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S06.E15: Go Big or Go Home

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As much as I wanted Craig to beat out Chris, on principle Craig couldn't win because his redone tattoo was of Zeus/Jupiter not Poseidon/Neptune. His statute was holding a lightning bolt, not a trident.

For all of talk about being a big bad Marine, Chris sure started to fold when there was a decent possibility of him going home. Seeing him lined up with the others made me realize that he and Craig are the same height and that Matt and Kruseman are taller than Chris.

Edited by HunterHunted
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This was a lame episode that showed why Best Ink is superior to Ink Master in every meaningful way (anything involving art).


Since this show is more about schoolyard vendettas than artwork, it was a foregone conclusion weeks ago that Chris and Matt would go to the finale. When Kruseman was announced the winner of the second challenge, I knew Craig was done. If they wanted to build some suspsense, they should've announced Chris as the winner. I didn't really care who went on between Craig and Kruseman because both of them should've been eliminated.


Kruseman had an awful report card throughout the season and flat out refused to do challenges, whereas Craig would take creative licensing with challenges to cover up his weaknesses.


EDIT: I have to give Craig props for taking being eliminated with a good attitude. Most contestants whine when they're booted, even if completely justified.

Edited by MuMuGuy
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While I wasn't thrilled with the outcome (you let me down Craig!), I really liked the challenge where they had to redo one of their worst tattoos from earlier in the season.  I would like to see that become a standard one for the end of the season.

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Okay, I'm calling some bullshit on the Matt vs. Chris narrative now. I believe they've been competitors and probably both acted like little boys throughout. I'm beginning to think that the depth of the "hate" is manufactured, though. In the end, when the final is being explained, Kruseman is sitting between Matt and Chris. When told that the last tattoo is artist's choice, Matt leans way back in his chair and reaches out to bump fists with someone. As far as he leans back and as far as he reaches out, he can't be celebrating with Kruseman. He's too close. He looks to be celebrating this announcement with Chris. Still don't like Chris, but I think the rivalry has been built up considerably by editors.

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Okay, I'm calling some bullshit on the Matt vs. Chris narrative now. I believe they've been competitors and probably both acted like little boys throughout. I'm beginning to think that the depth of the "hate" is manufactured, though. In the end, when the final is being explained, Kruseman is sitting between Matt and Chris. When told that the last tattoo is artist's choice, Matt leans way back in his chair and reaches out to bump fists with someone. As far as he leans back and as far as he reaches out, he can't be celebrating with Kruseman. He's too close. He looks to be celebrating this announcement with Chris. Still don't like Chris, but I think the rivalry has been built up considerably by editors.

I noticed that too! When Matt won, they cut directly from a close-up of Chris's signature reaction shot (shaking his head in disbelieving disgust that anybody other than him could get praise for anything) to a wide shot of him seeming perfectly friendly and professional as he congratulated his rival. And when Kruseman won the second challenge, the same thing happened: disdain in close-up followed by him IMMEDIATELY shaking Kruseman's hand to congratulate him.

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I can't believe Matt got the first seat to the finale.  I cannot look at him or his work without thinking of that horrible neck slash tattoo.


Based on these tattoos, the right decision was made.  Craig fell short and his elimination was correct (for once.) 


I really don't have a dog in this fight so I don't care much who wins.  Personality wise, I probably like Kruseman the best.


From what we saw of the previews for the finale, it appears that once again we may have a master canvas that backs out.  What a shocker.  Has there been a finale without a master canvas backing out? 

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Still don't like Chris, but I think the rivalry has been built up considerably by editors.

This happens every single season, without fail.  Contestants have said post-show that they built up the small and inconsequential stress moments into manufactured drama for the cameras.  You can see on the after-shows and finales that most of them really do get along.  But everybody has a part to play and a predetermined story to tell, so it will happen next season too.  


It was nice to hear my boyfriend Nunez reach out to Craig with compliments, as he was leaving.  I think Craig handled that exit very gracefully and with dignity.   


As I decided last week, Matt is my pick for winner, but damn if Kruseman didn't pull out a gorgeous stained glass carousel horse.  That was just stunning to me.  So I'm hoping Matt wins, Kruseman second and Overalls Chris curled up in the corner in a fetal position, sobbing uncontrollably.  That end would make me happy. 

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For an episode titled "Go Big or Go Home", that was dull and unsurprising.


Kruseman's carousel horse was lovely and deserved the win, but I still believe he shouldn't have gotten that far.  


Not going to bother with the finale next week.  I'll check in here to find out who won, but the most impressive tattoo in the world won't convince me that any of these people actually deserve the title of Ink Master.  I'd love next season to be an All-Star with the previous winners and runners-up just to see this season's winner get his ass handed to him in the first week.

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Okay, I'm calling some bullshit on the Matt vs. Chris narrative now. I believe they've been competitors and probably both acted like little boys throughout. I'm beginning to think that the depth of the "hate" is manufactured, though. In the end, when the final is being explained, Kruseman is sitting between Matt and Chris. When told that the last tattoo is artist's choice, Matt leans way back in his chair and reaches out to bump fists with someone. As far as he leans back and as far as he reaches out, he can't be celebrating with Kruseman. He's too close. He looks to be celebrating this announcement with Chris. Still don't like Chris, but I think the rivalry has been built up considerably by editors.


Ink Master is little more than a soap opera geared towards tattoo lovers. One only needs to count the number of difficult canvases that appear on the show. After several seasons of the show, one would think that the producers would be better at screening canvases to weed out those that would withdraw or act like a total clown. Just about every week there is some form of drama with canvases.


Especially with Ink Master Redemption and Dave's pot stirring "I have an artist willing to fix that crappy tattoo for you" sphiel, it's difficult to take the Ink Master brand seriously from an artistic point of view.




As I decided last week, Matt is my pick for winner, but damn if Kruseman didn't pull out a gorgeous stained glass carousel horse.  That was just stunning to me.  So I'm hoping Matt wins, Kruseman second and Overalls Chris curled up in the corner in a fetal position, sobbing uncontrollably.  That end would make me happy. 


LOL, I wonder if Chris handwashed his overalls every evening. I have trouble taking someone that dresses like Chucky from the Child's Play movies seriously.

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As I decided last week, Matt is my pick for winner, but damn if Kruseman didn't pull out a gorgeous stained glass carousel horse.  That was just stunning to me.


The other canvas is probably watching at home like, "Hey! WTF, man?"


Craig really seems like a nice guy.


I was surprised to see Kruseman still on the show. I mean, I watched last week with all of you guys but, over the course of the week, that portrait somehow erased from memory that he was not sent home!

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Not going to bother with the finale next week.  I'll check in here to find out who won, but the most impressive tattoo in the world won't convince me that any of these people actually deserve the title of Ink Master.  

Agree that none of these guys are on par with the likes of winners Tommy Helm or Joey Hamilton.  


We always have those imbalances in reality programming.  Knowing that Taylor Hicks won "American Idol" just as legitimately as Carrie Underwood, simply illustrates that water seeks it's own level.   And in a lackluster season, where everybody is at a marginal level, even the winner isn't that great.  Sad, but true. 


I'll watch as I always do, with the sound OFF when people I dislike are on the screen (I see you, Farmer Chris!)  and while doing something else constructive.  

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Leighdear, my love! It's hard to believe, but Tommy didn't win his season... I know, I can't believe that myself.


As far as I'm concerned, anyone's win is okay if they keep Chris from winning.


Craig did not seem like himself this season. Even his tattoos lost a lot of colour. But he came back to prove he's a good artist and seeing his portfolio, I have to agree with that. And except for the Dave hate, which I still don't completely understand, Craig was much more of a gentleman than many of these dickheads on the show.


I guess I'm pulling for Kruseman. Or Matt. Or Kruseman. Oh hell, as I said above, please, please, PLEASE, anyone but Chris.

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Good catch on Zeus, not Neptune.


The detail on the original phoenix was atrocious, but when they showed the original stained glass carnival horse(head,) I thought it was really pretty.


So the new and improved horse was outstanding, but. . . not one judge wanted to mention that the ball at the top of the pole was way off-center?  Major screwup when this black line is x molecules thicker than that black line, but if the ball's about to topple off the pole:  eh.


My favorite part of the judging is Chris looking dumbfounded and shaking his head in disagreement each time the judges compliment someone else's work.  Ha, no one ever calls him on it, so maybe he only did it once and they've replayed it 7,000 times, but I'm always amused.



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Leighdear, my love! It's hard to believe, but Tommy didn't win his season... I know, I can't believe that myself.


I guess I'm pulling for Kruseman. Or Matt. Or Kruseman. Oh hell, as I said above, please, please, PLEASE, anyone but Chris.

Damn, I thought I remembered him winning!  *ROFL*  Full-blown CRS syndrome here.  I must need wine!  ;-)

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While I wasn't thrilled with the outcome (you let me down Craig!), I really liked the challenge where they had to redo one of their worst tattoos from earlier in the season.  I would like to see that become a standard one for the end of the season.

I second that. I thought it was a really cool challenge. That being said I thought Chris' was horrible. I couldn't even tell what the hell it was. When I finally figured it out I noticed the head of the bird seemed to go past the "edge".

The 3 who did the best tattoos went to the finale right? I thought I heard Dave say that. How was Chris' better? Ugh. The feathers were backwards and he went??? I think I'm going to have a beer with the other poster during the finale and just come here for the results.

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Bit disappointed with Craig this season. Guy can do some killer color work, yet he seemed to be phoning it in a lot of the weeks. Would've liked to see him or Duffy do a back piece with time over Kruzeman though. Off the top of my head, I don't remember any remarkable tattoos from him.


Predictions for next week: Kruzeman in third, Matt second, Chris wins (as much as people don't like him, he's does amazing portraits and will probably kill it). Also, St. Marc proclaims he is a tattoo god on live television. 

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 I wasn't exactly on the edge of my seat when the bottom 2 were Chris and Craig. I wonder if Craig is color-blind. I guess the thing I like the least about Chris, besides his wardrobe, is his arrogance. Kind of like Josh for me in that he may indeed be the best one left but it's such a low bar he really shouldn't brag. None of the leftovers are terrible but none are great either. Matt may be the most versatile but has a tendency to go so dark you can't even see what he's done. Kruzeman is kind of a cypher to me, the last carousel horse was stunning but that's the only thing he's done that I even like. Chris isn't versatile but he does his own thing very well as long as it's not a phoenix. I took way too long to figure out where the hell the head of the bird was so for me it was not readable. But he'll probably win.

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As much as I wanted Craig to beat out Chris, on principle Craig couldn't win because his redone tattoo was of Zeus/Jupiter not Poseidon/Neptune. His statute was holding a lightning bolt, not a trident.



Yeah, this is true. OTOH, Chris apparently put the bird's wings on backwards, so I'd call that a push.


I'm not watching next week, either. The Live Finale is always dire. I hope Matt wins, though, of my options.

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I just don't want Chris to win because his narrative has been to turn this into Survivor with Tattoos. It may be true that this was editing, and that the others did, as well. However, the fact that it was mostly shown as Chris' MO makes it likely that if he wins, others will copy this behavior in future seasons. I don't want to see that. I am on board with the idea that the editors have constructed who Chris is on the show. That doesn't mean I want to see him win and influence people who come on in the future, though.

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Can Ink Master ever declare no winner?  They have some episodes with no best tattoos. How about no winner? 


I agree with an earlier poster who said they would love to see the show bring back previous winners (or runners up) to compete against each other.  That would be interesting to see. 

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It was equal parts hilarious AND pathetic watching Chris prove the point the others made earlier in the show about him being unable to take criticism with his head shakes and grimaces during the judging. He has in fact done this EVERY time he's been judged less than perfect to some extent, but we really saw it highlighted here.


We also saw the grimaces and head shakes pulled out when anyone who might possibly be rated "above" him got a compliment.


Some of this might be editing screwing him. It LITERALLY looked like a loop of the same bit of film with him over and over. But... it's probably not. He has zero sportsmanship I think, and clearly has even less respect for the judges than we do.


It sucks he didn't go home, but we always knew as the best "villain" he was making the finale.

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I guess I take a contrary view here too.....I love my fellow Floridians from the start...and I think Chris is the most talented.


If I was going to get a tattoo (dont have any) I would surely choose Chris


I don't like Kruseman's tattoos at all...Matt is IMHO ok and I hope he wins over Kruse. I doubt if Chris will win but he is talented 

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Chris is a decent tattoo artist, I can't debate that, but he's also definitely a shit human being. Even beyond anything he's said or done to other contestants there's just the way it DOES seem to be true that he not only can't take ANY criticism, but actively resents anything good being said about anyone else. This show encourages that kind of bullshit--they LOVE to portray bad sportsmanship and attitude as the default among their community--but he's certainly playing along with that aspect.

That said, I STILL feel like they might be playing the same grimacing/head shaking clips of him over and over and over just to get him in even deeper hot water with his portrayal.

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On shows like this that require a skill (as opposed to a show like The Bachelor), I really try to focus on the finished product instead of the contestants' personalities but in this case I was really hoping that Chris would be the one who didn't make the finale because he is such an obnoxious asshat. To be honest, I don't think that any of the final four were consistently amazing all season.


I liked the two challenges going into the finale. The marathon was really cool. I liked that each artist got to design one of the tattoos and I liked making the bottom three redo a failed tattoo from earlier in the season. But of course Chris had to assume that Matt's tattoo design was just to screw him. I guess he never considered the possibility that Matt's main motivation was to design something he would do well at.


I was cracking up when Chris started having hissyfits during this episode, first in the stew room and later in front of the judges. I thought his little temper tantrum would seal the deal and get him eliminated. Then I remembered that they want the draaaaaama.

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