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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Okay, I bet Bill's grave is empty, but his skeleton is actually in the baaaaaaaasemeeeeeent. And thinking about it, no one actually heard any noise from the basement except for Fluke hitting something with the bat.


Aw damn it I got sucked into speculating.


Jordan/Anna need to go on a double date with Olivia/Lulu. Jordan looks gorgeous in the blue.


Good lord Carly, stop crying so much about grown-ass Sonny so much and go worry about your other son. I wish they sent Morgan and Joss to visit Jax if they're both gonna be off-screen.

And hey, Fluke?  Worried about somebody finding Luke?  Why not just move him?  Hell, stick him in that hole in the ground at Wyndemere.


Oh yeah that's another reason I think no one's in the basement. There's really no reason to keep Luke alive, like even a little bit. Has Fluke ever asked him for information on Luke's life?

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That midgety moobster still shot AJ, meaning it was still attempted murder (assuming that fuckwit comes up with someone else killing AJ), and people still go to prison for that.


And, after he shot him, while AJ was clinging to life in the hospital, Sonny was begging AJ just to go ahead and die so Sonny wouldn't get caught.  So much for Dante's argument about Sonny wanting AJ dead just being a result of poor impulse control.

Edited by Mrs. Stanwyck
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Does stupid Sonny really want Shawn to dig up Bill E. grave? What could go wrong?


Shawn will dig up Edward, Lila and Foster (or Annabelle, take your pick).

Edited by jsbt
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Why do Sam/Patrick spend half their time talking about Jason. It was cute when Sam said Monica would try and keep Danny if she could.


If Michael changed his # then how did Sonny call him...


It was Johnny's phone, right, originally? Or his flunky's? And of course Johnny's goons know all, so Sonny just went to the contacts. 


I'm mostly joking, but it kinda works actually.

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It was Johnny's phone, right, originally? Or his flunky's? And of course Johnny's goons know all, so Sonny just went to the contacts. 


"The fuck is this, there's 200 entries under 'G' for 'guys!' I ain't got time for this!"

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If Michael changed his # then how did Sonny call him...


Hopefully Ron will let us know the answer on Twitter.


It's always so ridiculous when people on soaps use borrowed cell phones and just proceed to call the number, apparently from memory, of someone they know (making it all the more stupid that Sonny could just reach Michael, considering the new number) .  Does anyone actually remember other people's phone numbers anymore?

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Major LOL at how the dresser with the dragon figurine on it was lit. Like it's some priceless masterpiece.


Given the budget constraints, I was surprised we saw Liz cutting Jake's T-shirt.


Does anyone actually remember other people's phone numbers anymore?


I know the number of my childhood home (my mom still lives there), and that's about it.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Obrecht's characterization is a mess, no question. I hate the singing, even though I think Kathleen Gati is fantastic. It's just so WTF for Obrecht. But I can't hate on her for being irritated that her GH staff isn't doing their jobs. People shouldn't be running off in the middle of their shifts.


I can! She shot one of them and didn't she throw Brad off the parapet? She electrocuted Robin! She's lucky they're not stabbing her with scalpels on their lunch breaks!

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Hopefully Ron will let us know the answer on Twitter.


It's always so ridiculous when people on soaps use borrowed cell phones and just proceed to call the number, apparently from memory, of someone they know (making it all the more stupid that Sonny could just reach Michael, considering the new number) .  Does anyone actually remember other people's phone numbers anymore?

I do. But that's because I keep useless trivia in my head instead of shit I should know.

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Hopefully Ron will let us know the answer on Twitter.

It's always so ridiculous when people on soaps use borrowed cell phones and just proceed to call the number, apparently from memory, of someone they know (making it all the more stupid that Sonny could just reach Michael, considering the new number) . Does anyone actually remember other people's phone numbers anymore?

:raising hand: I have a couple of numbers memorized, just in case I ever lose my cell phone, and I'm mad at myself for not knowing one or two more. You never know when you might need to know people![/the more you know]

Edited by ulkis
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Given the budget constraints, I was surprised we saw Liz cutting Jake's T-shirt.



Were those brand new gray sheets I saw on the hospital set?  Is there some special "Just The Gray!" home store where they sell everything from paint to linens that Frank has a frequent buyer card at or something? 

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It's always so ridiculous when people on soaps use borrowed cell phones and just proceed to call the number, apparently from memory, of someone they know (making it all the more stupid that Sonny could just reach Michael, considering the new number) .  Does anyone actually remember other people's phone numbers anymore?


Oh totally.  I also love how mortal enemies always have each others' numbers in their cell phones.

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I like when some of the GH characters have people's named contacts in their phone, complete with photo, when they have no reason to do so. I could swear Franco or Julian called Sonny once and bam, there they were.

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I do. But that's because I keep useless trivia in my head instead of shit I should know.


:raising hand: I have three numbers memorized, just in case I ever lose my cell phone, and I'm mad at myself for not knowing one or two more. You never know when you might need to know people![/the more you know]


The only ones I remember anymore are ones I actually knew prior to the advent of cellphones/contact storage (such as family members' landlines).  You're right, though, it isn't a bad idea at all to have a few memorized in case of emergency.

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Does anyone actually remember other people's phone numbers anymore?



Ermm...me? {raising hand}. Although I have all of my friends' and relatives' phone numbers on my phone, I know all the numbers, so when I clear my call list and need to call, instead of tapping on contacts, then scrolling to find the name, I just type the numbers.  Then again I have a nearly-photographic memory. I still remember our phone number from when I was a kid, and that number no longer exists after we sold the house about 10 years ago.

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Watch out, Tony Jones' skeleton!


That's one of those macabre things I could just really appreciate. Shawn comes rushing into the PCPD hauling this dusty-ass skeleton and it was like, buried with Tony's hospital ID tag. Lucas cries, "oh my God, that's my father!" Close-up on Shawn, looking deeply concerned, as we hard cut to black (the screen, not a person, there are no other black people).

Edited by jsbt
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I can! She shot one of them and didn't she throw Brad off the parapet?


That was off the clock, it's how Dr. O unwinds after a long day. ;)


More parapet throwing in 2015, I say.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Can that be how Kiki meets her end?  


Getting thrown off a parapet is almost too good for Kiki, as the soapy deliciousness of getting crushed by a chandelier was almost too good for asshole Ford on OLTL.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I still can't believe GH is technically Kristen Alderson free. And personally I have more or less liked the last couple of episodes of GH. Coincidence that they were Nina and Franco (and Kiki) free? Nope!

Edited by ulkis
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I like when some of the GH characters have people's named contacts in their phone, complete with photo, when they have no reason to do so. I could swear Franco or Julian called Sonny once and bam, there they were.

I would be okay with this if the picture shown was awful. Like Julian has Sonny's number, but the picture accompanying it is one of Sonny after he got his ass kicked in prison or that "duh" face screencap that used to be posted at DD all the time.

And everyone's picture of Carly would be her in full snarl mode.

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oh, I forgot - Luke playing words with friends with Robert? I can picture Robert doing that for a moment in between beating up bad guys but I don't know about Luke, but I'll allow it since I love the image of that.


Given the budget constraints, I was surprised we saw Liz cutting Jake's T-shirt.


I'll give Frank this, at least the grey paint seems to have paid for bedroom sets for everybody. Or the same bedroom set with different sheets, whatever. At least people aren't constantly just having sex on their couches.

Edited by ulkis
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Why do Sam/Patrick spend half their time talking about Jason.

Ahem plot point ahem. It's all about JaSam, baby!

I wonder if there is a picture of Robin somewhere in GH that Jake will see and maybe remember who she is.

I want and need this to happen. I still can't believe she was in his head. My babes.

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I'll give Frank this, at least the grey paint seems to have paid for bedroom sets for everybody.


Anna's still in that fucking hotel room, though! With the complimentary teas! Three years running! Sure, she has no home but she's got these little baggies of hotel tea! Stir 'em up, they do the work for you!

Edited by jsbt
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oh, I forgot - Luke playing words with friends with Robert? I can picture Robert doing that for a moment in between beating up bad guys but I don't know about Luke, but I'll allow it since I love the image of that.

That would be cute if his daughter wasn't chained to a wall playing Words with Friends with one of Hells' bitches.

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I'll give Frank this, at least the grey paint seems to have paid for bedroom sets for everybody.


Anna's still in that fucking hotel room, though! With the complimentary teas! Three years running! Sure, she has no home but she's got these little baggies of hotel tea! Stir 'em up, they do the work for you!


Aw shit ya got me. She should appropriate Greyballs from Duke. Or if Easton goes though and Finola hopefully stays, she'd better get his set. First dibs!

Edited by ulkis
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If Easton goes though and Finola hopefully stays, she'd better get his set. First dibs!


Oh, fuck no, they'll give it to Nina or Franco and I'll want to kill myself.

Edited by jsbt
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I really hope, before Sonny gets out of jail, we see Duke lording it up at his house, just throwing tea bags on the floor willy nilly.


"Graciela! You damn fool wench, why aren't my dalmation puppy skin slippers waiting for me by the fire!"

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I really hope, before Sonny gets out of jail, we see Duke lording it up at his house, just throwing tea bags on the floor willy nilly.


They need to start a show over at the house one of these days and it's like the end of Scarface, only instead of piles of coke Duke is just surrounded by teabags of every color and brand. Just heaped upon the tables and furniture, plus a few economy-size jars of Metamucil or Boniva, pills strewn about. Tasteful male art books. "Who runs this house, Max? Me!"

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He's out of control! Unfortunately, Lucy can't go back to Kevin because she just got word that Doc scandalized her stepping out with some young tramp while working on a case out of town with some real, true detectives! How could he be so disloyal?

Edited by jsbt
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:raising hand: I have three numbers memorized, just in case I ever lose my cell phone, and I'm mad at myself for not knowing one or two more. You never know when you might need to know people![/the more you know]



I know my old cell phone number (now my nephew's), my brother's cell phone number, my dad's, the house phone, my uncle's cell, my uncle's house, mu old house phone, another uncle's house phone and the wi fi password memorized.  (that last one, i don't know why I remember it because it's 9 numbers long)

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Given the budget constraints, I was surprised we saw Liz cutting Jake's T-shirt.




Well they do get them by the mult-ipack from Wal-mart apparently. With six or so to a package they can afford to lose one or two. Nothing but the best for good ol' "Soldier boy".

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I was part of a GH focus group in...2008 or 2009 and it was the same. Soon, you realize it's pointless. They don't actually want the feedback you give them unless it's in line with what they're already pushing. So, I'm sure Carly and Franco had 'focus group support' rme.


Edit: Ohhh it was around the toxic balls and Robin putting Emma in a tree storylines so whenever that was. My snark on both didn't gain me any ground with the mods of that group, I'm afraid.


Focus groups are ridiculous. I was part of a OLTL one as well and it was frustrating as hell because every time they did a questionnaire you could tell what wasn't going over but they were going to push it anyway. They'd keep coming up with different phrasings and options to make whatever it was a positive response.


"How would you rank the pairing of Carly/Franco?"

"Would you like to see more of Carly/Franco?"

"Would you like to see more of Carly/Franco in a adventurous story?"

"Would you like to see more of Carly/Franco involved with family members?"

"Would you prefer Carly/Franco to Sabrina?"

"Would you prefer Carly/Franco to getting lost in the desert?"

"Would you prefer Carly/Franco to dying of syphilis?" 

"Would you prefer Carly/Franco or watching your family eaten by bears and then dying of syphilis?"


"We got a positive response to Carly/Franco from a focus group!"

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I wish I'd been able to be part of one of these focus groups, but I couldn't even keep a straight face at jury duty a few years ago back when I lived with hippies. I made a point to mention their activism on my questionnaire in the hopes of being let out of the trial for this civil suit. The defense's lawyer immediately began hectoring me about wanting to stick it to the Man and I insisted I was impartial but I totally lost it and was laughing. I was let out immediately - in time to watch OLTL and GH.


What I'm saying is, I would have tried to keep a straight face and say, yes, I want my family eaten by bears while I die of syphillis before I watch more of Franco and Nina.

Edited by jsbt
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The only question I'd answer "yes" to is the last one.


And that's how they get you!!


I wish I'd been able to be part of one of these focus groups, but I couldn't even keep a straight face at jury duty a few years ago back when I lived with hippies. I made a point to mention their activism on my questionnaire in the hopes of being let out of the trial for this civil suit. The defense's lawyer immediately began hectoring me about wanting to stick it to the Man and I insisted I was impartial but I totally lost it and was laughing. I was let out immediately - in time to watch OLTL and GH.

What I'm saying is, I would have tried to keep a straight face and say, yes, I want my family eaten by bears while I die of syphillis before I watch more of Franco and Nina.



The one I was part of was online so no poker face required.

Edited by Dandesun
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Since Sonny does have access to a phone, shouldn't he call his son, Dante, the real live and mostly competent cop, and let him know that Fluke could be a fake and ask him to look out for his brothers.

Edited by Lillybee
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