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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I know the answer is soaps, but could Carly really instruct the DNA doc to run the sample against someone in the PCPD database without permission from that person or, you know, an actual law enforcement official?


Even though they were speaking English, nothing Morgan and Kiki said to each other about how they feel or about their relationship made any sense today.


Good on Valerie for tearing the fuck into Dillon.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 10

It seems like the show likes to sell Liz as a crazy loon one second and then underscores how she's Robin Lite other times. I wish it would pick a characterization and stick with it.

It's not even about who they're making Liz to be. It's about this show wasting a moment on the bridge for Jason to remember being there with LIZ. Just...no.

I need to be cyber slapped every time I think something good with happen on this show.

Emme was actually pretty good today with Lulu's anger, hurt, disgust toward Dante. But I think Julie would have acted it out to the point of Dante being somewhat frightened of her rage getting physical, as well as her obvious heartbreak. I like that Lulu figured out Dillon told her he wanted her and kissed her partly because he knew the "juicy" truth that Dante had cheated.


Valerie was great today telling Dillon off ... and I say that as someone who doesn't even like her. Everything she said was spot-on. Dillon being all "Lulu deserved to know she's married to a cheating jerk" just makes him look pathetic. 


Speaking of pathetic, hello Liz. The constant fear, trying to persuade him he's wrong about this latest flash...hate seeing her going under the bus this way. But Becky is doing a great job of acting Elizabeth's rapidly unraveling mental state.


"You chose Dante over me." STFU, Maxie. And go get your hair re-done. It looks awful. 


Why does Patrick's hair look fluffy? Seriously LMAO at Danny's horrified scream thru the monitor when Patrick says everything's right. Great job, Danny - that scream is the perfect reaction to Sam holding Emma in her arms in bed - Patrick and Robin's bed - that she now shares with Patrick. But Danny's mother, not perfect fiance Patrick, should have been the one to go calm him down after a nightmare.


Line of the day: "You just keep on screwing." I can't stand Kiki, but yay for saying that to Morgan.


I see what you all meant about LW being understated. I expected loud sobs of joy and huge smiles from her today and was quite surprised.

  • Love 7

It's not even about who they're making Liz to be. It's about this show wasting a moment on the bridge for Jason to remember being there with LIZ. Just...no.

I need to be cyber slapped every time I think something good with happen on this show.


Oh, the J&R bridge was "re-gifted" to Liz and Jason ages ago. So it's no surprise to me. But I am sorry for you. This show is nothing but one disappointment after another.

  • Love 1

Why does Patrick's hair look fluffy? Seriously LMAO at Danny's horrified scream thru the monitor when Patrick says everything's right. Great job, Danny - that scream is the perfect reaction to Sam holding Emma in her arms in bed - Patrick and Robin's bed - that she now shares with Patrick. But Danny's mother, not perfect fiance Patrick, should have been the one to go calm him down after a nightmare.

This episode truly was a slap in the face to Robin. She's coming back for what again!?

Oh, the J&R bridge was "re-gifted" to Liz and Jason ages ago. So it's no surprise to me. But I am sorry for you. This show is nothing but one disappointment after another.

He paid money to rebuild it for Robin. The end. :)

Oh, the J&R bridge was "re-gifted" to Liz and Jason ages ago. So it's no surprise to me. But I am sorry for you. This show is nothing but one disappointment after another.


I thought his deja vu on the bridge was supposed to link back to the early day of Ron's run when Jason and Liz (I think) kissed on it, which was when this latest round of Liz's obsession with him really began.

Seriously LMAO at Danny's horrified scream thru the monitor when Patrick says everything's right. Great job, Danny - that scream is the perfect reaction to Sam holding Emma in her arms in bed - Patrick and Robin's bed - that she now shares with Patrick. But Danny's mother, not perfect fiance Patrick, should have been the one to go calm him down after a nightmare.


Did both the kids having nightmares strike anyone else as an anvil that this little family is about to be torn asunder and that their parents are with the wrong people?

  • Love 2

It was ugly to see Maxie relishing her best friend Lulu's public humiliation.


I was glad to see I had underestimated Maxie's ability to be a supportive friend to Lulu. Apparently her look during the reveal at the party did not include Schadenfreude after all.


Now the ball is in Lulu's court. After the shock wears off, will she continue to maintain that her own behavior had no part in the unfortunate results? Will she realize that all parties except Dillon were trying to find a way to avoid hurting her? Will she insist that she is perfect and has made no errors, while rejecting the flawed yet human love that Dante and others hold for her? Will her vain ego ever be  reconciled to the public humiliation she went through?


Lulu has a chance to grow and to grow up from this experience.


  • Love 2

Emme was actually pretty good today with Lulu's anger, hurt, disgust toward Dante. But I think Julie would have acted it out to the point of Dante being somewhat frightened of her rage getting physical, as well as her obvious heartbreak. I like that Lulu figured out Dillon told her he wanted her and kissed her partly because he knew the "juicy" truth that Dante had cheated.


Valerie was great today telling Dillon off ... and I say that as someone who doesn't even like her. Everything she said was spot-on. Dillon being all "Lulu deserved to know she's married to a cheating jerk" just makes him look pathetic.


I would say she had a point but a tweet DZ seems like there might be more Val/Dante coming up, so if she actually benefits from it, she can get off her high horse.


It's not fair of me to just go off recaps, but yesterday's episode/reveal seemed so lame from recaps I didn't watch, and so does today's episode, I think it's another skip day for me. The Lante reveal just seems so lame and generically written.


And why the fuck are Kiki and Morgan getting pretty much almost the same screentime as Lulu and Dante? Someone send them back to the fucking playground already.


"You chose Dante over me." STFU, Maxie. And go get your hair re-done. It looks awful.


Seriously. Shut up Maxie. Shut up shut up shut up shut up. God, I just want someone to throw her into the lake. I appreciate she has Lulu's back and all but Jesus grow the fuck up.

  • Love 6

Didn't they scatter "Jake's" ashes from that bridge?

Seriously, who's kid was that?


Maybe it wasn't a kid. L&O: CI had an episode about people, rather than being cremated, were just strewn about behind the crematorium for profit. It was discovered because one family allowed their relative's remains to be tested, and the "cremains" was just cement dust, gravel, etc.!


Then again, GH isn't smart enough to address that...

  • Love 1

I was glad to see I had underestimated Maxie's ability to be a supportive friend to Lulu. Apparently her look during the reveal at the party did not include Schadenfreude after all.


Now the ball is in Lulu's court. After the shock wears off, will she continue to maintain that her own behavior had no part in the unfortunate results? Will she realize that all parties except Dillon were trying to find a way to avoid hurting her? Will she insist that she is perfect and has made no errors, while rejecting the flawed yet human love that Dante and others hold for her? Will her vain ego ever be  reconciled to the public humiliation she went through?


Lulu has a chance to grow and to grow up from this experience.


When? WHEN has Lulu insisted she has no errors or flaws?


And Valerie wasn't exactly thinking about finding a way to avoid hurting her when she confessed her feelings to Dante because she thought it might end up in another chance for them, either.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 2

I thought his deja vu today was a direct reference to when SBu's Jason and Liz kissed on the bridge while she was comforting him, soon before SBu left the show (while Jason and Sam were married but separated).

And I get that...or...I get that they had a few scenes there. What I'm saying is that I find it a waste to not use the bridge to have Jason have some memory of Robin. That is more a part of their relationship than it was for Jason and Liz. So much more meaning and history, starting with Stone.

But I'm not shocked that this show continues to pretend like Robin is less relevant than Silas Clay.

  • Love 2

I would say she had a point but a tweet DZ seems like there might be more Val/Dante coming up, so if she actually benefits from it, she can get off her high horse.


What was interesting is that Valerie wasn't really yelling at Dillon on her own behalf, but on Lulu's.  She didn't say, "You're my friend, how could you do that to me?".  She said, "You blindsided and publically humiliated the woman you claim to love!".


And Dillon was the one trying to get her to admit that she was happy with what happened, most likely to ease his own conscious.


I really can't stand Dillon.

  • Love 6

Watching Sam comfort Emma after her nightmare mad me feel so angry and sad because Emma is going to be crushed by the Jason reveal.  Once again she will lose her mother figure. If Liz were not such a selfish bitch she could have spared Emma and Patrick so much pain.  I hope Patrick totally unloads on Liz and does not end up on the poor Elizabeth train.   

  • Love 4

As someone who used to love Jason and Liz (I am sorry to say at this point honestly), I would have preferred if Liz still had her studio and he remembered something there. That was a far more integral location for their relationship. 

I hate that her studio is now Sabrina's apartment. I agree that the studio had much more significance to them, than the bridge. Instead of the kiss though, I wish they had him remember Liz and Jason saying goodbye to Jake on that bridge. Those were some of the best Liason scenes to me, because there was no romantic, obsession undertone from Liz, it was just two parents saying goodbye to their son.

  • Love 1

When? WHEN has Lulu insisted she has no errors or flaws?


Practically every sentence that has come out of Lulu's mouth since the reveal has been an accusation or self-righteous insistence of her own perfect behavior as a wife, mother, friend, etc. Whenever someone else can get a word in edgewise during Lulu's histrionics, she ignores their statements or responds with an even louder outburst of her perfection as trusting wife, etc etc. Valerie pointed out that the situation did not develop in a vacuum, and Lulu shouted her down in tears without a reasonable response. Then later outside the club Dante recited some of the reasons he had made the assumptions about her and Dillon, and she didn't seriously consider a single one of them--just relapsed into sobbing, yelling, and accusing. I am hoping that when she calms down from the shock, her swollen ego will shrink enough to listen to others and consider their points of view.


Lulu's pride had it coming, to a certain extent. Now is her chance to grow up and control her own princess ego. Listen to Dante and think about why she hid the trip and her closeness with Dillon from Dante. The person she should direct her real anger against should be Dillon, who has engineered a couple of situations now where he could manipulate and hurt her.

Practically every sentence that has come out of Lulu's mouth since the reveal has been an accusation or self-righteous insistence of her own perfect behavior as a wife, mother, friend, etc. Whenever someone else can get a word in edgewise during Lulu's histrionics, she ignores their statements or responds with an even louder outburst of her perfection as trusting wife, etc etc. Valerie pointed out that the situation did not develop in a vacuum


Yeah, one of those non-vacuum factors being Valerie had feelings for her husband long before they had sex, and she admitted it.


Dante didn't let her get a word in after she came home from Canada. I think Lulu should get an hour or two to release her rage and hurt that she was actually cheated on, without being rational. 

  • Love 6

I don't like these people.


It just really hit home to me today for some reason but I just don't like these characters; even ones I once did or at least used to tolerate, now I just out and out despise them all.


Where's a good bomb on a boat when you need one? That ship could be on its' merry way to Valhalla carrying Can't keep it in his pants Morgan, Ken Barbie Dillon, useless Valarie and that whatever girl Captain Brainless slept with.


Maybe it's just me but I get the sense that DZ is just really disappointed and let down by this whole cheating nonsense. I think after all the years he's put into Dante's relationship with Lulu for them to be "torn asunder" in such a cheap and tawdry and really moronic way has to hurt an actor who cares about this craft I'd imagine. If it must be done then at least have the decency to do it well and thoughtfully.


Sam and Patrick playing house just continues to remind me of what a terrible fit they really are together. If any ill-fated, so called, couple should have stuck to just sucking on rib bones and making out between beers, it's them.


They did all that on the road screeching and tires squealing and sparks flying and Kiki's car wasn't even taken airborne and she was never in any real danger? This show is such a goddamn tease. Stop letting her hang around and just kill her already! Good god, before she manages to breed or something. 

  • Love 6

I would say she had a point but a tweet DZ seems like there might be more Val/Dante coming up, so if she actually benefits from it, she can get off her high horse.


It's not fair of me to just go off recaps, but yesterday's episode/reveal seemed so lame from recaps I didn't watch, and so does today's episode, I think it's another skip day for me. The Lante reveal just seems so lame and generically written.


And why the fuck are Kiki and Morgan getting pretty much almost the same screentime as Lulu and Dante? Someone send them back to the fucking playground already.


Seriously. Shut up Maxie. Shut up shut up shut up shut up. God, I just want someone to throw her into the lake. I appreciate she has Lulu's back and all but Jesus grow the fuck up.


I may just have to write you into my will for telling Maxie to shut up!   BTW, I live near an available lake.  


Re Valerie and Dante, there might be more scenes if both DZ and BS referenced the possibility on twitter.  However, I would hope it's only about their status as friends. 

Edited by Aurora2
  • Love 1

Dante is coming off as a giant asshole too though. Maybe not one as obnoxiously entitled as Dillon, but an asshole all the same


He does.  But the writing very carefully had noble Dante, on Sonny's advice, all set to confess his indiscretion, but then that EVUL Quartermaine Dillon prevented him from doing that and publically humiliated him and Lulu.

Edited by TeeVee329
Sam and Patrick playing house just continues to remind me of what a terrible fit they really are together. If any ill-fated, so called, couple should have stuck to just sucking on rib bones and making out between beers, it's them.


As I wasn't there, I can't say how true it was, but I read that during the last FCW, the audience actually groaned when Sam/Patrick were mentioned.


If that is at all true, it mystifies me why ol' Frankie let this keep meandering on when it was as plain as day that there was no chemistry and square pegs in round holes never work.


But then I remember Sabrina and how RC/FV dug in their heels, so...nice to know Frank has learned nothing.

  • Love 1

Re Valerie and Dante, there might be more scenes if both DZ and BS referenced the possibility on twitter.  However, I would hope it's only about their status as friends. 


Personally, it's seemed to me that Valerie has been a lot less enamored of Dante since the candy/pregnancy test mix-up.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 8

As I wasn't there, I can't say how true it was, but I read that during the last FCW, the audience actually groaned when Sam/Patrick were mentioned.


If that is at all true, it mystifies me why ol' Frankie let this keep meandering on when it was as plain as day that there was no chemistry and square pegs in round holes never work.


But then I remember Sabrina and how RC/FV dug in their heels, so...nice to know Frank has learned nothing.



Had I been there I'd have made the same agonized scream as Danny did on today's show. To this day it still boggles my mind that they were put forth as as some "true love" couple that supposedly had a real future just waiting for them to take hold of. But you're so right, they were going to "make them work" regardless of actual facts and truths and even honest reactions from the audience themselves.


Sam and Patrick were ONS buddies at best, imho. Sam being Emma's new Mommy? Patrick being "Daddy" to Danny? Sam turning herself into some sort of Susie Homemaker while Patrick bites his tongue whenever her "undesirable" past is brought up. I just...no words. 


But hey, we also can't forget that thanks to such "determination" Kiki and Franco and the Nina are still sticking around and aren't we all just so very lucky for that...I need a drink.

  • Love 6

He does.  But the writing very carefully had noble Dante, on Sonny's advice, all set to confess his indiscretion, but then that EVUL Quartermaine Dillon prevented him from doing that and publically humiliated him and Lulu.


Eh, well you know I'm a bit* biased about Dante. I can see this, but I can't quite get into it in a Corinthos v Quartermaine scenario. It's not the same as someone getting thrown under the bus for Sonny. Excepting these last couple of months, Dante has been a stand-up guy for years. The show actually showed us, as opposed to just telling us like in Sonny's case. But at the same time, that's exactly why Dillon doesn't need to be made into such a douche. Although, I don't think it's just to make Dante look better in comparison, but Valerie too. 


*just a wee bit. super, super tiny. my investment in Dante is as small as he is tall.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 3

I know I use this a lot, but I sort of feel that the current writers are throwing Dillon, under the bus to make Valerie more sympathetic, like they are throwing Liz under the bus for ...reason. Don't get me wrong, Lulu has been a jerk to her, but it didn't warrant her sleeping with Dante. If Dillon hadn't purposefully  revealed the information in pretty much the worse way, the ire would only be directed at Valerie and Dante, but Dillon is now the biggest jackass.


I agree that this "throwing under the bus" often happens (and I don't like it).  In fact, I would have said until recently that Valerie was being thrown under the bus to give Dante and Lulu story.  She had a godawful introduction, terribly contrived, plot-point writing and, for a long while, very limited character interaction - all making her quite unsympathetic to many.  So, if the writers have to maneuver to correct their own poor writing for her, I'm willing to let the bus roll along for a short while to do so. 

Edited by Aurora2
  • Love 4

I watched the previews. Is Valerie seriously at the loft?* Seriously? I suppose Dante could have called her over there, in which case, he can jump out a window.


*Her hair looks nice though.


Oh girl, bad call.


Where does Valerie live these days?  Carly's invisible house?

I really don't see what the anger directed toward Maxie is all about.  She was right that as much as she would've wanted to, she wouldn't have gone right to Lulu.  She and Nathan could've found a way to convince Dante to confess to Lulu months before she could've found out this way.


Eh, it's easy for Maxie to say that now, hindsight's 20/20.


Also, if the situation had been reversed?  If Lulu had cheated and told Maxie?  Maxie never in a million years would have told Nathan and would have dismissed any later fight as, "She's my best friend, I promised!".

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 13

I agree that this "throwing under the bus" often happens (and I don't like it).  In fact, I would have said until recently that Valerie was being thrown under the bus to give Dante and Lulu story.  She had a godawful introduction, terribly contrived, plot-point writing and, for a long while, very limited character interaction - all making her quite unsympathetic to many.  So, if the writers have to maneuver to correct their own poor writing for her, I'm willing to let the bus roll along for a short while to do so. 


I know you and I have discussed this before, so I'm not directly replying to you as such but just re-stating it here for the sake of the other posters seeing my response - I don't think it's throwing a character under a bus if they're specifically created for that purpose. In fact, I wish more characters created for that purpose would go away already :looks at Franco: I do think the way Valerie was introduced was cheap writing though. If you're going to introduce another Spencer, than actually have her do things with the other Spencers, instead of just using her as one side of a triangle. Well, actually, the way she was introduced was fine. Once Dante invited her to stay in the loft, it went downhill from there.

  • Love 3

If you're going to introduce another Spencer, than actually have her do things with the other Spencers, instead of just using her as one side of a triangle. Well, actually, the way she was introduced was fine. Once Dante invited her to stay in the loft, it went downhill from there.


The other Spencers disappearing from the story to make crystal clear this was a triangle story still irritates me.  I refuse to believe Bobbie wouldn't have been all over Valerie, supporting her, offering her a bed at Carly's, etc.  And when we finally got that scene, it was too little, too late.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 7

Eh, it's easy for Maxie to say that now, hindsight's 20/20.


Also, if the situation had been reversed?  If Lulu had cheated and told Maxie?  Maxie never in a million years would have told Nathan and would have dismissed any later fight as, "She's my best friend, I promised!".


Yeah, this. I just don't buy that Maxie would have not gone to Lulu. I do believe she would have gone to Dante and said "either tell or I will", I'll give her that much benefit. 


Just gotta say, I really need Kiki and Morgan not to hook ever again, because I can't stand their issues or their pain or anything being validated in any way as a relationship between adults.

  • Love 6

Just gotta say, I really need Kiki and Morgan not to hook ever again, because I can't stand their issues or their pain or anything being validated in any way as a relationship between adults.


Morgan (paraphrasing): We were good together.


Me: ...when?  When she was making out with your brother behind your back?  When you tricked her into marrying you?  When you were plotting to drug someone?  During the one day between when you got back together and when Ava Denise got to town?

  • Love 8

I watched the previews. Is Valerie seriously at the loft?* Seriously? I suppose Dante could have called her over there, in which case, he can jump out a window.


*Her hair looks nice though.



Oh girl, bad call.


Where does Valerie live these days?  Carly's invisible house?




LOL, I'm not  reading anything into any of this - not even if Valerie shows up at Dante's on her own.  I'm waiting to see the tone and hear the dialogue before even thinking about these scenes.  Seems that, along the way, a lot of this story has been created before situations even air. 


Now that the reveal has happened, I'm looking forward to scenes with ALL the players in various combinations - and certainly scenes with Dante and Valerie together have to happen.  As will scenes with Valerie/Lulu  ... Lulu/Dillon  ... etc.   And I don't really care where these needed parts of the story are  told - I just want to hear the story and see the tone and POV going forward.

Edited by Aurora2

I know the answer is soaps, but could Carly really instruct the DNA doc to run the sample against someone in the PCPD database without permission from that person or, you know, an actual law enforcement official?


I had to go out, so all I saw of that whole thing was Carly saying she wanted the DNA run to compare it to "the man in this picture."  I laughed for a solid few minutes at the idea that Carly would think you can run DNA against a picture. 

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