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TDS 3.0: Season One Guests

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Wouldn't it be funny if Tuesday's TBD turned out to be President Obama, given how whinny privileged crybaby Bill Maher has been using (abusing) the White House's petition website to get the president on Real Time?

It would be great if he does appear as a guest before leaving office. I know that the Pres. and Michelle have already made a fair number of talk and radio show appearances over these last 7 years, but it's still a big deal to me that the President of the Free World would take time to chat with the ladies on the View, or with Marc Maron or Tom Joyner. I'd love to see Obama and Trevor chat about...well, anything. 

Edited by topanga
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It would be great if he does appear as a guest before leaving office. I know that the Pres. and Michelle have already made a fair number of talk and radio show appearances over these last 7 years, but it's still a big deal to me that the President of the Free World would take time to chat with the ladies on the View, or with Marc Maron or Tom Joyner. I'd love to see Obama and Trevor chat about...well, anything. 


Their shared continent of birth?



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Obama was on "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee" (free to stream on cracked.com), so it wouldn't surprise me if he made an appearance on TDS or any other show. My guess is that it's more about whether he feels he can spare the time, and less about whether he thinks it's beneath him-- which I love about him. I also wouldn't mind seeing him on the show after he leaves office (Michelle, too). I'm really curious about what the Obamas will do once they leave the White House. We've seen both Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter on TDS, talking about their post-presidential projects, and I'm willing to bet the Obamas will also be willing to appear.


I'm looking forward to DeRay McKesson. I saw him on Colbert's Late Show, and I thought he was extremely affable and extremely patient. I am hoping his conversation with Trevor will be be able to go a little deeper, and cover more ground.W


Trevor's appearance on Comedians in Cars... was really interesting, but somehow I can't imagine Seinfeld's visit to TDS will prove equally so.

It would be great if he does appear as a guest before leaving office. I know that the Pres. and Michelle have already made a fair number of talk and radio show appearances over these last 7 years, but it's still a big deal to me that the President of the Free World would take time to chat with the ladies on the View, or with Marc Maron or Tom Joyner. I'd love to see Obama and Trevor chat about...well, anything. 



Their shared continent of birth?



I thought the same think (including "KIDDING!!").


Also - let's not forget Pres. Obama Between Two Ferns.

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2/1: Reshma Saujani (founder and CEO of Girls Who Code)
2/2: Peter Bergen (journalist & author – promoting book “United States of Jihad”)
2/3: Hannibal Buress (comedian – promoting Netflix Comedy Special “Comedy Camisado”)
2/4: Lilly Singh (YouTube star – promoting YouTube Red original movie “A Trip to Unicorn Island”)

All dudes again. Hmph.

2/22: Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ & author – promoting book “United: Thoughts on Finding Common Ground and Advancing the Common Good”)
2/23: Anthony Mackie (actor – promoting movie “Triple Nine”)
2/24: Brian Chesky (founder & CEO of Airbnb)
2/25: Michael Hayden (former director of the NSA and the CIA & author – promoting book “Playing to the Edge: American Intelligence in the Age of Terror”)

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All dudes again. Hmph.



The gender of the guest has never impacted me as positive or negative. Do TPTB of the show say that they make an effort to get equal representation of gender? Do they reach out to people in news? or do agents of people that are trying to push something reach out to the show? 

Edited by FartyPants
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The gender of the guest has never impacted me as positive or negative. Do TPTB of the show say that they make an effort to get equal representation of gender? Do they reach out to people in news? or do agents of people that are trying to push something reach out to the show? 

I don't know. And is there more of a gender imbalance now than when Jon was on the show? I can't tell. I feel a gender bias more when it comes to correspondents. Is Jessica the only female now? 

The gender of the guest has never impacted me as positive or negative. Do TPTB of the show say that they make an effort to get equal representation of gender? Do they reach out to people in news? or do agents of people that are trying to push something reach out to the show? 

I don't know. And is there more of a gender imbalance now than when Jon was on the show? I can't tell. I feel a gender bias more when it comes to correspondents. Is Jessica the only female now? 

I wonder how much the guests are geared toward the host's interests and how much they represent the booker's gets meeting the producers' idea of a good get?


I do think the lack of authors might be host driven.  I remember at one shooting I attended, Jon did say something about how he liked reading a book and then having the extreme privilege of sitting on camera and discussing it with the very person who wrote it.  I can see Trevor not being that type of person.  Not a good thing or bad thing.  Some people are more book people than others.  And I have a sister that is a voracious reader and yet has trouble every time she joins a book club because she just naturally balks at being "assigned' reading material.  So he could have that approach to his reading as well.


Looking back at the guests and I also wonder if they have not been a bit more careful on setting the tone for the show as a whole as opposed to the interview segment.  I never cared for the interviews in general and actually thought Jon was more bad at them than good (his had plenty of great interviews but I never saw them as great due to his style or skill, rather in spite of such).  I wonder how committed the show and Trevor are to the interview in the years to come.  Idon't think they would get rid of it entirely.  But we might see a once a week musical guest become the norm or even see the interview dwindle to once or twice a week and go for more substantial guests of the moment (that's more wishful thinking on my part than any practical potential, I know).  I'm just not sure how the show will transition over time with Trevor and some new production staff at the helm.  And with John Oliver's show returning to the air and the addition of Samantha Bee, the standing at the start of the show and end might not be the only shift in practice.

I won't argue that.  But I also am just not that invested when all is said and done since for a couple of years now I have been guilty of simply skipping the interview entirely and then the next morning checking online to see what the moment of zen was between checking for email and then walking out the door for the day.


But the show earned its quality of guests over the years in my opinion. And I think it might be a wise move, whether that is what they are doing or not, do follow the same.  Raise the show to a level that guests want to be one and you get to pick and choose rather than settling for those that bother to return the call. 


Sarah Vowell's book should be getting its paperback release sometime this year.  I hope she gets invited simply so I can see how the two interact.  I am curious how many of Jon's favored sort of standbys like Neil Degrasse Tyson or Doris Kearns Goodwin, or Sarah might still have that sort of status with Trevor or whether he builds new ones.  Or both.  Either Doris or Sarah would be good to have on simply now as they bring an intelligent and fact based perspective on the whole Supreme Court thing that is and will be going on.  So while the interview is mostly miss for me I would like to see more effort into trying to convince me it is a hit.

I wonder how committed the show and Trevor are to the interview in the years to come.  Idon't think they would get rid of it entirely.  But we might see a once a week musical guest become the norm or even see the interview dwindle to once or twice a week and go for more substantial guests of the moment (that's more wishful thinking on my part than any practical potential, I know).

One thing I like about TDS is that I get to watch interviews with people I wouldn't normally see on late night TV (authors, politicians, humanitarian workers, etc). Smart people. There. I said it. I don't mind seeing actors or musical guests, but I don't want the show to join the cycle of big-name celebrity guests that appear on every day-time and night-time talk show that week, promoting their new movie, CD, or children's book. 



No there's Desi Lydic.

Who? No, seriously. I don't remember any of her segments. 

Edited by topanga

I've never quite figured out the status of some of the others (as in those not named Jessica, Jordan or Hasan )  who carried over even for one piece after Jon left.  Didn't Al Madrigal also do an appearance?  But I do seem to remember Kristin.  She has a lot of irons in the fire though if I remember correctly.  Another stand up special, some guest appearances on some primetime shows and I thought she was writing both a book and a scripted show.  When I check online it gives Al and Kristin both end dates for the show so maybe they simply had contracts to fulfill and then were done?   It's sad how quickly this stuff can become a blur for me.

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As for guest booking, I wonder if it's rating related. I can see celebrity guests work better on that front, no numbers to back it up though. Or it could be a temporary thing until him settling in firmly at the new job. I seem to remember Travor said he had to spend a lot of time on reading, studying. You may wring a decent interview with relatively less preparation from an actor or a musician but it's trickier with an author or a politician.

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Cory Booker is a terrible guest. Like a lot of pols, he's little more than a talking-point machine.

I hope Trevor eventually develops his own stable of regular guests. Neil DeGrasse Tyson seems to have become a permanent fixture on Colbert's show -- he's made several appearances already, and he was also on "The Nightly Show" not long ago, so (much as I love him) he's a tiny bit overexposed on late night.

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Wow, Monday's show is a must-watch, considering Harris-Perry's travails with MSNBC.


3/14: Melissa Harris-Perry (Maya Angelou Presidential Chair Professor at Wake Forest University)
3/15: Joe Nocera (author – promoting book “Indentured”)
3/16: Brian Fallon (musician – promoting album “Painkillers”)
3/17: Theo James (actor – promoting movie “The Divergent Series: Allegiant”)

Oh.  Starting the week off with what I can hope to be the most substantive interview he has had yet and ending on what I suspect and hope is sheer shallow scrummy since I don't watch the movie franchise he is in right now.  And I hope he talks about his future projects because there was something linked to imdb that had him, Idris and Henry Cavill listed for some untitled project.  I'm hoping it turns out three actors read Proust while shirtless.  Hey weirder things have happened.

Wow, Monday's show is a must-watch, considering Harris-Perry's travails with MSNBC.


3/14: Melissa Harris-Perry (Maya Angelou Presidential Chair Professor at Wake Forest University)

I'll be front and center for Monday's show. I heard MHP mention in a brief interview with NPR that MSNBC treated her unfairly for quite a while before firing her. It should be a good one. 


I also Tivo'd this episode of The View just because I want to see what kinds of questions the ladies ask her. And how she responds. 

I kind of want to see Trevor go on The View. I just think it would be funny to see how that turned out.

BITE YOUR TONGUE! With the exception of one or two, depending on who is there, they'd slobber all over him, not let him get a word in edgewise, and probably have him on during the last five minutes of the show, and then cut him off because they ran out of time.


Guests include Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Chairman of the DNC (Monday, April 4); Jerrod Carmichael, comedian & actor starring in "The Carmichael Show" (Tuesday, April 5); Angelica Ross, actor & founder of TransTech (Wednesday, April 6); Juan Williams, Fox News political analyst & author of the book "We The People: The Modern-Day Figures Who Have Reshaped and Affirmed the Founding Fathers' Vision of America" (Thursday, March 17). -> I assume they mean "Thursday, April 7" there

Edited by trow125

Deserves a "twicing":


W. Kamau Bell!!!!!


ETA: I sure hope that his CNN show lasts.

He mentioned in his latest newsletter that he's also going to be a contestant on the CNN quiz show on Sunday, April 17, and he has a Showtime special debuting April 29. So there are lots of opportunities to catch him on TV this spring. Hooray!!

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4/25: Danielle Brooks (actor – promoting play “The Color Purple”)
4/26: Keegan-Michael Key & Jordan Peele (actors – promoting movie “Keanu”)
4/27: McKay Coppins (senior political writer for BuzzFeed News & author – promoting book “The Wilderness: Deep Inside the Republican Party's Combative, Contentious, Chaotic Quest to Take Back the White House”)
4/28: Ricky Gervais (comedian – promoting Netflix film “Special Correspondents”)

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