Jaydeed March 12, 2015 Share March 12, 2015 I was chuffed to bits when I found out. Odd to think I posted it under f-lock at first because it was seen as kind of shocking, heh. Times have changed... Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-918233
supposebly March 13, 2015 Share March 13, 2015 (edited) I was wondering if anyone remembers or has seen a video based on Lazarus Man by Terence Callier. It was done some time in season 2 and played with the theme of Sam being resurrected from death. I think there were some clips from the movie Constantine in there too. It was very haunting and I thought I had made a copy at the time but now I can't find it. I don't remember the name of the person who made it. Any of that rings a bell? Edited March 13, 2015 by supposebly Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-921845
trxr4kids March 14, 2015 Share March 14, 2015 (edited) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8489423/1/To-boldly-go-where-no-man-has-gone-before A little Star Trek crossover drabble that makes me laugh. ETA: sorry supposebly, I haven't seen it but I'll look too. Edited March 14, 2015 by trxr4kids Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-923977
lmdreamer March 20, 2015 Share March 20, 2015 If you loved de-aged Winchesters then, try https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10033265/1/Play-It-Again-Sam , also if you ever feel like crying then, https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10104672/1/To-the-Moon-and-Back Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-946087
catrox14 April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 (edited) Seen on Tumblr. MIND STATUS: BLOWN http://dustydreamsanddirtyscars.tumblr.com/post/115146914286/theres-always-something-looming-in-the Quote There’s always something looming in the background… Something like… a warning sign. Something like… saying goodbye. And something like… coming home. There’s always something looming in the background… Pulling you closer. Providing perspective. A goal. Something to work towards to.There’s always looming something in the background… One word. Four letters. An option in bright red.There’s always something looming in the background… At the back of your head. How easy it would be to. Just walk out. On everything. Leaving it behind. And exit stage. It’s always been looming in the background…“ Edited April 1, 2015 by catrox14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-987963
supposebly April 3, 2015 Share April 3, 2015 (edited) Anyone here who plays The Sims 3? If not, this might not make much sense to anyone. I've created a legacy family loosely based on a green-haired Sam Winchester. I thought I'd share his life story before he dies in my game. I used a lot of character names from Supernatural although they generally have very little resemblance to the "real" ones. Chapter 1: Sam is a lawyer. He owns a horse named Athena because he wants to become an equestrian (win a lot of races), a dog named Dean and just met a chocolate-skinned, carrot-haired Jess. I made them fall in love just because of her name. He trains with his horse, teaches Dean to hunt for treasure so he can afford his dream house in the suburbs. He dislikes children but Jess wants to have a big family. So, mortgage and big house it will be. One night, he got abducted by aliens and ended up pregnant (yes, that's a thing in the sims). He named her Ruby and barely looked at her. I moved Jess in partly to take care of her since I feared for Ruby's well-being. Chapter 2: Ruby's alien mother showed up a day before he got married to Jess. He took her to the cemetery where, incidentally, the wedding would take place in the chapel, killed her with his demon powers (a mod that enables a telekinetic neck crack), and buried her there. The wedding was a lot of fun although the recent grave behind the chapel was always in the back of Sam's head. Ruby was a flower girl, not knowing that her real mother was buried not far from where she was dancing. Jess and Sam now have twins together, who inherited Sam's hair (Mary) and Jess' hair (Castiel). They both have Sam's skin color, so I made them go at it again, because I wanted at least one child with Jess' skin. Her name is Meg. Sam hasn't looked at her once. Chapter 3: Dean is getting on in years, so I don't send him out for treasure that often anymore. The loan for the house is paid off. Sam has had trouble keeping his weight down ever since he got pregnant after that traumatizing event in the alien ship. He keeps his demon powers and Ruby's parentage secret but he often feels like his life isn't quite right. Ruby sits in chairs for hours with some bubbles swirling around her (alien hybrids and alien kids restore their brain power that way). She says it's for her "brain power".She also wants to make her imaginary friend "real" because she feels she won't find love otherwise with her funny alien voice and pointy ears. Sam helps with finding the potion recipe. It's good for his logic skills in his career and he feels he owes her, even if he doesn't love her and thinks she has no soul because she doesn't sleep. But then, who is he to talk. Sam recently killed a zombie that broke into Jess' garden and started eating her plants. Long jogs around Riverblossom Hills keep him leveled and thin but he wants to use his demon powers again. Or maybe that's me, his evil overlord who directs his every move. I do need an appropriate victim. He's not actually evil. Chapter 4: Poor Sam Winchester is pregnant again. He loves his children within reason but he was looking forward not to be woken up in the middle of the night by some needy screaming thing in the crib in the bedroom. And one zombie infested night, he was abducted again. The whole household was up but it was him who got abducted. His alien butt daughter Ruby who is a teen now would have been a perfect candidate but nope, no visit to some distant relatives who might be able to tell her about her dead mother. Well, I let him work out his anger and trauma by letting him use his demon powers on two zombies that went after his wife's plants again. It's become less easy to hide the automatically created gravestones. Sam has to work even harder to be able to afford the apartment building he wanted to buy so the daughter he never wanted could live somewhere nice. Just when he payed off his mortgage. I think he will hate the new baby even more than Ruby. I think there will be no feelings of guilt this time. His decent into darkness might be inevitable at this point. Real apple pie life is not that much better than a hunter's life. Chapter 3: My Winchester family is cursed. Which, if you watch Supernatural, is nothing new. Dean has died and the whole family regularly breaks out in sobs when they remember him. His ghost haunts them every once in a while or rather shows up and takes a nap on the sofa. Castiel, Sam's older son is not the smartest of the bunch but I adore him and decided to make him heir. Ruby has married a vampire Elena who she met at university. They have a son, whose name I forgot. It's hard to keep up with all the children that moved out. Castiel's wife's name is Jo and they're completely infatuated with each other and can't keep their hands off each other. Normally. So, it is somewhat odd when he interrupts their date to help the friend of his younger brother Bobby with his homework in front of the movie theater. Jo meanwhile has made it home, wishing to woohoo (simlish for sex) with her husband who is sitting on the ground in front of the movie theater helping a stranger with his homework. And there it is. Alien spaceship again. Since Sam is sleeping, it's time for Jo to be introduced to a family tradition, the alien abduction. That would be the fifth one in this family. These days, their pet is a cat I named Garth. No one really likes him much. Maybe I should have named him Rufus. Sam and Jess are getting on in years. I think I will move the family to a new town after they have died. Good thing is, their ghosts can stay around if I move their graves too. I've grown rather attached to them, so I haven't played them recently since the next play session, I will have to see them die and I don't want to. Edited April 3, 2015 by supposebly 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-998204
Demented Daisy April 3, 2015 Share April 3, 2015 (edited) That reminds me -- a few months *ago I started playing Plague, Inc. and named most of my plagues after SPN baddies. Crowley has, so far, been the fastest to destroy the planet. *ETA Edited April 3, 2015 by Demented Daisy 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-998321
catrox14 April 3, 2015 Share April 3, 2015 Now I have an irrational need to know how many things in pop culture are now being named after Supernatural characters or things. MUST KNOW. FOR SCIENCE Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-998940
catrox14 April 5, 2015 Share April 5, 2015 (edited) This is so cute . ops left out the funny comment by a tumblr user "stubbledean" "I don't know why tinybunny!Dean is so unhappy. It's pink and satiny on the inside." O Edited April 5, 2015 by catrox14 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1003748
catrox14 April 8, 2015 Share April 8, 2015 (edited) via tumblr. This work is called "Wayward Son" and is in an art museum in Lancaster, CA. That's pretty great. https://36.media.tumblr.com/8fd41803ea3fc4c2cccb3ccbd0e738ab/tumblr_nmi5hfEX4O1upcr2fo1_500.png Edited April 8, 2015 by catrox14 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1015394
AwesomO4000 April 13, 2015 Share April 13, 2015 (edited) From the Supernatural Bitterness thread: Quote AwesomeO, I literally never read fanfic but I must read yours.....link please? I'm not sure that I should inflict my fanfic on you, SueB. It's long and as is usual with my fics: kind of strange. Conner is in the unfinished sequel fic here: In His Shadow, Book 2: The Shadow of Angelus. Conner shows up at the end of chapter 6 (which is chap 7 in the format). If you want to skip to his chapters, I would suggest at least reading the synopsis of the first fanfic, "In His Shadow," which is in the prologue section (chapter 1: the link takes you to that chapter). That'll at least give you an indication as to what is going on. Some warnings: The second fic is quite a bit darker than the first one (Angelus, after all), and because these are older fics, the formatting in some chapters is a bit wonky due to the site itself. I apologize in advance for that. The first one - if you choose to try it - starts a bit slowly, but picks up after that. I'm always surprised that people still read that fic (between 5-10 people each month still seem to read the whole thing) because it's like 12 years old now (so I'm not even sure how they find it). This is an A/B/S fic, but not in the usual way. I tend to lean Spuffy (if Spike has a soul), but my other "pairing" is A/B/S. I'm also a Spike / Dawn friendship person, so that also plays a part in both stories. I've been told I write Spike, Tara, and Xander (?) fairly well, though Xander factors more in the sequel than the first. But as I said, these are long, and maybe not easy "starter" fanfics, so don't feel bad at all if they aren't your thing. It's also under my previous web name (so don't be surprised they aren't under AwesomO). I didn't change it, because it was my name in the Buffy fandom. Oh yeah: on Topic: yes there's also a Supernatural fanfic.* It's not yet finished - it's been 5 years, but I'm still working on it and am getting close (I won't start posting again until it's done). Some of it borders on crackfic, but it has a plot, too. If you read that one and get to the part about Dean and the giant piece of apple pie, I am not responsible for your sanity. ; ) . * Summary: "Rewriting History" - Jamie wasn't happy that her favorite book series would never be finished, so she decided to write her own ending. Unfortunately for her, sharing the story writing with the kid, Jesse, she was babysitting for over a college summer break probably wasn't such a good idea, but how was she supposed to know the kid was the antichrist? Castiel would agree that this was a terrible idea if only he knew what the hell was going on. Set between season 3 and 4 with characters borrowed from seasons 4 and 5. Goes AU from there. Dean, Sam, Castiel, Chuck, Jesse, and OFC. No pairings. Warning: Somehow both Angsty and teetering on the edge of Crack!Fic. And gross misuse of pie! Edited to add: I figured while I was here I should also give a link to one of my favorite fanifcs. It's a Sasstiel friendship fic. The Mountains in Reply by 1shot. Author's summary: Castiel is standing six inches too far inside Dean's personal space, and the two of them are playing intenser-than-thou while Sam fidgets impatiently with the strap of his bag and thinks about how it's a hell of a lot drier inside the car. Post 5.07ish. My summary: Castiel takes a hit of demon blood meant for Sam. While the angel recovers, Sam reflects on Castiel and on Castiel and Dean's relationship. Edited April 13, 2015 by AwesomO4000 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1029554
catrox14 April 20, 2015 Share April 20, 2015 Been watching some SPN fanvideos because. Good lord. The soundtrack from 28 Days Later which is BY FAR my favorite post-apocalyptic not!Zombie film ever....used for a fan made promo for the end of s5....does things to me. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1055611
GirlyGeek April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 Omg, someone save me. Thanks for the you tube clips... I've now fallen down the YouTube rabbit hole for hours and can't.get.out! Fan vids and convention vids. I'm dying from laughing. Now I'm looking for fan fic. I'm too old for this, lol 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1057815
catrox14 April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 The convention vids are just the best. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1057821
GirlyGeek April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 I used to have to haul myself to the San diego comic con to see this stuff (or I went to a couple in LA/Burbank, too) but now it's all on you tube! Yay. But seriously, my children need me to make dinner. Be an adult. I don't wanna ;). Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1057951
Altered Reality April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 Nah, GirlyGeek teach 'em to make their own. It'll be good for them ;D 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1058294
GirlyGeek April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 Dad handled it. We're all good. Whew that was fun! On to fanfic! 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1058320
catrox14 April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 On 4/21/2015 at 2:46 AM, Altered Reality said: Nah, GirlyGeek teach 'em to make their own. It'll be good for them ;D If it was good enough for Dean Winchester....no....wait...... 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1058329
Altered Reality April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 On 4/21/2015 at 2:53 AM, GirlyGeek said: Dad handled it. We're all good. Whew that was fun! On to fanfic! That works too! Still, if the kids learn then they can make you dinner. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1058674
catrox14 April 25, 2015 Share April 25, 2015 (edited) Bravo to this person. One of the best edited fan vids I've seen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZqd8THrgUY#t=140 Edited April 25, 2015 by catrox14 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1075617
Altered Reality May 21, 2015 Share May 21, 2015 Now it's probably me, but I can't figure out how to post a pic from Twitter here, so I'll just give you a link. https://twitter.com/artsydenise/status/601229928785285120 It's an, interesting?, take on the new big bad. . . . . Okay it's silly and it made me laugh. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1171848
trxr4kids May 25, 2015 Share May 25, 2015 (edited) Since we're all suffering through new episode withdrawal ( I refuse to believe it's just me ), I thought I'd share 2 of my all time favorite fics that fix things I didn't like in cannon. Under The Influence Of A Djinn 1) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9118550/1/Under-the-Influence-of-Djinn AU: The Djinn siblings created a terrible detailed nightmare for Dean out of revenge, nearly killing him, Lisa, and Ben. With Sam alive, Castiel missing, and Campbell cousins in tow, he tries to pull himself back together. This goes au starting at season 6, no slash, some pairing, (Castiel/ofc nothing explicit) hints of Dean/Jo El Jesus de la Montana 2)https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8160281/1/El-Jes%C3%BAs-de-la-Monta%C3%B1a Up in the mountain there is a man who lives the life of legend, a man no one knows - a man who has been alone for a very, very long time. AU, H/C, angst, character death sort of Big spoilers for 7x23 "Survival of the Fittest" Now with a bonus chapter included. This is au at season 8, no slash or pairings, strictly gen. What I like about these fics is the equality between brothers, in other words I like Sam and Dean and don't wonder WTF! Edited May 25, 2015 by trxr4kids Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1182508
trxr4kids May 25, 2015 Share May 25, 2015 On 3/13/2015 at 2:30 PM, supposebly said: I was wondering if anyone remembers or has seen a video based on Lazarus Man by Terence Callier. It was done some time in season 2 and played with the theme of Sam being resurrected from death. I think there were some clips from the movie Constantine in there too. It was very haunting and I thought I had made a copy at the time but now I can't find it. I don't remember the name of the person who made it. Any of that rings a bell? Is this it http://www.criticalcommons.org/Members/Luminosity/clips/fifth-circle/view I've been searching forever. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1182839
supposebly May 25, 2015 Share May 25, 2015 (edited) OMG! That's it! Thank you so much! Seems I didn't remember correctly and it must have been done during season 3. Luminosity! that's the vidder's name. Another old one of hers that I loved. http://videos.nymag.com/video/VioletSupernatural Edited May 25, 2015 by supposebly 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1182884
SueB May 26, 2015 Share May 26, 2015 This thread is hazardous to my sleeping. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1184183
NoWillToResist May 26, 2015 Share May 26, 2015 On 5/26/2015 at 6:11 AM, SueB said: This thread is hazardous to my sleeping. I find Archive of Our Own to be the ultimate rabbit hole. I have lost countless hours to that site. If you find a story you like, you can view other works by that author. You can also view any works *they've* bookmarked which I've found has been a great way to find more fic that's to my tastes. You can browse by medium (tv, film, book etc.), and then there are filters to customize your search results too (e.g. pairing, rating, language...) It's unfortunately fantastic. :D Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1184690
SueB May 26, 2015 Share May 26, 2015 On 5/26/2015 at 2:34 PM, NoWillToResist said: I find Archive of Our Own to be the ultimate rabbit hole. I have lost countless hours to that site. If you find a story you like, you can view other works by that author. You can also view any works *they've* bookmarked which I've found has been a great way to find more fic that's to my tastes. You can browse by medium (tv, film, book etc.), and then there are filters to customize your search results too (e.g. pairing, rating, language...) It's unfortunately fantastic. :D *checks username 'No Will To Resist'* Hmmm.... you appear aptly named. I'm so far behind work, I can't see how I'm making it to Thursday afternoon AND sleeping. So, of COURSE, I'm posting instead. I suspect that A03 website for me is like the person who goes into the basement in a horror show. YOU KNOW what is going to happen. I'll just tuck this nugget away for when I won't actually get fired when I don't do my work. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1185236
NoWillToResist May 27, 2015 Share May 27, 2015 On 5/26/2015 at 5:37 PM, SueB said: *checks username 'No Will To Resist'* Hmmm.... you appear aptly named. Ahem. In all fairness to me, I did that for the convenience of receiving notifications when writers I like post new stuff (you can subscribe to them). It's a big time saver considering I would otherwise keep visiting just to see if they'd added anything new or updated an 'in progress' work. This way it's a little easier to avoid falling into the abyss because I can just click a link and be taken directly to the work, rather than be tempted by other stuff I may trip over during a search. ;) I hope the admin doesn't have a problem with me not actually writing anything but rather just voraciously consuming SPN fic. Quote I suspect that A03 website for me is like the person who goes into the basement in a horror show. YOU KNOW what is going to happen. Yeah, it's both awesome and terrible. My self-preservation is all "put. the. internet. down." and my id is all "hell no. Have you SEEN this awesomeness? There's so much of it. Awww, just one more... *twirls moustache*" and then hours just disappear into the ether and I'm all "...the fuck just happened?" 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1187024
catrox14 May 28, 2015 Share May 28, 2015 Go ahead. I dare you not to cry in the first 5 seconds. (spoilers for all seasons) Ugh...this hurt. and was beautiful. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1191453
Altered Reality May 28, 2015 Share May 28, 2015 Well, there goes my makeup. Thanks for that one catrox14, it's very well done. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1191526
7kstar May 29, 2015 Share May 29, 2015 Sure rip my heart out... Here's another that works well with Cas and Sam http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YzI5a-1at8 I only know how to paste the URL. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1193569
GirlyGeek May 31, 2015 Share May 31, 2015 From the Spoiler thread... Since we're all sharing, I wrote some fanfic back in the day. Kinda feeling the need to write some now to try and make sense of where the story is at... But that seems frustrating, lol https://www.fanfiction.net/~geekgirlnicole Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1199121
GirlyGeek May 31, 2015 Share May 31, 2015 On 5/28/2015 at 3:24 PM, catrox14 said: Go ahead. I dare you not to cry in the first 5 seconds. (spoilers for all seasons) Ugh...this hurt. and was beautiful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=c8hhAeJVhAA Oh my... That was so awesome. I'm all teary. Stuff like this makes me forget all the bad stuff that I haven't liked in this show over the years and condenses all the great stuff, the important story of two brothers. Awww Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1199126
Mick Lady June 2, 2015 Share June 2, 2015 On 5/28/2015 at 3:24 PM, catrox14 said: Go ahead. I dare you not to cry in the first 5 seconds. (spoilers for all seasons) Ugh...this hurt. and was beautiful. Very touching! I cried of course, but to be touched that deeply...it was unexpected. I'm amazed at the things I'm finding lately. There are some truly creative and dedicated people out there. I honestly never knew!! Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1203884
rue721 June 2, 2015 Share June 2, 2015 That video is so sweet -- thanks for sharing! Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1203992
catrox14 June 5, 2015 Share June 5, 2015 (edited) For MYFAKETVBOYFRIEND and any other demon!Dean-girls Can't stop watching this LOL. http://i-finally-changed-my-url.tumblr.com/post/107543560511/what-have-i-done Edited June 5, 2015 by catrox14 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1214835
7kstar June 5, 2015 Share June 5, 2015 now I have something to watch when I'm wishing for shirtless Dean. lol. Such a bad boy. :) 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1216055
catrox14 June 6, 2015 Share June 6, 2015 More demon!Dean-girl hotness Dean Winchester | This is what you are going to b…: 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1216374
Mick Lady June 6, 2015 Share June 6, 2015 I know this isn't the place, so Mods forgive me, please! I've only read AwesomO4000's fanfic so far, my very first fanfic ever! I'm so impressed! I can't wait to read the rest that you have all written. I can't write to save my ass (mathematician here) so I'm awed! I never knew! So much wasted talent that should have a much broader audience. Oh and still waiting for catrox14 to get off her butt and show us what she can do! Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1216428
catrox14 June 6, 2015 Share June 6, 2015 Hey! I'm busy scavenging demon!dean videos! I can't do ALL the things. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1216471
Mick Lady June 6, 2015 Share June 6, 2015 On 6/6/2015 at 2:21 AM, catrox14 said: Hey! I'm busy scavenging demon!dean videos! I can't do ALL the things. Somehow, I doubt that! Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1216492
7kstar June 6, 2015 Share June 6, 2015 (edited) On 6/6/2015 at 2:21 AM, catrox14 said: Hey! I'm busy scavenging demon!dean videos! I can't do ALL the things. Oh you could start one...just saying and still do your demon!dean search. I'm not letting you off the hook that easy. Of course it could be a drabble or a one shot - you don't have to start with a novel. Sigh! My problem I always come up with a too complicated storyline so of course it turns into a novel. lol. Oh I liked the last video and after I watched it, I watched one called O death showing demon!dean being death as they sung Death's theme song. Very cool as well. Quote I know this isn't the place, so Mods forgive me, please! Mick Lady this most likely is the best thread for it since it is a thread about fanfic and vids. Of course if you put the link to the story and then review it...I think you are following the rules. Just saying, unless the mods want us to start a new thread for that. But as long as it doesn't pop up on all the other threads I don't think it will be a problem... Edited June 6, 2015 by 7kstar 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1216592
Mick Lady June 6, 2015 Share June 6, 2015 On 6/6/2015 at 3:04 AM, 7kstar said: Oh you could start one...just saying and still do your demon!dean search. I'm not letting you off the hook that easy. Of course it could be a drabble or a one shot - you don't have to start with a novel. Sigh! My problem I always come up with a too complicated storyline so of course it turns into a novel. lol. Oh I liked the last video and after I watched it, I watched one called O death showing demon!dean being death as they sung Death's theme song. Very cool as well. Mick Lady this most likely is the best thread for it since it is a thread about fanfic and vids. Of course if you put the link to the story and then review it...I think you are following the rules. Just saying, unless the mods want us to start a new thread for that. But as long as it doesn't pop up on all the other threads I don't think it will be a problem... Thanks 7kstar! Be warned, your stuff is next up on my list! But really guys, I'm impressed. I never expected this caliber of talent. Does make me wonder what the hell is wrong with the show's writers though... Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1216692
7kstar June 6, 2015 Share June 6, 2015 On 6/6/2015 at 3:56 AM, Mick Lady said: Thanks 7kstar! Be warned, your stuff is next up on my list! But really guys, I'm impressed. I never expected this caliber of talent. Does make me wonder what the hell is wrong with the show's writers though... It was fanfiction that got me into Supernatural...so yes there are some great writers out there. I do have some one shots to start with or short ones. I must admit I wonder about these writers all the time. :) But if I get too upset I usually go read someone I like to help me deal for a bit. Will be trying to write this summer to finish my monster that have been left undone. I do sometimes have weird ideas...so they may or may not stay true to cannon. Also I'm learning so be kind to my poor soul. lol. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1216819
catrox14 June 6, 2015 Share June 6, 2015 Okay, you jackals. I wrote a little thing. I don't know where to publish it though. Is it better to use archive of our own, or should I just put it on my own tumblr? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1217646
Mick Lady June 6, 2015 Share June 6, 2015 Put it here!! For God's sake I just figured out twitter! Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1217679
SueB June 6, 2015 Share June 6, 2015 I recommend just a link to your blog or AO3. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1217766
catrox14 June 6, 2015 Share June 6, 2015 Cool thanks I'll noodle on it. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1217840
7kstar June 6, 2015 Share June 6, 2015 (edited) An easy site is fanfiction. net. It's easy to upload and you can use your user name. http://www.fanfiction.net Other idea we could start a fanfiction subset where people post stories if the mods agree. I know we did that at the numbers site years back. Of course when they closed it down, all the stories were lost that wasn't posted elsewhere. It's how I got started. Watch it though, once you start writing you might not stop. LOL I know I'm evil aren't I? :) Edited June 6, 2015 by 7kstar Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1217894
Mick Lady June 6, 2015 Share June 6, 2015 On 6/6/2015 at 6:28 PM, SueB said: I recommend just a link to your blog or AO3. What the hell is AO3?! I swear I can't keep up with this stuff. I like links ;) 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3197-supernatural-fanfiction/page/2/#findComment-1217986
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