, on the show.

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I could never feel sorry for Icky, not for a second. She deserves much worse, Imo, since she will probably end up not only staying on the show but also never having to admit she is a big fat liar-liar-pants on fire, liar face. Andy will avoid putting her too much on the spot and she will probably get to make one of her ungraceful clomping exits as she storms off the set. Hoping to see seams splitting and buttons-a-poppin when she does.

I have been waiting for something very embarrassing to happen to Vicki as a result of her insistence in wearing the ridiculously ill-fitting clothes.

Yes! Me too! See my last post just now lol

Edited by Bebecat
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Heather said at the finale I spoke with Briana. Don't know when. Obviously it was not filmed.

It sure would have been nice of Bravo to film and air the material so the viewer could make his or her own decision about the IV story. Especially since it seems like Bravo wants the viewers to consider the IV story as a smoking gun.

Maybe it will be in The Lost Footage?


I found a tweet fr/ Heather. She says the IV story was discussed, but it wasn't shown.

Who was involved in the IV story discussion? When did the discussion take place? Why wasn't it shown?

If it was filmed, maybe the discussion will be on The Lost Footage. Dare to dream?

I just realized I'm doing homework - yes homework - in order to understand a stupid Bravo show. There is something very wrong w/ that.

I gotta get a life.



Edited by Scrambled Fog
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It sure would have been nice of Bravo to film and air the material so the viewer could make his or her own decision about the IV story. Especially since it seems like Bravo wants the viewers to consider the IV story as a smoking gun.

Maybe it will be in The Lost Footage?


I found a tweet fr/ Heather. She says the IV story was discussed, but it wasn't shown.

Who was involved in the IV story discussion? When did the discussion take place? Why wasn't it shown?

If it was filmed, maybe the discussion will be on The Lost Footage. Dare to dream?

I just realized I'm doing homework - yes homework - in order to understand a stupid Bravo show. There is something very wrong w/ that.

I gotta get a life.



It was on this last episode.  The original discussion took place last October.  It is all in the last episode.  They weren't filming in October.

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And bless poor Icki's white trash, uneducated heart. I think she thought she was proclaiming herself as some kind of billionaire when she squawked that she paid a 68% tax rate. It's so sad to see these nitwits try to act rich. There are school teachers and bus drivers who are taxed at 68%, but this silly INshunce agent is too provincial and ignorant to know that. It's hard to believe that someone who is pushing sixty and a grandMAW is SO uninformed about SO many things. Dang. Smh.

This is the same dingbat that sells annuities and has given unsolicited financial advice to others. Narcissist that she is, she probably doesn'the listen to her accountant. What an utter maroon.

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It was on this last episode.  The original discussion took place last October.  It is all in the last episode.  They weren't filming in October.


Also, if they'd had Heather or Briana reveal it before the end of the season, we all would have known for sure he was faking it, and the story line would have been quashed. They needed to keep us on the edge of our seats with "Is he or isn't he faking cancer?" to keep the ratings exploding.

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Also, if they'd had Heather or Briana reveal it before the end of the season, we all would have known for sure he was faking it, and the story line would have been quashed. They needed to keep us on the edge of our seats with "Is he or isn't he faking cancer?" to keep the ratings exploding.

Unfortunately it kind of backfired.  The antennas went up notes were exchanged and it didn't play back well.  I think Heather and Tamra had it figured out long before Shannon. 

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It was on this last episode. The original discussion took place last October. It is all in the last episode. They weren't filming in October.

If I recall correctly, what was shown was Heather confronting Vicki.

What wasn't shown was Heather discussing the situation w/ Briana and whoever else was involved w/ the IV story discussion at the time.

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If I recall correctly, what was shown was Heather confronting Vicki.

What wasn't shown was Heather discussing the situation w/ Briana and whoever else was involved w/ the IV story discussion at the time.

Heather said she spoke with Briana in the episode.  You have to keep up sometimes.  They do not record every conversation.  Come the Reunion it would be up to Briana to say she never had a discussion about it.  So far you have Tamra saying Briana said it and Heather saying it and Shannon saying Vicki told her.

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Filming didn't commence until earlier this year. But lost footage eps can occasionally indeed prove revealing. After Vicki's indignant blanket denials about the veracity of Lauri's campaign against her in season 8, there was a clip on the secrets revealed spot of Lauri bringing up the "toothless Greek god" on the bus in Whistler and Vicki imploring her to stop talking because "cameras are here."

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Re: The IV Story, when Vicki tells Heather at the baptism she has no clue ( Vicki says: 'I don't know what you are talking about' and 'I could have been traveling', etc ) about calling Terry when Brooks was having a bad night after chemo, and Terry sending a colleague to administer an IV for Brooks....


But in Vicki's blog, she all of a sudden 'remembers' what happened and explains it:


“After Brooks‘ first treatment in October, he was extremely sick and dehydrated. I talked with one of my friends who said he should get an IV with fluids to hydrate him and she had a doctor friend that she was going to call for me,” describes Vicki. “I told her not to do that, as I was going to call Briana to get her opinion if she thought Terry Dubrow would know of someone that could come to the house. I told Briana when I hung up with her and I was going to call Terry to ask him. When I asked Brooks if it was okay to call Terry, he said ‘no and that he would call his own doctor in the morning’. I failed to tell Briana that I didn’t call Terry and she assumed I did.”


Talk about 'hinky'....WTF?


Liar Face Vicki! Your new lies to cover your previous lies make no sense, lol! Why would a "friend" of Vicki's ask a "doctor friend" to come to the house to treat Brooks? Anytime you've had chemo or surgery of any kind you are given discharge instructions with an EMERGENY PHONE # TO CALL if problems arise. The doctor on call will either direct you to go to the ER and give the ER team instructions for your care OR the on-call doc will meet you at the ER if the situation is life threatening. Why would Briana (who is in OK and does not have ties to the OC medical community) know if Terry (who she does not know) would have knowledge of someone who could come to the house?? Being a nurse I am certain Briana would have told her to go to the ER and that NO legit doctor would come to the house to administer an IV to someone under another doctor's care without checking with that doctor.

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If I recall correctly, what was shown was Heather confronting Vicki.

What wasn't shown was Heather discussing the situation w/ Briana and whoever else was involved w/ the IV story discussion at the time.

 They, production, do NOT film 24/7, they have set hours and then leave the HWs to their private lives to do whatever they want/need so they don't film everything.


First, Vicki denied EVER saying that to Briana/Shannon....EVER. She claimed she was out of town in OK. when Brooks had his first chemo treatment and has no knowledge of what happened. Then in her blog she admits she did say something to Briana but that Briana misunderstood her and got it wrong. She never addresses telling Shannon the same story/lie at all.

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Does anyone really think that Shannon wasn't genuinely hurt by her husband having an affair?  She faked the hurt/



I don't think any woman would have to "fake the hurt" when their husband cheats on them. Tat would be a devastating blow.

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 They, production, do NOT film 24/7, they have set hours and then leave the HWs to their private lives to do whatever they want/need so they don't film everything.


First, Vicki denied EVER saying that to Briana/Shannon....EVER. She claimed she was out of town in OK. when Brooks had his first chemo treatment and has no knowledge of what happened. Then in her blog she admits she did say something to Briana but that Briana misunderstood her and got it wrong. She never addresses telling Shannon the same story/lie at all.


THIS!! RIGHT HERE!!! If Brooks were indeed so deathly ill that Vicki was considering calling a doctor to her home she would remember Every. Little. Detail. of that night. She would have been scared out of her mind, what with her love of her life so ill. Instead she fakes like she hasn't a clue what Heather is talking about, puts on the dumb face and whispers that she "might have been out of town."  But now that she's caught in a lie she makes up yet another story, smh.

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Ah, let's face it.  Vicks' story about the IV doesn't add up.  She can try to spin it any which way.  But in the end it doesn't add up.  Unless you think that Brianna and Shannon are totally ignorant.  Yes, you can believe that Brianna and Shannon are dumb to an extent, but more ignorant than Vicks in that both misunderstood Vicks...that's a stretch.   And that Vicks doesn't even address Shannon claiming she heard the same story from Vicks...  Nuff said.

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Heather said she spoke with Briana in the episode. You have to keep up sometimes. They do not record every conversation. Come the Reunion it would be up to Briana to say she never had a discussion about it. So far you have Tamra saying Briana said it and Heather saying it and Shannon saying Vicki told her.

Heather said in the tweet I linked the discussion was filmed, but not shown.

The discussion did not make the final edit.

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Heather said in the tweet I linked the discussion was filmed, but not shown.

The discussion did not make the final edit.

I don't believe Heather is saying the discussion between she and Briana was filmed.  I believe she is saying the discussion between Briana and Tamra, and perhaps further discussions amongst Shannon, Heather, Tamra and Meghan may have been filmed.  I am under the impression from your posts you are wanting the original conversation involving Vicki and Briana, Vicki and Shannon and Briana and Heather.  Absent that footage you are contesting the conversations took place and everyone but Vicki is lying.  

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I don't believe Heather is saying the discussion between she and Briana was filmed. I believe she is saying the discussion between Briana and Tamra, and perhaps further discussions amongst Shannon, Heather, Tamra and Meghan may have been filmed. I am under the impression from your posts you are wanting the original conversation involving Vicki and Briana, Vicki and Shannon and Briana and Heather. Absent that footage you are contesting the conversations took place and everyone but Vicki is lying.

Allow me to clarify my thoughts.

I never said everbody but Vicki is lying. I am quite certain, however, the entire cast does exaggerate and outright lies to varying degrees.

What I would like to have heard were the original conversations, undiluted and unfiltered by the interpretations of people who did not participate in the conversations.

I would have liked to have known what Shannon's interpretation of what Vicki related to her in regard to the IV story before others came into the picture with their versions of the story.

It seems to me, and this is just my opinion, Bravo is asking viewers to consider as evidence an IV narrative that has been filtered through more than one person. Since the cast is, at minimum, prone to exaggeration, undiluted evidence is important for this viewer to consider before a decision is made as to the possibility two people are lying about a serious illness.

Something was filmed and left on the cutting room floor. It is impossible to know with any certainty the nature of what was filmed and edited unless or until Bravo chooses to air the material.

I have a feeling Bravo will not offer any information which will elucidate anything.

It seems to me Andy Cohen and Bravo have their messy boots on.

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Allow me to clarify my thoughts.

I never said everbody but Vicki is lying. I am quite certain, however, the entire cast does exaggerate and outright lies to varying degrees.

What I would like to have heard were the original conversations, undiluted and unfiltered by the interpretations of people who did not participate in the conversations.

I would have liked to have known what Shannon's interpretation of what Vicki related to her in regard to the IV story before others came into the picture with their versions of the story.

It seems to me, and this is just my opinion, Bravo is asking viewers to consider as evidence an IV narrative that has been filtered through more than one person. Since the cast is, at minimum, prone to exaggeration, undiluted evidence is important for this viewer to consider before a decision is made as to the possibility two people are lying about a serious illness.

Something was filmed and left on the cutting room floor. It is impossible to know with any certainty the nature of what was filmed and edited unless or until Bravo chooses to air the material.

I have a feeling Bravo will not offer any information which will elucidate anything.

It seems to me Andy Cohen and Bravo have their messy boots on.

Do you believe that Shannon is making it up/lying that Vicki also told her about Terry/IV or that she is misrepresenting what Vicki said? I thought Shannon was very clear that Vicki also told her the same story that Heather confirmed directly with Briana regarding Terry/IV, Shannon didn't say that Vicki told her something similar but that she was told the same thing. Hopefully they will show the conversation between Briana and Tamra when Briana tells her what Vicki said at the reunion but they can not show Vicki saying it directly to either Briana or Shannon because filming did not start until Jan. 2015 and this happened in Oct. 2014 BEFORE filming started.

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In my view, the entire cast is prone to exaggeration and outright lying to varying degrees.

It is very difficult, for me anyway, to ascertain who is and isn't lying and/or exaggerating, amongst a group of liars and exaggerators.

I include Andy Cohen and his Bravo crew amongst the group of liars and exaggerators.

When Shannon chose to align herself w/ an attempted rapist by proxy, a gaslighter, and an individual who confuses justice w/ retribution, I began to question her judgement and perceptions.

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Do you believe that Shannon is making it up/lying that Vicki also told her about Terry/IV or that she is misrepresenting what Vicki said? I thought Shannon was very clear that Vicki also told her the same story that Heather confirmed directly with Briana regarding Terry/IV, Shannon didn't say that Vicki told her something similar but that she was told the same thing. Hopefully they will show the conversation between Briana and Tamra when Briana tells her what Vicki said at the reunion but they can not show Vicki saying it directly to either Briana or Shannon because filming did not start until Jan. 2015 and this happened in Oct. 2014 BEFORE filming started.

From what the others have said, and I do believe them, the inconsistencies had been discussed, whether filmed or not, it was just that each and every time someone approached Vicki she shut down the conversation.  My belief is Vicki was busy trying to cover her tracks and build a sympathetic character that was being dogged and doubted by her friends.  How deeply Meghan was involved is debatable and the new found closeness of Shannon, Tamra and Heather was building from the beginning of the season.  There are times I think Vicki tried very hard to convince herself of Brooks unselfish love.  The more she tried the more the others doubted Brooks.

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In my view, the entire cast is prone to exaggeration and outright lying to varying degrees.

It is very difficult, for me anyway, to ascertain who is and isn't lying and/or exaggerating, amongst a group of liars and exaggerators.

I include Andy Cohen and his Bravo crew amongst the group of liars and exaggerators.

When Shannon chose to align herself w/ an attempted rapist by proxy, a gaslighter, and an individual who confuses justice w/ retribution, I began to question her judgement and perceptions.

So it was/is OK that Shannon initially "align(ed)" herself with big hypocrite/liar Vicki in the first place? LOL Shannon supported Vicki and Brooks most of the season, as did Heather. They both only developed real doubts at the end and those doubts were caused but both Vicki and Brooks, not by Tamra or Meghan IMO.

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You know, when Bravo made the mistake (IMO) of allowing the cast to be filmed insisting someone produce medical records, Bravo set the burden of proof bar quite high for this viewer.

Now I am insisting Bravo meet that high level in terms of proof to convince me two people are lying about a serious illness.

So far, Bravo has only offered high school level gossip as so called evidence.

What's his name is not even a HW, who I don't even like.

How is it that these rich, successful women have nothing else to do but involve themselves in someone's personal health decisions? They need to get some hobbies. STAT!

How did this cancer/not cancer storyline become everybody's storyline?

I would have rather watched Terry and Heather sling their skincare products all season long than watch a nano second of the cancer/not cancer garbage.

As far as the baptism goes, only the portion with the choir should have been aired.


Edited by Scrambled Fog
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I think Bravo will film anything, but I do not think a network would have anything to do with creating or coming up with a fake cancer story. That crosses a line that can make a network go away forever.   

 For instance, they filmed Kim Richards year after year high as a kite. They knew of course, but they did not create the story.


I have always thought that Bravo, Andy Cohen and a network like TLC are nothing but pimps who know just the kind of people to hire. People who have that special character flaw(s) who for many reasons are ready and willing to expose themselves on tv.

 They know most of these people have big skeletons in their closets, are hiding parts of themselves or will do anything including crime to get on these shows.  And, we ALL know all of it comes out sooner or later.

             I have always thought Vicki was a racist, no class, lying piece of shit.     While I can't explain why, I think its fascinating to watch a true world class narcissist get worse and worse year after year.  I think she also has a few other personality disorders too.    

          I will be the first to admit I am wrong, but I think this cancer sham has gone too far and that Vicki will be gone.    Of course Bravo has kept people like Nene Leakes who has been violent time and time again.

Edited by Cherrio
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I think Bravo will film anything, but I do not think a network would have anything to do with creating or coming up with a fake cancer story. That crosses a line that can make a network go away forever.   

 For instance, they fimled Kim Richards year after year high as a kite. They knew of course, but they did not create the story.


I have always thought that Bravo, Andy Cohen and a network like TLC are nothing but pimps who know just the kind of people to hire. People who have that special character flaw(s) who for many reasons are ready and willing to expose themselves on tv.

 They know most of these people have big skeletons in their closets, are hiding parts of themselves or will do anything including crime to get on these shows.  And, we ALL know all of it comes out sooner or later.

             I have always thought Vicki was a racist, no class, lying piece of shit.     While I can't explain why, I think its fascinating to watch a true world class narcissist get worse and worse year after year.  I think she also has a few other personality disorders too.    

          I will be the first to admit I am wrong, but I think this cancer sham has gone too far and that Vicki will be gone.    Of course Bravo has kept people like Nene Leakes who has been violent time and time again.

Please she prefers you use her title Rear Admiral Vicki Gunvalson OGOC.

Edited by zoeysmom
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