Gregg247 September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 These comments above are hilarious.....and TRUE! I don't remember disliking Frankie that much last season, but he sure was amped up last night. I also immediately thought of Richard Simmons, sitting alone in his apartment somewhere, scarfing down Fritos and dip, and sadly muttering, "This kid stole my act!" LOL Liz looked fantastic in her disguise; a lot like Lisa Rinna. Suddenly, I understand what Austin sees in her. Vanessa's disguise was awful, though. They made her up like Morticia Addams. If only she'd had a hat...... What happened to those inevitable DR's where the HGs who don't get the luxury trip whine and complain about being left out? Maybe, these guys were counting their blessings instead. They should have made that concert part of Pandora's Box -- maybe a good thing, maybe a disaster!!! haha It seems weird that Liz and Vanessa would be SO excited to see a pop idol who's so much younger than both of them. I used to work with a woman in her mid 20's who was all googly eyes obsessed with these local teenage skateboard stars who were turning pro. It just seemed odd to me. Link to comment
Jesse September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 ITA that she looked great, but my immediate reaction was that they hadn't disguised her very well compared with Vanessa, albeit it was good enough to be separate from the crowd with nobody expecting her to be out of the house (as long as she didn't talk too much). Oh funny, I thought Liz was basically unrecognizable, because she's actually so generic looking -- the hair and makeup made her look like a different person! Vanessa looked like Vanessa with dark hair. 3 Link to comment
LoneHaranguer September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 It seems weird that Liz and Vanessa would be SO excited to see a pop idol who's so much younger than both of them. Vanessa may be 32, but Liz is only 23. Ariana Grande is 22. I'm sure quite a bit of Vanessa's enthusiasm was actually for getting out of the house. 1 Link to comment
Tara Ariano September 14, 2015 Author Share September 14, 2015 In case you missed it, here's the Previously.TV post on the episode! A Grande Day OutThe good news is that two houseguests get to escape for a few hours. The bad news is who it's with. 1 Link to comment
mostlylurking September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 Vanessa is usually pretty on target but this is just idiotic. She has a much better chance with John and Steve. At least there is a CHANCE one of them would take her to F2, whereas with Austin and Liz there is NO CHANCE. Not to mention the house should have voted out Liz to begin with, not Julia. They broke up the twins, but there is still the show-mance to contend with. If Julia had stayed it would have killed to birds with one stone. Two dumb moves by Vanessa. I think she just has too many deals going on, which would explain why she never REMEMBERS any of the deals she makes (James, John)! 3 Link to comment
runforcover September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 (edited) I LOVE that Vanessa's abandonment issues are an asset, like they trim down whatever fat surrounds her strategy - weird, obv, because they usually are the fat. I know she is always "doing the math" but then that math includes a super-investment in her own exclusion. Two showmances? She's going at it alone? Nightmare for dating but clearly worthwhile in this game. Every time she "acts" or feels she can make a decision, it is based on some fantasy of attachment or lack thereof AND IT WORKS. Although maybe not for long. I don't really know what her loyalty to Austin is stat-wise. I just think he was the first one she picked and she enjoys the intensity (and possible continuity). Or as someone mentioned above, she's high. But I'm assuming that's hard to do in there. Oh and Vanessa and Lisa Rinna went to a concert so, yeah. NO. Edited September 14, 2015 by runforcover Link to comment
mostlylurking September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 I also thought both Liz and Vanessa looked good with their makeovers, but I wouldn't really call them disguises. You could easily tell who they were. Their makeup looked really good though, especially Vanessa whose makeup usually looks caked on. I don't mind Frankie, but I would have been like get away from me with all the glitter! I thought it was sweet that he and his sister are so close, although I really don't care for Arianna, 1 Link to comment
LGGirl September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 The beat part of the episode for me was see Frankie on his syster's stage prancing around. You just know he'd give anything to trade places with her. Arianna must be desperate for ant publicity to lower herself to be on BB. Or she owed Frankie big time. I hate Austin. Just want to preface this. But he deserves to win because he has endure Vanessa and he does handle her so well. Vanessa, just pick two people to put up. Link to comment
Thorkim September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 Ha! The announcement last year of the three favorite house guests (none of them being Frankie) and then the expression on Frankie's face, after realizing he wasn't one of them, was the best moment of BB2014. I would have passed on the concert. And heck, I thought they would have put Liz and Vanessa in front row seats. I don't know if it was the wig or the makeup job, but Liz was beautiful. She really ought to consider that hairstyle and color and change her makeup regimen. I thought the same thing. She would look great in shorter hair. Link to comment
ghoulina September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 Vanessa is usually pretty on target but this is just idiotic. She has a much better chance with John and Steve. At least there is a CHANCE one of them would take her to F2, whereas with Austin and Liz there is NO CHANCE. Not to mention the house should have voted out Liz to begin with, not Julia. They broke up the twins, but there is still the show-mance to contend with. If Julia had stayed it would have killed to birds with one stone. Exactly. They want to act like breaking up the twins was this massive move, but it was just Julia who went. She wasn't a strong competitor and had much less of a chance of winning the whole thing. They had the chance to take out Liz, break up TWO strong pairings at once, but they didn't. I've just been so disappointed since Thursday, I didn't have high hopes for last night. Between the nominations and Frankie's awful appearance, I just can't. 1 Link to comment
HurricaneVal September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 The makeovers went well, I think the professional makeup was flattering for both of them. I was surprised, though, that they weren't given new outfits for the outing. We've seen that weird red romper suit on Liz before--in fact I thought for a moment that the split back showing the lacy underlayment was actually Liz not being able to zip it up* and therefore having to leave it gaping open. But closer inspection tells me it was made that way. * I believe it is pretty normal for BB houseguests to come out of their stay a little heavier than when they went in. Abject boredom like that seems to encourage eating as entertainment, and the stress encourages high calorie and high fat comfort foods. 2 Link to comment
Callaphera September 15, 2015 Share September 15, 2015 I think this is the first Big Brother episode that I've ever missed (purposely) and won't be watching online before the next episode. Even if Frankie is only a few minutes of airtime, I just can't. Not without copious amounts of alcohol and a barf bucket. Dude looks like something that Lisa Frank puked up. All the bright and all the glitter! Thanks for ruining my streak, Frankie. Now can you please go away and never come back? 2 Link to comment
Stripper Glitter September 15, 2015 Share September 15, 2015 Being in that "luxury" box with Frankie all spangles and glitter dancing/flinging himself all over the place like a coked up rabbit Best.Line.Ever. +1000 I would never be able to fake excitement for an Ariana Grande concert. Never. And were the girls singing along? They know these songs? I've never heard an Ariana song in my life nor do I know anyone who has. Maybe my 11 year old niece. Guess I'm just old. I only know that one they played a snippet of lol "I got one less problem without ya, I got one less problem without ya, I got one less one less one less proooo-blem" Help me. 5 Link to comment
Guest September 15, 2015 Share September 15, 2015 (edited) Speaking of grammar nazi-ism, I just CAN'T with Austin's constant "myself and Liz" when what he means is "me and Liz". He said it five times in DR, and I wasn't even counting from the beginning. Why is that a thing? Do you think "myself" sounds fancier? If only he'd go for some vocal fry too, my personal hell would be complete. That was bugging the crap out of me, too. Was it only five times Austin did it? It felt like ten. It has always happened in the DR segments so much I've always said it's proof they're reading from a (poorly worded) cue card. "Liz or myself will have to win veto..." "Then they'll vote off Liz or myself..." "Vanessa doesn't trust Liz and myself..." UGH. Remove the "Liz or" or "Liz and" see if "myself" still sounds correct, writer. I think John had a misuse or two, as well. I'm guessing as it gets later in the season the HGs are kind of speechless and apathetic and the writers are trying to direct the story so they step in and script the DRs more. I read something that said some people err toward overuse of "myself" because they're afraid of sounding uneducated by using "me" incorrectly, like as a subject... e.g., "Liz and me went to the kitchen", so they avoid "me" too often and choose "myself" instead. "Me" is fine to use as an object... "Vanessa voted me out", "Vanessa doesn't trust me or Liz". You'd use "myself" usually when the subject is "I"... "I voted myself out", "I don't trust myself..." I also balked at disguising Liz but letting her wear that distinctive bright orange jumpsuit thingy she's worn around the house. I kind of laughed too at Liz pronouncing it Airy-Anne-a, as if she'd never heard Ariana Grande said aloud before, or even heard Frankie calling her Ari around the house last season. Edited September 15, 2015 by Guest Link to comment
nkotb September 15, 2015 Share September 15, 2015 And Arianna didn't look very excited in meeting the BB house guests. Frankie must have seriously begged her, "But sissy, this is MY chance to shine, pleeeaaasseeee?" That's exactly what I thought when I first watched the episode, but then I remembered donut-gate (where she licked the donut/s at a donut shop, that were presumably later sold to unsuspecting customers, then proceeded to say "I hate Americans. I hate America" on July 4th - she's a sweetie!) and realized that she probably appeared nice & sweet, briefly, on our show so America would remember that she's the sweetest girl to wear cat ears ever! "Look, sweet Arianna took a few seconds out of her very busy schedule to meet some of the contestants on this game show. She even gave them a suite for her concert and a swag bag, featuring her new perfume which doesn't reach stores for a few more days! What a peach!" 1 Link to comment
Jesse September 15, 2015 Share September 15, 2015 On the other hand, I thought she was so excited she accidentally showed the other side of her face! 2 Link to comment
Guest September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 I felt like Ariana's whole "falling out of this oversized, ripped sweatshirt like I'm slummin'" demeanor said, "fuck this reality tv shit, I'm so above this. My loser bro and his loser non-career..." Link to comment
Kris117 September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'd rather see Boogie again than Frankie *shudders*. Those are words I NEVER thought I'd utter, because I detest Boogie so much. But clearly, not as much as Social Media Mogul Frankie Grande.I would have a hard time choosing in that scenario myself. It would be a good entry in one of those "Would you rather…" games. I think I would also go with Mike, just because he's dressing more like a grownup now. I'm sorry to see that Vanessa didn't pick up any tips from the professional make-up artists and went right back to the blue eye-shadow. (Meow!)Aw, no meow needed! That was my first thought when they showed her re-grilling some poor sap in her HoH room after the concert (assuming it wasn't some wonky editing): how the hell did she manage to scrub off some nice makeup that makes her look ten years younger to immediately plaster on the black-hole dead raccoon eye look and obtrusive chin concealer? I thought she looked cute in the pro makeup, and felt bad that she didn't pick up any tips.Oh, my God, yes. I really had hopes she would pay attention to what the makeup pros did, especially in their color choices for eyes, foundation, and lips, but no. I most wanted to see Austin get a makeover, with Vanessa a close second, so I got part of what I wanted for a few brief minutes. Maybe Vanessa's girlfriend will point out how good that look was for her. Speaking of grammar nazi-ism, I just CAN'T with Austin's constant "myself and Liz" when what he means is "me and Liz". He said it five times in DR, and I wasn't even counting from the beginning. Why is that a thing? Do you think "myself" sounds fancier? If only he'd go for some vocal fry too, my personal hell would be complete.I cringe while watching Austin's DRs anyway without adding on all the incorrect usage of "myself."Ariana Grande isn't my thing, and Frankie definitely isn't my thing, but a big concert like that is enough of a spectacle that I would find it entertaining. Also, just the sheer thrill of getting out of the BB house would make a concert featuring Frankie, Jessie, and Maggie sound exciting to me. 1 Link to comment
UncleChuck September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 Arianna must be desperate for ant publicity to lower herself to be on BB. Cat ears girl has been all over the television this past week, plugging the release of her new perfume. I don't know if BB is actually "lowering herself" though. After all--it is an appearance on a Major Network in Prime Time. I'm guessing a lot more folks saw her on BB than on any morning, afternoon or late-night talk shows. As an old, old geezer, I figured AG was just another auto-tuned pop princess--all flash and glitter and little talent, but she did some impressions with Jimmy Fallon on the Tonight show of Brittany Spears, Christina Aguilera and Celine Dion--and turns out she can really sing if she wants to. She might actually have talent. 1 Link to comment
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